April 15, 2005 Exchange Bulletin Volume 33, Number 15 The Constitution and Rules of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated (“Exchange”), in certain specific instances, require the Exchange to provide notice to the Exchange membership. To satisfy this requirement, a complimentary copy of the Exchange Bulletin, including the Regulatory Bulletin, is delivered by hard copy or e-mail to all effective members on a weekly basis. CBOE members are encouraged to receive the Exchange and Regulatory Bulletin and Information Circulars via e-mail. E-mail subscriptions may be obtained by submitting your name, firm if applicable, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number, to members@cboe.com, or, by contacting the Membership Department by phone, at 312-786-7449. There is no charge for e-mail delivery of the Exchange and Regulatory Bulletin or for Information Circulars. If you do sign up for e-mail delivery, please remember to inform the Membership Department of e-mail address changes. Additional subscriptions for hard copy delivery after the first complimentary copy may be obtained by submitting your name, firm if any, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone number to: Chicago Board Options Exchange, Accounting Department, 400 South LaSalle, Chicago, Illinois 60605, Attention: Bulletin Subscriptions. The cost of an annual subscription (July 1 through June 30) is $200.00 ($100.00 after January 1), payable in advance. The Exchange reserves the right to limit subscriptions by nonmembers. For up-to-date Seat Market Quotes, call 312-786-7456 or refer to CBOE.com and click “Seat Market Information” under the “About CBOE” tab. For access to the CBOE Member Web Site, please also notify the Membership Department by sending an e-mail to members@cboe.com or by phone at 312-786-7449. Copyright © 2005 Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated SEAT MARKET QUOTES AS OF FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2005 CLASS CBOE/FULL CBOT/FULL BID $491,500.00 $1,380,000.00 OFFER $498,500.00 $1,440,000.00 LAST SALE AMOUNT $498,000.00 $1,419,001.00 LAST SALE DATE April 12, 2005 April 12, 2005 MEMBERSHIP SALES AND TRANSFERS From Larkspur Securities, Inc. Larkspur Securities, Inc. Craig R. Luce Patrick F. Girondi Paul C. Carey KOU-PRI Investments, LLC KISAY 1, LP KISAY 1, LP Kevin J. Hincks Citadel Derivatives Group LLC Stephen Koch KISAY 1, LP To EWT, LLC EWT, LLC Lehman Brothers Inc Jonathan A Sion Jonathan A Sion TRO Trading Group LLC TRO Trading Group LLC EWT, LLC TRO Trading Group LLC Justin Steinberg Lehman Brothers Inc EWT, LLC Price/Transfer $475,000.00 $494,000.00 $494,000.00 $475,100.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $498,000.00 $498,000.00 $510,000.00 $510,000.00 $490,000.00 $498,000.00 Date 4/7/05 4/8/05 4/8/05 4/8/05 4/8/05 4/8/05 4/8/05 4/8/05 4/11/05 4/11/05 4/12/05 4/12/05 Page 2 April 15, 2005 Volume 33, Number 15 Chicago Board Options Exchange DPM APPOINTMENT TRANSFER PROPOSAL - April 14, 2005 This notice is given in accordance with the procedures utilized by the MTS Committee under CBOE Rule 8.89 in considering DPM appointment transfer proposals. Under Rule 8.89, the MTS Committee posts notice of any proposal by a DPM involving greater than a nominal transfer of interest in the DPM’s organization. During the posting period, members may submit to the MTS Committee written comments and/or written alternative proposals. Following the posting period, the MTS Committee will determine what action to take regarding the proposal based on the factors enumerated in Rule 8.89 and the accompanying guidelines issued by the Board of Directors. The MTS Committee has not yet made any determination regarding whether to approve or disapprove the proposal described below, and the posting of the proposal does not imply that the MTS Committee has reached a particular determination with respect to the proposal. The MTS Committee has received a proposal from Botta Capital Management, LLC (“BCM”) and Botta Specialists, LLC (“BSP”), both member organizations, regarding a transfer in the ownership interest in BCM. BSP operates several DPM trading stations on the CBOE, which are located at Post 2, Station 9; Post 2, Station 10. Currently, BCM owns 100% of BSP and the ownership structure of BCM consists of several classes of members, each with certain rights and obligations. The Class A members are Pax Clearing Corporation (“Pax”), Jeffrey Wolfson, Kevin Luthringshausen, Kelly Luthringshausen, and Michael Frazin. The Class C members are Steven Malitz, William Lynn, and Ilene Resnick Garber. The Class F members are Philip Teuscher and Peter Guth. There are several Class B members. Under the proposal, Pax will withdraw from ownership in BCM and Zydeco, LLC (“Zydeco”) will own 100% of the Class A membership interests in BCM. Zydeco’s current ownership structure is as follows: Kevin Luthringshausen – 100%, but under the terms of the proposal, Zydeco will admit Timothy Mullen, Kelly Luthringshausen, and Christopher Quander as members and Kevin Luthringshausen and Kelly Luthringshausen will transfer their interests in BCM to Zydeco in exchange for additional interests in Zydeco. Also under the proposal, Jeffrey Wolfson will become a Class C member of BCM, but the existing Class C members will retain their Class C memberships. The Class B membership interests in BCM will be retired. The current Class F members will remain Class F members. The management and operational structure of the BSP DPMs will not change. Any written comments and/or alternative written proposals must be received by the MTS Committee, in care of Daniel Hustad, Business Development Division (312-786-7715), on or before April 22, 2005. Unless otherwise requested, any written comments and/or alternative written proposals will be made available for review by the membership. For additional information regarding this posting, please contact Daniel Hustad at the number provided above. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION FOR 4/7/05 THROUGH 4/13/05 MEMBERSHIPAPPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WHICH A POSTING PERIOD IS REQUIRED Effective Date Lessor: Joel A. Smith Lessee: Wolverine Trading LLC Rate: 0.8128% Term: Monthly 4/7/05 4/13/05 Lessor: Bernard J. McDermott Lessee: Wolverine Trading LLC Rate: 0.8128% Term: Monthly 4/7/05 Date Posted Lessor: Prudential Equity Group LLC Lessee: Wolverine Trading LLC Rate: 0.8128% Term: Monthly 4/7/05 Lessor: Mario D’Agostino Lessee: Michael T. Stowick Rate: 0.8128% Term: Monthly 4/8/05 Lessor: Lehman Brothers Inc. Lessee: TS Obinger Corporation Todd S. Obinger, NOMINEE Rate: 0.8128% Term: 60 Days 4/8/05 Lessor: Lehman Brothers Inc. Lessee: TD Options, LLC Miguel Rosales, NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 4/8/05 Lessor: Lehman Brothers Inc. Lessee: Vitale Trading LLC Conan J. Vitale, NOMINEE Rate: 0.8128% Term: 20 Days 4/8/05 Lessor: UBS Securities, LLC Lessee: Timber Hill LLC Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 4/8/05 Individual Membership Applicants Date Posted Robert I. Steinberg, Lessor 1139 Lathrop Ave. River Forest, IL 60305 Member Organization Applicants HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. 