UNIVERSITY SENATE MINUTES Kutztown University Kutztown, Pennsylvania November 6, 2014 – 4:00pm

Kutztown University Kutztown, Pennsylvania
November 6, 2014 – 4:00pm
Present: D. Aruscavage, C. Bloh, L. Brandt, A. Cordner, S. Doll-Myers, L. Frye, K. Gardi, M. Gober, H.
Hamlet, E. Hanna, J. Harasta, L. Irving, A. Milevsky, (sub. for J. Jackson), D. Johnson, M. Johnston, R.
Kaplan, Y. Kim, A. Kirshman, D. Lea, M. Le Bosse, L. Levine, J. Lizza, J. Mackin, M. Maksy, S. Mangold, B.
McCree, A. Morris, R. Portada, K. Prock, P. Dewey (sub. for A. Rodriguez), J. Ronan, L. Scappaticci, A. Walz
(sub. for R. Schaeffer), J. Schlegel, J. Scoboria, M. Sims, Dr. Vargas, P. Walsh-Coates, T. Williams
Absent: F. Cortez-Funk, J. Gehringer, J. Kremser, T. McNally, J. Metcalf, L. Norris, J. Quezada, M. Radyk, B.
Guests: C. Wells, J. Molina, A. Imschweiler, N. Snow, V. Reidout, B. Watrous, K. Danielson, R.L. Smith
I. Meeting called to order at 4:03pm by D. Johnson
Moment of Silence for Professor Randy Schaeffer and Communication Studies Student, Charles
II. Announcements
A. D. Johnson welcomed and introduced Mr. John “Jack” Wabby-‘69, Chairperson of KU Council
of Trustees and Chairperson of Presidential Search Committee
• Link to Presidential Search Website-
B. Upcoming Senate Elections – D. Johnson for L. Norris
• Professional Staff Representative for Strategic Planning & Resources Committee
• Graduate Faculty Representative for Grade Appeal Board
III. Approval of the Agenda – Agenda approved as presented
IV. Approval of the Minutes from October 2, 2014 – E. Hanna made a motion to accept the minutes as
presented, M. Le Bosse seconded the motion, motion passed.
V. Old Business
A. Faculty & Staff Retention – C. Vargas
• Recommendation to form a Task Force to review our ability or inability to retain the
faculty and staff who are employed at KU to stay at KU.
• D. Johnson asked if the body was interested in pursuing this recommendation and
create a Faculty & Staff Retention Task Force, the body was interested. D. Johnson
will do a call through email to form this Task Force.
VI. New Business - No objection from the body to switch A. and B. presentations for timing purposes.
A. Constitutional Task Force – L. Scappaticci & L. Levine for L. Norris
• Reviewed Senate Elections Task Force Report (see attached)
• Consideration was made for constitutional change at this meeting, vote at
December meeting. Discussion included representation of Temporary Faculty and
all Unions.
B. ACA-007 Course Numbering Policy Revision – K. Danielson (see attached)
• Main change of 700-799 post masters/doctoral level courses – we must have
doctoral level courses to move forward with Millersville discussions for possible
doctorate degree in social work.
• In the near future there will be a task force formed to work on renumbering project.
• A. Walz suggested change the wording of section - A. Purpose. “Rationale” does
not fit in this explanation. Under section - A. Purpose, J. Lizza made a motion to
strike “The purpose of this policy is to give a rationale for course numbering.” and
re-word as follows; “The purpose of this policy is to identify course levels for course
numbering.” A. Cordner seconded the motion – motion passed. Vote on accepting
the policy as amended – motion passed.
VII. President, Committee, Task Force Reports
A. Senate President’s Report – D. Johnson
• Review of University Senate Structure (link to Governance Structure page on
University Senate website -
• Debut of New University Senate website (link to new website
• PASSHE Presidential Review Policy – Chair of BOG, Human Relations
Committee, and Peter Garland working on revising policy. Presently, President
is reviewed every year internally and every three years by an external firm.
B. Senate Vice President’s Report – J. Schlegel
• Bylaws template for all Committees will be posted on the University Senate
website on the Links page. (
• Committee on Committees working on review of UCB and Student Faculty
Review Board. Should these committees report to Admin Council or Senate?
• Working on a Spring Committee Chair Meeting to discuss processes and
expectations of chairs on committees and identify relevant academic policies
relating to each committee’s work.
• Committee on Committees continuing their work on committee audits.
• A. Kirshman asked how to go about adding a CASA Representative to a
committee. First go to the chair of that committee to discuss membership and
possible bylaw changes then recommendation made to Senate.
C. Student Government Board Report – J. Scoboria
• SGB participates in monthly conference call with other PASSHE schools.
• Battling Musicians event this weekend to benefit the Schaeffer Scholarship
• Thank you to all who helped with homecoming events.
• On Election Day some students walked 5 miles with a banner to the voting poll.
They had media coverage.
D. Acting President’s Report – C. Vargas
• Chambliss event was very successful.
• Today C. Vargas participated in a Meet & Greet for Veterans Awareness week.
• C. Vargas will be attending the PASSHE Summit next week in Millersville.
• C. Vargas congratulated SGB on their efforts to make sure student voting.
In the next few weeks, there will be an open session for a budget presentation.
Nominating Committee Update – M. Sims
• J. Schlegel is interested in the Senate President’s position.
• D. Johnson said, L. Norris is interested in running again for Senate Secretary.
• M. Sims asked for nominations from the floor, none.
• M. Sims said, written nominations can be emailed to by
November 15th.
F. Under-represented Groups Enrollment Update – N. Snow
• Distributed Fact Sheet – Fall 2014
• Enrollment for Fall 2014 – under-represented groups 18.29%, highest in the
past five years.
G. Graduate Enrollment Update – N. Snow
• Graduate enrollment update for Fall 2014 (649) has been on a downward trend
over the past five years. Under-graduate enrollment update for Fall 2014
(8569) has also been on a downward trend over the past five years. (see
H. Academic Technology Committee Update – M. Sims
• Email capacity moved to a new server over the summer, should have 1 gb of
• More dedicated classrooms, new classrooms in Old Main and Boehm.
• Extended timeouts on computer stations in classrooms – IT working on issue.
• C. Cotellese mentioned a problem with selected topic classes. They come up as
one credit and students cannot enter as three credits. Suggestion to email C.
• J. Lizza suggestion for specific class information to appear in drop down instead
of generic information.
• R. L. Smith to work with M. Sims on D2L lock down issue.
I. Connections Update – J. Molina (see attached)
VIII. As May Arise - None
IX. Adjournment – 5:35pm