Spring 2003 ANTH Anthropology Title UO. ARCHEOLOGY RES METHODS UO.RESEARCH UO.FIELD WORK IN ARCHAEOLOGY UO. PALEOPRIMATOLOGY Spring 2003 ART Crs# 310-U 401-U 408-U 462-U Sec# 001 001 001 001 JOHN A. YOUNG, 238 WALD, 737-4515 CRN 35869 37001 36785 35916 CR Meeting Time 4 1-21 4 4 Art Crs# 365 382 383 402 405 Sec# 001 001 001 002 001 CRN 36815 35943 37210 37363 37364 CR Meeting Time 3 4 4 1-16 1-16 ^CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN ART ART FOR TEACHERS I INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE ART FOR TEACHERS I 411 415 502 505 515 001 001 001 001 001 36846 35944 37365 37366 35952 3 4 1-16 1-16 4 BA Spring 2003 BIO Crs# 322-U 370-U 390-U 399-U 410-U BUS CH Title UO. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III UO.SS/ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Sec# 002 006 001 CRN 36842 36545 37176 CR 4 4 4 Sec# 001 001 001 001 001 CRN 35872 36787 35893 36786 37000 P/N ART fee of $30.00 ART fee of $15.00 PRE-REQ: Instructor's approval. PRE-REQ: Instructor's approval. ART fee of $15.00 Instructor Sayre Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke CLARA HORNE, 214 BEXL, 737-3716 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PRE-REQ: ECON 202 and Junior standing. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: Junior standing. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: BA 390 and Junior standing. P/N Instructor CR Meeting Time 4 4 4 4 1-16 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PREREQ: BI 320, or instructor's consent. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: General Biology sequence. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PREREQ: General Biology sequence. CM+B PRE-REQ: General Biology. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. REQ: Instructor's consent. LOC: Individualized. P/N Instructor Shiozawa Clark Walker-Sands Shiozawa Leahy CRN 37200 37201 37202 CR 3 3 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PRE-REQ: BUS 364. CM+B Also listed as CSC 382. PRE-REQ: BUS 301, MAT 130, MAT 150 CSC 120. DATES: Tuesdays, April 1 - MAy 27; Saturdays, April 26 and May 3. PRE-REQ: Senior standing with all other required Business course completed, including BUS 341 (may be taken concurrently). P/N Instructor Faria Staff Staff Sec# CRN 001 35917 001 36802 CR 4 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: CH 331, CH 335. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: General Chemistry. Hacker Duncan EOU-Business Title LIN. INTERMED ACCOUNTING III LIN. MANAGEMENT INFO SYSTEMS LIN. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Spring 2003 Instructor O'Neill Leahy Helzer Nelson UO-Biology Title UO. CELL BIOLOGY UO.ECOLOGY UO. ANIMAL BEHAVIOR UO.SS/MOLECULAR CLONING UO.RESEARCH Spring 2003 Crs# 347 352 458 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: ART 204. 205, 206 CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. ART fee of $20.00 CM+B ART fee of $30.00 CM+B PRE-REQ: Instructor's approval. CM+B PRE-REQ: Instructor's approval. CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B Business Administration Title INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR INNOVATION AND PRODUCT MANAGE P/N JIM FOLTS, 106 FAIR, 737-4745 Title HISTORY OF ART PAINTING II: CONCEPTS PAINTING II: ABSTRACT AND MULT INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE Spring 2003 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. REQ: Instructor's consent. LOC: Individualized. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: Intro to Archaeology course. CM+B PRE-REQ: ANTH 361 or instructor's approval Crs# 365-L 382-L 489-L Sec# 001 001 001 Chemistry Crs# 336-U 399-U JOHN C. WESTALL, 153 GILB, 737-2081 P/N Instructor Mc Clelland Higginbotham UO.RESEARCH Spring 2003 401-U COMM 001 36999 1-21 CM+B Communication Crs# 321 402 405 406 407 Sec# 002 002 002 002 002 CRN 36821 36823 36825 36826 37544 CR Meeting Time 3 1-16 1-16 1-16 1 COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP SS/COMM IN YOUTH OUTREACH CONT 410 412 002 001 36827 36822 1-16 3 CM+B CM+B SEM: WAR & PEACE: A DIALOGUE ST/COMM IN YTH OUTREACH CONTEX 507 512 001 001 37618 37266 1 3 CM+B CM+B CS Spring 2003 CSC Crs# 312 391 410 419 ED Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: 6 credits in Speech Comm REQ: Instructor's approval. TIMES: Other times to be determined. PRE-REQ: Instructor's approval. Sec# 002 003 002 002 CRN 34346 36057 37633 34347 Instructor Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar CHERRI PANCAKE, 102 DEAR, 737-3273 CR 4 3 4 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in BEND, OR. PRE-REQ: CS 311 or instructor's consent. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: CS 101 or instructor's consent. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B CO+16 Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: Senior standing in CS. P/N P/N Instructor Curry Curry Curry Curry LIN-Computer Science Title LIN. MANAGEMENT INFO SYSTEMS Spring 2003 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. NOTE: Cost: $291 (tuition and fees for 1 credit hour). It is not necessary to be an admitted OSU student to attend this class. DATES: April 6, 13, 20, 27; May 4, 11, 18, 25; June 1, 8. Computer Science Title SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION *SOC & ETHICAL ISSUES IN COMSC OCCUPATIONAL INTERNSHIP ST/SEM ADV ACTIVE SERVER PGS Leahy GREGG WALKER, 104 SHEP, 737-2461 Title INTRODUCTION TO COMMUN THEORY INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE PROJECTS SEM: WAR & PEACE: A DIALOGUE Spring 2003 Taught in Bend, OR. REQ: Instructor's consent. LOC: Individualized. Crs# 382-L Sec# CRN 001 37203 CR 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Also listed as BUS 382. PRE-REQ: BUS 301, MAT 130, MAT 150, CSC 120. Education P/N Instructor Staff ALLAN BRAZIER, 308E EDUC, 737-4661 Title EOU.PRACTICUM EOU.MID/HS STU TEACHING SEM EOU.ELEM/PRIMARY STU TEACH SEM EOU. STUDENT TEACHING: ELEM EOU. STUDENT TEACHING: PRIMARY Crs# 409-E 412-E 412-E 415-E 415-E Sec# 001 001 002 001 002 CRN 37635 35812 37193 35814 35813 CR Meeting Time 0-12 2 2 5 5 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PRE-REQ: Program admission. CM+B PRE-REQ: Program admission. CM+B TAUGHT IN BEND, OR. PRE-REQ: Program admission. CM+B TAUGHT IN BEND, OR. PREREQ: Program admission. EOU. STUDENT TEACHING: HIGH SC EOU. STUDENT TEACHING: MID SCH EOU.THESIS EOU.THESIS EOU.THESIS 416-E 416-E 503-E 503-E 503-E 001 002 001 002 003 35816 35815 37188 37190 37191 5 5 4-6 4-6 4-6 CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B TAUGHT IN BEND, OR. TAUGHT IN BEND, OR. Taught in Bend, OR. Taught in Bend, OR. Taught in Bend, OR. Burkert Burkert Burkert Ersoff Evans EOU.THESIS EOU. INDEPENDENT RESEARCH EOU. TECHNOLOGY EOU. STUDENT TEACHING ECE EOU. STUDENT TEACHING ELEMENTA 503-E 506-E 510-E 532-E 532-E 004 001 001 001 002 37192 35817 35819 37187 37194 4-6 1-6 2 0-5 0-5 CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. TAUGHT IN BEND, OR Hofmann Hofmann Staff Staff Staff EOU. STUDENT TEACHING: HIGH SC EOU. STUDENT TEACH MIDDLE SCH EOU. PRACTICUM IN LIT ASSESSMN EOU. LITERACY IN MIDDLE/HIGH EOU. CURRICULUM STDS & PRACTIC 542-E 542-E 566-E 581-E 587-E 001 002 001 001 001 37195 37196 37197 37198 35820 0-5 0-5 1-3 2 2 CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. LOC: Individualized. LOC: Individualized. TAUGHT IN BEND, OR Staff Staff Hofmann Hofmann Staff EOU. ASSESSMENT ISS & PRACTICE 588-E 001 35821 2 CM+B TAUGHT IN BEND, OR Hayes Taught in Bend, OR. LOC: Individualized. Taught in Bend, OR. LOC: Individualized. P/N Instructor Staff Burkert Evans Evans Evans Spring 2003 ENG English Title *THE AMER NOVEL: POST WW II MAJOR AUTHORS: POETRY OF NATUR MAJ AUTHORS: POETRY OF NATURE Spring 2003 ENGL Crs# 319 454 554 ROBERT SCHWARTZ, 238 MORE, 737-3244 Sec# 003 002 002 CRN 34358 36818 37370 CR 3 3 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. CM+B