USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-40 September 1977 The Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado Robert R. Alexander and Ross K. Watkins Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Forest Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-40 September 1977 USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-40 September 1977 The Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado Robert R. Alexander, and Ross K. Watkins1 Alexander is Chief Silviculturist, and Watkins is Forestry Research Technician at the Rocky Moun- tain Forest and Range Experiment Station, with central headquarters maintained at Fort Collins in cooperation with Colorado State University. The Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado Robert R. Alexander, and Ross K. Watkins 1 'Alexander is Chief Silviculturist. and Watkins is Forestry Research Technician at the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. with central headquarters maintained at Fort Collins in cooperation with Colorado State University. Original from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Contents Contents Page THE FOREST 1 Climate 1 Water Yield 3 Snow Cover Disappearance 3 Geology, Landforms and Soils 4 Vegetation 4 Wildlife 6 Recreation 6 RESEARCH PROGRAM 7 RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS 7 Harvest Cutting Lodgepole Pine 7 Water Available for Streamflow 9 Snow Accumulation 9 Regeneration 9 Growth and Mortality 9 Harvest Cutting Spruce-Fir 10 Snow Accumulation 12 Snowmelt 12 Regeneration 13 Growth and Mortality 13 Thinning Young Lodgepole Pine 14 Snow Accumulation 15 Snowmelt 15 Growth 15 Watershed StudiesâFool Creek-East St. Louis Creek 15 Alternate Strip Clearcutting 17 Snow Accumulation 19 Snowmelt and Water Yield 19 Sediment Yields 20 RegenerationâSpruce-Fir Type 20 Seed DispersalâEngelmann Spruce 21 Windfall 22 Mule Deer Use and Forage Values 22 CURRENT RESEARCH 23 Watershed StudiesâDeadhorse Creek-Lexen Creek 23 Pretreatment Hydrology 25 Timber Harvest 26 Operational Watershed Management 28 Game Animals 28 Nongame Birds and Small Mammals 28 Levels of Growing StockâYoung Lodgepole Pine 28 Environmental Factors Affecting Engelmann Spruce Regeneration 28 Engelmann Spruce Seed Production 31 SIDELIGHTS 31 APPENDIXES 31 A. Species List of Birds 31 B. Species List of Mammals 32 Page THE FOREST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Climate ................................................ 1 Water Yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Snow Cover Disappearance ................................. 3 Geology, Landforms and Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Vegetation .............................................. 4 Wildlife ................................................ 6 Recreation .............................................. 6 RESEARCH PROGRAM ..................................... 7 RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS ................................... 7 Harvest Cutting Lodgepole Pine .............................. 7 Water Available for Streamflow ............................ 9 Snow Accumulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Regeneration .......................................... 9 Growth and Mortality ................................... 9 Harvest Cutting Spruce-Fir .................................. 10 Snow Accumulation .....................................12 Snowmelt ............................................. 12 Regeneration ..........................................13 Growth and Mortality ...................................13 Thinning Young Lodgepole Pine .............................. 14 Snow Accumulation ..................................... 15 Snowmelt ............................................. 15 Growth ............................................... 15 Watershed Studies-Fool Creek-East St. Louis Creek .............. 15 Alternate Strip Clearcutting ...............................17 Snow Accumulation ..................................... 19 Snowmelt and Water Yield ................................ 19 Sediment Yields ........................................ 20 Regeneration-Spruce-Fir Type ............................ 20 Seed Dispersal-Engelmann Spruce ......................... 21 Windfall .............................................. 22 Mule Deer Use and Forage Values ........................... 22 CURRENT RESEARCH ...................................... 23 Watershed Studies-Deadhorse Creek-Lexen Creek ............... 23 Pretreatment Hydrology .................................. 25 Timber Harvest ........................................ 26 Operational Watershed Management ........................ 28 Game Animals ......................................... 28 Nongame Birds and Small Mammals ......................... 28 Levels of Growing Stock-Young Lodgepole Pine ................ 28 Environmental Factors Affecting Engelmann Spruce Regeneration .......................................... 28 Engelmann Spruce Seed Production ........................... 31 SIDELIGHTS .............................................. 31 APPENDIXES ............................................. 31 A. Species List of Birds ..................................... 31 B. Species List of Mammals ................................. 32 riQinal from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA THE FRASER EXPERIMENTAL FOREST, COLORADO THE ERASER EXPERIMENTAL FOREST, COLORADO Robert R. Alexander, and Ross K. Watkins The Fraser Experimental Forest was estab- Robert R. Alexander, and Ross K. Watkins lished in 1937 in the heart of the central Rocky Mountains. This 36-square-mile outdoor re- search laboratory maintained by the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station is located 50 air miles west of Denver, Colo. The location is well suited to the study of timber, water and wildlife management, and their inte- gration in high elevation subalpine coniferous forests. In the West, water is vital to life and develop- ment. St. Louis Creek, the main drainage on the Fraser Experimental Forest, is typical of head- water streams that are the source of 85 % of the annual yield of about 20 million acre feet of water from the Colorado Rockies. The relationship between water sources in high elevation forests, extensive transmountain diversions, and domestic, industrial and agricul- The Fraser Experimental Forest was established in 1937 in the heart of the central Rocky Mountains. This 36-square-mile outdoor research laboratory maintained by the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station is located 50 air miles west of Denver, Colo. The location is well suited to the study of timber, water and wildlife management, and their integration in high elevation subalpine coniferous forests. H t tural users is shown in a schematic view of the Fraser Experimental Forest and its surrounding country. The Colorado-Big Thompson trans- mountain diversion taps the headwaters of the Colorado River and brings water through the 13-mile-long Alva Adams Tunnel to users on the east side of the Continental Divide. The Fraser River transmountain diversion, constructed by the City of Denver to bring water from St. Louis In the West, water is vital to life and development. St. Louis Creek, the main drainage on the Fraser Experimental Forest, is typical of headwater streams that are the source of 85 % of the annual yield of about 20 million acre feet of water from the Colorado Rockies. 1I'luflD ' ..... IMI .. TA,L WA'II'HID UNTIlAUD , .... DlMW" _TIl IMVllstON \ IIOADS and Vasquez Creeks, crosses the Continental Divide through the pioneer bore of the 6-mile- long Moffat Tunnel. THE FOREST Elevation of the Experimental Forest ranges from 8,800 feet at the main entrance along the road from the town of Fraser, to 12,804 feet at the summit of Byers Peak. About three-fourths of the Forest lies above 10,000 feet, and about one-third is above timberline. HIADOUAITIBS Q jr â v /C^-rV ,I BOTTLl HlHMW£ %i^Mmi^F'l^f^ ' U/~* 11,8,9 X^^HP tfr^^r The relationship between water sources in high elevation forests, extensive transmountain diversions, and domestic, industrial and agricultural users is shown in a schematic view of the Fraser Experimental Forest and its surrounding country. The Colorado-Big Thompson transmountain diversion taps the headwaters of the Colorado River and brings water through the 13-mile-Iong Alva Adams Tunnel to users on the east side of the Continental Divide. The Fraser River transmountain diversion, constructed by the City of Denver to bring water from St. Louis and Vasquez Creeks, crosses the Continental Divide through the pioneer bore of the 6-milelong Moffat Tunnel. J ^<i .fe 1 NStffe .,^Jj \ rBcSv JH THE FOREST ⢠«- Lk fe ) .it-' fI y 'tfm â YIIS HI ^^ j&r Elevation of the Experimental Forest ranges from 8,800 feet at the main entrance along the road from the town of Fraser, to 12,804 feet at the summit of Byers Peak. About three-fourths of the Forest lies above 10,000 feet, and about one-third is above timberline. Climate Climate is cool and humid with long, cold winters and short, cool summers. Average yearly temperature at Forest headquarters (9,000 feet elevation) is 33°F., and frost can occur any month of the year. Mean monthly temperature for January is 14°F, for July 55°F, with an observed range of about -40°F to 90°F. Annual precipitation measured at the headquarters area varies from about 17 to 28 inches, with an average of nearly 23 inches. Precipitation over the entire Experimental Forest averages about 28 to 30 inches with nearly two-thirds falling as snow from October through May. jltKtHD IXPfllMlNTAL / WATIISHCO N. ^J^ Original from -"-jr ^-s f UNTIIAIID ( itgba c> / ft O HPfllMlNTAL FLOTS UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ~ w % D - 3 SNOW u Z z o ~ ~ r 2 r- r L --== = == = ---- U W • L 1 ------ --$ = -- ------ lAIN PfRlOD PEIIOD MONTHS 10 ---- ----- -- -- 70 60 •• ~ • C • ~ 50 40 ~ ~ '0 L ~ ~ ~ 20 10 0 = -- -- --- -----~-ii- =~= ~: ----- - =..