Trust Board: Thursday 3 May 2012 TB2012.31

Trust Board: Thursday 3rd May 2012
Draft Trust Business Plan 2012/13
A paper for discussion
This is the third draft of the paper. A first draft was
considered by the Trust Management Executive Team on
22nd March and a second by the Trust Board on 5th April
2012. The intention is to take a final draft for approval
to the Public Trust Board at its meeting on
5th July.
The Strategy and associated objectives are currently
being reviewed following the Board Strategy workshop
held on 15th March and in conjunction with the
development of the Trust’s Integrated Business Plan
which forms part of the application for NHS Foundation
Trust status.
The financial content of the paper may change between
this and the final version as a separate paper on the
Opening Financial Plans for 2012/13 is being considered
by the Trust Board and SLA negotiations with some
commissioners are still ongoing.
Board Lead(s)
Mr Andrew Stevens, Director of Planning and Information
Key purpose
Oxford University Hospitals
This Business Plan sets out the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust’s strategy
and objectives for 2012/13, the financial plan for their delivery and how the
Trust will monitor success.
The plan has been developed in the context of the Health and Social Care Bill
and associated changes to commissioning structure, the Comprehensive
Spending Review, the NHS Operating Framework 2012/13 and NHS Oxfordshire’s
Strategic Plan.
The Trust’s strategy and Business Plan are rooted in the Trust’s core values,
generated through an exercise which took place between September and
November 2011, involving staff across the organisation together with our
Patient Panel and partners.
The Trust is currently developing a new strategy for the organisation. Key
milestones in this process have been the integration between the Oxford
Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust and the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre NHS Trust
and the signing of a Joint Working Arrangement with the University of Oxford.
The next key step is achieving NHS Foundation Trust status. This is therefore a
sixth strategic objective for 2012/13, supporting the first five strategic
objectives which have been retained from last year.
The financial plan recommends an opening budget for 2012/13 which would
generate a target surplus of £3.475m (subject to agreement of the separate
paper on the Opening Financial Plan). In order to meet the financial challenges
for 2012/13 the Trust expects to be required to develop a savings programme of
at least £49.5m for 2012/13, which is 6.7% of planned turnover. [The level of
savings required may be affected by the conclusion of the divisional budget
setting process and possibly by the conclusion of the commissioning process].
TB2012.31_Draft Trust Business Plan 2012–2013
Oxford University Hospitals
Draft Business Plan 2012/2013
Attached is the draft of the Trust Business Plan for 2012/2013.
The Business Plan serves a number of key roles. It provides:
Focus and direction for the organisation in order to advance the Trust’s strategy.
A yardstick for benchmarking the Trust’s performance during the year.
A foundation for the development of plans for the Trust’s divisions, directorates,
services, departments and individual members of staff.
A communication tool to inform the Trust’s key internal and external stakeholders
of the Trust’s priorities for the coming twelve months.
2012/2013 is a transitional year for the Trust. As part of the Foundation Trust application
process, the Trust is updating its strategy. This updated strategy will provide the
framework for the Trust’s Integrated Business Plan and Long Term Financial Model which
form core elements of the Foundation Trust application process. The next versions of the
Integrated Business Plan and Long Term Financial Model have to be submitted by the end
of May 2012.
It is therefore proposed that a final version of the Business Plan for 2012/2013 is submitted
to the public Trust Board on 5th July 2012. This will enable the Business Plan to be aligned
with the updated Trust strategy.
The Trust Board is asked to:
Comment on the Draft Business Plan for 2012/13.
To note that a final version of the Business Plan will be submitted to the public
Trust Board meeting on 5th July 2012.
Andrew Stevens
Director of Planning of Information
26 April 2012
TB2012.31_Draft Trust Business Plan 2012–2013