Document 11635154

 View or Change My Personal Information 1. After logging in, click the “Self Service” menu item and choose “Student Center.” 2. Click on the “Demographic Data” link under the “Personal Information” section to access your address, phone number, name, email address, emergency contacts, and other demographic information. 3. The “Demographic Information” page displays, showing information such as your date of birth, ID, and social security number. 1 Change or Add Addresses: 1. After navigating the “Demographic Information” page, click the “Addresses” tab. Click the “Add a New Address” button to add a new address or the “Edit” button next to the address you wish to change. 2. Enter or update the address information and click “OK.” 2 3. Select the address type or types for this address. If this is an address that will take effect in the future, enter that date. If the change is effective immediately, leave the default date of today. Click “Save.” Change or Add Names: 1. After navigating to the “Demographic Information” page, click the “Names” tab. Click the “Add a New Name” button to add a new name or click the “Edit” button next to the name you wish to change. Please note: You can only change or add certain types of names through the Student Center. 3 2. Add or update the name information. Select the effective date. If the change is effective immediately, leave the default of today. Click “Save.” Change or Add Phone Numbers: 1. After navigating to the “Demographic Information” page, click the “Phone Numbers” tab. 2. Make the changes to the phone types, update phone numbers, change preferred, add a phone number, or delete a phone number. After making your changes, click “Save.” 4 Change or Add Email Addresses: 1. After navigating to the “Demographic Information” page, click the “Email Addresses” tab. 2. From this tab, you can change your email type, update the address, and an email address, and delete an email address. After making your changes, click “Save.” Please note: You cannot edit or delete your campus email address, which is always the preferred address. 5 Change or Add Emergency Contacts: 1. After navigating to the “Demographic Information” page, click the “Emergency Contacts” tab. 2. From this page, you can indicate which emergency contact is your primary contact, add a contact, or edit an contact. 3. After entering your changes, click “Save.” 6 