Objectives Demand Driven Research: The HIV Research Network Focus on health services delivery to persons with HIV infection Key issues concern: Kelly A. Gebo MD MPH for the HIV Research Network June 8, 2004 HCSUS HIV Costs and Services Utilization Study Preceded HIVRN Collected data in 1996 - 1998 Obtained nationally representative sample of 2,864 HIV+ patients in care Probability sample permits strong inferences to national population Unique data on utilization, clinical symptoms, outcomes in HIV patients HIV Research Network (HIVRN) Trade - off representativeness for efficiency and large sample size. From HCSUS: Most HIV+ seen by providers with relatively large HIV caseloads. Recruit providers of HIV care and extract information from medical records. Supplement records data with personal interviews. Frequency of use of inpatient and outpatient care, and the costs of providing these services Use of and adherence to antiretroviral medications Access to care and socioeconomic disparities in utilization Quality of care and patient safety HCSUS-- Limitations Recruiting a nationally representative sample is extremely expensive and time - consuming Over 1 year to accrue baseline sample Sample becomes unrepresentative of population over time, unless refreshed. Difficult to obtain medical records from providers not linked to study HIV Research Network Network of HIV care providers who can collect and transmit clinical and health services utilization for aggregate analyses to a coordinating center Provide up - to - d ate data on: Resource use and costs of care Clinical outcomes of care Linked clinical/resource use outcomes 1 HIV Research Network Site Population <500 13 Adult, 2 Pediatric only, 3 Adult and Pediatric 500 - 1000 >1000 Alameda, Oakland* Alliance, Boston * Nemecheck, Kansas City* CHOP-Peds St. Judes-Peds St. Lukes-Peds UCSD-Peds CORE-Peds Phoenix, AZ * Drexel Henry Ford Montefiore* OHSU Rochester * 21 HIV primary and specialty care sites CY 2004 Sample Size *Community-based Operations 1999 2000 2001 10,852 19,410 17,582 7,887 12,345 4,342 Sites individually collect information electronically and by chart abstraction De-identified information sent to Central Data Coordinating Center (DCC) Data cleaned, quality assured Reports sent back to sites for confirmation of data Compatible, multisite database created Preliminary data analysis at DCC Data Dissemination Operations Feedback CORE-Chicago Johns Hopkins Montefiore Parkland St. LukesRoosevelt UCSD Wayne State Project officers meeting monthly Data Subcommittee calls 6x per year Full Committee calls quarterly Intranet website Abstracts, posters, papers Submission of research ideas, ideas for new variables Interview questions All contact information Data disseminated to investigators after research question proposed, data analysis approved by data subcommittee Interactive data querying system on the internet Public use data available Resource Utilization Data Acute/chronic hospital care Outpatient Visits Dates of service Diagnoses CPT Coding Admission/Discharge dates Diagnoses Emergency Department Substance Abuse/Mental Health Visits Insurance 2 Demographic Characteristics of CY 2001 Sample (N=10,556) Median Age (Range) Male Race African-American Caucasian Hispanic Other/Unknown HIV Risk Factor MSM Heterosexual IDU MSM IDU Heterosexual IDU Other/UK 40 (18 – 89) 7,571 (71.7%) 5,070 (48.0%) 3,282 (31.1%) 2,017 (19.1%) 187 (1.8%) 4,021 (38.1%) 3,432 (32.5%) 1,383 (13.1%) 344 (3.3%) 544 (5.2%) 832 (7.9%) Insurance Coverage Medicaid 31.9% Uninsured 31.4% 327 1,076 (10.2%) 2,076 (19.7%) 4,370 (41.4%) 3,034 (28.8%) Viral Load Median <10K 10-100,000K >100K 1,311 copies/ml 6,774 (64.2%) 2,386 (22.6%) 1,396 (13.2%) Medicare 16.3% Private/HMO 11.4% Other 9.1% Overall “We are currently utilizing data from E.R. visits to ascertain various modes which patients use to access care: (1) those who use E.R. and (2) those who use the [urgent care] clinic for primary care. With this data we will be able to identify clients who need help in obtaining primary care in our clinic” “Our monthly collection of CD4 count, viral load values, and missing values has encouraged clinicians to more closely track both the patients in the clinic, and patients who have missed appointments and are late for quarterly clinical and lab monitoring. This has resulted in additional efforts to track patients who have missed visits.” OP Utilization IP Utilization (Visits/year) (Admissions/100 PY) 5.15 35.8 Blacks Whites 4.58 5.37 40.5 28.8 Women Men 4.80 5.28 42.5 33.1 Age>40 Age<40 5.57 4.64 38.4 32.6 Pharmacy Utilization Kathleen Clanon, M.D., Alameda County Medical Center CD4 Median <50 cells/mm3 51-200 201-500 >500 Utilization in CY 2001 Changes from HIVRN utilization data Clinical