West Texas Assessment Conference October 16, 2013

We st T e xa s
A s se ssm ent
C o n f e r e nce
October 16, 2013
Overton Hotel & Conference Center
Lubbock, Texas
W e l co m e
We s t T e x a s
Dear Dear C
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Attendees, ttendees, Dear Conference Attendees,
Welcome tto o tthe he ssecond econd aannual nnual W
West est TTexas exas A
Assessment ssessment C
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We e aare re d
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The The primary purpose of this conference is to unite higher education professionals
the surrounding areas to discuss issues related to planning, assessment, and accreditat
the surrounding areas to discuss issues related to planning, assessment, and accreditat
across West Texas and the surrounding areas to discuss issues related to planbelieve that in region and beyond have a of believe that professionals professionals in this this We
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and accreditation.
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of knowledge and valuable experiences to share
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Your co-­‐hosts for the conference include the of Planning and Your for conference include the ofOffice Office of and
Planning and Assessment
Your co-­‐hosts co-hosts for
thethe conference
the Office
University, the Office of Institutional Planning and Assessment at Texas Tech University
at Texas Tech University, the Office of Institutional Planning and Assessment at
University, the Office of Institutional Planning and Assessment at Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, and the Office of Accountability at
Center, and the Office of Accountability at Angelo State University. As you engage in t
Center, and the Office of Accountability at Angelo State University. As you engage in t
Angelolet State
in today’s
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At At the the conclusion of of the the conference, conference, you will will receive receive an an email requesting requesting you to com
complete an online conference evaluation. Your feedback will assist us in making
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conference this experience even better in future years. On behalf of the 2013 WTAC Planning
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oming! years. On behalf of you
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2013 WTAC Planning Committee, thank you for coming! Committee,
Sincerely, Sincerely, Sabrina Satler Crystal Braden
Kari Dickson
Stephen Emmons Katie Garner
Jennifer Hughes Director
20 1 3 P l an n i n g Co mm i t t ee
Katie Garner, M.A.
Senior Administrator
Office of Planning and Assessment
Co m m i t t e e
Co - C h a i r s
Texas Tech University
Sabrina Sattler, IMBA, M.S.
Senior Director for
Institutional Assessment
Crystal M. Braden, M.S.
Director of Accountability
Office of Institutional Planning
and Assessment
Office of Accountability
SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison
Angelo State University
Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center
806.743.2918 ext. 260
Planni n g
Commit t e e
M embe rs
Kari Dickson, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President
Jennifer Shaulis Hughes, M.S.
Academic Affairs
Office of Planning and Assessment
Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center
Texas Tech University
Stephen Emmons, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Music
Coordinator of
Academic Assessment
School of Music
Angelo State University
Jennifer Hughes, M.S.
Director, Office of Planning & Assessment
T ha nk Yo u to O ur Sp onsors!
G old
S ponsor
LiveText ensures faculty and administrators have the most comprehensive, flexible, and adaptable web-based solutions to support culture of assessment across campus. LiveText’s advanced
e-Portfolio, assessment, and accreditation management solutions assist institutions in evaluating
performance-based student learning achievement, and our extensive support helps ensure that
faculty and administrators can collect, measure and report on actionable data for continuous
improvement of the academic experience.
ennifer Hughes, M.S.