__------=- = ANNUAL MEAN) -~- ::--==- ~ - ~ - -= = ~ === == --= == =::: -10 J , M • M J J MONTHS • 5 o N Original from 2 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA D Water Yield Snow Cover Disappearance Snowfall is the key to water yield . On the Experimental Forest. the first snow is deposited in late fall . and the pack gradually accumulates to its maximum depth in early spring. Long, cold winters keep temperatures within the snowpack well below freezing until late March or April. Peak seasonal snow accumulation averages about 15 inches water equivalent, and during melt season, the depleting snowpack is augmented by 5 inches or more of additional precipitation. Rainfall during summer and early . fall averages 8 to 10 inches. Of the total 28 to 30 inch input , about 12 to 15 inches becomes streamflow. Streams begin to rise from minimum flows in April , reaching peak levels in June. Streamflow then rapidly recedes, nearing baseline flows again in late summer. The entire Forest is covered with snow by the end of winter. As spring advances. snow disappears progressively from lower to higher elevations. Snow melts and disappears from south slopes first. When 50% of the snow has disappeared. spring streamflow peaks on the main drainage; when 80 % of the snow is gone. streamflow is declining. Temperature, humidity , and wind also influence the daily rate of snowmelt which. in turn. governs streamflow. Continuous records of these factors have been useful in calculating rates of streamflow on the St. Louis Creek drainage. and in forecasting daily streamflow. _ BARE .. ONE-THIRD SNOW COVU c::J TWO- THIRDS SNOW COVER ~ FULL SNOW COVER w o c C % U M ;; ""!tIL ." JUNIE PEltIOD OF RECORD - :)lgltlZed by COO I ",UlY APRIL I TO "UGUST SEPT. 50, "aD Original from 3 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA SIEPTU'.1E1I • ,. Vegetation ;; ¥ ,; , , , , , An S· 1l ... ,. 19 - 16 Native vegetation is typical of the subalpine forest zone of the central Rocky Mountains. Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir are predominant trees at higher elevations, on north slopes, and along streams; lodgepole pine is the predominant tree at lower elevations and on drier upper slopes. In virgin stands, trees range from 200 to 400 years old. Second-growth lodgepole pine on the north end of the Forest originated after fires , and is about 60 years old. Scattered patches of aspen occur in areas opened up by logging or fire. OccaSionally, a large, old (450 to 500 years) Douglas-fir can be found. The forest floor generally is covered with a layer of duff and litter and often a dense mat of whortleberry. Little herbaceous vegetation is present except along streams, and in openings resulting from disturbance . Barren rocks intermix with alpine tundra, meadows and bogs above timberline . , "'lty , , 10 "'"V JUN n - 2' \-, JUN 1.-12 Geology, Landforms and Soils Topography of the Experimental Forest is typical of the Southern Rocky Mountain Province . The west side of the Forest is characterized by rugged mountains and narrow, steep-sided valleys filled with alluvium and glacial outwash. South and east sides of the Forest are remnants of an old peneplain, dissected by mountain glaciers and characterized by long, gentle, relatively uniform slopes. The north side is a nearly level , broad valley dissected by St. Louis Creek and surrounded by rolling hills. Parent material of soils on the Forest generally is derived from gneiss and schist rocks. Occasionally, there are small outcroppings of granitic rock. which weathers more slowly than schists. Typical soils from schistic and granitic rock contain angular gravel and stone, with very little silt and clay. They are very penneable and capable of storing considerable amounts of water during snowmelt. At high elevations, especially on the west side of the Forest, soils have developed in material weathered from sandstones. These soils are shallow, have large amounts of stone, and have fine sand or sand textures. Alluvial soils occur along main streams, with parent material a mixture of glacial till, glacial outwash and recent valley fill. Bogs originating from seeps or springs that emerge on slopes are scattered throughout the Forest. :)lgltlZed by Coogi Original from 4 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA c:J CJ c=J o Lodgepole pine Alpine Enge lmann spru ce Schist and gneiss-alpine o Schist and gneisS-forested c::::=J Gla cia l till ( lateral moraine) . . Alluvium and glacial outwash c:::=J Quartzi te .. Terminal moraine Original from 5 UNIVERSITY Of MINNESOTA marten, weasel, mink, badger, muskrat, red Wildlife fox , coyote, bobcat, and beaver along some watercourses. Snowshoe hares, pine squirrels, porcupines, marmots, chipmunks, ground squirrels, mice, gophers, shrews, and voles also are present. Numerous game and nongame birds occur on the Forest. Some are residents, others are seasonal, and still others are migratory. Many kinds of wildlife live on the Forest, but no one species is abundant. Trout occur in some streams, beaver ponds, and lakes. Elk, deer, black bear, and mountain lion are the Forest's hig game animals. Elk are found in alpine grass- lands and high cirque basins in summer, but do not winter in any part of the Forest. Mule deer are more common than elk. In summer, they graze in timbered areas and openings intermixed with timber. In winter, they move to lower Recreation areas off the Forest. Black bears are shy and rarely seen. Mountain lions are only occasional visitors. Small, fur-bearing mammals include The Forest provides a variety of recreational opportunities, with two developed campgrounds, 20 miles of specified roads, and many Original from 6 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA trails. In summer, users camp, hike, fish , backpack, and view and photograph scenery. In fall, hunters seek blue grouse, elk, and deer. Snowmobiling and ski-touring are popular in winter. 4. Devising timber harvesting systems to achieve the desired. changes in forest cover that will provide the best mix of timber, water and wildlife benefits. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS Early studies included. observations in natural plant communities or environments to determine their effects on snow accumulation . Results showed more precipitation reached the ground under aspen and in grasslands, than under dense lodgepole pine stands. These studies provided. clues to the effect on water yield when forest stands were harvested for timber or thinned. to improve growth . Plot studies of harvest cuttings and thinnings followed. . Their purpose was to determine how different methods and intensities of tree removal affected. the snowpack and tree reproduction, growth, and mortality . A tHird research phase applied. a timber harvesting system to an entire watershed to measure its effects on (1) streamflow and snow accumulation and melt; (2 ) sedimentation; (3) tree regeneration and mortality; and (4) big game use, forage availability and preference. This included basic hydrologic studies aimed. at measuring water loss from both vegetation and the overwinter snowpack. The present phase involves pilot testing of timber, water, and wildlife systems and their interactions in relation to timber harvesting on other watersheds. RESEARCH PROGRAM The research program at the Fraser Experimental Forest is concerned with regenerating new forest stands, increasing growth and yield of trees, increasing wa ter supplies and maintaining water quality, improving wildlife habitat for game and nongame animals, and determining the integrated effects of timber harvesting on these resources. Specifically, research objectives are: 1. Understanding how trees grow, reproduce and interact; how the hydrologic system operates on headwater streams, and what the food and cover requirements of wildlife are. 2. Learning how natural forest cover influences the tree, water and wildlife systems. 3. Observing how management through harvesting timber changes the influence of the forest on these systems; and :)lgltlZed by C OC I Harvest Cutting in Lodgepole Pine Twenty 5-acre plots were established in 1938 on the King Creek drainage in mature lodgepole pine. After snowpack, regeneration, and stand inventory measurements, plots were logged in 1940, with treatments ranging &om clearcutting to no cutting. Residual volumes in trees 9.S inches in diameter and larger on logged plots were 0, 2,000, 4,000, and 6,000 board feet (fbm) per acre. Uncut plots averaged. about U,OOO fbm per acre. 7 Original from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA INFLUENCE ""THREE VEGETATIONAL TYPES ON WATER YI ELD / ...... SOUI=lCE LO~LE ~ f{7lJ7J.zr QUAKI~" GR,"'" (f ~ /A~~ WATE~ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Inche. of Wa't • • - - -------·-----! WINTER SNOW STORAGE SPRING PRECIPITATION SUMMER PRECIPITATION D H t l I n lV I LODGEPOlE ,uu H.... VEST CUTTING 'LOTS . VI.GIN Em 4104 " . ",. ~ - - - - lOAD nAHIIt' .