Physics 318 Electromagnetism R.G. Palmer 3/19/10 Assignment 5/6 (due Monday 3/29/10) 1. Jackson’s problem 2.2 (Easy) 2. Jackson’s problem 2.4 3. Jackson’s problem 2.6 4. Jackson’s problem 2.8 Algebraically challenging! Also involves some coordinate geometry; it may help to know Appolonius’ definition of a circle: |z − A| = m|z − B| (in complex notation). 5. Jackson’s problem 2.13 6. Jackson’s problem 3.2 You will need to use a recurrence. 7. Jackson’s problem 3.3 8. Jackson’s problem 5.13. You can use (from class): I cos θ0 2 0 4πa2 x< a dΩ = 0 |x − x | 3 x2> x< = min(x, a) x> = max(x, a) 9. Make plots for the B field lines for the standard loop (Jackson 5.5) and the magnetic dipole moment for the same value (i.e. m = Iπa2 ). You will need to use Mathematica (or something like it).