INTERNATIONAL POLICY CENTER Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy University of Michigan IPC Working Paper Series Number 40 Women’s Working Status and Physical Spousal Violence in India Yoo-Min Chin April 2006 Women’s Working Status and Physical Spousal Violence in India Yoo-Mi Chin April 2006 Preliminary and Incomplete Abstract Empirical …ndings as well as theoretical predictions in the marriage bargaining literature suggest that women’s …nancial independence has a positive e¤ect on their empowerment. Findings in the domestic violence literature, however, challenge the generalization of the results. The theory of male backlash in the domestic violence literature predicts that in a patriarchal economy, an increase in women’s economic independence will lead to an increase in cases of domestic violence targeted at women. Violence is a means of restoring the husband’s authority over his wife particularly when the women’s independence challenges the dominance of men. Patterns of physical spousal violence in India are in line with the theory of male backlash in a sense that working women are more subject to physical spousal violence than non-working women. However, the interpretation is made di¢ cult by issues of reverse causality and omitted variable bias. In this study, I address these issues by exploiting changes in rural women’s labor market outcomes exogenously driven by the rainfall shocks and the rice-wheat dichotomy in women’s employment. The IV regressions results indicate that women’s labor force participation decreases the probability of physical spousal violence by 0.07. The …ndings suggest that the positive relationship between women’s working status and the physical spousal violence is likely to be driven by reverse causality and omitted variable bias rather than the male backlash. Department of Economics, Michigan State University, I am grateful to Andrew Foster, Mark Pitt, and Nancy Qian for their insight and guidance. I also thank Richard Blundell and Robert Pollak for their comments and encouragement. Special thanks to Doug Park, Delia Furtado, Isaac Mbiti, and Muna Miky. All remaining errors are mine. 1 1 Introduction The theory of marital bargaining predicts that women’s greater …nancial independence should empower them with better outside options, lower their threshold for tolerating abuse inside marriage, and lead to a reduction in violence against them. According to the male backlash theory, on the other hand, in a patriarchal society, violence can be a means of restoring the husband’s authority over his wife particularly when the women’s independence challenges the dominance of men. Therefore, an increase in women’s …nancial independence will increase the incidence of violence against them. Patterns of physical spousal violence in India are in line with the male backlash theory: women who participate in the labor market tend to be more subject to physical violence by their husbands. Given that women in India virtually do not have options outside marriage, which is an important underlying assumption for the male backlash theory to be valid, the male backlash theory might be a more appropriate model that captures the marital relationship in India. However, the interpretation of such empirical …ndings is made di¢ cult by issues of endogeneity, such as the reverse causality of women’s labor force participation as well as omitted variable bias. For instance, the positive correlation between physical violence and women’s employment status may re‡ect the causal e¤ect of domestic violence on the decision to work rather than the e¤ect of working status on domestic violence. There might be a di¤erence between working women and non-working women in terms of openness to public, which will lead to a systematic di¤erence in reporting of violence between these two groups. In this paper, I address these issues by exploiting the plausibly exogenous variation in rural women’s labor market outcomes driven by rainfall shocks and the rice-wheat dichotomy in women’s employment and estimate the causal e¤ect of women’s …nancial independence on the incidence of domestic violence. The IV regression results using the interaction between the rainfall shocks and the rice-wheat dichotomy in women’s employment as an instrumental variable indicates that women’s labor force participation decreases the probability 2 of physical spousal violence by 0.07. The results suggest that the positive relationship between women’s working status and physical spousal violence is likely to be driven by endogeneity of women’s working choice and omitted variable bias rather than the male backlash. The paper proceeds as follows. In Section 2, the existing theories of domestic violence and empirical …ndings are presented. Section 3 describes the conceptual framework. Section 4 describes the data sets. Section 5 provides features of physical spousal violence and women’s attitudes towards violence in India. The empirical speci…cations and estimation results are presented in Section 6, and Section 7 concludes. 2 Background 2.1 2.1.1 Theoretical Background Bargaining Theory of Domestic Violence Noncooperative bargaining models of domestic violence predict that an increase in women’s economic independence will decrease the level of violence within the households. Women’s’…nancial independence will increase their probability of leaving the relationship by providing favorable outside options, and lead to either the end of the relationship or a decrease in abusive treatment within the intact households. Tauchen, Witte and Long (1991) developed a noncooperative model of domestic violence where both a man’s and a woman’s utilities depend on domestic violence, the behavior of woman, and his and her consumption of other goods. Both spouses can choose to make an income transfer to each other and have threat point utilities, which are identical to utilities outside the marriage. The e¤ect of changes in income depends on whether the threat point utility is binding and whether there is a positive income transfer. When the woman’s threat point utility is binding and there is a positive income transfer, an increase in the man’s income and an increases in the woman’s income have opposite e¤ects on violence. As his income rises, the man can buy more violence by increasing his …nancial transfer to her. As his payment for violence increases, the woman’s tolerance of violence will also increase. As the woman’s income rises, the man is forced to reduce the violence in order to maintain her reservation utility. When both individuals gain from 3 marriage and there are positive transfers, both persons’incomes have the same e¤ects on violence and the e¤ects are in general negative.1 In a similar setting, Farmer and Tiefenthaler (1997)’s noncooperative model of domestic violence also predicts that increase in a woman’s income will decrease the level of violence because a woman’s …nancial independence increases her threat point. 