Trends in utilization of preventive services in medically under-served communities among small urban practices that have already adopted health IT Samantha De Leon, PhD; Sarah Shih, MPH June, 2010 Primary Care Information Project NYC D Department t t off H Health lth & M Mental t lH Hygiene i Primary Care Information Project Rates of Childhood Immunizations 90 80 Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM 70 60 50 40 30 Commercial 20 Medicaid 10 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year Source: State of Health Care Quality, 2009, NCQA Primary Care Information Project | 1 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM % recieved d immun nizations s 100 Paper to Electronic Health Records (EHR) Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM Primary Care Information Project | 2 Small practices enrolled in Primary Care Information Project (PCIP) Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM Primary Care Information Project | 3 Study Population Hospital outpatient facilities, large & small practices # Practices on the EHR 402 Small Practices 307 Successful EHR implementation across all practices Successful transmission of claims data to NYCDOH within 1st year Successful transmission of claims data for at least 9months Primary Care Information Project | 4 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM Small Practices (transmit at least 9 months) 99 Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM # Practices PCIP implementation pipeline 521 Methods For each small practice - transmitted ambulatory services claims data / tabulated monthly preventive services utilization trends practice/provider demographics Data aggregation: - categorized g p preventive services / Statistical Analysis: - longitudinal mixed models - separate growth curves for each practice adjusting for autocorrelation between observations Primary Care Information Project | 5 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM based on procedure (CPT) codes used in Healthcare Effectiveness Data & Information Set (HEDIS) measures Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM - practice self- reported questionnaire / Provider specialty within primary care at small practices in NYC 45.0 35.0 Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM (%) Pro oviders Sellf-Report 40.0 10.0 50 5.0 0.0 Internal Medicine Pediatrics Family Medicine Obstetrics & Gynecology Other Missing * Total number of providers at small practices in PCIP = 776 as of May 2010 Primary Care Information Project | 6 Provider Staffing levels at small practices in NYC Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM * Total number of small practices in PCIP = 307 as of May 2010 Primary Care Information Project | 7 # Administrative Support Staff/ Physician FTE at small practices in NYC 40.0 Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0 0.1 - 1.0 1.1 - 2.0 2.1 - 6.0 # Administrative S Support S Staff ff / FTE *T Total t l number b off smallll practices ti iin PCIP = 307 as off May M 2010 Primary Care Information Project | 8 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM (%) pra actices self reported 35.0 # Medical Support Staff (RNs, PAs)/ Physician FTE at small practices in NYC 90 70 Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM 60 50 40 30 20 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM (%) prac ctices self-rreported 80 10 0 0 0.1 - 1.0 > 1.0 # Medical Support Staff per FTE *T Total t l number b off smallll practices ti iin PCIP = 307 as off May M 2010 Primary Care Information Project | 9 Preventive services utilization categories from HEDIS measures Considered # procedures per day per FTE for: - pneumoccocal & influenza vaccinations; childhood immunizations - lead; breast cancer; cervical cancer; colon cancer; glaucoma; A1c; nephropathy; eye exam; blood pressure; LDL/ cholesterol Access/ Availability of Care - adult & pediatric ambulatory preventive visits; ambulatory domiciliary visit; adult ambulatory ophthalmology visit Utilization U ili i off M Mentall H Health lhS Services i - follow-up outpatient visit with a mental health professional p after hospitalization - follow-up outpatient visit (without a mental health professional) after hospitalization Primary Care Information Project | 10 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM - adult ambulatory home visit; adult ambulatory nursing visit; adult Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM Preventive Services – Screenings