Varied Regional Responses to Medicare Post-Acute Care (PAC) Prospective Payment Systems Wen-Chieh Lin, PhD 1 Robert L. Kane, MD 2 David R. Mehr, MD, MS 1 Richard W. Madsen, PhD 3 Greg F. Petroski, MS 3 Post-Acute Care (PAC) z – 1. Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia 2. Division of Health Services Research and Policy, University of Minnesota 3. Office of Medical Research/Biostatistics, University of Missouri-Columbia z z z Funding Sources: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services PAC Prospective Payment Systems (PPS) z z z Different case-mix adjustment Different instruments for assessment Different implementation timelines – – – – z – Rehabilitative conditions – Medical conditions z The fastest growing components of Medicare spending in the 1990s Geographic variation in PAC use Changes in PAC payment systems enacted by the Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997 z To investigate whether geographic regions responded to the initial changes (1996 to 2000) in PAC payment systems enacted by the Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997 Statistical Analysis 5% Medicare beneficiary sample, 1996 to 2000 6 disease groups (8 DRGs) with the most frequent PAC utilization z Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), inpatient rehabilitation units or hospitals (IRFs), and home health agencies (HHAs) Study Objectives SNF-PPS: July 1998 with a 3-year transition period IRF-PPS: January 2002 with a 1-year transition period HHA-IPS: July 1997 interim payment system (non-PPS) HHA-PPS: October 2000 prospective payment system Data z Major PAC services covered by Medicare Part A z Multinomial logit regression (1996 and 2000 data) – Dependent variable: immediate type of PAC service used after hospital discharge – Independent variables 9 Stroke, hip and knee procedures, and hip fracture 9 COPD, pneumonia, and CHF – SNF, IRF, HHA, and No PAC (reference) Patient, hospital, and market area characteristics, Year 2000, Census Divisions, and interaction terms of Year 2000 and Census Divisions Adjusted odds ratios representing changes in PAC use from 1996 to 2000 within each individual census division 1 Regional responses: SNF use 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 ESC MAL MOT NED PAC SAL WNC 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 ESC MAL MOT NED PAC SAL WNC WSC ESC Census Divisions Hip and knee procedures 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 A d ju s te d O R s 3.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 z – 1.5 – 1.0 0.0 ENC ESC MAL MOT NED PAC Census Divisions SAL WNC WSC ENC ESC MAL MOT NED PAC SAL WNC z – WSC Census Divisions Limitations z MOT NED PAC SAL WNC WSC ENC ESC MAL MOT NED PAC SAL WNC WSC Census Divisions Regions’ responses to the BBA changes on PAC services differed by types of PAC services 0.5 0.0 MAL Conclusions Hip fracture 3.0 1.0 0.0 ENC Census Divisions Regional responses: IRF use 1.5 0.5 0.0 Census Divisions A d ju s te d O R s 3.0 0.5 ENC WSC CHF 3.0 A d ju s te d O R s 3.0 2.5 A d ju s te d O R s 3.0 ENC Hip fracture CHF A d ju s te d O R s A d ju s te d O R s Hip and knee procedures Regional responses: HHA use Data cover only the initial period (1996 to 2000) of the BBA changes on PAC services Association between varied regional responses and adverse outcomes is not clear Changes in SNF use differed in direction and magnitude across census divisions HHA use decreased across-the-board for medical conditions with some regional variation; selective decrease for rehabilitative conditions IRF use increased in some census divisions, but also remained unchanged in some census divisions Discussion z z z Similar regional responses across DRGs for SNF use, but not for HHA and IRF use No strong association between regional responses and prior PAC use Expected responses to the full PAC-PPS across regions 2