March 18, 2005 Volume 33, Number 11 Exchange Bulletin The Constitution and Rules of the Chicago Options Exchange, Incorporated (“Exchange”), in certain specific instances, require the Exchange to provide notice to the Exchange membership. To satisfy this requirement, a complimentary copy of the Exchange Bulletin, including the Regulatory Bulletin, is delivered to all effective members on a weekly basis. CBOE members are encouraged to receive the Exchange and Regulatory Bulletin and Information Circulars via e-mail. E-mail subscriptions may be obtained by submitting your name, firm, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number, to, or, by contacting the Membership Department by phone, at 312-786-7449. There is no charge for e-mail delivery of the Exchange and Regulatory Bulletin or for Information Circulars. If you do sign up for e-mail delivery, please remember to inform the Membership Department of e-mail address changes. Additional subscriptions for hard copy delivery may be obtained by submitting your name, firm, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone number to: Chicago Board Options Exchange, Accounting Department, 400 South LaSalle, Chicago, Illinois 60605, Attention: Bulletin Subscriptions. The cost of an annual subscription (July 1 through June 30) is $200.00 ($100.00 after January 1), payable in advance. The Exchange reserves the right to limit subscriptions by non-members. For up-to-date Seat Market Quotes, refer to and click “Seat Market Information” under the “About CBOE” tab. For access to the CBOE Member Web Site, please also notify the Membership Department using the contact information above. Copyright © 2004 Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated SEAT MARKET QUOTES AS OF FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2005 CLASS CBOE/FULL CBOT/FULL BID $390,000.00 $1,355,000.00 OFFER $415,000.00 $1,420,000.00 LAST SALE AMOUNT $400,000.00 $1,400,000.00 LAST SALE DATE March 9, 2005 March 16, 2005 INFORMATION CIRCULAR IC05-30 - March 11, 2005 To: CBOE Members Re: Registration for Remote Market Maker (RMM) Status From: CBOE Membership Department Upon approval of CBOE’s RMM rules, CBOE or CBOT (exercised) individual members and member firms (“member(s)”) may register for RMM Status. The member must have a Broker-Dealer number that is effective with the SEC. Members must register for RMM Status by submitting the Membership Registration for Remote Market-Maker (RMM) Status form to the CBOE Membership Department. The form is available on-line at The form can also be obtained in the Membership Department offices. At the time that the member registers for RMM Status, the member must be an approved CBOE Member. A member does not need to own or lease a membership at the time that this form is submitted. Members that have registered for RMM Status will then be eligible to request appointments for Virtual Trading Crowds (“VTC”). E-mail requests for VTC appointments will be accepted by the Market Quality Assurance Department at a date in April, which will be provided shortly. Approved RMM’s who have been granted VTC appointments are required to either own or lease a CBOE or CBOT (exercised) membership by the rollout date of their appointed class(es). If you have any questions concerning the registration for RMM Status, please contact the Membership Department at (312) 7867449. Page 2 March 18, 2005 Volume 33, Number 11 Chicago Board Options Exchange MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION FOR 3/10/05 THROUGH 3/16/05 MEMBERSHIPAPPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WHICH A POSTING PERIOD IS REQUIRED Individual Membership Applicants Date Posted Jonathan A. Sion, Lessor 37 Longcommon Rd. Riverside, IL 60546 3/10/05 Jerry Swarbrick, Nominee Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. 7529 N. Overhill Chicago, IL 60631 3/10/05 MEMBERSHIP LEASES Termination Date Michael J. Levy (MJL) Sallerson-Troob LLC 440 S. LaSalle, Suite 950 Chicago, IL 60605 3/10/05 Robert F. Levy (LVY) Sallerson-Troob LLC 440 S. LaSalle, Suite 3100 Chicago , IL 60605 3/10/05 George M. Fushi (GMF) Blue Capital Group LLC 401 S. LaSalle, Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60605 3/11/05 David Piotrowski (SKI) SLK-Hull Derivatives LLC 2709 E. 96th St. Chicago, IL 60617 3/16/05 New Leases Effective Date Lessor: Cassandra Trading Group, LLC Lessee: Blue Capital Group LLC David J. Thompson, NOMINEE Rate: 0.8281% Term: Monthly 3/11/05 Lessor: Stathis Family Limited Partnership III Lessee: DRO WST Trading LLC Michael Dalesandro, NOMINEE Rate: $2,523.99 Term: Monthly 3/14/05 Lessor: The Michas Family Limited Partnership Lessee: Susquehanna Investment Group Brian W. Hansen, NOMINEE Rate: 0.875% Term: Monthly 3/14/05 Lessor: Stathis Family Limited Partnership III Lessee: DRO WST Trading LLC William S. Menden, NOMINEE Rate: $2,523.99 Term: Monthly 3/15/05 Benjamin H. Szelag (SLG) 3/10/05 Andrie Trading LLC 440 S. LaSalle, Suite 1910 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker Lessor: Essex Radez, LLC Lessee: Sparta Group Of Chicago, LP Eric V. Ochotnicki, NOMINEE Rate: $121.08 Term: 1 Day 3/16/05 Terminated Leases Patrick J. Logue (LOG) 3/15/05 Lakeshore Securities, LP 401 S. LaSalle, Suite 1000 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker/Floor Broker Termination Date Lessor: Jules Sobel Lessee: Susquehanna Investment Group Brian W. Hansen (BRI), NOMINEE 3/11/05 Lessor: Stathis Family Limited Partnership III Lessee: Andrie Trading LLC Brian A. Scullion (SKL), NOMINEE 3/14/05 Lessor: 3/15/05 Stathis Family Limited Partnership III Lessee: Bear Wagner Specialists LLC Member Organizations CBT Registered For: Termination Date Alcibiades, LLC 1201 W. Wrightwood Ave. #21 Chicago, IL 60614 3/10/05 EFFECTIVE MEMBERSHIPS Individual Members Nominee(s) / Inactive Nominee(s): Effective Date William S. Menden (WSM) 3/15/05 DRO WST Trading LLC 8912 W. Fairfield Lane Tinley Park, IL 60477 Type of Business to be Conducted: Market Maker Eric V. Ochotnicki (OZY) 3/16/05 Sparta Group Of Chicago, LP 440 S. LaSalle, Suite 2101 Chicago, IL 60605 Type of Business to be Conducted: Floor Broker JOINT ACCOUNTS MEMBERSHIP TERMINATIONS New Participants Acronym Effective Date Individual Members Benjamin H. Szelag QDD 3/10/05 Nominee(s) / Inactive Nominee(s): Termination Date Benjamin H. Szelag QDX 3/10/05 Patrick Brice (PXB) Andrie Trading LLC 440 S. LaSalle, 19th Floor Chicago, IL 60605 3/10/05 Benjamin H. Szelag QND 3/10/05 Benjamin H. Szelag QNX 3/10/05 Brian W. Hansen QJY 3/11/05 Michael A. Dalesandro QRO 3/14/05 Page 3 March 18, 2005 Volume 