Council of Academic Advisors Thursday September 6 2012

Council of Academic Advisors
Thursday September 6 2012
10:30 AM, Union Board Room
Present: Bryan Barker (UAASC), Jean Bird (CBT), Donna Bradford (COEHS), Jane Coplan (UAASC), Sue
Dagit (Registrar’s Office), Jeanne Gage (COEHS), Jennifer Grimm (Communications), Molly Homer
(Honor’s College), Anna James (CBT), Ember Keithley (CBT), Kim McDaniel (Study Abroad), Lisa MelzJennings (Athletics), Caryn Morgan (CAS), Julie O’Brien (UAASC), Ronald Pettigrew (BGS), Jennifer
Sandrik-Rubio (Physical Sciences), Reneé Simpson (UAASC), Vicki Walters (CAS Biology) and Michelle
Yager (UAASC).
The minutes from the July 16 meeting were approved as distributed with no corrections.
II. Opening Week Check-In– Michelle Yager
Members of the council where given the opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of opening week
check-in. Some members felt that it went well. There was also much dialog about some of the
concerns. Some of the concerns brought forth included:
Students who were pushed through this process were a lot less prepared and were
feeling lost and overwhelmed.
Several members feel that some type of orientation needs to take place.
Issues of retention were brought up as there are concerns that this is an issue not
being addressed if we are allowing students to continue open enrollment which
includes a last minute walk-in registration process.
Some members feel that not all faculty are supportive of students being added late
into classes while others expressed that faculty will allow this but students are
expected to pick up on their own.
After much discussion and dialog among the group members felt that it will be beneficial to explore
modifications of the two-week add and drop period; specifically the time line given. Morgan
mentioned that this has been discussed before and previously it was agreed not to publicize this.
III. Placement Exam Proposal – Michelle Yager
English and Math placement exams are available for students to take in UAASC office Monday
through Friday on a walk-in basis. Students must come in no later than 3pm to take an exam. The
Math Placement exam can be taken up to 3 times per ID number.
IV. NACADA National Conference – Michelle Yager
This year’s NACADA National conference will be held in Nashville TN. Members attending will be
Michele Aurand, Ember Keithley (who will be recognized), Caryn Morgan, Reneé Simpson, Vicki
Walters, Michelle Terry, Phoebe Wilson and Michelle Yager.
V. Building Connections Check In
Jean Bird brought to the groups attention some issues and concerns with Mentors crossing the
boundaries of academic advising. She gave an example of how one of her students had gone to
their Mentor about a Math class and the Mentor dropped the course. Consequently, because this
student is a Business major, it created a math deficiency for the student. On a more positive note,
members such as Sue Dagit mentioned how much she and Angela Lynn in the Office of the
Registrar are enjoying visiting with these students as it provides an opportunity to meet with
students who don’t necessarily have issues. Others informed that faculty in their areas have
expressed that they are enjoying the mentorship.
Yager informed the group that later in the year, there will be a Building Connections evaluation.
With every new program, there are kinks to be worked out. Additionally, Yager will be requesting
that representatives from the Advisor Council be included in the end-of-the-year evaluation in
order to address some of the advising issues.
VI. Professional Development PAA Approval Form
The Professional Development PAA Approval form was made available for review. Some very minor
suggestions were made. A motion was made to approve the PAA form and seconded by the council.
VII. COAA Committee Assignments- Ember Keithley
Ember Keithley is still open for members interested in serving on each of the sub-committees. The
dates established for each of the sub-committee groups to meet are below:
Professional Development and Networking will meet September 18, 2012, in Knoblauch
Hall Rm.105 at 8:30 am.
Campus Affairs and Public Relations is scheduled to meet September 19, 2012, in
Knoblauch Hall Rm. 105 at 8:30 am.
Awards and Recognition will meet in Brophy Hall Rm. 116 at 2 pm
Assessment will meet at 9:30 am in the University Union Board Rm. prior to each COAA
VIII. Standing Committee Reports
Assessment Committee – Julie O’Brien
The Committee has had its first meeting for the fiscal year and they have welcomed two new
members. Julie O’Brien will continue to serve on this committee as the standing chair. The
committee’s first agenda item is the CASS assessment. The group intends to share themes as a result
of the survey.
Awards and Recognition Committee – Lisa Melz
Nomination criteria for the Academic Advisor of the Month was distributed. This will be offered
once this spring and then evaluated as to how it is working. Criteria for the evaluation reads:
Eligibility: Full- or part-time faculty members or academic support personnel responsible for the
academic advising of undergraduate students and assigned a caseload of academic advisees.
Criteria: Nominations will be accepted from students, peers, supervisors, or through selfnomination.
The nominating letter should document excellence for the current month being nominated, which
may include, but is not exclusive to, any of the following categories:
Service to students as an advisor
A specific instance where an advisor went “above and beyond” for an advisee
Knowledge of advising principles and University rules and regulations
A specific instance where an advisor used a “best practice” in dealing with a student.
Procedure: Nominations should be submitted to the Lisa Melz-Jennings via email at Each nomination letter should describe the nominator's perception of the advisor's
effectiveness and evidence of the above criteria. Letters of support from students and others on
campus are encouraged.
Award: Each month’s recipient will be automatically entered into the Advisor of the Year (AOY) and
COAP Employee of the Year (COAP EOY) pool as a nominee.
Selection will be made by the Council of Academic Advisors – Awards and Recognition Committee
and an ex-officio member from Student Services.
