October 21, 2015 McNease Convention Center San Angelo, Texas


October 21, 2015

McNease Convention Center

San Angelo, Texas


Dear WTAC Attendees,

We’re thrilled that you’re joining us in San Angelo for this year’s West

Texas Assessment Conference! Thank you again for your willingness to share your assessment stories with us.

This is our fourth annual conference, and we hope that you’ll continue to make WTAC an annual event. Your commitment to attending this conference helps us strengthen our connections to other assessment professionals within West Texas and beyond. This year’s conference has been organized by Texas Tech University, Angelo State University, and

South Plains College.

After the conference ends, please look for a survey link in your email inbox that asks you to evaluate this year’s conference facilities, food, and program offerings. We value your feedback.

On behalf of the 2015 WTAC Planning Committee, thank you for coming!


The WTAC Planning Committee

Crystal Braden Shanna Donica Jennifer S. Hughes

June Moore Katie Randolph Craig Morton




Planning Committee Members

Crystal M. Braden

Director , SACSCOC Liaison

Office of Accountability

Angelo State University

Shanna Donica

Director of Institutional Effectiveness

& Assessment

South Plains College

Jennifer S. Hughes

Director, Office of Planning and Assessment

Texas Tech University

June Moore

Accountability & Engagement Coordinator

Community Engagement

Angelo State University

Craig Morton

Associate Director,

Office of Planning and Assessment

Texas Tech University

Katie Randolph

Senior Administrator,

Office of Planning and Assessment

Texas Tech University


Dr. Rex C. Peebles

“Strategic Planning,

Strategic Thinking, and Assessment.”

Dr. Rex C. Peebles

Assistant Commissioner for Academic

Quality and Workforce Division,

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Dr. Peebles has 30 years of experience in higher education, including positions as instructor, professor, department head, dean, and vice president of instruction. He currently serves as the Assistant Commissioner for Academic Quality and Workforce at the Texas Higher Education

Coordinating Board. In 2010, he received the Ray Williams Outstanding

Leadership Award from the Texas

Community College Instructional

Administrators (TCCIA). He has a

Bachelor’s in Political Science from

The UT-Dallas, a Master’s in Political

Science from The UT-Arlington, and a

Ph.D. in Government from UT-Austin.

He has co-authored a Texas state and local government textbook and authored The Theoria and Praxis of

Obligations to Future Generations.



8:00 am -

9:00 am


Registration – McNease Convention Center

Breakfast – Black Sheep Grill, Clarion Hotel

1C 1A Panels


Session I

9:00 am -

9:50 am

Engagement and

Reflection for Learning and


Dr. Doyle Carter

Angelo State University

Dr. Christine Purkiss

Angelo State University

Available for Networking


10:00 am -

10:50 am


A Simple Framework for

Non-Academic Assessment

Mr. Edward Hummingbird

Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute

Panel Discussion:

Best Practices in Assessment

Ms. Shanna Donica - Moderator

South Plains College


Ms. Jean Downs

Del Mar College

Dr. Nancy Kucinski

Hardin-Simmons University

Mr. Yancy Nunez

South Plains College

Dr. Mark Charney

Texas Tech University

Session III

11:00 am -

11:50 am

Common Public Data


Ms. Shanna Donica

South Plains College

Mr. Ryan Fitzgerald

South Plains College

Panel Discussion:

Student Affairs Assessment

Dr. Craig Morton - Moderator

Texas Tech University


Ms. Margret G. Duran

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Ms. Tamara Krauser

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Ms. Lola Hernandez

South Plains College

Ms. Kara Larkan-Skinner

Our Lady of the Lake University

Ms. Logan Winkelman

Texas Tech University


We’re not in Kansas:Managing the

Data Cyclone to Predict and Increase

Performance on Licensing Exams

Ms. Christy Bennink

Texas Tech Health Sciences Center School of


Faculty Credentialing

Ms. Elaina Cantrell Robinson

Texas Tech University


The SPE: A birds-eye view of Maintaining a Systematic

Plan of Evaluation

Dr. Jackie Brown

Angelo State University

Dr. Dinah Harriger

Angelo State University

Assessing Distance Learners at Texas Tech University

Dr. Justin R. Louder

Texas Tech University

Dr. Craig Morton

Texas Tech University

Ms. Jennifer S. Hughes

Texas Tech University

Umbrellas and Accreditation

Dr. Wrennah L. Gabbert

Angelo State University

Assessing the Core Using

Signature Assignments &

Locally Developed Rubrics

Dr. Larry J. King

Stephen F. Austin State University

Dr. Rachel Jumper

Stephen F. Austin State University

Ms. Jennifer Stringfield

Stephen F. Austin State University




12:00 pm -

1:00 pm


1C 1A Panels

Lunch and Keynote: Dr. Rex C. Peebles – Main Meeting Room

Session IV

1:10 pm -

2:00 pm

Assessing the Creative:

