Fall 2003 ANAT UO-Anatomy Title UO.HUMAN ANATOMY I UO.HUMAN ANATOMY I-LAB Crs# Sec# CRN CR 311-U 001 17113 3 314-U 001 17112 2 Meeting Time MW 1000-1120 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees TBA CM+B PREREQ: BI 212. COREQ: ANAT 314. CM+B COREQ: ANAT 311. P/N Instructor Staff Staff Winter 2004: 312-U, 315-U Fall 2003 ANTH Anthropology Title UO.OREGON ARCHEOLOGY UO.HUMAN EVOLUTION UO.RESEARCH UO.FIELDWORK IN ARCHEOLOGY UO.THE ANTHROPOLOGY MUSEUM Crs# 344-U 361-U 401-U 408-U 450-U Sec# 001 001 001 001 001 JOHN A. YOUNG, 238 WALD, 737-4515 CRN CR 16514 4 16510 4 17018 1-21 16710 4 16512 3 Meeting Time RF 1530-1710 TR 1100-1230 S 0800-1600 T 1800-2100 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees TBA CM+B CSB 201 CM+B PREREQ: Physical Anthropology. CM+B TBA CM+B PREREQ: ANTH 101 or instructor approval. TBA CM+B LOCATION: High Desert Museum P/N Instructor O'Neill Nelson Leahy Helzer Winter 2004: 310-U, 401-U Spring 2004: 401-U, 408-U Fall 2003 ART Art JIM FOLTS, 106 FAIR, 737-4745 Title DRAWING III: FIGURE PAINTING THE FIGURE INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE PROJECTS Crs# 334 381 402 405 406 Sec# 002 001 002 002 002 CRN 16326 16026 16468 16467 17551 CR Meeting Time 4 TR 0900-1200 4 TR 1300-1600 1-16 1-16 1-16 ART FOR TEACHERS I DRAWING IV/FIGURE PAINTING III: THE FIGURE INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE 415 434 481 502 505 001 002 002 002 001 16024 4 17459 4 TR 0900-1200 17483 4 TR 1300-1600 16466 1-16 16465 1-16 ART FOR TEACHERS I 515 001 16028 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 247 CM+B PREREQ: Art Core Curriculum; ART 234. CSB 247 CM+B PREREQ: Art Core Curriculum, ART 234, ART 281. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CSB 247 CM+B CSB 247 CM+B P/N Instructor Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke PREREQ: 9 credits ART 334. PREREQ: 9 credits of 300 level painting. REQ: Instructor and Departmental approval REQ: Instructor and Departmental approval. 4 Brooke Winter 2004: 331, 364, 382, 402, 405, 406, 407, 431, 460, 481 Spring 2004: 383, 402, 405, 406, 411, 415, 469, 481, 515 Fall 2003 BA Business Administration CRN CR 17484 4 16469 4 16006 4 17527 4 CLARA HORNE, 214 BEXL, 737-3716 Title FINANCE ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR INTRO TO INFORMATION MANAGE Crs# 340 350 352 370 Sec# 007 003 007 003 MARKETING 390 004 16383 READING AND CONFERENCE INNOVATION AND PRODUCT MANAGE 405 458 002 18036 1-16 001 17486 4 MW 1500-1645 4 Meeting Time TR 1500-1645 TR 1300-1445 W 1300-1445 M 1300-1445 TR 1315-1500 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 246 CM+B PREREQ: ECON 201; BA 213 or BA 215; junior standing. CSB 246 CM+B PREREQ: Junior standing. PREREQ: Junior standing. CSB 101 CM+B PREREQ: BA 213, CIS 235, MTH 244; and Junior standing. CSB 246 CSB 117 PREREQ: ECON 210 and Junior standing. CM+B CSB 246 CM+B P/N Instructor Hacker Hacker Duncan Coakley Staff PREREQ: BA 390 and Junior standing. Winter 2004: 347, 357, 405, 462, 477 Spring 2004: 352, 390, 460, 469, 492 Fall 2003 BI Biology Title ST/ISS AGR & NAT RES BIOTECH UO.RESEARCH Fall 2003 Title BIO T. POWELL, 2042 CORD, 737-2993 Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time 399 002 16953 3 TR 1330-1450 401-U 001 17983 1-16 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 107 CM+B P/N Instructor Staff