Kutztown University
Kutztown, Pennsylvania
May 1, 2014 - 4:00 p.m.
Present: D. Aruscavage, C. Bloh, Dr. Cevallos, S. Doll-Myers (sub. K. Clair), A. Cordner, C.
Cotellese, L. Frye, K. Gardi, J. Gehringer, M. Gober, J. Harasta, N. Imbesi, L. Irving, Y. Kim, A.
Kirshman, J. Kremser, M. Le Bosse, S. Lem, L. Levine, J. Lizza, T. Maskulka, T. McNally, C.
Nordlund, L. Norris, K. Prock, A. Rodriguez, J. Ronan, R. Schaeffer, G. Schaper, J. Schlegel, J.
Scoboria, M. Sims, R. L. Smith, Dr. Vargas, M. Weller
Absent: F. Cortez-Funk, J. Delle, C. Delphus, R. Gross, H. Hamlet, E. Hanna, D. Immel, J. Jackson,
D. Johnson, D. Lea, B. McCree, L. Scappaticci, P. Walsh-Coates
Guests: C. Wells, D. Beougher, P. Ache, J. Garcia, S. Helms
Call to Order
Vice President J Schlegel, acting as President due to the death of D Johnson’s father,
called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM.
A. J Schlegel thanked Delta Zeta sorority and the President’s office for providing
delicious snacks and drinks for the Senate prior to our last meeting of the year.
B. Election Results: J Schlegel announced results of recent election as follows:
1. Senate seat: Professional Staff L Scappaticci
2. Grade Appeal Board –College of Education – P Walsh-Coates
3. Strategic Planning - VPA – R Smith
4. Unfilled positions:
Three at-large Senator positions
One member for Committee on Committees from VPA
There will be another election in early in the Fall semester. Senators should encourage
colleagues to get involved.
Currently, Committee on Committees has only 8 members
B. J Schlegel acknowledged those Senators whose terms were ending and thanked them
for their service on behalf of the body.
Kutztown University
Kutztown, Pennsylvania
Approval of the Agenda
J Schlegel made a motion to amend the agenda. Second R Schaeffer; approved
1. change crime alerts motion to update
-it’s a report not new business
2. change president’s update to remarks
3. add safety/security report following security update
A.M. Cordner moved to approved changes to agenda; second A. Kirshman; approved
Approval of the Minutes from April 3, 2014
R. Smith moved to approve the minutes from April 13, 2014; seconded by L Frye;
Old Business
New Business
A. Approval of Graduates for May 2014
N. Imbesi made a motion to approval all candidates for graduation in May 2014;
second A.M. Cordner; approved unanimously and with applause!
B. University Senate Resolution – D. Johnson
J. Schlegel read a Resolution written by D. Johnson recognizing President Cevallos’
faithful work and accomplishments during his tenure at KU, particularly with regard to the
R. Smith moved to accept the Resolution; second M. Le Bosse; unanimous approval with
J. Schlegel presented President Cevallos with the Resolution and a print of the original
Schaeffer Auditorium by F. Hermanseder (KU alumnus, BS and Masters degrees in Art Education)
C. Remarks from President Cevallos
President Cevallos accepted the gift from Senate with gratitude. He expressed
that it has been a pleasure to work with the Senate, and stressed that it must be a strong voice
for the university community going forward. President Cevallos stressed the important issue of
competencies, and that its problematic aspects must be addressed and resolved.
Kutztown University
Kutztown, Pennsylvania
President, Committee, Task Force Reports
A. Senate President’s Report
Presidential search: no update on search process or appointment of interim President. It is
possible that KU’s search will start shortly.
B. Senate Vice President’s Report – J Schlegel
Committee appointments – J Schlegel moved; needed no second – resignations – they are
waiting senate approval
C. Verrano – COE – Commission on Status on Minorities (one-year replacement, expiring
E Rogol -COB – Events Advisory Council (one-year replacement, expiring 8/2015)
43 participated in fall willingness to serve; 24 appointments were made. This spring, 100
participated in willingness to serve; 64 appointments were made.
Mission Statements and By-laws for standing committees: Each committee shall review, update
or establish mission statements and by-laws. By Fall 2014, Committee on Committees intends to
have a template for reviewing mission statements and by-laws for standing committees.
Web pages are still being designed for each senate committee to be accessed through the
Senate website
C. Student Government Board – N Imbesi
N Imbesi thanked all for their willingness to work with students, and for listening to student
perspectives and concerns. N Imbesi is graduating. The new President will be Joseph Scorboria.
