May 8, 2006 SUBJECT: UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2006 TO: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs College Deans Department Chairpersons FROM: Charles Cullum Associate Provost and Dean, College of Graduate Studies The following course and program additions, changes and deletions have been approved by the Departmental Curriculum Committees; the College Curriculum Committees; the Graduate Council, where appropriate; and the University Curriculum Committee at its March 23, 2006 meeting, and signed by the President on April 11, 2006 and will be placed into the curriculum effective Spring 2007 semester (20076) unless otherwise indicated. INTERDISCIPLINARY NEW COURSE: (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) UST 100 Prior Learning Assessment and Portfolio Development Seminar (Can be used for General Education under Category 5, Electives.) 3 SH - 3 CH COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES No Agenda Items. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS No Agenda Items. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES NEW COURSE: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) ENG 285 Victorian Popular Fiction 3 SH - 3 CH (Can be used for General Education under Categories 2. Humanities, and 5. Electives.) MAT 150 Introduction to Biostatistics 3 SH - 3 CH (Can be used for General Education under Categories 4. Natural Sciences & Math, and 5. Electives.) COURSE NUMBER, and DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) TO: FROM: BIO 210 Ornithology BIO 308 Ornithology BIO 211 Ornithology Laboratory BIO 309 Ornithology Laboratory (In addition to revised course description, add BIO 104 and BIO 106 as prerequisites. Can be used for General Education under Categories 4. Natural Sciences & Math, and 5. Electives.) COLLEGE OF EDUCATION NEW COURSE: (Eff. Summer I, 2006 – 20071) EDU 335 Urban Seminar: Field Based Multicultural Education 3 SH - 3 CH University Curriculum Memo of March 23, 2006 Page 2 PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 50 13 Elementary Ed/Coaching Ed – Track I BSED 13.1202 3 50 15 Elementary Ed/Coaching Ed – Track II BSED 13.1202 3 50 16 Elementary Ed/Early Childhood Ed. BSED 13.1209 3 50 24 Elementary Ed/English BSED 13.1202 3 50 36 Elementary Ed/French BSED 13.1202 3 50 40 Elementary Ed/German BSED 13.1202 3 50 47 Elementary Ed/Instructional Technology BSED 13.1202 3 50 52 Elementary Ed/Mathematics BSED 13.1202 3 50 62 Elementary Ed/Psychology BSED 13.1202 3 50 64 Elementary Ed/Reading BSED 13.1202 3 50 72 Elementary Ed/Science BSED 13.1202 3 50 76 Elementary Ed/Social Studies BSED 13.1202 3 50 80 Elementary Ed/Spanish BSED 13.1202 3 50 87 Elementary Ed/Urban Education BSED 13.1202 Eng. Comp., SPE 010, Eng. Lit., and two MAT courses in bold type. Under Major Requirements, Professional Education Courses: add ELU 202, remove ITC 125, add ELU 321; under column C. Specialization, remove ELU 321 and ELU 201; add ELU 300. Entries for recording PRAXIS I scores, Observation hours, passing score on PRAXIS II added. Column B (center area) revised for concentration credits. Concentrations in Early Childhood and Reading may be pursued only after achieving candidacy. Column C revised for Candidacy courses; № change from ELU 201 to ELU 300, eff. Spring 2007. Student teaching title renamed to Clinical Experience and Practicum. ITC 331 replaced with ITC 321. General Education courses not needed in section V. of traditional General Education grid; two cross over courses from concentrations equal 120 credits. Free electives not required to fulfill program requirements. Revision of the program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. PROGRAM RE-ACTIVATION and REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 89 Secondary Education/Social Studies/History BSED 45.0101 Under Major Requirements, Professional Education Courses, Professional Courses: remove PSY 120, add SPU 100, ITC 300, EDU 015; this area now 13 s.h. Under Professional Semester: remove AVC 300; this area now 12 s.h. № change from EDU/SEU 220 to SEU 320, eff. 20023. Under Student Teaching: credit hours for SEU 390/391 reduced from 