Leahy Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Instructor UO-Biology Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time UO. MICROBIOLOGY UO. MICROBIOLOGY UO. MICROBIOLOGY LAB UO. MICROBIOLOGY LAB UO.ST/COMM IN ENVIRON SCIENCES 330-U 330-U 331-U 331-U 399-U 001 002 001 002 001 16481 16793 16483 16799 16492 3 3 2 2 4 TR 1300-1415 MW 1600-1715 TR 1430-1600 F 1000-1250 MW 0800-0950 UO.GENL BIO IV-BIOCHEM & GENE UO.RESEARCH 399-U 002 16867 4 TR 0900-1030 410-U 001 17017 1-16 CSB 201 CM+B OCH 123 CSB 202 CM+B OCH 120 CSB 105 PREREQ: General Biology sequence. COREQ: BI 331. PREREQ: General Biology sequence. NOTE: Cross-Listed WITH COCC BI 234 (crn 40128). COREQ: BI 330. COREQ: BI 330. NOTE: Cross-Listed with COCC BI 234 (crn 41429). CSB 201 CM+B PREREQ: General Biology sequence. REQ: Instructor approval. LOC: Individualized. Staff Eberle Staff Eberle Gerard Leahy Winter 2004: 320-U, 330-U, 331-U, 401-U Spring 2004: 322-U, 360-U, 370-U, 401-U Fall 2003 CH Chemistry JOHN C. WESTALL, 153 GILB, 737-2081 Title UO. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Crs# Sec# CRN CR 331-U 001 16534 4 UO. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB UO.RESEARCH 337-U 001 16536 3 401-U 001 17014 1-21 Meeting Time WF 1300-1350 M 1300-1450 F 1400-1650 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees MOD 101 CM+B PREREQ: General Chemistry sequence. COREQ: CH 337. MOD 101 OCH 225 CM+B COREQ: CH 331. CM+B P/N Instructor Staff Staff Leahy Winter 2004: 335-U, 338-U, 401-U Spring 2004: 336-U, 360-U, 401-U Fall 2003 COMM Communication GREGG WALKER, 104 SHEP, 737-2461 Title ADV INTERPERSONAL COMM COMMUNCIATION IN ORGANIZATIONS RESEARCH INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE Crs# 318 324 401 402 405 Sec# 002 001 002 002 002 CRN 16622 17461 17517 17542 17541 CR Meeting Time 3 MW 1230-1350 3 W 1700-2000 1-16 1-16 1-16 PROJECTS COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP ^SMALL GROUP COMM THEORY & RES SMALL GROUP COMM THEORY & RESE 406 410 422 522 002 002 002 001 17540 1-16 17539 1-16 17538 3 M 1600-1900 17867 3 M 1600-1900 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 248 CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CSB 248 CM+B CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B CM+B CSB 248 CM+B CSB 248 CM+B P/N Instructor Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar PREREQ: Instructor approval. PREREQ: Major with minimum of 21 credits and instructor approval. PREREQ: COMM 321 or instructor approval. P/N Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar Winter 2004: 321, 401, 402, 405, 406, 410, 412, 416, 512 Spring 2004: 401, 402, 405, 406, 408, 410, 416, 446, 546 Fall 2003 COUN Counseling Title ST/ INTRO TO COUNSELING FUNDAMENTALS OF COUNSELING Fall 2003 CRIM CS Sec# CRN CR 002 17883 3 001 17884 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B CM+B P/N Instructor Staff Staff Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees PREREQ: Lower division CRIM courses. PREREQ: Lower division CRIM courses. FEE: $380 P/N Instructor Rutz-Burri Sims SOU-Criminology Title SOU.CRIMINAL LAW SOU. CRIMINAL JUSTICE LEADERSH Fall 2003 Crs# 499 525 GENE EAKIN, 318A EDUC, 737-9215 Crs# Sec# CRN CR 411-S 001 16199 4 451-S 001 16195 4 Computer Science Title OPERATING SYSTEMS I INTRO TO THEORY COMPUTATION ^SOFTWARE ENGINEERING I PROJECTS SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGIN