Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust: New Radiotherapy Services at Swindon - Estates Annexe January 2014 Oxford University Hospitals Oxford University Hospitals Contents Introduction 3 Planning & Development Context 4 Option 1 - Do Minimum 6 Site Analysis 7 Masterplan 8 Adjacencies 9 Layout Design 10 MEP Services Strategy 11 Structural & Civil Engineering Strategy 12 C - Sheets 14 Concept Sketches and External CGI’s 17 Elevations and Precedents 18 Internal CGI’s 19 Appendices: – Schedules of Accommodation – Estates Risk – Implementation Plan – OB form for preferred option – Optimism Bias 22 24 26 28 30 2 Introduction Great Western Swindon Our team have developed this design document on behalf of Oxford University Hospital NHS Trust for inclusion into the outline Business Case for a new Satellite Radiotherapy Unit at Swindon Hospital Strategic Context Development Control Plan Currently the DoH report major shortcomings in radiotherapy activity due to inadequate service provision and increasing demand, reported by the National Radiotherapy Advisory Group (NRAG) 2012 report. This is reflected locally within the SOC that proceeded this document that making clear the projections for demand of fractions into 2026 not only for Swindon, but also Bedfordshire, Oxford and Milton Keynes. The team has considered the demand for services in relation to future-proofing and overall site masterplanning to ensure the likely demographic has adequate access provision in relation to local transportation and infrastructure. We have captured the latest thinking in relation to technological developments to ensure the flexibility to integrate a range of specialist equipment and at the same time ensure an environment suitable for an improved patient experience. Oxford University Hospitals Design Principles We recognise design and the environment we create is vitally important for patient care in a radiotherapy unit. This team are aware of the highly specialised form of patient treatment offered in these types of facilities, and for the need to have an approach to design that offers patients and visitors a reassuring, calming and welcoming environment to allow for the effective delivery of this highly complex healthcare treatment. The approach to design has considered the overall site masterplanning and considerations that take advantage of opportunities for the relationship of the internal areas of the buildings and external spaces that may be accessed by patients waiting for treatments. We have worked closely with a range of internal and external stakeholders to develop a design that is clinically functional at the same time as being a pleasant and conducive to healing. The designs have also been developed collaboratively with the team using the latest BIM software to ensure an integrated approach to design is adopted from the outset. Materials and finishes have been considered in relation to the local context and fitness for purpose for state-of-the-art radiotherapy facilities as well as the corporate identity required for Oxford satellite healthcare services. Churchill Hospital Oxford Great Western Swindon 3 Planning & Development Context Oxford University Hospitals In our experince of the key factors to the success of any project is the effective management and identification of all the key stakeholders connected to the project. This is achieved through communication, collaboration and teamwork from inception to completion. Trust Board Management Executive Steering Group Our approach has been to engage with the stakeholders at the earliest opportunity, which was achieved by: • Organise an introduction meeting with all the stakeholders to the meeting where introductions are made, roles are clarified and expectations are discussed and understood. • Introducing the design teams key account holder and supporting staff as the single point of contact for the duration of the project. • Pre-arrange project and design team meetings on a regular basis to monitor, report and control all aspects of the works. This has engendered participation within a team-working environment and encouraged ownership of the project. • Arrange both individual meetings and collective workshops with key decision making personnel and specialist advisors at all stages of the works. • Making available (free of charge) a portal link for all project related information to relevant parties to encourage timely feedback and design development, made available by AFL IT department. Project Stakeholders Our Multi-Disciplinary Team and Your Multi-Disciplinary Team - Radiotherapists - M+E Engineers - Civil/Geotechnical Eng - Physicist - Structural Engineers - Radio pharmacist The Core Project Team - Clinicians - Nurses - Commissioners - Occupation Therapist - RPA Advisors - Support Workers - Clinical Rep - Finance Rep - Capital/Estates rep - Information rep - Quality rep - Macmillan - Fire Engineer - WT Lead - AFL Lead Patients - Arup Lead - Wareham & Associates Lead - Interserve - Ecologist - CDM Co-ordinator - WT resources - AFL resources - W areham & Associates resources - Counsellors • Trust Development Agency • Swindon & Marlborough Foundation Trust • NHS England - Specialised Commissioning - BREEAM Assessor - Arup resources - O ther Charitable Organisations • MK Foundation Trust - Acoustic Consultant • Clinical Commissioning Group • Security • Moving and Handling Co-ordinator • DDA Co-ordinator • Fire Officer • Domestic Services • FM Providers • IT Management • Waste Management • Governors • Planning Department • Highways • Environmental Department • Fire Authority • Local Resident • Community Groups • GP’s • Specialist Advisors • Contractors • Adopting a flexible approach to stakeholder’s requirements by sharing the design teams expertise of similar projects. Taking on board alternative views and solutions towards finalising the design. • Develop 3-D visuals for mood boards to improve the clarity of communication with stakeholders who sometimes have difficulty in spatial awareness or 2-D drawings. Oxford University Hospitals Individual project web portal - Free of charge Ideas Board 4 Planning & Development Context RADIOTHERAPY Planning request form submitted electronically All Planning and treatment appointments scheduled from either GWH or OUH Oxford University Cancer Centre – Satellite Radiotherapy Service Mould Room Required NO • A ccess - Access to the campus, the dedicated parking areas, drop-off and entrance would be from existing internal roadway’s of the main hospital site. The building has been designed to have a dedicated pedestrian and vehicular drop-off main entrance. YES Operational Policy Patient has thermoplastic shell made at GWH for individual immobilisation Patient goes to CT scanning Patient leaves department Treatment Intent Palliative Radical Dr contourning undertaken at GWH or OUH Virtual Simulation Undertaken at either GWH or OUH Dosimetry – create plan mainly at OUH but possibly at GWH Virtual sim check at GWH Dr approval if required Data entry/trt prep @ GWH Plan Check – mainly at OUH but possible for some at GWH Draft: Rev 7 18.11.2013 Patient arrives for 1st treatment appointment at GWH Data entry/trt prep – preferable at satellite unit Patient Pathway Radiotherapy Oxford University Hospital Satellite Service: Page 1 of 24 Operational Policy Patient attends for subsequent treatments at GWH Great Western Hospital – Swindon (No CT Scanner on Site) Patient arrives for 1st treatment appointment at GWH RADIOTHERAPY Follow up appointment given to patient at End of Treatment (EOT) LDF End of Treatment letters produced at GWH Patient attends for subsequent treatments at GWH Planning request form submitted electronically Follow up appointment given to patient at End of Treatment (EOT) All Planning and treatment appointments scheduled from OUH Patient reports to reception for planning appointment at OUH End of Treatment letters produced at GWH Swindon Borough Local Development Framework Swindon Borough Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2026 Patient & relative taken by radiographer to interview room: - Explain Procedure - Confirm consent - Take photograph ID etc., - Patient given all treatment appts Patient Pathway Diagram, with CT Scanner Mould Room Required Swindon: Planning for our future NO YES Revised Proposed Submission Document www.swindon.gov.uk/corestrategy Patient taken to Mould Room for individual immobilisation to be made March 2011 Patient goes to CT scanning Patient leaves department • L andscape - Internal patient’s courtyards and careful consideration of the public realm has been integrated into the landscape design to enhance both the patients experience, and the overall impact of the development within the context of the hospital site. Additional parking to compensate for increased activity on the site would be required, but this is expected to be only around 24 additional spaces, a relatively modest increase. • M aterials - The suggested use of mainly natural tones and materials is intended to continue with the relaxing ambience created internally, along with textures and finishes that age and weather. The use of colour and light is controlled to allow important features to be recognized without dominating the immediate surroundings of the hospital estate which is equally natural and understated. Patient reports to reception for planning appointment at GWH Patient & relative taken by radiographer to interview room: - Explain Procedure - Confirm consent - Take photograph ID etc., - Patient given all treatment appts Great Western Hospital: Swindon • S cale and Massing - The unit will be no more than 2 storey’s (plus