May 23, 2008 SUBJECT: UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 24 and CONTINUATION MEETING OF JANUARY 31, 2008 TO: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs College Deans Department Chairpersons FROM: Carole Wells Vice Provost The following course and program additions, changes and deletions have been approved by the Departmental Curriculum Committees; the College Curriculum Committees; the Graduate Council, where appropriate; and the University Curriculum Committee at its January 24 and continuation meeting of January 31, 2008, and signed by the President on February 11, 2008 and will be placed into the curriculum effective Fall 2008 semester (20093) unless otherwise indicated. INTERDISCIPLINARY NEW COURSES: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) MCS 370 Selected Research Topics in Multicultural Studies [IDC 0702] MCS 380 Seminar in Multicultural Studies [IDC 0703] MCS 390 Internship in Multicultural Studies [IDC 0704] WST 251 Women, Money and Power [IDC 08003] (Can be used for General Education under Category 3. Social Science, and 5. Electives.) 3-6 SH – 3-6 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3-6 SH – 3-6 CH 3 SH - 3 CH COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES Note: the following prefix and number revisions which were originally passed by UCC January 25, 2007 will be implemented with the new ARC prefix: (Effective Spring 2009 – 20096) COURSE PREFIX and NUMBER REVISION: [VPA 0711] FROM: TO: ART 570 Selected Topics in Art Seminar ARU/ARC 572 Selected Topics in Art Seminar RAR 511 Cross Cultural Perspectives on Art ARU/ARC 516 Cross Cultural Perspectives on Art RAR 551 Art Criticism ARU/ARC 517 Art Criticism EDUCATORS’ WORKSHOPS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer I, 2008 – 20091) EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Making Math Fun with the Standards (June 23 - 27) EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Word Study: Using Hands-On Manipulatives to Support Spelling, Reading, and Language Arts (June 16 - 20) EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Emergency Planning and Risk Management (June 23 - 27) EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Make My Day Easier for My Students with Autism and Me (June 16 - 20) [EDU 0822] 3 SH - 3 CH [EDU 0823] 3 SH - 3 CH [EDU 0824] 3 SH - 3 CH [EDU 0825] 3 SH - 3 CH University Curriculum Memo of January 24 and January 31, 2008 EDUCATORS’ WORKSHOPS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer I, 2008 – 20091) – continued EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: The ABC’s of Differentiating Instruction for Students with Disabilities (June 23 - 27) [EDU 0826] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: From Digital Cameras to Digital Photo Albums [EDU 0827] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Creating a Basic Course Homepage [EDU 0828] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Creating Advanced Instructional Web Pages [EDU 0829] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Integrating Nanotechnology into the K-12 Curriculum [EDU 0830] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Educational Theories and Philosophies Relating to the Twenty-First Century Classroom [IDC 08002 ] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Paleontology of Eastern Pennsylvania [LAS 07119] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Microsoft Excel: Introductory Data Analysis for Educators [LAS 07121] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Adolescent Self and Identity [LAS 07122] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: From Fable to Film (June 23 - 27) [LAS 07125] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Comparative Mythology (June 16 - 20) [LAS 07126] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Reading to Write: Modern Poetry in the Classroom [LAS 07127] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Anglo-American Modernism: Poetry and Poetics [LAS 07128] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Jane Austen on Screen [LAS 07129] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Geometry and Measurement for Elementary Teachers [LAS 07131] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Pennsylvania Germans: Past and Present [LAS 07132] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Lecture Demonstrations for Science Classrooms at all Levels [LAS 07133] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: A Psychoeducational Approach to Culture in the Classroom [LAS 07135] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Bullying: Implications for Schools and the Workplace (June 23 - 27) [LAS 08001] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Field and Laboratory Exercises in Aquatic Biology [LAS 08002] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Plant Pathogens, Fungi and the Food Supply [LAS 