2.1.2 Theory of Male Backlash There are other models that generate opposite predictions to the theory of marital bargaining. Those models characterized as theory of male backlash predict that women’s economic independence could increase the physical spousal violence against them (Aizer 2005). Marital relationships are governed by socially and culturally prescribed gender roles. To the extent that women’s economic independence challenges socially sanctioned gender roles, women can be subject to more spousal violence because the challenged man might try to reinstate his authority over his wife by in‡icting violence on her (Macmillan and Gartner 1999). In this approach, women’s employment, for example , does not merely provide an access to …nancial resources but also serves as a symbol that represents the status of men and women within the households. Similarly, according to the exchange theory (Molm 1990), a husband uses his ability to transfer money and violence as the two sources of power. A husband can in‡uence his wife’s behavior by transferring money to her or exercising violence as a punishment. As his wife’s income increases relative to his, his ability to in‡uence his wife through monetary transfer will decrease, and he will resort more to violence to in‡uence her behavior. Therefore, an increase in women’s …nancial independence will lead to more spousal violence. The models that focus on the symbolic nature of women’s economic independence are criticized because they ignore women’s rationality constraint in abusive relationships (Aizer 2005). They do not take into account the possibility that abused women can choose to end relationships. There are certain cultures, however, in which women practically do not have outside options. In countries where divorce or separation are accompanied by signi…cant stigma, the threat of ending the match 1 The direction of the e¤ect depends on how each person’s consumption of other goods a¤ect the man’s marginal utility of violence. The assumption that his marginal utility of violence decreases with his consumption of other goods does not necessarily rule out the positive e¤ect of income on violence. However, the violence can increase with income only under very peculiar conditions. 4 may not be credible, in which case the bargaining model may not be appropriate (Luke and Munshi 2005). 2.2 Previous Empirical Findings Empirical evidence on the e¤ect of economic independence of women on spousal violence is inconclusive. Using U.S. California county level data, Aizer (2005) examined the e¤ect of the relative wage between female dominated sector (service) and male dominated sector (construction) on the domestic violence. In her study, domestic violence rate was measured by arrests for domestic violence, female intimate partner homicides and hospitalizations for assault at a county level. She found that increases in county level relative female wage over time decrease domestic violence at a county level. Using 125 Californian women who were victims of domestic violence, Tauchen, Witte and Long (1991) found that in low and middle income families, an increase in women’s income reduces violence whereas an increase in men’s income increases violence. In high income families where most of the income is earned by men, an increase in either party’s income will lower violence. On the other hand, in high income families where most of the income is earned by women, an increase in her income will increase violence. Farmer and Tiefenthaler (1997) used victims of violence data in the U.S. and found that higher female income leads to fewer incidence of violence. On the other hand, increases in male earned income decreases violence, whereas increases in male unearned income increases violence. Macmillan and Gartner (1999) analyze the relationship between women’s employment and spousal violence against them among Canadian women. Their empirical results show that women’s employment increases risk of violence when husbands are unemployed, whereas it decreases the risk when husbands are also employed. The evidence in developing countries is more supportive of the male backlash theory. Luke and Munsh (2005), for example, found out that controlling the total household income, an increase in female income increases domestic violence against women among low caste families in Tamil Nadu in India, which is likely to result from increase in disagreement over household resource allocations as women’s …nancial independence increases. Bloch and Rao (2002) found that the risk of spousal violence is higher for a woman from a rich household, using a survey data in three villages in 5 Karnataka in India. Their results suggest that a dissatis…ed husband whose cost of violence is low enough will in‡ict violence on his wife in order to extract more monetary transfer from her family. 3 Conceptual Framework Based on the previous literature, there can be two alternative hypotheses regarding the e¤ect of women’s employment, representative of the female economic independence on the incidence of spousal violence. First, an increase in women’s labor force participation will decrease the incidence of spousal violence. As the theory of marital bargaining suggests, an increase in female …nancial independence will increase their probability of leaving the relationship by providing favorable outside options, and lead to either the end of the relationship or a decrease in abusive treatment within the intact households. Related to this argument, it has been suggested that increasing their job opportunities in the labor market would be an e¤ective way to provide an outside option for women in developing countries like India, where the lack of opportunities outside marriage for women is the major source of unjust treatment of women before and within marriage. Bloch and Rao (2002), for example, suggested that in India, "providing opportunities for women outside marriage and the marriage market would signi…cantly improve their well-being by allowing them to leave an abusive husband, by …nding a way of “bribing" him to stop the abuse, or by presenting a credible threat that achieves the same objective. In more speci…c terms, the main opportunities for women outside the marriage market would be in the labor market." There is another theory in domestic violence literature that predicts a negative e¤ect of women’s labor force participation on the incidence of violence. According to the exposure reduction theory, when either husband or wife is working, spousal violence will decrease because they will have fewer opportunities for con‡icts. On the other hand, the alternative view suggests that an increase in women’s labor force participation will increase the incidence of spousal violence. This prediction might be con…ned to a patriarchal society where social stigma against divorced or separate women is enormous and the 6 women’s threat of ending the relationships is incredible. In such a cultural surrounding, whenever the women’s independence challenges the dominance of men, they might try to restore their authority by exercising more violence on their spouses. Similarly, as Bloch and Rao described in their bargaining model, spousal violence can be a means to extract more transfer of resources. Therefore, when divorce is tremendously costly and virtually not an option for women, a dissatis…ed husband can exercise more violence on a woman from a richer family in order to extract more transfer from her family. The same mechanism can be applied to working women who have more resources to be extracted than non-working women. On the other hand, a positive e¤ect of women’s labor force participation on the incidence of violence might result from a totally di¤erent mechanism. For example, an increase in violence reporting can be a labor market outcome. Therefore, it can be that we observe the positive relationship not because working women experience more violence, but because working women report more than non-working women do. The purpose of this paper is to test these two opposite hypothesis. As will be shown in the next section, patterns of physical spousal violence in