4/7/05 Robert L. Streit, CBT Registered For 452 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10018 HSBC Markets (USA) Inc. – Parent HSBC Investment (North America) Inc. – Owner Michael W. Emerson – General Counsel Robin D. Jones – Chief Operating Officer/Director Anthony J. Murphy – CEO/Director Joseph M. Petri – Director Vincent J. Toia – SROP/CROP David M. Watts – Chief Financial Officer William Wong – CCO/Managing Director/Head of Compliance MEMBERSHIP LEASES New Leases Effective Date Lessor: James P. Butler Lessee: LiquidPoint, LLC R Kevin Lawless, NOMINEE Rate: 0.8128% Term: Monthly 4/7/05 Lessor: Robert G. Martin Lessee: Wolverine Trading LLC Rate: 0.8128% Term: Monthly 4/7/05 Page 3 April 15, 2005 Volume 33, Number 15 Chicago Board Options Exchange Effective Date Terminated Leases Termination Date Lessor: Andrie Trading LLC Lessee: Man Securities Inc. Theodore Castro Jr., NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 4/11/05 Lessor: James P. Butler Lessee: CMZ Trading, LLC 4/7/05 4/7/05 Lessor: KISAY 1, LP Lessee: Grace Trading LLC Andrew S. Rosenkrantz, NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 4/11/05 Lessor: Larkspur Securities, Inc. Lessee: LiquidPoint, LLC R. Kevin Lawless (KLA), NOMINEE 4/8/05 Lessor: Revcon Inc. Lessee: John R. Henington Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 4/11/05 Lessor: Geneva Stock, LLC Lessee: Vitale Trading LLC Conan J. Vitale (CJV), NOMINEE Lessor: SLK-Hull Derivatives LLC Lessee: Dowd Broker Group, Inc. 4/8/05 Lessor: Joseph Klopfer Investments Inc. Lessee: Group One Trading, LP James P. McFadden, NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 4/11/05 Lessor: MB Partners II Lessee: TD Options, LLC Miguel Rosales (MIG), NOMINEE 4/8/05 Lessor: Mario D’Agostino Lessee: Group One Trading, LP Michael Sinoway, NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 4/11/05 Lessor: Craig R. Luce Lessee: TS Obinger Corporation Todd S. Obinger (TOX), NOMINEE 4/8/05 4/11/05 Lessor: Larkspur Securities, Inc. Lessee: Michael T. Stowick (MTS) 4/8/05 Lessor: JRG Enterprises, Inc. Lessee: Group One Trading, LP David R. Stec, NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly Lessor: KISAY 1, LP Lessee: Quiet Light Securities LLC 4/11/05 Lessor: Jonathan A. Sion Lessee: Equitec-Feldman DPM Group, LLC Timothy E. Starsia, NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 4/11/05 Lessor: Mario D’Agostino Lessee: John R. Henington (HTN) 4/11/05 Lessor: Jonathan A. Sion Lessee: Bear Wagner Specialists LLC David S. Levinsky, NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 4/11/05 Lessor: TRO Trading Group LLC Lessee: Brian H. Force Rate: 0.875% Term: 20 Days 4/12/05 Lessor: Mont R. Wickham 4/11/05 Lessee: Man Securities Inc. Theodore Castro Jr. (AYO), NOMINEE Lessor: TRO Trading Group LLC Lessee: Citigroup Derivatives Markets Inc. Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 4/12/05 Lessor: Board Broker Services Inc. 4/12/05 Lessee: Equitec Proprietary Markets, LLC Richard L. Graziadei Jr. (GRZ), NOMINEE Lessor: Board Broker Services Inc. Lessee: Compass Services LLC Richard L. Graziadei Jr., NOMINEE Rate: 0.8128% Term: Monthly 4/12/05 Lessor: KISAY 1, LP Lessee: Brian H. Force (FRC) 4/12/05 4/13/05 Lessor: KOU-PRI Investments, LLC Lessee: Citigroup Derivatives Markets Inc. 4/12/05 Lessor: Alan J. Lifchultz Lessee: NOJ Trading, LLC Eric M. Ringo, NOMINEE Rate: 0.8128% Term: Monthly Lessor: KISAY 1, LP Lessee: Samurai Trading, LLC David Piotrowski (SKI), NOMINEE 4/13/05 Lessor: EWT, LLC Lessee: Samurai Trading, LLC David Piotrowski, NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: 20 Days 4/13/05 Lessor: Stephen Koch Lessee: NOJ Trading, LLC Eric M. Ringo (RNG), NOMINEE 4/13/05 Lessor: EWT, LLC Lessee: PFTC LLC David A. Filippini, NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: 20 Days 4/13/05 Lessor: Larkspur Securities, Inc. Lessee: PFTC LLC David A. Filippini (JQY), NOMINEE 4/13/05 4/13/05 Lessor: M. Jamil Akhtar Lessee: Cutler Group, LP Neal C. Salmen, NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 4/13/05 Lessor: Alan J. Lifchultz Lessee: Sparta Group Of Chicago, LP Lessor: Paul C. Carey 4/11/05 Lessee: Equitec-Feldman DPM Group, LLC Timothy E. Starsia (UVA), NOMINEE Lessor: Patrick F. Girondi Lessee: Bear Wagner Specialists LLC David S. Levinsky (DSL), NOMINEE 4/11/05 Page 4 April 15, 2005 Volume 33, Number 15 Chicago Board Options Exchange MEMBERSHIP TERMINATIONS Member Organizations Individual Members CBT Registered For: Termination Date GUC, Inc 440 S. LaSalle - Ste. 2500 Chicago, IL 60605 4/11/05 Lessor(s): Termination Date KOU-PRI Investments, LLC 1509 N. Lincoln Ct. Arlington Heights, IL 60004 4/12/05 CBT Exercisers: Termination Date Matthew C. Johnson (LUG) 1641 Wickham Court Green Oaks, IL 60048 4/13/05 CBT Registered For: Termination Date Michael A. Gucciardo (MGX) GUC, Inc 440 S. LaSalle - Ste. 2500 Chicago, IL 60605 4/11/05 Lessor(s): Termination Date Paul C. Carey 9126 S. Damen Chicago, IL 60620 4/11/05 Stephen Koch 7965 Cranes Pointe Way West Palm Beach, FL 33412 4/13/05 Nominee(s) / Inactive Nominee(s): Termination Date Joseph A. El-Etr (ETR) Interactive Brokers LLC 209 S. LaSalle, 10th Floor Chicago, IL 60604 4/7/05 Todd Short (SHO) Equitec-Feldman DPM Group, LLC 111 W. Jackson Blvd. - 20th Floor Chicago, IL 60604 4/8/05 Nicole R. Sanders (NCO) SLK-Hull Derivatives LLC 2120 East 177th Street, Apt. #2C Lansing, IL 60438 4/8/05 Jayme A. Demes (JMI) SLK-Hull Derivatives LLC 440 S. LaSalle Street - 17th Floor Chicago, IL 60605 4/8/05 Michael J. Smollen (UDK) SLK-Hull Derivatives LLC 440 S. LaSalle Street - 17th Floor Chicago, IL 60605 4/12/05 Edward C. Wong (EDY) Sparta Group Of Chicago, LP 440 S. LaSalle - Ste. 2101 Chicago, IL 60605 4/12/05 EFFECTIVE MEMBERSHIPS Registered For a Member Organization: Termination Date Kevin J. Hincks (HUV) BBS Partners LLC 440 S. LaSalle, Ste. 623 Chicago, IL 60605 4/13/05 Individual Members CBT Exercisers: Effective Date Matthew C. Johnson (LUG) 4/12/05 1641 Wickham Court Green Oaks, IL 60048 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker Geoffrey S. Gummersall (GUM) 4/13/05 440 S. LaSalle, #1717 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker CBT Registered For: Effective Date Lawrence M. Shover (LMS) 4/7/05 KC-Co. II LLC 10 S. LaSalle - #2300 Chicago, IL 60603 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker Michael Weingart (VIX) 4/7/05 VX Trading, Inc. 1436 W. Wellington Chicago, IL 60657 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker Bradley J. Hadraba (BDR) 4/8/05 Sparta Group Of Chicago, LP 440 S. LaSalle, Ste. 2100 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker Lessor(s): Effective Date Jonathan A. Sion 141 W. Jackson Chicago, IL 60604 4/11/05 Nominee(s) / Inactive Nominee(s): Effective Date Kyle Hilbrenner (HIL) 4/8/05 Tradelink LLC 200 W. Jackson, Ste. 2300 Chicago, IL 60606 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker Franz F. Paul (FFP) 4/8/05 SLK-Hull Derivatives LLC 440 S. LaSalle, 3rd Floor Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker/ Floor Broker Daniel D. Mulvihill Jr. (MLV) 4/8/05 Robert C. Sheehan & Associates, LLC 141 W. Jackson - Ste. 3520 Chicago, IL 60604 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker/ Floor Broker Page 5 April 15, 2005 Volume 33, Number 15 Effective Date James J. Lazzarini (LZZ) 4/8/05 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. 