08003] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Ethical Issues in Medicine and Biology: An Introduction [LAS 08004] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Impact of Alcoholism and Other Drugs of Abuse on Families and Children: What can Teachers do? (June 23 - 27) [LAS 08005] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Skills for Working with the New Immigrant Child: Linking the School with the Family System (June 16 - 20; June 23 - 27) [LAS 08006] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Children in Poverty: Implications on Social and Behavioral Functioning [LAS 08007] Page 2 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH University Curriculum Memo of January 24 and January 31, 2008 Page 3 EDUCATORS’ WORKSHOPS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer I, 2008 – 20091) – continued EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Publishing and Presenting Classroom Research (June 23 - 27) [LAS 08008] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Adolescent Substance Abuse: Classroom Strategies for Teachers [LAS 08009] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Visual Thinking for Artists and Educators (June 23 - 27) [VPA 0852] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Creating Visual Journals and Altered Books (June 16 - 20) [VPA 0853] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Interactive Design with Flash (June 23 - 27) [VPA 0854] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Web Design with Dreamweaver (June 16 - 20) [VPA 0855] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Yearbooks and Newsletters: Publication Design for Educators (June 16 – 20) [VPA 0856] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Hands-On Art History: The Italian Renaissance (June 23 - 27) [VPA 0857] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: The Visual Arts and Children’s Literature [VPA 0859] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Storytelling In and Out of the Classroom (June 23 - 27) [VPA 0860] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Music and Diverse Learners [VPA 0861] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Teaching Music for the Non-Musician, Music Skills for Classroom Teachers [VPA 0862] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Assessment for K-12 Teachers in Arts Education [VPA 0863] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Advanced Conducting – Chamber Winds [VPA 0864] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: The Musical Life of the Young Child [VPA 0865] EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: Viewing Video Art (June 23 - 27) [VPA 0866] EDUCATORS’ WORKSHOPS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer II, 2008 – 20092) EDW 5XX Selected Topics for Educators: PhotoShop for Educators [VPA 0858] 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH Note: Retraction of request to archive course: [VPA 0827] Subsequent to the University Curriculum Committee Meeting of January, 2008 it was determined that MUS 465 (Music and Related Arts for Classroom Teachers) has not been previously offered at the university. As this course has not been previously added to the Master Listing of courses offered at the university nor the Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletins, the request to archive it has been retracted. NEW COURSE: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) LIB 558 Librarian’s Role in Supporting Reading Strategies [EDU 0808] COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS and TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) FROM: TO: LIB 515 Building Multimedia Library Collections LIB 515 Collection Development LIB 555 Function and Administration of the LIB 555 School Library Instructional Materials Center Administration COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS and TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Summer II, 2008 – 20092) FROM: TO: LIB 526 Management of Automated Library Systems LIB 526 Technologies in Libraries 3 SH - 3 CH [EDU 0809] [EDU 0811] [EDU 0810] University Curriculum Memo of January 24 and January 31, 2008 Page 4 COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) LIB 575 Teaching Function of the School Library Media Center [EDU 0812] 3 SH - 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Summer I, 2008 – 20091) LIB 585 Children and Young Adult Literature [EDU 0813] 3 SH - 3 CH SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Spring 2008 – 20086) CSC 580 Selected Topics in Computer Science: Knowledge Management 3 SH - 3 CH [LAS 07134] PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) [EDU 0814] School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 5 60 00 Library Science (Track 4 - Extension of Certification) MLS 25.0101 This program allows students who are already certified in education to extend their