India seem to be more supportive of the male backlash theory in a sense that working women are subject to more physical spousal violence than non-working women. However, the interpretation of such empirical …ndings is made di¢ cult by issues of endogeneity. More speci…cally, the positive relationship can be a result of an omitted variable bias. For example, labor force participation is positively correlated with poverty. At the same time, poor women tend to be more subject to spousal violence because the lack of resources serves as a stressor within the household. Therefore, it can be that violence is driven by the lack of …nancial resources rather than the women’s working status. Similarly, there can be a systematic di¤erence between working women and non-working women in reporting spousal violence. If working women tend to be more open to the public then non-working women, it is the di¤erence between these two groups of women in terms of openness to public, not their working status.2 Moreover, the results might be driven by the reverse causality. For instance, the positive correlation between 2 This argument is di¤erent from the argument that more reporting of violence is a labor market outcome. In this argument, some unobservable characteristics of women are correlated with both labor market participation and the reporting of violence, thereby biasing the e¤ect of working status. Therefore, an instrument will be a solution. If more reporting is a labor market outcome, no instruments can …x the problem. 7 physical violence and women’s employment status may re‡ect the causal e¤ect of domestic violence on the decision to work rather than the e¤ect of working status on domestic violence. Therefore, I will address this endogeneity issues by exploiting the plausibly exogenous variation in women’s labor market outcomes caused by rainfall shocks and the rice-wheat dichotomy in India and identify the causal relationship between women’s working status and the experience of physical spousal violence. 4 Data There are four sets of data employed in this study: the second National Family Health Survey (NFHS-2) of India (1998-99), Indian District Database 1961-91, High Resolution Gridded Daily Rainfall Data by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), Rural Economic and Demographic Survey (1998-99). The second National Family Health Survey (NFHS-2) of India was conducted between 1998 and 99. The NFHS-2 survey covers a representative sample of more than 90,000 eligible women age 15–49 from 26 states that comprise more than 99 percent of India’s population. The survey covers a variety of demographic and health issues including domestic violence, the main interest of this paper. The data set contains information on women’s attitudes to domestic violence3 , everexperience of women’s domestic violence since age 15, persons who in‡icted violence, the incidence of violence in the past 12 months, and frequency of the violence in the past 12 months. The survey takes a single question approach. The respondent is asked a single question to determine whether she has ever experienced violence. If she gives an a¢ rmative answer, then follow up questions are asked. Given the sensitive nature of the issue, surveys dealing with domestic violence is particularly subject to underreporting. In that sense, it is a shortcoming that women are given only one chance to disclose their experience of violence. Moreover, violence is de…ned as “being mistreated physically or beaten," and more concrete description of acts are not given. Because perceptions about “physical mistreatment or beating" might vary by persons and household culture, it has 3 It is asked whether a husband is justi…ed in beating his wife in the following situations: if he suspects her of being unfaithful, if her natal family does not give expected money, jewelry, or other items, if she shows disrespect for in-laws, if she goes out without telling him, if she neglects the house or children, if she does not cook properly. 8 to be kept in mind that apart from the chronic underreporting issue, the unre…ned de…nition of violence in NFHS-2 data might cause measurement problems. Indian District Database provided state level crop area information. Since NFHS-2 provides only state level identi…er, district level crop information in 1981 is aggregated at the state level. Based on data availability, 18 states are chosen out of 26 states. These states divided into the rice area and the wheat area depending on which crop is dominant in each state. The rice area includes Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal. The wheat area includes Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. In each state, per capita total crop area including 33 di¤erent crops4 is calculated. High Resolution Gridded Daily Rainfall Data by the IMD was used to calculate the state level rainfall shocks for the survey period. Rainfall shocks are measured as a deviation of the actual rainfall in the past 12 months of the survey5 from the yearly normal (30 year average). This study also used the Rural Economic and Demographic Survey 1998-99 in order to estimate the total labor income of the agricultural landless households. The total wage incomes of the households are regressed on the basic demographic variables of the households and the crop information of the state in which the households reside in. The parameter estimates are then used to predict the total labor incomes of each household in the NFHS-2. 5 5.1 Violence in India More Spousal Violence against Working Women According to the National Family Health Survey 1998-9, working women are more likely to experience physical spousal violence than non-working women in India. Figure (1) presents the percentage of married women6 who are beaten or physically since age 15 by the violence perpetrators. Out 4 Crops included are rice, jowar, bajra, maize, ragi, wheat, barley, gram, tur, groundnut, castor seed, sesamum,rapeseed/mustardseed, linseed, cotton, jute, msta, sugar, and tobacco 5 Among households within a same state, the actual rainfall in the past 12 months might be di¤erent depending on in which months the survey was conducted. 6 Married women are de…ned as those women who are married and live with their husbands. Women who are married but live separately from their husbands are excluded because separated women are di¤erent from women 9 of 80487 women who are married and live with their husbands, 35% women worked in the past 12 months and 65% women did not. Twenty seven percent of working women reported that they experienced an act of physical violence perpetrated by somebody since age 15, whereas the corresponding …gure is 17% for non-working women. Twenty …ve percent of working women reported that husbands were one of the perpetrators, and 15% of non-working women reported that their husbands were one of the perpetrators. For 13% of non-working women, husbands were the only people who ever beat or physically mistreated them, whereas 22% of working women reported that their husbands were the only perpetrators of the violence. Compared to the ever experience of violence, the current violence rate is much lower. Figure (2) presents women’s experience of violence in the past 12 months. In total, 12% of women reported that they experienced physical violence by anybody in the last 12 months. Among working women, 14% experienced violence by anybody, whereas 10% of non-working women experienced violence. Husbands are again main perpetrators of the physical violence against women. Nine percent of all women reported that husbands were only perpetrators of violence in the past year. Among working women, 12% said that husbands were the only perpetrators whereas the corresponding …gure for non-working women was 7 percent. Therefore, domestic violence against women is predominantly committed by their intimate partners, and more physical violence is in‡icted on working women than non-working women. If the latter re‡ects the causal relationship - e¤ect of women’s labor force participation on the incidence of violence -, the patterns of physical spousal violence in India seem to be in line with the theory of male backlash. 