Annual Report / 2011 12

Helping Your
Annual Report
2011 / 12
Chairman’s Statement
James Nicholson
Chairman of the
Section 11 Trustees
of Oxford Radcliffe
Hospitals Charitable
Welcome to the 2011/12 Annual Report for
Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Charitable Funds.
It has been a year of change at the Trust, which
merged with the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
in November 2011, changing its name to Oxford
University Hospitals NHS Trust to reflect the merger
and the close relationship with the University of
For the hospital charity, I am delighted to say that it
has been a year of continuity, with another strong year
despite a continued climate of financial uncertainty.
During the 2011/12 financial year the income to the
charity was £6.5 million, a sum which has helped to
make a huge difference to patient comfort and care,
medical innovation and research across the Trust.
Legacies left to the hospital charity continued to be
extremely important. Nearly £840,000 was received
through gifts in wills to departments across the
Trust, including the Churchill Hospital’s Radiotherapy
department, John Radcliffe’s Gynaecology unit, Horton
Hospital’s General Fund and the Renal Medicine
Ward. Promoting the importance of legacy donations
remains a priority for the fundraising team.
The majority of income to the charity (over £4 million)
came through donations from businesses and
individuals, together with grants from other Trusts
and charities.
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Annual Report 2011/12
Part of the role of the charity is to facilitate donations
by other charitable organisations to support the
work of the NHS Trust. We particularly welcome
the pledge of £1.5 million made by the Kadoorie
Foundation to support the NHS Trust. The charity is
acting as agent of the NHS Trust in administering this
donation, which is to expand the Kadoorie Centre
for Critical Care Research and Education, part of
the Trauma Unit. The first half million of funding was
received this financial year with a further £1 million to
come. You can read in full how this will benefit trauma
patients and research later in this report.
Although it is difficult to single out individual gifts
amongst the great number of generous donations,
I would also like to mention the efforts of the local
corporate community. In this year the service provider
Amey successfully completed their pledge of raising
£100,000 and Oxford solicitors, Darbys, £50,000 –
both in support of the Oxford Cancer Centre. In
addition Champion recruitment donated £120,000 to
heart and children’s causes whilst the PF Charitable
Trust donated £50,000 of an £100,000 pledge to the
Heartfelt Appeal.
Our active fundraising team continued to organise and
promote a large number of events across the year,
which both boost the charity income and dramatically
raise its profile. Events such as the Oxford Mail
OX5RUN, which celebrated its tenth year raising
money for the Oxford Children’s Hospital, and our
series of THE Abseils for several causes across the
trust, prove popular and successful.
Donors will be very interested to know that £6.8
million was spent by the charity during the financial
year, primarily benefitting patient welfare, medical
research and education across the Oxford University
Hospitals NHS Trust.
Over £1.7 million of this supported medical research
across the Trust – allowing important research to take
place into many conditions.
Mission Statement
Additional training is also an area that charitable
funding supports strongly – with £1.9 million spent
to allow staff of all levels able to advance their
knowledge and skills through the latest specialist
courses and conferences in their fields.
Patient welfare formed the majority area of spending,
at £2.6 million. Much of this was in the form of high
tech medical equipment, provided for departments
across the Trust during the year. Items include a
£147,000 holmium laser for the Urology team, MRI
vital sign monitors for the special care and neonatal
units at a cost of £37,000, a £60,000 ultrasound
system to benefit children and young adults needing
cardiac care, and £70,000 of research equipment for
the Haematology Research Fund.
Huge improvements were also made to patient
comfort and environment. Many innovative arts
projects took place across the Trust – you will read
more of that later and other improvements included
making our roof terrace more accessible to older
patients on the Bedford Ward, cardiovascular gym
equipment for patients at the Horton General
Hospital and improvements to teenage patients’ areas
in the Children’s Hospital.
We are hugely grateful to all those who support
this hospital charity. Working together we are able
to do so much to help the patients here, and your
generosity touches almost every corner of our
hospitals. I would also like to take this opportunity
to thank Peter Bagnall, the previous Chairman of the
Section 11 Trustees, for his many years of work for
this charity.
As Chairman of the trustees of the charity, I can
confirm that we comply with the Charities Act 2011
to have due regard to public benefit guidance, as
published by the Commission.
Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals (ORH)
Charitable Fund and Other Related
Charities (reg charity 1057295) exists
to support the work of the Oxford
University Hospitals NHS Trust in
providing the best possible healthcare
for its catchment area of around
2 million people from across the region
and beyond, raising standards above the
level that NHS funding alone allows.
ORH Charitable Funds helps to enhance
the hospital environment, purchase
equipment that will make a real
difference for patients and contribute to
research, staff development and training.
The hospitals that we support are:
■John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford,
which includes the Oxford Children’s
Hospital and the Oxford Heart
■Churchill Hospital, Oxford,
including the Oxford Cancer and
Haematology Centre.
■Horton General Hospital,
Banbury, including the Brodey
Cancer Centre.
■ The Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
The importance of public benefit to all is
always paramount in what we do.
James Nicholson – Chairman of the Section 11
Trustees of Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Charitable Funds
Annual Report 2011/12
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Activities and achievements
REVIEW OF 2011/12 – the purpose of the charity is to support and benefit
the OUH NHS Trust in the most effective ways it can for the public benefit. We are guided
in our work by the strategic objectives of the Trust and the priorities it sets for the year.
During the year we continued to fundraise for causes across all our hospitals. The Heartfelt
Appeal for the Oxford Heart Centre remained an important focus of fundraising and the
charity’s arts programme had a busy and successful year.
The Heartfelt Appeal – for the Oxford Heart Centre
The Heartfelt Appeal (formerly the Oxford Heart
Centre Campaign) chaired by Sir Christopher
Ball, continued to move forward throughout the
year. Having already funded a videoconferencing
and outreach education centre, the appeal is now
focused on raising further funds to create new
echocardiography facilities for patients.
Creating a world-class Echocardiography unit, with the
most advanced 3D imaging equipment, means we can
increase the number of scans we perform, streamline
the clinical process, and create more meaningful
data for research. Our local community will benefit
and, with a growing patient population, an expanded
Echocardiography service is of real importance.
Echocardiography is now a vital diagnostic tool
and 15,000 echo scans take place annually at the
John Radcliffe. Use of this important service is
increasing rapidly and bringing great advances in our
understanding of heart conditions.