How Best to Measure the

Process of Performance

Dr. Marcelo Schmidt

Texas Tech University

Dr. Mark Charney

Texas Tech University

Panel Discussion:


Ms. Jennifer S. Hughes – Moderator

Texas Tech University


Ms. Crystal Braden

Angelo State University

Dr. Darryl James

Texas Tech University

Dr. Robin Satterwhite

South Plains College

Session V

2:10 pm -

3:00 pm

From West Texas to West

Africa: Building Capacity of Middle-Level Tertiary

Institutions in Nigeria

Dr. Matt Baker

Texas Tech University

Panel Discussion:

Administrative Support


Ms. Crystal Braden – Moderator

Angelo State University


Dr. Tom Milholland

Abilene Christian University

Mr. Randy Sellers

Lubbock Christian University

Ms. Cindy Smith

Howard College

Session VI

3:10 pm -

4:00 pm

Introducing the LEAP- Texas

Faculty Collaboratives

Project: An Invitation to


Dr. Catherine Parsoneault

University of Texas at Dallas

Dr. Doyle Carter

Angelo State University

Available for Networking


The Hard Way or The Easy Way

-- Core Outcomes Assessment

Dr. Glenn James

University of the Incarnate Word

Data Driven Decision-Making:

Institutional Effectiveness

Dr. Katherine Austin-Beltz

Texas Tech University

Ms. Jennifer S. Hughes

Texas Tech University


Available for Networking

Available for Networking

Powerful Partnerships: Building a

Supportive Climate of Teaching,

Learning and Research through

Academic and Student Affairs


Ms. Lauren Sullivan

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Dr. Karla Chapman

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Assessing an Experiential

Learning Experience

Dr. Donna Gee

Angelo State University

Dr. Charlene Bustos

Angelo State University




Registration – McNease Convention Center 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Breakfast – Black Sheep Grill, Clarion Hotel 8:00 am - 9:00 am

CONCURRENT SESSIONS I 9:00 am - 9:50 am




Engagement and Reflection for Learning and Assessment

Dr. Doyle Carter

Angelo State University

Dr. Christine Purkiss

Angelo State University

Active learning strategies such as communitybased learning and other forms of engagement are becoming more popular in higher education.

The strategies employed to assess learning in these environments are somewhat different from those used in more traditional learning environments. One such strategy is to assign and assess student reflection papers.

The presenters will share principles and best practices associated with the action-reflection model, communicating expectations for learning, and writing good reflective prompts.

We’re not in Kansas: Managing the Data Cyclone to Predict and Increase Performance on Licensing Exams

Ms. Christy Bennink

Texas Tech Health Sciences Center

School of Nursing

Whether a program concludes with the NCLEX,

USMLE-1, MBE, CPA, or any other licensing or certification examination, the same question echoes in the minds of administrators and faculty: how do we identify which students will pass, and what can our program do to improve the pass rate? The TTUHSC School of Nursing

Second Degree Program, driven by a goal of

95% pass rate on the National Council Licensure

Examination for RN’s, set forth to improve the overall educational program using data from a variety of sources.


The SPE: A birds-eye view of Maintaining a Systematic Plan of


Dr. Jackie Brown

Angelo State University

Dr. Dinah Harriger

Angelo State University

A Systematic Plan of Evaluation (SPE) provides a comprehensive framework for education programs to track and trend data required by their accrediting bodies (like NLNAC and CCNE in the nursing field). Although maintaining a quality SPE is essential for meeting accreditation standards, the process itself proves cumbersome given the quantity of data involved, amount of time spent updating the SPE, and the number of individuals involved in the process. This presentation will outline the problems, pitfalls and lessons learned while preparing for two successful accreditation site visits in the same year.



CONCURRENT SESSIONS II 10:00 am - 10:50 am

A Simple Framework for Non-Academic Assessment

Mr. Edward Hummingbird

Southwestern Indian Polytechnic


This session will present a simplified framework for institutions to conduct assessment of administrative departments and student services.

The framework recognizes the difference between assessment of student learning and administrative process, and presents a framework that facilitates continuous improvement of processes to improve the environment for student success.




Panel Discussion: Best Practices in Assessment


Ms. Shanna Donica

South Plains College


Ms. Jean Downs

Del Mar College

Dr. Nancy Kucinski

Hardin-Simmons University

Mr. Yancy Nunez

South Plains College

Dr. Mark Charney

Texas Tech University

This panel will offer faculty and administrator perspectives on “best practices” in assessment.