33, Number 11 Chicago Board Options Exchange New Accounts Acronym Effective Date CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP STATUS Robert E. Beltz QHO 3/16/05 Individual Members Anthony T. Capobianco QHO 3/16/05 Richard T. Childs QHO 3/16/05 Jason Coogan QHO 3/16/05 Todd W. Dart QHO 3/16/05 Jeffrey Haag QHO 3/16/05 Raymond F. Hurley QHO 3/16/05 Brian P. Kelly QHO 3/16/05 Deepa Pai QHO 3/16/05 Paul A. Partyka QHO 3/16/05 Effective Date Jeffrey D. Bower 3/10/05 From: CBT Registered For Alcibiades, LLC; Market Maker To: CBT Exerciser; Market Maker Michael A. Dalesandro 3/14/05 From: Lessor To: Lessor/Nominee For DRO WST Trading LLC; Market Maker Terrence J. Andrews 3/15/05 From: CBT Registered For CTC LLC; Market Maker/Floor Broker To: Nominee For CTC LLC; Market Maker/Floor Broker Member Organizations Effective Date X-Change Financial Access LLC 3/16/05 From: Owner/Lessee/Member Organization Affiliated with a CBT Registered For; Associated with a Floor Broker To: Owner/Lessee/Non-Member Customer Business/ Member Organization Affiliated with a CBT Registered For; Associated with a Floor Broker Terminated Participants Acronym Termination Date Patrick Brice QDD 3/10/05 Patrick Brice QDX 3/10/05 Patrick Brice QND 3/10/05 Patrick Brice QNZ 3/10/05 Michael J. Levy QPY 3/10/05 George M. Fushi QOJ 3/11/05 David Piotrowski QCA 3/16/05 David Piotrowski QIA 3/16/05 David Piotrowski QLL 3/16/05 Terminated Accounts Acronym Termination Date MEMBER ADDRESS CHANGES Robert E. Beltz QDZ 3/10/05 Individual Members Effective Date Jason Coogan QDZ 3/10/05 3/14/05 Todd W. Dart QDZ 3/10/05 Gary V. Sagui 750 W. Lake Cook Road, Suite 115 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Jeffrey Haag QDZ 3/10/05 3/14/05 Richard T. Childs QDZ 3/10/05 James B. Burns 21831 Yellow Finch Lane Frankfort, IL 60423 Raymond F. Hurley QDZ 3/10/05 3/16/05 Deepa Pai QDZ 3/10/05 Rene Gonzalez 600 N. McClurg Court, #3907 Chicago, IL 60611 Paul A. Partyka QDZ 3/10/05 3/16/05 Robert E. Beltz QWH 3/10/05 Macario Lullo 222 S. Riverside Plaza, 30th Fl. Chicago, IL 60606 Anthony T. Capobianco QWH 3/10/05 Member Organizations Effective Date Richard T. Childs QWH 3/10/05 3/14/05 Brian P. Kelly QWH 3/10/05 Templar Securities LLC 750 W. Lake Cook Road, Suite 115 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Jason Coogan QWH 3/10/05 MEMBER NAME CHANGES Jeffrey Haag QWH 3/10/05 Member Organizations Effective Date Raymond F. Hurley QWH 3/10/05 QWH 3/10/05 From: To: 3/11/05 Deepa Pai Paul A. Partyka QWH 3/10/05 Andrie Trading LLC 3/11/05 From: Lessee/Member Organization Affiliated with a CBT Registered For; Associated with a Market Maker To: Owner/Lessee/Member Organization Affiliated with a CBT Registered For; Associated with a Market Maker Cassandra Trading Group LLC 3/11/05 From: Owner/Member Organization Affiliated with a CBT Registered For; Associated with a Market Maker/Floor Broker To: Lessor/Member Organization Affiliated with a CBT Registered For; Associated with a Market Maker/Floor Broker Bowery Specialists Group, LLC Jane Street Specialists, LLC Page 4 March 18, 2005 Volume 33, Number 11 Chicago Board Options Exchange RESEARCH CIRCULARS The following Research Circulars were distributed between March 10 and March 17, 2005. If you wish to read the entire document, please refer to the CBOE website at and click on the “Trading Tools” Tab. New listings and series information is also available in the Trading Tools section of the website. For questions regarding information discussed in a Research Circular, please call The Options Clearing Corporation at 1-888-OPTIONS. Research Circular #RS05-144 March 10, 2005 *****UPDATE*****UPDATE*****UPDATE***** Aetna Inc. (“AET/AAF/WLY/WYP/VLC/VJA”) 2-for-1 Stock Split Ex-Distribution Date: March 14, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-151 March 11, 2005 *****UPDATE*****UPDATE*****UPDATE***** Telecomunicacoes Brasileiras S.A.-Telebras ADS (“TBH & adj. TBW”)Rights Distribution Ex-Rights Date: TO BE ANNOUNCED Research Circular #RS05-145 March 10, 2005 *****REVISION*****REVISION*****REVISION***** XTO Energy Inc. (“XTO/YTN/OUO”) 4-for-3 Stock Split Ex-Distribution Date: March 16, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-152 March 14, 2005 Fidelity National Financial, Inc. (“FNF/WWJ/VWJ & adj. WGF”) CONTRACT ADJUSTMENT FOR SPECIAL CASH DIVIDEND Ex-Date: March 29, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-146 March 11, 2005 Gold Fields Limited ADS (“GFI”) Subsequent Full Exchange Offer EXTENDED by Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited ADS (“HMY”) Research Circular #RS05-147 March 11, 2005 Hollywood Entertainment Corporation (“HLYW/HWQ/YZH/OYF”) Exchange Offer EXTENDED by Blockbuster Inc. (“BBI/YCQ/OIW”) Research Circular #RS05-148 March 11, 2005 MIM Corporation (“MIMS/OQX/WLQ/VQE”) Name and Underlying Symbol Change to: BioScrip, Inc. (“BIOS”) Effective Date: March 14, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-149 March 11, 2005 Varco International, Inc. (“VRC”) Merger COMPLETED with National-Oilwell, Inc. (“NOI”) Research Circular #RS05-150 March 11, 2005 *****UPDATE*****UPDATE*****UPDATE***** National-Oilwell, Inc. (“NOI”) Name, Stock and Option Symbol Change to National Oilwell Varco, Inc. (“NOV”) Effective Date: March 14, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-153 March 14, 2005 D.R. Horton, Inc. (“DHI/YRI/VEI & adj. YGA”) 4-for-3 Stock Split Ex-Distribution Date: March 17, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-158 March 15, 2005 Coldwater Creek Inc. (“CWTR/UCJ”) 3?for?2 Stock Split Ex-Distribution Date: March 21, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-159 March 15, 2005 DuPont Photomasks, Inc. (“DPMI/DUD”) Proposed Merger with Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. Research Circular #RS05-163 March 16, 2005 Activision, Inc. (“ATVI/AQV/WXT/VEN”) 4-for-3 Stock Split Ex-Distribution Date: March 23, 2005 Research Circular #RS05-164 March 17, 2005 Beazer Homes USA, Inc. (“BZH/BAD/WZF/VZE”) 3-for-1 Stock Split Ex-Distribution Date: March 23, 2005 March 23, 2005 Volume RB16, Number 12 Regulatory Bulletin The Constitution and Rules of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated (“Exchange”), in certain specific instances, require the Exchange to provide notice to the membership. The weekly Regulatory Bulletin is delivered to all effective members to satisfy this requirement. Copyright © 2004 Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated Regulatory Circulars Regulatory Circular RG05-32 To: All Designated Primary Market-Makers (DPMs) From: Regulatory Services