A new unit will also speed up application of new
research discoveries currently in development within
Oxford. For example, in collaboration with the University
of Oxford Biomedical Engineering Department, clinical
researchers in Oxford have developed new ways to
improve echo image quality that have the potential to
provide even more precise diagnosis.
We are now fundraising to create a purpose-built
diagnostic suite for the echo team and a state-of-theart echocardiographic system for the most advanced
non-invasive imaging of the heart. Not only will this
enhance patient care, it will also foster research and
collaboration. Consultant Cardiologist, Saul Myerson
explains why:
“Oxford University Hospitals’ vision is to provide the right
hospital environment to ensure innovative research can
happen. Then we aim to set the standard for translating
that science and research into new and better NHS
clinical care. This vision is apparent in the Heart team’s
ambitious plan to create a new Echocardiography unit at
the centre of the department’s operations.
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Annual Report 2011/12
Other key areas of research which would benefit from
the Echocardiography development include groundbreaking studies being undertaken by Oxford researchers
in patients with heart failure, valve disorders or heart
rhythm problems.”
Throughout the year fundraising for the Heartfelt
Appeal has been a priority, and campaign funds
were boosted by over £330,000. Abseils, walks and
an open day together with many other events and
donations from the community added £179,000
to the year’s fundraising. This included a generous
donation of £50,000 (with a pledge for a further
£50,000) from the PF Charitable Trust.
A further £150,000 was transferred from our
Hospital Innovation and Enhancement Fund and our
Gibson Fund to the Heartfelt Appeal. Fundraising will
continue in the coming year for this important area.
the Nuffield Division of Anaesthetics to promote the
study of interventions and outcomes in critical injury
and illness. This knowledge will improve the care
of patients who have suffered a critical illness or a
traumatic injury.
The Kadoorie Centre
Examples of collaborative research projects currently
based in the Kadoorie Centre include:
Expanding trauma research and
The Kadoorie Centre for Critical Care Research and
Education was set up in 2003 at the John Radcliffe
Hospital. Sir Michael Kadoorie generously supported
the initial establishment of the Kadoorie Centre
and due to its success is donating a further £1.5m
to the NHS Trust over two years to support an
expansion of the Centre, over the front entrance of
the hospital. The charity has been very pleased to be
able to facilitate this by acting as agent of the Trust in
administering the donation.
This charitable funding has meant that the Kadoorie
Centre has now also become an established research
unit that has achieved an enviable research record in
areas of complex acute surgical and critical care.
With this additional gift from the Kadoorie
Foundation the Oxford University NHS Trust will be
able to double the research space which will benefit
patients locally, nationally and internationally. Work
began on the extension at the end of March 2012
and is expected to be completed by the end of the
Orthopaedic trauma surgery, intensive care
medicine, the resuscitation department, emergency
medicine and anaesthetics will all benefit from this
expanded space.
■ The
treatment and rehabilitation of ankle
■ injury prevention
■ packages of care for hip fractures in the elderly
■ physiological monitoring of surgical and medical
■ multi-centre trials of interventions in critically ill
This internationally recognised centre has been
developed through the judicious use of charitable
donations and has impacted on the lives of
numerous people in the UK and around the world.
Keith Willett, Professor of Orthopaedic Trauma
Surgery said: “We are absolutely delighted with the
new facility which has adopted the most modern
technology in its build to create an ideal research
environment; we expect to take occupancy in
November 2012”
But medical technology never stands still, and the
need for the very best audiovisual images of patients
being treated in the Catheter Suites was identified as
a fundraising priority by our cardiac colleagues.
In addition to providing more detailed images for the
multi-disciplinary teams that collaborate to develop
effective care strategies for each patient, these
images are critical for effective training, research and
outreach work to patient support groups.
The Kadoorie Centre is a joint venture within
the Oxford University Hospitals between the
NHS Trust and the University departments of
NDORMS (Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics,
Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences) and
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 4
The Work of Art at Oxford
University Hospitals
Ruth Charity writes:
Artlink is the Trust’s arts programme which
aims not only to create an attractive and welcoming
hospital environment, but provide distraction and
reduce stress for patients and visitors, and create
a stimulating and engaging workplace for staff.
Charitable Funds supports the Arts Coordinator’s
post and many of the projects within the
programme, which along with other funding has
allowed numerous innovations to take place.
During the year a large number of projects were
completed, where artists brought their skills to
rather tired areas of the hospitals. These included
a number of new schemes for waiting rooms to
distract and engage patients at our Blue Outpatients
area, Eye Hospital and Endoscopy department.
In addition, artists designed vinyl based artwork for
windows to provide privacy and decoration for the
Cardiac Reception and in the Chemotherapy waiting
room to unify the space, make it more attractive
and provide privacy for both patients and staff. The
feedback from staff and patients has shown how
popular these innovations are.
Some projects have a specific function to inform as
well as entertain patients. A specially commissioned
film by Tim Hunkin, installed in the new Pharmacy
space at the Churchill, is designed to amuse and
entertain those waiting for their drugs as well as
provide information on the ‘journey’ of drugs to
patients. The film is accompanied by a series of
humorous wall-based ‘film stills’.
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Annual Report 2011/12
One of the largest projects completed during
the year were two photographic stories by Jan
von Holleben, which take young people on
an imaginative journey from children’s wards
to operating theatres, with images hung along
corridors, on the ceilings of anaesthetic areas and
on screens in recovery bays. The stories are made
of over 380 wall panels, following the adventures
of two children – Lily and Jonathan Underwater (for
Level 1) and Lily and Jonathan in Outer Space (for
Level 2).
“I just wanted to say that it is a great
distraction on the children’s journey to
theatre… The response has been very
Erica Watson, Senior Play Specialist
As well as commissioning new work, funds have
been spent on cleaning and reframing a series of
8 important historical portraits of those involved
in the development of the Radcliffe Infirmary (RI).
These have been hung in the corridor linking the
main JR building to the West Wing, accompanied
by biographical details of each sitter. There has
been a very enthusiastic response to their return to
the Trust from a wide range of staff – consultants,
academics, cleaners and handymen.