Panelists will share their own assessment adventures and journeys, with an emphasis on what assessment techniques actually work.

Faculty Credentialing

Ms. Elaina Cantrell Robinson

Texas Tech University

Faculty and instructor credentialing is a critical component during accreditation and reaffirmation reviews and many institutions have developed a

“panic and forget it” strategy when dealing with compliance in the area of faculty competence

(CS 3.7.1). Session will show the value in making faculty credentialing a part of the process and not something to panic about every 10 years.

Also, how to capture departments and/or colleges interest in keeping faculty credential information current. Discussion will include developing an inhouse faculty credentialing system contrasted with purchasing a system.

Assessing Distance Learners at Texas Tech University

Dr. Justin R. Louder

Texas Tech University

Ms. Jennifer S. Hughes

Texas Tech University

Dr. Craig Morton

Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University has designed a comprehensive distance learning assessment plan that was implemented this Fall 2015. The plan was developed collaboratively among two key offices at Texas Tech, and the plan will provide assessment data for the University’s Fifth Year

Interim Report. This session will present how Texas

Tech is using locally developed assessments and commercial assessments to provide evidence of student learning gains. At the end of the session, attendees will be asked to participate in a discussion about how their respective institutions are assessing distance learners.




CONCURRENT SESSIONS III 11:00 pm - 11:50 pm




Common Public Data Sources

Ms. Shanna Donica

South Plains College

Mr. Ryan Fitzgerald

South Plains College

Data is becoming an increasingly important tool to be used in assessment at the institutional level. Making data driven decisions enhances an institution’s ability to remain competitive in an ever changing higher education environment. There are some common resources made available through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating

Board (THECB) and National Center for Educational

Statistics (NCES) that allow the public to access data reported by institutions. This information can be used by Colleges and Universities for institutional assessments, internal benchmarking and peer group benchmarking.

Panel Discussion: Student Affairs Assessment

Moderator: Ms. Lola Hernandez

South Plains College Dr. Craig Morton

Texas Tech University


Ms. Margret G. Duran

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Ms. Tamara Krauser

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Ms. Kara Larkan-Skinner

Our Lady of the Lake University

Ms. Logan Winkelman

Texas Tech University

The Student Affairs panel will discuss current trends in student affairs assessment. This panel will discuss challenges unique to student affairs assessment, and how these challenges may present difficulties with demonstrating evidence of continuous improvement. Panel #2 will conclude with a discussion of Title IX requirements.


Umbrellas and Accreditation

Dr. Wrennah L. Gabbert

Angelo State University

The words “accreditation, assessment and upcoming site visit” can start the “wheels “of stress and anxiety turning for most academic faculty, staff and leadership team members.

When an academic Department is faced with two accreditation site visits in one academic year the anxiety level can rise to threat level RED! The good news is you and your department can not only survive but thrive! Through the recognition and application of essential behaviors and processes the “deep waters” of the accreditation site visit can be navigated. Successful outcomes and recognition of educational excellence

(accreditation status) can be achieved.


Assessing the Core Using Signature Assignments & Locally

Developed Rubrics

Dr. Larry J. King

Stephen F. Austin State University

Dr. Rachel Jumper

Stephen F. Austin State University

Ms. Jennifer Stringfield

Stephen F. Austin State University

This panel will provide an overview of one university’s core curriculum assessment plan. The presentation will cover how Stephen F. Austin State

University has used LiveText to collect and assess signature assignments using locally developed university rubrics. After attending this session, attendees will be able to explain how local rubrics can be developed for use in core assessment and explain how signature assignments can be used in core assessment.

Lunch and Keynote: Dr. Rex C. Peebles – Main Meeting Room 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

CONCURRENT SESSIONS IV 1:10 am - 2:00 am



Assessing the Creative: How Best to Measure the Process of


Dr. Marcelo Schmidt

Texas Tech University

Dr. Mark Charney

Texas Tech University

Creative expression is a core value and required learning of visual and performing arts programs.

While most programs are effective at building environments that nurture creativity, they find it difficult to measure creativity as a student learning outcome. In this session we describe the planning and implementation of assessment of creative expression of students enrolled in a theatre performance lab hosted by the Department of

Theatre and Dance at Texas Tech University.


Panel Discussion: SACSCOC Liaison


Ms. Jennifer S. Hughes

Texas Tech University

Dr. Darryl James

Texas Tech University

Dr. Robin Satterwhite

South Plains College Panelists:

Ms. Crystal Braden

Angelo State University

This panel offers a conversation with three

West Texas SACSCOC accreditation liaisons. Dr.

