This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. THE GENERATION OF SPRING PEAK SHORT-TERM METEOROLOGICAL HAROLD F. HAUPT flows recorded over a 25-year period in Benton Creek, a were studied in their relation to meteorological events. More rallrl-on-snnw than by clear-weather snowmelt; the two types of peaks differ Ch,trai:te1 1stLCS. Two rather simple techniques were used to calculate the gerler:ltn/e and the hypothetical outflow of water from a snc)wIJaC:k data on spring peaks on two regional subbasins were corlSldlere~d 4 Short-term meteorological conditions-usually lasting less than accelerate streanlflow during the rising stage of spring runoff in the northern Mountains. Heavy rain falling on the snowpack may directly contribute excess water to snowmelt runoff in some years. In other years, a stationary airmass accompanied by continuous warm temperatures about a lead to a very high rate of heat transfer to the snowpack and indirectly ':If'£"'AI~~r':ltl£"''1.n of melt and runoff. These contrasting types of events, because of often about peaks on small drainages. flow runoff on mountain streams has attention has to the concurrent meteorology. -------~-J methods for determining the frequency and magnitude of peak were pUbll~)nea excellent volumes by Bodhaine and Thomas 1964, and Thomas, Broom, 1963. There was need for an ensuing study of ambient rainfall-temperature events in relation to runoff, covering their relative frequency of occurrence, their synchronization with maximum conditions, and their generative capacity. This paper deals with such relationships on small subbasins. Detailed information was obtained from an analysis covering hydrometeorological records collected on a small forested watershed in northern Idaho. Somewhat less extensive records from two regional subbasins are also discussed. QUALIFICATIONS OF THE STUDY WATERSHED Scarcity of weather data has been the main deterrent to studies of this kind. For the northern Rocky Mountains, as for other regions of heavy snow accumulation, climatic and streamflow data are scanty. Coverage by rainfall-temperature reporting stations in mountainous terrain However, long-established facilities on Benton Creek within Priest Idaho, are an Here the cOlnblnaltloln on)xrmll:v to a "'<1.o,n+ ...... o .... River Experimental included runoff, classification of interdependence and determination of an index of the snowmelt season was 1"7-="rl nrf'\l'-="rlnr-="c nr-f',,,, ... rf .....,rY 'Clr'l'=1 1965 according to the \Q>~'")1-.1:T,a at station of peak Station not converted to to Dn~vallellce of adiabatic conditions in spring fallen as snow. A volume was arbitrarily as if the totaled more than 0.50 inch during a than 0.50 inch of rain fell, the was listed as by snowmelt. Int·A~,rfAl"'A"t",'A of multiple peaks in the same season was given careful consideration magnitude. A late-season peak" coasted" downstream, in on the recession of an earlier rise streamflow. This contributed to est:alJi!lS,nnlerlt volume, but such a was rejected in the analysis as a true me;aSl1re 1-" of a short-term To isolate the event and ellmlJnalte ·nro't- ...... rr the r r A .... l r n l '... r""'\r1"'Jl1r"A rY\«:l'r)C11~r..:.ri "".o...... ,o., ...·n ... '["""'" "'n ..... n "•• " ... If--I.-t- ..... M 0.04 inches for a forest and Tmax is the daily maximum temperamaximum temperature recorded at station sequence volumes 56 50 4-22 5-13 1 5-16 64 .547 .511 .443 .436 .366 .314 .314 .246 .00 .06 .07 .00 .00 .00 .06 .14 Surface meltEq. 1 (4) Rainfall meltEq. 2 (5) 7.32 6.64 6.68 8.88 9.80 7.92 5.56 8.20 7.36 .00 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .01 .02 .04 8.08 .04 Maximum 7.32 6.71 6.76 8.88 9.80 7.92 5.63 8.36 .77 1.02 .36 1.52 2.43 .99 7.80 .14 7.61 6.98 3.64 .80 .96 .88 .84 1.04 2.84 MaximUlll temperature sequence 6-day rainfall Surface n1elt1 (11 ) Rainfall meltEq. (13) Index of outflow potential (14) -----------lnches------------ 3.06 0.66 .36 7.36 8.84 0.10 .06 .04 .00 8.67 6.51 8.01 ,/"",.1"'1"0,1""\.0'" of maximum rainfall 0.4 snow data from Benton Springs Coooeralt1\i'e Snow of Engineers (1960) used ..L'~LAI;-' maximun1 flood of a that even when maximum observed rainstorm rain-an-snow formula, calculations yielded a flood crest snowmelt alone. They attributed this to concurrent meteorological When a low-temperature rainfall-producing airmass is as operaless heat must be considered available for snowmelt than under clear-weather z-",..,LL .... ........... 0r'\'t"\r1-,f-tr'\"t"\IC' vV_1Ll\-JYI.UI..lV.Llu. SU1PPJreSSlIJLg influence of rainfall on ambient air temperatures ON SPRING PEAK CONDITIONS IN TWO by LL1IVAL''vU\. .lVA. L"-A-I'uJl,--'J.""<"""" ;::)\.JDJ:)}-\;:)[l"l;:) .l, on Boulder incomplete three stations were cOlnblne:d semblance continuous seasonal record of rainfall data of rainfall inforn1ation \vas the U. S. Weather Bureau Monthly Climatological Data. Stream records were obtained from Papers and Idaho State water resource summaries the S. ue:01()j;!JCal and magnitude of volumes was in test of streamflow regimes on Benton Creek and two drainages. In statistical comparisons of the timing of spring peak volumes, coefficients of correlation were found to be very low-that is, .117 for Benton Creek vs. Boulder Creek and .526 for Benton Creek vs. South Fork of the Clearwater River. Agreement was of by mclgUtItlLQe and the time of peak on Benton rise and fall on the other stream. The spring with the or fourth ",",-1"l:"\~"'1"f",",-""" between Benton coefficients .992 the streamflow elevation rarlge~-re~;pC)nClea 11nth"'l"n-tttu QUl"lf"I-'l"Anl'";rp>fi " ' " ' - ..A . . . ,allo1"f'"'- ..... on Boulder capacity of volume weather (Boulder stations) Year-month (6) 5 60 5 .428 .00 50 5 .730 .565 48 5 5 .081 .075 .053 .039 .038 8 57 5 47 5 5 44 .017 exceeded ,627 .580 .256 .435 .16] .156 .107 .51 Year-month capacity of weather event (11 ) 49 1. more than one-half of the spring peak volumes associated with ">~n,..-. ,,. ...... '..,--..."7 J.1.1''''~J.J.J.J.\.~1.J.1. spring discharge, for years of rain-an-snow with the ending day of maximum rainfall than it was, for years of the ending day of maximum temperatures. 3. In some years heavy rainfall, accompanied by relatively high air the generation of spring peak runoff, whereas in other years heavy rainfall SU1Jo]~es:seffect on air temperature, so that snowmelt contribution to runoff was spring peak volumes did not occur. The highest peak runoff of record was a snowmelt event. VII"'JIII\JIII',,,"-,\1 I.VUl1l-".,..lUI.UJ.vJ. Creek-South ClearlDater River 1. Three-fourths of all the spring peak volumes studied snowmelt alone; in the South Fork, 52 percent of the n-un-()n··sniOW events. Boulder floods