Director, Office of Planning & Assessment
Kari Dickson, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
C onfe re n c e S c h e d ule
Horizon A
Horizon B
Horizon C
Sessions I
(9:00 am9:50 am)
Building Accountability into
the Strategic Plan
Dr. Thomas Corll
Midland College
Panel Discussion:
Program Accreditation
Dr. Thomas Starkey
Angelo State University
Mr. Timothy W. Hayes
Texas Tech University Health
Sciences Center
Dr. Audra N. Morse
Texas Tech University
Dr. Jason C.B. Rinaldo
Texas Tech University
Dr. Lori Rice-Spearman
Texas Tech University Health
Sciences Center
Sessions II
(10:00 am10:50 am)
Developmental Education
Assessment and Placement
Using Multiple Measures
Ms. Emily Hammer
Texas Tech University
Panel Discussion: Five Most
Commonly Cited SACSCOC
Ms. Leslie Collins
Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center
Dr. Rial Rolfe
Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center
Dr. Deana Savage
Midland College
Ms. Barbara Petty
West Texas A&M University
The Assessment Cyclone
Ms. Angela Brazeal Hager
Northeast Lakeview College
Sessions III
(11:00 am11:50 am)
Cross-Cultural Assessment
in Education: Implications to
Teaching and Learning
Dr. Aretha Marbley
Texas Tech University
Ms. Shih-Han Huang
Texas Tech University
Dr. Jiaqi Li
Texas Tech University
Ms. Rebecca Opamen
Texas Tech University
Ms. Huda Sarraj
Texas Tech University
Panel Discussion: Quality
Enhancement Plan
Ms. Jennifer S. Hughes
Texas Tech University
Dr. Doyle D. Carter
Angelo State University
Dr. Phyllis Bolin
Abilene Christian University
Dr. Rex Peebles
Midland College
Dr. Paul A. Illich
McLennan Community College
Improving Nursing Student
Learning Outcomes and
Online Programmatic
Effectiveness with New
Ms. Shawntay Sparks-Hubbard
TSTC-West Texas
Look! Our Stuff is Making an
Impact: Using Meaningful
Assessment to Demonstrate
the Effectiveness of
Academic Support Programs
Ms. Michael Greer
Texas Wesleyan University
Ms. Amanda Novak
Texas Wesleyan University
Lunch and Keynote: Noon - 1 pm featuring Keynote Speaker (Sunset Ballroom)
Horizon A
Sessions IV
(1:10 pm2:00 pm)
Strategic Planning and
Constructive Evolution: It’s All
About The Mission!
Dr. John Delony
Texas Tech University
Best Practices for Designing
and Assessing Online
Discussion Questions
Dr. Andrea McCourt
Texas Tech University
Dr. Jillian Yarbrough
Texas Tech University
Dr. Marcus Tanner
Texas Tech University
Assessing Transfer Student
Experiences with Campus
Services: An Alternative
Dr. Robert Elliott
Eastern New Mexico University
Dr. Suzanne Balch-Lindsay
Eastern New Mexico University
Dr. D. Veena Parboteeah
Eastern New Mexico University
Sessions V
(2:10 pm3:00 pm)
Assessing Student Learning
Efficiency with PASL
Dr. Anthony Ambrosio
Educational Consultant
Ms. Yun Liu
University of North Texas
Panel Discussion:
Distance Education
Ms. Rebecca MuzquizSchkade
Angelo State University
Dr. Alaric A. Williams
Angelo State University
Ms. Paula Wallace
New Mexico Junior College
Dr. Patricia A. Simpson
Angelo State University
Dr. Jonathan Ulmer
Texas Tech University
The Next QEP: How Texas
Tech is Developing its
Second Quality
Enhancement Plan
Panel Discussion:
Core Curriculum Education
Dr. Nancy W. Shankle-Jordan
Abilene Christian University
Dr. Stephen D. Emmons
Angelo State University
Dr. Gary S. Elbow
Texas Tech University
Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart
Amarillo College
Accreditation and
Educational Reform:
A Transformation Initiative
Dr. Peggy Johnson
Texas Tech University
Dr. Larry Hovey
Texas Tech University
Sessions VI
(3:10 pm4:00 pm)
Meeting the Continuing
Challenge of Quantifying
Academic SuccessAre We There Yet?
Dr. Sandra Marquez-Hall
UNTHSC-Texas College of
Osteopathic Medicine
Horizon B
Horizon C
Dr. Justin R. Louder
Texas Tech University
Dr. Marcelo Schmidt
Texas Tech University
We s t T e x a s
Noon - 1 pm (Sunset Ballroom)
Russell Lowery-Hart, Ph.D.