Division and Legal Division Date: March 11, 2005 Re: Limit Order Display Requirements SUMMARY OF KEY ISSUES - The SEC approved CBOE’s limit order display rule (SR-CBOE-2004-35). DPMs continue to be required to execute or book, with certain exceptions, eligible customer limit orders immediately but no later than 30-seconds under normal market conditions (the “standard”). - Certain types of orders previously excluded from the display requirement will no longer be excluded under the new Rule (see below). Effective March 21, 2005, the Limit Order Display Analysis (“LODA”) Report data will reflect the elimination of these exclusions. - The LODA compliance standard has been 95%. With the approval of the rule, the standard will be increased with the intention that over time, it will move toward 100%. Depending on the circumstances involved in the handling of a particular order, however, the Regulatory Division may take disciplinary action against a DPM for failure to book or execute even one order in less than 30 seconds if the circumstances warrant such treatment. DISCUSSION New CBOE Rule 8.85(b)(i) - “Display Obligation” requires each DPM to display immediately the full price and size of any customer limit order that improves the price or increases the size of the best disseminated CBOE quote. “Immediately” means, under normal market conditions, as soon as practicable but no later than 30-seconds after receipt by the DPM. The term “customer limit order” means an order to buy or sell a listed option at a specified price that is not for the account of either a broker or dealer; provided, however, that the term customer limit order shall include an order transmitted by a broker or dealer on behalf of a customer. Regulatory Circulars continued Regulatory Circular RG05-32 continued Exceptions to the immediate display requirement include: • Orders executed upon receipt; • An order where the customer who placed it requests that it not be displayed, and upon receipt of the order, the DPM announces in public outcry the information concerning the order that would be displayed if the order were subject to being displayed; • An order for which immediately upon receipt a related order for the principal account of a DPM reflecting the terms of the customer order is routed to another options exchange that is a participant in the Intermarket Options Linkage Plan; • Orders defined in Rule 6.53: contingency orders; one-cancels-the-other orders; all or none orders; fill or kill orders; immediate or cancel orders; complex orders (e.g., spreads, straddles, combinations); and stock-option orders; • Orders received before or during a trading rotation (as defined in Rule 6.2, 6.2A, and 6.2B), including Opening Rotation Orders as defined in Rule 6.53(l). However, these orders must be displayed immediately upon conclusion of the applicable rotation; and • Orders for more than 100 contracts, unless the customer placing such order requests that the order be displayed. EXCLUSIONS NO LONGER ALLOWED BEGINNING FEBRUARY 21, 2005: • • Orders routed in the first and last five minutes of trading; Orders that would lock or cross the NBBO at the time of routing. Effective March 21, 2005, DPMs will be required to comply with the revised rule and the new standard. LODA Reports measuring the DPM’s performance at the standard are provided to DPMs via the internet ( The Exchange will provide DPMs with reports containing data from the period of February 21, 2005 to March 18, 2005 for educational purposes. It is the DPM’s obligation to access and review its daily and weekly LODA Reports to ensure that the DPM is in compliance with the standard. Promptly at the end of each expiration cycle the Department will provide written notice to each DPM that appears to have failed to meet the standard. Pursuant to Rule 17.2, the DPM is given 15 days from the date of notice to submit any reasons why disciplinary action should not be taken or should be limited. Sanctions for limit order display failures are generally determined pursuant to Rule 17.50(g)(5) – “Imposition of Fines for Minor Rule Violations” or referred to the BCC. A rolling twenty-four (24) month “look back” period is applied to LODA violations according to the summary fine schedule below: 1st Offense: 2nd Offense: 3rd Offense: Subsequent Offenses: RB2 Summary fine in the range of $500 to $1,500 Summary fine in the range of $1,000 to $3,000 Summary fine in the range of $2,000 to $5,000 Summary fine in the range of $3,500 to $5,000 6th and subsequent offense(s) referred to BCC March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 Regulatory Circulars continued Regulatory Circular RG05-32 continued In determining whether to impose a sanction and in establishing the severity of any such sanction, the Exchange may take into consideration extenuating or exacerbating factors, including but not limited to, market conditions, the amount of business being handled at the DPM post and station, or whether the delay in order handling appears to have been deliberate or the result of negligence. Contacts: Tim Mac Donald, Department of Market Regulation, at 312-786-7706 Steve Youhn, Legal Division, at 312-786-7416 Regulatory Circular RG05-33 To: Members and Member Organizations From: Regulatory Services Division Legal Division Date: March 11, 2005 Re: Systematizing Orders & COATS ********IMPORTANT REMINDER******** The requirement to systematize orders shall apply in the OEX, SPX, XEO and SPDR option classes beginning on Monday, March 28, 2005. As previously indicated in Regulatory Circular RG05-05, on January 7, 2005, the SEC approved CBOE rule change, SR-CBOE-2004-77, which amends CBOE rules relating to the systematizing of orders in connection with the requirement to implement a consolidated options audit trail system (“COATS”). The following is a brief summary of the requirement to systematize orders. General Requirement. Each order, cancellation of, or change to an order in any option class transmitted to CBOE should be “systematized”, in a format approved by CBOE, either before it is sent to CBOE or upon receipt on the floor of CBOE. An order is systematized if: (i) (ii) the order is sent electronically to CBOE; or the order that is sent to CBOE non-electronically (e.g., telephone orders) is input electronically into CBOE’s systems contemporaneously upon receipt on CBOE, and prior to representation of the order. It is the responsibility of the member receiving a non-electronic order on the floor of the CBOE to systematize the order. The manner of systematizing orders will be through the Floor Broker Workstation (“FBW”), BERS, or through proprietary systems approved by CBOE. Marketable Orders. With respect to non-electronic, market and marketable orders sent to CBOE, the member responsible for systematizing the order shall input into CBOE’s systems at least the following eight specific items with respect to the order prior to the representation of the order: (i) the option symbol; (ii) the expiration month; (iii) the expiration year; (iv) the strike price; (v) buy or sell; (vi) call or put; (vii) the number of contracts; and (viii) the Clearing Member. Any additional information with respect to the order shall be input into CBOE’s systems contemporaneously upon receipt, which may occur after the representation and execution of the order.1 As noted in the filing, CBOE intends to continue to evaluate whether some number of order terms less than the eight identified above would be sufficient to distinguish one order from another that a member may receive at or about the same time, and thus support eliminating the necessity to input some of these orders terms prior to representation. CBOE also will continue to evaluate whether there are more efficient means or devices to input the required order information. 1 March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 RB3 Regulatory Circulars continued Regulatory Circular RG05-33 continued Malfunction of Systems. In the event of a malfunction or disruption of CBOE’s systems such that a member is unable to systematize an order, the member or member organization shall manually record the order information in written form including the time of its receipt during the time period that the malfunction or disruption occurs. After the malfunction or disruption ceases, the member shall immediately resume systematizing orders. In addition, the member shall exert best efforts to input electronically into CBOE’s systems all relevant order information received during the time period when there was a malfunction or disruption of CBOE’s systems as soon as possible, and in any event shall input such data electronically into CBOE’s systems not later than the close of business on the day that the malfunction or disruption ceases. Due Diligence Rule. As part of the rule change, CBOE also amended Rule 6.73 - Responsibilities of Floor Brokers to make explicit that a broker’s responsibility to immediately and continuously represent market and marketable orders is subject to the requirement that each order must be systematized prior to representation. Regulatory Reports Showing Current Systemization Rates Members are reminded that various reports are available for online viewing on Document Direct (also known as Infopac) to allow members to monitor their compliance with the COATS requirements. The website for viewing COATS reports is (https:// User identification and passwords for these reports is the same as those currently used by members to access other data via Document Direct, such as trade match reports (further information may be obtained from Leo Wojtaszek at 786-7645). Questions pertaining to the content of the COATS Regulatory Reports can be directed to Joanne Heenan (786-7786) or Jerry Runquist (786-7006). If you have questions concerning the FBW or other devices to systematize orders, please contact Monica Wiedlin-Torres at 786-7368, Jeff Short at 786-8410, or Maureen Smith at 786-7556. If you have any questions relating to the rule filing, please contact Patrick Sexton at 786-7467. Finally, if you have any regulatory related questions about this requirement, please contact Joanne Heenan at 786-7786, or Jerry Runquist at 786-7006. Regulatory Circular RG05-34 Date: March 14, 2005 To: Members and Member Firms From: Regulatory Services Division RE: Description of Procedures for the ROS Opening on VIX Futures and Options Contract Settlement Days CBOE has recently implemented a system change to the modified ROS opening procedure that automatically cancels Market-Maker and broker dealer orders that are entered in the electronic book but are not executed at the opening in the SPX option contract months whose prices are used to calculate the VIX index. Therefore, Market-Makers and broker dealers are no longer required to cancel these orders immediately following the opening. All other provisions related to the modified ROS opening procedure, which are summarized below, remain the same. The settlement date for VIX futures contracts, and for VIX options contracts when they will begin trading on CBOE, is on the Wednesday immediately prior to the standard Friday options expiration. CBOE Rule 6.2A.03 provides for a modified ROS opening procedure in the SPX only on the settlement date of VIX futures and options contracts. The normal ROS opening procedure will occur on all other days and on the VIX futures settlement date in all SPX option contract months whose prices are not used to calculate the VIX index. RB4 March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 Regulatory Circulars continued Regulatory Circular RG05-34 continued Participation in the Modified ROS Opening Procedure In the SPX ROS opening on that Wednesday only, all orders (including public customer, broker-dealer, CBOE Market-Maker and away Market-Maker and specialist orders), other than contingency orders, may be placed in the electronic book only in those SPX option contract months whose prices are used to calculate the VIX index. The contract months used in the VIX calculation will either be the nearby or the nearby and second nearby contract months. Since the other option contract months are never used in the calculation of VIX, Market-Maker and broker-dealer orders may not be placed in the electronic book for those months. In addition, in order to participate in the ROS opening, all orders for placement in the electronic book must be received prior to 8:28 a.m. Market-Makers not in the SPX pit and broker-dealers must electronically submit orders for placement in the electronic book for the modified ROS opening. Market-Makers in the SPX pit may submit orders for placement in the electronic book for the modified ROS opening via one of the following methods: 1. Submit the order to a floor broker that has access to CBOE’s Order Routing System (ORS). 2. Submit the order through a hand-held terminal that has futures/options routing functionality (e.g., FOC, REDI). 