14 s.h. to 12 s.h. Free Electives area removed from grid. Under Specialization, Required Courses: add HIS 025, HIS 026, and HIS 378; remove POL any course below 100, replace with POL 010. Non-Emphasis Social Studies Electives area removed from grid. Major Emphasis area realigned, renamed to Electives area. Area Courses section removed from grid. Some courses in Professional Education and the Specialization can be used to fulfill General Education requirements. Total program credits reduced from 128 to 121 credits. All other Citizenship Education/Social Science programs are still active. Revision of the program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. PROGRAM RE-ACTIVATION and REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 85 Secondary Education/Social Studies/Geography BSED 45.0101 Under Major Requirements, Professional Education Courses, Professional Courses: remove PSY 120, add SPU 100, ITC 300, EDU 015; this area now 13 s.h. Under Professional Semester: remove AVC 300; this area now 12 s.h. № change from EDU/SEU 220 to SEU 320, eff. 20023. Under Student Teaching: credit hours for SEU 390/391 reduced from 14 s.h. to 12 s.h. Free Electives area removed from grid. Under Specialization, Required Courses: add GEG 274, GEG 375, GEG 380, choice of HIS 025 or HIS 026; remove POL any course below 100, replace with POL 010. Non-Emphasis Social Studies Electives area removed from grid. Major Emphasis area realigned, divided into a Category Requirements area and a Globalization area. Area Courses section removed from grid. Some courses in Professional Education and the Specialization can be used to fulfill General Education requirements. Total program credits reduced from 128 to 121 credits. All other Citizenship Education/Social Science programs are still active. Revision of the program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. University Curriculum Memo of March 23, 2006 Page 3 PROGRAM RE-ACTIVATION and REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 96 Secondary Education/Social Studies/Psychology BSED 45.0101 Under Major Requirements, Professional Education Courses, Professional Courses: remove PSY 120, add SPU 100, ITC 300, EDU 015; this area now 13 s.h. Under Professional Semester: remove AVC 300; this area now 12 s.h. № change from EDU/SEU 220 to SEU 320, eff. 20023. Under Student Teaching: credit hours for SEU 390/391 reduced from 14 s.h. to 12 s.h. Free Electives area removed from grid. Under Specialization, Required Courses: add choice of HIS 025 or HIS 026; add PSY 379; add choice of PSY 311 or PSY 340; add choice of PSY 312 or PSY 325; add PSY 380, PSY 120; replace PSY 250 with choice of PSY 202 or PSY 250; remove POL any course below 100, replace with POL 010. NonEmphasis Social Studies Electives area removed from grid. Major Emphasis area realigned, renamed to Electives area. Area Courses section removed from grid. Some courses in Professional Education and the Specialization can be used to fulfill General Education requirements. Total program credits reduced from 128 to 121 credits. All other Citizenship Education/Social Science programs are still active. Revision of the program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. PROGRAM RE-ACTIVATION and REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 95 Secondary Education/Social Studies/Sociology BSED 45.0101 Under Major Requirements, Professional Education Courses, Professional Courses: remove PSY 120, add SPU 100, ITC 300, EDU 015; this area now 13 s.h. Under Professional Semester: remove AVC 300; this area now 12 s.h. № change from EDU/SEU 220 to SEU 320, eff. 20023. Under Student Teaching: credit hours for SEU 390/391 reduced from 14 s.h. to 12 s.h. Free Electives area removed from grid. Under Specialization, Required Courses: add choice of HIS 025 or HIS 026; add SOC 200, SOC 310; remove POL any course below 100, replace with POL 010. Non-Emphasis Social Studies Electives area removed from grid. Major Emphasis area realigned, renamed to Major Emphasis Electives area. Area Courses section removed from grid. Some courses in Professional Education and the Specialization can be used to fulfill