Summary Measures of SES Disparities in Health: Implications for Policy Elsie Pamuk & Kim Lochner National Center for Health Statistics Centers for Disease Control and Prevention For inherently ordered domains, the primary focus is usually on the domain itself, not on the component groups ….. because the groups are defined by the amount of the underlying domain Whenever the focus is on the domain, it is appropriate to combine information from the component groups and create a summary measure of disparity. Common characteristics of summary measures of health disparities related to SES Use information from all of the component groups Preserve the inherent ordering of the groups Incorporate the relative size of the groups Regression-based measures Concentration Index CONCENTRATION INDEX: Age-adjusted deaths for U.S. men by education, 1990-2000 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 Cumulative proportion of ageadjusted deaths C = -.11 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 <HS HS/GED Some college College Degree + 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Cumulative proportion of men aged 25+ by level of education Data Source NHIS/NDI linked mortality file Population characteristics - sex, age, education, income obtained from NHIS surveys conducted from 1990-2000 Survey records matched to death records in the U.S. vital statistics (through 2002) Educational Inequality Indices in cause-specific mortality: U.S. Men, aged 25+, NHIS/NDI, 1990-2000 SII RII (mean) RII (ratio) C -320 -.67 2.02 -.10 Stroke -59 -.71 2.09 -.11 Other cardiovascular -18 -.53 1.72 -.08 Lung cancer -130 -1.14 3.63 -.18 Colon cancer -27 -.74 2.19 -.12 Prostate cancer -10 -.23 1.26 -.04 Other cancer -73 -.39 1.48 -.06 Pneumonia / Influenza -17 -1.10 3.45 -.17 HIV -33 -.79 2.31 -.12 Lower respiratory disease -81 -1.13 3.62 -.18 Liver disease -20 -1.08 3.35 -.17 Diabetes -41 -1.02 3.06 -.16 Nephritis / Nephrosis -12 -.60 1.86 -.09 Homicide -15 -2.15 -27.74 -.33 Suicide -17 -.75 2.21 -.12 Unintentional injury -66 -1.20 4.02 -.19 All other causes -99 -.50 1.66 -.08 Heart disease Educational Inequality Indices in cause-specific mortality: U.S. Men, aged 25+, NHIS/NDI, 1990-2000 SII RII (mean) RII (ratio) C Prostate cancer -10 -.23 1.26 -.04 Other cancer -73 -.39 1.48 -.06 All other causes -99 -.50 1.66 -.08 Other cardiovascular -18 -.53 1.72 -.08 Nephritis / Nephrosis -12 -.60 1.86 -.09 -320 -.67 2.02 -.10 Stroke -59 -.71 2.09 -.11 Colon cancer -27 -.74 2.19 -.12 Suicide -17 -.75 2.21 -.12 HIV -33 -.79 2.31 -.12 Diabetes -41 -1.02 3.06 -.16 Liver disease -20 -1.08 3.35 -.17 Pneumonia / Influenza -17 -1.10 3.45 -.17 Lower respiratory disease -81 -1.13 3.62 -.18 -130 -1.14 3.63 -.18 Unintentional injury -66 -1.20 4.02 -.19 Homicide -15 -2.15 -27.74 -.33 Heart disease Lung cancer os t at e Al l o can ce th er r Al Al ca lo lo nc th th er e er ca r ca us rd Ne es io ph rit vas cu is /N ep lar He hr o ar t D sis is ea se Al lC au se S Co tro lo ke n ca Pn nc eu er m on Sui c ia /In i de flu en za Di ab Li et ve Lo r d es we is rr ea es se pi ra to H ry di IV se as Un Lu n e g in ca te nt nc io n a er li n Ho jury m ic id e Pr Absolute value of index Relative Inequality Indices: RII (mean), RII (ratio) and C 30 25 20 15 RII (mean) RII (ratio ) C 10 5 0 Conversion between C and RII C = 2 cov(x,y)/m SII = cov(x,y)/var(x) and, RII = SII/m = [cov(x,y)/var(x)]/m so, C = 2 var(x)(RII) Pr os Al ta te lo c t h an Al e r ce l o Al r c th l o e r t h anc c er e Ne ard c a r ph i o us rit v as es is /N cul He e p ar ar hro tD s is is e Al a s lC e au s Co S e t lo ro Pn k n ca e eu n m on S cer ia uic /In f lu ide en z D Lo Li i a a ve be w er r d te re is s sp ea ira se to ry H di I V Un s L i n un e a se te nt g c io an na ce li r n Ho jur m y ic id e Absolute value of RI 2.00 1.50 RII (mean) C 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.50 0.05 0.00 Absolute value of C Relative Index of Inequality (RII mean) and the Concentration Index (C) 0.35 0.30 os t Al a te lo ca Al t n h l o All er ce th o t ca r er he n Ne ca r c ce r ph rdi a u ri t ova se s is /N scu la He ep ar hro r tD s is is e Al as lC e au Co S se lo tro Pn k n ca e eu nc m on Su er i a ic /In id fl u e en D Lo Li ia za ve be w er r d te re is s ea sp se ira to ry H Un L dis IV ea in un te g s nt ca e io na nce li r n