Costs of Enrollment and Estimated Savings Related to Simplification New York Academy of Medicine Gerry Fairbrother, Ph.D Kerry-Ann Newell, M.S. Children’s Defense Fund Melinda Dutton, J.D Rachel Cooper, M.A. Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP Deborah Bachrach, J.D. Patricia Boozang, M.P.H. Academy Health 2004 Annual Research Meeting June 8, 2004 Funded by the Foundation for Child Development Background • Fiscal constraints are driving states to cut Medicaid budgets • Administrative hurdles are also being reintroduced or made more onerous in order to “reduce the rolls” • Administrative complexity drives up costs in states’ Medicaid programs Study Overview • The study assessed administrative costs to enroll NYC children in Medicaid and SCHIP by: – Estimating costs related to the “typical” enrollment process – Estimating cost savings realized through a dramatically streamlined process modeled on the post-9/11 Disaster Relief Medicaid (DRM) program Methods • Develop a detailed description of the typical enrollment process • Assess overall time and costs related to the typical process • Determine whether reductions in time and cost were occurring in the DRM process • Estimate cost savings by comparing the typical costs to the DRM costs Data • Three of 16 MCOs enrolling in Medicaid and SCHIP in Greater New York City: – Provided 2001 enrollment and cost data – Participated in interviews regarding the enrollment process – Complete detailed questionnaires regarding time allocated to the typical process and time saved on enrollment in the DRM process Typical Enrollment Process Outreach/Health Insurance Education • • • • Recruit Families Answer Questions Explain importance of health insurance Educate families about how to use health care Application Completion/ Documentation • • • • Help families choose a provider Help families fill out application Calculate likely eligibility Identify and gather documents Quality Assurance • Check applications for completeness and accuracy Application submission/ troubleshooting • • • Track application submissions Troubleshoot problems Follow-up with agencies and families How Enrollers Spend Their Time The Typical Enrollment Process Other Enrollm ent Activities 19% Outreach/ Health Insurance Education 18% Eligibility Screening 16% Application Process 27% Gathering Docum ents 20% Source: Authors’ analysis DRM Enrollment Process Outreach/Education • • • • Recruit Families Answer Questions Explain about how DRM works Educate families about how to use health care Application Completion/ Documentation • • Help families fill out application Calculate likely eligibility Time Enrollers Saved The DRM Enrollment Process Outreach/ Health Insurance Education 18% Other Enrollment Activities 19% Eligibility Screening 16% 10% 10% Application Process 27% 11% Gathering Documents 20% Source: Authors’ analysis Time Saved Costs Allocated Functional Enrollment Categories $350 $300 $282 Application Submission and Troubleshooting $25 $250 $26 Quality Assurance $200 $59 $166 $11 $150 $8 Outreach/ Health Insurance Education $56 $100 Application Completion and Documentation $172 $50 $91 $0 Typical Enrollment Costs Source: Authors’ analysis Costs with Simplification Limitations • Findings are from three managed care organizations in one state • Costs do not include: – – – – Medicaid costs to enroll State-level administration costs Advertising MCO overhead (e.g. CEO salary) Conclusions • Enrollment in NYS Medicaid and SCHIP programs costs roughly $282 per enrollment • This cost could be reduced by 40% to $166 if a dramatically simplified process modeled on DRM were implemented • Administrative costs related to enrollment are a misallocation of scarce resources