PROJECT Crs# 311 321 361 406 461 Sec# 002 002 002 002 001 CRN CR 15223 4 16005 3 15224 4 17033 1-16 17145 4 CHERRI PANCAKE, 102 DEAR, 737-3273 Meeting Time MWF 1330-1500 MW 1830-1930 MW 1700-1820 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 103 CS 261 or ECE 271 CSB 103 CM+B PREREQ: CS 261 CSB 103 CM+B REQ: Instructor approval. LOC: Individualized. P/N P/N Instructor Curry Curry Curry Curry Curry Fall 2003 ED Education ALLAN BRAZIER, 308E EDUC, 737-4661 Title EOU.STRUCTURED PRACTICUM EOU.PRIMARY READING/LANG ARTS EOU.SECONDARY READING/LANG ART EOU. INDIV DIFF & ISSUES ELEM EOU. EXCEPTIONALITY Crs# 309-E 354-E 356-E 383-E 384-E Sec# 001 001 001 001 001 CRN CR 16734 0 16849 3 16725 2 16913 2 16845 2 EOU.LITERATURE FOR PRIM GRADES EOU.ADOLESCENT LITERATURE EOU. DEVEL & INDIV DIFFS IN HS EOU.PRACTICUM EOU.SECONDARY CUESTE PRACTICUM 387-E 389-E 393-E 409-E 409-E 001 001 001 001 002 16850 16859 16729 16744 17566 2 2 2 0 1 EOU.MID SCH MTH TCH: LANG ARTS 463-E 001 16724 2 CM+B EOU.MID LVL MTH TCH: ART 463-E 002 17056 2 CM+B EOU.MID LVL MTH TCH: MATHEMATI 463-E 003 17057 2 CM+B EOU.MID LEV MTH TCH: SOCIAL ST 463-E 004 17058 2 CM+B EOU.MID LVL MTH TCH: SCIENCE 463-E 005 17059 2 CM+B EOU.MID LVL MTH TCH: PE 463-E 006 17060 2 CM+B EOU.MID LVL MTH TCH: FOR LANG 463-E 007 17061 2 CM+B EOU.MID LVL SUB METH: MUSIC EOU. MID SCH MTH TCH: BUSINESS EOU.PRIMARY LEARNING CYCLE 463-E 008 17062 463-E 009 18099 480-E 001 16855 2 2 2 MF 0800-0855 CM+B CM+B CSB 115 CM+B EOU.PRIMARY CURRIC & STANDARDS EOU.PRI CURR & STDS: ART & MUS EOU.PRI CLROOM DYNAMICS/ELEM EOU.INDIV DIFF & ISSUES IN PRI EOU.PRIMARY ASSESSMENT 481-E 481-E 482-E 483-E 485-E 001 002 001 001 001 16854 16848 16853 16852 16851 1-2 1 2 1 2 MF 0900-0955 T 0800-0855 T 0900-0955 MF 1000-1055 CSB 115 CSB 107 CSB 117 CSB 115 EOU.MID SCHOOL LEARNING CYCLE EOU.SECONDARY CURRICULUM/STDS EOU.CLASSROOM MGMT/LESSON DESI EOU.IND DIFF & ISSUES MID LEV EOU. EXCEPTIONALITY 490-E 491-E 492-E 493-E 494-E 001 001 001 001 001 16733 16732 16731 16730 16858 2 2 2 1 2 MF 0800-0855 MF 0900-0955 R 0900-0955 CSB 104 CM+B CSB 104 CM+B CSB 114 CM+B CM+B EOU.MIDDLE LEVEL ASSESSMENT EOU. MASTER OF SCI SEMINAR 495-E 001 16728 500-E 001 17570 2 2 MF 1000-1050 R 1630-1830 EOU.MASTER'S PROJECT EOU. INDEPENDENT RESEARCH EOU. INQUIRY INTO PRACTICE 503-E 001 17574 506-E 001 17576 510-E 001 17577 EOU. INQUIRY INTO PRACTICE EOU. LEARNING & DEVEL: PRINCIP EOU. LEARNING & DEVEL: PRINCIP EOU. BEHAVIOR & MGMT: MODELS EOU. BEHAVIOR & MGMT: MODELS 510-E 520-E 520-E 527-E 527-E 18101 17565 17580 17564 17587 2 1 2 2 1 EOU. LANG ARTS/READING: CONCEP 530-E 001 17586 1 003 001 002 001 002 Meeting Time R 1000-1155 R 1000-1155 R 1100-1200 R 0800-0855 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B CSB 117 CM+B PREREQ: Admission to Cueste. CSB 114 CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. CM+B PREREQ: Admission to Cueste. REQ: Program admission. CSB 115 CM+B CSB 115 CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B Instructor Staff Evans Staff REQ: Program admission. PREREQ: Admission to program. PREREQ: Admission to program. PREREQ: Admission to program. PREREQ: Admission to program. Staff Burkert Staff Staff PREREQ: Program admission. COURSE INFORMATION: Each section of ED 463 will be held on different dates. Please contact Carol Evans at 322-3152 for dates pertaining to your field. PREREQ: Admission to program. COURSE