Working with Graphics Word 2013

Working with Graphics Word 2013
To work with Graphics in Word, you will use the Insert Ribbon. Click the Insert Tab to show this ribbon.
This section of the Insert Ribbon allows you to insert special shapes, lines, arrows, rectangles, circles, Pictures,
Clipart images, Charts and SmartArt.
Part of this section allows you to create Text boxes (box that you enter text into and can place anywhere on a page)
and Word Art (text with a special design or look to it).
Once you have inserted an object, depending on the object you inserted, you will get additional ribbons to allow
you to format that object. For example Picture Tools: Format.
To select an image, click on the image. Once selected, the image will show “handles” around it. These
handles are small blue squares on the 4 corners and 4 sides.
To resize an image: Drag one of the handles in or out from the center of the image. Side handles will stretch
or shrink the image width-wise or height-wise. Corner handles will enlarge or shrink the image, typically
keeping the same size ratio.
To format an image with color, outline or overall look: Select image and click on the Format ribbon that
shows up. Click the item on the ribbon for what features you may want to change.
To move a Shape/Picture/Object, click on the image to select it. Then, with your arrow on the image, click
and hold the left mouse button and drag the image to another location.
To move a Textbox, click on the textbox to select it. Then, with your arrow on the edge or ‘hashed’ line
around the textbox, click and hold the left mouse button and drag the image to another location.
To move or resize your image smoothly, hold down the Alt key while moving or resizing.
To delete a shape or picture, click on the image to select it. Then, press the Delete key. To delete a Textbox,
move your mouse to the outer edge of the textbox, your cursor will change to 4-directional arrows. When
you see this, click your left mouse button. You now have selected the box. Then press the Delete key.
To insert a photo or graphic image that is saved on your computer, click your cursor where the image is to
appear. Click on the Insert ribbon, then click Picture. Locate the graphic file you wish to place in the
document. Click on the filename and then Insert. Once the image appears, you can then format the image
with the Format ribbon.
To make a perfect square or circle with the Shapes, hold down the Shift key while drawing your square or