Vice-President for
Academic Affairs
Amarillo College
A c t i o n s WIL L
Speak Louder
T h a n Wo r d s :
The Power (and Dilemma)
in Assessing the New Texas
Core Curriculum Objectives
Teddy Roosevelt stated that actions speak louder than words. His claim is a great
description of the Texas Core Curriculum Reformation – student actions will be much more
important to assessment of learning than our traditional approaches. The purpose of the
Texas State Core Curriculum reformation is to not only ensure students gain a foundation
of knowledge specific to the traditional disciplines of a liberal arts education, but gain skills
for the application of such knowledge. The focus of the new core curriculum debate has
primarily focused on the six new objectives (critical thinking skills, communication skills,
empirical and quantitative skills, teamwork, personal responsibility, and social responsibility)
and the courses in which these objectives must be demonstrated and assessed. The
proposed core curriculum reformation generally and appropriately leaves course content
requirements to the faculty and disciplines. However, the revolution of the core curriculum
reformation will be in the innovative, applied, and active teaching strategies that MUST
accompany any course used to fulfill these new objectives. Assessment and evaluation
must serve as the intersection between student learning and professor pedagogy.
Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart currently serves as Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Amarillo
College, after a lengthy stint as Associate Provost for Academic Affairs at West Texas A&M
University. With both positions, Dr. Lowery-Hart focused on improving general education requirements and first year student initiatives. He has created several institution-wide
initiatives targeting a common reader program, international travel programs for first year
students, curricular reform, instructional improvement, poverty, and partnership development across campus “silos.”
Dr. Lowery-Hart currently serves as the chair for the Executive Committee for the Amarillo
“No Limits/No Excuses” Partners for Postsecondary Success Gates grant. He is a P-16
Regional Advisor for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, where he also served
as the chair for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Undergraduate Education
Advisory Committee charged with evaluating and redesigning the state of Texas general
education requirements and assessments centered on LEAP initiative principles.
Jennifer Hughes, M.S.
He received his Ph.D. in Gender and Diversity in Communication
from Ohio
Director, Office
of Planning
& Assessment
1996. He received his MA in Communication Studies from Texas Tech in 1993, and his BS
in Speech from West Texas A&M University in 1991.
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Visit with Educational Consultant Matthew Kaylie at WTAC 2013 and see how
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and demonstrate data-driven decision making for program improvement.
ari Dickson, Ph.D.
ssistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
1 W. Harris St, 2nd Floor, La Grange, IL 60525
1 W. Harris St, 2nd Floor, La Grange, IL 60525
Session Information
Concurrent Sessions I (9:00 am - 9:50 am)
Horizon A
Building Accountability into the Strategic Plan
For some institutions a strategic plan is viewed as a document that must be available during an accreditation visit,
but is otherwise a dust collector on many bookshelves. In 2009, Midland College revised its assessment process to
link strategic initiatives with its instructional and non-instructional areas. While working through this linking process it
was discovered that different degrees of assessment occur at various levels of the organization. Capitalizing on this
knowledge allowed for a process that incorporated strategic planning objectives into annual assessment activities.
Ultimately a system of strategic planning accountability can be realized through ongoing campus activities.
Thomas Corll, Ph.D.
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning, Midland College
Dr. Corll has worked in post-secondary education for eleven years; he is a member in the Association for Institutional
Research (AIR) and Texas Association for Institutional Research (TAIR). Tom has served as Coordinator of
Institutional Research and is now working as a Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning. He has facilitated
numerous TAIR workshops, concurrent sessions, and served as a roundtable presenter. His education includes
a Bachelor degree in Business Administration; Master of Science in Human Resources; and PhD in Education
with a specialization in Training and Performance Improvement interventions. Tom is currently serving as the TAIR
Professional Development coordinator.
Horizon B
Panel Discussion: Program Accreditation
Assessment needs and requirements vary tremendously across disciplines, yet there remain many common issues
faced by faculty and staff. In this session, panelists will discuss program accreditation requirements for documenting
student learning and the strategies utilized by various disciplines in providing such evidence.
Thomas Starkey, Ph.D., LCSW
Social Work Program Director, Angelo State University
Timothy W. Hayes, M.A.M.
Senior Director for Leadership Initiatives, School of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Audra N. Morse, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Whitacre College of Engineering,Texas Tech University
Jason C.B. Rinaldo, Ph.D.