Pews from the RI have been restored and installed
in the Cancer Centre to provide welcome additional
Projects to engage elderly patients have been
developed with local organisations. The Museum of
Oxford is providing ongoing reminiscence therapy
sessions on Geratology wards, encouraging people
to share memories, to talk about something other
than why they are in hospital. In addition a pilot
programme of concerts on the wards with local
musicians and Oxford Philomusica has been very
successful; staff say that the ward is much more
relaxed and patients much happier after the
And a programme of lunchtime concerts has been
developed for the café in the entrance of the
Cancer Centre based around the grand piano given
by a generous donor. This includes regular piano
playing by volunteer musicians and students from
Headington School as well as a series of one-off
Having listened to patients we know that making the
hospital environment positive and even inspiring is
something very important to them. Art and music
can distract, entertain and calm patients, and on
occasion even transform their hospital experience.
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 6
Fundraising news
It is you that makes this charity
and this charity is here for you.
Most families in this region will have some first-hand
experience of at least one of our hospitals. Whether
their children have been born here, their parents
cared for, or through a trip to A&E or our Cancer or
Heart Centre, our hospitals touch on hundreds of
thousands of lives every year.
This charity exists to make improvements to the
hospital experience – going beyond what the
NHS can provide alone. Through securing the
very latest medical equipment, funding groundbreaking medical research or making the hospital
environment more comfortable and calming – the
effects of the charity can be seen across all our
It is you that makes this charity –
patients, staff, local business, individual donors –
without the tremendous support of all those who
donate we would be unable to achieve these improvements and innovations. The simple act of
making a donation has the power to transform the
lives of patients – whether it’s a few pounds a month
through regular giving, an event you have entered or
organised, a corporate donation or a legacy in your
And this charity is here for you – you
can be sure that your donations are being used
the way you wish – making the hospitals that you,
your family and friends use a better place to be and
funding medical innovations that could transform
health care for generations to come.
These two simple facts are fundamental to the work
the fundraising team does across the year. From
working with trusts and foundations and individual
donors to secure generous support, to teaming up with the local community to organise all kinds of
fundraising and engagement events and activities,
which raise large sums for causes across the Trust.
Page 7 Annual Report 2011/12
These events also create positive media, with stories
such as that of Brian and Audrey Berryman (pictured
on the front of this report), a couple in their 80s
who abseiled for the Cancer Centre which treated
them, reaching far and wide. The support of the business community is also
important. Public services provider, Amey,
completed their pledge to donate £100,000 to the
Oxford Cancer and Haematology Centre, whilst
Oxfordshire-based recruitment firm, Champion,
gave £120,000 to our heart and cancer funds.
The Heartfelt Appeal for the Oxford Heart Centre
continued to move forward with the Charitable
Funds team collaborating with cardiac staff to run an
extremely successful open day in October, attended
by 400 interested individuals. Having funded an
innovative scanner used by heart surgeons to view
the heart in 3D and a videoconferencing education
centre, the appeal is now focused on raising further
funds to create new echocardiography facilities for
The breast cancer screening appeal ran throughout
the year, with a host of events including a pamper
evening and clinical open day, helping to achieve
£100,000 towards creating a fully digital breast
screening unit. Events for the Children’s Hospital included the
Oxford Mail OX5RUN, an annual golf day, and an
evening of song at Broughton Castle. This together
with other support helped to fund a mobile intensive
care unit, a chill-out area for teenage cancer patients,
innovative art en-route to the operating theatres,
and a play Specialist in the Children’s Emergency
Department to calm and distract young patients.
Legacies continue to be very important and, in this
year alone, £839,000 was left to causes, including the
radiotherapy department at the Churchill, the Renal
Medical Ward, the Horton General Hospital and the
Oxford Hospitals General Fund.
In 2012 , we are delighted seven supporters were chosen for the honour of carrying
the Olympic torch this summer. They are all longstanding supporters of our hospitals’
charity. But you don’t have to be running marathons or cycling hundreds of miles to
contribute to the future of your local hospitals. Regular giving is a very simple way
to make a long standing difference to the hospital causes you care about. To set up a
regular donation visit or call 01865 743444.
We are hugely grateful to all those people who
chose to support their local hospitals with such
generosity and enthusiasm. To find out how you can get involved
with fundraising for the OUH hospitals visit, or telephone 01865
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 8
Other projects
ORH Charitable Funds manages nearly 600 individual funds which allow
people to donate to very specific causes, projects and needs. These vary from
ward funds to ground-breaking research funds. The following reports give a small
flavour of just a few of the activities supported this year.
ma Fund
The Julian Starmer-Smith Lympho
ma Fund. Originally
for the Julian Starmer-Smith Lympho
The last year has been very productive
nurse, a data
d is currently supporting a research
set up to
y research administrator.
information manager and a haematolog
of the
excellent trials portfolio. Oxford is one
These posts are
apy in young
of which is looking at risk-adapted ther
top recruiters into national trials – one
treatment of
er is looking at a novel antibody in the
patients with
follicular lymphoma.
nt of patients with
first trial of a new agent for the treatme
We have also expanded to open our
any patient with
time that this agent has been given to
lymphoma in the world.
Dr Charles
re basic scientific research, including
in lymphoma
ate the role of microRNA molecules
Lawrie who has continued to investig
ing the role of
has a particular interest in understand
de-regulated transcription factors in
g this work to
towards this important fund, allowin
We are hug
take place.
Dr Chris Hatton, Director of Clinical
Paediatric Treadmill
This was purchased for the Paediatric physio department at the Children’s
Hospital. The machine is fully adjustable to enable children from across a wide
age range of age and abilities and with many different medical conditions to
benefit from physiotherapy. Examples of the benefits include gait assessment,
enabling patients to walk in a safe and private environment and the reduced
need of having to have two therapists for certain patients.
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Annual Report 2011/12
The Hospital Innovation and
Enhancement Fund
Below are a few examples of
purchases HIEF supported.
to fund a Holmium Laser for
the enucleation of the prostate. This
equipment is used for the telescopic
removal of obstructing prostate tissue
using a laser.
The Hospital Innovation and Enhancement Fund
(HIEF for short) was created to encourage a more
diverse range of support across the OUH Trust.
General gifts to the hospitals’ charity are directed
towards this grant making fund, which as its title
suggests, is specifically designed to encourage
innovative and pioneering projects that benefit
patient care and improve the hospital environment
across the Trust.
