January 7, 2010 SUBJECT: UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 24, 2009 TO: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs College Deans Department Chairpersons FROM. Carole Wells Vice Provost \~ ~~ ~ . I? '-V~ AI"" Y. ~ The following course and program additions, changes and deletions have been approved by the Departmental Curriculum Committees; the College Curriculum Committees; the Graduate Council; the Council for Teacher Education, where appropriate; and the University Curriculum Committee at its September 24,2009, meeting and signed by the President on October 18,2009, and will be placed into the curriculum effective Spring 2010 semester (20106) unless otherwise indicated. GRADUATE STUDIES ~S:W PROG~AM: (Eff. date assigned upon receipt of-approval from Harrisburg) [LAS 09051] School Prog Conc Program Degree C1P 5 ?? ?? CRJ/Criminal Justice MS ?????? New Master of SCIence in Criminal Justice consisting of 36 SH. The program will have two tracks: On-Campus and Weekend/Cohort to meet the needs of pre-career and mid-career students. This new degree program is subject to the approval of all steps, UCC, Presidential, Council of Trustees, and Hamsburg prior to implementation. The program effective date will be announced upon receipt of approval. NEW.J;;OURSE~ CRJ 550 CRJ 551 CRJ 540 CRJ 541 CRJ 570 CRJ 590 CRJ 579 CRJ 595 (Eff. Spring 2010 20] 06) Advanced Criminal Justice Research Methods Statistics in Crimina] Justice Crime and Public Policy Transnational Crime Selected Topics in Criminal Justice Field Experience in Criminal Justice Independent Study in Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Thesis - COLLEGE COURSE DESCR]PTION/PREREQUISITE/SYLLABUS MGM 351 Operations Management COLLEGE [LAS [LAS [LAS [LAS [LAS [LAS [LAS [LAS 08144] 08145] 08146] 08]47] 08148J 08149] 08150] 08151 ] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5H SH SH SH SH SH SH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH .. 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH - u 3 SH 3 CII - OF BUSINESS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106) [BUS 0905] 3 SH - 3 CH OF EDUCATION [EDU 09137] NEW CERTIFICA TIQN PJsQGRAMS~ (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106) IC SEU Social Studies, IC SEU General Science, and IC SEU Earth and Space Science, Spring 20] O. All BSED SEU programs are being changed effective Fall 2009 (Version 20103) based on checksheets approved by the University Curriculum Committee at the October 23, and 30, 2008 meetings. The following IC SEU programs need to be created to mirror the corresponding BSED SEU programs. 5=ERTIFICA TION PROGRAM CHANGE: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106) [EDU 09]36] B.S. Ed: IC SEU #'s 70700 (Biology), 71300 (Chemistry), 71600 (Communication), 71610 (English), 72800 (French), 73700 (German), 74700 (Mathematics), 75000 (Physics & Mathematics), 75500 (Physics), 78300 (Spanish), Fall 2009. All BSED SEU programs are being changed effective Fall 2009 (Version20103)based on checksheetsapprovedby the University Curriculum Committee at the October 23, and 30,2008 meetings. All IC SEU programs need to be updated to mirror the changes in the corresponding BSED SEU programs. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES PROGRAM/CHECKSHEET CHANGE: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106) [LAS 09045] BS in Computer Science: CS Software Development. The previous round of curriculum changes included a new course CSC 351: Digital Forensics. This course was passed at UCc. The intention of the department was to have the course added as an elective in each of the undergraduate programs. The new checksheet reflects that change. PROGRAM/CHECKSHEET CHANGE: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106) [LAS 09046] BS in Computer Science: CS Information Technology. The previous round of curriculum changes included a new course CSC 351: Digital Forensics. This course was passed at UCc. The intention of the department was to have the course added as an elective in each of the undergraduate programs. The new checksheet reflects that change. PROGRAMREQUIREMENTCHANGE:(Eff. Spring2010 - 20106) [LAS 09098] BA in Anthropology change in credit requirement from 122 to 120 SH. Two one credit lab courses have been archived to help meet this requirement see [LAS 09096] [LAS 09097]. Concomitant requirements dropped and electives expand from 15 to 21 SH to help provide maximum flexibility. The major will carry 39 required credits and 21 elective credits for a total of 60 rather than 62 credits. NEW COURSES: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106) TVR 260 Video Lighting FRE 338 Aspects of French Popular Culture (Can be used for General Education under Category 5. Electives.) FRE 344 North-African Cultures and Literatures (Can be used for General Education under Category 5. Electives.) ENG/WST 274 Women, Writing and Rhetoric (Can be used for General Education under Category 2 and 5.) GER 380 Senior Seminar in German CHI 103 Intermediate Chinese III CHI 104 Intermediate Chinese IV CHI 221 Chinese Culture through Literature and Film (Can be used for General Education under Category 2 and 5.) ANT 20 I Archaeological Theory and Technique (Can be used for General Education under Category 3 and 5.) ANT 202 Research Methods in Physical Anthropology (Can be used for General Education under Category 3 and 5.) AST 030/031 Mission to the Planets Lecture and Laboratory (Can be used for General Education