3. Submit a paper ticket to the Order Book Official (Note: Only paper tickets for market orders will be accepted – limit orders may not be submitted via paper ticket for placement in the electronic book for participation in the ROS opening). All Market-Maker orders should designate the Market-Maker account in the CMTA field of the order. Market-Maker Requirements in the Modified ROS Opening Procedure All Market-Makers, including LMMs, who are required to log on to ROS or RAES for the current expiration cycle are required to log on to ROS during the modified ROS opening procedure if the Market-Maker is physically present in the SPX trading crowd. On the Wednesday of the VIX futures contract settlement only, all SPX LMMs will collectively set the Autoquote values that will be used by ROS to calculate the opening prices for all series in the SPX option contract months whose prices are used to calculate the VIX index. ROS contracts to trade in SPX will be assigned equally, to the greatest extent possible, to all logged-on Market-Makers, including the LMMs. LMMs are required to set Autoquote values for the modified ROS opening procedure consistent with their obligation to price option contracts fairly. In addition, members submitting orders for placement on the electronic book may not do so for the purpose of creating or inducing a false, misleading, or artificial appearance of activity or for the purpose of unduly or improperly influencing the opening price or settlement or for the purpose of making a price which does not reflect the true state of the market. Violations of these requirements are subject to disciplinary action. March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 RB5 Regulatory Circulars continued Regulatory Circular RG05-34 continued Signing on to ROS for the Modified ROS Opening Procedure All Market-Makers who are required to log on to ROS for the modified ROS opening procedure must do so prior to 8:28 a.m. Signing on to ROS requires a change in the Market-Maker’s profile found on the RAES sign-in terminal. All Market-Makers signed on to RAES that are not LMMs are signed on using the letter ‘Z’ in the field before the affected class symbol. Signing on to ROS as well as RAES requires that the letter ‘Z’ be changed to a ‘B’ for both (ROS & RAES). Prior to signing on for the day, type in the Market-Maker’s acronym and password and hit F15 once. Change the ‘Z’ in front of the necessary symbols to ‘B’ and hit F15 again. At some point after the opening and prior to the next ROS opening, Market-Makers that are not LMMs must change their profile to once again show a ‘Z’ indicating RAES only. Any questions regarding this circular may be directed to Steve Slawinski of the Regulatory Division at 312-786-7744 or Patrick Fay of the CBOE Futures Exchange at 312-786-7925. (Replaces RG04-72) RB6 March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies APPROVED RULE CHANGES The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has approved the following change(s) to Exchange Rules pursuant to Section 19(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“the Act”). Copies are available on the CBOE public website at legal/effectivefiling.aspx. The effective date of the rule change is the date of approval unless otherwise noted. SR-CBOE-2005-08 Modified Capitalization Weighted Indexes On March 9, 2005, the SEC approved Rule Change File No. SR-CBOE-2005-08, which filing amends CBOE Rules to include modified capitalization weighted indexes in CBOE’s generic listing standards for narrow-based indexes (Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51349, 70 FR 12916 (March 16, 2005)). Any questions regarding the rule change may be directed to Jim Flynn, Legal Division, at 312-786-7070. The text of the amended rules is set forth below. New language is italicized. Rule 24.2. Designation of the Index Rule 24.2.(a) (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, the Exchange may trade options on a narrow-based index pursuant to Rule 19b-4(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, if each of the following conditions is satisfied: (1) (2) No change. The index is capitalization-weighted, price-weighted, equal dollar-weighted, or modified capitalization-weighted, and consists of ten or more component securities: (3) – (4) (5) No change. In a capitalization-weighted index or a modified capitalization-weighted index, the lesser of the five highest weighted component securities in the index or the highest weighted component securities in the index that in the aggregate represent at least 30% of the total number of component securities in the index each have had an average monthly trading volume of at least 2,000,000 shares over the past six months: (6) – (12) (c) (1)– (3) (4) No change. No change. The following maintenance listing standards shall apply to each class of index options originally listed pursuant to paragraph (b) above: No change. In a capitalization-weighted index or a modified capitalization-weighted index, the lesser of the five highest weighted component securities in the index or the highest weighted component securities in the index that in the aggregate represent at least 30% of the total number of stocks in the index each have had an average monthly trading volume of at least 1,000,000 shares over the past six months. In the event a class of index options listed on the Exchange fails to satisfy the maintenance listing standards set forth herein, the Exchange shall not open for trading any additional series of options of that class unless such failure is determined by the Exchange not to be significant and the Commission concurs in that determination, or unless the continued listing of that class of index options has been approved by the Commission under Section 19(b)(2) of the Exchange Act. (d) – (e) No change. March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 RB7 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued PROPOSED RULE CHANGES Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“the Act”), and Rule 19b-4 thereunder, the Exchange has filed the following proposed rule changes with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Copies of the rule change filings are available at Members may submit written comments to the Legal Division. The effective date of a proposed rule change will be the date of approval by the SEC, unless otherwise noted. SR-CBOE-2005-22 RMM Inactivity Fee On March 14, 2005, the Exchange filed Rule Change File No. SR-CBOE-2005-22, which filing proposes to adopt an inactivity fee to be charged against RMMs that fail to commence quoting in their appointed classes during the rollout of the RMM program. Any questions regarding the proposed rule change may be directed to Steve Youhn, Legal Division, at 312-786-7416. The text of the proposed rule amendments is set forth below. Proposed new language