Director of Assessment, Rawls College of Business,Texas Tech University
Lori Rice-Spearman, Ph.D., MT(ASCP)
Associate Dean for Outcomes and Assessment and Professor, School of Allied Health Sciences,Texas Tech
University Health Sciences Center
Horizon C
Look! Our “Stuff” is Making an Impact: Using Meaningful Assessment
to Demonstrate the Effectiveness of Academic Support Programs
This session will present a case study summary example of the development of effective strategies for program
assessment in administrative student support areas, specifically academic advising, new student programs, and
learning assistance. It will describe transforming previously used ineffective methods into a useful program evaluation.
Michael Greer, M.S.
Director of Academic Success Center, Texas Wesleyan University
Ms. Greer holds a Master of Science in Psychology including courses in Program Evaluation and Techniques of
Appraisal and Assessment, and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. She has been responsible for program
assessment of the Academic Success Center for approximately four years, and has assisted in program assessment
of Career Services, New Student Programs, and the Developmental Program.
Amanda Novak, M.Ed.
Director of Advising & New Student Services, Texas Wesleyan University
Amanda Novak, Director of Advising & New Student Services, received her Master of Education in Higher &
Postsecondary Education, which included coursework in program development, student development theory, and
student retention and success. She is currently overhauling the assessment plans for Academic Advising and New
Student Programs.
Session Information
Concurrent Sessions II (10:00 am - 10:50 am)
Horizon A
Developmental Education Assessment and Placement Using
Multiple Measures
This session will show how the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) at Texas Tech University uses multiple measures to
assess student College Readiness and place students into developmental education as required by Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board Rule 51.3062. These measures include scores from the ACT, SAT, and TAKS as well
as non-cognitive factors derived from the LASSI and a personal interview. The presenter will discuss how the flagship
implementation of using multiple measures affected TSI staff’s ability to place students into a tailored developmental
sequence along with credit-bearing coursework and the potential impact this assessment will have on postsecondary
Emily Hammer, MBA
Assistant Director of Texas Success Initiative Developmental Education, Texas Tech University
Emily Ehrlich Hammer, Assistant Director of Texas Success Initiative Developmental Education at Texas Tech
University earned her Bachelor of Business Administration and Masters of Business Administration from the
Jerry S. Rawls College of Business Administration at Texas Tech University. She worked in business sales, retail
management, and finally settled into higher education. Currently, she is pursuing her Doctor of Philosophy in
Curriculum and Instruction from Texas Tech University where her research emphases are program effectiveness and
educational reform.
Horizon B
Panel Discussion: Five Most Commonly Cited SACSCOC Standards
Colleges and universities strive to demonstrate compliance with all accreditation requirements, but sometimes
peer reviewers are looking for a bit more clarification. Join us as we discuss five of the most commonly cited SACS
standards. Panelists will describe their understanding of the requirements, challenges in demonstrating compliance,
and strategies for success.
Leslie Collins, JD
Senior Director, Office of Institutional Planning and Assessment, Texas Tech University Health
Sciences Center
Rial Rolfe, Ph.D., MBA
Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs,Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Deana Savage, Ed.D.
Special Advisor to the President, Midland College
Barbara Petty, M.A.
Assistant VP Academic Affairs, West Texas A&M University
Horizon C
The Assessment Cyclone
This session offers a description of Northeast Lakeview College’s approach to assessment of student learning.
The process of initial accreditation started with Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) in place and with THECB Core
Objectives. The session will describe the College’s processes of developing Program Outcomes for each degree
offered and aligning the Program Outcomes, Core Objectives and SLOs to one another through matrices. Finally,
the presentation will offer examples of student assessment at the course level to prove mastery of SLOs, students’
mastery as documented in curriculum maps at completion of the core and at graduation, and methods of data
examination for improvement.
Angela Brazeal Hager, M.A.
Assistant to the President, Northeast Lakeview College
The presentation will be conducted by Angela Brazeal Hager, Northeast Lakeview College’s Assistant to the President.
She was initially hired at Northeast Lakeview College as an English Instructor. She served as Chair of the Curriculum
Committee for three years and as the SACS Accreditation Co-Chair for two years before taking her current position
where she is the SACSCOC Liaison and is responsible for institutional effectiveness at the College. Ms. Hager has a BA
and MA in English and a Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing from the University of Texas at San Antonio.
