Our Broken Health Care System National Health Policy Conference February 12, 2007 Washington, D.C. Kim Belshe 6.5 Million Uninsured 20% of Population Source: California Health Interview Survey, 2005 Emergency Departments Closing 400 380 The Hidden Tax 10% of premium Cost to Insured Actual Cost of Medical Care 360 Uninsured 340 10% of premium 320 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 Source: New America Foundation Source: Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development The Hidden Tax 17% of premium Cost to Insured Hidden Tax Actual Cost of Medical Care Individuals: $455 Uninsured 17% of premium Families: $1,186 MediMedi-Cal Underfunding Source: Administration Analysis of “Cost Shift Hydraulic,” Dobson Source: New America Foundation 1 Drivers of Cost: Chronic Diseases $153 $151 BILLION Cancer & Diabetes BILLION Smoking & Physical Inactivity Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2003, U.S. Data Drivers of Cost: Medical Errors 23,000 Deaths Cost: >$4 Billion Source: CA Department of Health Services Fixing Our Broken System Governor’s Health Care Initiative ¾Reduce the hidden tax; Prevention / Wellness Shared Responsibility / Coverage for All Affordability lower costs ¾Coverage for all; support better care ¾Healthy California Governor’s Health Care Initiative Prevention / Wellness Prevention & Wellness Healthier State – Long Term Affordability Offer consumers incentives and rewards Promote diabetes prevention and treatment Reduce medical errors Reverse obesity trends Support tobacco cessation 2 Shared Benefit Governor’s Health Care Initiative Prevention / Wellness Shared Responsibility / Coverage for All INDIVIDUALS Access to affordable coverage Healthier CA Shared Benefit Shared Benefit GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT Healthy, productive & economically competitive state Healthy, productive & economically competitive state DOCTORS & HOSPITALS INDIVIDUALS INDIVIDUALS Access to affordable coverage Healthier CA Access to affordable coverage Healthier CA Shared Benefit Shared Benefit Expanded insured pop Fair compensation GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT Healthy, productive & economically competitive state Healthy, productive & economically competitive state INDIVIDUALS Access to affordable coverage Healthier CA HEALTH PLANS Expanded market Fair compensation DOCTORS & HOSPITALS Expanded insured pop Fair compensation EMPLOYERS Affordable coverage Healthy, productive workforce INDIVIDUALS Access to affordable coverage Healthier CA HEALTH PLANS DOCTORS & HOSPITALS Expanded insured pop Fair compensation Expanded market Fair compensation 3 Fixing the Broken System Payment Sources Commercial payer overpayment Creating an efficient, competitive market dynamic MediMedi-Cal/Uninsured Underpayment Shared Responsibility Fixing the Broken System GOVERNMENT Obtain Health Coverage ¾ Must secure health coverage for themselves and their children ¾ Assume greater personal responsibility for health and wellness ¾ Contribute to paying for their coverage HEALTH PLANS Shared Responsibility Fixing the Broken System GOVERNMENT INDIVIDUALS GOVERNMENT EMPLOYERS Obtain health coverage ¾ Expand SCHIP/Medi SCHIP/Medi--Cal for all children in families earning under $60K ¾ Subsidies to families between $20K$20K-$50K provided through new purchasing pool ¾ County responsible for access for undocumented ¾ Expand MediMedi-Cal to adults in poverty ¾ $4 billion increase in MediMedi-Cal reimbursement rates DOCTORS & HOSPITALS Promote a functional health care system Provide access to affordable coverage Fairly compensate Medi-Cal providers INDIVIDUALS DOCTORS & HOSPITALS INDIVIDUALS EMPLOYERS INDIVIDUALS HEALTH PLANS 4 Shared Responsibility Redistribution to Providers GOVERNMENT Promote functional market Provide access to affordable coverage Fairly compensate Medi-Cal providers INDIVIDUALS Obtain health coverage New Funds to Providers DOCTORS & HOSPITALS Provide affordable, quality care Share cost savings $10 - $15 Billion $3.5 Billion Coverage Dividend from Providers Fixing the Broken System Shared Responsibility GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT ¾ 2% fee on physician revenues – 4% on hospital revenues ¾ Participation in patient safety initiatives Promote functional market Provide access to affordable coverage Fairly compensate Medi-Cal providers INDIVIDUALS EMPLOYERS DOCTORS & HOSPITALS ¾ At least 85% of hospital payments spent on patient care INDIVIDUALS Obtain health coverage DOCTORS & HOSPITALS Provide affordable, quality care Share cost savings HEALTH PLANS Guarantee access to affordable coverage HEALTH PLANS Fixing the Broken System Shared Responsibility GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT HEALTH PLANS EMPLOYERS ¾ Only base rates on age and geographic area in the individual market ¾ 85% of premiums dedicated to patient care ¾ Offer “Healthy Actions” rewards and incentives within benefit packages INDIVIDUALS DOCTORS & HOSPITALS ¾ Guarantee coverage Promote functional health care market Provide access to affordable coverage Fairly compensate Medi-Cal providers EMPLOYERS Support employee access to affordable coverage INDIVIDUALS Obtain health coverage DOCTORS & HOSPITALS Provide affordable, quality care Share cost savings HEALTH PLANS Guarantee access to affordable coverage Pass along savings 5 Fixing the Broken System Governor’s Health Care Initiative GOVERNMENT ¾ Offer federal Section125 plans to allow employees to make pre-tax contributions to coverage ¾ Contribute to the cost of coverage – nonoffering employers with 10 or more employees will contribute 4% of payroll DOCTORS & HOSPITALS INDIVIDUALS EMPLOYERS Prevention / Wellness Shared Responsibility / Coverage for All Affordability HEALTH PLANS Affordability: Short Term Affordability: Long-Term Reduce hidden tax Tax breaks for individuals & businesses tied to purchase of health insurance Enhance insurer & hospital efficiency by requiring 85% of premiums & hospital dollars on patient care Remove regulatory barriers Reduce regulatory red tape Promote prevention & wellness Accelerate adoption of health information technology Tie MediMedi-Cal rate increases to performance measures Enhance health care quality & efficiency through transparency and performance measures Monitor & evaluate market function & costs and revise as necessary FISCAL IMPACT Prevention $300 Tax Incentive $900 Counties $2,000 Subsidized Coverage $2,270 Medi-Cal/HFP Coverage $2,638 Medi-Cal Rate Increase $4,039 Federal Funding: $5.47 Billion $12 Billion Other - $203 Employer in lieu $1,000 County and Other Redirect $2,000 Physician/Hospitals Recapture $3,472 Federal Funds $5,474 Cost Funding $1.77 billion: Redirection of current federal funds used for programs for the uninsured $3.7 billion: New federal funds ¾ $3.45 billion: guaranteed under current federal statute (match for MediMedi-Cal reimbursement, Healthy Families parental match) ¾$250 million: Discretionary funds via 1115 waiver in millions 6 Federal Role Medicaid funding – Rates; Parental Fixing Our Broken System: Shared Responsibility expansion ¾Reduce the hidden tax; Section 1115 waiver Deficit Reduction Act flexibility ValueValue-driven health care Tax advantages – HSAs, HSAs, Section 125 plan lower costs ¾Coverage for all; support better care ¾Healthy California 7