Darryl James (Texas Tech University), Dr. Robin

Satterwhite (South Plains College), and Ms. Crystal

Braden (Angelo State University) will discuss recent SACSCOC policies on student achievement, and how this affects their respective institutions.

This panel will also focus on each institution’s current QEP status.





The Hard Way or The Easy Way -- Core Outcomes


Dr. Glenn James

University of the Incarnate Word

Dr. Catherine Wehlburg (TCU) offers terrific workshops on how to apply core-learning rubrics to assignments that were not “designed to” those rubrics. This talk will share the successful application of Wehlburg’s approach, with minicase-study samples of UIW’s evolution from a

5-year writing assessment (“results not typical”) to a 2-year Global & Historical outcome, to this year’s

2-month (!) Aesthetic Engagement assessment.

Come learn how to do it the easy way!



CONCURRENT SESSIONS V 2:10 pm - 3:00 pm

From West Texas to West Africa: Building Capacity of Middle-

Level Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria

Dr. Matt Baker

Texas Tech University

The author will share his experience in working as a volunteer for Winrock, International on a

USAID-funded program at the Federal Polytechnic in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. Baker used a mixed-methods approach in proposing a five-year plan of work and related logic model for Federal Polytechnic’s

Center for Entrepreneurship Development and

Vocational Studies (CEDVS). CEDVS delivers a core academic program in Entrepreneurship

Education for students in the National Diploma and

Higher National Diploma programs. The author will also share how participants can become involved in similar USAID initiatives across the goal by volunteering their time with selected nongovernmental organizations.


Panel Discussion: Administrative Support Services


Ms. Crystal Braden

Angelo State University


Dr. Tom Milholland

Abilene Christian University

Mr. Randy Sellers

Lubbock Christian University

Ms. Cindy Smith

Howard College

This panel discusses how administrative support services are increasingly important to achieving compliance with CS Panelists will share their insights into their experiences with achieving compliance on this important IE standard.

Panelists will also offer their creative solutions for working with this employee group at their respective institutions.



Data Driven Decision-Making: Institutional Effectiveness

Dr. Katherine Austin-Beltz

Texas Tech University

Ms. Jennifer S. Hughes

Texas Tech University

Presenters will discuss the infrastructure and tools supporting institutional effectiveness analytics.



CONCURRENT SESSIONS VI 3:10 pm - 4:00 pm

Introducing the LEAP-Texas Faculty Collaboratives Project: An

Invitation to Innovation!

Dr. Catherine Parsoneault

University of Texas at Dallas

Dr. Doyle Carter

Angelo State University

Texas is one of five states participating in Phase

One of AAC&U’s Faculty Collaboratives Project

, engaging educators in adapting and applying educational tools developed by AAC&U, Lumina, and other groups, including the LEAP learning outcomes, VALUE rubrics, General Education

Maps and Markers (GEMs), Tuning projects, and the Degree Qualifications Profile. Five LEAP-Texas

Faculty Fellows will engage with educators across

Texas and the other states, convening creative conversations and creating a library of examples and practices that can be widely shared through an interactive Innovation Hub. The Fellows form the spokes to connect this Hub to faculty throughout the state.

Powerful Partnerships: Building a Supportive Climate of

Teaching, Learning and Research through Academic and

Student Affairs Partnerships

Ms. Lauren Sullivan

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Dr. Karla Chapman

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

The American College Personnel Association’s

(1996) Student Learning Imperative emphasizes the role of student success on institutional improvement. If student learning outcomes, enrollment numbers and graduation rates are a measurement of quality education, then faculty and student affairs professionals must work together to ensure student success. In 2012, an initiative was launched to build a collaborative partnership between undergraduate faculty members and student affairs professionals. Over the past three years, this partnership has guided a

School of Nursing into a collaborative relationship with the haring of language and responsibility, improving institutional effectiveness as well as enhancing student learning and success.


Assessing an Experiential Learning Experience

Dr. Donna Gee

Angelo State University

Dr. Charlene Bustos

Angelo State University

This session provides information of the evaluation criteria and measures used to assess university students’ experiential learning experience through a study abroad program. Information regarding the learning goals, assignment, criteria, and assessment instrument will be provided.













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McNease Convention


500 Rio Concho Dr

San Angelo, TX 76903


How Well Do You

Use Data to Reach

Your Aspirations?


McNease Convention Center Map


Room 2A




Room 2B

2 nd Floor Plan

Entrance from South

Side Parking Lot

Walkway from Clarion Hotel

Main Meeting Room

(Lunch & Keynote)


Room 1C




Room 1A

Entrance From North

Side Parking Lot

Registration / Bathrooms

1 st Floor Plan

improvement in action
