4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Research and development Introduction Process innovation 4820–10 Patent races Welfare analysis Geir B. Asheim Strategic adoption Department of Economics, University of Oslo Network externalities ECON4820 Spring 2010 Last modified: 2010.03.23 New products or reduced cost of existing products? 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Introduction Outline Process innovation Patent races Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Network externalities How will the market look like in the future? Which firms? Which products? What production technology? Depends on: Entry deterrence Regulation Innovation ... Two kinds of innovation: Product innovation (special case of process innovation?) create new goods and services Process innovation reduce costs of existing services Outline 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Introduction Outline Process innovation Patent races Process innovation Social value under perfect competition Private value under monopoly Private value under competition Private value under monopoly threatened by entry Welfare analysis Introduction to patent races Strategic adoption Welfare analysis of patent protection Network externalities Strategic adoption of new technologies Network externalities Process innovation: reduced cost of existing products 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim What is the value of an innovation for society? Introduction Process innovation Social planner Monopoly Competition Entry Patent races for an innovating firm? It depends on the situation: Is the innovation patent-protected (forever)? Competition or monopoly before the innovation? Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Network externalities Throughout we will assume: Constant unit costs The innovation decreases costs from c to c Social value under perfect competition 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Introduction Process innovation Social planner Monopoly Competition Entry Patent races Value for a social planner c s Per time period: v = c D(p)dp ∞ Present value: V s = 0 e −rt v s dt = 1r v s = c c D(p)dp Corresponds to the situation where there is perfect competition no patent-protection Welfare analysis Private value in this situation: 0 Strategic adoption Issues: Role of Network externalities 1 r monopoly and patent-protection in providing incentives for innovation Private value under monopoly 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Introduction Process innovation Social planner Monopoly Competition Entry Patent races Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Network externalities Assumption: Monopoly before and after the innovation Πm (c) = maxp Π(p, c) , where Π(p, c) ≡ (p − c)D(p) p m (c) = arg maxp Π(p, c) Private value in this situation measured by change in Πm (c): dΠm (c) dc = ∂Π(p m (c),c) dp m (c) ∂p dc + ∂Π(p m (c),c) ∂c =−D(p m (c)) =0 Per time period: c v m = Πm (c) − Πm (c) = − c Present value: V m = 1r v m = c dΠm (c) m dc = dc c D(p (c))dc 1 c m s r c D(p (c))dc < V Social value: Add value of expanded output Private value under competition with patent protection 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Introduction Process innovation Social planner Monopoly Competition Entry Patent races Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Network externalities Suppose all firms in the market have constant unit costs c Homogenous product, price competition: p = c, Π = 0 One firm makes an innovation, lowering its cost to c The innovation is protected by a patent of infinite duration Two cases to consider: (i) The innovation is drastic: p m (c) ≤ c Even at the monopoly price, the innovating firm undercuts its competitors (ii) The innovation is non-drastic: p m (c) > c The innovating firm serves the whole market by charging (slightly less than) c Private value of a non-drastic innovation 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Per time period: v c = (c − c)D(c) Present value: V c = 1r v c = 1r (c − c)D(c) Introduction Process innovation Social planner Monopoly Competition Entry Patent races Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Network externalities ∀c > c, p m (c) > p m (c) > c ⇒ ∀c > c, D(p m (c)) < D(c) ⇒ Vm < Vc ∀c < c, D(c) < D(c) ⇒ Vc < Vs Conclusion: V m < V c < V s Social value: Add nothing This ranking also holds for a drastic innovation Social value: Add value of expanded output Replacement effect of an innovation (Arrow, 1962) 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Why is V m < V c ? Introduction Process innovation Social planner Monopoly Competition Entry Patent races Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Network externalities In the competition case, the innovating firm escapes a zero-profit situation In the monopoly case, the innovating firm replaces one monopoly situation with another Because of the replacement effect, competition is good for the firms’ incentives to innovate Private value under monopoly threatened by entry with patent protection 4820–10 R&D Assumption: The entrant innovates if the monopolist does not Geir B. Asheim This increases