St. Louis Community College Crisis Management Plan February 2004 7/20/04 TABLE OF CONTENTS Definitions I-IV I. Purpose 1 II. Crisis Management Team A) Members B) Campus Site Plans C) Duties and Responsibilities 1 1 2 3 III. Authorization to Activate Crisis Management Team 3 IV. Hazard Analysis 4 V. Emergency Procedures A) Plan Activation B) EOC Activation C) EOC Location D) EOC Staffing E) EOC Needs 4 4 4 4 5 5 VI. Training 5 VII. Plan Review 5 VIII. Public Information 5 IX. 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 X. Annexes A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J) K) L) Administration Community Relations Controller District Maintenance General Counsel Human Resources Information and Telecommunication Systems Instruction Law Enforcement Physical Facilities/Engineering & Design Purchasing Risk Management Campus/Plan A) B) C) D) Cosand Center Florissant Valley Forest Park Meramec 7/20/04 DEFINITIONS ADMINISTRATION: Members of the Leadership Team. ANNEX: Used to give additional information about the response to a crisis by the department Crisis Management Team. ARMED ASSAILANT: A person who has attacked someone with a weapon or has threatened to do so. BOMB THREAT: Communication that a bomb has been placed in a College facility. CIVIL DISORDER: Demonstrations, building takeover, confrontations, and other events at a level that would disrupt College order and discipline. DEATH - STUDENT: Death on or off College property of a member of the student body of SLCC DEATH - FACULTY/STAFF: Death on or off college property of any faculty or staff member of SLCC. DEATH - OTHER: Death of any person on college property who is not a student, or member of the faculty or staff. DISASTER: A disaster is a major event that has caused disruption of operation of all or most of the campus. An earthquake, tornado is an example. EARTHQUAKE/BUILDING COLLAPSE: An occurrence resulting in structural damage, which has or could cause(d) injury, death, property damage, and/or interruption of services. EMERGENCY: An emergency is a deviation from planned or expected behavior alternatively, course of events, which endanger or adversely affect people, property or environment. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Emergency management is the process an organization uses to prevent, mitigate, and recover from emergencies. Emergency management is often considered to consist of planning, preparedness, response, and readiness assurance activities. EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER (EOC): A meeting place for members of the Crisis Management Team to manage/coordinate the crisis response. (II) 7/20/04 DEFINITIONS cont': EMERGENCY PLANNING: Emergency planning is the development and preparation of emergency plans and procedures and the identification of necessary personnel and resources to provide an effective response. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: Emergency preparedness is the training of personnel, acquisition and maintenance of resources, and the Resources essential for emergency response. EMERGENCY RESPONSE: Emergency response is the implementation of planning and preparedness during an emergency. Implementation includes the decisions, actions and application of resources used to mitigate the consequences of emergency. Emergency response also includes recovery from the emergency. FIRE/EXPLOSION: An occurrence resulting in a fire or explosion, which has or could cause(d) injury, death, property damage, and/or interruption of services. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RELEASE (HAZ MAT): An occurrence where there has been a leak or spill of hazardous chemicals, which has or could cause(d) physical injuries, death, or significant environmental damage. HOSTAGE SITUATION: A situation where one or more persons are being held against their will by one or more individuals. INCIDENT: An incident is a specific event that has placed a student, employee, or visitor to the College in jeopardy or physical harm or self-inflicted injury. Example is crime against person or a suicide. INSTRUCTION: Cosand Center and Campus staff from the Vice Chancellor of Education, Campus President, Executive Dean, and Departments of each campus. MASS CASUALTIES: Multiple deaths and/or injuries by any cause. READINESS ASSURANCE: Readiness assurance consists of those evaluation and corrective measures taken to ensure that emergency planning, procedures and resources are adequate. SEVERE WEATHER/TORNADO: Any weather condition that has or could cause(d) injury, death, major property damage, and stoppage of services on University property. This includes blizzard, flood, heavy rain, strong winds, electrical storm, tornado, and heavy accumulations of snow greater than one inch. (III) 7/20/04 DEFINITIONS cont': UTILITY FAILURE: Any interruption of utility service to one or more College facilities, to include electrical, gas and/or water. WORKPLACE VIOLENCE: An event, which has or could cause(d) injury and/or death to one or more persons on college property during operations. IV 7/20/04 St. Louis Community College Crisis Management/Operation Plan I. Purpose St. Louis Community College is committed to the preservation of life and the conservation of property. The responsibility for emergency planning and response rest on the individual campus and the Administrative offices. The Plan is set in operation whenever a natural or other emergency affecting the College reaches proportions that cannot be handled by established measures. A crisis may be sudden and unforeseen, or there may be varying