Olivia Marie A. Madison Curriculum Vita Contact Information

September 2014
Olivia Marie A. Madison
Curriculum Vita
Contact Information
Special Assistant to the Provost
3325 Elings Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011
515 294-0420
Education and Professional / Teaching Experiences – Iowa State University
Current Position
Special Assistant to the Provost
Professor, University Library
University of Missouri at Columbia
M.A., Library Science, May 1975
Iowa State University
B.S., History, February 1972
Library Experience
Iowa State University Library
July 1998 to date
Associate Professor
July 1984 – June 1998
Assistant Professor
July 1979 –June 1984
(Tenured July 1981)
November 1975 – June 1979
Dean of the Library
July 1998 – August 2014
Interim Dean of Library Services
August 1997 – June 1998
Associate Director for Public Services and Collections
January 1997 – June 1998
Assistant Director for Public Services
October 1991 – January 1997
Head, Cataloging Department
October 1989 – September 1991
Head, Monographs Department
January 1985 – September 1989
Head, Serials Cataloging Section
July 1980 – December 1984
Acting Head, Serials Cataloging Section
September 1979 – June 1980
OCLC Systems Specialist
November 1977 – August 1979
Original Monographic Cataloger
November 1975 – November 1977
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Teaching Experience
Iowa State University
Library 160 (Information Literacy) Instruction Program, Head
January 1994 – August 1997
Graduate College, member
October 1992 to date
Program of Study Committee for Sheryl Shaver
Degree of Master of Education
March 1996 – 1997
Program of Study Committee for Martha J. Huntington
Degree of Master of Architecture
February 1992 – December 1992
Ross Atkinson Life-Time Achievement Award (Awarded at
ALA 2014 Conference)
Margaret Mann Citation (Awarded at ALA 2010 Conference)
Phi Kappa Phi
Golden Key
Professional Positions and Responsibilities (Iowa State University)
Special Assistant to the Provost, September 2014 to date
Provide leadership in preparing for Iowa State University’s upcoming Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Open
Pathway accreditation review and serve on the campus-wide HLC Steering Committee. Primary leadership
responsibilities support collaborative and coordinating responsibilities/activities for developing the core campus
assurance response. This includes assembling the evidence for establishing the case for how the university
complies with the six HLC Criteria for Accreditation, and drafting the Assurance Document with related evidence.
The Steering Committee provides oversight for the assurance component. The other two components are a
required Quality Initiative and documentation to demonstrate compliance with designated federal requirements.
University Library
Dean of the Library, July 1998 – August 2014
Interim Dean of Library Services, August 1997 – June 1998
Iowa State University, a Carnegie Doctoral/Research Extensive University and land-grant institution, is a
member of the Association of American Universities and the National Association of State Universities and
Land-Grant Colleges. The Dean of the Library is responsible for the library system including Parks Library
(where the main collections and services are located), the e-Library, the Veterinary Medical Library, and two
subject reading rooms (design and mathematics). The library organization includes three divisions: Reference
and Instruction, Collections and Technical Services, and Information Technology. The library has memberships
with the Association of Research Libraries, Greater Western Library Alliance, Center for Research Libraries,
OCLC, Inc., Coalition for Networked Information, and Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition.
The Dean of the Library reports to the Executive Vice President and Provost. Served on the Provost Council,
and the Council of Deans (elected chaired July 2008 – August 2014 (re-elected May 2014)).
Associate Director for Public Services and Collections, January 1997 – June 1998
The Associate Director for Public Services and Collections, working with a team of two Assistant Directors and
the Dean, shared broad responsibility for management of the library system. This position provided leadership
in planning, developing and administering divisional activities and responsibilities in a service-directed
environment. The Public Services and Collections Division consisted of five departments: Science and
Technology Department, Social Sciences and Humanities Department, Special Collections, Access Services, and
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Branch Facilities, Library faculty in the two subject-based departments had responsibilities for reference,
instruction and collection development for their subject areas. The Associate Director also had general
responsibilities for public facilities, public equipment, and security of the ISU Library. Reported to the Dean of
Library Services.
Assistant Director for Public Services, October 1991 – January 1997
The Assistant Director for Public Services, with a team of three other Assistant Directors, and the Dean,
shared broad responsibility for management of the library system. This position provided leadership in
planning, developing and administering division activities in a service-directed environment. The Public
Services Division consisted of the three departments: Reference and Instructional Services, Access Services
(Circulation, Government Documents Processing, Stacks Management, Periodicals Room, Resource Sharing,
Reserve, Microforms Center, and Media Center), and Branch Facilities (Veterinary Medical Library, Design
Reading Room, Economics/Sociology Reading Room, Mathematics Reading Room, and Physical Sciences
Reading Room). The Assistant Director also had general responsibilities for public facilities, public
equipment, and security of the ISU Library. Reported to the Dean of Library Services.
Head, Cataloging Department, October 1989 – September 1991
Responsible for coordinating and developing the activities of the Cataloging Department. The department
was responsible for pre-order searching and copy cataloging, original cataloging (monographs and serials),
catalog management, and filing. The department was formed as a result of a divisional reorganization in
which all cataloging functions were merged into one department. Reported to the Assistant Director for
Technical Services.
Head, Monographs Department, January 1985 – September 1989
Responsible for coordinating and developing the activities of the Monographs Department. The department
was responsible for three approval plans and monographic gift operations, pre-order searching and copy
cataloging, original cataloging, catalog management, filing, and marking and keypunching material. The
department cataloged about 34,000 titles a year. During this time, the department expanded its
retrospective conversion from a project basis to an integral part of departmental workflow.