440 S. LaSalle St., #2101 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Floor Broker Hugh J. Flannery (HGH) 4/8/05 Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc. 440 S. LaSalle, 38th Fl. Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Floor Broker Timothy J. Werner (TTW) 4/11/05 TD Options, LLC 230 S. LaSalle St., Ste. 688 Chicago, IL 60604 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker/ Floor Broker Andrew S. Rosenkrantz (DRW) 4/11/05 Grace Trading LLC 440 S. LaSalle Street - Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker James P. McFadden (MCF) 4/11/05 Group One Trading, LP 440 S. LaSalle, Ste. 3232 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker/ Floor Broker Michael Sinoway (SIN) 4/11/05 Group One Trading, LP 440 S. LaSalle - Suite 3232 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker/ Floor Broker David R. Stec (DRS) 4/11/05 Group One Trading, LP 440 S. LaSalle St. - Suite 3232 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker/ Floor Broker Stuart D. Saltzberg (SSD) 4/11/05 RightSide Trading LP 440 S. LaSalle - Suite 2101 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker Jerry Swarbrick (JCS) 4/12/05 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. 440 S. LaSalle - Suite 1200 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: No Floor Functions Neal C. Salmen (NCS) 4/13/05 Cutler Group, LP 440 S. LaSalle, Suite 1124 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker Member Organizations CBT Registered For: Effective Date VX Trading, Inc. 4/7/05 1436 W. Wellington Chicago, IL 60657 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker Lessee(s): Effective Date Compass Services LLC 4/12/05 111 W. Jackson, 20th Floor Chicago, IL 60604 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker/ Floor Broker Chicago Board Options Exchange Lessor(s): Effective Date TRO Trading Group LLC 440 S. LaSalle St. - Suite 2101 Chicago, IL 60605 4/12/05 JOINT ACCOUNTS New Participants Acronym Effective Date Lawrence M. Shover QII 4/7/05 Lawrence M. Shover QQD 4/7/05 Lawrence M. Shover QVK 4/7/05 Kyle Hilbrenner QSO 4/8/05 Phillip C. Yee QRR 4/8/05 David S. Levinsky QBW 4/8/05 Joseph D. Mueller QLL 4/8/05 Joseph D. Mueller QIA 4/8/05 Lee Silver QYA 4/8/05 Franz F. Paul QCA 4/8/05 Franz F. Paul QIA 4/8/05 Franz F. Paul QLL 4/8/05 Joseph R. Dawczak QSJ 4/8/05 Katrina L. Katzenberger QGS 4/11/05 Andrew S. Rosenkrantz QDW 4/11/05 Joseph D. Mueller QCA 4/11/05 Benjamin Dekker QEW 4/11/05 Benjamin Dekker QFS 4/11/05 Benjamin Dekker QJY 4/11/05 Benjamin Dekker QLO 4/11/05 Benjamin Dekker QMD 4/11/05 Benjamin Dekker QNA 4/11/05 Benjamin Dekker QPO 4/11/05 Benjamin Dekker QUT 4/11/05 Benjamin Dekker QVA 4/11/05 Benjamin Dekker QYH 4/11/05 Benjamin Dekker QYS 4/11/05 Michael Sinoway QGO 4/11/05 David R. Stec QGO 4/11/05 Timothy E. Starsia QJS 4/11/05 Stuart D. Saltzberg QQR 4/11/05 Michael Sinoway QNX 4/11/05 James P. McFadden QNX 4/11/05 David R. Stec QNX 4/11/05 Page 6 April 15, 2005 Volume 33, Number 15 New Participants Acronym Effective Date Michael Sinoway QOP 4/11/05 James P. McFadden QOP 4/11/05 David R. Stec QOP 4/11/05 James P. McFadden QGO 4/11/05 Chicago Board Options Exchange Effective Date Richard L. Graziadei Jr. 4/12/05 From: Nominee For Equitec Proprietary Markets, LLC; Floor Broker To: Nominee For Compass Services LLC; Market Maker/ Floor Broker Terminated Participants Acronym Termination Date Eric R. Hartin QTH 4/7/05 Justin Steinberg 4/12/05 From: CBT Registered For McLaughlin Capital, LLC; Market Maker To: Lessor/ CBT Registered For McLaughlin Capital, LLC; Market Maker Eric R. Hartin QTI 4/7/05 Member Organizations Eric R. Hartin QTO 4/7/05 Todd Short QJS 4/8/05 Nicole R. Sanders QCA 4/8/05 BBS Partners LLC 4/13/05 From: Owner/ Lessee/ Registered For; Associated with a Market Maker/ Floor Broker To: Owner/ Lessee; Associated with a Market Maker/ Floor Broker Nicole R. Sanders QIA 4/8/05 Nicole R. Sanders QLL 4/8/05 Jayme A. Demes QCA 4/8/05 Jayme A. Demes QIA 4/8/05 Jayme A. Demes QLL 4/8/05 Timothy E. Starsia QQR 4/11/05 Michael J. Smollen QCA 4/12/05 Michael J. Smollen QIA 4/12/05 Michael J. Smollen QLL 4/12/05 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP STATUS Individual Members Effective Date Eric R. Hartin 4/7/05 From: Nominee For Timber Hill LLC; Market Maker/ Floor Broker To: Nominee For Interactive Brokers LLC; Floor Broker Mark R. Salerno 4/7/05 From: CBT Registered For Sallerson-Troob LLC; Market Maker To: CBT Registered For Sallerson-Troob LLC; Market Maker/ Floor Broker Craig R. Luce 4/8/05 From: Owner/ Lessor; Market Maker/ Floor Broker To: Owner; Market Maker/ Floor Broker Timothy E. Starsia 4/11/05 From: Nominee For RightSide Trading LP; Market Maker To: Nominee For Equitec-Feldman DPM Group, LLC; Market Maker/ Floor Broker Effective Date Citadel Derivatives Group LLC 4/12/05 From: Lessor/ Owner/ Lessee/ Member Organization Affiliated with a CBT Registered For; Associated with a Market Maker/ Floor Broker To: Owner/ Lessee/ Member Organization Affiliated with a CBT Registered For; Associated with a Market Maker/ Floor Broker Morgan Stanley & Co Inc 4/8/05 From: Lessor/ Non-Member Customer Business/ Member Organization Affiliated with a CBT Registered For; Associated with No Floor Functions To: Lessor/ Owner/ Non-Member Customer Business; Associated with a Floor Broker MEMBER ADDRESS CHANGES Individual Members Effective Date David B. Carman 1749 N. Wells, #2211 Chicago, IL 60614 4/8/05 Kevin R. Novak 440 S. LaSalle, Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60605 4/11/05 John R. Henington 440 S. LaSalle - Ste. 3100 Chicago, IL 60605 4/11/05 MEMBER NAME CHANGES Member Organizations Effective Date From: To: 4/12/05 Equitec Compass LLC Compass Services LLC Page 7 April 15, 2005 Volume 33, Number 15 Chicago Board Options Exchange RESEARCH CIRCULARS The following Research Circulars were distributed between April 7 and April 14, 2005. If