Preventive services utilization – Access/ Availability of Care Type of Preventive Service 1.1 72.6% 2.3 73.0% 1.3 72.0% 17 1.7 40 4% 40.4% 1.7 34.9% (CPT= 99385-99387, 99385 99387 99395-99397, 99395 99397 99401-99404, 99401 99404 99411-99412, 99411 99412 99420, 99420 99429) Pediatric ambulatory preventive visit (CPT= 99381-99385, 99391-99395,99401-99404, 99411-99412, 99420, 99429) Pediatric ambulatory adolescent visit (CPT= 99383-99385, 99393-99395) Pediatric well well-child child visit (2 (2-6 6 years) (CPT= 99382, 99383, 99392, 99393) Pediatric well-child visit (15 months) (CPT= 99381, 99382, 99391, 99392, 99432) * E&M Outpatient visits (new, (new established and consultations) consultations)= 10.9 10 9 procedures per day per FTE (2 (2.0% 0% missing) Primary Care Information Project | 11 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM (%) reporting practices (n= 307) Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM Adult ambulatory preventive visit Avg # procedures per day per FTE Preventive services utilization – Screenings & Mental Health Type of Preventive Service 0.1 71.0% 1.3 68.4% 0.8 56.0% Chl Chlamydia di screening i 05 0.5 44 0% 44.0% Follow-up outpatient visit with mental health professional after hospitalization 0.9 41.0% Pneumococcal vaccinations (CPT= 90732, G0009) Childhood Immunizations ((i.e.,, Diptheria, p , tetanus,, pertussis, p , MMR,, hepatitis, p , IPV,, VZV)) Influenza vaccinations (CPT= 90658, G0008) (CPT= 99221-99223, 99231-99233, 99238-99239, 99251-99255, 99261-99263) * E&M O Outpatient t ti t visits i it (new, ( established t bli h d and d consultations)= lt ti ) 10.9 10 9 procedures d per d day per FTE (2.0% (2 0% missing) i i ) Primary Care Information Project | 12 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM (%) reporting practices (n= 307) Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM Avg # procedures per day per FTE Preliminary Results (n=307 practices) For each preventive service category - tabulated monthly # preventive services per day per FTE - compared over time for each practice - regardless of completeness of the data Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM Analysis of all practices contributing data within the 1st year of implementing the EHR Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM For each preventive service category considered: - no significant associations - greater variability in the data * may have decreased signal to noise Primary Care Information Project | 13 Access/ Availability of Care (n= 99 practices at least 9 months data) Estimated # procedures per FTE per month for a typical small practice 60 p-value= 0.08 50 40 30 p-value= 0.05 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month Adult Preventive Pediatric Preventive Adolescent Preventive Child (2-6yrs) (2 6yrs) Preventive Child (15mo) Preventive Primary Care Information Project | 14 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM 10 Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM Averrage # proc cedures per month per FTE 70 Screenings & Mental Health (n= 99 practices at least 9 months data) Estimated # procedures per FTE per month for a typical small practice 25 Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM 20 15 10 5 p-value= 0.04 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month Pneumonia vaccination i ti Childhood iimmunizations i ti Influenza i ti vaccination Chlamydia screening Follow-up Mental Health Primary Care Information Project | 15 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM Ave erage # proc cedures perr month per FTE 30 Discussion Results suggest some categories of preventive services can be reliably tracked through practice management claims data Preventive services not reliably tracked in practice claims data Results suggest within 1st year of implementing the EHR - 1.3% increase per month Ambulatory Preventive Adult visits - 2.2% 2 2% increase per month Ambulatory Preventive Pediatric visits - 2.0% increase per month Pneumococcal vaccinations Primary Care Information Project | 16 Printed 9/2/2 2009 8:54:01 AM - Cancer C screening, i LDL and d bl blood d pressure screening i - Ambulatory home or nursing visits Working Draft - La ast Modified 9/9/2009 1:49:30 PM - Ambulatory A b l t P Preventive ti Vi Visits it ((adult d lt and d pediatric) di t i ) - Pneumococcal & influenza vaccinations; Chlamydia screening; childhood immunizations - Follow-up F ll outpatient t ti t (mental ( t l health) h lth) visits i it