Reported to the Assistant Director for Technical Services.
Head, Serials Cataloging Section, July 1980 – December 1984
Acting Head, Serials Cataloging Section, November 1979 – June 1980
Responsible for the activities of the Serials Cataloging Section. The section was responsible for cataloging
new serial titles and recataloging serials. All serial titles were input and maintained in a local serials
database. Public access to the serials database was through a computer-generated book catalog. During this
time, under my direction, the section began cataloging new titles with AACR2 and began to use OCLC for
card production. Reported to the Head of the Serials Department.
OCLC Systems Specialist, November 1977 – August 1979
Responsible to coordinate the use of OCLC (including cataloging, searching and interlibrary loan), write
procedural documentation for the use of OCLC, and provide general training. Also responsible for creating a
maintenance system for electronic bibliographic records that was used until the implementation of the
Carlyle-based online catalog. In addition, continued a limited original cataloging assignment.
Reported to the Assistant Director for Technical Services.
Original Monographic Cataloger, November 1975 – November 1977
Responsible for original monographic cataloging in the areas of history, law, and political science.
Reported to the Head of the Cataloging Department.
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Byrum, John D., Jr. and Olivia Madison, editors. Multi-script, Multilingual, Multi-character Issues for the Online
Environment: Proceedings of a Workshop Sponsored by the IFLA Section on Cataloguing, Istanbul, Turkey,
August 24, 1995. Vol. 85, IFLA Publications. Munich: K.G. Saur, 1998.
IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. Functional Requirements for
Bibliographic Records: Final Report. Vol. 19, UBCIM Publications—New Series. Munich: K.G. Saur, 1998.
Note: I served as the study group chair and oversaw the entire study. I co-authored the introductory
chapter with John Byrum and had general responsibilities for the recommendations and content.
The study consultants drafted the preliminary reports and authored the final report.
Madison, Olivia M. A. and Sara Shatford Layne, editors. Bibliographic Control of Conference Proceedings: Papers
and Conference Materials from the Preconference on the Bibliographic Control of Conference Proceedings.
No. 7, ALCTS Papers on Library Technical Services and Collections. Chicago: Association of College and
Research Libraries, 1996.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Madison, Olivia M. A., “Utilizing the FRBR Framework in Designing User-Focused Digital Content and Access
Systems.” Library Resources & Technical Services 50 (1) 2006: 11-16.
Madison, Olivia M. A. and Maureen Hyland-Carver. “Issues in Planning for Portal Implementation: Perfection Not
Required.” In: Portals and Libraries, Sarah Michalak, Guest Editor. Journal of Library Administration 43,
no.1/2 2005: 113-134.
Madison, Olivia M. A. “The Origins of the IFLA Study on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records.”
In: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype or Cure-All? Patrick Le Boeuf, Guest
Editor. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 39, no.3/4 (2005): 15-37.
Madison, Olivia M. A. “Conservazione delle risorese elettroniche per garantirne accesso pubblico = Preserving
Electronic Resources to Warrant Public Access.” In: Le risorse elettroniche. Definizione, selezione e
catalogazione: Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, 26-28, novembre 2001/ a cura di Mauro Guerrini con la
collaborazione di Stefano Gambari e Lucia Sardo, 111-122 and 481-491. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2002.
Madison, Olivia M. A. “Standards for International Bibliographic Control.” In: ICNBS, Copenhagen 25-27 November
1998: Proceedings of the International Conference on National Bibliographic Services, 43-52. Copenhagen
[Denmark]: The Royal Library, 2001.
Byrum, John D. and Olivia M. A. Madison. “Reflections on the goals, concepts and recommendations of the IFLA
study on functional requirements for bibliographic records.” In: Seminar FRBR – Functional requirements for
bibliographic records: Requisiti funzionali per record bibliografici: Florence, 27-18 January 2000: Proceedings /
edited by Mauro Guerrini, 11-51. Rome: Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, 2000.
Madison, Olivia M. A. “The IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: International Standards for
Universal Bibliographic Control.” Library Resources & Technical Services, 44, no.3 (July 2000): 153-159.
Madison, Olivia M. A. “From Journal Cancellation to Library Strategic Visioning: Faculty Leadership.” Journal of
Library Administration, 28, no.4 (1999): 57-70.
Madison, Olivia M. A. “IFLA funkcinių reikalavimų bibliografiniams jrašams tyrimas.” Bibliografija `97. 1999:80-84.
[Lithuanian translation of “Standards In Light of New Technologies: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic
Records.” International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 28, no.1 (January/March 1999): 7-10].
Madison, Olivia M. A. “Standards in Light of New Technologies: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic
Records.” International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 28, no.1 (January/March 1999): 7-10.
Madison, Olivia M. A. "International Bibliographic Control and Resource Sharing: 1993 Activities of the IFLA
UBCIM and UAP Core Programmes." Resource Sharing and Information Networks 11, 1/2 (1996):183-191.
Madison, Olivia M. A., Sally Fry, and David Gregory. "A Model for Reviewing Academic Branch Libraries Based on
ACRL Guidelines and Standards." College & Research Libraries 55, no.4 (July 1994): 342-354.
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Madison, Olivia. "Academic Libraries." In: Doors to the World: Iowa Libraries and the Electronic Information
Highway, 4-5. [Des Moines: State Library of Iowa], March 1994.
