This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. CLIMATE: A FACTOR IN THE ORIGIN OF THE POLE BLIGHT DISEASE OF PINUS MONTICOLA DOUGL.' CHARLES D. LEAPHART AND ALBERT R. STAGE2 ForestService ofAgriculture, U. S. Departmentt Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogdent,Utah IntermouxntainL Abstract. Measurements of cores or disc samples representingslightly more than 76,000 annual rings from336 western white pine trees were compiled to obtain a set of deviations from normal growth of healthy trees that would express the response of these trees to variation in the environmentduring the last 280 years. Their growth was demonstratedto be a function of temperature and available moisture for the period of climatic record from 1912 to 1958. Extrapolating the relation of growth to weather to the long tree ring record of western white pine, we findthat the period 1916-40 representsthe most adverse growth conditionswith regard to intensityand duration in the last 280 years. This drought, superimposed on sites having severe moisture-stresscharacteristics,triggered the chain of events which ultimately resulted in pole blight. If the unfavorable conditions for growth during 1916-40 do not represent a shift to a new climatic mean and if western white pine is regenerated only on sites with low moisture-stress characteristics,the probability is high that pole blight will not reoccur for many centuries in stands regeneratedfrom this date on. INTRODUCTION POLE BLIGHT-ITS HOST AND ENVIRONMENT profoundly Westernwhitepine is one of the mostdesirable Climate,in its many ramifications, influencesthe growthof foresttrees. Likewise, species for managementon approximately312 climateinfluencesthe inceptionand intensificationmillion acres in northern Idaho, northeastern of tree diseases throughphysiologicalresponsesof Washington, and western Montana (Fig. 1). for Here it is a seral species in nine habitat types the treesand theirpathogens. Unfortunately, many forestedareas few weather records cover (Daubenmireand Daubenmire1968) thatare ocmuch more than the past 50 years; for example, cupied by climax vegetation characterized by weatherin the westernwhitepine type has been grand fir (Abies grandis (Dougl.) Lindl.), subonly since 1911. How- alpinefir (A. lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.), western recorded instrumentally effects of weatheras recorded redcedar (Thujac plicata Donn), westernhemlock ever,the integrated in the growthrings of trees permitus to extend (Tsuga heterophylla(Raf.) Sarg.), and mountain by several hundredyears our knowledgeof the hemlock(T. mertensiana(Bong.) Sarg.) In the factors southernpart of thisarea, westernwhitepine fordistributionin time of the environmental ests occur ratherextensivelyin somewhatbroad thatinfluenceringwidth. in the growthrates river valleys and often to the ridgetopson all Long recordsof fluctuations of trees have been analyzedchieflyfor archeolog- slopes. Further north to the Canadian border, ical purposesby dendrochronologists (Glock 1955, the species is largely restrictedto moist creek Studhalter1955, Schulman 1956). Shorter se- bottoms,lower benches and flats,and northerly quencesof growthrateshave providedinsightinto slopes. Pole blighthas occurredonlyto the north those aspects of climate to which trees respond of the Clearwaterdrainage (Fig. 1). Pole blightwas firstobservedin 1929. It is re(Fritts 1966, Zahner and Stage 1966). We apstricted to sites with shallow soils or soils of low plied bothof thesetypesof analysesto the growth moisturestorage capacity in the upper available historyof westernwhite pine (Pinus monticola mantleunless these conditionsare mitigated 3-ft Dougl.) to answerthe following:Do the correlaby some subsurfacesource of moisture(Leaphart tions of growthwith climateand the historyof 1958). Root deteriorationand rootletmortality whitepine growthsupportthe hypothesisthatthe are higherin healthystandson thesesitesthanon pole blightdisease of westernwhite pine is the sites where storage capacities exceed 5 inches resultof an adverselydry climaticepoch? And, (12.7 cm) in the 3-ft(0.91-m) mantle. Furtherinduced,whatdoes the ifthedisease is climatically more,as the trees on the droughtysites develop historicalrecordtell us of the probabilitythatthe externalsymptomsof pole blight,the root decline disease will cause recurrentlosses? becomes much more prevalent. In severelydis1 Received September 1, 1969; accepted April 14, 1970. eased trees much of the functionalroot systemis 2 The authors are stationed at the Forestry Sciences rootlets. Rootletmorof Laboratory, Moscow, Idaho, maintained in cooperation almostdevoid absorbing tality is higher in dry than in moist summers. with the University of Idaho. CHARLES 230 D. LEAPHART AND ALBERT R. STAGE Ecology, Vol. 52, No. 2 low husummerseasons with scant precipitation, midity,and a highproportionof clear,warm days and by winterswithheavysnowfalland fairlylow temperatures.The existingweatherrecords describeonly the recentclimate-the oldest records startedin 1911 at the Priest River Experimental Forest. To extend our knowledgeof climateto past epochs throughanalysisof growthrings,we MONTANA can onlyfocuson thosefactorsof the environment to whichtree growthrates are sensitive. Such a studywould most likelymiss the criticalfactors for a specificpathogen. However, growth-ring analysis does provideinsightinto past conditions 0~~~~~~~~~~ of moisture