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Session Information
Concurrent Sessions III (11:00 am - 11:50 am)
Horizon A
Cross-Cultural Assessment in Education: Implications to Teaching
and Learning
This presentation provides an inside perspective of culturally diverse professionals of color from multiple disciplines
in the higher education fields of assessment, measurement, and testing in education based on qualitative study
interviews. The findings suggest factors such as bias in assessment tools, professional bias, and cultural bias within
disciplines may hinder valid and effective assessment outcomes. The presenter explores issues that facilitate or block
valid assessment when working with groups of color. A case study and strong recommendations for teaching and
learning will be provided.
Aretha Marbley, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Community Counseling in Counselor Education, Texas Tech University
Dr. Aretha Faye Marbley is a Professor and Director of Community Counseling in Counselor Education at Texas Tech
University. She received her doctorate in Counselor Education and Supervision from the University of Arkansas. She
is a critical social justice womanist activist scholar, storyteller, educator, and servant with a research focus on global
multicultural-social justice counseling and education; womanist activism; human, social, and cultural rights; and
oppressive social institutions. This includes the stories and counter narratives of silenced voices, specifically, those
of women, people of color, and communities of color in oppressive social structures (e.g., academia, athletics, mental
health, health, criminal justice).
Shih-Han Huang, M.Ed.
Doctoral Student and Research Assistant in Counselor Education, Texas Tech University
Dr. Jiaqi Li, Ph.D.
Research Assistant in Counselor Education, Texas Tech University
Rebecca Opamen, M.S.
Doctoral Student and Academic Case Manager ELPN, Texas Tech University
Huda Sarraj, M.Ed.
Doctoral Student and Research Assistant in Education Psychology, Texas Tech University
Horizon B
Panel Discussion: Quality Enhancement Plan
The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) aims to describe a specific course of action for enhancing student learning
across a college or university. In this session, panelists will describe current and/or past QEP’s at their institutions.
Emphasis will be placed on topic selection, implementation, and assessment of desired outcomes.
Jennifer S. Hughes, M.S.
Director, Office of Planning and Assessment, Texas Tech University
Doyle D. Carter, Ed.D.
Professor of Kinesiology and Director of Community Engagement, Angelo State University
Phyllis Bolin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Director of Pursuit QEP, Abilene Christian University
Rex Peebles, Ph.D.
Vice President of Instruction, Midland College
Paul A. Illich, Ph.D.
SACS Liaison & Vice President for Research and Planning, McLennan Community College
Horizon C
Improving Nursing Student Learning Outcomes and Online Programmatic
Effectiveness with New Technologies
The session will show one online nursing school’s journey of using exam data to better assess student learning and
drive curriculum improvement. TSTC–West Texas ADN Nursing Program started in 2008, and grew to include three
campuses. However, program graduates were not performing well on the NCLEX, and in October 2011, the program
was placed on conditional status by the Texas Board of Nursing. The school took steps to improve these scores by
implementing a computer-based testing (CBT) and analytics platform, and in October 2012, the conditional status was
removed based on the school’s 100% NCLEX pass rate.
Shawntay Sparks-Hubbard, RN, BSN, MSN, MHA
Program Chair of ADN Program, TSTC-West Texas
Shawntay Sparks-Hubbard, RN, BSN, MSN, MHA has over ten years working in health care arena including sales/
marketing, technology, clinical environment, and education. For the past three years, she has served as Program
Chair, at TSTC-West Texas ADN Program, and has worked to promote online nursing education, improve program
development, and drive creative curriculum development in an online forum. She graduated from Tarleton State
University with her Bachelors of Science in Nursing and then completed a Master of Science in Nursing/Master of
Health Administration from the University of Phoenix. Shawntay has a passion for the role of rural nurses and their
importance in small communities.
Session Information
Concurrent Sessions IV (1:10 pm - 2:00 pm)
Horizon A
Strategic Planning and Constructive Evolution: It’s All About The Mission!
Too often, strategic planning is simply an exercise to develop a strategic plan. After the fireworks and excitement fade,
our daily jobs continue, perhaps with a renewed focus on assessing our new goals in light of the magical new document.