Madison, Olivia M. A. "The Role of the Main-Entry Heading in the Online Environment." The Serials Librarian 22,
no.3/4 (1992):371-391.
Madison, Olivia M. A. "Summary of Changes in AACR2 Revised." In: AACR2 Revised Origins, Content, and Future,
1-13. Chicago: American Library Association, 1992.
Madison, Olivia M. A. "Bibliographic Description and Changes in Chapters 1, 2, 4 and 12." In AACR2 Revised: Origins,
Content and Future, 43-56. Chicago: American Library Association, 1992.
Madison, Olivia M. A. "Issues in Bibliographic Access and Control in the Online Information Environment." Journal of
Library Administration, 15 1/2 (1991):95-113.
Barrett, Beth and Olivia M. A. Madison. "Life After Input: Original Serials Cataloging Using OCLC." The Serials
Librarian 12, no.1/2 (1987):147-156.
Cole, Jim and Olivia M .A. Madison. "A Decade of Serials Cataloging." The Serials Librarian 12, no.1/2 (Fall
1985/Winter 1985/86):103-116.
Madison, Olivia M. A. and Karen Lawson. "Experiments with Upward Evaluations." Iowa Library Quarterly 22, no.2
(Spring 1985):39-54.
Papers (invited)
2013 Ex Libris Research Library Symposium – The Library at the Intersection of Research and Access. Paper: “Building
a Road Map Towards Excellence in the Research University Culture.” Scottsdale, Arizona, March 4-6, 2013.
ALCTS Midwinter Symposium – The Administrator, RDA, and the Future of the Catalog: Issues, Viewpoints,
Alternatives. Paper: “RDA from a Director’s Point of View.” American Library Association 2011 Midwinter
Conference, San Diego, California, January 6, 2011.
EBSCO Executive Summary. Paper: “The Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: A Tool for Defining
Library Services.” American Library Association 2005 Midwinter Conference, Boston, Massachusetts,
January 16, 2005.
ALCTS CCS Preconference, Back to the Future: Understanding the Functional Requirements of
Bibliographic Records Model (FRBR) and its Impact on Users, OPACS, and Knowledge Organization.
Paper: “The Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records and Library Services. American Library
Association 2004 Annual Conference, Orlando Florida, June 24-25, 2004.
ALCTS CCS Program: ISBDs: International Standard Bibliographic Descriptions – Do We Still Need Them?
Paper: “Conceptual Synergy Between the ISBD Development and FRBR.” American Library Association 2003
Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, June 22, 2003.
International Conference: Electronic Resources – Definition, Selection and Cataloguing. Paper: “Preserving
electronic resources to warrant public access.” Rome, Italy, November 26-28, 2001.
Associazione Italiana Biblioteche. Sezione Toscana’s Seminario su FRBR (Functional requirements for bibliographic
records). Paper (co-author John D. Byrum, Jr.): “Reflections on the goals, concepts and recommendations of
the IFLA study on the Functional requirements for bibliographic records.” Florence, Italy, January 27, 2000.
Conference on Collection Development in the Electronic Environment: Shifting Priorities. Paper: “From Journal
Cancellation to Strategic Visioning—Faculty Leadership.” Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, March 5, 1999.
International Conference on National Bibliographic Services. Paper: “Standards for International Bibliographic
Control: Proposed Basic Data Requirements for the National Bibliographic Record.” Copenhagen, Denmark,
25 November 1998.
ALA ALTCS Preconference: What in the World… Cataloging on an International Level Preconference.
Paper: “IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records.” Washington, D.C., June 26, 1998.
IFLA Universal Bibliographic Control Programme Seminar: The Function of Bibliographic Control in the Global
Information Infrastructure. Paper: “Standards in Light of New Technologies: Functional Requirements For
Bibliographic Records.” Vilnius, Lithuania, June 17, 1998.
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International Federation of Library Associations and Federations 1997 General Conference. Section on Cataloguing
Open Session. Paper: “IFLA Study on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: Report.”
Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2, 1997.
ALCTS Institute AACR2 Revised: A Practical Update [four Institutes]. Paper: "Summary of Changes in AACR2
Revised" and Workshop sessions: Conducted separate sessions covering all revisions. Cincinnati, OH,
May 3-4, 1989; Oakland, California, Nov. 10-11, 1989; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dec. 15-16, 1989;
Atlanta, Georgia, June 27-28, 1991 (paper only).
Arizona State Library Association/Arizona Educational Media Conference. Pre-conference Program. "AACR2
Revised: A Practical Look at the Major Additions and Changes." Paper: "AACR2 Rule Revision Process and
AACR2 Revised." Workshop session: Designed the training materials used for a half-day workshop. Tucson,
Arizona, November 1, 1989.
Iowa OCLC Users Group. Annual Spring Meeting, Cataloging Section Meeting. Paper: “OCLC’s New Online
System: Applications and Implementation." Sioux City, Iowa, May 12, 1989.
Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians Annual Conference. Paper: "AACR2 Revised: It’s Changes &
Evolution." Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 3, 1989.
American Library Association Annual Meeting. Paper: "AACR2, An Evolving Cataloging Code." New Orleans,
Louisiana, July 10, 1988.
MLNC/OCLC Users Group Meeting. Paper: "The Process of Changing Rules--Descriptive Cataloging."
Jefferson City, Missouri, May 8, 1987.
Bibliographic Center for Research's The Oxford Project Meeting. Paper: "Member-Input Mechanisms for Oxford."