• • l .......... D COMMuc ,AL H OUI CUT :)lgltlZed by CooSl< Original from 8 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Water Available for Streamflow Water Available for Streamflow Harvesting trees resulted in more water avail- able for streamflow. The largest increase was on namic effect on snow distribution rather than reduced interception loss. Wind transports snow intercepted by trees in the surrounding uncut forest and deposits it in openings created by cutting trees. This pattern will persist until new trees, established after logging, are tall enough to change the aerodynamic effect on snow accumulation. To increase snow accumulation, clearcutting of mature lodgepole pine in small patches is the most desirable method of harvesting. Harvesting trees resulted in more water available for streamflow. The largest increase was on clearcut plots, the smallest was on 6,000 fbm reserve plots. clearcut plots, the smallest was on 6,000 fbm re- serve plots. MATURE LODGEPOLE PINE MATURE LODGEPOLE PINE INFLUENCE OF CUTTING ON WATER YIELD INFLUENCE OF CUTTING ON WATER YIELD Board Ffcrt P«r Acrm InctiM of WaI«f â â NONE _ Jf> â/f. AoocA " ,t t trxjut ,t i, r 1i ,t,t, 11111 ,tâf Regeneration I^ryi ^<&ffcM<? *\Ja|a a|a a|/v A A A^NjCUTV Enough new trees were established on all cutover plots. Before cutting, plots contained 1,978 seedlings and saplings per acre. Logging, where skidding was done with horses, destroyed 440/0 of the advanced growth, but new seedlings came in rapidly after logging. In only 7 years, new seedlings increased total reproduction twofold to threefold on all cutover plots. The increase was greatest on clearcut plots and least on 6,000 fbm reserve plots. Reproduction continued after 1947, but at a much slower rate, and the increase was not directly related to cutting method. '<-<!'*â I'lnchH it b h and loryr N3.52 244 12.32 11.38 KD.34 3l .J. ' .. 0 . . IO~ dal-o and la~ 20 19 IO Snow Accumulation Most of the increase in water available for Snow Accumulation streamflow came from increased snow storage on cutover plots. Although young trees devel- oped rapidly on cutover plots, snow storage amounts have changed little in the years since cutting. This indicates the major cause of in- creased snow on cutover plots is the aerody- 40 â h- 3 Most of the increase in water available for streamflow came from increased snow storage on cutover plots. Although young trees developed rapidly on cutover plots, snow storage amounts have changed little in the years since cutting. This indicates the major cause of increased snow on cutover plots is the aerody- U z 020 3 fll A"II lOOOINO ⢠f 30 â **> .. 40 • ~ 0 * HI o u Z . roo-- r-- ~ • : 30 ~ z ~ I 2 20 o t- «/» i o 5 10 â a in u> < III at 2o ~ ... roo-- ";:o 20 • .'" r-- ~ o Growth and Mortality ~ 10 ~ ...a ...'"c • ~ 0 6000 4000 2000 Heavy mortality during the first 7 years after cutting resulted in little new growth on 6,000 fbm reserve and uncut plots, and an actual loss of volume on 2,000 and 4,000 fbm reserve plots. No measurable mortality occurred on clearcut o RESERVE STAND ( fbm ) 6000 4000 2000 RESERVE STAND ( fbm ) Original from namic effect on snow distribution rather than reduced interception loss. Wind transports snow intercepted by trees in the surrounding un- cut forest and deposits it in openings created by cutting trees. This pattern will persist until new trees, established after logging, are tall enough 9 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MATU~E LODGEPOLE PINE INFLUENCE OF CUTTING ON GROWTH RESERVE VOLUME.!I MATURE LODGEPOLE PINE (""lIo.J Board Feet Per Acre 20 YR. & MORTALrrY GROWTH.!! MO~TALITY BOCird F•• t Pel" ACI". INFLUENCE OF CUTTING ON GROWTH £ MORTALITY NONE RESERVE VOLUME-^ °*J 20 YR GROWTH1' MORTALITY Board Feet Per Acre ~ . _ . _ Board Feet Per Acre 46 1 40 40 30 82 80 44 NONE XX tX. ft X. X. f. ft ft ft, t ft f.t-r f t f ^ 2.000 -T ..f.t.t,. l.XX.XX.X.lX.XXXX,, t,x,,\,x,x,LtxJ,,xxix,x Li ~ XX XXX \X X XX,, ,xx,\ JUL 6,000' ~I .t,J,t.l,..t,LfJ 2 "T" 80 ' li/ln trees 10 inches db.h. and larger A/ Include* ingrowth 46 40 30 ?rftrtfltttf 66 1 40 82 ~' "ttttl!JI~~~mttnttttt~~:~~.:: __ J/ Include. ingrowth plots w_ ~II. 44 55 -^Approximately SVlC^* of mortality en treated plots was windfall. plots because no merchantable-sized trees were left. After 1947, mortality declined, and net growth increased on all plots. After 20 years, however, only the 6,000 fbm reserve plots grew more than uncut plots. Windfall was respon- sible for nearly all mortality on partially cut plots and about half the mortality on uncut plots. Because of heavy mortality, clearcutting and replacement of the old stand with a vigor- ous new one is recommended as the most desir- able method for harvesting old-growth lodge- pole pine. Partial cutting requires leaving large reserve volumes of low vigor trees, increasing the risk of future mortality. Harvest Cutting Spruce-Fir In 1944, four 8-acre plots were established on the West St. Louis Creek drainage to evaluate methods of cutting in old-growth spruce-fir for- ests. Treatments tested were alternate-strip clearcutting, group selection cutting and indivi- methods of cutting in old-growth spruce-fir forests. Treatments tested were alternate-strip clearcutting, group selection cutting and individual tree selection cutting. Each treatment removed 60 % of the volume in trees 9.5 inches diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) and larger. Alternate-strip clearcutting removed 50% of the volume in alternate strips 1 chain wide; an additional 10% was removed from the leave strips by cutting overmature trees. Group selection cutting was used to remove 50 % of the volume in small circular openings about 1 chain in diameter; an additional 10 % was removed by cutting trees in the between-group stand. Individual tree selection cutting removed 60 % of the volume uniformly over the entire plot. Residual volumes on cutover plots averaged 6,460 fbm per acre. The original volume of 17,745 fbm per acre remained on the uncut plot. plots because no merchantable-sized trees were left. After 1947, mortality declined, and net growth increased on all plots. After 20 years, however, only the 6,000 fbm reserve plots grew more than uncut plots. Windfall was responsible for nearly all mortality on partially cut plots and about half the mortality on uncut plots. Because of heavy mortality, clearcutting and replacement of the old stand with a vigorous new one is recommended as the most desirable method for harvesting old-growth lodgepole pine. Partial cutting requires leaving large reserve volumes of low vigor trees, increasing the risk of future mortality. dual tree selection cutting. Each treatment re- moved 60% of the volume in trees 9.5 inches diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) and larger. Al- Harvest Cutting Spruce-Fir ternate-strip clearcutting removed 50% of the volume in alternate strips 1 chain wide; an addi- tional 10% was removed from the leave strips In 1944, four 8-acre plots were established on the West St. Louis Creek drainage to evaluate by cutting overmature trees. Group selection cutting was used to remove 50 % of the volume in small circular openings about 1 chain in diameter; an additional 10% was removed by cutting trees in the between-group stand. Indivi- dual tree selection cutting removed 60% of the volume uniformly over the entire plot. Residual volumes on cutover plots averaged 6,460 fbm per acre. The original volume of 17,745 fbm per acre remained on the uncut plot. 10 10 Original from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Original from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Snow Accumulation Snowfall reaching the ground increased on all • 0, cutover plots after logging. Measurements in four of the years after logging showed an aver- -, • age accumulation of 22 % more water equivalent on cutover plots than on the uncut plo t, but there were no differences in snow storage between treatments. ~ z - - .---- 0, ::• o., ;- , -• • Snowmelt Weekly measurements of rates of snowmelt during the spring showed only slight differences between treatments. Snow melted fastest (0.36 inch per day) after individual tree selection cutting and slowest (0 .28 inch per day) in the uncut plot. ~ o. --" --•, -• • •• • •• •• Z 2 •u • z • " •, 0 0 z • SPI=IUCE~FII=I Inch•• of 12 STO~E Wate~ ]i~14.9 20.1 ]l~5.3 23.4 li~15.3 23.4 ~2.4 0 Original from 'I " ,•u z, TlU.TMINT5 INFLUENCE 0,. HARVESTING METHODS o"St-ON Lt. u •" • •" •0 .---- 0 OLD~GI=IOWTH Ulij z 0 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA II D -" 10 e: 6 e: 0.5 0 '"e:0> ".,., -., '" .,., --.,'" " 0 e: u u .!! 0> 0 b. b- 7 ~ " r- 8 -'" b. r- 0 "- '"e: r- e: :::> 9 ~ u Subalpine fir r- u ., "'"e:0 '""0 ... [J Engelmann spruce a. ~ a. 0 4 ~ <!l 0 e: 3 ., ~ <t en 2 r- r- b- 0 r- .!! r- :l: r- ~ .!! co e: b. en E b. k-=- r- r- ~ ~ ~ b,-, After logging 5 yr after logging 15 yr after logging about half as many trees established as on other cutover plots. The rate new reproduction established accelerated after 1949. The largest increase was on the alternate strip dearcut plot where new reproduction outnumbered the increase on group and individual tree selection cutting plots by three and four times, respectively . The number of new spruces was three to five times greater than new firs on all cutover pl ots. Regeneration Reproduction was adequate under any cutting method tested. Before logging, plots averaged 6,344 seedlings and saplings per acre, with the ratio of fir to spruce ranging from 5 to 1 on the alternate strip clearcut plot to about 1 to 1 on the individual tree selection plot. Logging where skidding was with horses , destroyed 52 % of the advanced reproduction . Damage among the three cut plots was heaviest on the individual tree selection plot where the entire area was dis- turbed . and was least on the group selection plot Growth and Mortality where about one-third of the area was disturbed. Subsequent reproduction established at only a moderate rate during the first 5 years after logging . Initial recovery was poorest o n the alternate strip dearcut plot, where only Jill "ed by 'U Growth of residual stands was not stimulated by the cutting methods tested. Fucthennoce, differences in board foot volume growth between Original from 13 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA OUr"GROWTH SPRUCE-FI~ INFLUENCE OF CUTTING ON GROWTH 6. MORTALITY MO~TALITY Feet Per Acrl!'