Holmium laser therapy allows patients
to experience minimal pain after an
operation and spend less time in the
During this year the Fund reached the point of
having made over £1 million of grants across our
hospitals – a fantastic achievement: Grants made
this year totalled nearly £500,000.
resuscitation equipment
gym equipment for the
trauma outpatients department
cancer education videos
and Visual awareness across
the Trust
birthing Simulator
Oxford Breast Imaging Centre Fund
Digital breast screening uses computer imaging techniques to produce a much clearer picture of the glandular
tissue in the breast, which means that significantly more breast cancers can be diagnosed using this technology.
In addition the digital images are instantly available for doctors to view, and this enables faster diagnosis and
treatment for those patients with breast cancer.
Digital mammography is being implemented across the breast screening programme in the UK and we are the
first Trust in the region to introduce this service to all our patients.
During 2011/2012 OUH was able to purchase two new mobile digital breast screening units, thanks in part to
the Breast Imaging Appeal. Being digital, the units provide the clearest images possible and being mobile they
reach women all over the county.
£20,000 towards the cost of these came from donations from the public and
each van comes complete with a collecting tin – which is filled regularly as
women continue to support this important service.
Fundraising for this important equipment came through many and varied
events, including the “All About the Image” event in October hosted by the
Electric hair salon group. This pampering event raised important funds as
well as great awareness about the cause.
Philippa Reay, Manager Breast Imaging Centre
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 10
Heads Up
Eight years of fundraising and over £500,000 of voluntary donations –
no easy undertaking, but we’ve achieved it at Heads Up – thanks to the
overwhelming generosity of our supporters.
The total sums raised have this year enabled us to complete our
seed-funding of Dr Stephan Feller’s research project into head and
neck squamous carcinoma cells at Oxford University. Dr Feller is now
arranging to use his findings in a related drug trial.
Extensive exposure to the devastating impact of head and neck
cancer continues to fuel Heads Up’s commitment to scientific
research. We seek to identify potential cures and treatments
that will result in less devastating side effects – treatments
currently affect patients’ abilities to eat, smell, swallow, see,
speak… to enjoy the fundamental pleasures of life.
Current Heads Up Fund Advisers, Consultant Head and
Neck Surgeons’ Mr Graham Cox, Mr Stuart Winter and Miss
Amanda Salisbury, are all members of the head and neck MDT
at the John Radcliffe Hospital. The team links with all those
engaged in cancer care within the community and primary
care, and offers specialist advice to other head and neck cancer
teams within the Thames Valley Cancer Network. Patients from outside the county are often referred to
our service in Oxford as we provide specialist treatment not available in all hospitals.
2013 will see the launch of another Heads Up fundraising campaign in support of a new research project
that is to be jointly funded by Heads Up and the Royal College of Surgeons. It will be another busy year.
Thank you to everyone who has helped.
Mr Stuart Winter, Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon in Otolaryngology
Page 11 Annual Report 2011/12
The Injury Minimization
Programme for Schools
I.M.P.S. is an injury prevention programme that
empowers children to take responsibility for their
own risk management and equips them with the
skills to cope in an emergency situation.
The I.M.P.S. scheme is provided to over 200
Oxfordshire schools and annually teaches 5,000 ten
and eleven year old children emergency life skills
including first aid, basic life support and how to
use an automated external defibrillator. A visit to
the emergency department helps to reduce fear of
hospitals and the children are taught by a team of
specialist I.M.P.S. trainers.
Learning emergency life skills and understanding
how to take safer risks increases children’s confidence
and self-esteem and we aim to reduce the number of
injuries that present to the emergency department.
There have been many reports of young people and
adults who have used I.M.P.S. skills in emergencies.
Money raised this year has
enabled us to:
our Automated External
Defibrillator (AED) project – teaching
children how to use an AED by providing
training units for each child to practise.
(AED’s are found in public community
places to be used in the event of a cardiac
our Emergency Department
e-learning resource, which enables
children to take a ‘virtual tour’ around
the emergency department learning
about the children’s experiences and
■ Enrol
more Oxfordshire schools
(including special needs schools).
Thanks to our generous supporters, we are able
to continue to develop the programme and enrol
more schools.
We would like to thank the members of the I.M.P.S.
abseil and London Marathon teams, all the I.M.P.S.
children who raise money for their school to attend
and all of the individuals and local grant funds who
donate so generously towards the continuation of
Lynn Pilgrim, Oxfordshire I.M.P.S. Manager
Haematology Fund
The haematology trials fund remains very active with expenditure during the last 12
months on a number of research and educational projects.
Of these two staff members are being funded for their work on a qualitative research study
in patients with neutropenic sepsis.
Dr Tim Littlewood, Haematology Consultant
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 12
The Silver Star Society
Our year began with our biggest event so far –
the Silver Star Stroll in the Park – celebrating 40
years of the Silver Star Unit started in 1971 by
Professor Chris Redman.
The event started with lots of puffing, panting,
pushing, and shouting. It ended with much
laughter, smiles and happy baby faces. But
this wasn’t a routine delivery at the JR, but the
celebration of 40 amazing years of the work of
the Silver Star unit, which takes care of mums
with complicated pregnancies and their babies.
Celebrities Armando Iannucci (The Thick of
It) and Jo Joyner of EastEnders together with
Lawrence Impey (Head of the Fetal Medicine
Unit) and Chris Redman led the field in a Stroll
round Oxford University Parks to raise money
for a state of the art scanner to be used in the
Fetal Medicine Unit on Level 6, which works
closely with the Silver Star Unit. The afternoon
was a great success, supported by hundreds of
supporters of the unit and captured by the BBC,
Oxford Mail and other media groups.
About 500 Silver Star babies are expected to be
delivered this year, as the unit goes from strength
to strength, ensuring plenty of new supporters
for the next 40 years! We were able to donate a
substantial amount to the Fetal Medicine Unit
towards the purchase of a new state of the art
Our fundraising continued with a wonderful
donation from Kristina and Adam Reynolds.
They were married in Woodstock Town Hall
and instead of a traditional wedding list they
asked friends and family to make donations to
the Silver Star Society. Two years ago their twin
girls Flora & Phoebe were born in the Silver Star
Unit. They said “We hope the Unit continues to
provide support to many more families in the
way it did to ours”.
Maggie Findlay, Silver Star Society Charity Secretary
Page 13 Annual Report 2011/12
Horton General Fund
The Horton General Charitable Fund supports
projects across the Horton General Hospital. In
2011/12 the fund pledged to contribute £10,000
towards the new Renal Dialysis Unit which
opened in April 2012. The unit enables patients
who previously currently travelled to Oxford to
be treated in Banbury.