is underlined. Proposed deleted language is [stricken out]. A copy of the amended Fee Schedule will be available online at under the “About CBOE” link shortly. Rule 8.4 Remote Market-Makers (a) – (f) No change Interpretations and Policies. . . .01 Reallocation of Products Allocated to RMM for Failure to Quote: For each product for which an RMM is assessed an inactivity fee, as described in Section 22 of the Exchange’s Fee Schedule, the Exchange will reallocate the product from the RMM to another member in accordance with the requirements of Rule 8.3A. SR-CBOE-2005-23 Amended RMM Rules On March 14, 2005, the Exchange filed Rule Change File No. SR-CBOE-2005-23, which filing proposes to amend CBOE’s RMM Rules to remove the Physical Trading Crowd appointment alternative and to create an “A+” tier consisting of the two most actively traded products on the Exchange (options on SPDRs and QQQQs). Any questions regarding the proposed rule change may be directed to Steve Youhn, Legal Division, at 312-786-7416. The text of the proposed rule amendments is set forth below. Proposed new language is underlined. Proposed deleted language is [stricken out]. Rule 8.3A Maximum Number of Market Participants Quoting Electronically per Product ***** (a) –(c) No change . Interpretations and Policies . . . .01 Establishing the Class Quoting Limits: RB8 March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2005-23 continued (a) Products Trading on the Exchange as of January 6, 2005: The CQL for all products trading on the Hybrid Trading System is twenty-five (25). The CQLs for products trading on the Hybrid 2.0 Platform are as follows: 40 for the 20% most actively-traded products over the preceding quarter, excluding “A+” tier products; 35 for the next 20% most actively-traded products; 30 for the next 20% most actively-traded products; and 25 for all other Hybrid 2.0 Platform products. (For purposes of this Rule, the term “product” refers to all options of the same single underlying security/value.) With respect to products designated as “A+” tier products, as defined in Rule 8.4(d), the CQL is 40. At the end of each calendar quarter, products (excluding “A+” tier products) will be assigned a different CQL based on the revised trading volume statistics (“new CQL”). The following rules apply to those products for which the new CQL decreases: (i) – (ii) No change. (b) – (d) No change. Rule 8.4 Remote Market-Makers (a) – (c) No change. (d) Appointment of RMMs: An RMM will have a [may choose either a Physical Trading Crowd or Virtual Trading Crowd appointment, as described below. For purposes of this Rule, the term “product” refers to all options of the same single underlying security/value. (i) Physical Trading Crowd (“PTC”) Appointment: A PTC appointment shall correspond to the location of a physical trading station on the floor of the CBOE. An RMM’s PTC appointment confers the right to quote electronically (and not in open outcry): 30 Hybrid 2.0 products traded in that specific trading station for each Exchange membership it owns; or 20 Hybrid 2.0 products traded in that specific trading station for each Exchange membership it leases. (ii)] Virtual Trading Crowd (“VTC”) Appointment[: A VTC appointment], which confers the right to quote electronically (and not in open outcry) an appropriate number of products selected from “tiers” that have been structured according to trading volume statistics. Of the products included in the Hybrid 2.0 Platform, Tier A will consist of the 20% most actively-traded products over the preceding three calendar months, excluding “A+” tier products, Tier B will consist of the next 20% most actively-traded products, etc., through Tier E, which will consist of the 20% least actively-traded products. Tier “A+” will consist of options on Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts and options on the Nasdaq-100 Index Tracking Stock. All products within a specific Tier will be assigned an “appointment cost” depending upon its Tier location. Each “A+” Tier product will have an “appointment cost” of .60. Each Tier A product will have an “appointment cost” of .10, each Tier B product will be .0667, each Tier C product will be .05, each Tier D product will be .04, and each Tier E product will be .033. An RMM as part of its VTC appointment may select for each Exchange membership it owns or leases any combination of Hybrid 2.0 products whose aggregate “appointment cost” does not exceed 1.0. For example, an RMM could request six “A Tier” products (6x.10), four “C Tier” products (4x.05), and five “D Tier” products (5x.04) to constitute its VTC appointment. For purposes of this Rule, the term “product” refers to all options of the same single underlying security/value. March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 RB9 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2005-23 continued The Exchange will rebalance the “tiers” (excluding the “A+” tier) once each calendar quarter, which may result in additions or deletions to their composition. When a product changes “tiers” it will be assigned the “appointment cost” of that tier. Upon rebalancing, each RMM with a VTC appointment will be required to own or lease the appropriate number of Exchange memberships reflecting the revised “appointment costs” of the products constituting its appointment. An RMM may only change its appointment upon advance notification to the Exchange in a form and manner prescribed by the Exchange. Exchange memberships used to satisfy membership requirements to possess an RMM VTC appointment may not be used for any other purpose while being used in an RMM capacity, including being leased to another member or for trading on the trading floor. For purposes of this Rule, an Exchange membership shall include a transferable regular membership or a Chicago Board of Trade full membership that has effectively been exercised pursuant to Article Fifth(b) of the Certificate of Incorporation. (e) – (f) No change. SR-CBOE-2005-24 Allocation of RAES Orders to Market-Makers On March 15, 2004, the Exchange filed Rule Change File No. SR-CBOE-2005-24, which filing creates a 1000 spoke RAES wheel comprised of 1000 spokes with assignment procedures that are identical to the assignment procedures applicable to the 100 spoke RAES wheel. The proposed rule, which may only be implemented in index option classes, would include an option to include all Market-Maker volume, instead of just in-crowd agency volume, as part of the Market-Maker’s review period volume. Any questions regarding the proposed rule change may be directed to Dave Doherty, Legal