Ho jur y m ic id e Pr Relative educational inequality in cause-specific mortality: U.S. Men, NHIS/NDI 1990-2000 2.0 1.5 RII (mean) 1.0 0.5 0.0 re a st c an RII (mean) c Su er ic A id ll ot S t e A he rok ll o t r ca e he n c U C r ca er A nin olo u ll ot ten n c ses he t i a r c o n n ce ar al i r di nj ov ur as y cu A Pn la l eu Lu l Ca r m ng us on c e ia an /In c Lo Li flu er ve en w er r z re He dis a sp ar ea t i r D s N ep ato ise e hr ry as d iti s/ i se e Ne a p h se ro s D ia is b H ete om s ic id e H IV B Relative educational inequality in cause-specific mortality: U.S. Women, NHIS/NDI, 1990-2000 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 nt e nt io na li nj ur y 2.0 HI V S Lu ui ng cid ca e Li Lo ve n w r d cer er is re ea sp se ira S to ry tro d i ke se a Ho se Pn m C ic eu o l id m on on ca e Br ia n /In ce ea st flu r or en z Pr A o s ll C a ta te aus Al ca e lo nc th er Al er lo th Hea cau s er r ca t D es r d is e i a Al ova se lo s t h cu l ar er c Ne an ph c rit Dia er is /N bet ep es hr os is Un i Relative educational inequality in cause-specific mortality: Men compared with Women 2.5 Women Men RII (mean) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 rd HI V is ot he ea r c se Pn au eu se m s on Dia b ia et e Pr /In os flu s e ta Al te nza lo ca Lo th He n a e w er r c rt D cer is re ard ea sp io ira va se t o sc u ry di lar se a Al se Al l lo th Cau er s Ne Co ca e nc ph l e rit on ca r Un is in /Ne nce te ph r nt io ros na is li nj ur y Lu Str ng ok ca e nc e Su r i Ho cid m e ic id e Al l RII (mean) Li ve Relative inequality in cause-specific male mortality: Education compared to Income 2.5 2.0 Education Income 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Slope Indices of Inequality for cause-specific mortality: U.S. Men, aged 25+, NHIS/NDI, 1990-2000 SII Heart disease -320 Stroke -59 Other cardiovascular -18 Lung cancer -130 Colon cancer -27 Prostate cancer -10 Other cancer -73 Pneumonia / Influenza -17 HIV -33 Lower respiratory disease -81 Liver disease -20 Diabetes -41 Nephritis / Nephrosis -12 Homicide -15 Suicide -17 Unintentional injury -66 All other causesBut -99 Slope Indices of Inequality for cause-specific mortality: U.S. Men, aged 25+, NHIS/NDI, 1990-2000 co Heart disease SII -320 Stroke -59 Other cardiovascular -18 Lung cancer -130 Colon cancer -27 Prostate cancer -10 Other cancer -73 Pneumonia / Influenza -17 HIV -33 Lower respiratory disease -81 Liver disease -20 Diabetes -41 Nephritis / Nephrosis -12 Homicide -15 Suicide -17 Unintentional injury -66 All other causes -99 Sum = -1037 Percent contribution of mortality inequality for specific causes to total inequality: U.S. men ages 25+, NHIS/NDI, 1990-2000 100% 90% 80% 13.0 3.2 5.1 9.4 70% All other causes Pneumonia & Influenza Diabetes & N/N 10.6 60% External causes 50% 20.4 Other cancer 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 38.2 Lung cancer & Lower Resp Cardiovascular Decomposition of total RII into contributions of relative inequality for specific causes RII Prop * RII % of RII for all causes .404 -.67 -.271 38.2 186.1 .127 -1.14 -.144 20.4 268.7 .183 -.41 -.075 10.6 External causes 84.5 .058 -1.16 -.067 9.4 Diabetes & N/N 61.1 .042 -.87 -.036 5.1 Pneumonia / Influenza 42.1 .029 -.79 -.023 3.2 231.7 .158 -.58 -.092 13.0 Age-adj DR Prop of AC DR Cardiovascular disease 592.6 Lung cancer & LRD Other cancer All other causes Percent contribution of mortality inequality for specific causes to total inequality: Education compared with Income 100% 13.0 80% 3.2 5.1 9.4 17.4 3.5 5.2 7.1 10.6 60% 20.4 10.6 17.3 40% 20% All other causes Pneumonia & Influenza Diabetes & N/N External causes Other cancer 38.2 38.8 Education Income 0% Lung cancer & Lower Resp Cardiovascular Percent contribution of mortality inequality for specific causes to total income-related inequality: Men compared with Women 100% 80% 17.4 17.6 3.5 5.2 3.0 7.1 11.4 4.1 60% 10.6 17.3 Pneumonia & Influenza Diabetes & N/N 10.7 11.4 40% 20% All other causes External causes Other cancer 38.8 41.8 Men Women 0% Lung cancer & Lower Resp Cardiovascular Uses of summary measures: Comparisons of relative inequality indexes • Enhance etiological understanding of SES patterns • Point to areas for future research Decomposition of summary measures • Targeting of resources for maximal reduction of inequality