lift machine room) in height and will not be of greater height than other parts of the existing estate. Support areas are planned around the treatment spaces to break-up the mass and allow the building to read as a relatively modest and subtle addition to the estate but still to respond to the scale of surrounding buildings particularly the renal satellite unit to the northern boundary • D esign Principles - Outpatient facilities have been designed as essentially low-activity clinical facilities with a design that aims to enhance the patient experience and assist staff in the delivery of care quality by creating a compassionate and caring environment. The layout and overall aesthetics are intentionally soft and domestic in scale with the treatment bunkers being softened by curved elevation treatments that continue to wrap around surrounding support facilities. The main entrance is intended to contrast with a strong statement allowing the heavily glazed entrance atria to be understood as the natural entrance to the unit. As the entrance to the unit is from the northern rear end of the unit, the northern and western elevations have been animated to give a more active frontage to this side of the unit, and lead to the natural entrance on the south. Great Western Hospital – Swindon ( CT Scanner on GWH Site) The designs have been developed with an understanding of the material considerations that would affect a Decision Notice following Full Planning Submission: • P rinciple - The proposed site reside within the current healthcare campus of Swindon Hospital, and as such there would therefore be no change of land or building use for the development of the Satellite Radiotherapy Unit. Patient Pathway Radiotherapy Oxford University Hospital Satellite Service: Satellite Unit: Great Western Hospital -­‐ Swindon Section ?: “Underpinning the Spatial Vision for Swindon is a themed set of ‘Strategic Objectives’ based on the strategies of the Borough and its partners, and developed through consultation….By 2026 the need for community and health facilities arising from growth and demographic change in the Borough will have been met as and when they occur. Flexible design and service co-ordination will maximise the potential of facilities. ….Health, social care and emergency service needs will be met and provided as follows: Great Western Hospital will be expanded. Enhanced and new social care and local healthcare facilities A reorganisation of existing fire infrastructure and provision of new fire stations” Oxford University Hospitals Treatment Intent Palliative Radical Dr contourning undertaken at GWH or OUH Virtual Simulation Undertaken Immobilisations and other relevant information to GWH ?Transport method Dosimetry – create plan mainly at OUH but possibly at GWH Virtual sim check Dr approval if required Data entry/trt prep @ GWH Patient arrives for 1st treatment appointment at GWH Patient attends for subsequent treatments at GWH Follow up appointment given to patient at End of Treatment (EOT) End of Treatment letters produced at GWH Plan Check – mainly at OUH but possible for some at GWH Data entry/trt prep – preferable at satellite unit Patient arrives for 1st treatment appointment at GWH Patient attends for subsequent treatments at GWH Follow up appointment given to patient at End of Treatment (EOT) End of Treatment letters produced at GWH 01 Patient Pathway Diagram, without CT Scanner 5 Option 1 - Do Minimum Oxford University Hospitals Oxford University Hospitals - Do Minimum Option REV A 28th Nov 13 Schedule of Accommodation Sign-Off SOA: TBC Sally Burnie Room Treatment Radiotherapy Treatment Room, Bunker, Maze Control Room Serving Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Lab Area (sqm) Number req Total (sqm) 145 20 34 2 2 1 290 40 34 First Floor Total (sqm) HBN 54 54 Comment 130sqm 15MV machine, 145 25MV machine to be confirmed Existing Radiotherapy Workshop subdivided (6 person) 290 Plant Sub Total Circulation space @ 33% Planning space @ 5% Engineering space @ 3% Gross Level Sub-Total (sqm) Gross Departmental Total (sqm) 364 120.12 18.2 10.92 290 513 803 290 6 Site Analysis Oxford University Hospitals Options 2a, b and c Option 3 existing proposed Challenges Opportunities • Site infrastructure for servicing new unit • Opportunity to make visual statement & identity • External wayfinding (at rear of large PFI site) • Prominent position from approach • Complexity of linking to the existing estate • Relatively Flat site • Pedestrian access from public transport links not ideal • Good access and parking provided • Outlook to North & West against major PFI / other developments. South & East mainly to car park, although reasonable as noted • Site shape able to be driven (within reason) by design • Community & Third party links limited Area previously green field site prior to recent car park construction. Archaeological risk? • Reasonable out look to the South & East • Existing site car park part re-landscaped. May require deepening of foundations into natural strata • U nlikely to have major planning constraints (principles, location, massing, access, ecology) • Future flexibility opportunities good • No demolition required, only car park relocation) • No historic development of site evident since circa 1885 • Existing HV, Gas, BT and PHE services run in road/margin adjacent to site • F ounding in Gault Clay at 112.00 should provide good bearing for traditional/spread foundations • Site located in area of drinking water abstraction safeguard zone. Pollution control/precautions • N ot in area of flood risk based on EA mapping however such areas do exist within 500m • N o evidence of landfill on site based on EA mapping Sites exist within 1km due south • N o evidence of significant drainage attenuation or infiltration structures beneath site 7 Masterplan Oxford University Hospitals Options 2a, b and c Option 3 Key Proposed Radiotherapy Building CT Department Future 3rd Linac expansion Future Chemotherapy expansion and hospital bridge link 8 Adjacencies Oxford University Hospitals Options 2a, b and c Option 3 9 Layout Design Oxford University Hospitals Swindon 10 MEP Services Strategy Oxford University Hospitals A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U Notes for Swindon Infrastructure Drawing Existing Installations 1 1. 2. Notes for Swindon Infrastructure Drawing Great Western Hospital was developed as a PFI hospital approximately 10 years ago and has been extended several times. There is a substantial energy centre at the rear of the site with boilers, standby generation, oxygen VIE, etc. 3. The Hospital has an agreed electrical maximum supply of 3.8MVA and is regularly drawing 3.4MVA. The inference from the Trust is that the electrical supply is at full capacity. 4. The energy centre includes 4No 2MW LTHW boilers arranged in an N+1 configuration. 2 Proposed Installations 5. 3 Existing Installations The electrical supply to the new Radiotherapy Unit has been estimated at 500kVA. A new 500kVA sub-station will be included in the new Radiotherapy Unit development, connected to the Regional Electricity Company's HV network. The HV connection is likely to originate from adjacent to the GWH Energy Centre, but it may be possible to connect to the HV supply to the adjacent development. 6. The new Radiotherapy Unit will not be provided with standby generation. 7. The new Radiotherapy Unit will connect into the existing GWH site water and drainage systems. The Domestic water simultaneous demand has been estimated at 1.5l/s. 8. The cooling load has been estimated at 130kW, being facilitated by a chiller installed on the roof of the development. 9. The heating and hot water will be generated from two gas fired boilers located in the roof plantroom. The heating load has been estimated at 270kW J:\Pre-Possible-Jobs-\1 Buildings & Infrastructure\CRM755823 Oxford Radiotherapy\M&E Drawings\ME-500-GWH1.dwg 18 Nov 2013 15:54:44 A0 4 1. Great Western Hospital was developed as a PFI hospital approximately 10 years ago and has been extended several times. 10. A new gas supply will be required from the Wales and West Infrastructure network. The connection is likely to originate from adjacent to the GWH Energy Centre. 5 Pay on foot Machine foot on Pay Machine 11. Two new diverse fibre-optic broadband connections (BT and Virgin Media) will be brought into the new development to facilitate ICT connections. There will also be a fibre link into the existing local data hub within the DTC. STOP BUS foot Pay on Machine foot Pay on Machine 12. Piped medical gases will not be required. Pay on Machine foot 6 door 8 conc base Approximate route of main below ground services including HV cables, foul drainage surface water drainage & water supply bicycle store lp grass substation concrete base gate AMBULANCES DTL hub sign post ONLY 9 gate cps Main energy centre for GWH tac 3. The Hospital has an agreed electrical maximum supply of 3.8MVA and is regularly drawing 14. It is possible that 10% of the energy usage for the development will need to be generated by renewable technologies, in accordance with the local planning requirements. CCTV 2. There is a substantial energy centre at the rear of the site with boilers, standby generation, oxygen VIE, etc. 13. CCTV, intruder alarm and fire alarm systems for the new development will be linked to both the GWH Security Control Room and OUH CES AMBULAN 7 Control room (security & fire alarm) Node 1 hub (lower ground floor) rack bicycle building Refuse Gas and Bottle canopy concrete paving SAND concrete paving slabs door door / GRIT CCTV camera Cycles chan ramp door Gen. Elec. security barrier 10 ramp door lp ramp canopy lp TANKS door ramp building canopy door OIL STORE door door door emergency gas cylinder store generator flower bed M Gas meter for GWH 11 VEHICLE COMPOUND soil 27 temporary fence Herras 3. 