INFO: Each section will be held on different dates. Please contact Carol Evans at 322-3152 for dates pertaining to your field. PREREQ: Admission to program. COURSE INFO: Each section will be held on different dates. Please contact Carol Evans at 322-3152 for dates pertaining to your field. PREREQ: Admission to program. COURSE INFO: Each section will be held on different dates. Please contact Carol Evans at 322-3152 for dates pertaining to your field. PREREQ: Admission to program. COURSE INFO: Each section will be held on different dates. Please contact Carol Evans at 322-3152 for dates pertaining to your field. Staff PREREQ: Admission to program. COURSE INFO: Each section will be held on different dates. Please contact Carol Evans at 322-3152 for dates pertaining to your field. PREREQ: Admission to program. CLASS INFO: Each section will be held on different dates. Please contact Carol Evans at 322-3152 for dates pertaining to your field. Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff PREREQ: Admission to program. Staff Staff Evans REQ: Program admission. PREREQ: Admission to program. Staff Staff DATE/TIME: Class meets Tuesday, 9 -10 a.m., CSB 117. PREREQ: Admission to Cueste. DATES: Sept 22 to Dec 12, 2003. Evans PREREQ: Admission to program. DATES: Aug 22 - Dec 12, 2003. PREREQ: Admission to CUESTE. PREREQ: Admission to program. DATES: Sept 25 - Dec 11, 2003. PREREQ: Admission to program. REQ: Program admission. CM+B CM+B CSB 115 CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. PREREQ: Admission to MS Progam. DATES: Oct. 2, Oct 16, Oct. 30, Nov. 13, Nov. 20, Dec. 4 PREREQ: Admission to program. PREREQ: Admission to program. PREREQ: Admission to program. R 1730-2030 R 1400-1455 T 1400-1700 R 1500-1700 T 1400-1700 CSB 114 CSB 114 TBA CSB 115 TBA CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. PREREQ: Admission to program. PREREQ: Admission to program. PREREQ: Admission to program. M 1600-1700 CSB 115 CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. 4-6 1-6 2 T 1730-2030 CSB 104 CM+B CSB 114 CM+B P/N Ersoff Ersoff Staff Ersoff Hofmann Evans Hofmann Burkert Staff Burkert Ersoff Winter 2004: 355-E, 363-E, 380-E, 381-E, 382-E, 384-E, 385-E, 390-E, 391-E, 392-E, 394-E, 395-E, 396-E, 409-E, 484-E, 494-E, 503-E, 506-E, 510-E, 520-E, 524-E, 527E, 530-E Spring 2004: 412-E, 415-E, 416-E, 532-E Fall 2003 ENG English ROBERT SCHWARTZ, 238 MORE, 737-3244 Title LIN.ENVIRONMENTAL LITERATURE *THE AMERICAN NOVEL *WOMENS VOICES IN AMER LIT READING AND CONFERENCE STUDIES IN LIT, CULTURE & SOC Crs# 304-L 317 362 405 480 Sec# 001 003 001 002 001 *^STUDIES IN AMER LIT MAJ AUTHORS: POETRY OF NATURE 485 554 001 17522 003 17487 Winter 2004: 360, 406, 480 Spring 2004: 406, 416, 445, 516 CRN CR 16515 3 16558 3 17465 3 18246 1-16 16580 3 3 3 Meeting Time R 1800-2130 MW 1100-1240 MW 1400-1520 MW 1400-1540 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 201 CSB 117 CSB 248 CM+B CM+B CSB 117 MW 1000-1120 TR 1100-1220 CSB 248 CM+B CSB 248 CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. P/N Instructor Staff Browne Browne Browne Fall 2003 ENGL EOU-English Title EOU.CAPSTONE EOU. PRACTICUM Crs# Sec# CRN CR 403-E 001 16174 2 409-E 001 16131 1 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Senior Discourse studies. CM+B P/N Instructor Sumpter-Latham Winter 2004: 403-E, 407-E, 409-E Spring 2004: 407-E Fall 2003 FOR