you wish to read the entire document, please refer to the CBOE website at www.cboe.com and click on the “Trading Tools” Tab. New listings and series information is also available in the Trading Tools section of the website. For questions regarding information discussed in a Research Circular, please call The Options Clearing Corporation at 1-888-OPTIONS. Research Circular #RS05-220 April 7, 2005 OfficeMax Incorporated (“OMX/YYB/OPH”) Partial Self Tender Offer Research Circular #RS05-221 April 7, 2005 Retek Inc. (“RETK/QRD”) Subsequent Tender Offer by Ruby Merger Corp. Research Circular #RS05-222 April 7, 2005 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (“TTWO/TUO/YSR/OSR”) 3-for-2 Stock Split Ex-Distribution Date: April 12, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-223 April 7, 2005 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. (“EMBT/MBQ”) Underlying Symbol Change to “EMBTE” Effective Date: April 8, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-225 April 8, 2005 Ascential Software Corporation (“ASCL/IFQ/YIR/VIF”) Proposed Merger with International Business Machines Corporation (“IBM/WCX/WIB/VIB”) Research Circular #RS05-227 April 8, 2005 Hollywood Entertainment Corporation (“HLYW/HWQ/YZH/OYF”) Proposed Merger with Movie Gallery, Inc. (“MOVI/QLV”) Research Circular #RS05-228 April 8, 2005 Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Inc. (“MGM/YOV/OCK”) Merger COMPLETED with LOC Acquisition Company Research Circular #RS05-229 April 11, 2005 International Steel Group Inc. (“ISG/YRW/VOE”) Proposed Election Merger with Mittal Steel Company N.V. Class A (“MT”) Research Circular #RS05-231 April 11, 2005 *****UPDATE***** Options Currently Ineligible for Additional Series/Months – Failure to Make Timely Reports Research Circular #RS05-232 April 12, 2005 Retek Inc. (“RETK/QRD”): Merger Completed — Cash Settlement Research Circular #RS05-233 April 12, 2005 OfficeMax Incorporated (“OMX/YYB/OPH”) Partial Self Tender Offer EXTENDED Research Circular #RS05-234 April 12, 2005 *****UPDATE – FINAL DISTRIBUTION RATIO ANNOUNCED***** PC Mall, Inc. (“MALL/QGS”) Distribution of Shares of eCOST.com, Inc. (“ECST”) Ex-Distribution Date: April 12, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-235 April 12, 2005 Magnum Hunter Resources, Inc. (“MHR”) Distribution of Beneficial Units of TEL Offshore Trust (“TELOZ”) Ex-Distribution Date: April 14, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-237 April 12, 2005 aaiPharma Inc. (“AAII/IUQ”) Underlying Symbol Change to “AAIIE” Effective Date: April 13, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-238 April 12, 2005 Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc. (“RRGBE/QZR”) Underlying Symbol Change to: (“RRGB”) Effective Date: April 13, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-239 April 12, 2005 VERITAS Software Corporation (“VRTSE/VIV/YQM/OFQ”) Underlying Symbol Change to “VRTS” Effective Date: April 13, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-241 April 13, 2005 Engineered Support Systems, Inc. (“EASI/UFE”) 3-for-2 Stock Split Ex-Distribution Date: April 18, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-242 April 13, 2005 Staples, Inc. (“SPLS/PLQ/YWL/OQZ”) 3-for-2 Stock Split Ex-Distribution Date: April 18, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-243 April 13, 2005 Gerdau S.A. (“GGB”) 3-for-2 ADS Split Ex-Distribution Date: April 19, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-244 April 13, 2005 Cheniere Energy, Inc. (“LNG/YCH/ONP”) 2-for-1 Stock Split Ex-Distribution Date: April 25, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-245 April 13, 2005 Pixar (“PIXR/PQJ”) 2-for-1 Stock Split Ex-Distribution Date: April 19, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-253 April 14, 2005 Hershey Foods Corporation (“HSY”) Name Change to: The Hershey Company Effective Date: April 20, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-255 April 14, 2005 AMX Corporation (“AMXC/AQP”): Merger Completed — Cash Settlement April 20, 2005 Volume RB16, Number 16 Regulatory Bulletin The Constitution and Rules of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated (“Exchange”), in certain specific instances, require the Exchange to provide notice to the membership. The weekly Regulatory Bulletin is delivered to all effective members to satisfy this requirement. Copyright © 2004 Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies APPROVED RULE CHANGE(S) The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has approved the following change(s) to Exchange Rules pursuant to Section 19(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“the Act”). Copies are available on the CBOE public website at www.cboe.com/ legal/effectivefiling.aspx. The effective date of the rule change is the date of approval unless otherwise noted. SR-CBOE-2005-25 Appointment of the Members and Chairman of the ROC On April 4, 2005, the SEC approved Rule Change File No. SR-CBOE-2005-25, which filing amends CBOE Rule 2.1 pertaining to the appointment of the members and chairman of CBOE’s Regulatory Oversight Committee (Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51472, 70 FR 18064 (April 8, 2005)). Any questions regarding the rule change may be directed to Pat Sexton, Legal Division, at 312-786-7467. The text of the amended rules is set forth below. New language is italicized. Rule 2.1 Committees of the Exchange Rule 2.1(a) Establishment of Committees. In addition to committees specifically provided for in the Constitution, there shall be the following committees: Appeals, Arbitration, Business Conduct, appropriate Floor Procedure Committees, Floor Officials, appropriate Market Performance Committees, Membership, Product Development and such other committees as may be established in accordance with the Constitution. Except as may be otherwise provided in the Constitution or the Rules, the Vice Chairman of the Board, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint the chairmen and members of such committees to serve for terms expiring at the first regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the next calendar year and until their successors are appointed or their earlier death, resignation or removal. Consideration shall be given to continuity and to having, where appropriate, a cross section of the membership represented on each committee. Except as may be otherwise provided in the Constitution or the Rules, the Vice Chairman of the Board may, at any time, with or without cause, remove any member of such committees. Any vacancy occurring in one of these committees shall be filled by the Vice Chairman of the Board for the remainder of the term. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Chairman of the Board, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint Directors to serve on the Governance Committee and the Regulatory Oversight Committee, whose members shall not be subject to removal except by the Board. The Chairman of the Governance Committee and the Chairman of the Regulatory Oversight Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board. Whenever the Vice Chairman of the Board is, or has reason to believe he may become, a party to any proceeding of an Exchange committee, he shall not exercise his power to appoint or remove members of that committee, and the Chairman of the Board shall have such power. (b) – (d) No change. Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2005-20 CBOE/CBOT Exercise Right On March 31, 2005, the SEC approved Rule Change File No. SR-CBOE-2005-20, which filing consists of an interpretation of the rules of the CBOE as set forth in paragraph (b) of Article Fifth of the CBOE Certificate of Incorporation (hereafter, “Article Fifth(b)”) concerning the effect on the CBOE/CBOT Exercise Right. The interpretation of the Exercise Right embodied in the Agreement is also reflected in a related proposed amendment to CBOE Rule 3.16 (Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51462, 70 FR 17739 (April 7, 2005)). Any questions regarding the rule change may be directed to Art Reinstein, Legal Division, at 312-786-7570. The text of the amended rules is set forth below. New language is italicized. Rule 3.16 Special Provisions Regarding Chicago Board of Trade Exerciser Memberships (a) Termination of Nontransferable Memberships. No change. (b) Board of Trade Exercisers. For the purpose of entitlement to membership on the Exchange in accordance with Paragraph (b) of Article Fifth of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Exchange (“Article Fifth(b)”) the term “member of the Board of Trade of the City of Chicago” (the “CBOT”), as used in Article Fifth(b), is interpreted to mean an individual who is either an “Eligible CBOT Full Member” or an “Eligible CBOT Full Member Delegate,” as those terms are defined in the Agreement entered into on September 1, 1992 (the “1992 Agreement”) between the CBOT and the Exchange, in the Agreement entered into on December 17, 2003, (the “2003 Agreement”) between the CBOT and the Exchange, and in the Agreement entered into on October 7, 2004, (“the 2004 Agreement”) between the CBOT and the Exchange, as further interpreted in accordance with that certain proposed rule change filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as File No. SR-CBOE-200241, and shall not mean any other person. In order to permit Eligible CBOT Full Members and Eligible CBOT Full Member Delegates to participate in an offer, distribution or redemption of the kind referred to in the last two sentences of Paragraph 3(a) of the 1992 Agreement, and solely for such purpose, the Exchange will waive all membership dues, fees and other charges and all qualification requirements, other than those that may be imposed by law, that may be applicable to the application for membership on the Exchange of each Eligible CBOT Full Member and Eligible CBOT Full Member Delegate who wishes to exercise the Exercise Right during the period commencing on the date the Exchange gives notice to the CBOT pursuant to Paragraph 3(b) of the 1992 Agreement and ending on the date such individual participates in such offer, distribution or redemption (as the case may be); provided, however, that (i) no Exerciser Member (as defined in the 1992 Agreement) for whom dues, fees and other charges and qualification requirements are waived in accordance with the foregoing shall have any rights as a member of the Exchange other than to participate in such offer, distribution or redemption, and (ii) the membership on the Exchange of each such Exerciser Member shall terminate immediately following the time such individual participates in such offer, distribution or redemption. RB2 April 20, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 16 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2004-58 Remote Market-Making On March 24, 2005, the SEC approved Rule Change File No. SR-CBOE-2004-58, which filing amends existing rules and adopts new rules, related to Remote Market-Making. This filing also makes corresponding changes to rules that were recently amended in the approval of SR-CBOE-2004-75 (Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51429, 70 FR 16536 (March 31, 2005)). Any questions regarding the rule change may be directed to Steve Youhn, Legal Division, at 312-786-7416. The text of the amended rules is set forth below. New language is italicized. Rule 8.3 Appointment of Market-Makers This Rule governs the appointment of Market-Makers other than Remote MarketMakers. Rule 8.4 governs the appointment of Remote Market-Makers. (a) On a form or forms prescribed by the Exchange, a registered Market-Maker may apply for an Appointment (having the obligations of Rule 8.7(b) or Rule 30.40, as appropriate) in one or more classes of option contracts or in securities traded subject to the rules in Chapter XXX. From among those Market-Makers registered, the appropriate Market Performance Committee shall ordinarily make two or more Appointments for each class of option contracts or other securities. In making such Appointments, the Committee shall give attention to (a) the preference of registrants; (b) the maintenance and enhancement of competition among MarketMakers in each class of contracts; (c) assuring that financial resources available to a Market-Maker enable him to satisfy the obligations set forth in Rule 8.7 or Rule 30.40 with respect to each class of option contracts to which he is appointed; and (d) the impact additional Market-Makers will have on Exchange systems capacity. Limitations on appointments due to Exchange systems capacity shall be in accordance with Interpretations and Policies .01 to Rule 8.3A. The appropriate Market Performance Committee may arrange two or more classes of contracts into groupings based on, among other things, similar trading locations on the floor, and may make Appointments to those groupings rather than to individual classes. The appropriate Market Performance Committee may suspend or terminate any Appointment of a Market-Maker under this rule and may make additional Appointments whenever, in the Committee’s judgment, the interests of a fair and orderly market are best served by such action. (b) No change (c) Absent an exemption by the appropriate Market Performance Committee, an appointment of a Market-Maker confers the right to quote: (i) electronically in all classes traded on the Hybrid Trading System that are located in one designated trading station (“appointed trading station”) provided, however, that with respect to Hybrid 2.0 Classes (as defined in Rule 1.1(aaa)), a Market-Maker may submit electronic quotations in up to 40 classes for each Exchange membership it owns or up to 30 classes for each