Denver, Colorado, February 19, 1986.
American Library Association. Technical Services Administrators of Medium-Sized Research Libraries Discussion
Group Meeting. Paper: "Towards a Process of Upward Evaluation of Supervisors." Co-author with Karen G.
Lawson. Washington, D.C., January 10, 1984.
Iowa OCLC Council Meeting. Paper: "ISU Procedure for Updating the ISU OCLC Archive Tape." Iowa State
University, June 4, 1982.
Iowa Library Association Annual Meeting, ACRL Section Meeting. Paper: "Academic Status and Professionalism
[for librarians]: History and Trends." Waterloo, Iowa, October 9, 1981.
Iowa Library Association Annual Meeting. Paper with D. Kaye Gapen and Elizabeth Stroup, Director General
Reference, Library of Congress: "Confrontation: What You Always Wanted to Know About Technical Services-What You Always Wanted to Know About Reference Services." Sioux City, Iowa October 2, 1980.
Workshop Presentations and Panel Discussions (Selective)
Association for Research Libraries. ARL Fall Forum 2013 - Coordinating Deposit and Compliance Panel.
Moderator, panelists included Steven Lerman, Rebecca Kennison, and Elwin Wu. Arlington, Virginia,
October 11, 2013
Iowa State University Faculty Senate 20th Anniversary Celebration. Keynote Speaker: “Recollections of the
Early Days…” January 27, 2009
SOLINET Annual 2008 Membership Meeting. “On the Record – Perspectives, Update and Exploration.”
Invited Presentation. Atlanta, Georgia, May 8, 2008
American Library Association. ALCTS 50th Anniversary National Conference. Moderator, Closing Panel (with Nancy
Gwinn, Karen Calhoun, Brian Schottlaender, and Peggy Johnson). Washington, D.C., June 20-21, 2007
American Library Association. Annual 2004 Conference. ACLTS Leadership Development Committee Workshop.
“Effective Committee Management: Basic Skills for Success.” Orlando, FL, June 26, 2004.
Iowa State University. “P&T Standards and Definitions.” Promotion and Tenure Workshop I: Expectations for
Success / Sponsored by the Colleges of Agriculture, Education and Family & Consumer Sciences. Ames, Iowa,
December 4, 2003.
Iowa State University Banned Book Week Panel. “The Patriot Act and Libraries.” Panel participant for academic
libraries. Ames, Iowa, September 24, 2003.
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Iowa State University. Faculty Senate Conference. “Striking a Balance: Rewarding Different Types of Scholarship at
a Modern Land Grant University. Program panel participant. Ames, Iowa, April 18-19, 2003.
Greater Western Library Alliance. Fall Meeting. “Institutional Repositories.” Program moderator and gave
introductory presentation on institutional repositories. Ames, Iowa, October 8, 2002.
American Library Association. Annual 2002 Conference. ALCTS President’s Program, “Cultivating the Human Moment
in the Digital Age.” Program panel participant. Atlanta, Georgia, June 17, 2002.
Iowa State University. Spring Faculty Conference. “Enhancing and Advancing Learning Through Technology.”
Panel Presentation/Discussion (co-participant). Newton, Iowa, March 31, 2000.
Association of Research Libraries. 134th ARL Membership Meeting, “Special Collections in the Digital Age.”
Program session moderator. Kansas City, Missouri, May 12, 1999.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. 1994 General Conference.
Workshop on the Functionality of Bibliographic Records and Section on Cataloguing Program Meeting.
Moderator. Havana, Cuba, August 1994.
American Library Association. Annual 1994 Conference. CC:DA/ACRL Science and Technology Section
Preconference on the Bibliographic Control of Conference Proceedings. Moderator and breakout session
leader. Miami, Florida, June 24, 1994.
American Library Association. Annual 1993 Conference. ALCTS/International Relations Committee Program, “The
International Connection: IFLA, ALCTS and You.” Panel member. New Orleans, Louisiana, June 28, 1993.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. 1989 General Conference. Section on
Cataloguing Program Meeting. Panel discussion on international cataloging costs. Panelist. Paris, France,
August 23, 1989.
Iowa OCLC Users Group. Annual Meeting. Presentation - OCLC's New Online System. Waterloo, Iowa, May 29, 1987.
Minitex Workshop on Quality Control of the Database. Workshop session: "Problems Using the Serials Format."
Farmington, Minnesota, May 3, 1985.
Iowa Newspaper Project Training Workshop. Workshop session: "Cataloging." Iowa City, Iowa, February 7, 1985.
MIDLNET OCLC Quality Control Workshop. Presentation on OCLC Cataloging Advisory Committee. University of
Missouri at Columbia, June 2, 1983.
Iowa OCLC Council. Cataloging Section Meeting on Quality Control. Presentation on OCLC/network quality
control activities, May 27, 1983.
MIDLNET OCLC Users Group Meeting. Presentation on the ISU procedure for updating the ISU OCLC Archive
Tape. University of Missouri at Columbia, November 16, 1982.
MIDLNET OCLC AACR2 Update. Workshop session: "Serials Update." University of Missouri at Columbia,
May 14, 1981.
MIDLNET OCLC AACR2 Training Workshop for Books. Conducted the Iowa Workshop. Iowa State University,
October 27, 1980.
Newsletter Articles (Selective)
Madison, Olivia M. A. “My ALCTS Experience.” ALCTS Newsletter Online, 17, no.1 (March 2006).