It has five dialysis stations to treat up to 20
patients and both staff and patients are thrilled
with the new unit. Allie Thornley, Matron of
Dialysis units explains: “It has long been our
ambition to be able to develop a renal dialysis
unit in the North of the county at the Horton.
It is particularly hard for dialysis patients to
be travelling, because the treatment itself is so
tiring and time consuming and they have to have
the treatment so regularly.”
Legacies continue to be very important to the
Horton’s General Fund and in this year over
£100,000 was received.
We are extremely grateful to everyone in the
local community who supports this important
fund which allows us to bring so many positive
changes to our hospital.
Yolanda Jacob Fundraising Project Manager
The Fund for Children
The Fund for Children supports areas where babies,
children and teenagers are treated, including the
Oxford Children’s Hospital, the Horton General’s
Children’s Ward and many other areas across the
Donations and fundraising events have continued
to play a huge role in making our hospitals a less
intimidating and more comfortable place to be for
children and their families. The following are just a
few examples of improvements that have been funded
thanks to your generosity, and participation in events
such as our golf days, abseils and annual fun run.
We continue to be hugely grateful for all the generous
support received.
Playspecialist in Children’s
Emergency Department
We funded a 12 month pilot project to have a
playspecialist based in the Children’s ED department
which proved so successful that the post has now
been made permanent and incorporated into the
department budget. Not only did the post holder
improve the environment for the children and their
families, she also used her skills in distraction to
enable many children to undergo procedures which
they would have otherwise have needed sedation or
an anaesthetic for.
Mobile Intensive Care Unit
The Fund for Children contributed to the purchase of
a mobile Intensive Care Unit. This enables the expert
medical team from the Children’s Hospital to go out to
other hospitals within the region to bring critically ill
children to Oxford for specialist care.
Art En-route to Theatres
As detailed earlier in this report, a series of
photographic art murals have been installed
along the corridors leading from the
Children’s wards to the operating theatres
and on the ceilings of the anaesthetic rooms
and the recovery room.
Designed by Jan von Holleben the
installations aim to distract children about
to have an operation and give them and
their parents and the staff something to
chat about. The Fund for Children has been
proud to support this project and would
like to thank the company Firefly Tonics for
their fundraising towards this initiative.
Penny Hambridge,
Children’s Development Officer
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 14
Looking ahead
Funds across the Trust
One of the things that makes this charity so special is that it is
made up of around 600 unique funds, covering almost every corner of
our hospitals. From major campaigns when new facilities are being built,
to supporting individual hospital wards and funding innovative medical
research – there is something of interest for everyone.
With the success of the Children’s Hospital and Cancer Centre
campaigns, the fundraising team at ORH Charitable Funds will be
focussing on supporting and encouraging many of the smaller funds to
grow. The charity literature will feature more of the diverse range of
funds and events have been opened up to a larger number of our hospital
causes, rather than concentrating solely on the large campaigns.
THE Abseil is a great example of this in practice. Traditionally our
abseils throughout the year have been run for one large fund area – for
example the Children’s Hospital, Cancer Centre or Heart Centre. With
THE Abseils for 2012 /13 we will open the events up to a number of
smaller funds who have grabbed the opportunity enthusiastically.
Our successful Open Days, where patients are invited to exclusive talks
from the top clinicians in their field, will also be extended to include new
areas. Whilst we will continue to provide these events for the Heart and
Cancer Funds, we will also be working with other specialisms, such as the
Eye Hospital, to organise events.
Although the open days are designed principally as information events,
they have proven to be hugely successful in terms of fundraising and
supporter acquisition, and broadening them out to departments across
the Trust is an exciting development.
Page 15 Annual Report 2011/12
Encouraging Regular Giving and Legacy gifts
Regular giving is an area this charity is very keen to continue advancing in
the coming years. A steady monthly or annual donation from supporters
can amount to very large sums indeed, and helps the charity to plan
ahead and support long-term projects.
We will be developing new ways to encourage regular giving through our
events and publicity materials.
Similarly the importance of legacies to this charity cannot be
underestimated. In recent years around a million pounds a year has been
donated through the generosity of those who have left gifts in their wills.
In total 36 people left gifts in their wills to the hospital this year, including
one to causes across the hospitals of over £220,000, a £50,000 gift
was given to the Radiotherapy Department and £84,000 left to the
Haematology Wards and Cancer Day Treatment Unit. The Horton
General Fund received over £100,000 whilst the Gynaecology Unit
received £9,000.
We will continue to highlight the importance of legacy giving – in an
appropriate and sensitive manner – across the hospitals and in our
fundraising literature.
Inspiring Staff and supporters
Spreading the word about the work the charity does amongst both staff
and supporters is fundamental for the success of the charity.
In the coming year we are hoping to improve visibility of the charity
across the Trust, re-designing the website and improving our social media
outlets. It is also a priority to further engage staff across the Trust to act
as knowledgeable ambassadors for the charity.
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 16
About us
How we are Structured
Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Charitable Funds is an
independent registered Charity (Registered charity number
1057295), which exists to raise, receive, manage and
distribute donations for the benefit of the Oxford University
Hospitals NHS Trust.
The Charity was established by Declaration of Trust in July 1996, the Trustee
at that time being a corporate body. In April 2003 an independent board of
Trustees was appointed under Section 11 of the NHS & Community Care
Act 1990. These independent Trustees manage the assets of the Charity
and comply with all current statutory requirements, the requirements of the
Charity’s governing document and of SORP 2005.
The Charity is made up of nearly 600 different funds and each has a specific
purpose. This may be to benefit a particular area of the hospital or medical
service, to support a research project or to fund certain training and
development services for clinical staff. All money received by the Charity is
placed in these individual funds and held on trust by the Trustees to ensure
that the wishes of our donors are honoured.
Each fund has a Fund Advisor (usually a member of staff with specialist
knowledge in the relevant area) who is responsible for managing the fund
on behalf of the Trustees and ensuring that the money is spent appropriately,
in accordance with charity law and in line with the wishes of the donor and
for public benefit. The Fund Advisors liaise with the central Charitable Funds
Department and receive monthly financial statements, guidance information
and ongoing support and advice from the Charitable Funds team.
The Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust merged with the Nuffield
Orthopaedic Centre NHS Trust on 1st November 2011 to become the
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. The ORH Charitable Funds charity
and NOC General Charity merged on 21st March 2012 under the name of
Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Charitable Funds.
Page 17 Annual Report 2011/12
"The Charity is
made up of nearly
600 different funds,
which each have a
specific purpose"
"All money received
by the Charity is
placed in these
individual funds and
held on trust by the
Trustees to ensure
that the wishes
of our donors are
Our Trustees
The Charity is managed by independent ‘Section 11’ Trustees appointed by the Department of Health Appointments
Commission. These Trustees have ultimate responsibility for all activity within the Charity and meet to make
recommendations and decisions.
When new Trustees are appointed, they receive a comprehensive induction and training programme, which includes
spending time with the operational staff who administer the Charity and manage fundraising activity. Our Trustees are
appointed for a period of four years, a term which may be renewed for up to 10 years, and meet quarterly. They are:
Mr James Nicholson (Chairman)
James brings to the Charity benefits arising from his considerable commercial and business
background over many years and specifically an expertise in investment management. He is currently
chairman of Alpha Portfolios plc, a Director of JP Morgan Russian Securities plc and also a Director of
Baring Hedge Select Fund Limited. He has been a Trustee since 2005. He succeeded Mr Peter Bagnall
as Chair of the Committee in March 2011.
Ms Julie Bond
Julie is a Partner and Head of Litigation at solicitors Manches LLP. She has over 30 years experience
of commercial litigation and specialises in large cases involving long-term projects, together with crisis
management issues. She advises both commercial and not-for-profit organisations of all sizes. Julie
lives in central Oxford with her two children, and has been a Trustee since 2003.
Ms Caroline Langridge
Caroline has extensive knowledge of working in the public sector, and has been part of the NHS since
1975. She has a Masters degree in Public Policy Studies and is a trained Executive Coach. Caroline
joined the Department of Health in 1989 where she was a founder member of the NHS Trust Unit,
and moved in 1991 to take on a new role as Head of the NHS Women’s Unit, responsible for a major
equality programme for women delivering Opportunity 2000 in the NHS. In 1998, she established
her own independent consultancy, dealing with health-related matters. Caroline has been a Trustee
since 2003 and was also a non-executive director on the ORH Trust Board until October 2009. She
also chairs the HIEF Committee.
Mrs Anne Tutt
Anne Tutt is a qualified Chartered Accountant with 25 years of experience as an executive and
non-executive director. Anne was appointed as a non-executive director of the OUH in 2009 for
a period of four years. Her portfolio currently includes acting as a non-executive director of the
Adventure Capital Fund Limited, the Social Investment Business Limited and the Identity and Passport
Service, where she also chairs the Audit Committee. She is a non-executive member of the Audit
Committees of the Home Office and DEFRA and works in the private sector as a financial consultant.
Anne has led successful finance and management teams in many different sized organisations from
small owner-managed companies to large, multi-national organisations in the public, private and social
enterprise sector. Anne chairs the Audit Committee for the Charity and the OUH NHS Trust.
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 18
Professor Andrew Wilkinson
Andrew first came to work at the John Radcliffe in 1973, when only the Maternity block and the
Institute were open. After training in Perinatal Medicine in San Francisco, he was appointed as
the first consultant specialist in neonatology in Oxford in 1981. In 1992 he joined the University
Department of Paediatrics. His contribution to the Charity as a Trustee brings expertise and advice
from the perspective of an active medical clinician and researcher. He has been a Trustee since 2005.
Mrs Helen Morton
Helen is the Treasurer (Finance & Estates Bursar) of Somerville College. She is responsible for the
College’s finances and investments including legacies, building projects and maintenance, commercial
property, human resources, health and safety and gardens. Helen has a background in civil engineering,
the oil industry, finance and the charity sector and her experience in the health sector includes
being Director of Finance & Administration at Trinity Hospice and a non-executive director of
the Oxfordshire Ambulance NHS Trust. Helen became a Trustee in 2011 and sits on the Audit
Mr Michael Doherty
Michael is an entrepreneur and currently Chairman of ehouse Ltd, a digital marketing company he
founded. He has previous experience in finance and industry, working both in the city and then in
senior positions for Hanson PLC, a FTSE100 industrial group. Michael studied History at Cambridge
University and has an MBA from INSEAD business school in France. He moved to the Banbury
area with his wife and young twins in 2009. He became a Trustee in 2011 and sits on the Audit
We are greatly assisted in our work by the generous support of all our volunteers, and would like to thank
everyone who has made a contribution of any kind. This ranges from the small army of dedicated helpers who
put together mailings and ensure that our newsletters reach our database of supporters, to those who sit on
fundraising campaign committees. We are also indebted to those volunteers who help to run regular table
sales at the John Radcliffe, or help with street collections, fundraising events, publicity, updating our notice boards
and many other tasks.
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 19
The team
Charitable Funds Department
Kirsten Bailey
Lorraine Irwing
Group Finance Manager (ORH Charity)
Financial Accountant (Other Charities)
Income Section
Yaima Bacallao
Roland Panavia
Angela Williams
Finance Manager
Income Officer
Income Officer
Payments Section
Michele Tombs
Margaret Slater
Elaine Burden
Janine Marriott
Payments Manager
Deputy Payments Manager
Payments Officer
Payments Officer
Fund and Legacy Management
Pat Newbold
Fund & Legacy Manager
Fundraising Department
Graham BrogdenDeputy Director of Fundraising and
Head of Community Fundraising
Andrew HouseDeputy Director of Fundraising and
Head of Major Gifts
Janet Sprake
Andrew Styles
Penny Hambridge
Cynthia Charlett
Sarah Vaccari
Marianne Julebin
Yolanda Jacob
Fundraising Manager
Outreach & Gift Processing Admin. Asst.
Children’s Development Officer
Outreach/Gift Processing Manager
Communications Manager
Major Gifts Manager
Fundraising Project Manager (Horton)
Our main address is:
Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals
Charitable Funds,
Manor House,
Headley Way,
Oxford, OX3 9DZ.
Tel: 01865 743432
For fundraising queries,
please call 01865 743444.