Exchange membership it leases; and (ii) in open outcry all classes traded on the Exchange. With respect to classes located at his/her appointed trading station, a MarketMaker may submit, for a one-year pilot period ending March 24, 2006 electronic quotations from a location outside of the appointed trading station in his/her appointed Hybrid classes and his/her 40 or 30 appointed Hybrid 2.0 classes. Any Market-Maker affiliated with an e-DPM or RMM shall be ineligible to submit electronic quotations from outside of its appointed trading station pursuant to this rule in any class in which the affiliated e-DPM or RMM has an appointment. April 20, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 16 RB3 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2004-58 continued A Market-Maker may only change its appointed trading station with the prior approval of the Exchange. Such requests must be made in a form and manner prescribed by the Exchange. In determining whether to approve such requests, the Exchange shall consider the factors contained in paragraph (a). A Market-Maker will be presumed to have an appointment in all non-Hybrid 2.0 classes located at his/her appointed trading station unless the Market-Maker specifically indicates to the Exchange that he/she does not want to include a particular class(es) as part of his/her appointment (“excluded classes”). A Market-Maker is not eligible to submit electronic quotations into any class it designates as an excluded class. Any request by a Market-Maker to receive a subsequent appointment in a previously excluded class will be handled in accordance with Rule 8.3A. (d) A member or prospective member adversely affected by a determination made by the appropriate Market Performance Committee under this Rule, including the denial of an appointment in a particular class, may obtain a review thereof in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XIX. ***** Rule 8.3A Maximum Number of Market Participants Quoting Electronically per Product With respect to products trading on the Hybrid Trading System or on the Hybrid 2.0 Platform, the Exchange will impose an upper limit on the aggregate number of members that may quote electronically in each product ( “Class Quoting Limit” or “CQL”). (For purposes of this Rule, the term “product” refers to all options of the same single underlying security/value.) Interpretations and Policies .01 specifies the Class Quoting Limits for all products trading on Hybrid and the Hybrid 2.0 Platform. When a CQL is established for each product, the following criteria govern which members are entitled to quote electronically in that subject product. A MarketMaker (excluding an RMM and e-DPM) that is not eligible to quote electronically in a product may quote in open outcry in that product. (a) Products Trading on the Hybrid 2.0 Platform as of March 18, 2005 and Products Trading on the Hybrid Trading System as of March 18, 2005: The DPM and e-DPMs (if applicable) assigned to the product on March 18, 2005, and Market-Makers who: (1) are in good standing with the Exchange; and (2) (i) have transacted at least 80% of their Market-Maker contracts and transactions inperson in each of the three immediately preceding calendar months prior to March 18, 2005 in option products traded in the trading station; or (ii) were physically present in the trading station acting in the capacity of a Market-Maker on March 18, 2005, are entitled to quote electronically in those products for as long as they maintain an appointment those products. All other Market-Makers, RMMs, and approved e-DPMs that request the ability to submit quotes electronically in the subject product will be entitled to quote electronically in that product in the order in which they so request provided the number of members quoting electronically in the product does not exceed the CQL. When the number of members in the product quoting electronically equals the CQL, all other members requesting the ability to quote electronically in that product will be wait-listed in the order in which they submitted the request. RB4 April 20, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 16 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2004-58 continued The waiting list operates based on time priority. When the product can accommodate another electronic quoter (whether due to attrition or an increase in the CQL), the member at the “top” of the list ( i.e., the member that has been on the waiting list the longest amount of time) has priority. Once a member is wait-listed, the Exchange may not alter his/her position on the wait-list other than to improve such position ( i.e., the Exchange may not place other members ahead of a previously wait-listed member). If a wait-listed member is offered, yet refuses, the ability to quote electronically in the subject product, the member will be removed from that waiting list. (b) Products Added to the Hybrid 2.0 Platform After March 18, 2005: With respect to a product that is added to the Hybrid 2.0 Platform after March 18, the DPM and e-DPMs appointed to the product will be entitled to quote electronically. All Market-Makers quoting in the product prior to its addition to the Hybrid 2.0 Platform will be entitled to quote electronically provided that: (i) they have transacted at least 80% of their Market-Maker contracts and transactions in-person in each of the three immediately preceding calendar months prior to the product being added to the Hybrid 2.0 Platform in option products traded in the trading station; or (ii) they were physically present in the trading station acting in the capacity of a Market-Maker on the day prior to the product being added to the Hybrid 2.0 Platform. If at the time a product is added to the Hybrid 2.0 Platform the aggregate number of DPMs, e-DPMs, and Market-Makers entitled to quote electronically in the product exceeds the CQL, then the product will have an “increased CQL,” as described in Interpretations and Policies .01(a). Reduction of any “increased CQL” will be in accordance with the procedures described in Interpretations and Policies .01(a). All other members will be entitled to quote electronically in that product in the order in which they so request provided the number of members quoting electronically in the product does not exceed the CQL. When the number of members quoting electronically in the product equals the CQL, all other members will be wait-listed in the order in which they request the ability to quote electronically. The wait-list will operate as described above in paragraph (a). (c) Products Added to the Hybrid Trading System After March 18, 2005: With respect to a new product that commences trading on the Hybrid Trading System after March 18, 2005, the assigned DPM will be entitled to quote electronically. Thereafter, all other members will be entitled to