4MVA. The inference from the Trust is that the electrical supply is at full capacity. 12 HV supply HV supply to GWH Gas supply to GWH P1 06/11/13 S.H. I.A.H. I.A.H. Chkd Appd Preliminary Issue. Issue Date By 13 4th Floor, New Oxford House 30 Barkers Pool, Sheffield, S1 2HB Tel+44(0114) 272 8247 Fax+44(0114) 275 9553 www.arup.com N compacted 4. The energy centre includes 4No 2MW LTHW boilers arranged in an N+1 configuration. Client soil Oxford University Hospitals 14 Job Title Swindon Satelite Radiotherapy Unit 15 Infrastructure Proposals For New Radiotherapy Unit M Scale at A0 Main water meter for GWH 5. The electrical supply to the new Radiotherapy Unit has been estimated at 500kVA. A new 500kVA sub-station will be included in the new Radiotherapy Unit development, connected to the Regional Electricity Company’s HV network. The HV connection is likely to originate from adjacent to the GWH Energy Centre, but it may be possible to connect to the HV supply to the adjacent development. 16 1:500 MEP Job No Drawing Status 233695 Preliminary Drawing No Issue ME-500-GWH1 P1 © Arup Do not scale A1 A B C D E F G H I J K L The following notes provide a brief description of the works required for each building services system within the satellite radiotherapy units. 1 6. The new Radiotherapy Unit will not be provided with standby generation. High Voltage Distribution o A new 500kVA substation will be created for the project HTM 04-01. Fire Alarm o An automatic fire detection and alarm system will be 8. The cooling load has been estimated at 130kW, being facilitated by a chiller installed on the roof of the development. units in an N+1 configuration. The external condenser units will be mounted on the roof. Nurse Call o A standalone nurse call system will be provided ICT o Wherever practical, the ventilation will be via opening windows. o In areas requiring mechanical ventilation, a ducted system will be provided from the air handling units in the roof plantroom. o The air handling units will utilise heat recovery to reduce heating costs. Trust data hub L2a and local planning conditions. for the development o Local planning conditions may impose a requirement of 10% of the energy usage being produced from a renewable source. o A feasibility report on the inclusion of renewable technologies will be provided following OBC. Practical renewable solutions would be air source heat pumps and solar thermal hot water generation CCTV system o A fixed camera CCTV system will be installed to cover the exterior and vulnerable interior areas. This will be linked to the local security office and to OUH Sustainability o The main drivers for sustainability will be BREEAM, Part o It is understood that BREEAM 'Very Good' will be required Intruder Alarm out-of-hours protection to the unit. This will be linked to the local security office and to OUH BMS o A complete BMS system will provide control of the building services within the satellite Radiotherapy unit o An intruder alarm system will be incorporated for 5 9. The heating and hot water will be generated from two gas fired boilers located in the roof plantroom. The heating load has been estimated at 270kW Medical Gases o Piped medical gases are not required. o The BMS will be linked to the system at OUH Access Control o Access control with electromagnetic door magnets and swipe card readers will be provided to prevent unwanted access into staff areas Ventilation o A full fresh air ventilation system will be provided in accordance with HTM03-01. o A number of hub rooms will be required as part of the development: One in each of the Linac Control Rooms for the Linac Data Hub Primary OUH Trust Data Hub with incoming BT fibre connection and fibre connection to the Host Trust comms room Secondary OUH Trust Data Hub with incoming Virgin Media fibre connection. o Each communications hub room will be complete with cabinets, patch panels, switchers and active hardware. o A structured Cat6A cabling system will be installed throughout the development. 4 Cooling o A chiller will be located on the roof of the Radiotherapy o The data hub rooms will be cooled via 'split' air conditioning communicate back to OUH. 3 Heating o Space heating will generally be provided by wall mounted emitters or duct mounted heating coils. o The heating system will be low temperature hot water (LTHW) from either the existing plant or new boilers in the roof plant room. development to provide chilled water to the cooling coils of the air handling units. provided in compliance with BS5839 type L1 and HTM 05-03. o The system will interface with the local hospital system and 7. The new Radiotherapy Unit will connect into the existing GWH site water and drainage systems. The Domestic water simultaneous demand has been estimated at 1.5l/s. Domestic Hot Water o The hot water system will be designed incompliance with o Any DHW plant will be installed within the roof plantroom Low Voltage Distribution o An LV distribution system will be provided, incorporating a main switchpanel within a dedicated switchroom in the first floor, distribution boards throughout the development, supplies to fixed items of equipment (linacs, mechanical plant, etc), and associated cabling/containment. o IPS/UPS powered outlets will not be required. o Standby generator for essential power will not be required. 2 N Domestic Cold Water o A new compliant DWS/CWS system will be provided in compliance with HTM 04-01. A two compartment storage tank will be installed in the roof plantroom. o Plumbed water fountains with permanent drainage will be provided in the waiting areas. Refer to drawings ME-500-MK1 and ME-500-GWH1 for the infrastructure proposals associated with the two satellite units. M J:\Pre-Possible-Jobs-\1 Buildings & Infrastructure\CRM755823 Oxford Radiotherapy\M&E Drawings\ZME-500-SK1.dwg 26 Nov 2013 16:39:49 Created using CADplot http://www.oasys-software.com/cadplot/ Proposed Installations Discipline Entertainment systems o A PC and aerial linked TV system will be provided to the waiting areas with a music system linked into the Linac bunkers 6 10. A new gas supply will be required from the Wales and West Infrastructure network. The connection is likely to originate from adjacent to the GWH Energy Centre. Vertical transportation o A lift is not required Lighting o A complete lighting and emergency lighting scheme will be provided in accordance with CIBSE LG2:2008. The lighting scheme will be functional while being sympathetic to the interior design philosophy. o An emergency lighting self-test system is recommended o Dimmable lighting will be provided in the Linac bunkers and Control Rooms o Wherever practical, the lighting will be controlled by 7 presence detection sensors External Lighting o The external lighting will be designed in accordance with CIBSE LG6 and will generally comprise of building mounted luminaires. 11. Two new diverse fibre-optic broadband connections (BT and Virgin Media) will be brought into the new development to facilitate ICT connections. There will also be a fibre link into the existing local data hub within the DTC. outlets and ancillary power supplies as required. o Each desk will have 3No twin power points and 2No double data outlets. 8 Roof Chiller Compound Linac data hub Small Power o A complete small power system will be provided with socket P1 18/11/13 S.H. I.A.H. I.A.H. Chkd Appd Preliminary Issue. Linac data hub Issue Date By Equipment o The building services systems associated with the Linacs and potential CT scanner will be developed in a flexible manner to accommodate the Trust's procurement process Lightning protection 4th Floor, New Oxford House 30 Barkers Pool, Sheffield S1 2HB Tel +44 (0)114 272 8247 Fax +44 (0)114 275 9553 www.arup.com o Lightning protection will be provided in accordance with BSEN 62305:2006 Client Oxford University Hospitals 9 12. Piped medical gases will not be required. First Floor Plantroom 290m 2 Including air handling units, boilers and LV switchroom 13. CCTV, intruder alarm and fire alarm systems for the new development will be linked to both the GWH Security Control Room and OUH Linac Bunker 2 144 sqm Job Title Milton Keynes Hospital Satelite Radiotherapy Unit 10 MEP Outline Proposals Created using CADplot http://www.oasys-software.com/cadplot/ Scale at A1 14. It is possible that 10% of the energy usage for the development will need to be generated by renewable technologies, in accordance with the local planning requirements. Discipline 1:100 Electrical Job No 11 Substation 20m Riser Do not scale Drawing Status Preliminary 2 Drawing No Issue ME-500-SK1 P1 © Arup 11 Structural & Civil Engineering Strategy Oxford University Hospitals 12 Structural & Civil Engineering Strategy Oxford University Hospitals DW DataBase: 13-831-RAM model2a 11/28/2013 09:35:58 13-831-RAM model2a 11/28/2013 09:38:08 DW DataBase: 13 C - Sheets Oxford University Hospitals WKT920 CLO005 CLO005 ©o tA h rig y p .C 0 2 B D n w 4 CHA002 ©o B D tA h rig y p n w C A BOA012 WKT920 © rig B D tA h y p C n w o D B WKT920 WKT920 CHA002 CHA002 CHA002 C CAB025 CHA002 © rig B D tA h y p C n w o MSW014 ©w B D tA h rig y p o C n Control Room 20.0 m² MSC263 MSC262 Elevation A Elevation B 1 : 50 1 : 50 MSC262 ILL011 © rig B D tA h y p C n w o .4 0 2 MSC263 Plan ILL011 ILL011 1 : 50 CAB025 CAB025 MSW014 MSC263 MSC262 MSC262 MSC263 WKT920 CHA002 BOA012 MSC263 Elevation C Elevation D 1 : 50 1 : 50 ADBCode BOA012 CAB025 CHA002 CLO005 COM033 COM046 ILL011 