The new Vice President will be Tessa Patton.
D. Strategic Planning & Resources Update – P. Ache
Budget and recommendations for reducing gap:
Program Review Subcommittee: There were no program reviews this year, but five or six will be
conducted in 2014-15.
Enrollment Management reports:
Strategic Initiatives – Provost Vargas
Kutztown University
Kutztown, Pennsylvania
Dr. Vargas outlined efforts being taken to assist retention. He noted that retention will be KU’s
biggest agenda item for next year.
Dr. Vargas showed a National Community College Survey – student responses as freshmen and
seniors. It compared responses from KU to PASSHE schools and nationally. These results will be
posted, along with an enrollment management final report for the academic year.
The survey showed that 76% of seniors would NOT come to KU if they could do it again. This is
significantly lower than the national average and 4% lower than PASSHE average.
Respondents: 23% of freshmen responded; 29% of seniors responded. Nationally, the response
rate is lower.
Dr. Vargas further explained that he was fairly certain transfer students were not included in the
Dr. Vargas explained that the current university retention rate is 71%, a sudden, large drop. The
enrollment problem is compounded by fewer incoming students.
Dr. Vargas noted problems with academic advising, and experience with faculty generally, as
one area of dissatisfaction expressed by seniors in this survey. He cautioned that higher energy,
motivated students were more likely to seek other options if they were dissatisfied with KU.
Therefore it is imperative that we take this data seriously, and do everything possible to retain
students. He emphasized the central role faculty must play in essential retention efforts.
Dr. Vargas urged Senators to convey the importance of retention efforts to their departmental
E. Thematic Credits Update– C Wells
Note: “thematic credits” is a term that equates to the “competencies across the curriculum” in
the General Education program.
C Wells noted that terminology needs to be consistent across KU and between KU and
Community Colleges. “Thematic credits” is more commonly used.
C Wells addressed the impact of Thematic Credit requirements on transfer student success.
Starting in Fall 2014, transfer courses whose KU equivalents have thematic credits WILL be
Kutztown University
Kutztown, Pennsylvania
assigned those thematic credits. Department chairs can also designate thematic credits for
incoming courses
D Schaper asked why this is not being done retroactively for students who transferred in earlier.
C Wells replied that “the system couldn’t handle that” on a wide scale, although retroactive
assignment of thematic credits can be done on an individual basis. She noted that in each
retroactive thematic credit assignment for each student it would have to be documented.
Records need to be kept for Middle States, who can audit transcripts at random.
Exceptions may also be made on a case-by-case basis for existing courses that later acquire
thematic credits.
G Schaper asked for a template for phrasing that advisors could use to make it simpler to
petition for individual students. C Wells replied that she would like to have a further
conversation about that.
Dr. Vargas noted that the goal is to simplify the process for transfers but cautioned against
alienating native students. There is a concern about the perception that transfer students can
“skip” thematic credit requirements.
G Schaper noted that if advisors can make exceptions for transfers, including retroactive
assignment of thematic credits to courses taken, it could enhance retention.
J Schlegel asked how this information will be communicated to campus.
C Wells replied that meetings with academic departments, CASA, Academic Enrichment
and the Library need to happen. Admissions must also be well informed. Dr. Vargas is in
communication with Community Colleges about meeting thematic credit requirements.
F. Institutional Climate Committee Crime Alerts Update – J Kremser
J Kremser noted the existing draft proposal to address concerns about bias in the existing crime
alert reports. They are awaiting input from public safety.
G. Safety & Security Council Update – J Kremser/S Helm
Two brochures have been developed by Health/Safety.
Emergency response brochure: will be placed on Safety Info website. It contains bullet points for
easy reference/awareness. Posters with the same information are to go up around buildings.
Classroom Safety brochure: will be placed on Safety Info website. It contains bullet points for
easy reference/awareness. Posters with the same information are to be placed in classrooms.
Kutztown University
Kutztown, Pennsylvania
This information will be part of new faculty orientation.
G Schaper asked if faculty are legally responsible for having a classroom safety plan. S Helms did
not know; Dr. Vargas noted he would contact legal counsel.
S Helms noted that police officer Dillon is willing to meet with departments to help faculty
address classroom safety plans.
VIII. As May Arise
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 5:39 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Lisa Norris