Department Updates
The department received approval for a Masters of Agribusiness degree
Dr. Jaime Malaga received the CASNR Outstanding Jr. Faculty Award.
Dr. Benaissa Chidimi joins the department faculty as an Assistant
program. The Master of Agribusiness is a non-thesis graduate degree pro-
Professor in the area of Agribusiness. Dr. Chidmi recently completed
gram that focuses on the application of economic and business principles to
his Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University
the agribusiness sector. The 36-hour program consists of a set core of cours-
of Connecticut.
es from Agricultural and Applied Economics and Business Administration.
An integral part of the core curriculum is a requirement for a professional internship. The internship requirement will provide students with valuable experience by working with an agribusiness firm. The requirement for
an internship strengthens the applied aspect of the degree program.
The professional internship requirement is seen as a strength in the
Master of Agribusiness program. In implementing the program we expect
a challenge to match students with internship opportunities. We would
like to ask you as former students to help by identifying possible internship opportunities. If you know of an agribusiness firm that might consid-
Dr. Emmett Elam was named the Outstanding Faculty of the year by the
Undergraduate Ag Eco Association.
Justin Baker recipient of the 2005 Western Agricultural Economics Association’s Outstanding M.S. Thesis Award.
Erin Wheeler received 2nd place for Outstanding M.S. Thesis with honorable
mention at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Conference.
Wes Stevenson finished third in the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association world standings. Ryan Gray finished sixth in the world standings.
Keeton Ehrig, received an International Stockmen’s Educational Foun-
er participating in this program or if you have an interest in providing an
dation Travel Fellowship to the 2006 International Livestock Congress
internship in your own firm, please contact us at 806.742.2821.
in Houston.
Dr. Eduardo Segarra
ment and the Outstanding Student in the discipline of Agricultural and
was named Outstanding
Applied Economics. Curtis was also recognized as Aggie of the Month for
Professor for Fall 2005
October 2005.
by the Ag Council and
Garrett Mathis was recognized as the Outstanding Student in the dis-
Outstanding Faculty of
cipline of Agribusiness. Garrett was also recognized as the Aggie of the
the year by the Ag Eco
Month for January 2006 by the Ag Council.
Graduate Student Asso-
Donna Mitchell completed an internship in Representative Conway’s office.
ciation. Dr. Segarra also
Aaron Pembleton completed an internship in Representative Neugebau-
served as chair of the
er’s office in Washington, D.C. during spring 2006.
U.S. delegation to the In-
The Outstanding Ph.D. Student of the Year was awarded to Mark Welch.
ternational Association
The Outstanding M.S. Student of the Year was awarded to Jeff Dudensing.
of Agricultural Econo-
Justin Baker was selected as the Outstanding Graduate Student in the
mists Council.
Dr. Don Ethridge was
on the selection committee for Lifetime Achievement awards at the
Southern Agricultural
Economics Association
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Curtis Wilde was recognized as the Outstanding Student in the depart-
Department by Gamma Sigma Delta.
Department Updates
With your sustained support, we have made great strides in positioning
proved for the distance delivered Master’s of Agriculture program.
We are close to finalizing a new emphasis in the Master’s of Agricul-
our undergraduate programs for future growth. We have strengthened
ture program in Agricultural Education and Educational Leadership,
our graduate programs by generating record levels of extramural support
where students will complete 18 credit hours in Agricultural Education
for assistantships and research opportunities, and by admitting our larg-
and 27 credit hours in Educational Leadership, leading to certification as
est cohort ever of off-campus doctoral students in our joint program with
a high school principal. We anticipate that this program option will be of-
Texas A&M University. Additionally, our faculty, selected undergradu-
fered as a resident program (available to full- or part-time students on the
ates, and graduate students have been heavily involved in research and
Lubbock campus) and as a Texas Tech Hill Country Program in Highland
engagement efforts designed to solve multifaceted agricultural, life sci-
Lakes, Junction, and Fredericksburg. Students in the Hill Country will be
ences, and natural resources issues.
admitted as a cohort and be expected to complete the Education Leader-
In the previous academic year, there have been a number of very positive
ship component of the program in two years.
events that are particularly noteworthy. First, Shirley and Mildred Garri-
Our faculty garnered a record high $479,000 in grants and contracts
son provided the department with a new scholarship from interest gener-
funding in 2005. The majority of the funding was from multidisciplinary
ated from one of their investments in the Amarillo Area Foundation.
projects through the International Center for Food Industry Excellence,
Earlier in the year, we were delighted to receive a new scholarship endowment by Daniel Brackeen in honor of his high school agricultural science teacher from Panhandle, Texas, Jacob “Get” Watson.
The Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo in Austin will employ an Agricultural
the International Cotton Research Center, the Ogallala Aquifer Initiative,
and the Texas Alliance for Water Conservation.
And finally we are pleased that the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
continued a commitment to fund graduate education in the department,
Communications undergraduate intern in 2007 for the first time, and has
providing assistantship funding for a master’s level and doctoral-level as-
earmarked a number of new scholarships for students in the CASNR, ded-
sistant. This commitment was increased to two master’s-level students
icating one scholarship to an Agricultural Communications major.
and one doctoral student during the fall of 2006.
