TB2012.58b Trust Board Meeting: Thursday 5 July 2012 Title

Trust Board Meeting: Thursday 5 July 2012
Chief Executive’s Report
The report summarises current points of interest
locally and nationally.
Regular report to Board
Board Lead(s)
Sir Jonathan Michael, Chief Executive
Key purpose
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Oxford University Hospitals
Botnar Research Centre celebrates
Tony Baldry MP
Oxford Academic Health Science Consortium
New healthcare associated surveillance system
NHS Commissioning Board- update
Regional and Local Appointments
Health Education England
Dementia challenge
TB2012.58b _Chief Executive's report
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Oxford University Hospitals
Chief Executive’s Report
This report summarises matters of current interest.
Botnar Research Centre at the NOC celebrates
Celebrations were held to mark the 10th anniversary of Oxford University's Botnar
Research Centre at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Guests helped to mark the
topping out of phase II, a new building that will effectively double the size of the
research centre.
The Botnar Research Centre specialises in musculoskeletal research such as
osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and inflammatory arthritis, as well as sports injuries and
cancer. Funding for the £12 million centre has been raised through the Nuffield
Orthopaedic Centre Appeal, an independent charitable trust raising money solely for
the hospital and its research.
Tony Baldry MP
I would like to congratulate North Oxfordshire MP Tony Baldry, who has been made
a Knight in The Queen's Birthday Honours list.
The former aide to Margaret
Thatcher and Member of Parliament since 1983 was awarded the title for public and
political service.
Oxford Academic Health Consortium
The Trust hosted a meeting of a significant number of NHS providers (acute,
community and mental health) from Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, and
in addition from providers from outside the traditional Thames Valley including
those in Milton Keynes, Northamptonshire, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and South
Warwickshire. The discussion was around exploring the potential for becoming an
Academic Health Science Network. Department of Health national guidance was
issued on 21 June and a date of 20 July has been set for submitting Expressions of
New healthcare associated surveillance system introduced
Clara Swinson, Director, Health Protection, has written to all NHS chief executives to
highlight the development of a new web-based Healthcare Associated Infection
(HCAI) surveillance computer system. It will replace the existing system used to
collect the mandatory HCAI surveillance data for reporting MRSA, MSSA, and E.
coli bacteraemias, and C. difficile Infection (CDI). It is expected to go live in April
2013. NHS chief executives are being asked to nominate a local Implementation
Lead from their organisation.
NHS Commissioning Board- update
The NHS Commissioning Board will begin as an Executive Non-Departmental Public
Body in October 2012 so that it can take on authorisation and other responsibilities
for preparing the new system before it takes on new responsibilities in April 2013.
The geographical footprint for the sub-regions of the Commissioning Board will
mirror those of the four current SHA clusters. Regional Directors have been
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Oxford University Hospitals
announced with Andrea Young, currently Chief Operating Officer of NHS South of
England, appointed Regional Director for the South of England.
The NHS Commissioning Board Authority is accepting applications for authorisation
in four waves from July 2012 to January 2013. Oxfordshire, Bedfordshire,
Gloucestershire, Newbury & District, North & West Reading and South Reading are
among the 35 who have been chosen to be assessed in the first wave of applications
for authorisation. CCGs are already working closely with PCTs, including having
delegated financial authority and agreeing commissioning plans for the 2012/13
planning round. Nationally the vast majority of aspiring CCGs have confirmed their
member practices and established an effective geographic area. Latest information
suggests there will be 220-240 CCGs across the country. Across the South of England
we expect there to be around 50.
Regional and Local Appointments
Dr Yvonne Doyle has been appointed as the new director of Public Health for NHS
South of England. Yvonne has been nationally recognised for her work on
workforce issues and excess seasonal deaths amongst the elderly, and is national
lead for the Department of Health on cold and hot weather preparedness.
Professor Keith Channon, consultant cardiologist at the Oxford University Hospitals
NHS Trust and Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Oxford
has taken up the post of Director of Research and Development with the Trust and
Associate Head of Clinical Research of Medical Sciences Division, University of
Creating the Research and Development [R&D] Director role is another step forward
in the evolving research partnership between Oxford University Hospitals and the
University of Oxford, following the signing of a Joint Working Agreement and
establishing the Joint Research Office last year. This newly created role is a joint
appointment between the University of Oxford and the Oxford University
Hospitals. The R&D Director will have a strategic overview of clinical research
between the two organisations as well as linking with industry and major funding
partners in order to get the most out of research funding.
Health Education England
Sir Keith Pearson has been appointed as the Chair of Health Education England
(HEE). Sir Keith is currently Chair of the NHS Confederation and he will head up
HEE from when it is established in June 2012. HEE is the new national organisation
leading the NHS education and training system and will play a key role in
authorising Local Education & Training Boards.
For information
Dementia Challenge
More than £10 million is being invested in the local NHS to support innovative
solutions to improve the health and wellbeing of the estimated 195,000 people living
with dementia across the South of England. The new funding was announced as
part of the NHS South of England Dementia Challenge in May by Sir Ian Carruthers,
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Oxford University Hospitals
OBE, Chief Executive of NHS South of England and a champion for the Prime
Minister’s national Dementia Challenge. The NHS South of England Dementia
Challenge will focus on: Creating dementia friendly communities, Improving
diagnosis , Hospital care, Community based care, End of life care, Reducing
inappropriate antipsychotic prescribing, Support for carers, New ways of providing,
and creating new products to make life easier for people with dementia and their
Sir Jonathan Michael, Chief Executive
July 2012
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