MSC262 MSC263 3D View MSW014 WKT920 01 - CT Control Room ADBDescription BOARD, display/notice, wall mounted, 900H 600W CABINET, filing, 4 drawer, 1320H 465W 620D CHAIR, height adjustable, medium back, swivel, 5 star base, on castors CLOCK impulse, wall mounted COMPUTER KEYBOARD COMPUTER MONITOR, 15 in.; TFT, digital flat panel display, desk top ILLUMINATOR, x-ray film, triple, wall mounted CABINET/DRAWER features, base, 400mm facing, 3 drawer, on plinth, o/a height 900, HTM71 CABINET/DRAWER features, base, 400mm facing, 4 drawer, on plinth, o/a height 900, HTM71 WORKTOP, for 4x 400mm facing inserts cabinets, 1820W 700D nominal, HTM71 WORKTOP, 2000w 650d ADBGroup 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 Count 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3D View 14 C - Sheets Oxford University Hospitals STF286 DIS013 HOL004 DIS030 DIS011 BAS101 STF286 STF290 REF091 HOL006 WKT152 RAC196 TRO310 STF286 STF286 STF290 REF091 REF091 ©C B D tA h ig y p n w ro HOO020 ©C B D tA h ig y p n w ro HOO020 33.0 m² ©C .4 0 2 B D tA h ig y p n w ro CT Scanner A MIR002 HOO020 HOO020 SYR001 ©w B D tA h rig y p o C n D DIS030 B DIS011 DIS013 LIG081 LIG081 WKT152 WKT152 HOL006 C IMG088 TRO310 IMG066 HOL004 TRO133 BAS101 IMG088 ©w B D tA h rig y p o C n © rig .4 0 2 B D tA h y p C n w o © rig .4 0 2 B D tA h yw p o C n CHA017 Elevation A Elevation B 1 : 50 1 : 50 HOO024 HOO024 HOO024 ©B .4 0 2 ig D A tC h y p n w ro ©2 .4 0 B D tA h ig y p n w ro C ©2 .4 0 B ig D A tC h y p n w ro Plan 1 : 50 STF286 SYR001 HOO024 HOO024 HOO024 DIS011 IMG088 IMG066 TRO133 MIR002 TRO133 Elevation C Elevation D 1 : 50 1 : 50 ADBCode BAS101 CUP912 IMG066 IMG088 LIG081 MIR002 STF286 STF290 TAP892 TRA900 WKT152 DIS011 DIS013 DIS030 HOO020 HOO024 RAC196 REF091 CHA017 HOL004 HOL006 SYR001 TRO133 TRO310 02 - CT Scanner ADBDescription BASIN, medium, hospital pattern, vitreous china, no tap holes, no overflow, integral back outlet, 500W 400D. HTM64LBHM CUPBOARD, 1 shelf, lockable, on plinth, 850H 1200W 500D TABLE PATIENT - CT imager, floating top, (Part of IMG061) IMAGER, EXTREMITY MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI), Type 2 LUMINAIRE fitted with single fluorescent lamp with switch, below drug cupboard, 8watt, 400mm MIRROR, wall mounted, 900H 300W STORAGE UNIT, upper, cupboard, medicine, 2 door, lockable, 550H 600W 300D, HTM63 STORAGE UNIT, upper, cupboard, controlled drugs, 1 door, lockable, with warning light, 550H 600W 300D, HTM63 TAP, bib, 2x8 mm thermostatic mixer, automatic action, sensor operated, non-touch, HTM 64 TBH6 CURTAIN TRACK, 1500X1700mm WORKTOP, cantilevered from wall, 2400W 650D, HTM63 DISPENSER, barrier cream, disposable single cartridge, wall mounted DISPENSER, paper towel, wall mounted DISPENSER, soap, disposable single cartridge, lever action, wall mounted HOOK, single, large, wall mounted HOOK, hat and coat, 1 RACK, x-ray lead apron, 5 hangers hinged, wall mounted REFRIGERATOR, drug, capacity 35 litre, external temperature gauge, lockable, wall mounted, 510H 380W 445D CHAIR, upright, upholstered, stacking HOLDER, sack, with lid foot operated, small, freestanding HOLDER, sack, with lid foot operated, medium, freestanding, 875H 430W 385D SYRINGE INJECTOR, automatic, hi pressure injection, contrast media TROLLEY, dressing/instrument, stainless steel, buffered, 870H 750W 450D TROLLEY, emergency/resuscitation, complete with defibrillator, 955H 825W 575D ADBGroup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Count 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3D View 15 C - Sheets Oxford University Hospitals MST005 ro C © opyrightA nC w B D ro C © opyrightA nC w B D TRO133 MSC197 MSC197 CHA063 A DIS435 D DES022 B DIS435 HOL014 C DIS011 DIS013 DIS030 BAS101 HOL014 CHA063 TRO133 CHA017 COM033 CHA017 CHA063 COM033 DES022 DES022 CHA017 COU007 Consult Exam 16.5 m² HOL006 CHA017 Elevation B 1 : 50 1 : 50 CLO005 © rig B D tA h .4 0 2 yw p o C n ©o B D tA h rig y p n w C LIG058 Elevation A Plan 1 : 50 CLO005 MSC197 DIS435 LIG058 COU007 DIS013 DIS011 DIS030 BAS101 DIS435 DIS013 LIG058 DIS011 HOL014 MST005 HOL006 CHA017 BAS101 Elevation C Elevation D 1 : 50 1 : 50 3D View ADBCode BAS101 CHA017 CHA063 CLO005 COM033 COM046 COU007 DES022 DIS011 DIS013 DIS030 DIS435 HOL006 HOL014 LIG058 MSC197 MST005 TAP892 TRO133 03 - Consult Exam ADBDescription BASIN, medium, hospital pattern, vitreous china, no tap holes, no overflow, integral back outlet, 500W 400D. HTM64LBHM CHAIR, upright, upholstered, stacking CHAIR, height adjustable, with arms, high back, swivel, 5 star base, on castors CLOCK impulse, wall mounted COMPUTER KEYBOARD COMPUTER MONITOR, 15 in.; TFT, digital flat panel display, desk top COUCH, examination/treatment, (2 section), with paper roll holder, variable height, retractable wheels DESK, cantilever, single pedestal 3 drawer, cable management, modesty panel, 1600W 800D DISPENSER, barrier cream, disposable single cartridge, wall mounted DISPENSER, paper towel, wall mounted DISPENSER, soap, disposable single cartridge, lever action, wall mounted DISPENSER, disposable gloves, set of 3, wall mounted HOLDER, sack, with lid foot operated, medium, freestanding, 875H 430W 385D HOLDER, sack, with lid foot operated, large, capacity 120 litre, mobile LUMINAIRE examination, adjustable, 1000 lux, wall/trunking/rail mounted CABINET top, 600mm facing, with 1 shelf, 1 door hinged right, wall mounted, HTM71 TROLLEY, small, half size, with 5 sets of runners, 400mm facing, 850H 445W 350D nominal, HTM71 TAP, bib, 2x8 mm thermostatic mixer, automatic action, sensor operated, non-touch, HTM 64 TBH6 TROLLEY, dressing/instrument, stainless steel, buffered, 870H 750W 450D ADBGroup Count 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 Concept Sketches and External CGI’s Oxford University Hospitals 17 Elevations and Precedents Oxford University Hospitals 18 Internal CGI’s Oxford University Hospitals Courtyard 19 Internal CGI’s Oxford University Hospitals Reception 20 Internal CGI’s Oxford University Hospitals Staff Room & Seminar Courtyard 21 Appendices Oxford University Hospitals Schedule of Accommodation Do Minimum Oxford University Hospitals - Do Minimum Option REV A 28th Nov 13 Schedule of Accommodation Sign-Off SOA: TBC Sally Burnie Room Treatment Radiotherapy Treatment Room, Bunker, Maze Control Room Serving Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Lab Area (sqm) Number req Total (sqm) 145 20 34 2 2 1 290 40 34 First Floor Total (sqm) HBN 54 54 Comment 130sqm 15MV machine, 145 25MV machine to be confirmed Existing Radiotherapy Workshop subdivided (6 person) 290 Plant Sub Total Circulation space @ 33% Planning space @ 5% Engineering space @ 3% Gross Level Sub-Total (sqm) Gross Departmental Total (sqm) 364 120.12 18.2 10.92 290 513 803 290 22 Room 4 2 6 10 Ancillary Cleaner Switchgear cupboard Disposal Hold Hub Room Plant room etc Server room 18 6 4.5 3 2.5 25 16 Staff areas general Rest Room with Beverage Bay Staff Changing with cubicle and hand wash Staff Changing with cubicle and hand wash WC and handwash, ambulant Shower, ambulant, (non patient) Seminar room 15 person Medical Physics Room for 4 people (incl. 2 hot desk) Sub Total FF Sub Total GF Sub Total FF Sub Total Circulation space @ 33% Planning space @ 5% Engineering space @ 3% Gross Departmental Total (sqm) 12 2 2 10 10.5 4.5 9 8 16.5 14 8 9 3.5 11 50 12 8 2.5 2.5 4.5 12 18 25 14 1 9 12 3 9 20 20 15 9 1 9 15 3 9 5 Office lead radiographer Staff WC male Staff WC female Consult Exam Suite Staff support facilities Reception 2 staff Reception and staff offices Nurse Base Waiting area Waiting play area Consulting and examination rooms: both sides Consulting and examination rooms: single side general Multi-use hot desk room for 2 Interview and Counselling Physical measurement bay Treatment Room with preparation area Assesment Area with Clinical support 4 bays Clean Utility Dirty Utility WC, handwash, semi ambulant male WC, handwash, semi ambulant female WC and handwash, wheelchair assisted Treatment Room complimentary Therapy Information centre with beverage bay Group Support facilities 15 persons Fittings room Parking Bay, resus trolley Store, general sterile equipment and linen Store, equipment Store, stationery Data room Consult Exam Suite Radiotherapy Store support etc Mould Room impression and fitting Mould Machine and Workshop Mould Machine and Workshop, dirty area Medical physics workshop Parking Bay, resus trolley Store, general sterile equipment and linen Medical Physics, Store, equipment Store Store, stationery Office medical physics office Machine room ( Photocopier) 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4.5 20 14 0 1 18 CT facilities CT Room Patient change assisted Control Room serving CT Meeting Room CT Ante-Room, patient prep, also mould impressions Parking Bay, resus trolley Store, Mould Room including general equipment 3 1 2 0 1 1 21 10 10 30 10 8 9 4.5 5.3 2.5 6 5.3 9.2 Patient change WC and handwash, wheelchair assisted WC unsiex Patient change, stretcher/trolley Patient change assisted Interview Counselling : 5 persons 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 10 4.5 25 10 11 8 Radiotherapy facilities Patient Support and Change Areas Reception 2 staff Nurse Base Sub Wait Waiting Bay patient trolleys / transfere storage for patient trolleys Waiting/play area 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 7.5 0 1 0 1 1 Number req 20 145 20 1.5 2 1.5 4 5.5 15 3 6 10 30 2 2.5 4.5 Public telephone booth Public telephone booth accessible Locker bay Nappy change with hand wash Infant feeding room Cafe bar - small store - and seating Vending machine Parking bay push chairs Patient Information centre 'pod' Waiting Area