General Education requirements. Total program credits reduced from 128 to 120 credits. All other Citizenship Education/Social Science programs are still active. Revision of the program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. PROGRAM RE-ACTIVATION and REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 77 Secondary Education/Social Studies/Anthropology BSED 45.0101 Under Major Requirements, Professional Education Courses, Professional Courses: remove PSY 120, add SPU 100, ITC 300, EDU 015; this area now 13 s.h. Under Professional Semester: remove AVC 300; this area now 12 s.h. № change from EDU/SEU 220 to SEU 320, eff. 20023. Under Student Teaching: credit hours for SEU 390/391 reduced from 14 s.h. to 12 s.h. Free Electives area removed from grid. Under Specialization, Required Courses: add choice of HIS 025 or HIS 026; add ANT 020, ANT 021, ANT 030, ANT 031, choice of ANT 320 or ANT 335; add ANT 380; remove POL any course below 100, replace with POL 010. Non-Emphasis Social Studies Electives area removed from grid. Major Emphasis area realigned, renamed as an Electives area. Area Courses section removed from grid. Some courses in Professional Education and the Specialization can be used to fulfill General Education requirements. Total program credits reduced from 128 to 120 credits. All other Citizenship Education/Social Science programs are still active. Revision of the program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. PROGRAM RE-ACTIVATION, NAME CHANGE and REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) Conc Program Degree CIP School Prog 3 70 93 Secondary Education/Social Studies/Civics & Government BSED 45.0101 Program name change from BSED Secondary Education-Social Studies-Political Science to BSED Secondary EducationSocial Studies-Civics and Government. Under Major Requirements, Professional Education Courses, Professional Courses: remove PSY 120, add SPU 100, ITC 300, EDU 015; this area now 13 s.h. Under Professional Semester: remove AVC 300; this area now 12 s.h. № change from EDU/SEU 220 to SEU 320, eff. 20023. Under Student Teaching: credit hours for SEU 390/391 reduced from 14 s.h. to 12 s.h. Free Electives area removed from grid. Under Specialization, Required Courses: add HIS 025, HIS 026, POL 020, POL 121, POL 125, POL 226; remove POL any course below 100; remove POL221, replace with POL 150. Non-Emphasis Social Studies Electives area removed from grid. Major Emphasis area realigned, renamed as an Electives area. Area Courses section removed from grid. Some courses in Professional Education and the Specialization can be used to fulfill General Education requirements. Total program credits reduced from 128 to 120 credits. All other Citizenship Education/Social Science programs are still active. Revision of the program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. University Curriculum Memo of March 23, 2006 SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer I, 2006 – 20071) LIB 440 Selected Topics in Library Science: Introduction to Conservation, Preservation and Digitization of Library Materials Page 4 3 SH - 3 CH COLLEGE OF THE VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS NEW COURSE: (Eff. Fall 2007 – 20083) THE 245 Costume Design 3 SH - 3 CH COURSE CONTACT HOUR REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) FROM: TO: THE 210 Production and Performance for THE 210 Production and Performance for Young Audiences 3 SH - 3 CH Young Audiences 3 SH - 4 CH SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer I, 2006 – 20071) ART 371 Selected Topics in Art Studio: Body Adornment SPE 370 Selected Topics in Communication: The Rhetoric of Protest THE 460 Selected Topics in Theatre: Emotion for the Actor ds cc: 4 SH - 6 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 2 SH - 3 CH Mr. R. Bazylak, Ms. K. Morris, Dr. V. Brancato, Dr. Wm. Stahler, Mr. G. Paterno, Dr. G. Brey, Mr. L. McGhee, Ms. A. Sterner, Dr. P. Breeze, Ms. M. Hughes, Ms. L. Male, Mr. G. Godshall, Mr. L. Sechney, Mr. J. Mumbauer, Ms. K. Malloy, Ms. L. Dietrich, Dr. U. Connor, Ms. L. Grabowski, Ms. C. Jones, Ms. C. Lenhart, Ms. Chris Heiter, and U.C.C. Members