under Category 4 and 5.) PHI 225 Metalogic (Can be used for General Education under Category 2 and 5.) PHI 249 Interpretations of the Qur'an (Can be used for General Education under Category 2 and 5. COURSE DESCRIPTION REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106) 3 SH 3 SH - 3 CH [LAS 09055] - 3 CH [LAS 09056] 3 SH - 3 CH [LAS 09059] 3 SH - 3 CH [LAS [LAS [LAS [LAS 09085] 09089] 09090] 09091] 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH - - 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH - 3 CH [LAS 09094] 3 SH - 3 CH [LAS 09095] 3 SH - 3 CH [LAS 09100] 3 SH - 4 CH [LAS 09105] 3 SH - 3 CH [LAS 09106] 3 SH - 3 CH [LAS 09042] . - [LAS 09052] Omnibus Technology Requirement: Insertion of "Students will be required to use appropriate computer software" to the course descriptions of the following courses: MAT 260, MAT 302, MAT 332, MAT 340, MAT 361, MAT 362, MAT 403. COURSE DESCRIPTION REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106) [LAS 09053] Omnibus Computer Algebra System Requirement: Insertion of "Students will be required to use an appropriate computer algebra system" to the course descriptions of the following courses: MAT 171 , MAT 172, MAT 273, MAT 274. COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS/PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 20 I 0 20106) [LAS 09054] MAT 220 History of Mathematics change of the course description. Change in prerequisites; added permission of the instructor as a possible prerequisite. - COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION AND DE-ARCHIVE: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106) GEL [LAS 09058] 302/303 Economic Geology 3 SH 5 CH - [LAS 09070] COURSE REVISION: NUMBER CHANGE (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106) MLS 02 I change course number to MLS 103 all other intermediate language numbers have been changed and this will complete the change process and provide consistency across department course offerings at the intermediate level. [LAS 09071] COURSE REVISION: NUMBER CHANGE (Eff. Spring 20 I 0 - 20106) MLS 022 change course number to MLS 104 all other intermediate language numbers have been changed and this will complete the change process and provide consistency across department course offerings at the intermediate level. COURSE TITLE CHANGE: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20 I 06) SOC 128 Domestic Conflict and Violence in Cross-Societal [LAS 09072] Perspective change title to SOC 128 Domestic Abuse COURSE TITLE REVISION AND ADDED CROSS LISTING: (Eff. Spring 2010 20106) [LAS 09073] SOC 140 course name change from SOC 140 Racial and Ethnic Minorities to SOC 140 Race and Ethnicity. Also course cross referenced with ANT 140 Race and Ethnicity. - [LAS 09079] COURSE REVISION ADDED CROSS LISTING: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106) SOC 213 add prefix SOC to course ANT 213 and cross referencing with ANT 213 World Religions. ARCHIVEDCOURSES:(Eff. Spring 2010 20106) - [LAS 09076] [LAS 09077] [LAS 09078] [LAS 09096] [LAS 09097] 3 SH - 3 SH - 3 SH - 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Spring 20 I0 20 I06) SPA 370 Selected Topics in Spanish: Don Quijote de la Mancha [LAS 09084] 3 SH - 3 CH BIO 373 Selected Topics in Biology: Herpetology [LAS 09092] 3 SH - SPA HIS 370 372 Spanish and the Latino Community [LAS 09093] Selected Topics in History: The Case of Coal and the Rise of Big Business [LAS 09102] HIS HIS 372 372 Selected Topics in History: German Migration in European History [LAS 09103] 3 SH Selected Topics in History: The Missionary Enterprise and Christianity in China [LAS 09104]3 SH SOC SOC SOC ANT ANT 185 210 255 021 031 Society and Technology Religion and Contemporary Society Treatment of Offenders Laboratory in Physical Anthropology Archaeological Fieldwork and Laboratory - 3 SH 3 SH 5 CH 3 CH 3 CH - 3 CH - POL 371 Selected Topics in Political Science: Comparative Political Parties ENG 370 3 SH Seminar Selected Topics in Ethnic Literature: Introduction to Afro-Caribbean WRI 370 MA T 470 Selected Topics in Mathematics: [LAS 09111] 3 SH - 3 CH - 3 CH Selected Topics in Professional Writing: Screenwriting Mathematical OF VISUAL AND PERFORMING NEW COURSES: (Eff. Spring 20 I 0 - 20 I 06) ART/FAR 386 Digital Sculpture FAR 350 Video Art and Motion Graphics Literature [LAS 09110] [LAS 09062] [LAS 09108] - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 SH 3 CH - 3 CH 3 SH 3 SH - 6 CH - 6 CH 3 SH ARTS [VPA 1001] [LAS 1004] COURSE TITLE/DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20106)[LAS 1003] SPE 0 I 0 change in course title from Fundamental of Speech to Fundamentals of Oral Communication. description and syllabus were also made. ONE TIME ONLY ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Spring 20 I 0 - 20 I 06) ART/FAR 386 Digital Sculpture 3 CH 3 CH 3 SH [LAS 09109] - Aspects of Design and Analysis of Algorithms ONE TIME ONLY ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Spring 2010 - 20 I 06) SPA/WST 260 Latin American Women's Expression in Translation CHI 221 Chinese Culture through Literature and Film (Can be used for General Education under Category 2 and 5.) COLLEGE [LAS 09107] - [VPA 1002] Change in course 3 SH - 6 CH bm cc: Mr. R. Bazylak, Dr. V. Brancato, Prof. J. Forte, Ms. K. Gardi, Mr. G. Godshall, Ms. M. Hughes, Mr. B. McCree, Mr. L. McGhee, Mr. J. Mumbauer, Dr. P. Quinn, Mr. M. Santos, Mrs. S. Youse, Dr. Wm. Stahler, Secretaries of Academic Departments, and U.c.c. Members