! GROWTH Board OI_D~GROWTH SPRUCE~FIR 28 INFLUENCE OF CUTTING ON GROWTH & MORTALITY 70 ~~. GROWTH MORTALITY Board Feet Per Acre jm? j/mw .^m^ ,.., 61 46 ^ALTERNATE CLEAR-STRIP »A<' ~' Jy .jjamr jmtMi .^m. iW aw Wv iW (P* w w* * i .SINGLE-TREE SELECTION J 69 43 A k4 ~ 28 46 43 116 116 70 72 61 69 1/ 'J"I 2/3rQi of mor1:al.ty wos. "".ndfoll 9/ of rT"Iortoht\,ll was Windfall 72 cutting treatments were unimportant. Mean annual growth on all plots was proportional to reserve volume. Mortality was not materially different be- tween plots. Windfall caused at least two-thirds of the mortality on cutover plots, with the heav- iest losses on the individual tree selection plot. Disease and insects were responsible for most of the mortality on the uncut plot. Because of more abundant and better distributed spruce repro- duction, and less susceptibility of residual stands to windthrow, alternate strip clearcutting and group selection cutting are the most desir- able harvesting method tested for old-growth spruce-fir stands. Â¥ 2/3cd* of mortality was windfall £' 9/IOtbi of mortality was windfall Thinning Young Lodgepole Pine Eighteen Vi-acre plots were established in 1944 in young (35-year-old) lodgepole pine cutting treatments were unimportant. Mean annual growth on all plots was proportional to reserve volume. Mortality was not materially different between plots. Windfall caused at least two-thirds of the mortality on cutover plots, with the heaviest losses on the individual tree selection plot. Disease and insects were responsible for most of the mortality on the uncut plot. Because of more abundant and better distributed spruce reproduction, and less susceptibility of residual stands to windthrow, alternate strip clearcutting and group selection cutting are the most desirable harvesting method tested for old-growth spruce-fir stands. Thinning Young Lodgepole Pine Eighteen %-acre plots were established in 1944 in young (35-year-old) lodgepole pine stands on St. Louis Creek to test thinning methods. Original stand density varied from 2,100 to 8,576 stems per acre. After snowpack and stand inventory measurements, six plotsdesignated single tree-were thinned uniformly from below in 1945, reserving 630 trees per acre. On six other plots - designated crop tree - all trees within a 16-foot diameter circle around each of 100 crop trees per acre were cut. The remaining six plots were left un thinned as a control. stands on St. Louis Creek to test thinning methods. Original stand density varied from 2,100 to 8,576 stems per acre. After snowpack and stand inventory measurements, six plotsâ designated single treeâwere thinned uniformly YOUNG LODGEPOLE PINE INFWENCE o"THINNING 0,., SNOW STORAGE from below in 1945, reserving 630 trees per acre. Inches of Water Percent Increose On six other plots â designated crop tree â all 0 trees within a 16-foot diameter circle around '< 12.34 i 23.0 each of 100 crop trees per acre were cut. The re- maining six plots were left unthinned as a con- trol. r:..-:-.J YOUNG LODGEPOLE PINE I I I I INFLUENCE °"THINNING °-> SNOW STORAGE n~1172i Inchig of Woter Percent Increase i f=l SINGLE-TREE 168 63Q STEMS PER ACRE. ':' -~~ -3 • . CPOP~TPEE ^ i I I I r1-Z10.03l 20TO STEMS PER ACRE' iNONE; 0 ~._/ & > NOTE: ....... Each tree sl;jmbol represents 500 trees. 12.34 -> ^1 1.72 <L-k dz*> -I0.03 23.0 168 T' -T^AOO STEMS PER ACRE^T 14 Original from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Snow Accumulation YOUNG l"'fLlHNCi Snow Accumulation Cutting resulted in more snow reaching the ground on thinned plots than in natural stands. The highest snow accumulation observed dur- ing a 3-year period was on single-tree plots where the largest number of trees were re- Of ININNING ON LODGEPOLE PINE AVERAGE ANNUAL DIAME!U! Cutting resulted in more snow reaching the ground on thinned plots than in natural stands. The highest snow accumulation observed during a 3-year period was on single-tree plots where the largest number of trees were removed. GROWTH Of s,Hfcno TRU'!. ....... "1 ........ u •• (,IOWI" '0' 8 8POR( ",,'. ""1 G.o ..... , .. An(1I 0, .... , •• Yun lH, .... , .. (. A .. ",u ... 0, ..... ,'. 8 T'f.'~ '0' , .. ,.... , .. (', ""11.,,1 A"'''uA. D'4MI'u G.o .... r" '0' 16 YIIl. \ AfTUt , .. , .... ,""" moved. Snowmelt The rate of snowmelt during spring was great- SI"GlE-T~EE Snowmelt er on thinned than unthinned plots, but there was little difference in melt between single-tree and crop-tree thinning. 0.4 l/> in Z C~OP-'~H The rate of snowmelt during spring was greater on thinned than unthinned plots, but there was little difference in melt between single-tree and crop-tree thinning. NONE Because of larger increases in water available for streamflow and concentration of total stand growth on fewer stems, single-tree thinning is recommended. yj 0.3 z >- < IH a 0.4 a. - IH 2 0.2 III QC a. ;n ...:z: Watershed Studies-Fool CreekEast St. Louis Creek ~ 0.3 '" .-- Ui )1 a QC O 0. ...... '"... .... 4( o ~ :: 0.2," ... '"... ~ Z 4( '"v III ~ Ui z o ~ .... ... Since more snow accumulated on experimental plots after timber harvest, it was assumed that more water was available for streamflow. 2 It was only an assumption, however, until similar cutting was done on a forested watershed where streamflow was measured . ...0z I \!) ~ IH ...... '" ...0 ~ :z: ~ z 0.1 10 :l :I z 1- oL-__ ~ __ ~ ____ ~ __ ~ ______ ~~ __ Fool Creek.-This 714-acre watershed at elevations ranging from 9,500 to 11,500 feet, was selected for treatment. Streamflow, rainfall and snow storage have been measured since 1940. The gaging station at Fool Creek is a combination San Dimas flume and two broadcrested weirs. The main channel flows north, with generally east and west aspects comprising 70 % of the watershed area. Of TREATMENTS z < in U I Growth i âº. 0.1 â z Ui 3 0 TREATMENTS Growth Diameter growth of the best 100 trees per acre was increased about Wi times by both thinning methods during the 16 years of observation, but diameter growth of all trees on plots was in- creased only by single-tree thinning. Basal area increment of the total stand was not affected by thinning. Cubic volume growth during the first Diameter growth of the best 100 trees per acre was increased about 11/2 times by both thinning methods during the 16 years of observation, but diameter growth of all trees on plots was in- East St. Louis Creek. - This is a 1,984-acre creased only by single-tree thinning. Basal area increment of the total stand was not affected by thinning. Cubic volume growth during the first 8 years of observation was greater in unthinned than thinned stands, but during the last 8 years of observation, there was no difference in cubic volume growth between thinned and unthinned plots. watershed with elevation varying from 9,500 to 12,200 feet. It lies adjacent to Fool Creek, and is 2Streamflow is the quantity of surface water flowing past a given point in a stream channel. It is measured by flumes, weirs, or water control structures. Streamflow generally is expressed as a rate in cubic feet per second, or as an amount in acre-feet, or inches depth over a known area. 8 years of observation was greater in unthinned than thinned stands, but during the last 8 years of observation, there was no difference in cubic volume growth between thinned and unthinned plots. YOUNG LODGEPOIE PINE INFLUENCE Of TNINNING ON AVERAGE ANNUAL aIAMETER GROWTN OF SELECTED TREES * .. An . . ai»» 15 Original from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EAST ST. LOUIS CREEK FOOL CREEK :)lgltlZed by Coogi --~ Original from 16 UNIVERSITY Of MINNESOTA the untreated control. Ma jor vegetation consists of lodgepole pine, Engelman n spruce and subalpine fir, with alpine tundra above timberline. Streamflow and snow storage have been measured since 1943. The original gaging station at East St. Louis Creek was a trapezoidal flume that was replaced in 1963 with a Cipolletti weir. Row from the two watersheds correlates well, and changes in streamflow on Fool Creek resulting from timber harvest are estimated from the flow of East St. Louis Creek. Alternate Strip Clearcutting ending in 1956, removed trees in alternate cleared strips at right angles to the contour. Four widths of cIearing-1-, 2-, 3-, and 6-chains wide-were used.. No timber was cut within 90 feet of the stream to minimize damage to the channel. On strips designated for cutting, all live trees 4 inches in diameter and larger were felled, and tops were lopped and scattered. In all , 278 acres of watershed were cleared, including 35 acres of roads. A total of 3.5 million fbm of timber was removed. Fool Creek original ly supported 6 million fbm of merchantable timber on 550 acres. About 55% was in the lodgepole pine type and 45 percent in the spruce-fir type. These stands were overmature, 250 to 350 years old. To harvest timber on Fool Creek, 3.3 miles of main access road and 8.8 miles of spur roads were constructed between 1950 and 1952. Spur roads were about 600 feet apart, located on the contour. Timber harves t, beginning in 1954 and uy • O( I Original from 17 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 18 Original from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA -.