Council of Academic Advisors Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:30 AM, Multicultural Center Present: 

Council of Academic Advisors
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
8:30 AM, Multicultural Center
Present: Bryan Barker (UAASC), Laurie Black (Registrar’s Office), Andy Borst (Admissions), Sarah Jewell (Admission) Jan Clough (Art), Jane Coplan (UAASC), Sue Dagit (Registrar’s Office), Monica Eskridge (COEHS),Heather Fletcher (UAASC GA), Jennifer Grimm (Communications), Molly Homer (Honor’s College), Sarah Jewell (Admissions), Kim McDaniel (Study Abroad), Kathy Meyers (SAPSC and VRC), Caryn Morgan (CAS), Kelly Morris (UAASC), Julie O’Brien (UAASC), Andi Potter (CBT‐Eng Tech), Chris Ramsey (CBT), Andrea Riebling (CBT), Colin Rogness (BA/BGS), Jennifer Sandrik‐Rubio (Physical Sciences), Renee Simpson (UAASC), Claire Smalzer (Athletics), Linda Thomas (UAASC), Vicki Walters, Tammy Wilson (COEHS), Michelle Yager (UAASC) Sarah Jewell, the new Assistant Director of Orientation was introduced to the group. I.
Discover Western Check‐In Discover Western was held last Saturday where new changes were implemented. The group was average in size, about 5% larger than last year, but department areas were very busy with students and families. Positive feedback: The new room placement got better traffic and everyone felt it was a good move. Everyone liked the bigger room Even though lunch was late, there were no complaints about the timing of food There was a lot of positive feedback about the quality of food. Moving the academic fair up front created better traffic flow and people did not sit down. People spent more time in the academic major fair and student services fair There were 157 ‘tweets’. Students were encouraged to have their phones out and ‘tweet’ about their experiences. The best tweet was selected and the student who sent it was offered a free application waiver. This allowed students not at Discover Western to get a lot of positive feedback. Using college ambassadors allowed students to be split up Financial Aids and Athletics did ‘optional events’ after programming, which allowed students and parents to speak to areas in which they were interested II. External Review Ron Williams is contacting NACADA to find an advising administrator (not yet selected) from another university to do the external review. Noel‐Levitz will not be conducting the review since their fee is cost prohibitive and having someone do the review who is currently doing the same work as advisors will lend more validity to the process. The timeline for completion of the review, which was previously December, has been pushed back. Michelle will pass along any new information to advisors as she receives it. There has not been a decision made to create a Freshman Intake Model at Western. For clarification, this is a freshmen advising center. The center would be geared toward multiple advising appointments, mentoring, and looking at the needs of freshmen and how those needs can be addressed through advising programming. Discussion about a Freshmen Intake Model was in response to a retention and advising conference attended by Ron Williams and Dr. Biller this summer. The campuses presenting the model reported improved retention rates after implementation. For Western to go to this model, or something similar, it would take several years of planning before it could be launched. However, our retention rate is not good and it’s imperative for the advising community to keep an open mind on changes that could better meet our students’ needs. Many different options need to be examined with students’ needs driving the change process. Research shows that advising is an integral part of improving retention rates. Molly Homer was concerned that in the past other changes at WIU have happened very quickly without planning and without input from those affected. Michelle reassured the advisors that their input would be sought and heard from the administration. We will work as a team to assess advising and determine where and what changes need to occur before implementation of any new programs. The Provost’s Office has decided not to pursue the optional advising pilot program for juniors and seniors who have submitted a graduation application. It is hoped this topic will be included as part of the external review. Michelle will check with the Provost’s Office about this since many didn’t know it wouldn’t be happening. Michelle checked with Ron Williams and confirms the optional advising pilot program is no longer in place. It was agree that advising has changed … it is no longer just about classes but also includes asking students how they you doing in school, how are they getting along with their roommates, are they involved in school activities, etc. in order to support student success. In order to begin preparing for the review, Andy Borst will send a three year retention report, by major, to Michelle and each College. Departments are encouraged to start pulling data together now and conducting internal program assessments in preparation for the external review. The COAA Assessment Committee will provide global information through