Registered charity number
Philip BonnierProject Manager working with the Oxford University
Hospitals Charitable Funds Department
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 20
Financial review
The following figures are taken from the 2011/12 accounts which carry an unqualified audit report
and the Accounts may be viewed in more detail on the Charity Commission website ( This part of the Trustees’ Annual Report comments on the key features from these
Accounts. Copies of the full Accounts entitled Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Charitable Funds Accounts
2011/12 are also available from the Charitable Funds Department, Manor House, Headley Way,
Oxford, OX3 9DZ.
THE YEAR (£6.5m)
Each of the major areas of incoming resources is reviewed below:
Donations received (£2.5m)
We are again enormously grateful for the thousands of
donations received from members of the public, including
of course the many grateful relatives and patients,
collections in memory of a loved-one, and in addition from
the many companies which have adopted our Charity as a
way of putting something back into the community.
Legacy (£0.8m)
A gift in a Will is a valued way of donating to charity and
an investment in the future. We are fortunate at ORH
Charitable Funds to be remembered by so many people
each year, whose gifts make a huge difference to healthcare
across the Trust. Where the terms of the gift require the
capital to be invested, the income generated is used to
assist our charitable work. Please see the listing of 2011/12
legacies on page 25.
Grants from external organisations (£2m)
We are grateful to the charities and other similar
organisations that have given us grants to fund particular
projects or pieces of equipment. Specific mention should
be made of the continued significant support of Sobell
House Hospice Charity for palliative care. We are always
keen to work with the many specialist health charities to
benefit groups of patients being treated at the OUH Trust.
Activities for Generating Funds (£46k)
This income arises from sales of fundraising merchandise
and a staff lottery which has been running for many years.
Page 21 Annual Report 2011/12
Income from Charitable Activities (£626k)
Income is received from activities undertaken to further
the charity’s objectives (such as research and education).
This includes income from courses of £553k. Many clinical
departments run courses and conferences enabling the
exchange of information and best clinical practice. These
events generate income to benefit the departments
concerned. The majority of the course income (£369k) is
generated by Sobell House Study Centre.
Investment Income (£504k)
Investment income of £504k has been generated with the
main portfolio yielding an average of 3.5%.
Where we spent our money in 2011/12
compared with the previous year
Staff Welfare, Equipment & Staff Areas
Medical Research & Equipment
Medical Equipment
Specialist Courses & Training
Building Projects and upgrade to patient areas Fundraising Costs Charged to Specialist Appeals
* The merger with The Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre has been treated as
merger accounting and accordingly the comparatives for the year 2011 have
been restated to include the results for both entities.
Investment Review for year ending March 2012
Cazenove Capital Management Limited have provided the following review:
Financial markets provide us with a constant reminder of just how quickly
sentiment can reverse over a short period of time. As Greece’s dominance
of the news headlines began to diminish, investors seemed to put aside the
negative implications of their lingering Eurozone debt concerns. Their ‘riskon’ mentality that emerged towards the end of last year, and then became
more obvious in the opening quarter of 2012, appeared fully justified by the
provision of cheap and plentiful liquidity by the European Central Bank (ECB)
and the additional firepower committed to the European Financial Stability
Facility (EFSF).
Simultaneously, across the Atlantic, a stream of more positive economic data
raised the prospect of a more solid US recovery than most commentators
had been anticipating, although ironically the resulting improvement in
sentiment has been partially counter-acted by the fading hopes on more
quantitative easing (QE). While growth prospects in the West may have
improved, there has been a divergence with trends in the emerging markets.
Most importantly, there have been growing concerns over China’s ability to
achieve a soft landing although the Chinese government still has a lot of room
for manoeuvre via fiscal and monetary policy – quite opposite to the situation
in Europe where austerity has become the pre-condition for growth.
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 22
Looking at the UK, GDP is now reported to have contracted by -0.3% in real
terms in Q4 2011, more than the -0.2% initially estimated and driven mainly by
a more modest increase in inventories than in the preceding quarter. For 2011
as a whole, UK GDP growth is now estimated at 0.7%, again lower than the
previously published figure of 0.8%.
A positive feature of last year’s growth was that an improvement in net trade
more than accounted for the whole of the increase in real GDP, with an
increase in exports of 4.6% significantly outpacing the 1.2% growth in imports.
The Bank of England extended QE by adding £50bn to gilt purchases in
February 2012, on top of the £75bn added in October 2011, making a total
asset purchase target of £325bn. Consensus forecasts still suggest there
will be an additional £50bn or so of gilt purchases before the end of this
year, necessitated by stalling economic growth. We remain sceptical of the
effectiveness of purchasing gilts, particularly because we are unconvinced
by official claims of a significant positive impact on real economic growth, as
evidenced by the sluggish growth in 2011 despite the billions that had already
been pumped into the economy. Rather, we regard current policy as raising
future inflationary risks and potentially undermining sterling.
Considering global market uncertainty, it is therefore pleasing to report that
the portfolio achieved a +3.6% return for the year ending March 2012, ahead
of the FTSE All Share Index of +1.4% but behind the tailored benchmark
of +5.5%. Whilst the majority of the asset classes, such as UK and overseas
equities and property outperformed their relative benchmarks, fixed interest
under performed. As stated above, we think conventional gilts are expensive
and returning you less than inflation. Therefore, the portfolio’s bias has been to
investment grade corporate bonds. However and in the short term, QE and
the search for ‘supposed’ safe havens have moved gilt prices to all-time highs
(and yields to all time lows), hurting relative performance.
The portfolio is defensively positioned, with around 40% in equities, 22% in
fixed interest and the remainder in alternative assets such as absolute return
and property. The bias remains toward income, with the portfolio yielding
around 3.5%.
Page 23 Annual Report 2011/12
There are two elements to the Investment Policy with the charity operating
two types of investment pools:
a)Stock Exchange Portfolio – for large, non-appeal funds not opting for the
‘cash only’ option.
b) Cash and Fixed Interest Only Funds – for small, ward, appeal and new funds
The Trustees ensure that the money held within the Charity is invested
prudently and profitably over the long term, for the benefit of the Charity. The
aim for the stock market portfolio is to meet the income needs of the Charity
and to grow capital and income over the long term at a low to medium level of
risk. An investment buffer of 20% (above fund values) was created to support
these funds against future market falls and this decision resulted in the capital
value of funds being fully protected in the year. The aim of the cash and fixed
interest only fund is to meet the income needs of the charity at a low level of
risk. The investment performance is measured against a composite portfolio
benchmark agreed by the Trustees and Cazenove at quarterly meetings. The
Trustees are carrying out an Investment Management Review in 2012/13
At 31 March 2012 the value of the portfolio of investment funds was £7.6m,
achieving an annual protected income of £264k (equivalent yield of 3.5%).