5.2 Women’s Attitudes towards Spousal Violence Table (2) presents women’s attitudes towards spousal violence. As mentioned earlier, NFHS-2 asked women whether wife beating is justi…ed in the following situations: if a husband suspects that his wife is being unfaithful, if her natal family does not give expected money, jewelry, or other items, if she shows disrespect for in-laws, if she goes out without telling him, if she neglects the house or children, and if she does not cook properly. Overall, 32 percent of women agree with beating who live with their husbands in terms of exposure to the risk of violence. 10 as a punishment for being unfaithful. Relatively few women agree with violence as a punishment for insu¢ cient dowry. Seven percent of women believe that a wife deserves beating if there was not enough dowry or monetary transfer from the wife’s family to the husband’s. More than thirty percent of women agree with physical punishment if a wife shows disrespect for in-laws, or if she goes out without telling her husband. In general, taking care of house and children are considered as the most important responsibility of women. About 40 percent of women believe that they deserve beating if they neglect these duties. Further, around 24% of women agree with beating if they do not cook properly. Columns (2) and (3) present women’s attitudes towards spousal violence by their working status. Notably, working women are more likely to accept violence as a punishment than non-working women, in all the occasions. 6 Empirical Analysis 6.1 Identi…cation and Sample Selection The main interest of this paper lies in understanding the causal relationship between a woman’s working status and the incidence of physical spousal violence. Since I only have information on women’s working status in the past 12 months, I will focus on the e¤ect of a woman’s working status in the past 12 months on her experience of violence in the past 12 months. Therefore, caution is required in interpreting the results because short term variations in women’s working status might have rather restricted implications for the experience of spousal violence. The major concern in examining the relationship between women’s working status and their experience of violence is that women’s working status is endogenous. A variable that simultaneously a¤ects both her working choice and incidence of violence might bias the results of standard linear probability estimation. For example, poverty can cause higher incidence of violence as well as higher labor force participation of women. If an extroverted woman not only tends to choose to participate more in the labor market but also is more likely to report experience of spousal violence, the coe¢ cient of a women’s working status will be biased upward. Moreover, a woman who su¤ers more from spousal violence can choose to work more outside home if marginal disutility of working 11 decreases with level of violence. Therefore, in order to address this endogeneity of women’s working status, I need some exogenous factors that change women’s working status but are uncorrelated with unobservable violence factors within households or women’s openness to public. When the sample is restricted so that it only includes agricultural landless households, a rainfall shock might be a valid instrument. It is because a rainfall shock will exogenously change women’s working status, but it is unlikely to be correlated with unobservable violence factors within households or women’s openness to public. However, a major concern in using rainfall shocks as an instrument is that rainfall shocks might violate the exclusion restriction through other channels such as the husband’s labor incomes. Another source of exogenous variations in women’s working status might be the rice-wheat dichotomy in India. In India. female labor force participation rates are consistently lower in the traditional wheat-growing belt of the northwest than in the rice-growing eastern and southern states. This geographically distinct employment variation is related to di¤erences in farming intensities and cropping patterns across regions: in the wheat-growing region where plough cultivation is predominant, demand for female labor is low, whereas in the rice-growing region where weeding and transplanting is prevalent, demand for female labor is high (Boserup 1970). A number of studies analyzed these variations in female labor employment generated by di¤erential demand for female labor due to ecological variations in cropping patterns and how these economic values of women a¤ect household decision making (Bardhan, 1984; Rosenzweig and Schultz, 1982; Miller, 1981). For example, Bardhan relates North-South di¤erence in survival chances of female child to the rice-wheat dichotomy and the resulting di¤erential patterns of female employment in India. On the other hand, we do not observe this distinct pattern for men, because men engage in both types of work, whereas women are largely excluded from ploughing. Therefore, whether the households reside in a state where more rice is grown than wheat might be an exogenous factor that a¤ects women’s working status. However, if a more patriarchal and violence-oriented family tends to choose either area for any reason, being in a rice or wheat state might be correlated with unobservables in the violence equation Table (3), for example, presents women’s attitudes towards violence by crop states. Other than for being unfaithful, for all the other occasions, women in the rice state 12 are more likely to accept violence as a punishment mechanism. If this re‡ects di¤erent household culture by crop state, it is likely that those violent oriented households choose more to reside in the rice state or households in the rice state become more patriarchal due to some social surroundings speci…c to that region. 7 Rainfall shocks are likely to violate the exclusion restriction because they will a¤ect the physical spousal violence through other channels such as husbands’labor income. Being in a rice or wheat state might be correlated with unobservables in the main equation if a more patriarchal and violenceoriented family tends to choose either state. However, the interaction between the rainfall shocks and the rice state dummy will not be correlated with the husband’s income because we do not observe rice-wheat dichotomy for men’s employment. The main idea is that labor demand shocks created by rainfall shocks will be di¤erential for women’s labor force participation depending on whether she is in a rice area or in a wheat area, whereas for men who engage in both rice and wheat production no di¤erential e¤ects are expected. Further, the shocks are not likely to be correlated with the household’s intrinsic orientation for violence, because it is hard to imagine that unexpected weather shocks can change personality or household culture other than through income changes and vice versa. Therefore, the interaction between the dummy for the rice area and the rainfall shocks will be a valid instrument in identifying the e¤ect of women’s labor force participation on the physical spousal violence. There are several concerns in using the interaction term as the instrument. First, rainfall might di¤erentially a¤ect the demand for male labor in both areas as well, if one of the crops is more sensitive to rain. Since rice production in general is more dependent on water availability, it is likely that the e¤ect of rainfall on men’s labor income will be also di¤erential in the two areas. This might compound the result of the IV regression. I address this issue by directly controlling predicted total agricultural household income.8 Second, rainfall shock might have a direct e¤ect 7 This is contrary to the general belief that North is more conservative and oppressive in terms of treatment of women than the South. As far as the spousal violence is concerned, it seems that the rice area which largely corresponds to the South is more patriarchal. 