advising and student survey information. They are reviewing CAS standards and how they fit into WIU. Student evaluations of their advisor only show information about one particular advisor and do not show advising outcomes. It was suggested that student evaluations should include reception areas and specific procedures within the advising office. SOAR evaluations will also be used in the review process. III. By‐Laws Discussion College/department representatives on subcommittees – Do we need it? It was agreed that advisors from all departments should be strongly encouraged to be involved, but the majority of the advisors didn’t think it should be mandated. A committee rep does not have to be the COAA representative. The message is that we need more help on these committees as they serve all advising programs. Every advising department should have representatives serving on committees. There are a couple of Colleges/Departments with no representatives on any committees. Any advisor who would like to join a committee needs to contact Caryn Morgan. Another model discussed was the one used by Faculty Senate where people say they are interested in participating and the Committee on Committees does make the assignments. There was little support for this model as it could potentially put an advisor on a committee in which they have no interest. If more people could do a one‐time event or one‐time opportunity, it could help with the work load. There are people who are able to give short periods of time rather than a full year commitment. Each COAA representative needs to take this plea back to their department to generate more interest to serve on committees. Again, contact Caryn if anyone is interested in participating. If everyone helps out, the load will be manageable. Subcommittee Chair Tenure Everyone was in agreement that this should be pursued because it would bring continuity to the committee. Julie O’Brien and the Assessment Committee will work on the verbiage to add this clause to the By Laws. IV. We Care Day Jean Bird and Jennifer Grimm sent an e‐mail message to all advisors regarding the We Care Day invitation. They are trying to create a “COAA” group. This is a fun way to meet students in a different environment, do something outside, and give back to the university. Jennifer and Jean will be participating from 3:30‐5:00 on October 8. It was suggested that this might be a good activity to use for the service portion of the U100 classes. Jennifer will send out another e‐mail and if anyone is interested, please contact her and she will send in the names. V. Founder’s Day Table Michelle asked if anyone was interested in reserving 1‐2 advising tables so we can sit together at the luncheon. Michelle will send out an e‐mail about who will be attending and she’ll reserve an advising table/s. VI. Tutoring The tutoring app is done; however, it may require a few minor programming changes. Since the app is active, advisors should look at the tutoring information in their academic area and send any discrepancies to Julie O’Brien The website is also up at Julie needs to make a printer‐friendly page for each section. Michelle is talking to Roger Runquist about automating the process in which departments submit their tutoring information. We hope to have this in place by next year. If you need more WIU Mobile App cards with the QR code on it, please let Michelle or Julie know. VII. Standing Committee Reports Professional Development and Networking The committee is working on the following fall events: 
OPS Presentation by Lt Thomas Clark o September 25th from 8:30 am – 10:00 am o Multicultural Center Developing Intercultural Communication Skills for Academic Advising – NACADA o December 11th o Time and location to be determined o ILACADA is purchasing this webinar. In return, we will invite area colleges and universities to the event The committee is starting to gather ideas about other possible events … a book club has been suggested and a couple ideas on books have been given. If you have a book suggestion, please send it to Monica Eskridge. Due to high prices of books, the committee is looking at alternate ways to purchase books. The committee is considering doing a suicide prevention program in the spring. More information about that will be coming later. CITR has a suicide program listed on their events for the fall. The committee will be meeting every other Wednesday, 8:30‐9:30 AM once the safety issue presentation has been completed. Campus Affairs and Public Relations This committee meets every other Wednesday in the Algonquin room from 8:30‐9:30 AM. The committee is concentrating on getting students to see their advisors by October 30 in preparation for pre‐registration. A Telestars announcement is being sent to each student. It will give students their advisor’s name and will also let them know if they have a financial aid encumbrance, telling them to contact their financial aid advisor. It is hoped this will help students deal with financial issues and will also aid with retention. Additional marketing tools are also being used: 