certification to include Library Science. The six credits prerequisite in undergraduate courses has been upgraded to graduate credits. Completion of the Extension of Certification Track requires 36 credits. Courses in Specialization: add: LIB 509, LIB 511, LIB 513, and LIB 525 to this area; credits under this area increased from 15 credits to 27 credits. Specialization Electives: this area has been re-aligned and no longer exists. The advanced reference courses (Literature of the Humanities, Literature of the Social Sciences, and Literature of the Sciences and Technology) are being retained as elective courses. Fieldwork components were added to each course to allow students to apply their knowledge to actual situations. Fieldwork: LIB 590 (3 SH) remains as required course; the statement: “PRAXIS II (at end of coursework)” now appears under the Fieldwork area of the check sheet. MLS Requirement: To obtain an MLS, the student must complete the above and two additional courses: LIB 500 (3 SH), and LIB/ITC Graduate Elective (3 SH). Revision of the program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20093. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) [BUS 0826] Certificate Code Program 82040 Human Resource Management A certificate of recognition consisting of a minimum of 18 S.H. The curriculum for the certificate of recognition is the following: MGM 335 and MGM 341 (required); and four of the following courses: MGM 336, MGM 337, MGM 338, MGM 339, MGM 340, PSY 245, PSY 350, POL 316, POL 347, BUS 390. An internship in Business (focused on Human Resource Management; strongly recommended). This certificate will be available to business and non-business majors. Students taking this curriculum will have the potential to take the Personnel and Human Resource Examination offered by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), a national organization. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION No undergraduate proposals. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES EDITORIAL CORRECTION TO UCC MEMO from September 27, 2007 dated January 24, 2008: [LAS 07029] An incorrect designation was stated for the new course Elementary Chinese I. The correct designation for this course is CHI 011, effective Fall 2008. The provisional designation of MLS 010 for this course was correct as stated. The implementation of the permanent CHI 011 designation constitutes a previous link for repeat purposes to the provisional MLS 010 designation. COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS, PREREQUISITE and TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) FROM: TO: ENG 328 Eighteenth Century Literature II ENG 328 Eighteenth Century Literature II: [LAS 07084] Birth of the Modern University Curriculum Memo of January 24 and January 31, 2008 Page 5 COURSE SYLLABUS OMNIBUS REVISION – PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: (Eff. Spring 2008 – 20086) [LAS 07090] All PHI prefix course syllabi that do not already have an Assessment section, will have an Assessment section added to the syllabi. NEW COURSES: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) ENG 221 Jane Austen: Early Woman Novelist, Modern Media Property [LAS 07091] (Can be used for General Education under Category 2. Humanities, and 5. Electives.) CSC 122 Web Site Design [LAS 07093] (Can be used for General Education under Category 5. Electives.) 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH NEW COURSES: (Eff. Summer I, 2008 – 20091) ENG 368 Post Modern American Fiction [LAS 07092] 3 SH - 3 CH BIO/MAR 050-051 Window to the Oceans (Lecture & Lab) [LAS 07097] 3 SH - 4 CH (Can be used for General Education under Category 4. Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and 5. Electives.) COURSE SYLLABUS OMNIBUS REVISION – ELECTRONIC MEDIA DEPARTMENT: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) [LAS 07101] All TVR prefix course syllabi that do not already have an Assessment section, will have an Assessment section added to the syllabi. COURSE PREREQUISITE/ SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) ENG 100 Principles of Literary Analysis [LAS 07102] 3 SH - 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/ SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) ENG 363 Modern Drama [LAS 07103] 3 SH - 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS, PREFIX* and TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) FROM: TO: CIS 235 Assembly Language Programming CSC 235 Computer Organization [LAS 07108] and Assembly Language CIS 242 Scripting Languages and CSC 242 Web Programming [LAS 07094] Client/Server Computing CIS 354 Information Systems: CSC 354 Introduction to [LAS 07095] Theory and Practice Software Engineering * Whereas only the course description/syllabus, and title revision were approved for the above courses at this UCC Meeting, the prefix revision previously approved