For the first time in a number of years, three of the incoming Texas
State FFA officers are majoring in the department. These students joined
three former Colorado State FFA Officers, one former New Mexico State
Dr. Matt Baker recently received the Professional Agricultural Workers
of Texas Communications Award.
FFA officer, and one former Kansas State FFA officer also beginning their
Dr. James Smith was elected Faculty Senate president at Texas Tech.
undergraduate studies in the department. This is in addition to the count-
Drs. Cindy Akers and James Smith received tenure and have been pro-
less district and area-level former FFA and 4-H officers, and speaks well
of the type of students that our programs continue to attract.
Texas Tech and Angelo State University approved a Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) for the establishment of a dual B.S. degree program.
moted to associate professors.
Mary Lou Flom received the CASNR Staff Award.
Diane Mashburn is the only undergraduate to have a research paper ac-
Students in this program would complete three years in ASU’s Animal Sci-
cepted at the International Association for Agricultural and Extension
ence program and spend an additional three semesters at Texas Tech com-
Education’s Annual Conference.
pleting certification. At the conclusion of the program, students would
Rashonda Hayes was the only undergraduate to present a research pa-
receive both a B.S. in Animal Science from ASU and a B.S. in Agricultural
per at Cornell University’s 3rd Annual Latin America Studies Graduate
Education from Texas Tech University. The department is in a continu-
Students Conference.
ing dialogue with program leaders from Lubbock Christian University and
Abilene Christian University for the development of similar agreements.
This fall we had 20 graduate students on assistantship funding and
Karin Fritz won the Outstanding Research Poster Award-Undergraduate
Division at the Southern Region-American Association for Agricultural
and Extension Education’s Conference.
four undergraduate research scholars employed in the department. We
are literally busting at the seams in terms of office and work space. We
are also pleased that an Agricultural Education emphasis has been ap-
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Department Updates
Texas Tech University’s meat science laboratory building was named in
honor of Gordon W. Davis, a Lubbock businessman and leader in the development of multimedia textbooks.
Dr. Chance Brooks is the winner of the 2006 American Meat Science Association Achievement Award.
Dr. Christine Alvarado was elected as Faculty Senate secretary at
Texas Tech.
Dr. Michael Galyean was selected as a Horn Professor in February,
2006. This is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a faculty mem-
Dr. Heidi Brady was elected to membership in the TTU Teaching Academy.
New Faculty members include Dr. Pawan Takhar, Food Engineering and
Dr. Kris Wilson, Equine Sciences.
Dr. Kris Wilson was nominated as a co-advisor of American Collegiate
Horseman’s National Association.
The Department of Animal and Food Sciences announced its 20052006 outstanding graduate students as its banquet in April: Cassie Abney
received the Outstanding Ph.D. student award and Deidra Harris was selected as the Outstanding M.S. student.
Brandy Dougherty and Amy Bell represented Texas Tech University in
ber at Texas Tech University. Dr. Galyean was also elected as the Presi-
Denver at the American Collegiate Horseman’s National Convention.
dent-Elect for the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) for 2006-
Brandy, club president, was elected treasurer for the national association.
2007; he will be the President of ASAS 2007-2008.
The Texas Tech Men’s Polo Team won the national championship in
2006. This is the first time in seven years that a non-Ivey League School
has won the national championship.
Ranch Horse team takes Champion or Reserve Champion in all three
divisions—Open, Non-Pro, and Novice at Tarleton State University.
Amy Bell was named as the 2006-2007 Masked Rider. She is the 45th
Masked Rider.
McKenzie Brazile of the Texas Tech University Equestrian Team qualified
for the IHSA National Show in Pennsylvania. This is the second year in a
row that Texas Tech University has qualified an open rider to Nationals.
Loree Branham, a Ph.D. student in Animal Science specializing in Food
Microbiology, was selected as TEACH fellow for 2006-2007 academic year.
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Department Updates
The Department of Landscape Architecture successfully held it’s 3rd
annual Alumni Workshop. During the workshop the alumni were able to
Alice Sherrod had two papers published in The Arts and Humanities
Conference Proceedings in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Dr. Safei Hamed has written two books: “The Historical Gardens of the
meet with current students and participate in lectures, discussions, re-
Middle East,” and “Environmental Ethics: Learning from the Past and
sume/portfolio coaching and mock interviews. Each year the alumni and
Guiding the Future.”
student participation grows and it is a great way for alumni to receive
continuing education credit. The group plans on hosting the workshop
In the spring of 2006 the Texas Tech University Student ASLA Chapter
again on Homecoming weekend of 2007. For more information please
held a raffle to raise money for chapter projects and to sponsor a design
contact Memory Bennett at 806.742.2802.
team to compete in national competitions. The student group raised approxi-
In early 2005, the department learned that they would receive two of-
mately $2,900. Materials to be used in the landscape included one 11’x16’
fices, two studios, one classroom and storage space in the old Animal Sci-
Aquascape Designs signature pond with pump system, 150 sq. ft. of Pave-
ences Building. Now all second and third-year graduate students within
stone pavers, two trees and flowering shrubs. These items were donated by
the department have their own office and also computers provided by
Aquascape Designs, Pavestone, Sutherlands, Innovative Landscapes and
the department. The first-year graduate students make frequent us of a
Nursery Direct.
graduate-only design studio where they share a computer. The depart-
David Haigood, a third-year studio student, was awarded first place at the
ment has also received funds to purchase a new web server. All landscape
annual Texas ASLA Design Competition. Lendle Monden, a fourth-year stu-
architecture students are provided with 100 MB of space to design their
dio student won second place and Chad Dietz, also a third-year studio stu-
own Web site.
dent, earned third place.
