TB2012.30 Trust Board Meeting: Thursday 3 May 2012 TB2012.30 Title Foundation Trust update Status A paper for information History Regular monthly report Board Lead(s) Mr Andrew Stevens, Director of Planning and Information Key purpose Strategy TB2012.30_FT update report Assurance Policy Performance Oxford University Hospitals TBC2012.30 1. The Foundation Trust Programme Board met on 23 April and received a series of updates. 2. As part of a process of quality governance assessment by the Strategic Health Authority, a day’s peer review visit took place on 16 April to the Gastroenterology service. Initial feedback was positive and many positive features of good practice were identified. Detailed feedback is due to be received in mid-May. In the meantime, the Gastroenterology team should be thanked and it should be noted that a theme from the visit was the need – and opportunity in the forthcoming production of a Quality Strategy – for the production and dissemination of clear and simple set of Trust-wide quality priorities and messages. 3. Membership recruitment activity is under way. The Trust now has nearly 6,000 public and patient members and is working to prepare for public consultation on its proposed governance arrangements as an NHS Foundation Trust. A draft consultation document will come to the Board for approval at its June meeting and preconsultation work is under way. Public meetings are being arranged and the participation of Board members is invited. 4. An integrated governance action plan was also agreed, bringing together actions needed to meet requirements set out in the national Board Governance Assurance Framework and Historical Due Diligence, plus anticipated Quality Governance assessment. A series of papers to the Board at its May, June and July meetings will enable this plan to be completed. 5. Board members have been sent by the Director of Finance a copy of Monitor’s Chair’s letter of 17 April setting out the regulator’s planning assumptions for NHS Foundation Trusts and applicants. In considering these, the Programme Board noted that whilst the recurrent savings challenge remained similar in nature to that which already existed, the revised assumptions incorporating additional non-recurrent savings represent a call to action, and that the trust and its commissioners need to agree how this is to be addressed. When considering the revised Integrated Business Plan in May, the Board will be asked to agree that the analysis within it of risk and related mitigations is appropriate. 6. KPMG have produced the first stage of their ‘Mock Historical Due Diligence’ report, commissioned by the Trust to provide informed and independent assessment of its state of readiness. Informed by this, by discussion at the Board’s April meeting, and by discussions with the Strategic Health Authority, the Programme Board has recommended that the Chief Executive confirms with NHS South of England that OUH: a. Is committed to continuing to deliver against the deadlines contained in the Tripartite Foundation Trust Agreement (TFA) signed in September 2011; b. Remains committed to the existing timescale for public consultation (from late June); TB2012.30_FT update report Oxford University Hospitals TBC2012.30 c. Is prepared to bring forward the initiation of Historical Due Diligence phase 1 to late July (from September); d. Proposes holding a readiness review with the SHA in September. The SHA have clarified that this will be a meeting for the whole Board; e. Anticipates agreeing dates for the next part of the FT application process in September, recognising the challenges posed by the requirements of the national Single Operating Model when set against the TFA agreed last year. 7. Anticipating the initiation of external assessment (of Board Governance, financial governance and quality governance) in or around July, a programme of activity for Board members and Divisional Directors is being developed, to provide the necessary briefing and information on relevant aspects of operation as a Foundation Trust. 8. Board members can anticipate receiving a revised draft of the Integrated Business Plan and supporting strategies for review in advance of a workshop meeting on 16/17 May. This iteration of the plan is due to be sent to NHS South of England by 31 May. 9. A timetable showing key dates in the forward programme is attached (Appendix A). Recommendation The Board is asked to note progress with the preparation for the Trust’s application for Foundation Trust status. The Board is asked to approve the response to the SHA, as detailed in Paragraph 6, following discussions on the implications of the new Single Operating Model for FT applications. Mr Andrew Stevens, Director of Planning and Information Mr Jonathan Horbury, Foundation Trust Programme Director May 2012 TB2012.30_FT update report TB2012.30 Month Board meeting public Board meeting private Seminar programme items1 Appendix A TFA deadlines [new items marked *; proposed revisions marked #] Other related activities 2012 1 May 3: Revisions to Committee structure June 7: Integrated performance report includes governance rating and financial risk rating [PB] Board agrees final draft of public consultation paper [AS] Board agrees Board Governance Memorandum for Board Governance Assurance Framework assessment [EW] July 5: Board agrees Quality Strategy 16 -17: Risk, risk tolerance and assurance [EW] Part 3 of strategy programme – focus on patient experience [AS] Review of v2 IBP and supporting strategies –focus on strategy, risk and finance [AS] 31: Submit to SHA: IBP version 2 LTFM Supporting estates, workforce and IM&T strategies Draft consultation document Update on actions from shadow HDD 7: Board adopts proposed OUHFT constitution. [AS] Board agrees Board Governance Memorandum [EW] Governance and BGAF preparation. [EW] Monitor Financial Risk Rating, Liquidity, Long Term Financial Model [MM] Efficiency and value for money [MM] SHA meets with commissioners Meeting (not Board) with SHA to agree consultation External BGAF assessment begins* Public consultation begins 5: Quality Governance Self-Assessment (updated from January). [ESH] Workforce profile, challenges and strategy [SD] Care provision for a diverse population with a diverse workforce [ESH] External BGAF assessment completed* SHA quality governance sign-off # [from June] Historical Due Diligence 1 begins # [from September] Quality Committee considers draft Quality Strategy Proposed content for seminar activities, with dates to be agreed as part of the Board’s forward programme. TB2012.30_FT update report 4 Oxford University Hospitals Month TBC2012.30 Board meeting private Board meeting public Seminar programme items1 August September TFA deadlines [new items marked *; proposed revisions marked #] Other related activities HDD1 completed # [from September] 6: October 6: Review of BGAF, Quality Governance and HDD1 reports Self-certification against Monitor criteria Preparation for readiness review with SHA Consolidate learning and actions from external assessments [EW/MM/AS] Submission of first selfcertification* Submission of HDD1 # and BGAF* 12 (tbc): Readiness review – Board with SHA Board* 4: Review IBP v3 Review governance rating and FRR Strategic thinking. Operating as a ‘unified board.’ Case studies of success and failure [SD] Part 4 of strategy programme [AS] Public consultation completed Independent HDD phase 2 # [from December] 18: Board to Board rehearsal [AS] November 1: Review outcome of consultation and agree final proposed constitution [AS] Agree IBP version 3 [AS] Self–certification of capacity and capability Self–certification of quality governance December TB2012.30_FT update report 1: Review IBP v3 outstanding issues [AS] Review B2B rehearsal [AS] Pre-B2B briefing on v3 IBP [AS] Review headlines on quality, governance, performance, risk. [All] 6: New business models. Commercial opportunities. Use of FT flexibilities and freedoms. [MT] Submission of IBP v3 to SHA for approval B2B with SHA to approve application 5 Oxford University Hospitals Month TBC2012.30 Board meeting private Board meeting public Seminar programme items1 TFA deadlines [new items marked *; proposed revisions marked #] Other related activities 2013 January 10: Updates to IBP [AS] Membership and Governors update February March 7: Agree IBP v4 as basis for operating in 2013/14 TB2012.30_FT update report 10: Induction programme for Governors [AS] Learning from risk rating and management work since 3.2012. Top-level risks and mitigations. [EW] 7: SHA forwards IBP for DH approval Appointed Governors identified 7: Agree revisions to IBP for submission to Monitor v4 [AS] Agree working capital facility [MM] Once approved by DH, application ‘batched’ by Monitor Governor elections begin 7: Governors elected Monitor assessment may begin 6