for all Computer Science courses was implemented by university administration effective Fall 2008, along with the above mentioned revisions. COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS, and PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) ENG 101 World Literature I [LAS 07099] 3 SH - 3 CH ENG 300 History of the English Language [LAS 07100] 3 SH - 3 CH ENG 321 Early and Medieval Literature [LAS 07098] 3 SH - 3 CH MINOR PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) [LAS 07105] Minor Code Program 00074 Computer Science/Software Development Under Area 1, Required Courses: remove CSC 422; add CSC 354. New requirements under the Required Courses area are as follows: CSC 125, CSC 126, CSC 135, CSC 136, CSC 237, CSC 354. The Elective Course area requirement continues to be “Any 200-level or higher CSC course.” A new minor program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20093. University Curriculum Memo of January 24 and January 31, 2008 Page 6 PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) [LAS 07106] Conc Program Degree CIP School Prog 2 16 21 Computer Science/Software Development BS 11.0103 Under VI. Major Program, C. 1. Required courses, and 2. Other Concomitant: MAT 171, PHI 140, and PHI 040 are satisfied in General Education categories IV. A., II. D., and II. C., respectively. Under Gen. Ed., Category II.C.: now requiring PHI 040; Category II. D.: now requiring PHI 140; Category IV: credits revised from 12 s.h. to 12/14 s.h. Under Category IV. A.: now requiring MAT 171. Under IV. C.: delete note: ‘(usually 020)’ from choice of AST or CHM elective. Under IV. D.: add note “A 2 nd semester of the science chosen in IV. C (must be second course in a sequence)”. Area IV.D credits revised from 3 s.h. to 3/4 s.h. Under V. Free Electives: credits in this category reduced from 15 s.h. to 9/12 s.h. Under VI. B. 1. Required Courses: add CSC 125, 126, 343, 354; remove CSC 243, 422; credits under this area increased from 24 s.h. to 30 s.h. Under VI. B. 2. Elective Courses (Four courses at 400-level or above): add CSC 241, 242, 243, 253, 341, 342, 352; remove CSC 343, 354; total credits for this area is 21 s.h. Category VI. B. 3: Elective Courses area deleted from check sheet. Under VI. C. 1. Required Math/Logic Courses: now requiring MAT 171 (satisfied in Gen. Ed. IV. A); MAT 260; Statistics requirement – choice of MAT 140 or MAT 301 (Students minoring in Math should take MAT 301); MAT Elective (requires advisor approval); PHI 140 (satisfied in Gen Ed II D). Under 2. Elective courses: this area has been realigned and renamed as 2. Other Concomitants: now requiring PHI 040 (satisfied in Gen. Ed. II. C); WRI 205; credits under this area reduced from 6 s.h. to 3 s.h. Under 3. Internship – Optional: courses under this area remain the same: CSC 280, CSC380; (Internships may be counted under Gen. Ed. V.) A new program check sheet is necessary identified with version number 20093. PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) [LAS 07107] School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 2 16 31 Computer Science (Combined MS) BS 11.0103 Under VI. Major Program, C. 1. Required courses, and 2. Other Concomitant: MAT 171, PHI 140, and PHI 040 are satisfied in General Education categories IV. A., II. D., and II. C., respectively. Under Gen. Ed., Category II.C.: now requiring PHI 040; Category II. D.: now requiring PHI 140; Category IV: credits revised from 12 s.h. to 12/14 s.h. Under Category IV. A.: now requiring MAT 171. Under IV. D.: add note “A 2 nd semester of the science chosen in IV. C (must be second course in a sequence)”. Area IV.D credits revised from 3 s.h. to 3/4 s.h. Under V. Free Electives: credits in this category reduced from 15 s.h. to 9/12 s.h. Under VI. B. 1. Required Courses: add CSC 125, 126, 343, 354; remove CSC 243, 422; credits under this area increased from 24 s.h. to 30 s.h. Under VI. B. 2. Elective Courses: add CSC 243, 352; remove CSC 343, 354. Under VI. C. 1. Required Math/ Logic Courses: now requiring MAT 171 (satisfied in Gen. Ed. IV. A); MAT 260; Statistics requirement – choice of MAT 140 or MAT 301*; MAT Elective (requires advisor approval); PHI 140 (satisfied in Gen Ed II D). Under 2. Elective courses: this area has been realigned and renamed as 2. Other Concomitants: now requiring PHI 040 (satisfied in Gen. Ed. II. C); WRI 205; credits under this area reduced from 6 s.h. to 3 s.h. Under 3. Internship – Optional: courses under this area remain the same: CSC 280, CSC380; (Internships may be counted under Gen. Ed. V.) Under M.S. in Computer Science portion, 400-level courses (0-12 sh): remove CSC 422. Under 500-level courses (18-30 s.h.): remove CSC 502; add CSC 599 - Thesis (6 s.h). A new program check sheet is necessary identified with version number 20093. COLLEGE OF THE VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS Note: the following new