Deadline for Nominations: 4:00pm - Last Tuesday of each month (September 25th, October 30th,
November 27th, February 26th, March 26th and April 30th).
Eligibility information, criteria, and procedure can be sent via e-mail. In the future, it is hoped a
website link can be created. The award would begin with one month this semester and would
continue into the fall with three opportunities per semester. There was a suggestion of a free lunch
to be given to recipients.
Jean Bird is the new CAGAS representative. Bird reported that there were a lot of late withdrawal
appeals along with overload appeals. In addition the committee is in the final stages of planning
new FYE criteria. Students will be required to complete (2) FYE courses, conversely one of those
classes may follow the University 100 format. New FYE policies and procedures will be available
on the CAGAS website which will outline basic guidelines the council can follow.
X. News from the Office of the Registrar – Sue Dagit
Wednesday, 9/5 -Early checkout for FL12 graduation began
 Advisors will be emailed the categories that their graduating advisees fall into, i.e., FL12,
SP13, SU 13.
 Notification letters apprising students that their graduation date is being moved because
of deficiencies will be held for a few days in case there are adjustments to degree plans
that will allow students to graduate “on time”.
 If a student is moved to a future graduation term and something changes that puts them
back to the original term, the advisor must let Donna know. She will not run a
subsequent check after students’ terms are moved.
Commencement Information
 October 1-5 -- Undergraduate commencement information postcard mailed to
prospective graduates
 10/19 -- Deadline for graduation applications to be submitted to the Registrar's Office
in order for names to be listed in the commencement program.
10/23 -- WIU Bookstore begins selling caps and gowns.
11/2 -- Quad Cities Grad Prep Day (11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
11/9 -- Macomb Grad Prep Day (9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)
Commencement Weekend Schedule
Friday, December 14
 5:30 p.m. -- Honors Convocation
Saturday, December 15
 9:30 a.m. – Combined Graduate/Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony #1
(General Studies Degree Program, Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Arts and
Sciences and College of Business and Technology)
 1:00 p.m. – Combined Graduate/Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony #2
(College of Education and Human Services and College of Fine Arts and
Advance Registration Summary for SP13
 Graduates: November 1, 2, 5
 Seniors: November 2, 5, 6, 7
 Juniors: November 6, 7, 8, 9
 Sophomores: November 9, 12, 13
 Freshmen: November 13, 14, 15, 16
 New and Returning Students: November 19
 Advisor Holds are ON.
*Remove holds after advising using ADEN on either WIUP or MVS
 Complete information is available at http:/
XI. College Area News – Council Members
Kim McDaniel –Study Abroad announced that there will be an October 1st application deadline.
Students interested in individual, semester-long programs for Spring 2013 need to submit their
applications by October 1. Students interested in Summer or Fall 2013 or later terms are
strongly encouraged to start working with the Study Abroad program as soon as possible (many
scholarships have early submission deadlines). Listings for individual programs can be found
by clicking on a world region at
Some of the specific interest meetings include:
WISE Spain
September 6, 3:15 pm, Morgan 330
September 19, 3 pm, Morgan 330
October 9, 3:15 pm, Morgan 330
Disney World Communication Culture
September 6, 4 pm, Lincoln Room, Union
September 10, 12:30 pm, Lincoln Room, Union
September 11, 4 pm, Lincoln Room, Union
New Zealand: Global Hospitality and Tourism
September 6, 6:30 pm, Knoblauch 239
September 20, noon, Knoblauch 239
October 19, 7 pm, Knoblauch 239
Cultural Anthropology Field School in Germany
September 18, 12:30 pm, Currens 206
October 17, 5 pm, Morgan 320
Agriculture Down Under
September 18, 3:30 pm, Knoblauch 307
September 26, 4 pm, Knoblauch 305
European Business Study
September 25, 3:30 pm, Stipes room TBA
There are other Courses offered for Spring and Summer but their meetings haven't been
finalized yet. More information about all the group offerings can be found on the study abroad
website: Kim
will answer any additional questions.
College of Arts and Sciences
 Members discussed that problem with students registering for classes at the Quad
Cities Campus not being aware of the location. There was much discussion and
dialog and members thought it might be beneficial to force students to choose a
campus location while registering or possibly restricting the ability for students to
register for a specific campus. There are other coding issues that may need to be
addressed in order to undertake this specific challenge.
An additional issue was brought forth about a homeless student who had issues
with Housing on campus. Ultimately the student could not afford the $50.00
Housing fee and Housing staff were not willing to waive it. Pettigrew mentioned
that he had been through this issue before and had to go up on the chain of
command (Jessica Butcher or Gary Biller) to get this done. After much discussion
Yager agreed to follow up with Jessica Butcher on Housing specific protocols.
Jean Bird informed the group that no student passed the CS 101 proficiency exam;
this is typical as students do not realize all of the content covered in this particular
Anna James is the new Administrative intern for the College of Business and
Technology and will be attending COAA meetings.
Vicki Walters announced that Biology has a new department chair: Dr. Charles
Julie O’Brien will have the final advisor list available online soon.
Caryn Morgan announced that students who need Math 099 will be forced to
enroll by the beginning of their 3rd semester. Notification will be available on the
ADVG screen. Exceptions will be made for transfer and BGS students.
Next COAA meeting is scheduled for Thursday September 20, 2012 in the Union Board
The meeting adjourned at 11:45am.
Respectfully submitted,
Reneé Simpson