Forest Resources Title PROJECTS ST/OUTDOOR REC PROG & EVAL Crs# 406 499 J. WALSTAD, 280 PVY, 737-4951 Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time 004 18214 1-16 003 18119 3 R 1700-2000 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B CSB 246 CM+B P/N Instructor Staff Winter 2004: 365, 499 Spring 2004: 351, 401, 485 Fall 2003 FS Forest Science Title ST/ISS AGR & NAT RES BIOTECHNO ST/ISS AGR & NAT RES BIOTECHNO Fall 2003 GEO Crs# 499 599 THOMAS ADAMS, 321 RICH, 737-2244 Sec# CRN CR 003 16955 3 008 16954 3 Meeting Time T 1330-1450 TR 1330-1450 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 107 CSB 107 Geosciences P/N Instructor Lomax Lomax MELINDA PETERSON, 104 WLKN, 737-1238 Title SURFACE PROCESSES ST/EARTH SCI & THE ENVIRONMENT Crs# 322 399 Sec# CRN CR 002 15216 4 001 17892 4 FIELD RES PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 434 002 15458 3 ^GEOSCIENCES FIELD METHODS 462 001 16171 4 FIELD RES PHYSICAL GEOGRAPH 534 002 16172 3 GEOSCIENCES FIELD METHODS 562 001 16170 4 Meeting Time TR 0900-1020 TR 1100-1230 R 1330-1530 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N CSB 103 CM+B REQ: Field trip(s) required; transportation fee charged. CSB 103 CM+B CSB 103 CM+B REQ: Field trips required. Transportation and field guide fee charged. Week long trip prior to the start of fall term. PREREQ: GEO 201, GEO 202, GEO 301 or equivalent. Field trips required; transportation fee charged CM+B REQ: Field trips required; transportation and field guide fee charged. Week long trip prior to the start of fall term. PREREQ: GEO 201, GEO 202, GEO 301, or equivalent. Field trips required; transportation fee charged Instructor Rosenfeld Rosenfeld Rosenfeld Rosenfeld Rosenfeld Rosenfeld Spring 2004: 301, 305 Fall 2003 GEOG Geography Title UO. GEOGRAPHIC FIELD STUDIES UO. GEOGRAPHIC FIELD STUDIES Crs# Sec# CRN CR 313-U 001 16539 4 313-U 002 18018 4 Meeting Time F 1300-1600 F 0900-1200 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees TBA CM+B LOC: Chandler Bldg. TBA CM+B NOTE: Field trip fee. P/N Instructor Meeting Time MW 0900-1030 MW 1100-1230 MW 1100-1230 MW 1600-1730 MW 1600-1730 Location CSB 201 CSB 105 CSB 201 TBA TBA P/N Instructor Rusk Reynolds Rusk Spring 2004: 313-U Fall 2003 GEOL UO-Geology Title UO. FOSSIL RECORD UO. VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES UO. EARTH RSRCS & THE ENVIRMNT UO. THERMODYNAMIC GEOCHEMISTRY UO. THERMODYNAMIC GEOCHEMISTRY Winter 2004: 306-U, 311-U Crs# 304-U 306-U 310-U 471-U 571-U Sec# 001 001 001 001 001 CRN CR 17524 4 16533 4 16532 4 17516 4 17515 4 Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Any GEOL course or instructor consent. CM+B CM+B PREREQ: General Geology. General Chemistry, Calculus. CM+B PREREQ: General Geology, General Chemistry, Calculus Fall 2003 HDFS Human Dev and Family Sciences Title ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND AGING CURRIC DEVELOP IN EARLY CHILDH EARLY CHILDHOOD PRACTICUM FAMILY DEVELOPMENT READING AND CONFERENCE Crs# 314 330 331 341 405 Sec# 003 002 002 002 003 CRN CR 16250 3 15217 3 15221 3 15219 3 17015 1-6 Meeting Time MW 1500-1620 MW 1630-1730 PROJECTS SEMINAR FIELD EXPERIENCE SUPER EXPER IN EARLY CHILDHD FAMILY POLICY 406 407 410 430 460 003 003 002 003 002 17537 1-6 17536 1 16683 3-15 16249 9 16197 3 TR 1500-1620 TR 1630-1730 CLARA C. PRATT, 322 MLM, 737-4765 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 