Division, at 312-786-7466. The text of the proposed rule amendments is set forth below. Proposed new language is underlined. Proposed deleted language is [stricken out]. Rule 6.8 – RAES Operations (a) – (g) No change. ***** …Interpretations and Policies: .01 - .05 No change. RB10 March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2005-24 continued .06 (a) In the exercise of their authority to determine the procedure for assigning RAES-eligible orders to Participating Market-Makers for execution, the appropriate FPCs have determined that in the absence of any specified alternative assignment methodology, an assigned Participating Market-Maker is required to buy/sell the entirety of each RAES order assigned to him up to the maximum size of RAESeligible orders in that class of options. Alternatively, the appropriate FPC may specify that some or all options classes are subject to “Variable RAES”, [or to] the “100 Spoke RAES Wheel”, or with respect to index option classes only, the “1000 Spoke RAES Wheel”. Other than immediately after the Commission initially approves the Exchange to use Variable RAES (in which case Variable RAES may be implemented without the requisite notice), any time the appropriate FPC intends to discuss an issue related to the RAES allocation method the FPC must provide at least three days’ advance notice to the Exchange’s membership and must provide members with either the opportunity to provide written comments or the opportunity to appear at the meeting, or both regarding the proposed change. (b) No change. (c) Under the “100 Spoke RAES Wheel,” RAES orders would be assigned to loggedin Market-Makers [according to] based on the percentage of their in-person agency contracts traded in that class (excluding RAES contracts traded) compared to all of the Market-Maker in-person agency contracts traded (excluding RAES contracts) during the review period. The review period will be determined by the appropriate Floor Procedure Committee and may be for any period not in excess of 10 trading days within the previous 30 calendar days. The trading days within the review period may be for non-consecutive trading days. The percentage distribution will be calculated at the conclusion of each trading day and will be applied to the 100 Spoke RAES Wheel distribution on the following trading day. On each revolution of the RAES wheel, subject to the exceptions described below, each participating Market-Maker (who is logged onto RAES at the time) will be assigned enough contracts to replicate his percentage of contracts on RAES that he traded in-person in that class during the review period. A participation percentage will be calculated for each Market-Maker for each class that the Market-Maker trades. For this purpose all DPM Designees of the same DPM unit will have their percentage aggregated into a single percentage for the DPM unit. Once a Market-Maker has logged onto RAES, he will be assigned contracts on the RAES Wheel until his Market-Maker participation percentage has been met. This may mean that multiple orders (or an order and a part of the succeeding order) will be assigned to the same Market-Maker on the Wheel. To understand how the RAES orders will actually be allocated to Market-Makers to meet those percentages, one must understand the concepts of “spokes” and “wedges.” A “spoke” is 1% of the RAES wheel and often may be equal to one contract. The appropriate Floor Procedure Committee may determine the number of contracts that make up one spoke. Each Market-Maker logged onto RAES for that class, regardless of his participation percentage, is entitled to be assigned at least one spoke on every revolution of the RAES wheel. For example, if a spoke equals one contract then there will be 100 [spokes] contracts that will be assigned to Market-Makers on every revolution of the RAES wheel. If a spoke is defined as five contracts then there will be 500 RAES contracts assigned to the participating Market-Makers before the RAES wheel completes one revolution. Generally, the RAES Wheel will consist of the number of spokes replicating the cumulative percentage of all Market-Makers logged onto the system who have a participation percentage plus one spoke for each Market-Maker that does not have a specific participation percentage. March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 RB11 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2005-24 continued A “wedge” is the maximum number of spokes that a Market-Maker may be consecutively assigned at any one time on the RAES wheel. Because the size of the wedge may be smaller than the number of contracts to which a particular MarketMaker is entitled during one revolution of the RAES Wheel, that Market-Maker will receive more than one turn during one revolution of the RAES wheel. The wedge size will be variable, at the discretion of the appropriate Floor Procedure Committee and may be different for different classes or the same for all classes. The appropriate Floor Procedure Committee will notify the membership of each class of options that is subject to the “100 Spoke RAES Wheel”. (d) Under the “1000 Spoke RAES Wheel”, which may only be implemented in index option classes, all of the terms and provisions set forth in CBOE Rule 6.8.06(c) with respect to the 100 Spoke RAES Wheel shall apply to the 1000 Spoke RAES Wheel, except that (i) the 1000 Spoke RAES Wheel is comprised of 1000 spokes, each of which generally represents .1% of the 1000 Spoke RAES Wheel, and (ii) the appropriate Floor Procedure Committee shall determine on a class-by-class basis whether the assignment of RAES orders to logged-in Market-Makers is based on the percentage of a Market-Maker’s contracts traded in that index option class (excluding RAES contracts traded) compared to all Market-Maker contracts traded (excluding RAES contracts) during the review period, or the percentage of the Market-Maker’s in-person agency contracts traded in that class (excluding RAES contracts traded) compared to all Market-Maker in-person agency contracts traded (excluding RAES contracts) during the review period. The appropriate Floor Procedure Committee will notify the membership of each class of options that is subject to the “1000 Spoke RAES Wheel” and the method of allocation for RAES orders under the 1000 Spoke RAES Wheel. ([d] e) The effectiveness of any other methodology for assigning RAES orders to Participating Market-Makers that may be adopted by an appropriate FPC shall be conditioned upon its having been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Section 