WC, handwash, semi ambulant unisex WC, handwash, semi ambulant f/m- now unisex-see above WC and handwash, wheelchair assisted Treatment Planning Room, 2 workstations Radiotherapy Treatment Room, Bunker, Maze Control Room Serving Radiotherapy Treatment Server Room Plant room Radiotherapy Treatment Room, superficial treatment Control Area, serving superficial treatment room Generator Room, serving superficial treatment room Radiotherapy Treatment Room, Orthovoltage Control Area, serving orthovoltage room Generator Room, serving orthovoltage room Data Room- location in radiotherapy zone Medical Physics Room for 4 people (incl. 2 hot desk) 0 10 12 Area (sqm) Entrance facilities Draft Lobby Reception 2 staff Reception and staff offices Waiting and Reception Areas As designed 21 11 13 768.3 0 768.3 254 38 23 1083 4 2 6 10 0 6 4.5 6 2.5 25 16 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 9 0 11 0 12 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 290 40 33 0 20 0 0 1 0 13.5 5.3 5 0 5.3 9.2 0 10.5 25 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 10 30 15 0 4.5 0 10 12 Ground Floor Total (sqm) 738 0 738 244 37 22 1041 7 2 6 10 0 6 4.5 4 2.5 30 16 12 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 13.5 0 9 0 10 0 12 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 290 40 33 0 20 0 0 1 0 7.5 4.5 5 0 4.5 9 0 0 9 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 18 22 10 0 4.5 6 10 10.5 Area (sqm) as Rev E 20 290 310 First Floor Total (sqm) Schedule of Accommodation Total sqm 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 54 Total sqm 12 12 12 Total sqm 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Total sqm 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Total sqm 54 54 54 Total sqm 54 54 54 54 54 54 12 54 54 54 54 54 54 12 54 Total sqm 54 12 Total sqm 12 12 12 54 12 12 12 12 12 12 Total sqm 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 HBN 22 60 12 55 24 350 54 94.8 96.5 ASC-20-001 Rev F As Designed: Radiotherapy Unit Oxford University Hospitals - Swindon and Milton Keynes. 21st November Area increased to 10 sqm 14.11.13 Area reduced to 2 sqm 14.11.13 1 shower - 14.11.13 increased to 30sqm combined with Staff and beverage increased in size at user meeting 10th October -with staff faciliteis Combined with Seminar room 5 staff - area reduced at 14.11.13 5 staff- area reduced at 14.11.13 Increased in size and combined with Medcal Physics 14.11.13 removed 14.11.13 removed 14.11.13 not required not required not required added at user meeting 10th October location changed 17.10.13 not required Linen storage in this room- area changed 14.11.13 area chaned 14.11.13 see main entrance facilities see main entrance facilities see main entrance facilities from a shared facility ? see main entrnace facilities not required - measurements in treatment rooms requested 03 10 13, reduced 14.11.13 see main entrance facilities see main entrance facilities see main entrance facilities see main entrance facilities removed at user meeing 10th October omitted 14.11.13 1 omitted , 1 at 13.5 sqm single sided 14.11.13 added 17/10/13- omitted 14.11.13 added at user meeting 10th October Omitted 17/10/13 removed at user meeing 10th October General store added 15 sqm 14.11.13 area in reception office omitted 14.11.13 combined with Lead radiographer dedicated room removed at user meeting 10th October location in radiotherapy zone location in staff facilities See 'below the line' See 'below the line' area reduced to 18 sqm 130sqm 15MV machine, 145 25MV to be confirmed CT ( with simulator ?) attachment see guidance 6.16 omitted 14.11.13 Associated with control room Omitted user meeting 17/10/13 omitted 14.11.13 added at user meeting 10th October omitted 14.11.13 1 Assisted WC as agreed with client 31 10 13 2 unisex wc's added as agreed with client 31 10 13 No patients on trolleys Patient change agreed with client 31 10 13 1 per simulator minimum 1 per linear see 6.9. 1 acceptable In main entrance removed at user meeting 10th October 5 person 1 wheelchair Increased in size at clients request 31 10 13 seperate room not curtained added 31 10 13 3 children play area - not required ? removed at user meeting 10th October removed at user meeting 10th October lockers in staff room not required not required added at user meeting 10th October removed at user meeting 10th October not required info pod, req meetin (03/10/13). 17 10 13- local groups to influence 33 as guidance for 6 exam consult suite x 2/3 added at user meeting 10th October added at user meeting 10th October requested site meeting see minutes 03 10 13 as requested from previous minutes, photocopier in here-no room Comment Appendices Oxford University Hospitals Schedule of Accommodation Radiotherapy 23 Ref Counter-­‐measure Linac supplier not confirmed early enough to enable adequate design co-­‐ordination between PSCP and supplier. Failure to agree bunker construction with RPA 14 Unanticipated on-­‐costs Rigorous site investigation together with appropriate allocation of risks in procurement. Discovery of unforseen contaminants during demolition. Presence of existing services or Risk passed to PSCP post GMP. drains under development site that have to be relocated. Concrete density does not achive Risk passed to PSCP post GMP. design specification/bunker fails RPA radiation test, requiring remedial work to increase shielding. Disruption to existing services e.g. through noise, dust & vibration. 15 Planning permission -­‐ potential extra Early discussion already held with planners and also make clear costs from planning constraints to local authorities that this threatens ability to have the facility at all Ownerous mandatory sustainability requirements stipulated by planners (BREEAM etc). 15a Delay to construction programme Commissioning programme does not adequately co-­‐ordinate with PSCP construction & commissiong. Delay in obtaining Trust sign-­‐off of 1:100's Delay in sign-­‐off of 1:50's. Trust fail to decant existing functions MK only within agreed timeframe, causing delays to start-­‐on-­‐site Site delays to demolition due to MK only asbestos removal Trust fail to decant existing car Swindon only parking within agreed timeframe, causing delays to start-­‐on-­‐site Adverse weather -­‐ delays to Risk passed to PSCP. programme e.g. pouring of concrete Delay due to outstanding legal agreements, SLAs, etc. Implementation 16 Delay meaning capacity not in place Good project mgmt etc + contingency -­‐ ie explore use of private in time capacity, + extended working hours -­‐ different issue -­‐ core business GWH, NGH withdrawl KM 17 Unable to achieve planning Early discussion already held with planners permission 18 Unable to attract competitive [Needs further investigation -­‐ depends on constraints of MES] proposals for equipment 19 Infufficient project resourcing OBC establishes clear project management arrangements and resourcing Conflict between M&E systems used in OUH and MK/GWH in e.g. fire & security alarm, access control, CCTV etc. Conflicts between Trust specification docs between OUH and MK/GWH. Scope for expanding working hours, and for adding additional bunkers at satellite sites 2 Demand overestimated -­‐ for example Likely trend is for longer fractionation times. Also would aim at if no of fractions per patient reduces wider population, approach private patient market, and reduce staffing to mitigate 3 Charitable funding campaign too Start campaign ASAP. Identify capital funding contingency within slow LTFM 4 Charitable funding campaign does As for item above, plus could implement satellites with only 1 not hit minumum target LinAc to start with, and reduce staffing to match 5 Additional staffing not available Develop early staffing plans and work with HR at both Trusts to develop proactive recruitment -­‐ campaigns and increase recruitment to training programmes locally. Ng Northants staff + move current staff 6 Private radiotherapy units take NHS E specification for radiotherapy makes it clear satellite units business or other NHS provider have to be linked to cancer centre. NHS E support for activity and develops satellites income assumptions will be obtained for OBC. 7 Staffing costs underestimated -­‐ CIPS Staffing model agreed on basis of good practice guidance 8 Changes to service specification This is a general risk for all NHS services, and would need to be adding to costs without extra income managed by working together with other radiotherapy providers to negotiate with NHE E 9 Ineffective joint working with MKH OBC establishes strong governance arrangements, and there will and/or GWH be clear SLAs and legal agreements 10 Tariff reductions beyond those This is a general risk for all NHS services, and would need to be assumed managed by working together with other radiotherapy providers to negotiate with NHE E 11 Patients not taking treatment because of journey time to Oxford Design/build 12 Cost of construction increases above Benchmarked costs, design to budget approach implemented, assumed levels rigorous time control, contringency linked to risk register Lack of full co-­‐ordination on design Risk passed to PSCP. drawings leading to increase costs post GMP. Unknown costs not captured within Risk passed to PSCP post GMP. cost plans. Original spatial allowance for Plant & Largely tested at OBC stage. Circulation transpires to be inadequate 13 User specification changes and Change control for scope increases, + user involvement in initial increases costs design Discrepancies between Trusts' Clinical Policies e.g. infection control, health & safety, privacy & dignity etc Business/operational 1 Demand exceeds capacity Risk Main Business risks and service risks for all options 4 1 3 4 1 2 3 2 4 4 1 3 3 2 5 4 4 1 1 1 4 3 4 4 3 1 4 3 4 2 2 2 1 Negative impact after mitigation 4 Probability after mitigation 6 12 5 0 4 8 4 4 6 4 6 4 4 12 12 12 4 4 Risk Score Appendices Oxford University Hospitals Main Business risks and service risks for all options 24 Tariff reductions beyond those assumed Patients not taking treatment because of journey time to Oxford 10 Conflict between M&E systems used in OUH and MK/GWH in e.g. fire & security alarm, access control, CCTV etc. Conflicts between Trust specification docs between OUH and MK/GWH. Ownerous mandatory sustainability requirements stipulated by planners (BREEAM etc). 