This continues mechanically until the next strategic planning cycle where we wash, rinse, and repeat. This is a tragic,
unimaginative, and ineffective approach to management and institutional operation. This fun and humorous session
reframes and humanizes strategic planning and pauses to ask why we do what we are doing in the first place.
John Delony, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean for Student Life, Texas Tech University School of Law
Dr. John Delony is the Assistant Dean for Student Life at the Texas Tech University School of Law. He has served
as an administrator at three different institutions and has presented nationally on a wide-range of higher education
topics. He has a Ph.D. and M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration from Texas Tech University. He is married to
Dr. Sheila Delony, Assistant Professor of Education at Abilene Christian University.
Horizon B
Best Practices for Designing and Assessing Online Discussion Questions
Asynchronous discussion provides a unique and effective vehicle for learning in the online classroom. Online
discussion can provide students with a venue to express ideas, critically analyze information, apply course concepts,
interact with classmates and faculty, construct or co-construct knowledge and reflect on attitudes or values (Kerstein,
Pollock, Wilson, 2012). However, it is challenging to create discussion questions that foster critical thinking and
robust interaction. It is additionally challenging to assess different aspects of online discussion and provide students
with meaningful qualitative and quantitative feedback (Marra, Moore, & Klimczak, 2004). This workshop will provide
strategies and tips for meeting these challenges.
Andrea McCourt, Ph.D.
Program Director for Human Resource Development, Texas Tech University
Dr. Andrea McCourt is the Program Director for the Human Resource Development academic program at Texas
Tech University. Dr. McCourt has been teaching for over 15 years and has spent several of those years focusing
on the assessment of student learning. Dr. McCourt holds a PhD in Human Development and Family Studies, a
MEd in Higher Education from Texas Tech University, and a BS in Elementary Education from Eastern New Mexico
University. Dr. McCourt’s research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning and adult education.
Jillian Yarbrough, Ph.D.
Instructor of University Studies, Texas Tech University
Dr. Jillian Yarbrough has been active in higher education for 15 years. Through her career her work has focused on
the development and analysis of adult education sessions and training programs. Dr. Yarbrough holds PhD and MS
degrees in Educational Human Resource Development from Texas A&M University and a BS in Education from Texas
Christian University. She currently teaches in the Department of University Studies at Texas Tech University and her
current research interests include adult education, corporate training and employee/goal alignment.
Marcus Tanner, Ph.D.
Program Director of Integrative Studies, Texas Tech University
Dr. Marcus Tanner is the Program Director for Integrative Studies at Texas Tech University. Both his education and
life experiences are interdisciplinary. Before working in higher education, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Church
Ministries and spent 13 years in full-time pastoral ministry. He earned a Master’s degree in Education and an
interdisciplinary doctoral degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University. His research
interests include the interaction of ministry work and family, work and health concerns, and program assessment.
Horizon C
Assessing Transfer Student Experiences with Campus Services:
An Alternative Approach
Much research confirms campus services are vital to student learning, and students have much to say about various
aspects of these services. However, assessing student experiences does not come without a substantial sticker
price. More importantly, the results obtained from commercially-produced instruments prove problematic for smaller
institutions to drill down to specifics needed for administrators to make improvements to the services they offer
to students. This presentation will focus on key aspects of the process that were designed and implemented for
engaging students in meaningful dialogues about their experiences with campus services.
Robert Elliott, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Aviation Science, Eastern New Mexico University
Robert Elliott is Assistant Professor of Aviation Science and Coordinator of Student Learning. He received his Ph.D. in
Higher Education Administration from Texas Tech University in 2009. His research interests include factors affecting
student persistence and retention, and the assessment of student learning in higher education.
Suzanne Balch-Lindsay, Ph.D.
Department Chair of History, Social Sciences and Religion, Eastern New Mexico University
Dr. Balch-Lindsay serves as chair of the Department of History, Social Sciences and Religion. She has been an
active participant in ENMU assessment of academic and student support services and is the past director of the
University’s Advising Center, a member of the Self-Study Committee for HLC, and currently serves as coordinator of
departmental assessment.