periods of warning. This Plan is intended to be sufficiently flexible to accommodate contingencies of all types, magnitudes, and duration. If a local government requests assistance from the St. Louis Community College, that assistance may be provided from the existing resources. II. Crisis Management Team The Crisis Management Team (CMT) implements the strategy and plans of the recovery. They communicate with field personnel, issue instructions to particular units, and monitor progress in carrying out the instructions. Members of the CMT are designated by their respective position in the College or on the Campus. A. Members of the Crisis Management Team: Primary Alternate Chancellor Acting Chancellor Campus President (Effected Campus) Vice Chancellor for Education Vice Chancellor for Business & Finance Vice Chancellor for Technology & Educational Support Services General Counsel Assistant General Counsel Manager Risk Management Environmental Health & Safety Specialist Director Human Resources Manager of Employee and Labor Relations Comptroller Budget Director Manager of Purchasing Manager Contracts & Major Acquisitions Director of Physical Facilities Supervisor District Wide Maintenance Director Community Relations Coordinator of Media Relations Campus Community Relations Director Information & Telecommunication Systems Manager Telecommunication Chief of Police (Effected Campus) 1 Chief of Police (Unaffected Campus) 7/20/04 B. Campus/Site Plans: Each campus will develop site-specific plans. These plans should be based on the Hazard Analysis. Some areas to include: Evacuation and Accountability Workplace Violence Tornado Fire/Explosion Winter Storm Hazardous Material Incidents Transportation Emergency Death on Campus Criminal Activity/Incident Earthquake/Building collapses Utility Failure Student Death off campus - while on a College sponsored activity 2 7/20/04 C. Duties and Responsibilities of the Crisis Management Team: a. Each member will prepare a detailed plan of anticipated responses tailored to the specific responsibilities and resources available. The plan will be coordinated and amended as needed on an annual basis. A copy of each plan, including the annual updates, will be forwarded to the Manager of Risk Management. The plan will be general in nature. i. Assignment of general duties and responsibilities to employees, perceived to be required for each type of emergency. ii.Provide specific location, response time, and to whom each employee will report in the event of a crisis/emergency. iii.Guidelines for use of emergency equipment, evacuation routes from buildings, etc. b. Familiarization of key staff with the overall Plan and the specific requirements of the plan. c. Maintenance of a call list for departmental employees designated. This call list will be updated as needed. d. Preservation of essential records, or other materials deemed essential. e. Each campus will develop a response plan for their use. The plans will address the potential hazards as outlined in the Hazard Analysis. III. Authorization To Activate Crisis Management Team The Chancellor, or the designated Acting Chancellor, along with the Campus President, or designated Acting President, if applicable, will have the authority to activate the Crisis Management Team. 3 7/20/04 IV. Hazard Analysis Classification Frequency Rate (Years) 1 Natural Earthquake Flood Winter Storm Tornado Technological Fire Hazardous Material Transportation Structural Collapse Utility Failure Criminal Act Bomb Threat Civil Disturbance Work Place Violence Other: Mass Casualty Death V. 5 10 20 <20 N/A X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Emergency Procedures a. Plan Activation: The Plan will be activated by the Chancellor in consultation with the Campus President or the designated Acting Chancellor and/or Acting President when the emergency reaches proportions that cannot be handled by established measures. b. Emergency Operation Center (EOC) Activation: An Emergency Operation Center will be established in a safe location on or adjacent to the campus. The campus Chief of Police will be responsible for the management of the EOC of the campus. The Risk Manager will be responsible for the Cosand Center's EOC. When the Crisis Management Team is activated, the EOC will likewise be activated. c. EOC - Location: The EOC will be located in a safe location on or near the respective campus/location. The EOC should be able to accommodate the Crisis Management Team and support staff. 4 7/20/04 d. EOC - Staffing: The EOC will be manned by the Crisis Management Team, support staff of at least one secretary/clerk, and others as necessary. e. EOC - Needs: The EOC will need to have telephone access. Computer access and other office equipment such as a fax, copier, numerous electrical outlets, and restrooms. Tables and chairs must be made available to accommodate the Crisis Team and support staff. VI. Training The District Wide Plan and campus Plan will be reviewed by staff assigned on a "As Needed Basis." Training on the Plan will be conducted annually. VII. Plan Review The District Plan and the Campus Plans will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary. VIII. Public Information Rumor control is vital during a crisis management operation. The Collegewide and appropriate campus Community Relations departments, in conjunction with the General Counsel’s office, will designate an official spokesman for the College when a crisis has occurred involving the College. All staff will refer any and all questions to the designated spokesperson. Community Relations will develop a schedule for press conferences and news releases in conjunction with the Chancellor and the Crisis Management Team. Media will only be given access to the crisis area with the approval of the designated crisis management team. Community Relations will provide the appropriate escort. 