15a Delay to construction programme Commissioning programme does not adequately co-­‐ordinate with PSCP construction & commissiong. Delay in obtaining Trust sign-­‐off of 1:100's Delay in sign-­‐off of 1:50's. Trust fail to decant existing functions Not applicable to GWH within agreed timeframe, causing delays to start-­‐on-­‐site Site delays to demolition due to Not applicable to GWH asbestos removal Trust fail to decant existing car parking within agreed timeframe, causing delays to start-­‐on-­‐site Adverse weather -­‐ delays to Risk passed to PSCP. programme e.g. pouring of concrete Delay due to outstanding legal agreements, SLAs, etc. Implementation 16 Delay meaning capacity not in place Higher risk for projects at GWH because they might be delayed in time due to inter organisational issues, and delays in obtaining charitable funding 17 Unable to achieve planning Same for all options permission 18 Unable to attract competitive [Needs further investigation -­‐ depends on constraints of MES] proposals for equipment 19 Infufficient project resourcing GWH options this applies more because of need for resourcing for charitable funding campaign Total risk Linac supplier not confirmed early enough to enable adequate design co-­‐ordination between PSCP and supplier. Failure to agree bunker construction with RPA 14 Unanticipated on-­‐costs Same for all options Discovery of unforseen contaminants Not applicable to GWH during demolition. Presence of existing services or Risk passed to PSCP post GMP. drains under development site that have to be relocated. Concrete density does not achive Risk passed to PSCP post GMP. design specification/bunker fails RPA radiation test, requiring remedial work to increase shielding. Disruption to existing services e.g. through noise, dust & vibration. 15 Planning permission -­‐ potential extra Same for all options costs from planning constraints 13 12 This is primarily about palliative patients who are less likely to be prepared to undertake a longer journey to Oxford. It is greatest under the Do Minimum, as they have to travel for every treatment, but there is also a differential between the two GWH options as the risk does not exist where CT is local, but is there if it is not No risk for Do Minimum. Same level of risks for both GWH options No differentiation between options Design/build Cost of construction increases above The current Do Minimum costing is much higher level than that assumed levels for the satellites, and so there is a higher risk of scope increate. Also the nature of the PFI contract will make controlling the overall capital costs harder Lack of full co-­‐ordination on design Risk passed to PSCP. drawings leading to increase costs post GMP. Unknown costs not captured within Risk passed to PSCP post GMP. cost plans. Original spatial allowance for Plant & Circulation transpires to be inadequate User specification changes and Same for all options increases costs Discrepancies between Trusts' Clinical Policies e.g. infection control, health & safety, privacy & dignity etc Ineffective joint working with GWH 11 Relative risks between options Business/operational Demand exceeds capacity Risk does not vary between options Demand overestimated -­‐ for example The Do Minimum has less mitigation potential as the extra if no of fractions per patient reduces capacity is all at Oxford, so it would be harder to bring in work from other geographies Charitable funding campaign too Not relevant for Do Minimum. Highest for option with CT as more slow funding needed Charitable funding campaign does Not relevant for Do Minimum. Highest for option with CT as more not hit minumum target funding needed Additional staffing not available Do Minimum least attractive for recruitment and retention because has smaller geography to attract pool of staff, and poor transport times for commuting.Option with CT at GWH most attractive to staff as offers more interesting roles Private radiotherapy units take Do minimum is substantial risk -­‐ likely that GWH would consider business or other NHS provider partnering with another centre to enable a local services. Private develops satellites units are lower risk because of lack of links with cancer centres Staffing costs underestimated -­‐ CIPS No differentiation between options Changes to service specification No differentation between options adding to costs without extra income Risk 9 7 8 6 5 4 3 1 2 Ref Relative risk assessment of options 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 12 16 4 6 0 6 8 2 1 4 5 4 3 3 1 3 2 12 3 115 1 5 included above included above 1 PSCP risk PSCP risk 3 4 5 5 included above included above 2 included above included above 5 included above included above 5 included above included above included above included above included above 4 included above 4 4 included above included above 1 PSCP risk PSCP risk 4 PSCP risk PSCP risk 4 included above included above 4 included above included above 4 included above included above included above included above included above 4 included above 8 1 included above included above 4 included above included above 4 PSCP risk PSCP risk 4 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 PSCP risk 1 3 0 8 4 2 4 6 131 6 12 5 10 4 4 8 4 4 6 6 8 4 6 4 8 12 12 4 4 GWH site 2 Linacs Probability Negative Risk after impact after Score mitigation mitigation PSCP risk 4 2 3 0 4 3 4 4 0 0 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 2 0 1 2 4 3 0 0 4 2 Do minimum Probability Negative Risk after impact after Score mitigation mitigation 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 4 4 2 3 4 5 5 included above PSCP risk included above included above included above included above included above included above 4 4 included above PSCP risk PSCP risk included above 4 included above included above included above included above included above 4 included above PSCP risk PSCP risk 4 1 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 130 6 12 5 10 4 4 8 4 4 1 6 8 4 6 4 4 16 16 4 4 GWH site 2 LinAcs + CT Probability Negative Risk after impact after Score mitigation mitigation Appendices Oxford University Hospitals Relative risk assessment of options 25 4w 4w 4w Option Approasal/ Site Masterplanning 3-D massing 1:500/200 Layout Design 25 26 27 28 20/02/2014 12/03/2014 20/02/2014 19/03/2014 20/02/2014 19/03/2014 20/02/2014 19/03/2014 24/02/2014 28/03/2014 24/02/2014 28/03/2014 24/02/2014 28/03/2014 06/03/2014 26/03/2014 10/03/2014 28/03/2014 10/03/2014 28/03/2014 10/03/2014 28/03/2014 17/03/2014 28/03/2014 17/03/2014 28/03/2014 3w 4w 4w 4w 5w 5w 5w 3w 3w 3w 3w 2w 2w 1:50 Room Loaded Plan Reflected Ceiling Plan Fire Strategy/Compartmentation/Security Strategy Long Sections 1:200/100 1:100 Elevations Typical Strip Sections Room Data Sheets External material mood boards Outline Specification Architectural BREEAM Credit report/AEDET or Design Review External/ Internal Axonometric CGI's Designers Risk Assessment Schedule Stage D Report 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 3w 3w 3w 4w Final Co-ordinated GA Plans/RDS Final Coordinated Reflected Ceiling Plan Final Co-ordinated Fire/Security/partition types etc. 1:50 Sections 56 57 6w 55 Design: Technical Design Planning Application Decision Notice 54 53 52 51 26/06/2014 23/07/2014 19/06/2014 09/07/2014 19/06/2014 09/07/2014 19/06/2014 09/07/2014 19/06/2014 30/07/2014 25/07/2014 25/07/2014 03/04/2014 23/07/2014 20/02/2014 05/03/2014 2w GA Plan and Elevations sub-station (if req) or alts 15w 20/02/2014 05/03/2014 2w GA 1:200 Plan Roof/First/Upper Floors 35 03/04/2014 25/07/2014 20/02/2014 05/03/2014 2w GA 1:200 Plan Ground Floor/ 34 15w 1d 20/02/2014 05/03/2014 2w Cut/Fill Excercise- FFL setting out 33 Full Planning submission and Approval Process Planning Application / Design & Access Statement 20/02/2014 05/03/2014 2w Site Sections Proposed 32 50 20/02/2014 05/03/2014 2w 20/02/2014 12/03/2014 3w Site Sections Existing 20/02/2014 28/03/2014 5w 2d 23/01/2014 19/02/2014 23/01/2014 19/02/2014 23/01/2014 19/02/2014 31 30 Design: Concept / Design Development Stage C/D Existing Site/ Location Plan/Topographical/Demolition 4w Concept Sketches/ Clinical Adjacency Diagrams 29 23/01/2014 19/02/2014 4w Schedules of Accommodation 24 23/01/2014 19/02/2014 23/01/2014 19/02/2014 23/01/2014 19/02/2014 4w 4w Functional Content List/ Relationship Diagrams Stage A/B 23 22 09/09/2015 09/09/2015 Detail Design Main Scheme 09/07/2014 09/07/2014 TDA Approval 09/07/2014 09/09/2015 Submit FBC to Trust Board 58w 21 Full Business Case 22 28 27 26 25 24 23 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 18 07/03/2014 07/03/2014 20 19 17 05/03/2014 05/03/2014 18 Appoint PSCP 17 15 Open Day Preparation for Open Days 16 14 13 12 51 50 12 11 16 19/02/2014 19/02/2014 Receive HLIP Responses 15 9 5 26/02/2014 28/02/2014 05/02/2014 05/02/2014 14 2d 4h 22/01/2014 22/01/2014 Issue HLIP 13 22/01/2014 07/03/2014 Register Scheme with DoHP21 Centre & Recieve HLIP Pack 6w 2d 21/03/2014 21/03/2014 OBC Approval from