the monopolist’s incentives to innovate, since now the alternative is worse Introduction Process innovation Social planner Monopoly Competition Entry Patent races Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Network externalities Πd (c1 , c2 ) — profit per period in a duopoly when own cost is c1 and rival’s cost is c2 Private values if monopolist innovates: Monopolist: Πm (c) Entrant: 0 Private values if entrant innovates: Monopolist: Πd (c, c) Entrant: Πd (c, c) Private value of innovation for monopolist Πm (c) − Πd (c, c) Private value of innovation for entrant Πd (c, c) Efficiency effect 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Introduction Process innovation Social planner Monopoly Competition Entry Patent races Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Network externalities Assumption: A monopolist does not make less profit than two non-colluding duopolists: Πm (c) ≥ Πd (c, c) + Πd (c, c) Reasonable in a homogeneous-good industry Because of the efficiency effect, monopoly is good for the monopolist’s incentives to innovate Introduction to patent races 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Introduction Process innovation Patent races Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Network externalities Two firms, an incumbent and an potential entrant, fight to be first to make an innovation protected by a patent of infinite duration The more valuable the innovation is for the incumbent, the more resources it spends on being first, and the greater is the probability that it will win the race and get even more control over the market If the efficiency effect dominates the replacement effect (i.e., V m > V c ), then the incumbent gets even more control over the market In the opposite case (i.e., V c > V m ), then the entrant takes over, at least in expectations Welfare analysis of patent protection in the case of product innovation 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Introduction Process innovation Patent races Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Network externalities With infinitely long-lived patents, a firm can have too little incentive to engage in R&D, due to the appropriability effect (the private surplus is lower than the social surplus) too much incentive to engage in R&D, due to the business stealing effect (the profit lost by competitors is not internalized) What is the optimal degree of patent protection? Why is it important to prevent imitation? Imitation by competitors reduces the profit of the innovator Imitation increases the competitors’ profit, allowing them to “free-ride” Strategic adoption of new technologies 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Consider a technology without patent protection, but where adoption is costly. Adoption decreases costs from c to c. Assume that D(c) = 1. Introduction Process innovation Patent races Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Adoption w/o strategic considerations Adoption w/ strategic considerations Network externalities Private value of adoption if the competitor does not adopt: Per time period: v = (c − c) Present value: V = 1r v = 1r (c − c) Adoption costs are decreasing over time: C (t) C (0) very high, C (t) < 0, C (t) > 0 Net present value of being a technology leader, adopting at t: L(t) = (V − C (t))e −rt The follower does not adopt: F (t) = 0 for all t Adoption without strategic considerations 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Introduction Process innovation Patent races Let the leader be picked out in advance The leader maximizes L(t): FOC: 0 = L (t) = −C (t)e −rt − r (V − C (t))e −rt gain of delay Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Adoption w/o strategic considerations Adoption w/ strategic considerations Network externalities cost of delay C (t ∗ ) = V + 1r C (t ∗ ) < V Define t c by L(t c ) = 0 Since C (t c ) = V and C (t ∗ ) < V , it follows that t c < t ∗ Adoption with strategic considerations 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Let both firms consider technology adoption Introduction Process innovation A firm never adopts before t c Patent races A firm preempts if the other adopts after t c Welfare analysis Equilibrium: Adoption by one firm at time t c Strategic adoption Adoption w/o strategic considerations Adoption w/ strategic considerations Network externalities Rent dissipation Wastefulness Network externalities 4820–10 R&D Geir B. Asheim Introduction Process innovation Patent races Welfare analysis Strategic adoption Network externalities Positive externalities between consumers Examples: Telephone, fax, e-mail, etc. More generally: Network effects Examples: System goods, such as computers and software video cassette recorders and video cassettes When a new technology is available, each consumers must decide whether to switch A coordination problem: The more consumers switching, the higher is the utility from switching Excess inertia: Consumers wait longer than what is socially optimal because no-one want to be first to switch to the new technology Excess momentum: Consumers switch too early because they do not want to be left with the old technology