104 CM+B PREREQ: 6 credit hours of HDFS, PSY, or SOC. CSB 104 CM+B PREREQ: HDFS 211, HDFS 233. CM+B COREQ: HDFS 407. CSB 104 CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CSB 104 CM+B P/N COREQ: HDFS 331, HDFS 410, or HDFS 430. P/N PREREQ: Senior standing and restricted to students in HDFS options. COREQ: HDFS 407. P/N PREREQ: HDFS 331. COREQ: HDFS 407. PREREQ: HDFS 361 Instructor Coehlo Brey Brey Coehlo Staff Staff Brey Brey Brey Dowd Winter 2004: 331, 360, 405, 406, 407, 410, 430, 431, 461, 465 Spring 2004: 331, 361, 405, 406, 407, 410, 430, 433, 462, 465 Fall 2003 HIST UO-History Title UO. THE SOUTH UO. CIVIL WAR HISTORY Crs# Sec# CRN CR 357-U 001 16527 4 399-U 001 17511 4 Meeting Time TR 1300-1440 TR 1300-1440 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 246 CSB 117 CM+B P/N Instructor Zens Zens Meeting Time TR 0830-0950 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees TBA CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval -- see Diane Pritchard. P/N Instructor Staff Meeting Time TR 1300-1440 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 118 CM+B P/N Instructor Bouknight Winter 2004: 466-U Spring 2004: 467-U Fall 2003 HPHY UO-Human Physiology Title UO. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY I Crs# Sec# CRN CR 313-U 001 18095 3 Winter 2004: 314-U Fall 2003 HUM UO-Humanities Title UO. MOD CUL: CONSPI TH: CAESAR Crs# Sec# CRN CR 354-U 001 16526 4 Winter 2004: 300-U Fall 2003 IE Industrial and Mfg Engineering Title MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Fall 2003 LIB Crs# 470 Sec# CRN CR 001 15265 4 Meeting Time TR 1900-2100 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees TBA PREREQ: Junior standing. LOCATION: OCH 229 P/N Instructor Hacker Meeting Time T 1000-1155 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 114 CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. REQ: Program admission. CSB 115 CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. REQ: Program admission. CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. NOTE: Continues through Winter term. P/N Instructor Evans Staff Staff Staff Staff EOU-Library Science Title EOU.LITERATURE FOR PRIM GRADES EOU. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY EOU. ADOLESCENT LITERATURE EOU.EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY EOU.EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Crs# 387-E 388-E 389-E 389-E 490-E EOU.EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 490-E 002 17567 Winter 2004: 388-E RICHARD E. BILLO, 118 COVL, 737-2365 Sec# 002 001 001 002 001 CRN CR 16916 2 16857 1 16726 2 16856 1 16727 1 1 T 1000-1155 CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. NOTE: Continues through Winter term. Staff Fall 2003 LS Liberal Studies Title INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE PROJECTS INTERNSHIP Crs# 402 405 406 410 Sec# 001 001 004 002 JEFFREY HALE, 211 GILK, 737-0561 CRN 17529 17528 17116 17115 CR Meeting Time 1-16 1-3 1-16 1-12 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. P/N P/N MW 1700-1830 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 104 PREREQ: MATH 253 or equivalent. CSB 105 CM+B PREREQ: MATH 252. TBA PREREQ: MATH 282 or instructor consent. LOC: Chandler Bldg. LOC: Individualized. CSB 105 PREREQ: Instructor consent. TR 1930-2050 MW 1700-1830 TBA CSB 105 Instructor P/N Winter 