TDA 11 PSCP Selection 22/01/2014 22/01/2014 OBC Approval from Trust Board 10 12 22/01/2014 22/01/2014 Submission to Trust Board 9 10 08/01/2014 08/01/2014 8 Submission to Executive Management Team 8 6 4 3 2 03/01/2014 03/01/2014 7 03/01/2014 21/03/2014 4 1 Completion of Document 31/01/2014 31/01/2014 06/01/2014 31/01/2014 06/01/2014 31/01/2014 06/01/2014 31/01/2014 Outline Business Case 11w Finish 06/01/2014 31/01/2014 Start 7 Preperation of detailed project plan / PID 5 4w 4w 4w 4w Duration 6 Establish Project Team Establish OUH Radiotherapy Investment Programme Board Establish GWH Partnership Project Board Project Organisation Name 4 3 2 1 Line Oxford University Hospitals Satellite Radiotherapy Great Western Hospitals, Swindon 20 57 56 55 54 53 20 52 19 28 36 44 52 60 68 76 84 21 92 100 108 116 124 132 140 148 156 2014 2015 2016 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D Author: HE Rev. date : 10/01/2014 Date: 10/01/2014 Drawn : 04/12/2013 Revision no : 003 Prog no. 001 164 2017 J F Appendices Oxford University Hospitals OUH - Radiotherapy at Swindon MCP 26 03/07/2014 30/07/2014 10/07/2014 30/07/2014 10/07/2014 30/07/2014 10/07/2014 30/07/2014 19/06/2014 30/07/2014 17/07/2014 30/07/2014 10/07/2014 30/07/2014 19/06/2014 30/07/2014 17/07/2014 30/07/2014 19/06/2014 30/07/2014 4w 3w 3w 3w 6w 2w 3w 6w 2w 6w Group 1, 2,3 (incl new-transferred equip) Equipment Schedules Specialist/ Curtain wall details External Plan/Section Details 1:5 Mansafe/Canopy/Rainwater Goods Details Interior design mood boards Architectural BREEAM Credit Report (updated) 3-D Fly-through (off AFL Revit model) C-Sheets (typical rooms) Designers Risk Assessment Schedule (updated) NBS Specification 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 3w 3w 4w 4w 2w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w 4w 4w 4w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w 3w Retaining Wall Sections and Details External Works GA Plan Hard/ Soft Landscape Details (with Landscape Architect) External Furniture Details Car Parking/Kerb Setting-out plan Structural Grid Setting Our Plan 1:50 Setting out plans, roofplan Drainage pop-up plan Ceiling Setting-Out Plan Wall protection plan 1:50 Setting out elevations Manifestation Room Elevations Lock Suiting Finishes Schedule and Details (inc graphics) IPS Details Reception Desk Details Fitted furniture details Specialist Joinery Details Fire Fighting Equipment/Patresses Wall Protection/Handrail Details Builders work, Artwork fixing details Ceiling and bulk head details Signage Schedule and Details Balustrade Details Construction stage Architectural BREEAM report Cleaning and maintenance strategy Design Criteria Report 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 11/09/2014 01/10/2014 11/09/2014 01/10/2014 11/09/2014 01/10/2014 04/09/2014 24/09/2014 04/09/2014 24/09/2014 04/09/2014 24/09/2014 04/09/2014 24/09/2014 04/09/2014 24/09/2014 04/09/2014 24/09/2014 04/09/2014 24/09/2014 04/09/2014 24/09/2014 28/08/2014 17/09/2014 28/08/2014 17/09/2014 28/08/2014 17/09/2014 28/08/2014 17/09/2014 21/08/2014 17/09/2014 21/08/2014 17/09/2014 21/08/2014 17/09/2014 21/08/2014 10/09/2014 14/08/2014 03/09/2014 14/08/2014 03/09/2014 14/08/2014 03/09/2014 14/08/2014 03/09/2014 14/08/2014 27/08/2014 31/07/2014 27/08/2014 31/07/2014 27/08/2014 31/07/2014 20/08/2014 31/07/2014 20/08/2014 31/07/2014 20/08/2014 31/07/2014 13/08/2014 Hospital Commissioning 13w 69w Construct 117 118 4w Mobilisation 116 Commissioning 85w 3d Main Scheme 115 Onsite Works 04/04/2016 01/07/2016 28/10/2014 04/04/2016 01/10/2014 28/10/2014 01/10/2014 01/07/2016 25/09/2014 01/10/2014 3w External Stairs/Ramp Plans, Sec and Det 84 31/07/2014 13/08/2014 25/09/2014 25/09/2014 2w External Wayfinding 83 1w 2w Site Setting Out Plan 82 31/07/2014 13/08/2014 Client Approval 2w Wheel washing/external access details 81 31/07/2014 13/08/2014 31/07/2014 13/08/2014 Guaranteed maximum price 2w Phasing plan (co-ordinated with GWH) 80 114 2w Contractors compound/access plan 79 113 9w Pre-Construction: Tech Design / Production Info 78 31/07/2014 01/10/2014 03/07/2014 30/07/2014 4w Finishes Schedules 67 03/07/2014 30/07/2014 4w Saniratyware Schedules and Typical IPS 03/07/2014 30/07/2014 66 26/06/2014 23/07/2014 4w Ironmongery Schedule and Details 65 4w Rooflight schedule and details 64 26/06/2014 23/07/2014 4w Glazed Screen Schedule and Details 63 26/06/2014 23/07/2014 Louvre Schedule and Details 62 4w External Door Schedule and Details 61 26/06/2014 23/07/2014 Window Schedule and Details 60 26/06/2014 23/07/2014 Lift Pit/Stair Core Sections and Details 59 4w Strip 1:20 Sections 58 4w Finish 26/06/2014 23/07/2014 Start 4w Duration 26/06/2014 23/07/2014 Name 4w Line 4 Oxford University Hospitals Satellite Radiotherapy Great Western Hospitals, Swindon 12 20 77 75 72 36 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 76 74 73 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 28 117 44 52 60 68 76 84 92 100 108 118 116 124 132 140 148 156 2014 2015 2016 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D Author: HE Rev. date : 10/01/2014 Date: 10/01/2014 Drawn : 04/12/2013 Revision no : 003 Prog no. 001 164 2017 J F Appendices Oxford University Hospitals OUH - Radiotherapy at Swindon MCP 27 Appendices Oxford University Hospitals OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE FOR PREFERRED OPTION COST FORM OB 1 TRUST / PROVIDER UNIT*.................................................... Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE FOR PREFERRED OPTION COST FORM OB 2 TRUST / PROVIDER UNIT*.................................................... Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust SCHEME: ..................................................................................... Satellite Radiotherapy Units - Great Western Hospital, Swindon SCHEME: ..................................................................................... Satellite Radiotherapy Units - Great Western Hospital, Swindon PHASE............................................................................................ all PHASE............................................................................................ all Option 2b - Swindon with Space for Future CT CAPITAL COSTS : DEPARTMENTAL COSTS AND EQUIPMENT COSTS CAPITAL COSTS SUMMARY Cost Excl. VAT 1 Departmental Costs (from Form OB2) 2 On Costs (from Form OB3) 3 Works Cost Total 4 (Tender Price index level 1975 = 100 base) Provisional location adjustment (if applicable) (1+2) at 530 MIPS FP (3.00 % of Works Cost) Sub Total (3+4) 6 Fees £ 3,893,985 (38.08% of Departmental Cost) 5 Option 2b - Swindon with Space for Future CT VAT Cost Incl. £ VAT £ 778,797 4,672,782 1,482,739 296,548 1,779,287 5,376,724 1,075,345 6,452,069 161,302 32,260 193,562 5,538,026 1,107,605 6,645,631 (c) (d) 7 724,563 LAND PURCHASE 9 Planning contingency (1.28% of Departmental Cost) 7.5% 10 TOTAL (for approval purposes) ( 5+6+7+8+9 ) 10a Optimism Bias 10b Total (10+10a) 11 Inflation adjustments (f) 12 FORECAST OUTTURN BUSINESS CASE Cost Allowance (2) Area HPCG Version 2 2 linacs N 1,351 Satellite Radiotherapy Facility Equipment Cost 3,893,985 50,000 xxxxxxxxxxxx 724,563 Linear accelerators 2 linacs CT simulator - space only incl above included elsewhere incl above excluded xxxxxxxxxxxx OTHER: Equipment Costs (from Form OB2) Functional Units/Space N/A/C (2) xxxxxxxxxxxx LAND SALES 8 Notional Requirements (1) Major medical equipment: (b) (13.08% of sub-total 5) Non-Works Costs (from Form OB4) (e) Functional Content 187 85,000 17,000 102,000 50,000 10,000 60,000 479,819 95,964 575,783 6,877,408 1,230,569 8,107,977 6,877,408 1,230,569 8,107,977 552,204 97,834 650,038 7,429,612 1,328,403 8,758,015 TOTAL (10b+11) Proposed start on site ( M Y ) ( g ) Proposed completion date ( M Y ) ( g ) Cash Flow Year EFL SOURCE OTHER £ PRIVATE GOVERNMENT 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 This form completed by:.......................................................... WT Partnership, Worcester Telephone No:.............................................................................. 01905 23 330 Date : .................................................................................. 29 November 2013, revised 5 December 2013 Checks: Total cost Cashflow Notes : * Delete as appropriate (a) On-costs should be supported by a breakdown of the percentage or a brief description of their scope (form OB3 may be used if appropriate) (b) Adjustments of national average DCA price levels & on-costs for local market conditions (d) Not applicable to professional fees - VAT reclaimable EL (90 ) P64 refers (e) Non-works costs should be supported by a breakdown & include such items as contributions to statutory & local authorities ; land costs & associated legal fees (f) Estimate of tender price inflation up to proposed tender date ( plus construction cost for VOP contracts only ) (g) Overall timescale including any preliminary works MIPS 530 Equipment 124 50,000 Less abatement for transferred equipment if applicable - % (4) Departmental Costs & Equipment Costs to Summary 1,351 3,893,985 50,000 (Form OB1) 28 Appendices OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE FOR PREFERRED OPTION Oxford University Hospitals COST FORM OB 2 (CONT) OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE FOR PREFERRED OPTION COST FORM OB 3 TRUST / PROVIDER UNIT*.................................................... Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust This form completed by:................................................................................................... WT Partnership, Worcester Telephone No:.................................................................................................................... 