- 30 ,- chain 6-chain en 0 0.5 l.0 0 I 2 3 4 Distance from edge of strip (chains) Snow Accumulation Comparisons of snowpack in alternate for- ested and clearcut strips show more water equivalent in open areas but no increase in total snow storage on the watershed. There is, how- ever, a pronounced redistribution of snow as a result of cutting; more snow accumulates in cut strips than in the uncut forest. Before cutting, wind distributed snow rather evenly within the forest. Afterwards, openings increase wind stress on the remaining forest canopy and effi- ciently trap snow that formerly settled in adja- cent forested strips. Q) ..c:. u c: Uncut 25 . > ~ Cut ------- ," '- ---- --- .... ....... I 20 ,, I CT Q) ,,,,-- .... ' ...... , .......... " -- -- --- .... , .... \ \ , \ ~ Q) +- 0 15 3: Snowmelt and Water Yield Removing timber from Fool Creek accel- erated snowmelt rates and increased water yield by more than 25 %. Most of the increase is due 10 0 0.5 to a substantially enlarged spring runoff. Peak flows are not affected appreciably, and there is 1.0 2 5 3 4 Distance from edge of strip (chains) 0 6 little change in streamflow during late summer and early fall despite higher snowmelt rates and more efficient water yield in early spring. More than 20 years have passed without any strong indication that the effect of cutting timber on Snow Accumulation AVE. streamflow has diminished. DISCHARGE (ACRE FT.) AVE. DISCHARGE (ACRE FT.) 1942- 1955 (UNCUT) 1955 - 1967 (CUT) MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. Cutting trees and resultant redistribution of seasonal snowpack substantially increased run- off because some water formerly used to replace soil moisture consumed by vegetation is now available for streamflow, and more snow is de- posited in openings where soil moisture deficits are lowest. Higher melt rates in openings further reduce water losses from evapotranspiration. 19 Comparisons of snowpack in alternate forested and c1earcut strips show more water equivalent in open areas but no increase in total snow storage on the watershed. There is, however, a pronounced redistribution of snow as a result of cutting; more snow accumulates in cut strips than in the uncut forest. Before cutting, wind distributed snow rather evenly within the forest. Afterwards, openings increase wind stress on the remaining forest canopy and efficiently trap snow that formerly settled in adjacent forested strips. 15 ---- 1942-1955 (UNCUT) - - 1955 - 1967 (CUT) 10 5 Snowmelt and Water Yield MAY Removing timber from Fool Creek accelerated snowmelt rates and increased water yield by more than 25 %. Most of the increase is due to a substantially enlarged spring runoff. Peak flows are not affected appreciably, and there is little change in streamflow during late summer and early fall despite higher snowmelt rates and more efficient water yield in early spring. More than 20 years have passed without any strong indication that the effect of cutting timber on streamflow has diminished. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. Cutting trees and resultant redistribution of seasonal snowpack substantially increased runoff because some water formerly used to replace soil moisture consumed by vegetation is now available for streamflow, and more snow is deposited in openings where soil moisture deficits are lowest. Higher melt rates in openings further reduce water losses from evapotranspiration. 19 Original from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA April - Sept. Runoff Increase Sinc e Ha r ve st -., -- 20 on .c <) c: • Before treatment (1943 - 55) b After treatment (1956-72) 15 b b 0 b c: ::J bb ~ '".,., 10 b ~ u • • •• b b • • • •• • 0 If b bb 5 Year Inc hes 1956 1957 1958 1959 196 0 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 3.3 5.2 3.7 4.6 5.4 3.4 3. 9 2.9 3.5 4.0 2.6 3. 1 1. 9 2.5 2. 1 3.6 3.9 Mean 3.5 +0.8* *95 Per cent level of confidence 20 10 15 5 E ,St, Louis Creek runoff (inches) Sediment Yields Construction of the road system on Fool Creek and associated timber harvesting caused little erosion, with no apparent reduction in water quality . The main access road was located to avoid damage to the stream channel, and spur roads were provided with surface drainage and culverts at stream crossings. After logging, spurs were seeded to grass, and culverts were removed from alternate spur roads to reduce traffic. The main haul road is still routinely maintained . Sediment yield during road construction and logging averaged about 200 pounds per acre, but decreased rapidly after logging despite continuing increase in runoff after timber harvest . Since logging, sediment yields have averaged 43 pounds per acre, compared with yields of 11 to 21 pounds per acre from undisturbed watersheds. Suspended sediment was less than five parts per million during high flow periods in 1964 and 1965. Regeneration: Spruce-Fir Type In the spruce-fir type on Fool Creek where logs were skidded with horses, enough advanced reproduction survived logging to restock all cutover strips. Numbers of seedlings and saplings Original from 20 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ...i!' 7 :? 6 0 ", 5 " 4 ~ < 0 '0 "" Engelmann spruce ,- - - .", ,- - ""...... 0 ~ < 'S0 .. 0 3 ~ b. < "" ... ... 0 0 .~ 2 ~ •• "" "" ... ... 0 - . .. ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... . .. . .. I ·choln ... ... ... ... . .. ... . .. ... ... . .. . .. . .. . .. ... ... ... 3-choln 2·choln "" _.. . .. ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... "' , fir ~ Q ,- 0 0 ~ < •• 0 .. "- .<>. 0 ... Subalpine El 4-chQln Wide strips left after logging ranged from 4.183 per acre on 2-chain-wide strips to 5,957 per acre on 6-chainwide strips. Firs outnumbered the more valuable spruces on all strip widths. Subsequent reproduction was not abundant on any strips 10 years after cutting. Recovery was best on 3-chainwide strips, and poorest on 2-chain-wide strips. More new firs than spruces were established on all but 2-chain-wide strips. uniformly distributed over the openings. In the 6-chain-wide strips, about half the seed dispersed fell within 1.5 chains of timber edge, with only about 10% falling near the center of the openings. - "-.. ,-- - - - - [- - - - - - - f\-- - - - - 1-\-- - - - •• Seed Dispersal: Engelmann Spruce An adequate supply of viable seed is necessary for natural reproduction. During a lO-year period, 1956 through 1965, Engelmann spruce seed production in uncut strips on Fool Creek was 321,000 sound seeds per acre, but annual seedfall varied considerably. The 1961 crop contributed about 40 % of the total seedfall. Moderate crops were produced in 1959 and 1963, but seed crops were rated poor to complete failure in the other seven years of observation. Number of seeds dispersed from standing trees into the cleared strips was greater in years of heaviest seed production, but seedfall was not '-"glllZoo Dy v<. I 21 E •• - •• f-+---- ~ f--+- - - - f---\---- - "'--\- - -- ... • • _- ..- ----- . ~ ~. u UI_ u DII'''''' . _ .u_ TO _._ICMoI,1II1 Original from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ~ _ ~ ,, _ .oot Windfall 6. Cutting boundaries oriented para1lel to the direction of prevailing windstorms Windfall after clearcutting on Fool Creek was suffered more damage than those oriented at right angles to windstonns. 7. About two-thirds of the blowclown occurred within the first 2 years after logging. B. Trees growing on soils where average depth of solum exceeded 12 inches were more windfinn than trees growing on shallower soils. 9. Trees growing in situations with rapid drainage were more windfinn than trees growing where drainage was slow. 10. All species and size classes were predisposed to windthrow in the same proportion in which they occurred in uncut stands. 11. Defect was associated with one third or less of windthrow trees. observed for 10 years after cutting was com- pleted. Blowdown was related to exposure to wind, cutting unit characteristics, and tree characteristics in the following ways: Mule Deer Use and Forage Values Immediately after logging, mule deer summer use on Fool Creek was less than on the adjacent unlogged watershed. Comparatively low use on Fool Creek may have been due to logging slash, and other disturbance associated with timber harvest. Ten years after logging, deer use was substantially higher on Fool Creek than on the control watershed, with most of the increase on cut strips. Comparisons among cut strips indicated 3-chain-wide strips were used most heavily on both spruce-fir and lodgepole pine forests. The 1-chain-wide strips were used least in lodgepole pine, while 6-chain-wide strips were used least in spruce-fir. 1. Approximately 70% of 2,844 wind- ~ from the west and the southwest . ~ 2. About two-thirds of the trees blew down along the N, NE, E, and SE (leeward) 100 ~ li 7~ ."J cutting boundaries. 3. More trees were windthrown on downwind than on upwind aspects. 4. Cutting boundaries on ridgetops suffered heavy damage. Fewer and about 5. 