2004: 402, 405, 406, 410 Spring 2004: 402, 405, 406, 410 Fall 2003 MATH UO-Mathematics Title UO.ELEMENTARY ANALYSIS UO. ELEMENTARY LINEAR ALGEBRA UO.FOURIER SERIES & ORTH FUNCT UO.INTRO TO TOPOLOGY UO.ABSTRACT ALGEBRA Crs# 315-U 341-U 422-U 432-U 444-U Sec# 001 001 001 001 001 CRN CR 16496 4 16715 4 16494 4 17114 4 16498 4 UO.FOURIER SERIES & ORTHO FUNC UO.ABSTRACT ALGEBRA 522-U 001 16996 544-U 001 16997 4 4 Meeting Time MW 0730-0850 TR 1100-1230 TR 1930-2050 PREREQ: MATH 282, or instructor consent. LOC: Chandler Bldg. PREREQ: Instructor consent. Instructor Tingey Tingey Leahy Leahy Tingey Leahy Tingey Winter 2004: 342-U, 432-U Spring 2004: 315-U, 425-U, 433-U, 533-U Fall 2003 MS Military Science Title LDRSHIP & MGT OF MIL ORG Crs# 311 MAJOR LAURA GARREN, MCAF 200, 737-6900 Sec# CRN CR 002 17920 3 Meeting Time TR 1500-1700 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 201 CM+B CO-REQ: MS 311 Lab (APF). P/N Instructor Staff Spring 2004: 311 Fall 2003 NR Natural Resources Title SEMINAR Crs# 407 BO SHELBY, 119 PEAV, 737-9135 Sec# CRN CR 002 17535 1 Meeting Time T 1300-1400 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 248 CM+B P/N Instructor Ehrhart Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Admission to Cueste. CM+B P/N Instructor Staff Staff Winter 2004: 407 Fall 2003 PEH EOU-Health/Physical Ed Title EOU. CURR & STDS: PE & HLTH EOU.METH OF TEACH: PE & HLTH Crs# Sec# CRN CR 481-E 001 16915 1 573-E 001 17951 2 Meeting Time Winter 2004: 573-E Fall 2003 PHL Philosophy Title ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS. Fall 2003 PS Crs# 440 440 540 COURTNEY CAMPBELL, 208 HOV, 737-2955 Sec# 001 002 001 CRN CR 15218 3 15973 3 15275 3 Meeting Time T 1800-2100 T 1800-2100 T 1800-2100 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 246 PREREQ: Instructor consent. TBA PREREQ: PHL 205, PHL 342, PHL 365, or 6 credits of philosophy. CSB 246 PREREQ: Instructor permission. Political Science Title *GENDER/RACE AMER POL THOUGHT RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE Crs# 363 401 402 405 Sec# 001 002 002 003 P/N Instructor Ehrhart Ehrhart Ehrhart WILLIAM M. LUNCH, 307 GILK, 737-2811 CRN 17462 17534 17533 17532 CR Meeting Time 4 TR 1300-1459 1-16 1-16 1-16 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 104 CM+B CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. P/N Instructor Foster Foster Foster Foster PROJECTS 406 011 17531 1-16 POLITICAL SCIENCE INTERNSHIP ADMINISTRATIVE LAW READING AND CONFERENCE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 410 424 505 524 002 001 002 001 CM+B 17492 1-12 17491 4 TR 1000-1150 17855 1-16 17856 4 TR 1000-1150 CM+B CSB 211 CM+B CM+B CSB 211 CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. Foster PREREQ: Instructor approval. COREQ: PS 406/506. PREREQ: PS 201 and at least one of PS 321, PS 322, or PS 323, or instructor approval.. Foster Foster Foster Foster Winter 2004: 365, 401, 402, 405, 406, 410 Spring 2004: 399, 401, 402, 405, 406, 410, 491-U Fall 2003 PSY Psychology Title UO. STATISTICAL METHODS IN PSY UO. BIOPSYCHOLOGY LIN.THEORIES OF PERSONALITY UO. PSYCHOLOGY OF GENDER Crs# 302-U 304-U 375-L 380-U JOHN GILLIS, 204 MORE, 737-2311 Sec# 001 001 001 001 CRN CR 17526 4 17750 4 16394 3 17523 4 Meeting Time MW 1500-1630 TR 1100-1240 M 1800-2130 MW 1000-1130 Location CSB 248 CSB 118 CSB 201 CSB 118 Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: MATH 111, PSY 201 & PSY 202 CM+B PREREQ: 101 or instructor consent. CM+B P/N Instructor Leahy Walker-Sands Minor-Evans Porzelius Winter 2004: 375-U, 410-U Spring 2004: 410-U Fall 2003 RNG Rangeland Resources Title ARID LAND PLANTS DESERT WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROJECTS SPECIAL TOPICS Crs# 348 355 406 499 Sec# 001 002 002 001 W.C. KRUEGER, 202 STAG, 737-3341 CRN CR Meeting Time 17490 2 TR 1630-1800 15974 3 W 1800-2100 15690 1-16 17530 1-16 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 248 CM+B PREREQ: BI 101, 102, and 103, or instructor approval. COREQ: RNG 499. CSB 248 Instructor consent. CM+B COREQ: RNG 348. P/N P/N Instructor Ehrhart Ehrhart Ehrhart Ehrhart Winter 2004: 341 Spring 2004: 406, 490, 499 Fall 2003 SOC Sociology GARY TIEDEMAN, 307 FAIR, 737-2641 Title UO. AMERICA'S PEOPLES UO.INTRO TO SOCIAL RESEARCH UO.INTERNSHIP PROJECTS UO.SUPERVISED TEACHING PRACTIC Crs# 305-U 311-U 404-U 406 409-U Sec# 001 001 001 002 001 CRN 17525 16502 16709 18046 17016 CR Meeting Time 4 TR 0900-1040 4 TR 0900-1040 1-16 1-16 1-21 *ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIOLOGY 480 002 16563 3 SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIOLOGY 481 580 001 18047 002 16562 3 3 SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES 581 001 18054 3 S 0800-1600 F 1800-2100 F 1030-1330 S 0800-1600 F 1800-2100 F 1030-1330 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 246 CM+B PREREQ: Introduction to Sociology CSB 248 PREREQ: Intro to Sociology or instructor consent. CM+B CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. REQ: Instructor approval. LOC: Individualized. CSB 201 CSB 201 CSB 248 CM+B CSB 201 CSB 201 CSB 248 CM+B P/N Instructor Minor-Evans Minor-Evans Leahy Cramer Leahy Cramer PREREQ: SOC 204. Cramer Cramer PREREQ: Instructor approval. Cramer Winter 2004: 330-U, 404-U Spring 2004: 404-U, 424, 485 Fall 2003 SPAN Spanish Title THIRD-YEAR SPANISH Crs# 311 JOSEPH KRAUSE, 210 KIDD, 737-2146 Sec# CRN CR 009 18096 3 Meeting Time TR 0900-1030 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 104 CM+B PREREQ: SPAN 213. P/N Instructor Winter 2004: 312 Spring 2004: 313, 405 Fall 2003 WR Written English ROBERT SCHWARTZ, 238 MORE, 737-3244 Title EOU.TECHNICAL WRITING EOU.WRITING THEORY Crs# Sec# CRN CR 320-E 001 16179 3 328-E 001 16177 3 EOU. ^SENIOR PROJECT/CAPSTONE EOU. PRACTICUM 403-E 001 16130 409-E 001 16169 Winter 2004: 403-E, 407-E 1-5 1 Meeting Time MW 1730-1845 MW 1600-1715 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 118 CM+B PREREQ: WR 121 or equivalent; and upper division standing or instructor approval. CSB 118 CM+B PREREQ: WR 121 and any 100- or 200-level English or Humanities course and upperdivision standing or instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Senior English major and instructor approval. PREREQ: Upper-division standing. Meeting days/times individualized. P/N Instructor Lyons Bouknight Sumpter-Latham Sumpter-Latham Fall 2003 WS Women Studies SUSAN SHAW, 200 GILK, 737-2826 Title *HATE, RESISTANCE, AND RECONC Crs# 420 Sec# CRN CR 001 16577 3 HATE, RESISTANCE, & RECONCILIA 520 001 16579 3 Meeting Time S 0800-1600 F 1800-2100 S 0800-1600 F 1800-2100 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 117 PREREQ: Upper division standing. CSB 117 CSB 117 PREREQ: Upper division standing. CSB 117 P/N Instructor Shaw Shaw