quote electronically in that product in the order in which they so request provided the number of members quoting electronically does not exceed the CQL. When the number of members quoting electronically in the product equals the CQL, all other members will be wait-listed in the order in which they request the ability to quote electronically. The wait-list will operate as described above in paragraph (a). Interpretations and Policies . . . .01 Establishing the Class Quoting Limits: (a) Products Trading on the Exchange as of March 18, 2005: The CQL for all products trading on the Hybrid Trading System is twenty-five (25). The CQLs for products trading on the Hybrid 2.0 Platform are as follows: 40 for the 20% most actively-traded products over the preceding quarter; 35 for the next 20% most actively-traded products; 30 for the next 20% most actively-traded products; and 25 for all other Hybrid 2.0 Platform products. (For purposes of this Rule, the term “product” refers to all options of the same single underlying security/value.) April 20, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 16 RB5 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2004-58 continued At the end of each calendar quarter, products will be assigned a different CQL based on the revised trading volume statistics (“new CQL”). The following rules apply to those products for which the new CQL decreases: (i) – (ii) No change (b) Products Not Traded on the Exchange as of March 18, 2005: The CQL for all products newly-listed on the Exchange after March 18, 2005 will be 25 until such time that the CQL increases in accordance with this Interpretations and Policies .01. (c) – (d) No change .02 “Temporary Appointments” for the Period from March 21, 2005 through the end of the Initial RMM Appointment Process The following procedures apply to Market-Makers’ requests to change their appointed trading stations during the period commencing March 21, 2005, and lasting until the termination of the Initial Remote Market-Maker (“RMM”) Appointment Process (“IRAP”). The IRAP is the mechanism by which electronic appointments will be granted to RMMs and other Market-Makers during the initial allocation process, which is expected to occur during the week of April 18, 2005. 1. Beginning March 21, 2005, until the termination of the IRAP, all Market-Maker requests to change their appointed trading stations will be granted on a temporary basis (“temporary appointment”), provided the CQL for the requisite product has not been met (i.e., on a space-available basis, as described in Rule 8.3A.01). Each temporary appointment terminates at 3:15 p.m. (CT) on the last day of the IRAP, at which point all Market-Makers’ appointed trading stations will revert to the appointed trading station the Market-Maker held on March 18, 2005. 2. In order to receive a permanent appointment in a product in which a MarketMaker previously held a temporary appointment, a Market-Maker must participate in the IRAP and be allocated such product. 3. Upon termination of the IRAP, all Market-Maker (including RMM) requests for appointments and/or appointed trading stations will be handled subject to the requirements of Rule 8.3A (Class Quoting Limits) and in accordance with the appointment procedures of Rules 8.3 (Market-Maker appointments) and 8.4 (RMM appointments), as applicable. ***** Rule 8.7 (a) Obligations of Market-Makers No change (b) Appointment. With respect to each class of option contracts for which he holds an Appointment under Rule 8.3, a Market-Maker has a continuous obligation to engage, to a reasonable degree under the existing circumstances, in dealings for his own account when there exists, or it is reasonably anticipated that there will exist, a lack of price continuity, a temporary disparity between the supply of and demand for a particular option contract, or a temporary distortion of the price relationships between option contracts of the same class. Without limiting the foregoing, a Market-Maker is expected to perform the following activities in the course of maintaining a fair and orderly market: RB6 April 20, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 16 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2004-58 continued (i) To compete with other Market-Makers to improve markets in all series of options classes comprising the Market-Maker’s appointment at the trading station where a Market-Maker is physically present or into which a Market-Maker is quoting electronically. (ii) No change (iii) To update market quotations in response to changed market conditions in his/ her appointed options classes at the trading station where a Market-Maker is present or at the trading station into which a Market-Maker quotes electronically and to assure that any market quote it causes to be disseminated is accurate. A. With respect to trading in appointed classes: (1) Market-Makers who are physically present in their appointed trading station may enter quotes and orders in their appointed classes by public outcry in response to a request for a quote or, in classes in which Hybrid or Hybrid 2.0 is implemented, through an Exchange-approved electronic interface via an Exchange-approved quote generation device. (2) Market-Makers may also enter quotes and orders in their appointed Hybrid and Hybrid 2.0 classes from outside of their appointed trading stations (pursuant to Rule 8.3) through an Exchange-approved electronic interface via an Exchange-approved quote generation device. (3) Market-Makers, whether in their appointed trading stations or not, may also submit orders for automatic execution in accordance with the requirements of Rules 6.8 or 6.13. B. With respect to trading in non-appointed classes, Market-Makers may submit orders for automatic execution in accordance with the requirements of Rules 6.8 or 6.13. C. RMMs may enter quotes and orders remotely (i.e., from outside of the physical trading station for the subject class) through an Exchange-approved electronic interface. RMMs may not quote in open outcry. (iv) No change (c) Classes of Option Contracts other than those to which appointed. With respect to classes of option contracts in which he does not hold an Appointment, a MarketMaker should not engage in transactions for an account in which he has an interest which are disproportionate in relation to, or in derogation of, the performance of his obligations as specified in paragraph (b) of this Rule with respect to those classes of option contracts to which he does hold Appointments. Whenever a MarketMaker enters the trading station for a class of option contracts located away from his appointed trading station in other than a floor brokerage capacity, he shall fulfill the obligations established by paragraph (b) of this Rule and, for the rest of the trading day, such Market-Maker may be required to undertake the obligations