Consent Form Requesting Consumer Reports for Employment Purposes In connection with my application for employment with Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, (the "Employer"), who may request consumer reports or investigative consumer reports on me, I understand that these reports may include preemployment credit reports, criminal background (all levels), governmental databases, department of motor vehicle reports, as well as verifications of professional license, employment (including reason for termination), professional and personal references, and education verification including copies of my transcripts. By signing below I give my consent and authorization to this Employer, their screening agent, and any agency contacted in connection with this application to obtain consumer reports and investigative consumer reports as listed above. I understand should I be hired by the Employer, that this consent will hold firm throughout my employ with the Employer for use in annual background checks, promotions and other security related matters deemed as needed by the Employer that require background screening. I release and hold harmless any individual, corporation, or private or public entity from any and all causes of action that might arise from furnishing to the Employer any information or data they may request pursuant to this release. A photo or faxed copy of this release will act as the original and shall be valid for this and any future reports or updates that may be requested by the Employer in connection with my employment. ____________________________________________________Date____________________________ Signature Full Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Print Names/Aliases/Maiden names used in the past: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Social Security Number _____________________________________Date of Birth __________________ Driver's License Number ____________________________________State of Issue__________________ Present Address________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________________________________________ Position Applying For _____________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Names, Aliases and Addresses: (List all for the past 5 years) Use back of this sheet if necessary. _____________________________________________________________________________________ D Departme ent of Hu uman Resources Kem p Building 4454 Normal Avvenue Kutzttown PA 19530 0 Pho one: 610‐683‐1353 Fax: 6610‐683‐4641 Email: hum manresources@ u KUTZTOWN K FACULTY P PROFILE POSITIO ON APPLYING FO OR: Pleasee check one: DEPARTM MENT: Tenurre Track Temporary: Full-tim me FULL NAME (Last, First & Middle): Part-ttime ASES / MAIDEN N NAMES: LIST PREVIOUS / ALIA STREET T ADDRESS: APARTMENT / UNIT #: CITY STATE E PHONE E: ALTE ERNATE PHONE NUMBER: N Have y you ever work ked for Kutzto own University y: Are yo ou a US citizen? Yes Yes ZIP CODE EMAIL L ADDRESS: No If yes, inndicate date oof employmentt and departm ments below: No If not, do you have a legal right too work in the U US? Please ex xplain below. Crimin nal History: CRIM MINAL OFFEN NSE includes fe elonies and mis sdemeanor offe enses. CON NVICTION is an adjudication of guilt and includes determinations before e a court, a disstrict justice or magistrate and pleas of nolo o conttendre (no conttest) that resultt in a fine, sentence or probattion. For this question disregard: d mino or traffic violatio ons (no points)), offenses com mmitted before e your 18th birtthday which we ere adjudicated d in juvenile court un nder a Youth Offender O Law, and a any charg ges which have e been expung ged by a court or for which yo ou successfully y completed an Acce elerated Rehab bilitative Dispos sition Program.. A “Y Yes” answer is not n necessarily y a bar to emplo oyment. WERE E YOU EVER CONVICTED C OF O A CRIMINAL OFFENSE? Yes No If you u answer “Yes”, please provide a written exp planation in the e space below. AG GREEMENT Notic ce of Availabilitty of Annual Se ecurity Report This re eport includes sttatistics for the previous three years y concerning g reported crime es that occurred d on-campus; in n certain off-cam mpus buildings or propertty owned or controlled by Kutzto own University; and a on public pro operty within or immediately adj acent to and acccessible from, th he campus. This s report a also includes ins stitutional policies concerning campus security, such s as policies concerning sexu ual assault, and other matters. Y You can obtain a copy o of this report by contacting the Department D of Public P Safety & Police P Services at one of the fo ollowing: Mailing g address: Kutzztown University y, c Safety & Po olice Services, P.O. Box 730 0 Kutztown, PA A 19530 Phon e 610-683-4002 2 / Fax 610-6 683-1530 Emaill: Department of Public I certifyy that all stateme ents made by me e on this applica ation and any supporting materia al included are trrue and correct tto the best of myy knowledge and d belief, a and are a full and complete discllosure. I agree that t if employed, any misreprese entation or falsificcation regardlesss of when discovvered, shall justify y disciplinary action, including termination. I understand d that Kutztown University U will co onduct a comple ete background investigation as part of the hiring g ze Kutztown Univ versity of Pennsy ylvania to contac ct my previous em mployers and refferences. processs. I also authoriz By SIG GNING BELOW, I certify that I hav ve read and agre ee with these sta atements. cant’s Signatu ure Applic Date