Madison, Olivia M. A. “The Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: A Tool for Defining Library Services.”
In: The Future of Cataloging: EBSCO Information Services Vantage Point, 2005: 9-13.
Madison, Olivia M. A. “From the President.” ALCTS Newsletter Online, 14, no.2 (April 2003).
Madison, Olivia M. A. “From the President.” ALCTS Newsletter Online, 14, no.1 (February 2003).
Madison, Olivia M. A. “From the President.” ALCTS Newsletter Online, 13, no.14 (Winter 2002).
Madison, Olivia M. A. “From the President.” ALCTS Newsletter Online, 13, no.13 (Fall 2002).
Madison, Olivia M. A., “ALCTS Financial Report: July 2001.” ALCTS Online Newsletter, 12, no.3 (Fall 2001).
Madison, Olivia M. A., “ALCTS Financial Reports: FY2000 and First Quarter FY2001.” ALCTS Online Newsletter,
12, no.1 (Spring 2001).
Madison, Olivia M. A., “ALCTS Financial Reports: FY1999 and FY2000.” ALCTS Online Newsletter, 11, no.1
(Spring 2000)
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Madison, Olivia M. A., “ALCTS Financial Report: Fiscal Year 1999.” ALCTS Online Newsletter, 10, no.5
(September 1999).
Madison, Olivia M. A., “ALCTS Financial Report, Fiscal Year 1997-98.” ALCTS Online Newsletter, 10, no.2
(March 1999).
Tillett, Barbara B. and Olivia Madison. “IFLA ’97 Reports: Section on Cataloguing.” ALTSC Newsletter, 9, no.1
Madison, Olivia M. A. “IFLA Section on Cataloguing Study on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic
Records.” International Cataloguing & Bibliographic Control 26, no.4 (October/December 1997):74, 91.
Madison, Olivia M. A. and John D. Byrum, Jr. “IFLA Workshop on Multi-script, Multi-lingual and Multi-character
Issues for the Online Environment, Istanbul, 24 August 1995.” International Cataloguing and Bibliographic
Control 25, no.1 (January/March 1996):20.
Gregory, David and Jerry Caswell and Olivia Madison. "The University Library's SCHOLAR System: Looking to the
Year 2000." Computation Center Newsletter 29, no.7 (July 1995):1-5. Reprinted in: Library Friends 3, no.2-3
(Spring and Fall 1996):3-5 and IPPDP News III (Summer/Fall 1995):5-8.
Tillett, Barbara B. and Olivia Madison. “IFLA Reports: Section on Cataloguing.” ALCTS Newsletter, 7, no.1 (1996):5-6.
Madison, Olivia M. A. "IFLA Reports: Section on Cataloguing." ALCTS Newsletter, 5, no.1 (1994): 6-7.
Madison, Olivia M. A. "IFLA Division of Bibliographic Control." ALCTS Newsletter 2, no.2 (1991): 12-13.
Grants and Contracts
State Library of Iowa. Interlibrary Loan Reimbursement Program contract: July 2012 – June 2013. Principal
Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Project Manager: Wayne Pedersen. Awarded $6,586 for FY2013.
State Library of Iowa. State of Iowa Libraries Online (SILO) Network contract: July 2010 – June 2013 (3-year
contract). Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Project Director: Alan Schmitz. Awarded $1,174,608
for FY2011 – FY2013
State Library of Iowa. Interlibrary Loan Reimbursement Program contract: July 2011 – June 2012. Principal
Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Project Manager: Wayne Pedersen. Awarded $7,170 for FY2012.
Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, 4th Floor Classroom, Parks Library (completed October 2011). Principal Investigator:
Olivia M. A. Madison. Awarded $137,150 (Oct. 22, 2010).
State Library of Iowa. Interlibrary Loan Reimbursement Program contract: July 2010 – June 2011. Principal
Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Project Manager: Wayne Pedersen. Awarded $13,285 for FY2011.
State Library of Iowa. State of Iowa Libraries Online (SILO) Network contract: July 2009 – June 2010 (1-year
contract). Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Project Director: Alan Schmitz. Awarded $485,587 for
State Library of Iowa. Interlibrary Loan Reimbursement Program contract: July 2009 – June 2010. Principal
Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Project Manager: Wayne Pedersen. Awarded $12,089 for FY2010.
State Library of Iowa. State of Iowa Libraries Online (SILO) Network contract: July 2003 – June 2009
Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Project Director: Alan Schmitz. Awarded $2,810,084 for FY2008 –
State Library of Iowa. Access Plus Program contract: July 2003 – June 2009. Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A.
Madison. Project Manager: Wayne Pedersen. Awarded $79,592 for FY04-FY09
Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, “Learning Connections Center, Multimedia Classroom.” Principal Investigator:
Olivia M. A. Madison. Awarded $199,988 in October 2008.
Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, “Learning Connections Center: ISU Library.” Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A.
Madison. Awarded $266,280 in April 2006.
Lennox Foundation, “Lennox Endowment for Preservation Education, Training and Outreach.” Principal
Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Awarded $255,000 in Spring 2005 (three annual installments).
Lennox Foundation. “Renovation of Special Collections Reading Room.” Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A.
Madison. Grant awarded $74,966 in March 2004.
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Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS). “Recruiting and Educating Librarians for the 21st Century.
Institutional Project Director for Iowa State University. Funding for ISU intern salaries and travel paid through
the University of Iowa. Grant awarded $2,565 for equipment in September 2003.