D. Veena Parboteeah, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems, MBA Coordinator, Eastern New Mexico University
D. Veena Parboteeah is an Associate Professor of Information Systems, as well as the MBA coordinator and the
College of Business Chair for Student Performance, at Eastern New Mexico University. She received her Ph.D.
from Washington State University in 2005. Her research focuses on the design of human-computer interface, online
learning and assessment of academic and student support services.
Session Information
Concurrent Sessions V (2:10 pm - 3:00 pm)
Horizon A
Assessing Student Learning Efficiency with PASL
The Program Assessment of Student Learning (PASL) is an assessment and evaluation reporting tool. The PASL measures
13 characteristics related to sound assessment/evaluation practice, in addition to employing the Outcome-AssessmentResults-Decisions reporting structure. These characteristics, each represented by a rubric factor, are categorized into three
areas of progressive development: Faculty Involvement in Program Assessment, Assessment/Evaluation Design and Data
Management, and Continuous Improvement through Inquiry-Based Decision Making. Data collected over the past eight
years will be shared. Connections to faculty development and accreditation will be presented and discussed.
Anthony Ambrosio, Ph.D.
Educational Consultant
Dr. Anthony Ambrosio has served as a Director of Assessment and Teaching Enhancement at the college and
institution-wide levels. He received his Ph.D. in educational psychology and his M.A., with an emphasis in
Neuropsychology, from the University of Northern Colorado. He has served as an assessment/evaluation consultant
for several states and universities throughout the country.
Yun Liu, M.S.
Doctoral Student and Research Assistant of Applied Technology & Performance Improvement, University of North Texas
Yun Lauren Liu holds an M.S. in Instructional Design & Technology, and a B.A. in Communication & Journalism. She served
two years as a Testing Coordinator in the Assessment and Teaching Enhancement Center at Emporia State University. Her
research interests include the professional use of social media and the assessment of student learning in higher education.
Horizon B
Panel Discussion: Distance Education
Distance education offers unique opportunities and challenges in today’s colleges and universities. In this session,
panelists will discuss the implementation, ongoing support, and assessment of online courses and degree programs.
Emphasis will be placed on best practices for assessing student learning. Gain valuable insights from your
colleagues, and be prepared to share your experiences as well!
Rebecca Muzquiz-Schkade
Blackboard Certified Trainer, Learning Technology Support Analyst, e-Learning Center, Angelo State University
Alaric A. Williams, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Angelo State University
Paula Wallace
Distance Learning Instructional Designer, Training & Outreach, New Mexico Junior College
Patricia A. Simpson, Ph.D., RN, ANP-BC
Assistant Professor of Nursing, Angelo State University
Jonathan Ulmer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Education and Communications, Texas Tech University
Horizon C
The Next QEP: How Texas Tech is Developing its Second Quality
Enhancement Plan
According to SACSCOC, The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) describes a course of action for enhancing educational
quality. Specifically, SACSCOC calls for an institution to develop an acceptable QEP that focuses on learning outcomes
and/or the environment supporting student learning. Further, when developing a QEP, an institution should be mindful
of identifying goals and having a clear plan on how to assess their achievement. Texas Tech University (TTU) is in a
unique position as one of the first institutions working on the development of the second QEP. This session looks at how
the QEP topic selection process changed from Tech’s first QEP to the second QEP, the data collection and analysis
utilized during topic selection, and an overview of the current status of the second QEP at TTU.
Justin R. Louder, Ed.D.
Assistant Vice Provost, eLearning, Director, TTU Ethics Center/QEP, Texas Tech University
Dr. Justin R. Louder is the Assistant Vice Provost for the Texas Tech University Ethics Center. He came to Texas Tech
in 2010 from Angelo State University where he had worked since 2005. Justin earned a B.A. in Communication and
Psychology from Angelo State University, a M.A. in Communication from Angelo State University, and his Ed.D. in
Instructional Technology with a minor in Higher Education Administration from Texas Tech University. An accomplished
grant writer, Justin has secured funding for programs and scholarships at Angelo State University and is working with
a diverse group of scholars at Texas Tech to secure external funding for the TTU Ethics Center.
