Infinitely repeated games Prisoners’ dilemma Discounted infinitely repeated game u2 D C D 1, 1 3, 0 3 2 C 0, 3 2, 2 1 Can repetition discipline 1 the players to cooperate? Deviating yields a short run gain. Deviating yields a loss of reputation that undermines future cooperation. 2 u1 3 Yes, if gain now PV of future loss • (Average) payoff in a repeated game (1 )t 1 t 1vt • Discounting p: Probability that the game ends. 1 p 1 r r: Rate of time preference. Doubling of detection lag decreases 2 • Let G N, (Ai), (ui) be a normal form game, where Ai is the set of actions for player i and ui is the payoff function for player i. • A -discounted infinitely repeated game of G is an extensive game where G is played infinitely many times, where players can observes the actions of previous rounds and where the payoff function for player i is given by ui (( a t )) (1 )t1 t 1ui (a t ) Simple strategy profiles (Abreu, 1988) Consider the following paths: (a (0) t ) a (0)1 , a (0) 2 , a (0) 3 , a (0) 4 , (a (1)t ) a(1)1 , a(1) 2 , a (1)3 , a(1) 4 , (a (n)t ) a(n)1 , a (n) 2 , a(n)3 , a (n) 4 , • Why multiply with (1 )? Suppose that vt v for all t. Then (1 )t 1 t 1vt (1 )(1 2 )v v Special case 1: v1 v , but vt 0 for all t 1. (1 )t 1 t 1vt (1 )v Special case 2: v1 0 , but vt v for all t 1. (1 )t 1 t 1vt v The one-deviation property • A strategy profile is a subgame perfect equilibrium for the discounted infinitely repeated game of G if and only if there is no history after which a player can gain by deviating for a single period. Rules: Start with (a(0)t). If i N (and only i) deviates from (a(j)t), then (re)start (a(i)t). Write: (a(0)t ), (a (1)t ), , (a(n)t ) u2 • The set of payoff profiles that can be realized in subg. perf. equilibria for the -disc. infinitely repeated game of G is compact. m(2) • Consider the -disc. infinitely Set of subgame perfect equilibrium payoffs u1 m(1) repeated game of G. For each player i N, there is (a) a minimal payoff m(i) that can be realized as a subg. perf. equilibr. payoff, and (b) a subg. perf. equilibr. path (aˆ (i)t ) s.t. ui ((aˆ (i )t )) m(i ) • Consider the -disc. inf. repeated game of G. Then (at) is a subg. perf. equilibr. path if and only if t t t the simple strategy profile (a (0) ), (aˆ (1) ), , (aˆ (n) ) is a subg. perf. equilibrium. 1 Cooperation in infinitely rep. Prisoners’ Dil. u2 " Trigger strategy" : 2 Play D if D has been used earlier; 1 otherwise play C . (Start with C .) u2 “Getting Even” 3 1 2 u1 3 If cooperation breaks down, it will never be restarted. Subgame perfect equilibrium (no profitable 1-per. dev.)? If cooperation has broken down: No profitable 1-per. dev. If cooperation has not broken down: Short-run gain PV of long-run loss 1 (1 )(3 2) (2 1) 1 2 2 3 Play C , unless " permitted" to play D. 2 " Permitted" to play D if the opponent 1 played D w/o " perm" in previous period. 1 If 1 deviates, then 1 is punished in the next period. Short-run gain PV of loss in next period If cooperation has not broken down: 1 3 2 ( 2 0) 1 2 2 If cooperation has broken down: 1 1 0 ( 2 0) 1 2 2 Repeated Prisoners’ Dil.: Conclusions Repeated Bertrand comp. Consider the following paths: P (Q ) 60 Q q1m q2m 15 u1 2 3 2 Coop.: Both set monopoly price: (a t ) (C , C ), (C , C ), (C , C ), (nt ) ( D, D), ( D, D ), ( D, D), (a (1)t ) (C , D), (C , C ), (C , C ), (a (2)t ) ( D, C ), (C , C ), (C , C ), (a t ), (nt ), (nt ) is a subg. perf. equilibrium if 12 (a t ), (a (1)t ), (a (2)t ) is a subg. perf. equilibrium if 12 Repeated Bertrand comp.: Conclusions Consider the following paths: ( p t ) (30,30), (30,30), (30,30), (nt ) (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), ( p t ), (nt ), (nt ) is a subg. perf. equilibrium if 12 p m 30 p1m p2m 1m 2m 450 1 If deviation, coop. breaks down: b b b b b b p1 p2 0 1 2 0 q1 q2 30 Subgame perfect equilibrium (no profitable 1-per. dev.)? If cooperation has broken down: No profitable 1-per. dev. If cooperation has not broken down: Short-run gain PV of long-run loss 1 (1 )(900 450) (450 0) 450 900 2 Repeated Cournot comp. 2 Coop.: In total, monopoly quantity. P (Q ) 60 Q q1m q2m 15 m p 30 1m 2m 450 If deviation, coop. breaks down: 1 1c 2c 400 q1c q2c 20 p c 20 Subgame perfect equilibrium (no profitable 1-per. dev.)? If cooperation has broken down: No profitable 1-per. dev. If cooperation has not broken down: Short-run gain PV of long-run loss (1 )(506.25 450) (450 400) 9 56.25 106.25 17 2 Harsher punishments? 2 Coop.: In total, monopoly quantity. P (Q) 60 Q q1m q2m 15 m p 30 1m 2m 450 If deviation, price = 0 in 1 period: p0 1 2 0 q1 q2 30 “Getting Even” 1 Short-run gain PV of loss in next period If cooperation has not broken down: 1 506.25 450 (450 0) 56.25 450 8 If cooperation has broken down: 1 225 0 ( 450 0) 225 450 2 2 Coop.: In total, monopoly quantity. q1m q2m 15 1m 2m 450 1 If 1 deviates, 2 takes over for 1 period: p 30 q1 0 & q2 30 1 0 & 2 900 P (Q ) 60 Q p m 30 PV of loss in next period Short-run gain If cooperation has not broken down: 1 506.25 450 (450 0) 56.25 450 8 If cooperation has broken down: 1 225 0 ( 450 0) 225 450 2 Repeated Cournot comp.: Conclusions Consider the following paths: (q t ) (15,15), (15,15), (15,15), (nt ) (20, 20), (20, 20), (20, 20), (qˆ t ) (30,30), (15,15), (15,15), (q (1)t ) (0,30), (15,15), (15,15), (q (2)t ) (30, 0), (15,15), (15,15), (q t ), (nt ), (nt ) is a subg. perf. equilibrium if 179 (q t ), (qˆ t ), (qˆ t ) is a subg. perf. equilibrium if 12 (q t ), (q (1)t ), (q (2)t ) is a subg. perf. equilibrium if 12 3