Lennox Foundation, “Iowa Heritage Project: Digital Preservation of Historical and Cultural Materials,” Principal
Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Awarded $40,468 in March 2003.
NEH/USAIN “Preserving the History of United States Agriculture and Rural Life: State and Local Literature, 18201945 (Microfilming): Phase III [for Iowa Literature],” Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison (July 2001
to date). Prior co-principal investigators were Lori Osmus and Ivan Hanthorn. Awarded a total of $258,167
Lennox Foundation “Saving and Restoring University Library Books: the Next Level.” Awarded $36,000 in March
2002 for the purchase of preservation equipment.
State Library of Iowa. Access Plus Program contract: July 2001 – June 2003. Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A.
Madison. Project Director: Wayne Pedersen. Final contract award: $25,009.
Lennox Foundation. “Expansion of Digital Preservation.” Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Awarded
$75,000 in May 2001 for digital preservation (proposal drafted by Ivan Hanthorn).
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, “Profiles of Women in Chemistry: The Post-War Generation.”
Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Project Director: Tanya Zanish-Belcher drafted the proposal and
serves as the institutional project manager. Awarded $25,000 in February 2001.
State Library of Iowa. State of Iowa Libraries Online (SILO) Network contract: July 2000-June 2003. Principal
Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Project Director: Alan Schmitz. Final contract award: $1,065,000.
State Library of Iowa. Access Plus Program contract: July 2000-June 2001. Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A.
Madison. Project Director: Wayne Pedersen. Final contract award: $15,073
Lennox Foundation. Principal Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Awarded $75,000 in April 2000, for the Lennox
and Booth/Lennox book endowments for engineering and the arts and sciences.
State Library of Iowa. Access Plus Program contract. July 1999-June 2000. Final contract award: $13,898. Principal
Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison. Project Director: Wayne Pedersen.
Lennox Foundation. Awarded $20,000 in September 1998 for the establishment of the Lennox Foundation
Engineering Book Fund.
State Library of Iowa. Access Plus Program contract: July 1998-June 1999. Final contract award: $15,569. Principal
Investigator. Wayne Pedersen served as institutional project director.
Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, “The Undergraduate Electronic Commons: Integrating Electronic Library Resources into
Undergraduate Education.” Principal Investigator: Olivia Madison (August 1997-August 2000). Nancy L. Eaton
authored the original grant request and was the original Principal Investigator. Awarded $378,000 in July 1997.
State Library of Iowa. State of Iowa Libraries Online (SILO) Network contract: July 1997-June 2000. Principal
Investigator: Olivia M. A. Madison (August 1998-June 2000). Nancy Eaton was the original Principal
Investigator. Scott Randolph served as project director. Final contract award: $556,289
Student Computer Fee Central Pool Proposal: “Electronic Reserve Project/SCHOLAR Research Workstations” CoProject Leader: Olivia Madison. Awarded $16,996 in March 1996.
Student Computer Fee Central Pool Proposal: “SCHOLAR Special Application Workstations” Co-Project Leader:
Olivia M. A. Madison. Awarded $21,503 in March 1995.
Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA), Title III Grant for 1988/1989: Retrospective Conversion Project for
American and British Literature. Applicant and Project Director: Olivia M. A. Madison. Awarded $5,000 in
July 1988 by State Library of Iowa.
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Service to Professional Organizations and Societies
National and International Organizations and Societies
American Library Association, 1980 to date
ALA Council, Elected Member, July 2013 to date
Human Resources & Recruitment Office Advisory Committee, Chair, July 2005-June 2007
Scholarship and Grants Committee, November 2005-June 2007
Planning and Budget Assembly, July 1998-July 2001
Association of Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), 1980 to date
Advocacy and Policy Committee, Chair, January 2013 to date
ALCTS 50th Celebration Planning Committee, Chair, July 2005-December 2007
Nominations Committee, Chair, July 2004-June 2005
Past President, July 2003-June 2004
President, July 2002-June 2003
Vice President/President-Elect, July 2001-June 2002
Executive Committee, July 2001-July 2004; Chair, July 2002-June 2003
Board of Directors, July 1998-July 2004; Chair, July 2002-June 2003
Budget and Finance Committee, Chair, July 1998-June 2001
Cataloging and Classification Section
CC:DA Representation Task Force, Chair, September 2004-June 2005
CC:DA/ACRL Joint Subcommittee, Preconference on Bibliographic Control of Conference Proceedings,
Co-chair, January 1992-July 1994
Nominating Committee, July 1986-June 1987; June 1992-June 1993
Margaret Mann Citation Committee, Chair, July 1991-June 1992
Executive Committee, Member-At-Large, July 1988-June 1991
Program Planning Committee – New Orleans (1988), July 1987-June 1988
Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA), July 1981-July 1985
Secretary, July 1983-June 1984; Chair, July 1984-July 1985
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 1992 to date
University Libraries Section. Public Services Directors of Large Research Libraries
Discussion Group, 1995-1998
ACRL Academic Status Committee. Academic Status Think Tank, January-July 1992
Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), 1980-1992
Information Science and Automation Section, 1980-1985
Nominating Committee, June 1984-July 1985
Program Planning Committee, July 1980-July 1985
Regional Tutorials Group on Specifications and Contracting for DP Equipment and Systems,
July 1980-June 1981
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Association for Research Libraries (ARL)
Board of Directors, October 2012-August 2014
Membership Committee, April 2011-August 2014
Public Policies Affecting Research Libraries Steering Committee, April 2008-May 2011