12~ lilt thrown trees were felled by stonnwinds l ~ 50 25 equal numbers of trees blew down on o U::~---: 19~7 1966 upper, middle and lower slopes. Windfall was not directly related to width of opening. UNCUT CONTROL E.St. Louis Creek Original from Ulij Lt. 22 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 1957 1966 ALTERNATE-STRIP CLEARCUT Fool Ct'Nk SPRUCE-FIR ~------~------~ SPRUCE-FIR CONTROL 6-CHAIN 1-CHAIN 2-CHAIN LODGEPOLE PINE 1-CHAIN 3-CHAIN 15 10 5 0 5 10 PLOTS WITH PELLET GROUPS (PERCENT) 15 2-CHAIN Tame mule deer observed in food habitat studies spent about 70% of their time and ob- tained about 70% of their food on cut strips. Since there were no differences between cut and 3-CHAIN uncut areas with respect to digestibility, crude protein content, or moisture content of forage species, deer preference for open areas was asso- 10 lS ciated with increased amounts and variety of o S PLOTS WITH foragev in cut strips. Although logging stimu- PELLET 10 S lS GROUPS (PERCENT) lated habitat changes beneficial to deer, enough forage was produced in unlogged areas to carry more deer than currently occupy the summer range. Deer populations in this area are limited by availability of winter range at elevations lower than on the Forest. DEER USE OF OPENINGS AND UNCUT TIMBER CURRENT RESEARCH Watershed Studies: Deadhorse Creekâ Lexen Creek The hydrology of Deadhorse and Lexen Creeks has been studied since 1955. Long rec- ords of streamflow, snow accumulation and de- pletion, precipitation, sediment yield and water quality are available. A comprehensive study of the snowmelt regime on these and other water- sheds on the Fraser Experimental Forest resulted in development of a simulation model capable of predicting short- and long-term hydrologic impacts of a broad range of land-use alterna- tives. The system represents the state of the art after more than 30 years of watershed manage- ment research in subalpine coniferous forests. Any tool of this complexity and scope requires Tame mule deer observed in food habitat studies spent about 70 % of their time and obtained about 70% of their food on cut strips. Since there were no differences between cut and uncut areas with respect to digestibility, crude protein content, or moisture content of forage species, deer preference for open areas was associated with increased amounts and variety of forage, in cut strips. Although logging stimulated habitat changes beneficial to deer, enough forage was produced in unlogged areas to carry more deer than currently occupy the summer range. Deer populations in this area are limited by availability of winter range at elevations lower than on the Forest. CURRENT RESEARCH Watershed Studies: Deadhorse CreekLexen Creek The hydrology of Deadhorse and Lexen Creeks has been studied since 1955. Long records of streamflow, snow accumulation and depletion, precipitation, sediment yield and water quality are available. A comprehensive study of the snowmelt regime on these and other watersheds on the Fraser Experimental Forest resulted in development of a simulation model capable of predicting short- and long-term hydrologic impacts of a broad range of land-use alternatives. The system represents the state of the art after more than 30 years of watershed management research in subalpine coniferous forests. pilot testing before routine operational applica- tion. Pilot testing will be accomplished on Deadhorse Creek by (1) simulating several timber harvesting options on various subunits, (2) selecting and applying one of these alterna- DEER USE OF OPENINGS AND UNCUT TIMBER tives on the ground in each subunit, and com- paring the runoff response predicted by the model with actual streamflow. Any tool of this complexity and scope requires 23 pilot testing before routine operational application. Pilot testing will be accomplished on Deadhorse Creek by (1) simulating several .timber harvesting options on various subunits, (2) selecting and applying one of these alternatives on the ground in each subunit, and comparing the runoff response predicted by the model with actual streamflow. 70% Di ize b 23 Original from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Deadhorse Creek.-This 667-acl'e watershed that generally drains from west to east , has been selected for treatment. Elevations vary fr om 9,450 feet at the main gaging station to 11,600 feet at the summit of Bottle Mountain. Major vegetation is spruce-fir along stream bottoms and all north and upper slopes, lodgepole pine on all lower and mid-south slopes , and al pine tundra above timberline . Deadhorse Creek is steeper than Fool Creek, with side slopes averaging almost 40 %. The north and south exposures receive unequal amounts of heat in contrast to nearly equal radiant energy load on the east and west slopes of Fool Creek . The three stream gaging stations on Deadhorse Creek-on the main stream , on the 100-acre North Fork and on 200-acre Upper Basin- are 120 ° V-notch weirs . The main stream gage was constructed in 1955, the North Fork in 1970, and the Upper Basin in 1975. • 008 1 Original from 24 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA lexen Creek. - Thi s is a 306-acre watershed at elevations ranging from 9,850 feet at the stream gaging station to 11,600 feet. It lies adjacent to Deadho rse Creek and will be the untreated control. Vegetation, soil s, and topography are similar to Deadhorse Creek. The stream gaging station is a 120 0 V-notch weir constructed in 1955. Flows from the two watersheds are well-correlated, and lexen Creek also can be used to estimate changes in streamflow on Deadhorse Creek caused b y timber harvesting . "" --..;:'--- -', , 00 ,, , \ ,, ,, \ \ LEkEH CREEK ,.....-/ , \ 20 ,, ,, , is bare of snow in the Upper Basin of Deadhorse Creek and on Lexen Creek. Also, more than 80% of these areas are covered with snow when seasonal peak snowmelt runoff rates are reached. Water Yields.-Streamflow from Lexen Creek can vary from 60 % of Deadhorse Creek in high runoff years to nearly 90% in low runoff years because of differences in contribution to streamflow from the Upper Basin and lower Deadhorse Creek. The runoff above base flow on lower Deadhorse Creek averages less than 30% of that generated from the Upper Basin, even though precipitation at lower elevations is 80 % of that at higher elevations. Low elevation water yields on Deadhorse Creek vary from near zero for poor runoff years to about 50% of the flow generated in the Upper Basin in good runoff years. Pretreatment Hydrology Snow Cover Depletion.-Aerial depletion of the snowpack on Deadhorse Creek starts ea rlier than on Lexen Creek because of advanced snowmelt on the low-elevation south slopes. The rate of depletion on the Upper Basin of Deadhorse Creek is similar to Lexen Creek. Sediment Yields.-Yields averaged 11 to 21 pounds per acre before road building and Snowmelt.-Snowpack melt rates differ considerably between low elevation north and south slopes on Deadhorse Creek. Time of maximum snowmelt on the Upper Basin of Deadhorse Creek and on Lexen Creek varies considerably less between north and south slopes. As a result, nearly 90% of seasonal runoff volume is generated before 60% of the area I , logging. These watersheds are very stable, characterized by coarse drainage structure and mature topography. Sediment yields are correlated with both peak and annual flows. In the undisturbed state, most total sediment load comes from stream bank erosion and channel degradation. Trapped elements range from well-graded gravel to fine sand. Original from 25 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA YEAR GENERATED RUNOFF!/ DEADHORSE CREEK YEAR GENERATED RUNOFF^ RATIO OF RUNOFF, LEXEN CREEK LEXEN:DEADHORSE 1/ - - - ACRE-FEET RATIO OF RUNOFF, - - PERCENT - - DEADHORSE LEXEN LEXEN:DEADHORSE CREEK CREEK ACRE-FEET - -- PERCENT 1956 647.8 397.0 61 1957 1,041.9 623.9 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 647.8 1,041. 9 688.8 533.4 595.2 269.3 943.9 139.7 339.5 628.3 213.3 463.0 439.1 428.0 397.0 623.9 424.6 345.8 384.0 233.0 580.0 120.5 275.4 383.0 186.7 329.3 328.9 297.5 61 60 62 65 64 87 61 86 82 61 88 71 75 69 60 1958 688.8 70 MEAN 424.6 62 1959 533.4 345.8 65 1ABOVE AN ASSUMED CONSTANT BASEFLOW OF 0.2 AND 0.1 CUBIC FOOT PER SECOND ON DEADHORSE AND LEXEN CREEKS, RESPECTIVELY. 1960 595.2 384.0 64 1961 269.3 233.0 87 slope subunit. This cutting pattern also is a first step to placing the timber stand under management. Water Quality.-Natural flows from Deadhorse and Lexen Creek are generally pure. Concentrations of all chemical components are low, pH values near neutral, and temperatures very cold (0°-7°C). DIADHOIISE o CLlucun 1962 WATERSHED $lLleno.. C,," 0 943.9 ..... " sr....... IS ~ 580.0 61 Timber Harvest 120.5 86 1964 339.5 275.4 82 1965 628.3 383.0 61 1966 213.3 u..... Approximately 1 mile of main access road was built in 1955 to harvest timber and construct stream gaging stations on Deadhorse Creek. Another 2.5 miles of main access road was constructed in 1970-1971, and about 1 mile of main access road was built in 1976. Approximately 0.3 mile of main access road and 2.5 miles of spur road will be constructed in 1977. Additional roads needed will be built as timber harvesting proceeds. 1967 463.0 329.3 71 1968 439.1 328.9 D.I,2 h ..'L1 Under this alternative, about 35% of the oldgrowth timber, principally lodgepole pine, will be removed by clearcutting small openings, about 400 feet in diameter, dispersed over the subunit. Present plans call for recutting these openings every 30 years to maintain increased water yield. No immediate cutting is proposed for the remaining timber stand. 186.7 88 North Fork (Response Unit l).-A patch cutting operation has been selected for the North Fork of Deadhorse Creek. Long-term simulation of the hydrologic impacts of this option indicate an optimum water yield increase of 1.5 to 2.0 inches annually from this lower south 75 Original from 1969 428.0 297.5 69 MEAN 70 1 10A.S 1963 139.7 1C)UtiI. . . . . Dig ize b 26 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA f·., ' .. ; ", . , I. ," • ~. i;i'~~ ' ~ 'I :I., · , , L , '" U'J ' ' I~ " ~ .' . I, .......' ......