01905 23 330 Date: 3,893,985 SCHEME: ..................................................................................... Satellite Radiotherapy Units - Great Western Hospital, Swindon PHASE............................................................................................ all Option 2b - Swindon with Space for Future CT CAPITAL COSTS: ON COSTS ..................................................................................................................... 29 November 2013, revised 5 December 2013 Notes: Percentage of Cost Departmental (exc. VAT) 1 2 Cost allowances should be based on Departmental Cost Allowances where appropriate and include allowances for essential complementary accommodation and optional accommodation and services where details not available. Identify separately any proposed adjustment (over or under cost allowances) justifiable in value for money terms (details to be provided). * Delete as appropriate 1. State area and rate if departmental cost allowance not available. 2. Insert: N for new build. A for adaptions for alternative use or C for upgrading existing building retaining current use. 3. Insert relevant version number of Healthcare Capital Investment, listing of Departmental Cost Allowances and Equipment Cost allowances. 4. Provide details where appropriate. Estimated Communications a. Space b. Lifts £ % Included on OB2 ''External'' Building Works (1) a. Drainage b. Roads, paths, parking c. Site layout, walls, fencing, gates d. Builders work for engineering services outside buildings 3 Cost 408,225 10.48 241,250 6.20 77,500 1.99 755,765 19.41 1,482,739 38.08 ''External'' Engineering Works (1) a. Steam, condensate, heating, hot water and gas supply mains b. Cold water mains and storage c. Electricity mains, sub-stations, stand-by generating plant d. Calorifiers and associated plant e. Miscellaneous services 4 Auxiliary Buildings 5 Other on-costs and abnormals (2) a. Building b. Engineering Total On-Costs to Summary OB1 Notes: £ Must be based on scheme specific assessments/measurements; attach details to define scope of works as appropriate. Identify separately any proposed additional capital expenditure justifiable in value for money terms (details to be provided). * Delete as appropriate. (1) ''External'' to Departments (2) Identify any enabling or preliminary works to prepare the site in advance e.g. demolitions; service diversions; decanting costs; site investigation and other exploratory works. This form completed by:............................................................................................................. WT Partnership, Worcester Telephone No:............................................................................................................................... 01905 23 330 Date:.................................................................................................................................................. 29 November 2013, revised 5 December 2013 29 Appendices Oxford University Hospitals Optimism Bias Oxford Oxford University University Hospitals Hospitals NHS Trust NHS Trust Development Development of Radiotherapy of Radiotherapy Services Services in Oxford, in Oxford, Swindon Swindon and Milton and Milton Keynes Keynes Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust Development of Radiotherapy Services in Oxford, Swindon and Milton Keynes Optimism Optimism Bias Bias - Upper - Upper Bound Bound and Actual and Actual Optimism Bias Mitigation Optimism Optimism Bias - Bias Upper - Upper BoundBound Calculation Calculation for New forBuild New Options Build Options Lowest Lowest % Upper % Upper BoundBound Mid %Mid % UpperUpper % % ActualActual % Upper % Upper BoundBound for this for project this project 13% 40% 80% 16% 13% 40% 80% 16% Build complexity Build complexity Choose Choose 1 category 1 category LengthLength of Buildof Build ActualActual % Upper % Upper BoundBound for this for project this project Mitigation Mitigation for this for project this project % % 16% 16% 43% 43% ActualActual % for this % for project this project 6.9% 6.9% ScopeScope of scheme of scheme < 2 years < 2 years 2 to 4 years 2 to 4 years Over 4Over years4 years Choose Choose 1 category 1 category Number Number of phases of phases 1 or 2 Phases 1 or 2 Phases 3 or 4 Phases 3 or 4 Phases More than More4 than Phases 4 Phases X X X X X0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 2.00% 2.00% 0 0 5.00% 5.00% 0 0 X0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 2.00% 2.00% 0 0 5.00% 5.00% 0 0 Choose Choose 1 Category 1 Category Single Single site* site* X X2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% Number Number of sitesofinvolved sites involved 2.00% 2.00% 0 0 (i.e. before and after (i.e. before and after 2 Site 2 Site change) More than More2 than site 2 site 5.00% 5.00% 0 0 change) * Single * Single site means site means new build newisbuild on same is on site same assite existing as existing facilities facilities Location Location Choose Choose 1 Category 1 Category New site New - Green site - Green field fieldNew build New build New site New - Brown site - Brown Field Field New Build New Build Existing Existing site site New Build New Build or or Existing Existing site site Less than Less15% thanrefurb 15% refurb Existing Existing site site 15% - 15% 50% -refurb 50% refurb Existing Existing site site Over 50% Overrefurb 50% refurb X X 3% 0 3% 0 8% 0 8% 0 5% 5% 5.00% 5.00% 6% 0 6% 0 10% 010% 0 16% 016% 0 8.00% 8.00% Choose Choose 1 category 1 category Facilities Facilities Management Management Hard FM Hard only FM oronly no FM or no FM Hard and Hard soft and FMsoft FM Choose Choose 1 category 1 category Equipment Equipment Group Group 1 & 2 only 1 & 2 only major Medical major Medical equipment equipment All equipment All equipment included included Choose Choose 1 category 1 category IT IT No IT implications No IT implications Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure & systems & systems Choose Choose more than more1 than category 1 category if applicable if applicable External External Stakeholders Stakeholders 1 or 2 local 1 or 2NHS localorganisations NHS organisations 3 or more 3 orNHS moreorganisations NHS organisations Universities/Private/Voluntary Universities/Private/Voluntary sector/Local government sector/Local government X X X X X Gateway Gateway Choose Choose 1 category 1 category RPA Score RPA Score Low Low Medium Medium High High X Progress with Planning Approval 4 2 Early liaison carried out. Planning authority generally supportive of project. Other Regulatory 4 3 Building regulations only. 3 2 Some existing detailed knowledge of site conditions, but fully detailed site investigation to be carried out as part of next phase. 4 3 Design detaiI is well developed for the stage of the project. 3 1 Number of similar recent projects undertaken, including a number by the design team for this scheme. Design complexity 4 2 Not a complicated building, other than the concrete bunkers. A contractor will be chosen who has significant experience of constructing these. Likely variations from Standard Contract 2 0 None. Will use standard NEC3, option C completed to standard ProCure 21+ guidance. 3 1 Team chosen for their capabilities, particularly the design of similar projects. 2 1 Contractor will be chosen for their capabilities, particularly the design of similar projects. 2 2 None to date, but use of ProCure 21+ will allow contractor involvement from the beginning of the next stage. Client capability and capacity (NB do not double count with design team capabilities) 6 2 Client has estates team with relevant experience. Robustness of Output Specification Depth of surveying of has this type of project/design X0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%been undertaken before) 1.50% 1.50% 0 0 5.00% 5.00% 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 X1.50% 1.50% 1.50% 1.50%Design Team capabilities 5.00% 5.00% 0 0 Contractors’ capabilities (excluding design team covered above) X1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% Contractor Involvement 4.00% 4.00% 0 0 0 8.00% 8.00% 0 X % Factor Contributes site/ground information X X0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Detail of design 2.00% 2.00% 0 0 Innovative project/design (i.e. Service Service changes changes - relates - relates to service to service delivery delivery e.g NSF's e.g NSF's Choose Choose 1 category 1 category Stable Stable environment, environment, i.e. no i.e. change no change to service to service Identified Identified changes changes not quantified not quantified LongerLonger time frame time service frame service changes changes Contributory Factor to Upper Bound % Factor Mitigation Factor Contributes after mitigation 25 8 Scheme brief well developed, including detailed schedule of accommodation and agreed with users. Involvement of Stakeholders, 5% 5.00% 5.00%including Public and Patient Involvement 5 2 Stakeholders fully involved, including initial involvement of patient representatives. Agreement to output specification by stakeholders 5 1 Stakeholders fully engaged in drawing up scope of project. New service or traditional 3 1 Traditional service. Local community consent 3 1 Local community supportive of project. 20 10 Policy environment is stable in relation to this service. 2 1 Project is likely to attract significant interest from ProCure 21+ PSCPs. 100 43 X 5% 10% 010% 0 20% 020% 0 X 0% 0% 0.00% 0.00% Stable policy environment 2% 0 2% 0 5% 0 5% 0 Likely competition in the market for the project 8.00% 8.00%TOTAL 30