8 Using the Rural Economic and Demographic Survey 1998-99, I estimated landless househould total labor income equation. The estimation is based on a set of household level demographic variables and a set of state level agricultrual variables. Speci…ally, the household level demographic variables include the number of men, the number of women, the mean age of men, the squared mean age of men, the squared mean age of women, the mean education of men, the mean education of women, the squared mean education of men, the squared education of women. The state level 13 on violence. It is unlikely that the household culture or its violence orientation is a function of a rainfall shock. However, rainfall shocks might change the household time allocation patterns. If, for example, more rainfall shocks cause the couple to spend more time within the household than outside, the risk of violence might increase. If households in one area have a more violent and patricarchal culture than the other, the risk of violence caused by rainfall shocks will be higher in one area than in the other. Then, there will be a correlation between the interaction term and the unobservables in the main equation. However, Table (3) suggests that the households in the rice area are likely to have a more violent culture than the households in the wheat area, if at all. If a rainfall shock in the rice area increases both women’s labor force participation and the risk of violence more than those of women in the wheat area, the IV regression results will be upwardly biased. Therefore, if the sign of coe¢ cient of the women’s working status is negative even with the bias, the bias cannot qualitatively change the conclusion. 6.2 Estimation Equations The second stage equation is de…ned by Vi = 0 + 1 Wi + Xi + rs + Sts + "i (1) where V is the woman’s violence experience in the past 12 months9 , W is the woman’s working status in the past 12 months, X include household demographic variables, wealth (assets), household labor income, r is the dummy for being in a rice state, Sts is the rainfall shock that varies by state and the survey month. aricultural variables include per capita total crop area, a dummy indicating whether it is (majorly) a rice growing state, rainfall shock, rainfall shocks interacted with other two crop variables. The estimated coe¢ cients were used to predict the total household labor income of the sample households in the original data set (Demographic and Health Survey). 9 The experience of violence is measured in two di¤erent ways. First it is a dummy variable that takes 1 if physical spousal violence towards woman took place in the past 12 months and takes 0 otherwise. Violence is also measured in terms of frequency. The variable is measured as a discrete variable that takes 0 if no violence was in‡icted, 1 if it took place once, 2 if it happened a few times, and 4 if violence was perpetrated many times. 14 The …rst stage equation is de…ned by Wi = where Sts 0 + 1 [Sts rs ] + Xi + rs + Sts + "i (2) rs is the interaction between the rainfall shock and the rice state dummy. For estimation, two di¤erent speci…cations are employed. First, I used the interaction term as the only instrument. Therefore, the main e¤ects of the rainfall shock and the rice state dummy were included in the second stage equation. As additional controls in the second stage, I included state level per capita total crop area, village level arable land area, village level distance from the nearest town. These variables are included because they might a¤ect violence through women’s working status as well as the household labor income. Since I do not have the household income, I directly control these variables instead. In the second speci…cation, I directly control the predicted household labor income. As explained earlier, I predicted the household labor income based on their demographic variables, the crop variables both at the state and at the village level, distance from the nearest town, rice state dummy, rainfall shocks, and the interactions between the rainfall shock and the crop variables. Therefore, any e¤ects of these crop variables and the rainfall shocks through the household labor income are controlled. Since it is unlikely that these crop variables will directly a¤ect the spousal violence other than through the household income, once their e¤ects through the total household income are controlled, I used these variables as additional instruments. In doing so, the main e¤ects of the rainfall shocks and the rice state dummy are also treated as excluded instruments. The overidenti…cation test results support the validity of the second speci…cation. 6.3 6.3.1 Results Estimation with Entire Sample Table (8) presents the estimation results of equation (1) using the entire sample of women. The summary statistics of the entire sample is reported in Table (4). All the columns are results of linear probability model estimations. Column (1) presents that women’s labor force participation has a 15 signi…cant positive e¤ect on the probability of physical spousal violence. When a woman works, the probability of physical spousal violence increases by 0.04. The coe¢ cient decreases approximately by half when wealth10 is also controlled, suggesting that positive correlation between poverty and women’s working status tends to bias the coe¢ cient upward. Inclusion of other demographic variables decreases the coe¢ cient slightly more but it is still positive and signi…cant. Women’s age decreases the probability of spousal violence. A one year increase in women’s age will decrease the probability of violence by 0.0017. On the other hand, men’s age has a positive but insigni…cant e¤ect on the physical spousal violence. This result suggests that the age di¤erence re‡ects their relative status in the marital relationship and older women bene…t from the better status. The more children they have, the more violence they experience. This may be driven by the fact that the available resource per capita decreases with family size and this lack of resources generates more stress within the household. Both women’s and men’s education have a signi…cant negative e¤ect on the probability of spousal violence. A one year increase in women’s education leads to decrease in the probability of physical spousal violence by 0.0018, whereas a one year increase in husbands’education decreases the probability by 0.002. Women residing in urban areas are signi…cantly more likely to su¤er from