course which was originally passed by UCC March 29, 2007 will be implemented with the new ARC prefix: (Effective Spring 2009 – 20096) NEW COURSE: ARC/PAG 311 The Pennsylvania German Landscape [VPA0720] 3 SH – 3 CH The above course was provisionally offered under the ART/PAG 311 designation, pending implementation of the ARC prefix. Thus, the implementation of the new ARC prefix also constitutes a previous link for repeat purposes to the provisional ART designation. University Curriculum Memo of January 24 and January 31, 2008 Page 7 Note: the following new courses which were originally passed by UCC February 22 and March 1, 2007 will be implemented with the new ARC prefix: (Effective Spring 2009 – 20096) NEW COURSES: ARC 315 Vernacular Architecture [VPA 0748] 3 SH – 3 CH (Can be used for General Education under Category 2. Humanities, and 5. Electives.) ARC 317 Historic Preservation Studies [VPA 0707] 3 SH – 6 CH (Can be used for General Education under Category 2. Humanities, and 5. Electives.) The above courses were provisionally offered under the ART 315 and ART 317 designations, pending implementation of the ARC prefix. Thus, the implementation of the new ARC prefix also constitutes a previous link for repeat purposes to the provisional ART designation. Note: the following prefix revisions which were originally passed by UCC January 25, 2007 will be implemented with the new ARC prefix: (Effective Spring 2009 – 20096) COURSE PREFIX and NUMBER REVISION: [VPA 0746] FROM: TO: ART 015 Art, Design and Visual Culture ARC 015 Art, Design and Visual Culture ART 211 Women in the Arts ARC 211 Women in the Arts Note: the following prefix revisions which were originally passed by UCC October 26 and October 31, 2006 will be implemented with the new ARC prefix: (Effective Spring 2009 – 20096) COURSE PREFIX and NUMBER REVISION: [VPA 0709] FROM: TO: RAR 105 Aesthetic Experience ARC 105 Aesthetic Experience RAR 200 Visual Culture: Critical Theory ARC 200 Visual Culture: Critical Theory RAR 300 Visual Culture: Critical Practice ARC 300 Visual Culture: Critical Practice RAR 342 Art Criticism ARC 342 Art Criticism RAR 375 Selected Topics in Related Arts ARC 375 Selected Topics in Related Arts The above courses were provisionally offered under the ART prefix, pending implementation of the ARC prefix. Thus, the implementation of the new ARC prefix also constitutes a previous link for repeat purposes to the provisional ART designation. COURSE DESCRIPTION/ SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) ARH 025 Art History B [VPA 0831] 3 SH - 3 CH NEW COURSE: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) ARH 026 Art History C [VPA 0851] (Can be used for General Education under Category 2. Humanities, and 5. Electives.) ARH 126 Introduction to Western Art III: Impressionism to the Present [VPA 0833] 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH COURSE SYLLABUS and TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) FROM: TO: ARH 125 Introduction to Western Art II: ARH 125 Introduction to Western Art: [VPA 0839] Renaissance to Twentieth Century Renaissance to Post-Impressionism SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Spring 2008 – 20086) SPE 370 Selected Topics in Speech: Leadership: A Communication Perspective [VPA 0842] 3 SH - 3 CH COURSE SYLLABUS OMNIBUS REVISION – SPEECH COMMUNICATION AND THEATRE DEPARTMENT: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) [VPA 0841] All THE prefix course syllabi that do not already have an Assessment section, will have an Assessment section added to the syllabi. University Curriculum Memo of January 24 and January 31, 2008 COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS, PREREQUISITE, NUMBER and TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) FROM: TO: CFT 010 A Survey of Crafts CFT 372 [VPA 0843] A Survey of Craft History COURSE CREDIT HOUR REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) FROM: TO: CFT 377 Independent Study: CFT 377 Craft Studio I 1 - 4 SH CFT 378 Independent Study: CFT 378 Craft Studio II 1 - 4 SH CFT 379 Independent Study: CFT 379 Craft Studio III 1 - 4 SH CFT 380 Independent Study: CFT 380 Craft Studio IV 1 - 4 SH COURSE DELETION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) RAR 395 Honors Independent Study/Thesis ds cc: Page 8 [VPA 0848] Independent Study: Craft Studio I Independent Study: Craft Studio II Independent Study: Craft Studio III Independent Study: Craft Studio IV [VPA 0849] 1 - 3 SH 1 - 3 SH 1 - 3 SH 1 - 3 SH 3 SH - 3 CH Mr. R. Bazylak, Ms. K. Morris, Ms. M. Hughes, Dr. V. Brancato, Dr. Wm. Stahler, Mr. G. Paterno, Ms. A. Liska, Dr. M. Gambone, Mr. L. McGhee, Mr. M. Santos, Ms. L. Male, Mr. G. Godshall, Ms. K. Gardi, Mr. J. Mumbauer, Ms. K. Malloy, Ms. L. Dietrich, Ms. L. Grabowski, Ms. C. Jones, Ms. M. Follweiler, Ms. P. Blatt, Ms. J. Holleran, Secretaries of Academic Departments, and U.C.C. Members