Jean Kavanagh, was named President-Elect of the Texas ASLA Chapter
in January of 2006.
Charlie Klein was elected Secretary/Treasurer of the West Texas Section of the Texas ASLA Chapter for 2006.
Dr. Lou Mills and his research team from the College of Agricultural
Lee Petty, a fourth-year student was voted Aggie of the Month for February 2006.
Briana Hirth received the annual ASLA Texas Tech University scholarship
of $1,000 for academic merit and good citizenship over the course of her
studies during the 2005-2006 school year.
Nicole Kalina received a study abroad scholarship which will help to fund
Sciences and Natural Resouces were awarded a $45,000 grant from the
her continuing explorations in Mexico and in the field of ecotourism. In ad-
Texas General Land Office for research conducted on the Texas Coastal
dition during the spring 2006 semester Nicole received funding for her the-
Management Program.
sis research on xeriscape landscaping in West Texas.
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Department Updates
Dr. Tom Thompson was named chairman of the department. Thompson
is an Abilene native and joins Texas Tech after a 15-year stint at the University of Arizona.
After stepping down a department chair to return to teaching and research, Dr. Dick Auld has been named as the Rockwell Professor of Plant
Genetics and Breeding.
Dr. Craig Bednarz joined the Department in the spring of 2006 as an Associate Professor of Crop Physiology with a joint appointment with the
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in Lubbock.
Dr. Ellen Peffley has received the 2005-2006 Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Teaching Award from Texas Tech.
Dr. Peter Dotray received the President’s Academic Achievement Award
and the President’s Excellence in Teaching Award from Texas Tech. Dr.
Dotray also received the CASNR Service/Outreach Award.
Dr. Richard Zartman received a President’s Outstanding Research Award
from Texas Tech. Dr. Zartman was also selected as Leidigh Professor with
the department. Dr. Zartman also received the CASNR Advising Award.
Judith Wilmington received the CASNR Instructor Award.
Apura Barman received an award for Outstanding Oral Presentation at
the Beltwide Cotton Conferences in San Antonio, TX.
Charles Clark was the winner of the 2006 Soil Science Scholarship
awarded by the Professional Soil Scientists Association of Texas.
Max Batla was recognized at the banquet of Beltwide Cotton Conference in San Antonio. He tied for first place in the organization’s Master’s
students competition.
Bradley Sladek was awarded the second highest 2005 Golf Course Superintendents Association of America Award.
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Department Updates
The former Department of Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management
The Department will continue to offer undergraduate degree programs
to prepare students for professional employment in Range Management,
is proud to announce it has a new name effective September 13, 2006. The
Wildlife and Fisheries Management, and Environmental conservation of
name change to—Department of Natural Resources Management (NRM)
Natural Resources. Graduate degree programs at both the master’s and
was officially approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
doctoral level will be offered in the disciplines of Range Science, Wildlife
after approval through administrative channels within the University.
Science, and Fisheries Science.
Faculty are united in the belief that now is the time for a name change
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Bricker endowed a $1 million Bricker Endowed
and that the proposed name change is the correct terminology for the fu-
Chair in wildlife management. It will fund an endowed chair position
ture aspirations and directions of the department. Changing the name
within the Department. Funds generated by the endowment will be used
to Department of Natural Resources Management (NRM) was desirable
to support teaching, research and outreach programs of the chair holder,
because it will more accurately represent the breadth of discipline exper-
Dr. Warren Ballard
tise available in the faculty. It will allow prospective students to envision a
broader spectrum of opportunities than is possible with the limitations im-
Dr. Clint Boal, assistant leader with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Texas
posed by only naming three disciplines when we currently offer broader ed-
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and member of the faculty
ucational opportunities at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The
was promoted to associate professor.
new name will provide a more united image for the Department when compared to the previous tri-discipline image as a result of the former name.
Dr. Gad Perry received the Texas Tech Alumni Association New
Faculty Award.
Dr. Loren Smith has been named to represent Texas in three-year term
on the Nature Conservancy’s Board of Trustees.
Dr. Carlton Britton received the CASNR Teaching Award.
Dr. Warren Ballard was named as the Bricicer Chair.
The Plant ID team placed first at the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society meeting held in South Padre, TX.
Robin Morris qualified in the Open Horsemanship and was third overall at Nationals.
Ali Reeza received funding in April from the Fort Worth-based Turtle
Survival Alliance for an upcoming project titled focusing on the black
soft-shelled turtle, a rare large freshwater turtle.
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