Kutztown University Policy ACA-038 Graduate Course Repeats, Grades, and CGPA, and Dismissal A. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to define the rules for repeating graduate courses, graduate grades, good academic standing, and CGPA.; and to state the procedures for dismissing graduate students for poor academic performance. B. Scope This policy applies to all graduate students. C. Key words and phrases: CGPA – stands for cumulative grade point average.; formerly QPA for quality point average. D. Policy & Procedure(s) REPEATING GRADUATE COURSES, GRADUATE GPA, AND GRADES 1. CGPA Candidacy/Graduation Requirement: A 3.00 CGPA is required for candidacy and graduation for all graduate degrees awarded by Kutztown University. This policy also applies to those students enrolled for dual graduate degrees. 2. Repeating Courses and the “C” Grade Requirement: A graduate student can repeat a single course for grade improvement only once. Graduate students will be limited to a maximum of two (2) repeats across the program. An exception to the course repeat policy must be approved by the advisor, department chairperson, college dean, and graduate dean. 1. The most recent grade (regardless of whether it is higher or lower) will be the grade used for the CGPA calculation. A grade of “C” or better is required for all courses counted toward a graduate degree at Kutztown University. The grade of “F” received in required graduate courses must be repeated. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75", No bullets or numbering Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", Space After: 10 pt, Line spacing: Multiple 1.15 li, No bullets or numbering Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75", No bullets or numbering Page 2 of 3 Policy ACA-038 2. GPA Candidacy/Graduation Requirement: A 3.00 GPA is required for candidacy and graduation for all graduate degrees awarded by Kutztown University. This policy also applies to those students enrolled for dual graduate degrees. 3. Grading and CGPA Regulations: There is no “D” grade for student grading in 400and 500-level courses.A registered graduate student may not receive the grade of “D” in either a 400-level or a 500-level course. (See Policy ACA-048 Course Grading at http://app.kutztown.edu/policyregister/policy.aspx?policy=ACA-048) Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.75" ACADEMIC DISMISSAL 1. First Notice: Upon receipt of the first grade in a graduate course below a B,* the graduate student will receive a “letter of academic warning” from the Dean of Graduate Studies with copies forwarded to the student's graduate advisor and the chairperson of the academic department. 2. Second Notice: Upon receipt of the second grade below a B,* the graduate student will receive a “letter of academic probation” from the Dean of Graduate Studies with copies forwarded to the advisor and the chairperson of the academic department. In those cases where the student has received more than one grade below a B* in the same semester, the student will be immediately placed on “academic probation,” with no notice of “academic warning.” 3. Dismissal: Upon receipt of the third grade below a B,* the graduate student will be dismissed. The letter of academic dismissal will be written by the Dean of Graduate Studies with copies and appropriate notification sent to the University Registrar, the graduate student's advisor, and chairperson of the academic department. This dismissal will occur upon receipt of the third grade below a B* even in those cases where the second and third grades below a B* occurred in the same academic semester. Note: A grade of B- is considered a grade below a B. E. Effective Date 1993 Fall 2016 F. Approved By Policy Committee - April 10, 1992 Graduate Council – April 15, 1992 University Senate - September 17, 1992 G. Last Reviewed Page 3 of 3 Policy ACA-038 October, 2008 March, 2009 August, 2009 August, 2010 August, 2011 August, 2012 August, 2013 August, 2014 August, 2015