19(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. .07 - .09 SR-CBOE-2005-25 No change. Appointment to Regulatory Oversight Committee On March 16, 2004, the Exchange filed Rule Change File No. SR-CBOE-2005-25, which filing proposes to amend CBOE Rule 2.1 pertaining to the appointment of the members and chairman of CBOE’s Regulatory Oversight Committee. Any questions regarding the proposed rule change may be directed to Pat Sexton, Legal Division, at 312-786-7467. The text of the proposed rule amendments is set forth below. Proposed new language is underlined. Proposed deleted language is [stricken out]. Rule 2.1. Committees of the Exchange Rule 2.1(a) Establishment of Committees. In addition to committees specifically provided for in the Constitution, there shall be the following committees: Appeals, Arbitration, Business Conduct, appropriate Floor Procedure Committees, Floor Officials, appropriate Market Performance Committees, Membership, Product Development and such other committees as may be established in accordance with the Constitution. Except as may be otherwise provided in the Constitution or the Rules, the Vice Chairman of the Board, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint the chairmen and members of such committees to serve for terms expiring at the first regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the next calendar year RB12 March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2005-25 continued and until their successors are appointed or their earlier death, resignation or removal. Consideration shall be given to continuity and to having, where appropriate, a cross section of the membership represented on each committee. Except as may be otherwise provided in the Constitution or the Rules, the Vice Chairman of the Board may, at any time, with or without cause, remove any member of such committees. Any vacancy occurring in one of these committees shall be filled by the Vice Chairman of the Board for the remainder of the term. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Chairman of the Board, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint Directors to serve on the Governance Committee and the Regulatory Oversight Committee, whose members shall not be subject to removal except by the Board. The Chairman of the Governance Committee and the Chairman of the Regulatory Oversight Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board. Whenever the Vice Chairman of the Board is, or has reason to believe he may become, a party to any proceeding of an Exchange committee, he shall not exercise his power to appoint or remove members of that committee, and the Chairman of the Board shall have such power. (b) – (d) No change. March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12 RB13 Rule Changes, Interpretations and Policies continued SR-CBOE-2005-20 CBOT Exercise Right On March 9, 2005, the Exchange filed Rule Change File No. SR-CBOE-2005-20, which filing consists of an interpretation of paragraph (b) of Article Fifth of the CBOE Certificate of Incorporation that is embodied in an Agreement dated October 7, 2004 between CBOE and CBOT. The 2004 Agreement reflects the agreement of CBOE and CBOT concerning the nature and scope of the Exercise Right in light of the expanded operation of the CBOT’s electronic trading system. The interpretation of the Exercise Right embodied in the 2004 Agreement is also reflected in a related proposed amendment to CBOE Rule 3.16. Any questions regarding the proposed rule change may be directed to Art Reinstein, Legal Division, at 312-786-7570. The 2004 Agreement is included as an exhibit to this rule filing and can be viewed in the electronic copy of this rule filing posted on CBOE’s website. The text of the proposed rule amendment is set forth below. Proposed new language is underlined. Proposed deleted language is [stricken out]. Rule 3.16 Special Provisions Regarding Chicago Board of Trade Exerciser Memberships1 (a) Termination of Nontransferable Memberships. No change. (b) Board of Trade Exercisers. For the purpose of entitlement to membership on the Exchange in accordance with Paragraph (b) of Article Fifth of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Exchange (“Article Fifth(b)”) the term “member of the Board of Trade of the City of Chicago” (the “CBOT”), as used in Article Fifth(b), is interpreted to mean an individual who is either an “Eligible CBOT Full Member” or an “Eligible CBOT Full Member Delegate,” as those terms are defined in the Agreement entered into on September 1, 1992 (the “1992 Agreement”) between the CBOT and the Exchange, [and] in the Agreement entered into on December 17, 2003, (the “2003 Agreement”) between the CBOT and the Exchange, and in the Agreement entered into on October 7, 2004, (“the 2004 Agreement”) between the CBOT and the Exchange, as further interpreted in accordance with that certain proposed rule change filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as File No. SR-CBOE-2002-41, and shall not mean any other person. In order to permit Eligible CBOT Full Members and Eligible CBOT Full Member Delegates to participate in an offer, distribution or redemption of the kind referred to in the last two sentences of Paragraph 3(a) of the 1992 Agreement, and solely for such purpose, the Exchange will waive all membership dues, fees and other charges and all qualification requirements, other than those that may be imposed by law, that may be applicable to the application for membership on the Exchange of each Eligible CBOT Full Member and Eligible CBOT Full Member Delegate who wishes to exercise the Exercise Right during the period commencing on the date the Exchange gives notice to the CBOT pursuant to Paragraph 3(b) of the 1992 Agreement and ending on the date such individual participates in such offer, distribution or redemption (as the case may be); provided, however, that (i) no Exerciser Member (as defined in the 1992 Agreement) for whom dues, fees and other charges and qualification requirements are waived in accordance with the foregoing shall have any rights as a member of the Exchange other than to participate in such offer, distribution or redemption, and (ii) the membership on the Exchange of each such Exerciser Member shall terminate immediately following the time such individual participates in such offer, distribution or redemption. Another pending CBOE Rule Filing (File No. SR-CBOE-2005-19) also proposes changes to Rule 3.16(b), and those proposed changes are not reflected in the text of Rule 3.16(b) included in Item 1 to this filing. 1 RB14 March 23, 2005, Volume RB16, Number 12