Nominations Committee, July – August 2000; August-September 2011
Financial Strategies Task Force, May 2009-April 2010
Strategic Planning Task Force, December 2008-November 2009
Collections and Access Issues Committee, May 2003-May 2005
Working Group on Portal Applications, May 2002-May 2004
Scholars Portal Implementation Group, May 2002-May 2005
Scholars Portal Working Group, January 2001-May 2002
Scholarly Communications Committee, April 1999-December 2001
Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA)
Budget and Finance Committee, Chair, January 2013-August 2014
Planning & Organization Committee, Chair, January 2010-December 2012
Board of Directors, October 2001-December 2004; Chair, October 2002-October 2003;
January 2010-August 2014
Nominating Committee, June-August 2004 (Chair); June-August 2009; June 2010
GWLA Membership Site Visit Team, University of Nevada – Las Vegas, July-September 2008
Search Committee for GWLA Executive Director, December 2006-February 2007
Planning Committee for GWLA/Provost Symposium, November 2005-February 2006
GWLA Membership Site Visit Team, University of Hawaii, July-September 2004
Past Chair, October 2003-December 2004
Chair, October 2002-October 2003
Chair-elect, October 2001-September 2002
Planning & Organization Committee, November 2004-December 2005
Budget & Finance Committee, Chair, October 2003-December 2004
Bioengineering Cooperative Resources Task Force, Dean Liaison, September 2000-October 2002
Science Collection Development Project Group, Chair, August 1999-June 2000
Search Committee for Program Officer for Resource Sharing, December 1999-May 2000
Midwest Higher Education Compact, Iowa Commissioner (Appointed by Governor Branstad), March 29, 2011
and Reappointed April 2013)
Executive Committee, May, 2011 to date
President’s Compensation Committee, April-May 2013
Awards Committee, Chair. October-November 2012
Committee to Review Extending MHEC Contract, March-May 2012
Library of Congress
Library Project Advisory Group on MARC Records Market Place Project, February 2009-October 2009
Advisory Group on Bibliographic Control for the Associate Librarian for Library Services,
January-December 2008
Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control, September 2006-January 2008
Co-Chair, November 2007-January 2008
Center for Research Libraries
Membership Committee, October 2012-September 2014
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National Agricultural Library
Director of the National Agricultural Library Search Committee, May 2009-August 2009
Leadership Council for Agriculture Information and Outreach, October 2004-2008
Leadership Council for Agriculture Information and Outreach. Planning Group, November 2004-2008
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
Standing Committee of the Section on Cataloguing, Elected U.S. representative, 1989-1997;
Chair, August 1993-August 1995
Study Group on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, August 1991-September 1997;
Chair, August 1991-August 1993 and August 1995-September 1997
Cataloging Section Review Group on Form and Structure of Corporate Names, August 1989-August 1991
Division of Bibliographic Control, Coordinating Board, August 1993-August 1995
Research Libraries Advisory Council, 2005 – 2008
Online Computer Library Center, Incorporated (OCLC)
OCLC New Online System Advisory Committee, July 1985-November 1990
Manager's Guide Task Force, April 1988-June 1990
OCLC Advisory Committee on Cataloging, April 1979-1987
OCLC Task Force on Input Standards, December 1986-May 1987
OCLC Task Force on Rare Book Cataloging, January-December 1987
State Committees, Organizations and Societies (Selective)
Iowa Library Commission and State Library of Iowa
Library Services Task Force, August-December 2000
Iowa Stories 2000: Literacy Communities – A Project of the First Lady of Iowa. Leadership Team for Ames,
Iowa, April 2000-August 2001
Iowa Library Association, 1986 to date
ILA 2000 Conference Planning Committee, Co-Chair for Local Arrangements, 1999-2000
Iowa OCLC Users Group
President, July 1985 – June 1986; Past-President, July 1986-May 1987
Vice-President /President-Elect, July 1984-June 1985
MIDLNET OCLC Users Group. Advisory Committee, 1979-June 1983
New Mexico State University
External Library Review Team, November, 2010-June 2011
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Academic Program Review of the University of Nebraska – Lincoln Libraries, October 2009-April 2010
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Consultant to the Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion Task Force, University of Colorado at Colorado
Springs, November 2007-January 2008
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Institutional Service
Board of Regents, State of Iowa
Committee on Library Cooperation, 1997-2014, Chair, July 1999-September 2001; August 2005-August 2007; July
2011-July 2013 (formerly named Interinstitutional Library Committee)
Interinstitutional Task Force on Scholarly Communications, September 1999-October 2003
Iowa State University (Selective)
Higher Learning Commission Steering Committee, September 2014 to date
President’s Committee on Enhancing Institutional Excellence, November 2012 to date
Citations, Publications and Related Indicators Subcommittee, Co-Chair, November 2012 to date
Provost’s Council, July 2012-August 2014
Council of Deans, August 1997-August 2014; Chair (elected), July 2008-August 2014
Presidential Installation Committee, Chair, January 2012-October 2012
University Senior Leadership Group, January 2007-July 2012
Provost Leadership Group/Academic Cabinet, 2004-2006
University Strategic Planning Writing Committee, November 2009-May 2010
Faculty Athletic Representative Search Committee, Chair, December 2009-April 2010
Departmental Leadership Award Committee, March 2009
University Budget Advisory Committee, May 2007-August 2008
Records and Information Management Steering Committee, August 2006-July 2009
Budget Model Review and Implementation Committee, July 2006-April 2007
Provost Planning Group, September 2003-June 2004
Administrative Restructuring Subcommittee, Chair, November 2003-January 2004
Deans/Provost Administrative Group, August 1997-June 2004
Information Technology Steering Committee, Library/Council of Dean’s representatives, 1997-2005.