spousal violence. When the couple lives in urban areas, the probability of spousal violence increases by 0.025. In general, urban households tend to have less contacts with neighbors and communities than rural households. Violence can be more easily committed when issues within the household are less exposed to public attention (Kishor and Johnson 2004). Further, being a low caste increases the probability of spousal violence by 0.02. In Table (8) columns (4)-(6), the e¤ect of women’s labor force participation on the frequency of violence in the past 12 months exhibit similar patterns. The frequency of violence is measured as a discrete variable which takes 0 if no violence was in‡icted, 1 if it took place once, 2 if it took place a few times, and 4 if violence was perpetrated many times. Women’s labor force participation has a positive and signi…cant e¤ect on the frequency of violence after controlling demographic variables as well as wealth. Women’s age as well as both men’s and women’s education decrease the frequency 10 The wealth index was constructed using household asset data and principal components analysis. Assets include a number of consumer items such as a telephone, bicycle or car as well as availability of drinking water and sanitation facilities and etc. Each asset is assigned a score generated through principal components analysis and the scores are summed up by household. (Kishor and Johnson 2004) 16 of violence, whereas urban living and low caste increase it. However, the number of children does not have a signi…cant e¤ect on the frequency of violence. 6.3.2 IV Estimation with Restricted Sample Reduced form and First-Stage Results Table (9) presents the reduced form e¤ect of rainfall shock on the incidence of spousal violence in the rice state and in the wheat state respectively. This is the results using only the agricultural landless household data. The summary statistics of the restricted sample is reported in Table (5). Columns (1) and (3) present the e¤ects of rainfall shocks on the incidence of violence when the shock is the only control variable. In the rice area, one more mm of rainfall shock decreases the incidence of violence by 0.013 percentage points, when the rainfall shock is the only control. The precision declines as the other controls are included and rainfall e¤ects become signi…cant at 10% level, if all the included instruments other than the total household labor income are controlled (Column (2)). One more mm of the rainfall shock will decrease the probability of the incidence of violence by 0.00011. The e¤ects of rainfall shocks are largely insigni…cant in the wheat area when only the rainfall shock is controlled (Columns (3)). When all the exogenous variables are controlled, the rainfall shocks have positive e¤ects of the incidence of violence and the e¤ect is signi…cant at 10% level (Column (4)). One more mm of rainfall shock increases the incidence of violence in the wheat area by 0.024 percentage points. Table (10) presents the reduced form e¤ects of rainfall shock on the frequency of violence in the rice area and in the wheat area respectively. The result is not qualitatively di¤erent from Table (5). Table (12) presents the …rst stage regression results. Column (1) presents the e¤ect of the interaction between the rice state dummy and the rainfall shock on the probability of the women’s working, when the household labor income is not controlled. When there is one more mm of rainfall and the woman is in the rice state, her probability of working will increase by 0.002. The results suggest that compared to women in the wheat area, the rainfall shocks a¤ect women in the rice area more favorably, which is in line with the rice-wheat dichotomy. Column (2) presents the …rst stage regression results when the imputed household labor income is directly controlled. In 17 column (2), all the crop variables, the rainfall shocks, and their interactions are being treated as excluded instruments. The e¤ect of the interaction between the rainfall shock and the rice state dummy is still signi…cantly positive when the household income is controlled. Notably, the main e¤ect of the rainfall shock on women’s working status is signi…cantly negative. One more mm of rainfall shock will decrease women’s labor force participation by 0.2 percentage points. The e¤ects of rainfall shock interacted with the per capita crop area are signi…cantly positive. One more mm of rainfall interacted with one more hectare per capita crop area will increase women’s working by 0.2 percentage points. Both the state level per capita crop area and the village level arable land have positive and signi…cant e¤ects on women’s working status. Being in the rice state has a positive but largely insigni…cant e¤ect on the working status. All the instruments are jointly signi…cant. Women’s Working Status and the Physical Spousal Violence Table (13) presents the e¤ect of women’s labor force participation on the incidence of physical spousal violence. The OLS results in column (1) show that when women work, the probability of physical spousal violence will increase by 0.06. Again, wealth has a signi…cant negative e¤ect on the incidence of violence and the inclusion of wealth decreases the e¤ect of the working status, suggesting the positive correlation between poverty and women’s labor force participation. The coe¢ cient becomes a little bit smaller when other demographic controls are included (column (3)). Among the demographic variables, only the women’s education and the number of children have signi…cant e¤ects. A one year increase in women’s education will decrease the probability of violence by 0.003. One more child will increase the probability of violence by 0.006. However, as is the results with the entire sample, even after controlling the e¤ect of wealth, women’s labor force participation still increases the probability of spousal violence by 0.04. Column (4) presents the IV regression results using the interaction between the rice state dummy and the rainfall shock as the only instrument. Once instrumented, the women’s working status has a negative e¤ect on the incidence of violence. However, the e¤ect is not signi…cant at the conventional level and only signi…cant at 15% level. Column (5) presents the IV regression results when the imputed household labor income is directly controlled and all the crop variables 18 and rainfall shocks are treated as excluded instruments.11 As is apparent in the chi square p-value for the overidenti…cation test, the full set of instruments passes the overidenti…cation test. The results in column (6) show that the exogenous changes in women’s working status decreases the probability of physical spousal violence by 0.07, and the e¤ect is signi…cant at the conventional level. The results suggest that the positive e¤ect of women’s labor force participation on the incidence of violence in the OLS regression is likely to be driven by reverse causality or omitted variable bias rather than the male backlash. Among the demographic variables women’s education has a signi…cant negative e¤ect on the probability of violence. Although men’s education also has a negative e¤ect on the incidence of violence, the e¤ect is not statistically signi…cant. Being a low caste increases the probability of violence by 0.04, whereas wealth decreases the probability of violence. The e¤ect of the total household income on the incidence of violence is negative but statistically not signi…cant. Table (14) presents the e¤ect of women’s working status on the frequency