5 7/20/04 IX. Annexes A. Administration (Leadership Team): The administrative group will be responsible of the overall crisis response. They will exercise control over the crisis operation and provide guidance on matters of basic policy and decisionmaking authority. Line of Authority: 1) Chancellor 2) Vice Chancellor of Finance and Business Services 3) Vice Chancellor of Education 4) Vice Chancellor for Technology & Educational Support Services 5) Campus President or Designated Representative Areas of Responsibilities: 1) Authorize the closing of the College/Campus. 2) Serve as the Liaison to the Board of Trustees. 3) Provide advice and authorization to the Crisis Management Team. 4) Maintain a contact list for emergency notification. 5) Respond to the EOC when EOC is activated. 6 7/20/04 B. Community Relations: Community Relations will coordinate the dissemination of information during and after crises. Line of Authority: 1) Director of Communications 2) Campus Director Community Relations Areas of Responsibility: 1) Coordinate and approve all news releases about the crisis. 2) Work with General Counsel as necessary on media releases. 3) Provide training for anyone who may speak with media. 4) Establish a media-briefing schedule. 5) Provide escorts for all media. 6) Brief Administration and Instruction as necessary. 7) Develop procedures and standard news releases for emergency use. 8) Maintain a list of contacts for the issuing of news release and media notifications. 9) Keep a log of any passwords for media notifications. 10) Maintain a contact list of department staff for emergency notification. 11) Respond to EOC when EOC is activated. 7 7/20/04 C. Controller: The Controller will be responsible for advising the Crisis Management Team in regard to funding the loss and advising the Risk Manager in regard to financial assistance from the Insurance Carrier. Line of Authority: 1) Controller 2) Vice Chancellor of Finance and Business Services Areas of Responsibilities: 1) Establish special account(s) with funding to cover the crisis losses 2) Work with Risk Management and Insurance Carrier on funding needs. 3) Establish procedure for the tracking of the loss. 4) Keep all financial records necessary for filing the insurance claim. 5) Advise Administration on the financial status of the loss. 6) Maintain a staff contact list for after hours notification. 7) Respond to the EOC when EOC is activated. 8 7/20/04 D. District Maintenance: The District Maintenance will be responsible for restoring or assisting with the restoration of the operating system of the affected area. This could include the repair of building system debris removal or other activities with the restoration of services. Line Authority: 1) Manager of District Wide Maintenance 2) Location Maintenance Supervisor 3) Lead Maintenance Worker 4) Lead Engineer 5) Respond to EOC when EOC is activated. The responsibilities of the area will change, as more senior staff will arrive on the scene. Areas of Responsibility: 1) Maintain a supply of materials necessary for most routine repairs. 2) Maintain a contact list of staff for emergency contact and recall. 3) Maintain a contact list with after hour contact of suppliers and contractors. 4) The Manager of District Wide Maintenance or his/her designee will be responsible for the development of plans, resources list, and manpower contact list in order to achieve this. 5) Respond to EOC so that workers can be dispatched as needed. 9 7/20/04 E. General Counsel: The Office of General Counsel will have the responsibility of advising Administration, the Crisis Management Team, and Community Relations in any legal issues associated with Crisis Management and Recovery. Line of Authority: 1) General Counsel 2) Assistant General Counsel Areas of Responsibility: 1) Legal advice. 2) Emergency contract review. 3) Review of Community Relation statements. 4) Advising the Public Information Officer (PI0) about public statement. 5) Any legal issue necessary in order to protect the interests of the College. 6) The General Counsel Office will maintain an emergency contact list for its staff and other legal assistance that may be needed. 7) Respond to EOC when EOC is activated. 10 7/20/04 F. Human Resources The Human Resources Department will have the responsibility of advising Administration, The Crisis Management Team in any issue associated with Human Resource Policy and Procedures during the crisis and its recover. Line of Authority: 1) Director of Human Resources 2) Manager of Employee and Labor Relations Areas of Responsibility: i. Employee issues ii. Emergency work conditions. iii. Salary and wage questions iv. Any Human Resource issue v. Respond to EOC when EOC is activated. vi. Contact Employee Assistance Provider-if necessary. 11 7/20/04 F. Technology & Educational Support Services: The Technology & Educational Support Services (TESS) Department will be responsible for the restoration and repair of the College Information and Telecommunication System. They will also have the responsibility of arranging for and establishing necessary communication, network and computer systems for the EOC. Line of Authority: 1) Director of Information and Telecommunication Systems 2) Manager of Telecommunication Systems 3) Manager of Operations Areas of Responsibility: 1) Protect and recover vital College business and academic information and records. 