2004 National Nursing Home Survey National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS) z Component of the National Health Care Survey (NHCS) z Nationally representative sample survey of nursing homes z Collects information Annual AcademyHealth Research Meeting Robin E. Remsburg, APRN, BC Long-term Care Statistics Branch Division of Health Care Statistics National Center for Health Statistics Providers Recipients of care z Conducted 7 times since 1973 (1973-74, 1977, 1985, 1995, 1997, 1999 and 2004) 2004 Redesign Process 1. Reviewed documents from expert meetings Future Directions for Residential LTC Health Services Research (October 1999) Future Directions for Community-based LTC Health Services Research (June 2000) Institute of Medicine Report from the Committee on Improving Quality in LTC (2001). Process 3. Identify data gaps -1999 National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS) -1997 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) -CMS’ Minimum Data Set (MDS) -CMS’ Online Survey Certification and Reporting Survey (OSCAR) -1996 Medical Expenditures Survey Nursing Home Component (MEPS NHC) -1999 National Long-term Care Survey -National Longitudinal Study of Aging 2. Policy and Practice questions Characteristics of nursing homes residents Care and services provided by nursing homes Cost/reimbursement Quality/outcomes Conceptual Model Structure -Key Personnel -Advance practice RNs -Turnover -Benefits CDC 1 Process -Immunization practices -Mechanical Lifts -Permanent assignments -Palliative care Outcomes -ED/hospitalizations -Pressure sores -Falls -Medications (cont.) Features of the NNHS Redesign z Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) z New sample design z New content z Linkage to CMS’ Minimum Data Set Expanded clinical content Care episodes z Expanded sample z National Nursing Assistant Survey (NNAS) 1 Content: Facility Content: Facility Administrators, Medical Directors, & Directors of Nursing Preparation Years of experience Tenure at the facility Specialty certification •Accreditation •Medical services •Electronic/computerized information systems •Recreation activities •Dining practices •Mechanical lifts •Immunization policies & practices •End-of-life practices (POLST, Last Acts) •Special care programs (e.g., wound, dementia) Nursing Staff FTEs RN mix Specialty certification New roles----MDS nurses, case managers, QI, infection control personnel APNs Entry-level wages Recruitment/retention strategies Benefits Collective bargaining arrangements Staff turnover and stability Content: Resident-New Content: Resident-MDS Advance directives skills Cognitive Mood Behavioral ADLs z z z z z z z z z symptoms Continence Accidents Weight change therapy Pressure ulcers Restraints Nutritional 2004 NNHS z National probability sample survey z z 2-stage stratified sample design Nursing homes (facilities) Residents, NAs z Licensed or certified; 3 or more beds Data were collected through onsite interviews with knowledgeable facility staff who refer to medical and facility records z Results are weighted to create national estimates z 1,500 facilities sampled; 1,174 participated z 82% facility response rate z Participation is voluntary z Confidentiality protected by Section 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act CDC 1 Admission to a specialty unit (e.g., Alzheimer’s, hospice) Receiving specialty services (e.g., Alzheimer’s, hospice) Hospitalizations ED visits Pain assessment, management, relief Medications Recent drug adverse experiences End-of-life care Out of pocket charges National Nurse Assistant Survey (NNAS) Reduces NNAS costs by utilizing a subsample of an existing sample frame and data collection methodology Enhances response rates and reduces burden Increases the analytical usefulness of NNAS and NNHS 2 Plans for Dissemination z Data products Public use data files Reports, journal articles z Access data products Downloadable from the Internet Data files on CD-ROMS Research Data Center NCHS Office of Information Services Telephone: 866-441-6247 (NCHS) Fax: 301-458-4027 Email: nchsquery@cdc.gov z To learn more-- One way Listserv www.cdc.gov/nchs/nnhs.htm LTCSB 301-458-4747 CDC 1 3