PRE-REQ: Instructor's approval. P/N Instructor CR 3 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PRE-REQ: ENG 206 and any 100-or 200- level English or Humanities course. CM+B PRE-REQ: Upper division standing, a minimum of one British and one American literature survey course, or consent of the instructor CM+B PREREQ: ENGL 206, ENGL 403, one British or American survey course; instructor approval. P/N Instructor Agatucci Donohue EOU-English Title EOU. LITERARY GENRES EOU. MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE Crs# 339-E 390-E Sec# CRN 001 35822 001 35823 EOU. SEMINAR 407-E 001 Spring 2003 ENSC Title WORKSHOP RESEARCH PROFILES Spring 2003 Title WILDERNESS MANAGEMENT Spring 2003 GEO Title APPLIED GEOMORPHOLOGY APPLIED GEOMORPHOLOGY Spring 2003 GEOG Title UO. GEOGRAPHIC FIELD STUDIES Spring 2003 GEOL Title UO. GEOLOGY OF OR & PACIF NW UO. EARTH MATERIALS 2 Environmental Sciences Crs# 508 530 FOR 37631 Sec# CRN 002 36861 002 36857 CR Meeting Time 1 1-2 WILLIAM WINNER, 1024 CORD, 737-5095 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. Forest Resources Crs# 352 Sec# CRN 001 36819 Sec# CRN 001 34336 001 34337 P/N Instructor Winner Winner J. WALSTAD, 280 PVY, 737-4951 CR 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. Geosciences Crs# 432 532 Donohue P/N Instructor Joslin MELINDA PETERSON, 104 WLKN, 737-1238 CR 3 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. P/N Instructor Rosenfeld Rosenfeld CR 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B P/N Instructor Holtzclaw CR 4 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: General Geology sequence. P/N Instructor Rusk Rusk Geography Crs# 313-U Sec# CRN 001 36790 UO-Geology Crs# Sec# CRN 308-U 001 35897 311-U 001 36791 Spring 2003 HDFS Human Dev and Family Sciences Title DIRECTED EXP IN EARLY CHILDHOO Crs# 331 Sec# CRN 002 34350 APPLIED RESEARCH METHODS 361 002 36811 3 READING AND CONFERENCE PROJECTS SEMINAR 405 406 407 003 003 003 36808 36809 36807 1-6 1-6 1 FIELD EXPERIENCE 410 001 37158 3-15 CM+B SUPER EXPER IN EARLY CHILDHD CHILD BEHAV SUPP IN GROUP SETT CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT IND AND FAM POL & PROGRAMS III 430 433 444 462 003 002 002 002 37159 36810 34348 36812 9 3 3 3 CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: Senior standing, and restricted to students in HDFS options. Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: HDFS 331. Days/Times: Individualized. Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: HDFS 211; HDFS 233 or HDFS 261: HDFS 310 or 331. Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: 6 credits of HDFS, SOC, or PSY Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: HDFS 209, HDFS 310 or HDFS 311; and HDFS 460 CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT 544 002 34349 3 CM+B Taught in BEND, OR. PRE-REQ: 6 credits of HDFS, SOC, or PSY Crs# Sec# CRN 327-U 001 36792 328-U 001 35899 410-U 001 37251 467-U 001 37184 CR 4 4 4 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: HIST 101, Western Civilization. CM+B TAUGHT IN BEND, OR. CM+B CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. P/N Instructor O'Neill Staff Britz Britz CR 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. P/N Instructor Krueger Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B P/N P/N Instructor Meddish Spring 2003 HIST HUM IDS LS Title PROJECTS INTERNSHIP Spring 2003 Title LIN. STATISTICS Crs# 350-U Crs# 008-L Sec# CRN 001 36793 Sec# CRN 001 37199 CR 1 Meeting Time Liberal Studies Crs# 406 410 MAT P/N Instructor Brey Coehlo P/N Coehlo Coehlo Brey P/N Brey Brey Brey Coehlo Dowd Coehlo LIN -Interdepartmental Studies Title LIN.LINFIELD ENTRY COLLOQUIUM Spring 2003 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PRE-REQ: HDFS 211, HDFS 233, HDFS 330. REQ: REQ: Departmental approval. DAYS/TIME: Individualized. CM+B Taught in end, OR. PRE-REQ: HDFS 360 and ST 201, or HDFS 360 MTH 211 and MTH 212 CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. CM+B UO-Humanities Title UO.MULTICULT STUDIES IN HUMANI Spring 2003 Meeting Time UO-History Title UO. THE AGE OF DISCOVERIES UO. CRISIS OF THE 17TH CENTURY UO.ST/AMERICAN WEST: CUL HIST UO.THE AM WEST: CULTURAL HIST Spring 2003 CR 3 CLARA C. PRATT, 322 MLM, 737-4765 Sec# CRN 002 37185 001 37186 JEFFREY HALE, 211 GILK, 737-0561 CR Meeting Time 1-16 1-12 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B REQ: Instructor's approval. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. REQ: Instructor's approval. P/N CR 3 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B P/N P/N Instructor Staff Staff LIN-Mathematics Crs# 301-L Sec# CRN 001 37204 Meeting Time Instructor Staff Spring 2003 MATH UO-Mathematics Title UO.ELEMENTARY ANALYSIS UO.STATISTICAL METHODS UO. ABSTRACT ALGEBRA III UO. ABSTRACT ALGEBRA III Spring 2003 PS Crs# 315-U 425-U 446-U 546-U Sec# 001 001 001 001 CRN 36788 36789 36794 36797 Sec# 002 002 002 020 002 CRN 36056 37183 37182 37181 37180 ^T/JUDIC POL: GUNS AND CONSTIT UO. POLITICS OF EVERYDAY LIFE T/JUDIC POL: GUNS & CONSTITUTI 429 491-U 529 001 001 001 34364 36803 37543 PSY RNG Crs# 330-U 410-U WR Title EOU. ADVANCED PROSE WRITING EOU. INTERMEDIATE FICTION EOU. PRACTICUM 4 4 4 CM+B CM+B CM+B Crs# 303-U 404-U 406 475 Sec# CRN 001 36796 001 36795 CR 4 4 Meeting Time P/N PRE-REQ: PS 201, and at least one of the following: PS 322, PS 323, or PS 324 Taught in Bend, OR. Instructor Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Myagkov Foster Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: General Psychology. P/N Instructor O Laughlin Porzelius W.C. KRUEGER, 202 STAG, 737-3341 Sec# CRN 002 34366 002 37318 CR 3 4 Meeting Time Sec# 001 001 002 002 CR Meeting Time 4 1-16 1-16 3 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PRE-REQ: RNG 355 CM+B P/N Instructor Ehrhart Ehrhart GARY TIEDEMAN, 307 FAIR, 737-2641 CRN 36805 36998 37477 36828 Written English Crs# 316-E 342-E 409-E Instructor Tingey Tingey Tingey Tingey JOHN GILLIS, 204 MORE, 737-2311 Sociology Title UO.WORLD POP AND SOCIAL STRUCT UO.INTERNSHIP PROJECTS RURAL-URBAN SOCIOLOGY Spring 2003 Crs# 455 490 P/N Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: PS 201 CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. REQ: Instructor's approval. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. REQ: Instructor's approval. CM+B PRE-REQ: Instructor's approval. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. Instructor's approval. CO-REQ: PS 406. Rangeland Resources Title RIPARIAN ECOLOGY & MANAGEMENT RANGELAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING SOC CR Meeting Time 4 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-12 Psychology Title UO. THINKING UO.BODY IMAGE, OBESITY, & EAT Spring 2003 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: Calculus. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: MATH 111. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: MATH 445. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: Math 545. WILLIAM M. LUNCH, 307 GILK, 737-2811 Crs# 323 402 405 406 410 Spring 2003 Meeting Time Political Science Title AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE PROJECTS POLITICAL SCIENCE INTERNSHIP Spring 2003 CR 4 4 4 4 Sec# 001 001 001 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: Intro to Sociology. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. REQ: Instructor's consent. LOC: Individualized. CM+B PRE-REQ: Instructor's approval. CM+B Taught in Bend, OR. PRE-REQ: SOC 204. DATES/TIMES: Friday and Saturday April 4, 5; April 25, 26; May 16, 17. Fridays, 6 -9 p.m.; Saturdays, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Instructor Minor-Evans Leahy Cramer Cramer ROBERT SCHWARTZ, 238 MORE, 737-3244 CRN 35826 35828 35829 CR 4 3 1 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PRE-REQ: B average in comp courses or successful completion of WPE. CM+B CM+B P/N Instructor Agatucci Krueger Lyons