of violence. The results are qualitatively similar with Table (13). The simple OLS results suggest that women’s labor force participation increases the frequency of violence even after controlling demographic and wealth variables. However, when the working status is instrumented, it has a signi…cant negative e¤ect on the frequency of violence (column (5)). Among the demographic variables, both women’s and men’s education signi…cantly decrease the frequency of violence. Again, wealth decreases the frequency whereas being a low caste increases the frequency. An increase in the total household labor income signi…cantly decreases the frequency of violence. Women’s Income Contribution and the Physical of Violence Table (15) presents the relationship between the degree of women’s contribution to household income and the incidence of physical spousal violence. Women’s contribution to the household income is a discrete variable that takes 0 if women do not work, 1 if the contribution is almost none, 2 if it is less than half, 3 if it is about half, 4 if it is more than half, 5 if it is all. The OLS results show similar patterns as 11 The instruments are the rainfall shocks, rice state dummy, the interaction between the rice state dummy and the rainfall shock, state level per capita crop area, interaction between the per capita crop area and the rainfall shocks, village level per capita arable land, village level distance from the nearest town. 19 the working status results. More contribution leads to more violence and the relationship is robust to the inclusion of other demographic variables and the wealth (columns (1)-(3)). The …rst stage regression result for women’s income contribution using the same set of instruments for women’s working status is reported in Table (12). As for the working status, the interaction between the rice state dummy and the rainfall shock has a signi…cant and positive e¤ect on the woman’s contribution to the total household income (columns (3) and (4)). In column (4), the additional instruments are added and the total household labor income is controlled. The main e¤ect of the rainfall shock is negative. Its e¤ects through the per capita total crop area is positive but signi…cant at 10% level. Having more crop areas at a state level and more arable land at a village level increase women’s contribution to the household income. Being in a rice state increases women’s contribution to the household income, but the e¤ect is not statistically signi…cant. The instruments are jointly signi…cant Column (4) and (5) in Table (15) presents IV regression results. Exogenous increases in women’s contribution to the household income decrease the incidence of spousal violence. However, the e¤ect is not signi…cant at the conventional level. Column (5) presents the results controlling the predicted household income and including additional instruments. The increase in women’s contribution to the household income decreases the probability of violence, but the e¤ects are not statistically signi…cant even at 10% level. Among the demographic variables, women’s education and wealth have signi…cant negative e¤ects, whereas being in a low caste signi…cantly increases the incidence of violence. All the other demographic variables are not statistically signi…cant at the conventional level. Table (16) presents the e¤ect of women’s income contribution on the frequency of violence. The results are similar to the results in Table (15). The simple OLS results suggest that women who contribute more to the total household income will su¤er more from physical spousal violence. The IV results suggest the opposite, although the e¤ect is signi…cant only at 10 % (column (5)). 20 7 Conclusion The purpose of this study is to identify the causal relationship between women’s working status and the risk of spousal violence against them. In India, working women tend to be more subject to physical spousal violence than non-working women. Given that there is virtually no option outside marriage for women in India, the theory of male backlash seems to appropriately explain reasons for more spousal violence against working women in India. However, there are concerns that the positive relationship between women’s labor force participation and physical spousal violence might be driven by reverse causality or omitted variable bias. In this paper, I address these issues by exploiting plausibly exogenous variations in rural women’s working status driven by rainfall shocks and the rice wheat dichotomy. The IV regression results indicate that women’s working status has a signi…cant negative e¤ect on the incidence and the frequency of physical spousal violence. Women’s labor force participation will decrease the probability of physical spousal violence by 0.07. The frequency of violence will decrease by 0.21 if a woman works. Therefore, the positive relationship between women’s working status and the experience of violence in the simple linear probability model seems to be driven by endogeneity of women’s labor force participation rather than the male backlash. 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Households in Rice Area 31 Observation 5323 Mean 0.09 Mean (weighted) 0.1 Standard deviation 0.28 Work in the past year 5323 0.25 0.27 0.43 Woman age 5323 30.03 29.69 8.8 Man age 5323 34.96 34.61 9.9 Number of children 5323 2.84 2.89 1.9 Woman education 5323 1.99 1.71 3.5 Man education 5323 4.86 4.73 4.61 Low caste 5323 0.73 0.71 0.45 Wealth 5323 -0.18 -0.33 0.77 Household labor income 5323 16132.05 15730.73 10172.38 Rainfall shock 5323 160.08 138.7 116.03 Total crop area (per capita) 5323 0.4 0.37 0.98 Arable land (per capita) 5323 60.88 71.44 1094.96 Distance 5323 14.95 17.49 193.81 Violence in the past year Table 7: Summary Statistics - Households in Wheat Area 32 Violence incidence Violence frequency (1) (2) (3) 0.044538 0.021215 0.019399 (5.19)** (2.96)** (3.43)** Woman age -0.001693 (3.88)** Man age 0.000285 -0.56 Number of children 0.004393 (2.29)* Woman education -0.001819 (2.41)* Man education -0.002075 (4.42)** Urban 0.025133 (5.56)** Low caste 0.019284 (2.28)* Wealth -0.044911 -0.033968 (8.37)** (7.38)** Constant 0.080997 0.084215 0.117483 (7.93)** (11.92)** (8.49)** Working status Observations 75884 75884 75884 (4) (5) (6) 0.094466 0.045443 0.040229 (5.12)** (2.88)** (3.12)** -0.002831 (2.87)** 0.000618 -0.55 0.006904 -1.76 -0.003283 (2.14)* -0.00499 (6.53)** 0.056719 (6.15)** 0.037729 (2.38)* -0.0944 -0.074227 (8.39)** (7.33)** 0.157033 0.163798 0.219515 (7.79)** (12.36)** (8.47)** 75884 Robust t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% Table 8: OLS Estimation Results - Entire Sample 33 75884 75884 34 Violence incidence (3) (4) -0.00028049 0.00024245 -0.98 -2 -0.7070833 (6.22)** -1.176E-05 (8.99)** 0.00001798 (5.03)** 0.24203507 0.48342151 (2.81)* (9.39)** Violence incidence (1) (2) -0.00013 -0.00011442 (2.45)* -1.98 -0.15623488 -2.04 0.00002117 -0.7 -0.00000115 -0.19 0.155691 0.19306874 (7.56)** (5.73)** Table 9: Reduced Form Estimation by Crop State - Violence Incidence Observations 13751 13751 5323 5323 Columns (1)-(4): Linear Probability Model Colmuns (1) and (3) : Controls - rainfall shock Columns (2) and (4): Controls - all excluded as well as included instruments other than the total household income Robust t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% Constant Distance Arable land (per capita) Total crop area (per capita) Rainfall shock Wheat major state Rice major state 35 Violence frequency (3) (4) -0.00028049 0.00024245 -0.98 -2 -0.70708331 (6.22)** -0.00001176 (8.99)** 0.00001798 (19.37)** 0.24203507 0.48342151 (2.81)* (9.39)** Violence frequency (1) (2) -0.00026 -0.00023379 (2.46)* -2 -0.35696863 -2.15 0.00006316 -0.82 -0.00000576 -0.37 0.3108 0.38118616 (7.16)** (4.83)** Table 10: Reduced Form Estimation by Crop State - Violence Frequency Observations 13751 13751 5323 5323 Colmuns (1) and (3) : Controls - rainfall shock Columns (2) and (4): Controls - all excluded as well as included instruments other than the total household income Robust t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% Constant Distance Arable land (per capita) Total crop area (per capita) Rainfall shock Wheat major state Rice major state Reduced-form 36 Table 11: Reduced Form Estimation -Violence Incidence and Frequency - Pulled 19074 Violence frequency (3) (4) -0.00029 -0.000306 -1.85 -1.9 -0.000109 -0.32 -0.481074 (2.16)* 0.000741 -0.89 0.055131 -1.43 -1.22E-05 (6.47)** -4.14E-06 -0.28 0.375648 0.388742 (4.02)** (3.81)** Observations 19074 19074 19074 Colmuns (1) and (3) : Controls - rainfall shock Columns (2) and (4): Controls - all excluded as well as included instruments Robust t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% Constant Distance Arable land (per capita) Rice major state Total crop area (per capita)×shock Total crop area (per capita) Rainfall shock Rice major state×shock Violence incidence (1) (2) -0.000137 -0.000143 -1.8 -1.85 -8.37E-05 -0.51 -0.229583 (2.16)* 0.000461 -1.18 0.031952 -1.71 -6.07E-06 (8.36)** 9.8E-07 -0.16 0.188137 0.193119 (4.26)** (4.04)** Reduced-form 37 19074 Observations 19074 Column (1) and (3) does not include household labor income Robust t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% 19068 19068 13.7 Income contribution (3) (4) 0.00455519 0.00450643 (3.59)** (3.51)** -0.004998 (2.79)* 1.65592424 (2.35)* 0.00610613 -1.78 0.20833838 -0.98 0.0000357 (5.30)** 0.00002578 -0.94 -0.432348 -0.3927611 -1.6 -1.42 Table 12: First Stage - Working Status and Income Contribution 31.75 F-test Constant Distance Arable land (per capita) Rice major state Total crop area (per capita)×shock Total crop area (per capita) Rainfall shock Rice major state×shock Working status (1) (2) 0.00195794 0.00194796 (4.04)** (4.00)** -0.00213503 (3.86)** 0.87813451 (2.58)* 0.00211202 (2.30)* 0.03707016 -0.35 0.00001747 (4.37)** -0.00000552 -1.32 -0.14078789 -0.13268264 -1.15 -1.07 First stage 38 0.10432387 0.17718824 (6.65)** (3.74)** -0.0574957 (5.70)** (1) (2) 0.06018221 0.04610125 (5.70)** (4.42)** 0.223101 (4.90)** (3) 0.04467477 (4.61)** -0.00137301 -1.32 -0.00048979 -0.63 0.0059713 (2.35)* -0.00322918 (2.64)* -0.00069247 -0.68 0.0199553 -2 -0.04020909 (4.72)** 0.17831943 (3.91)** (4) -0.06973191 -1.62 -0.00035761 -0.32 -0.00060421 -0.76 0.00422669 -1.56 -0.00390892 (3.33)** -0.00193528 -1.75 0.03602574 (2.51)* -0.05353467 (6.07)** IV 0.31 (5) -0.07467334 (1.96)* -0.00075896 -0.69 0.00001157 -0.02 0.0032852 -1.07 -0.00342731 (2.69)** -0.00201326 -1.63 0.0409737 (2.42)* -0.06076637 (4.89)** -0.00075896 -0.69 0.13917049 (6.36)** Table 13: Women’s Working Status and Incidence of Spousal Violence Observations 19074 19074 19074 19074 19074 Column (4): rice major state × rainfall shock is the only instrument Column (5): rice major state × rainfall shock, rainfall shock, total crop area per capita, total crop area × shock rice state dummy, per capita arable land, distance from the nearest town are instruments. Robust t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% Overidentification (Chi sq p-value) Constant Household labor income Wealth Low caste Man education Woman education Number of children Man age Woman age Working status OLS Violence incidence 39 0.10432387 (6.65)** (1) 0.12530626 (5.15)** 0.17718824 (3.74)** -0.05749572 (5.70)** (2) 0.0945618 (3.91)** 0.223101 (4.90)** (3) 0.08977954 (3.78)** -0.00309786 -1.38 -0.00015142 -0.09 0.0093499 -1.64 -0.00608519 (2.39)* -0.0027859 -1.47 0.03964979 -2.07 -0.04020909 (4.72)** IV 0.26252133 (3.12)** (4) -0.31814208 -1.69 0.00039661 -0.14 -0.00049797 -0.28 0.00324039 -0.44 -0.00901641 (2.91)** -0.00738072 (2.93)** 0.09849119 (2.53)* -0.13583885 (4.87)** 0.33 (5) -0.21203088 (2.45)* -0.00132974 -0.56 0.00082313 -0.53 0.00299866 -0.47 -0.00673927 (2.47)* -0.00611696 (2.57)* 0.09117923 (2.57)* -0.14120235 (5.42)** -0.00179615 (2.00)* 0.27467359 (5.51)** Table 14: Women’s Working Status and Frequency of Violence Observations 19074 19074 19074 19074 19074 Column (4): rice major state × rainfall shock is the only instrument Column (5): rice major state × rainfall shock, rainfall shock, total crop area per capita, total crop area × shock rice state dummy, per capita arable land, distance from the nearest town are instruments. Robust t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% Overidentification (Chi-sq p-value) Constant Household labor income Wealth Low caste Man education Woman education Number of children Man age Woman age Working status OLS Violence frequency 40 0.11093947 (6.81)** (1) 0.01854661 (7.36)** 0.17493061 (3.71)** 0.21905421 (4.89)** (3) 0.01309933 (4.47)** -0.00126946 -1.22 -0.00051771 -0.65 0.0058194 (2.31)* -0.00333443 (2.72)* -0.00072206 -0.74 0.02082403 -1.94 -0.05931248 -0.04164783 (5.60)** (4.73)** (2) 0.01367613 (4.42)** (4) -0.02985857 -1.53 -0.00035413 -0.31 -0.00052948 -0.69 0.00411542 -1.52 -0.00386254 (3.30)** -0.00221614 -1.65 0.03844753 (2.50)* -0.05410003 (6.28)** -0.00035413 -0.31 0.17544249 (3.92)** IV 0.3 (5) -0.02496323 -1.55 -0.05985892 (5.18)** -0.00089894 -0.85 0.00011331 -0.17 0.00339135 -1.14 -0.00317429 (2.37)* -0.00209937 -1.61 0.04014476 (2.41)* -0.0007452 -1.87 0.13457674 (6.18)** Table 15: Women’s Income Contribution and Incidence of Spousal Violence Observations 19068 19068 19068 19068 19068 Column (4): rice major state × rainfall shock is the only instrument Column (5): rice major state × rainfall shock, rainfall shock, total crop area per capita, total crop area × shock rice state dummy, per capita arable land, distance from the nearest town are instruments. Robust t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% Overidentification (Chi-sq p-value) Constant Household labor income Wealth Low caste Man education Woman education Number of children Man age Woman age Income contribution OLS Violence incidence 41 0.21726551 (6.56)** (1) 0.04057954 (6.12)** 0.35699338 (3.73)** 0.44200342 (4.59)** (3) 0.02848227 (3.96)** -0.00293735 -1.33 -0.00020573 -0.12 0.00913164 -1.66 -0.00626973 (2.46)* -0.00277106 -1.55 0.04051786 -1.97 -0.13192466 -0.09452102 (5.91)** (5.01)** (2) 0.03015058 (3.96)** 0.34 (4) (5) -0.06345346 -0.06408688 -1.6 -1.86 -0.00097842 -0.00181917 -0.41 -0.8 -0.00023093 0.00105567 -0.14 -0.72 0.0054849 0.00364871 -0.96 -0.6 -0.00739996 -0.00597215 (3.09)** (2.22)* -0.00596859 -0.00609695 (2.29)* (2.28)* 0.07823453 0.08590052 (2.63)** (2.65)** -0.1211704 -0.13672303 (6.53)** (5.80)** -0.00188798 (2.13)* 0.34866843 0.26012387 (3.73)** (5.29)** IV Table 16: Women’s Income Contribution and Frequency of Spousal Violence Observations 19068 19068 19068 19068 19068 Column (4): rice major state × rainfall shock is the only instrument Column (5): rice major state × rainfall shock, rainfall shock, total crop area per capita, total crop area × shock rice state dummy, per capita arable land, distance from the nearest town are instruments. Robust t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% Overidentification (Chi-sq p-value) Constant Household labor income Wealth Low caste Man education Woman education Number of children Man age Woman age Income contribution OLS Violence frequency