Marcelo Schmidt, Ph.D.
Senior Administrator, Institutional Assessment, Texas Tech University
Dr. Marcelo Schmidt works in the Office of Planning and Assessment as Senior Administrator for Institutional Assessment at
Texas Tech University. His primary responsibilities include administering university level assessment, analysis, and reporting.
He also provides support and consulting for college and department level assessment. Marcelo holds a B.S. and a M.Ed. in
Kinesiology from the University of Texas - Pan American and a Doctorate in Educational Psychology from Texas Tech University.
Session Information
Concurrent Sessions VI (3:10 pm - 4:00 pm)
Horizon A
Meeting the Continuing Challenge of Quantifying Academic SuccessAre We There Yet?
Academicians are challenged on many levels of practice in their respective colleges; they are encouraged to
contribute to their campus communities through excellence in teaching, research and service. Meeting these criteria
also leads to a demand that the accomplishments transfer into publications and generalizable knowledge within their
respective areas. Measuring the success of curricular improvements, academic programs and services requires
continuing assessment and evaluation-learn about what one innovative program has done to meet this challenge.
Sandra Marquez-Hall, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Director, Reynolds Geriatric Education & Training in Texas (GET-IT) Program UNTHSC-Texas
College of Osteopathic Medicine
Dr. Sandra Marquez-Hall holds a Bachelor’s Degree in American Studies and a Master’s in Education from California
State Universities. She earned a PhD in Family & Consumer Sciences Education from Texas Tech University. She has
20+ years of experience in teaching and academic administration in higher education. Dr. Hall established the first
assessment and planning office at Texas Tech and has extensive experience in strategic planning, assessment and
student life research. Prior to joining UNTHSC she served as department chair and academic services director at the
Art Institute of Dallas where she focused on coordination of curriculum, faculty development, academic and student
support services. She has received awards for her leadership and service from professional associations at the state
and national level.
Horizon B
Panel Discussion: Core Curriculum Education
Are you ready? The new Texas Core Curriculum goes into effect in Fall 2014! In this session, panelists will discuss
how their institutions plan to assess the six Core Objectives: critical thinking, communication, empirical/quantitative
skills, teamwork, social responsibility, and personal responsibility. Panelists will describe their assessment methods,
criteria for success, and plans for using the results to improve student learning.
Nancy W. Shankle-Jordan, Ph.D.
Assistant Provost for General Education, Abilene Christian University
Stephen D. Emmons, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Music, Coordinator of Academic Assessment, Angelo State University
Gary S. Elbow, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Professor of Geography and Honors Studies, Texas Tech University
Russell Lowery-Hart, Ph.D.
Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Amarillo College
Horizon C
Accreditation and Educational Reform: A Transformation Initiative
The College of Education has been involved in teacher education reform for the past two years. The National Council
for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) began promoting a Transformational Initiative (TI) option for
universities conducting research on educator preparation programs. The TI option encourages universities to pursue
reform efforts, document results, and inform the field while engaging in an accreditation process. The TTU College of
Education is one of 28 universities following the TI option. In this presentation the presenters will discuss the ways in
which we are combining accreditation and educational reform.
Peggy Johnson, Ph.D.
Vice Dean, College of Education, Texas Tech University
Peggy Johnson is the Vice Dean in the College of Education at Texas Tech University. She has been a faculty
member in the College for 20 years and an administrator for 14 years. Her research interests include language and
literacy education and teacher education. She has participated in accreditation activities with the National Council
for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and the Middle States
Association of Colleges and Schools.
Larry Hovey, Ph.D.
Coordinator of Accreditation and Assessment in the College of Education, Texas Tech University
Larry Hovey is the Coordinator of Accreditation and Assessment in the College of Education. He joined the college in
1970, retired in 2001, and remains ever since in a “part-time” capacity. This past August, at the college’s fall faculty
convocation, Hovey was recognized with the prestigious, “What, You’ve been retired for 12 Years and are Still Here
Award.” West Texans like rodeos, and Hovey has participated in the NCATE national accreditation rodeo on several
occasions. However, this will be his last one, as he plans to retire-retire at the conclusion of this NCATE review.
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