2) Provide and support emergency communications systems both wire-line and wireless for the EOC. 3) Provide and support emergency desk top computer, servers and local area networking for the EOC. 4) Restore critical information and communication systems in order of priority established by the Technology and Educational Support Services (TESS) Dusaster Recovery Plan. Highest priority assigned to core communications systems both telephone and data, followed by core business systems including College web site, electronic mail, financial processing, human resource processing, and student administration and records. 5) Continuously update and maintain the TESS Disaster Recovery Plan. The plan should be evaluated and tested with a mock disaster on a disaster preparedness day to ensure its effectiveness and illustrate gaps in recovery efforts. 6) Respond to the EOC when the EOC is activated. 7/20/04 12 G. Instruction: Instruction will be responsible to re-establish the instructional mission of the College as soon as possible following a crisis. Instruction will keep Administration advised of their recovery effort. Line of Authority: 1) Vice Chancellor for Education 2) Campus President (Effected Campus) 3) Campus Executive Dean (Effected Campus) Areas of Responsibilities: 1) Re-establish a class schedule. 2) Work with Physical Facilities to establish physical needs of instruction. 3) Adjust classroom assignments and teaching assignments as necessary. 4) Work with Administration about class, semester, etc. cancellations. 5) Coordinate with Purchasing, Physical Facilities, and Administration for rental of additional classroom space. 6) Develop procedures for re-establishing the education mission. 7) Maintain a contact list for emergency notification. 8) Respond to EOC when EOC is activated. 7/20/04 13 H. Law Enforcement Law enforcement will have the responsibility to insure the safety and security of St. Louis Community College students, staff and assets. Line of Authority: 1) Chief 2) Lieutenant 3) Senior Officer on Duty 4) First Officer on the Scene Command of the scene will shift as with the arrival of more senior members of the department. Areas of Responsibility: 1) Scene Safety. 2) Affected Area Access. 3) Notification of Appropriate: a) Emergency response agencies b) College Officials 4) Management of the EOC. 5) Develop and maintain Mutual Aid Agreement with surrounding communities. 6) Maintain contact numbers for other local, State and Federal law enforcement agencies that may be able to provide services. 7) The Chief of Police or his/her designee will be responsible for the development of plans and procedures for the law enforcement response to emergencies on the campus. 8) Maintain contact list for all of the departmental staff. 9) Respond to EOC when EOC is activated. 7/20/04 14 7/20/04 I. Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design: The Physical Facility/Engineering and Design department will be responsible for the maintaining and returning to function of the buildings and infrastructure of the District. Line of Authority: 1) Director of Physical Facilities 2) Manager of Engineering and Design 3) Project manager The responsibilities of this effort will change as more senior staff arrives on the scene. Areas of Responsibility: 1) Maintaining an accurate set of drawing of the College buildings. A set will be kept at each campus for the campus and a complete set will be kept at Cosand Center. A set of Cosand Center drawings will be kept at the Forest Park Campus. 2) Maintain list of resources and engineering suppliers, contracts available for debris removal, and the re-establishment of the function to the affected area. 3) To access the amount and cost of damage to the College. 4) To work with outside consultants, contractors in order to restore the College's operation. 5) The Manager of Physical Facilities or his/her designee will be responsible for the plan development, resource list and manpower contacts list in order to achieve this. 6) Respond to EOC when EOC is activated. 15 7/20/04 I. Purchasing: Purchasing will be responsible for all purchases and non-facility related contracts necessary to facilitate the crisis recovery. Line of Authority: 1) Director of Purchasing 2) Coordinator of Contracts and Major Acquisitions Areas of Responsibility: 1) Coordinate necessary purchases and non-facility contracts for the recovery effort. 2) Establish special purchasing guidelines for use during the crisis. 3) Assist with vendor selection as necessary. 4) Give advice in regard to purchasing requirements. 5) Develop a set of procedures to be followed during the crises. 6) Maintain a staff contact list for emergency after hours notification. 7) Respond to EOC when EOC is activated. 16 7/20/04 J. Risk Management: The Risk Management Department will be responsible for the maintaining of appropriate insurance policies/programs to protect the interest and assets of the College. The Department will also assist with the recovery effort and the claim process. Line Authority: 1) Manager of Risk Management 2) Environmental Health and Safety Compliance Specialist 3) General Counsel Areas of Responsibility: 1) The Department will maintain an emergency contact list of insurance companies, emergency numbers, and after hour contacts. 2) Will maintain a contact list for the Department staff for emergency notification. 3) Risk Management will respond to crises as necessary and likewise respond to the EOC when activated. 17 7/20/04