Faculty Athletic Representative Search Committee, Chair, April 2003-June 2003
Search Committee for Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost, April 2002-December 2002
Presidential Installation Planning Committee, Chair, May 2001-October 2001
Intellectual Property Policies Task Force, April 2001-December 2001
ISU Presidential Search and Screen Advisory Committee, July 2000-January 2001
Information Technology Strategic Planning Committee, April 2000-March 2001; Chair, June 2000-March 2001
Academic Plan Task Force, December 1999-April 2000
Search Committee for the Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate College, August 1999-April 2000
Search Committee for the Director for Academic Information Technology, December 1997-May 1998
Institutional Research Advisory Committee, 1997-2000
Instructional Technology Center Advisory Committee, October 1997-March 1998
Library Storage Building/Administrative Services Building Committee, October 1995-June 1997
Facilities and Academic Advisory Group, March 1995-August 1997
Computation Center Advisory Committee. Fee Allocation Subcommittee, August 1994 –August 1997
Instructional Resources Council, September 1992-September 1997
Provost Search Committee, September 1991-March 1992
Presidential Installation Planning Committee, Chair, June-October 1991
Presidential Search and Screen Advisory Committee, July 1990-February 1991
University Steering Committee on Diversity, January-September 1991
Search Committee for Head, Department of Safety, April-May 1990
University Ad-hoc Committee on Promotion and Tenure Standards, December 1986-December 1987
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Faculty Senate
President May 1990-September 1991 (Re-elected May 1991 and resigned due to appointment to administrative
position of Assistant Director of Public Services)
Vice President, December 1987-May 1990
Library Senator, December 1987-September 1991 (re-elected April 1991)
Administrative Committee, December 1987-May 1992; Chair, May 1990-September 1991; October 1991-May
1992 (Ex-officio)
Executive Board, December 1987-September 1991; Chair, May 1990-September 1991
Council on Faculty Governance, Chair, December 1987-May 1990
Spring 2000 Faculty Conference Planning Steering Committee, October 1999-April 2000
Task Force to Review Faculty Senate Documents, November 1998-March 2000
Committee to Examine the Crisis in Scholarly Communication and Journal Subscriptions, May 1998- May 1999.
Spring 1998 Faculty Conference Planning Committee, October 1997-March 1998
Committee to Review the ISU Promotion and Tenure Criteria and Procedures, Chair, May 1996-April 1998
Committee on University Planning, Co-Chair, August 1994-August 1997
Council on Faculty Development and Administrative Relations, Ex-officio, August 1994-May 1998
Faculty Council, 1986-1988
College of Sciences and Humanities elected representative, October 1986-April 1988
Internal Affairs Committee, Vice Chair and Chair, June 1987-April 1988
Executive Committee, June 1987-April 1988
History Committee, Chair, August 1987-April 1988
Faculty Administrative Relations Committee, October 1986-May 1987
American Association of University Professors, 1976-1992
ISU Chapter of AAUP, 1976-1992
Executive Committee, June 1977-May 1990
President, June 1985-May 1988; Past President, June 1988-May 1990;
Vice President and Program Chair, June 1980-May 1985
Treasurer, June 1979-May 1980; Secretary, June 1977-May 1978
Iowa Conference of AAUP, 1976-1985
State Executive Committee, 1978-1981 and State Committee W (Women), Chair, 1978-1981
ISU Library Service (Selective)
Library Administrative Cabinet, September 1991 to August 2014; Chair, August 1997 – August 2014
Library Dean's Council, January 1985 – August 2014; Chair, August 1997 – August 2014
Library Advisory Committee, July 2007 to date
Academic Librarian Assessment Task Force, Facilitator, January 2013 – June 2014
Horizon Oversight Committee, October 1997 to date; Chair, October 1997-April 1999
Library Student Computer Fee Allocation Committee, Co-chair, 1995-1997, August 1999-July 2000
Promotion and Tenure Review Committee, May 1995-May 1996
Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee, September 1987-August 1990, May 1993-May 1995;
Chair, September 1989-August 1990, May 1993-May 1994
NOTIS Steering Committee, January 1990-June 1991
Promotion and Tenure Study Task Force, September 1986-March 1991 (not continuous service)
Online Catalog Implementation Council, September 1985-September 1987, and its
Machine-Readable Records Committee, Chair, September 1985-September 1987
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Promotion and Tenure Screening Committee for Resources and Technical Services, October 1982-August 1986;
Chair, October 1983-August 1984
Affirmative Action Committee, 1978-1983; Chair, September 1980-June 1983
Promotion and Tenure Study Group, 1978-1980
Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1977-1978
Faculty Improvement Leave Committee, Chair, February 1977-February 1981
Community Service
United Way of Story County, Board of Directors, September 2005-March 2012
United Way of Story County, Strategic Planning Task Force, January 2010-March 2012
United Way of Story County, Policy Committee, September 2005-March 2011
United Way of Story County, 2005 Campaign Cabinet, April-December 2005
United Way of Story County, Iowa State University 2005 Campaign, Chair, April 2005-December 2005
United Way of Story County, Iowa State University 2004 Campaign, Leadership Gift Drive Chair, April-December 2004
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