Electronic signs and kiosks Football score board Message on STARS Message on Western Online Message on Advising Facebook page Campus Spotlights Parent Family Association Newsletter Honor’s Newsletter Twitter via Vian Neally Possible radio spot Assessment The committee is comprised of Jeanne Gage, Jennifer Sandrick, Phoebe Wilson, Julie O’Brien, and Michelle Yager. They are creating an overall report about advising to have available for the review process. They are also working on the student survey. Next semester they will work on the CAS document and advisor survey (there was a 72.59% response rate on the advisor survey, which included a lot of good feedback). If you have any suggestions or ideas, send them to a member of the committee. Awards and Recognition’s Office Michele Aurand is the chair of this committee. Nominations for the September advisor of the month are due by 9/23. A telestars announcement will go out about this. There are no funds for awards this year so the committee is looking at ways to fund the six awards needed. Someone from the committee will go to the Provost to ask for money to cover this; if this is not approved, the committee may ask for donations to continue with the plaques. If no funds are forthcoming from any source, a certificate will be given. The Provost has requested that advisors and programs pursue awards at the state and national levels. The committee is looking at awards for which advisors can apply and at some point an advisor may get an e‐mail from the committee urging them to apply for a specific award. VIII. CAGAS Report A veteran who is coming in as a freshman but has been out of school for 5‐6 years, appealed to get the U100 requirement waived, but was not successful. He wrote a statement saying that non‐
traditional students in class didn’t have the same life experiences as incoming freshmen. A possible solution for the future is having a couple of U100 sections geared for non‐traditional students. The committee passed a proposal to have 3 different “F” grades that the faculty could use: 1) a student would receive an ‘F’ if they didn’t do high quality work, 2) a student would receive an ‘FN’ if they never attended class, and 3) a student would receive a ‘FW’ if they never withdrew from class but failed to attend class toward the end. This change was requested from financial aid because of funding. Universities now have to provide documentation that students have not attended class. This will be in place next year if passed by Faculty Senate. These grades would provide more information for advisors at mid‐term. IX News from the Registrar Monday, September 30 ‐ Early Warning Grade Screen will open and be available until Monday, 10/14, at 4:30 p.m. | Tuesday, October 15, early warning grade notices will be emailed to students. Freshman holds are on; transfer holds are in process for students who have not yet submitted final transcripts to our office.| Commencement: o First week in October ‐ Commencement postcard goes out to anticipated December participants. o 10/18 – Graduation Application must be in the Registrar’s Office for the student’s name to appear in the program. New Law giving veterans and military personnel the earliest registration times. o This will begin with course registration for SP14. X College/Area News COBT Interviews have been completed for Tom Bates former position in the QC and an announcement will be made soon. Study Abroad The application deadline for Study Abroad semester students is October 1. Many faculty‐led programs have middle of October deadlines. UAASC The advising contact list is online on the UAASC’s home page. This is a fluid document which will continually be updated as new information is sent to Julie O’Brien UA advisors do not change a student’s catalogue year; they leave that up to the major department. XI New Business FYE meetings are being held. The committee has discussed separate sections for non‐traditional students but there are those who don’t think it is a good idea so it may not be implemented. They are planning 20 sections for the spring semester. Information is not yet on STARS. Jane appreciates those who sent her suggested times and rooms for their classes. It has not been decided who will be teaching in the spring. Nancy Parsons will start with faculty and then go down the list from there. Some advisors are not getting e‐mails about OARS absences. Jane Coplan has contacted Jessica Harriger to seek a solution. Jane will keep the advisors updated. There are a number of students who were re‐admitted below a 2.0 GPA, not on probation or suspension, but their majors are below department requirements. This seems to be a conflicting message to students since they are not on university warning. A lot of majors admitted into COEHS below a 2.0 have been sent to TAP. It is suspected there will be more and more who don’t understand that if they don’t have the required major and minor GPA, not the CUM GPA, they will not be able to graduate. No one has heard anything about an updated Foreign Language/Global Issues policy. Donna Williams is checking on this and will update advisors when a decision has been made. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM Respectfully submitted, Debbie Carithers 