~ ~ \ I , It I I. ~ ., , I ~I ",.." 'I • «I ~ • I , ~1. ' The road system to remove timber from this subunit will be completed in early summer of Roads to remove this timber will be constructed in 1977. The first cutting will begin and be completed in 1979. All cutting will be on an individual tree basis. Logging and slash disposal will be by conventional methods . 1977, with cutting to begi n and finish in 1977 also. All live trees down to 4 inches d .h.h. on the cut patches will be removed. Logging will be done by conventio nal methods- downhill skidding of logs. Logging slash will be lopped and scattered. An estima ted 200,000 fbm of timber will be removed. Upper Basin (Response Units 3 and 4).-A patch cutting alternative has also been selected for the Upper Basin of Deadhorse Creek. Lo08term simulation of the hydrologic impacts of this option indicate an optimum water yield increase of 1.5 to 2.5 inches annually. North Slope (Response Unit 8).-A three-cut shelterwood option has been selected for this north slope subunit. Lo ng~ t erm simulation of the hydrologic impact of this option indicates no increase in runoff. This cutting pattern also will be a first step to placing the timber stand under management. Under this alternative, 30 to 40% of the oldgrowth, mixed pine- spruce-fir timber will be removed by clearcutting small openings (five to eight times tree height in diameter) scattered over the subunit. This option differs from the North Fork in that initial openings will be regenerated and allowed to grow to maturity. New openings will be cut in 30 years, with the last of the old growth removed 60 years after the first Under this alternative, about 40% of the oldgrowth , mixed lodgepole pine-spruce-fir stand will be removed on an individual tree basis throughout the subun it. An additional 30% of the old growth will be harvested in 20 years, with the remainder harves ted in 40 years. '-"glllZoo Dy v\. I cut, 27 Original from UNIVERSITYOFMINNESOTA The road system to remove timber from this subunit will be constructed in 1978. Cutting will begin and be completed in 1981. Trees removed and logging will be similar to that on the North Fork. Operational Watershed Management Operational aspects of watershed management-collecting and analyzing data on stream flow, snow accumulation and disappearance, water quality, sediment yield , soil water movement, temperature, precipitation, and radiation-will continue on Deadhorse and Lexen Creeks. These data are needed to determine treatment responses and provide input to test the hydrologic simulation model. ,.. ! ... 11. , •• 1. ' "'c. \ . . . 1. . . . . Game Animals On all subunits scheduled for timber harvesting, use by mule deer, elk, and blue grouse is being sampled to determine impact of cutting timber on animal population density and distribution. Cover and composition of understory vegetation and biomass also is being sampled to determine response to timber harvesting options. thinned from below, each to a different growing stock level (SO, 100, 120). The first series of plots, in Unit 1, were thinned. in 1976. The last series of plots, in Unit 5, will be thinned in 1981. Periodic remeasurement will provide information on stand growth at different stocking levels, rate of spread and intensification of dwarf mistletoe infection, population density and distribution of deer and elk in relation to overstory denSity, relative herbage production in relation to basal area of residual overstory, forage availability to animals, soil moisture withdrawal in relation to overstory density and depth below the soil surface, and seasonal pro-gress of soil moisture depletion. Nongame Birds and Small Mammals Species and population densities of small mammals and nongame birds on subunits scheduled for timber harvest also are being inventoried to determine their responses to changes in habitat resulting from treatment. These data will provide information on habitat requirements of small mammals and birds that inhabit subalpine coniferous forests. Environmental Factors Affecting Engelmann Spruce Regeneration Levels of Growing StockYoung Lodgepole Pine Two study areas were established in 1967 and 1968 to identify factors limiting spruce regeneration success, and determine cultural practices needed to provide an environment suitable for spruce regeneration. Study plots are located in two 3.5-acre cIearcut openings at 10,500 feet elevation, one on a north slope of the .Fool Creek drainage, the other on a south slope of the West St. louis Creek drainage. In 1975, a study was started in second-growth lodgepole pine stands on St ~ Louis Creek drainage to test different thinning levels. The study area was divided into five units, with one unit scheduled for thinning each year for 5 years. Within each unit, three 0.4-acre plots will be 28 Original from UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA " " " o NORTH .0 ~ •• = ~ fLon , •-• . • i • ~ ~ : SOUTH ., • , -' . ;: = :II I :: : u ~ f, , • & E ~ !I! ICAIII'IID IHA.IO , 0 ~1 '- 0 IC ........ O UNICAI.f.D UNseA •• ' • • UNS ........ D ...... 010 UNI"'AMD I IMAM. UNSHADID IMAMD Original from 29 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA UN ...... IHID NORTH SLOPE SOUTH SLOPE Each year, twelve 4 x 12 m seedbeds are pre- pared at each study site. Each set is composed of DROUGHT 53"/. four seedbed treatmentsâscarified-shaded, scarified-unshaded, unscarified-shaded, and un- scarified-unshadedâreplicated three times each. Seed is sown each fall on the current set of seedbeds to simulate natural seedfall. Five years of observation indicates that ger- mination on the north slope is best on scarified- unshaded seedbeds and poorest on unscarified- unshaded seedbeds; survival is best on scarified- NORTH SLOPE shaded seedbeds and poorest on unscarified-un- SOUTH SLOPE shaded seedbeds. Nearly 80% of the germinat- ing seedlings died, with most mortality caused by drought, frost heaving, and clipping by birds. Four years of observation indicates germination on south slopes is best on unscarified-shaded seedbeds and poorest on scarified-unshaded seedbeds; survival is best on unscarified seed- beds and poorest on scarified-unshaded seed- beds. About 90% of the germinating seedlings died, with most mortality caused by drought, clipping by birds, and heat girdle. The most favorable and unfavorable condi- tions for Engelmann spruce regeneration success are summarized in the table below. REGENERATION CONDITIONS FAVORABLE UNFAVORABLE >600,000 SEED/HA ing seedlings died, with most mortality caused by drought, frost heaving, and clipping by birds. Four years of observation indicates germination on south slopes is best on unscarified-shaded seedbeds and poorest on scarified-unshaded seedbeds; survival is best on unscarified seedbeds and poorest on scarified-unshaded seedbeds. About 90 % of the germinating seedlings died, with most mortality caused by drought, clipping by birds, and heat girdle. The most favorable and unfavorable conditions for Engelmann spruce regeneration success are summarized in the table below. Each year, twelve 4 x 12 m seedbeds are prepared at each study site. Each set is composed of four seedbed treatments-scarified-shaded, scarified-unshaded, unscarified-shaded, and unscarified-unshaded-replicated three times each. Seed is sown each fall on the current set of seedbeds to simulate natural seedfall. Five years of observation indicates that germination on the north slope is best on scarifiedunshaded seedbeds and poorest on unscarifiedunshaded seedbeds; survival is best on scarifiedshaded seedbeds and poorest on unscarified-unshaded seedbeds. Nearly 80% of the germinat- NORTH AMBIENT AIR >0°C NIGHT AND <25°C DAY; MAXIMUM SURFACE <30°C REGENERATION CONDITIONS >1.0 CM/WEEK LIGHT-TEXTURED, SANDY-LOAM 50 PERCENT EXPOSED MINERAL SOIL 40-60 PERCENT DEAD SHADE FAVORABLE UNFAVORABLE DUFF AND LITTER <5 CM LIGHT VEGETATIVE COVER >600,000 SEED/HA -SEED CROP· SEEDLINGS >12 WEEKS OLD BY MID-SEPT. LOW POPULATION OF BIRDS AND RODENTS THAT NORTH -ASPECT- <60,000 SEED/HA S01ITH EAT SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS PROTECTION FROM TRAMPLING SNOW COVER WHEN FROST-HEAVING CONDITIONS AMBIENT AIR >o·c NIGHT AND <25·C DAY; HAXlMUH SURFACE <30·C -TEMPERATURES- AMBIENT AIR <O·C NIGHT AND >25·C DAY; MAXIMUM SURFACE >30·C >1.0 CM/WEEK -PRECIPITATION- <1 .0 CM/WEEK EXIST -SEED CR0P- -ASPECT- LIGHT-TEXTURED. SANDY-LOAM - SO I L- HEAVY-TEXTURED, CLAY-LOAM -TEMPERATURES- -PRECIPITATION- 50 PERCENT EXPOSED MINERAL SOIL - SEEDBED- 10 PERCENT OR LESS EXPOSED MINERAL SOIL 10 PERCENT OR LESS DEAD SHADE DUFF AND LITTER >5 CM HEAVY VEGETATIVE COVER - 5URV I VAL- SEEDLINGS <12 WEEKS OLD BY MID-SEPT. HIGH POPULATION OF BIRDS AND RODENTS THAT EAT SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS NO PROTECTION FROM TRAMPLING NO SNOW COVER WHEN FROSTHEAVING CONDITIONS EXIST -SOIL- -SEEDBED- - SURVIVAL - <60,000 SEED/HA SOUTH 40-60 PERCENT DEAD SHADE DUFF AND LITTER <5 CM LIGHT VEGETATIVE COVER SEEDLINGS >12 WEEKS OLD BY MID-SEPT. AMBIENT AIR <0°C NIGHT AND >25°C DAY; MAXIMUM SURFACE >30°C <1.0 CM/WEEK LOW POPULATION OF BIRDS AND RODENTS THAT EAT SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS HEAVY-TEXTURED, CLAY-LOAM 10 PERCENT OR LESS EXPOSED MINERAL SOIL PROTECTION FROM TRAMPLING SNOW COVER WHEN FROST-HEAVING CONDITIONS EXIST 10 PERCENT OR LESS DEAD SHADE DUFF AND LITTER >5 CM Original from HEAVY VEGETATIVE COVER SEEDLINGS <12 WEEKS OLD BY MID-SEPT. HIGH POPULATION OF BIRDS AND RODENTS THAT EAT SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS Dig ize b 30 