specified in paragraph (b) of this Rule upon determination by the Order Book Official in accordance with Rule 7.5. Furthermore, Market-Makers should not: (i) Congregate in a particular class of option contracts; or (ii) Individually or as a group, intentionally or unintentionally, dominate the market in option contracts of a particular class; or April 20, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 16 RB7 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2004-58 continued (iii) Effect purchases or sales on the floor of the Exchange except in a reasonable and orderly manner. (d) Market Making Obligations Applicable in Hybrid Classes No change (i) Market-Maker Trades Less Than 20% Contract Volume Electronically: No change (ii) Market-Maker Trades More Than 20% Contract Volume Electronically: No change (A) No change (B) Continuous Quoting Obligation: A Market-Maker will be required to maintain continuous electronic two-sided quotes for at least ten contracts (undecremented size) in 60% of the series of his/her appointed classes. If the underlying primary market disseminates a 100-share quote, a Market-Maker’s undecremented quote may be for as low as 1-contract (“1-up”), however, this ability is expressly conditioned on the process being automated ( i.e., a Market-Maker may not manually adjust his quotes to reflect 1-up sizes). Quotes must automatically return to at least 10-up when the underlying primary market no longer disseminates a 100share quote. Market-Makers that have not automated this process may not avail themselves of the relief provided herein. The ability to quote 1-up shall operate on a pilot basis and shall terminate August 17, 2005. (C) Continuous Open Outcry Quoting Obligation: In response to any request for quote by a floor broker or DPM representing an order as agent, in-crowd MarketMakers must provide a two-sided market complying with the current quote width requirements contained in Rule 8.7(b)(iv) for a minimum of ten contracts for nonbroker-dealer orders and one contract for broker-dealer orders. (e) No change Interpretations and Policies: .01 - .02 No change .03 For purposes of Rule 8.7, the following percentage requirements apply to Market-Maker trading activity for each quarter of a calendar year, except for unusual circumstances as determined by the appropriate Market Performance Committee. The appropriate Market Performance Committee may assign a weighting factor based on volume to one or more classes or series of option contracts in connection with these requirements. A. Trading in Appointed Classes: Respecting distribution of trading activity, at least 75 percent of a Market-Maker’s total contract volume must be in option classes to which he has been appointed pursuant to Rule 8.3.Trading in nonappointed classes of options at the request of a Floor Official, Order Book Official, Board Broker or DPM shall be deemed to be trading in appointed classes for purposes of this Interpretation. RB8 April 20, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 16 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2004-58 continued B. In-Person Requirements for Market-Makers in non-Hybrid Classes: Respecting the manner in which Market-Maker transactions may be executed in non-Hybrid classes, a Market-Maker must execute in person, and not through the use of orders, at least 25 percent of his total transactions, provided, however, that for any calendar quarter in which a Market-Maker receives Market-Maker treatment for offfloor orders in accordance with Rule 8.1, in addition to satisfying the requirements of paragraph A of this Interpretation .03, the Market-Maker must execute in person, and not through the use of orders, at least 80 percent of his total transactions. The off-floor orders for which a Market-Maker receives Market-Maker treatment shall be subject to the obligations of Rule 8.7(a) and in general shall be effected for the purpose of hedging, reducing risk of, rebalancing or liquidating open positions of the Market-Maker. The appropriate Market Performance Committee may exempt one or more options classes from this calculation. .04 - .08 No change .09 The obligations and duties of Market-Makers set forth in Rule 8.7 paragraphs (a) and (b) apply to an in-crowd Market-Maker only when the in-crowd Market-Maker is present in the trading crowd and to a Market-Maker electronically quoting from outside of his/her appointed trading station (in accordance with Rule 8.3(c)) or to an RMM only when the Market-Maker or RMM is logged on to the CBOE Hybrid system. Market-Makers remain subject to Rule 7.5 while on the floor of the Exchange. .10 - .13 No change PROPOSED RULE CHANGE(S) Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“the Act”), and Rule 19b-4 thereunder, the Exchange has filed the following proposed rule change(s) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Copies of the rule change filing(s) are available at www.cboe.com/legal/submittedsecfilings.aspx. Members may submit written comments to the Legal Division. The effective date of a proposed rule change will be the date of approval by the SEC, unless otherwise noted. SR-CBOE-2005-30 Expiration Dates for FLEX Options On April 11, 2005, the Exchange filed Rule Change File No. SR-CBOE-2005-30, which filing proposes to amend CBOE rules regarding permissible expiration dates for FLEX Options. Any questions regarding the proposed rule change may be directed to Angelo Evangelou, Legal Division, at 312-786-7464. The text of the proposed rule amendments is set forth below. Proposed new language is underlined. Proposed deleted language is [stricken out]. Rule 24A.4. Terms of FLEX Options (a) General. (1) Options series will not be pre-established for FLEX trading. The variable terms of FLEX Options as provided for in this Rule 24A.4 shall be established through the Request for Quotes process and the bidding and offering mechanics detailed in this Rule. Other terms of FLEX Option contracts, including the applicable index multiplier in the case of U.S. dollar-denominated FLEX Index Options, shall be the same as those that apply to Non-FLEX Options. April 20, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 16 RB9 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2005-30 continued (2) Every FLEX Request for Quotes and every FLEX Option contract shall contain one element, as designated by the parties to the contract, from each of the following contract term categories: (i) – (iii) No change. (iv) Expiration date (specified as to day, month and year, except that a FLEX Option may not expire on [any business day that falls on, or within two business days of, a third Friday-of-the-month] an expiration day for any Non-FLEX Option other than a QIX option); (v) No change. (3)-(4) No change. (b)-(c) No change. RB10 April 20, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 16