Characteristics HAART Usage (CD4<350) PI Backbone NNRTI Backbone PCP (2 or more CD4<200): MAC (2 or more CD4<50) 91% 68% 63% 88% 87% James Hellinger, M.D. – Community Medical Alliance, Boston, MA 3 Factors Associated with PCP Prophylaxis Factors Associated with MAC Prophylaxis AOR (95% CI)* AOR (95% CI) (N=2,533) Male Age ≥ 40 Blacks Hispanics IDU’s > 4 OP visits *Adjusted for site of care, insurance Clinical Changes from PCP/MAC Project (N=754) 1.35 (1.00, 1.83) 1.28 (0.89, 1.85) 0.99 (0.71, 1.39) 1.03 (0.70, 1.52) 1.28 (0.89, 1.85) 2.39 (1.76, 3.24) “Projects in the works now include a red flag letter that notifies docs of particular deficiencies (such as lack of PCP or MAI prophylaxis, patients on triple nuke therapy and regimens that have incorrect dosing or contains meds that shouldn't be used together).” Male Blacks 0.90 (0.49, 1.63) Hispanics 1.44 (0.69, 3.03) IDU’s 0.68 (0.37, 1.23) 1.85 (1.02, 3.35) *Adjusted for site of care, insurance Interview 950 adult and 300 pediatric Topics assessed include HIV related symptoms and quality of life Adherence to ART Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment Adverse Drug Events More detailed utilization data: Insurance Coverage “'The data obtained.…has been helpful in identifying other opportunities to improve and comply with HIV/AIDS national guidelines. Tracking the CD4 and meds listed on the same page is a reminder to start the patient on prophylaxis as needed.” John Jovanovitch, MD - Henry Ford Hospital System, Detroit, MI 1.10 (0.63, 1.92) 0.85 (0.54, 1.36) > 4 OP visits Robert Beil, MD- Montefiore Medical Center Age ≥ 40 “Participation in the HIV Research Network has been a major stimulus driving our data collection into the clinical realm. It is incredibly productive to reflect upon our own experience, as measured against our peers and national guidelines, as we strive to improve the care we deliver both at systemic and individual levels” Case management, home care, pharmacy Peter Sklar, MD - Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA Safety Drug Interactions Variations in care across sites Intranet error reporting system Manuscripts 2002 JAIDS Manuscript on Utilization 2004 JAIDS Disparities in Access to HAART (in press) Under Review 2000/2001 IP/OP Utilization 2001 IP Diagnoses High rates of OI prophylaxis Variations in Quality of Care Pediatric IP/OP Utilization Pediatric VL suppression 4 Conclusions Future Directions Near real time data collection with quick feedback to sites Addresses disparities in care and safety issues Data from the HIVRN may be useful for: Longitudinal Data Analysis Pediatric Issues Allocation of healthcare resources Improvement of HIV prevention and treatment strategies Evaluate QOL, HIV symptoms Assess adherence Hospitalization Rates AIDS-Related: Pneumonia, PCP GI: Pancreatic diseases, liver diseases Mental Health: Substance-related, affective disorders Circulatory: Carditis, hypertension 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 G Me I nta Cir cula l t Infe ory c ti o Re us s Ner pirato ry vou sS yst . In Ge nito jury urin a ry Blo od Ski n Ot HIV dia her gno Neo sis pla sm Mis s Mu scu ing los kel. Pre gna ncy Funding Sources AHRQ SAMHSA HRSA OAR 7 ted Data Coordinating Center Richard Moore Jeanne Keruly Haya Rubin Kelly Gebo Erin Reilly Liming Zhou George Siberry 8 Rate (per 100 Person Years) Pediatric Sites Stephen Spector-UCSD, San Diego Patricia Flynn- St. Jude’s, Memphis Richard Rutstein- CHOP, Philadelphia AID S-R ela Adult Sites Victoria Sharp- St. Luke’s Roosevelt, NY W. Christopher Mathews- UCSD, San Diego Philip Keiser- Parkland Hospital, Dallas James Hellinger- Community Medical Alliance, Boston Patrick Nemecheck- Nemecheck Health Renewal, Kansas City P. Todd Korthuis- OHSU, Portland Jeff Nadler- Tampa General Health Care, Tampa Robert Beil- Montefiore Medical Center, NY Lawrence Hanau- Montefiore Medical Center, NY John Post- McDowell Health Care Center, Phoenix Lawrence Crane- Wayne State University, Detroit John Jovanovitch- Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit Kathlen Clanon- Alameda County Consortium, Oakland Kathye Gorosh- CORE Foundation Chicago Steven Fine- Community Health Network, Rochester Peter Sklar- Drexel University, Philadelphia Growth and development Reproduction Disclosure Interview Data HIVRN Collaborators Link treatment to clinical outcomes Evaluate complications of HAART Impact of hepatitis co-infection Impact of SA/MH diagnoses Hospitalization Rates Rate (per 100 Person Years) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 G Me I nta Cir cula l t Infe ory c ti o Re us s Ner pirato ry vou sS yst . In Ge nito jury urin a ry Blo od Ski n Ot HIV dia her gno Neo sis pla sm Mis s Mu scu ing los kel. Pre gna ncy AID S-R ela ted 0 5