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Engelmann Spruce Seed Production seedfall data are needed to predict frequency of good seed crops and to identify the kinds of stands likely to provide good seed crops. A long term study of Engelmann spruce seed production was started in 1968 on the Forest. By 1970, thirteen O.4-acre plots were established at different elevations, aspects, etc. Good to heavy crops were produced during four of the first five years of observation, with some locations occasionally producing bumper crops. Much more Engelmann Spruce Seed Production A long term study of Engelmann spruce seed production was started in 1968 on the Forest. By 1970, thirteen 0.4-acre plots were established at different elevations, aspects, etc. Good to heavy crops were produced during four of the first five years of observation, with some locations occa- SIDELIGHTS Facilities of the Fraser Experimental Forest are used occasionally for school training, undergraduate field work, field meetings of forestry and conservation societies, and Foreign Agriculture Service programs in forestry. Excellent examples nearby serve as on-the-ground illustrations of both beneficial and harmful practices in mountain agriculture. Opportunities for graduate students to undertake fundamental research in conservation and use of natural resources are excellent. Arrangements may be made on a cooperative basis with the U.S. Forest Service through colleges, universities, foundations, or other interested groups . Visitors are always welcome. To obtain more detailed published information about the experimental work, ask the resident scientists or send a request to Director, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 240 West Prospect, Fort Collins, Colo. 80521. sionally producing bumper crops. Much more 400 . 300 400 O z < O 200 ... II< 100 3 U 300 ~ '":z: Q o c 1972 seedfall data are needed to predict frequency of good seed crops and to identify the kinds of stands likely to provide good seed crops. '"::l ...~ 200 '"... ... Q SIDELIGHTS Facilities of the Fraser Experimental Forest are '" Q used occasionally for school training, under- graduate field work, field meetings of forestry and conservation societies, and Foreign Agricul- ture Service programs in forestry. Excellent ex- 100 :z: ::l o '" o amples nearby serve as on-the-ground illustra- tions of both beneficial and harmful practices in 1970 1972 1971 1973 1974 mountain agriculture. Opportunities for graduate students to under- take fundamental research in conservation and use of natural resources are excellent. Arrange- APPENDIX A ments may be made on a cooperative basis with the U.S. Forest Service through colleges, univer- Species List of Birds sities, foundations, or other interested groups. Visitors are always welcome. To obtain more detailed published information about the experi- mental work, ask the resident scientists or send Scientific Name Common Name a request to Director, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 240 West Pros- SEASONAL NESTING BIRDS MIGRATORY BIRDS pect, Fort Collins, Colo. 80521. APPENDIX A Species List of Birds Mallard Common Name MIGRATORY BIRDS Mallard Teal Golden eagle American kestrel Spotted sandpiper Mourning dove Rufous hummingbird Black-billed magpie Clark's nutcracker Teal Golden eagle American kestrel Spotted sandpiper Mourning dove Rufous hummingbird Black-billed magpie Clark's nutcracker Black-capped chickadee Mountain bluebird Red-winged blackbird Scientific Name Anas platyrhynchos Anas spp. Black-capped chickadee Mountain bluebird Red-winged blackbird Anas platyrhytlchos Anas spp. Aquila chrysaetos Falco sparverius Actitis macularia Zenaida macroura Accipiter gentilis Goshawk Sharp-skinned hawk Accipiter striatus Circus cyaneus Marsh hawk Buteo jamaicensis Red-tailed hawk Otus asio Screech owl Bubo virginianus Great horned owl Common nighthawk Chordeiles minor SelaspllOrus rufus Broad-tailed 5elasphorus Pica pica Nucifraga columbiana Parus atricapillus hummingbird Common flicker Yellow-bellied sapsucker Williamson's sapsucker Hammond's flycatcher platycercus Colaptes auratus Sphyrapicus varius Sialia currucoides Agelaius phoeniceus Sphyrapicus thyroideus Empidonax hammondii Aquila chrysaetos Original from Falco sparverius Actitis macularia Zenaida macroura Selasphorus rufus Pica pica Nucifraga Dig lize by 31 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA • Western flycatcher Western wood pewee Olive-sided flycatcher Horned lark Steller's jay Common crow Dipper Red-breasted nuthatch Brown creeper American robin Townsend's solitaire Hermit thrush Gold-crowned kinglet Ruby-crowned kinglet Yellow-rumped warbler Wilson's warbler House fin ch Pine grosbeak Pine siskin Red crossbill Gray-headed junco White-crowned sparrow Empidonax difficilis Contopus sordidulus Nuttallornis borealis Eremophilia alpestris Cyanocitta stelleri Corvus brachyrhynchos Cinclus mexicanus Sitta canadensis Carpodacus mexicanus Pinicola enucleator Carduelis pinus Loxia curvirostra Junco caniceps Zonotrichia leucophrys YEARLY RESIDENT BIRDS Blue grouse Certltia farniliaris Turdus migratorius Myadestes townsendi Catharus guttatus Regulus satrapa Regulus calendula White-tailed ptarmigan Hairy woodpecker Downy woodpecker Northern three-toed woodpecker Gray jay Dendroica coronata Common raven Mountain chickadee Wi/sonia pusilla Dendragapus obscurus Lagopus leucurus Picoides villosus Picoides pubescens Picoides tridactylus Perisoreus canadensis Corvuscorax Parus gambeli I I I APPENDlXB Species List of Mammals Common Name Scientific Name Vagrant shrew Northern watershrew Masked shrew Little brown myotis (bat) Black bear Marten Longtail weasel Shorttail weasel (rare) Mink (rare) Striped skunk Badger (occasional) Red fox Coyote Mountain Lion (rare) Bobcat Yellowbelly marmot Sorex vagrans Sorex palustris Sorex cinereus Myotis lucifugus Ursus americanus Martes americana Mustela frenata Musteia erminea Musteia v ison Mephitis mephitis Tax idea taxus Vulpes fulva Canis latrans Felis conceler Lynx rufus Mannota flaviventris Citellus latera/is Eutamias minimus Eutamias quadrivittatus EutamillS umbrinus Golden mantled squirrel Least chipmunk Colorado chipmunk (questionable) Uinta chipmunk Tamiasciurus fremont; Northern pocket gopher Thomomys talpoides Deer mouse Peromyscus maniculatus Bushy tail woodrat Neotoma cinerea Phenacomys Mountain phenacomys (Heather vole) intennedius Clethrionomys Boreal redback vole gapper! Microtus mentanus Montane vole Microtus Long-tailed vole longicaudus Western jumping mouse Zapus princeps Spruce squirrel Muskrat Beaver Porcupine Pika Snowshoe hare Elk Mule deer Ondatra zibethica Castor canadensis Erethizon dorsaturn Ochotona princeps Lepus americanus Cervus canadensis Odocoiieus hemionus Original from I 32 UNIVERSITY OF M INN~lilfw""'.-csu, Fort Colli" I This report provides a general overview of work done on the Fraser Experimental Forest. It replaces Station Paper No.8, published in 1952 and revised by L. D. Love in 1960. Included are descriptions of physical features and resource values, and highlights of past and current research programs. Keywords: Forest regeneration, watershed management, wildlife habitat. This report provides a general overview of work done on the Fraser Experimental Forest. It replaces Station Paper No.8, published. in 1952 and revised by L. D. Love in 1960. Included aTe descriptions of physical features and resource values. and highlights .o f-past and current research programs. *eywords: Forest regeneration, watershed management, wildlife --------------------------- - ------------------------- - -- - > Keywords: Forest regeneration , watershed management, wildlife habitat. -< Keywords: Forest regeneration, watershed management, wildlife habitat. This report provides a general overview of work done on the Fraser Experimental Forest. It replaces Station Paper No.8, published in 1952 and revised by L. D. Love in 1960. Included are descriptions of physical features and resource values, and highlights of past and current research programs. ;; 3rnis report provides a general overview of work done on the ;F~ser Experimental Forest. It replaces Station Paper No.8, pub~ i5hed in 1952 and revised by L. D. Love in 1960. Included are de:2!;(;1iptions of physical features and resource values, and highlights ~f past and current research programs. :::::j :::::!. Alexander, Robert R. and Ross K. Watkins. 1977. The Fraser Experimental Forest , Colorado. USDA For . Serv o Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-40, 32 p. Rocky Mt. For. and Range Exp. 5tn. , Fort Collins, Colo. c:!Jexander, Robert R. and Ross K. Watkins. 1977. The Fraser Ex:z: perimental Forest, Colorado. USDA For. Servo Gen. Tech. ~ Rep. RM-40, 32 p. Rocky Mt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Fort 0:: (£olIins, Colo. I ~ - --------------- --- -- - - - --- - - --- 1- - -------- ----- --- ---- - -- - - - - - - - - habitat. Alexander. Robert R. and Ross K. Watkins. 1977. T he Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado . USDA For. Serv o Gen. Tech. Rep . RM-40, 32 p. Rocky Mt. For. and Range Exp. 5tn ., Fort Coll ins, Colo . Alexander. Robert R. and Ross K. Watkins . 1977. The Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado. USDA For. Serv o Gen . Tech . Rep . RM-40, 32 p. Rocky Mt. For. a nd Range Exp. Stn., Fo rt Collins, Colo . - - -- - -- -------- - -- -- - -- ---------------- - ---------- .•._- - - The Fraser Experimental Forest is a research unit of the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, which is maintained in cooperation with the Colorado State University at Fort Collins, Colorado