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 24
Listed below are the legacies gratefully received between
1 April 2011 and 31 March 2012, showing the areas
which have benefited:
Phyllis Absalom
Oxford Hospital General Fund
Richard AtkinsonRadiotherapy Department Improvement
Valerie BakerGynaecology Unit Ward / Cancer &
Haematology Day Treatment Unit Fund
Joyce Brockington
Blood Coagulation Research Fund Ada Cooper Oxford Eye Hospital/Cancer Research/
Oxford Hospitals General Fund
Sheila Crouch
Oxford Eye Hospital/Kamran’s Ward Fund
Ira Cubitt
Neurology Fund
Irene Curzon Haematology Ward/Cancer & Haematology
Day Treatment Unit Fund
John EnnisHead’s Up – Head & Neck Cancer
Research & Development Fund
Paul Eriksen
Horton Hospital General Fund
Stanley Goodman ORH Cancer Campaign John Gossage Oxford Hospital General Fund
Mary Hector
Oxford Eye Hospital Fund
Gillian Faichen HedgesEndoscopy Unit Fund
Vera Hillman
Neuro ITU Ward Fund
Dennis Hooper Haematology Research Fund
Dorothy MillerHaematology Ward/Cancer & Haematology
Day Treatment Unit Fund
Joseph Mitty Fund for Children
Betty Mold
Churchill Transplant Unit Fund
Hilda Needle
Cardiothoracic Critical Care
John Parsons
Renal Research Fund
Constance Preston Clinical Diabetes & Metabolic Research
Christopher Rogers Heart Centre Campaign /
Oxford Heartfelt Appeal
Hilda Salmon John Warin Ward Fund
Lily Scarsbrook
Renal Medical Ward Fund
Adrian Shirlin Horton Hospital General Fund
Margaret Spratt
Gibson Fund
Hilda Steptoe
Renal Medical Ward Fund
Joyce TaylorOxford Eye Hospital / Oxford Hospital
General Fund/Sir Michael Sobell House
Mildred Treen
Oxford Hospital General Fund
Margaret Tremaine
Haematology Research Fund
Ronald Tylee
Specialist Surgery Inpatients Ward Fund
Ursula Warman
Cancer Research Fund
Janet Webb
Cardiothoracic Critical Care Fund
Leslie Weller
Haemophilia & Thrombosis Centre
Zena Woolway
Oxford Eye Hospital Fund
Page 25 Annual Report 2011/12
In compliance with the Statement of Recommended
Practice (SORP) 2005, the Trustees identified their main
objectives, including those delegated to their administrative
department, the ORH Trust’s Charitable Funds Department.
The risks to these objectives were then shown and
assessed for severity and likelihood, and compiled as a
register showing the controls existing to mitigate each risk.
This highlighted those areas in which residual risk remains
medium or high, and where further action is required.
It is the Trustees’ intention to re-visit this register on
an annual basis to ensure that it remains relevant and
comprehensive and that action has been taken where
It is their belief that the control systems identified in this
exercise are sufficiently embedded to have become part of
the culture of the Department and that managers and staff
are aware of their responsibility for internal control as part
of their accountability for achieving the objectives.
All members of the Department are encouraged to be
aware of their responsibility to respond and advise on
evolving risks, whether internal or external, and to report
failings promptly for consideration by management and
Under SORP 2005, charitable reserves are identified as
income which becomes available to the Charity and is to be
spent at the Trustees’ discretion in furtherance of any of the
Charity’s objects, but which is not yet spent, committed or
designated. The definition of ‘reserves’ should exclude:
■ Endowment Funds
■ Restricted Funds
■ Designated Funds
In terms of Unrestricted Income Funds, the policy of
the Trustees is to transfer the majority of income into
Designated Funds in order to ensure that donations are
utilised in accordance with the donor’s wishes.
These funds are administered by Fund Advisors in
accordance with policies and procedures set by the Trustees.
The funds are closely and regularly monitored in terms
of expenditure plans, ensuring they are spent within a
reasonable period of time. In line with the Commission’s
Guidance, a separate Reserves Policy is not required for
these Designated Funds.
The Trustees do, however, have a requirement to hold funds
in order to support various charitable purpose expenditure,
including general staff benefits, but it should be noted that
this expenditure is not guaranteed.
Ernst & Young
Apex Plaza
Forbury Road
Lloyds TSB Bank plc
87 London Road
In order to meet this expenditure, the Trustees hold
General Purpose Funds for the Oxford University Hospitals
– John Radcliffe Hospitals, Churchill Hospitals, Horton
General Hospital and Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre – and
a minimum level of reserve for these funds is considered to
be 12 months’ average expenditure.
Cazenove Capital Management Limited
12 Moorgate
At 31 March 2012 the balances on these funds and their
average 12 months’ expenditure, was as follows:
Withers LLP
16 Old Bailey
General Funds’ Balance at 31 March 2012 £554,939
12 Months’ Average Expenditure £361,123
The charity recognises the importance of undesignated
unrestricted funds, providing the flexibility to support the
OUH Trust’s strategic plans, and therefore the Charity
is encouraging more generic giving. This policy will be
reviewed periodically. The Trustees review the balance of
the OUH General Funds on an annual basis.
Principal Office
Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Charitable Funds Department
Manor House
Headley Way
Charitable Funds Committee meetings are held at least 4
times a year. Co-opted advisors (and Investment Managers)
are invited by the Trustees to attend these meetings and are
chosen in order to either represent the different hospitals
across the Trust or their particular profession, thus assisting
the Trustees in effective and informed decision making.
Professor John Stradling
Dr Chris Wait
John Reynolds Medical Staff and Research
Medical Staff and
Horton General Hospital
Medical Staff
Thank you for taking the time to read
our Annual Report for 2011/12
Annual Report 2011/12
Page 26
Charitable Funds
Manor House, Headley Way,
Oxford, OX3 9DZ
Tel: 01865 743432
Tel: 01865 743444 (Fundraising)
Fax: 01865 222469
or email:
Registered Charity Number 1057295