stress (Zahner and Stage 1966). Hence, it shouldalso provideinsightintothe same aspects of the tree's physiologyaffectedby the site characteristics and root decline already associatedwithpole blight. If we can assume that the climaticvariations experiencedduringthe last two centuriescan be of a randomvarirepresentedby the fluctuations able havinga constantmeanand variance,thenthe probabilitywithwhichpole blightwill occur in a particularstand shouldbe the productof the conIT ditional probabilityfor the site times the probabilitythatat least as severea climaticepoch will be experiencedduring the criticalperiod in the lifeof the stand. Leaphart (1958) has estimated FIG. 1. Location of study plots and the geographic withwhichpole blightmight therelativefrequency distributionof the western white pine type. occur in pole stands with a componentof this species. The probabilityincreasedon soils of low Under stressedconditionswesternwhitepine ap- moisture-storage capacity and low recharge porootlets tential. However, the surveyfromwhich these pears unable to keep pace in regenerating to replacethoselost forany cause fromits absorb- estimateswere obtainedsampledonlyone pointin ing system. Crown decline is probablya secon- time. Correspondingprobabilitiesof occurrence daryreactionfollowingdeclineof the root system. should be much lower followingclimaticperiods Concurrentresearchon the disease in BritishCo- when criticalmoisturestress would prevail only lumbiahas supportedtheseconclusions(Welling- on soils of exceptionallylow moisture-storage ton 1954, Molnar and McMinn 1958, McMinn capacity.Our limitedknowledgeoftheconditional and Molnar 1959, McMinn 1965). For further probabilitydistribution withrespectto site condidetail supportingthese conclusions,the reader is tions precludesa completemanagementanalysis. referredto the following:Pole Blight Committee However,studyof the timeseries of variationsin 1952, McMinn 1956, Foster 1957, Leaphart 1957, ringwidthsshouldprovidethe approximateprobLeaphart and Copeland 1957, Graham 1958a, ability distributionof climatic fluctuationsto 1958b,and Leaphartand Wicker 1966. answerthe questionswe have posed. Aside fromthe impactof pole blight (Graham OF DATA COLLECTION ofwesternwhitepine 1958b), currentmanagement has also been severelycurtailedby an introduced Westernwhitepine was selectedfor this analrust disease caused by Cronartiumribicola J. C. ysis forseveralreasons.We were primarilyinterFisch. ex Rabenh. (Ketcham,Wellner,and Evans estedin the fluctuations of thosegrowthconditions 1968). By itself,this resultingshiftin emphasis that affectthis species even thoughit is not ideal to managementof otherspecies, or eventuallyof fordendroclimatological analysisper se. Furtherspecies mixtures including western white pine, more, a comparisonof the growth patternsof would undoubtedlylessen the futureimpact of healthytrees and diseased trees of the same age pole blight. mightprovideinsightsupplementalto Marshall's The climateof the nine habitattypesin which (1927) into conditionsantecedentto the developcorwesternwhitepine occursis characterized by short mentof pole blight. Even if growth-climate OMOSCW GEOGRAPHIC EUDISTRIBUTION o STUDY PLOTS WEATHER STATIONS 1 2 M2ILES EarlySpring1971 CLIMATE AND POLE BLIGHT DISEASE 231 treatment accuratereadingsof each annual ring. A sliding relationswere not strong,mensurational stage device under X45 magnification betweenthe growthpat- micrometer mightshow differences ternduringthe first50 years of growthin several was used to measure width to the nearest onecategories:old stands,young healthystands,and hundredthof a millimeter. Slightlymore than 76,000 annual rings were recorded,nearlyall of young stands currentlyaffectedby the disease. One plot was establishedin each of 23 stands whichwere used in one or moreanalyses. The two cores or strips fromeach tree were (Fig. 1). Most plots were in the vicinityof the Priest River ExperimentalForest on the Kaniksu cross-datedto assure correctannual measurements National Forest and the AveryRanger Stationon fromthe year 1958 to the age of the tree at the the St. Joe National Forest because the longest pith. Trees within each plot were then crossweather records in the westernwhite pine type dated so that for any year withinthe age reprewere availableat thesetwo locations. In addition, sented by the plot an accurate average annual two plots in standsbetween50 and 100 years old growthfor each tree in a plot would be obtained. were selected near Pierce, Idaho, on the Clearwater National Forest. ANALYSIS OF CORE AND WEATHER The 23 plots were selectedfromstandsgrouped MEASUREMENTS intofourbroadage classes: 50-100, 100-150, 150Normal growthvs. age curves 200, and 250-400 years. Except forfiveplots in Our objectiveforthe compilationof the annual the older age groups,all stands were uniformin age; thatis, the age spread in a plot was less than ring data was to obtain a set of deviationsfrom 20 years (Table 1). Althoughthe age spans of normalgrowthof healthytreesthatwould express plots 2, 6, 10, 13, and 21 were greaterthan 20 theresponseof thetreesto the environment.The years,these stands had an even-agedappearance. formof growthexpressionhad to be such thatthe The oldest stand, in which only two trees (379 deviationsfrom it would show relativelygreat and 384 years) were sampled,was located in an variationbetweenyears and low variationamong uneven-sizedstand that had a historyof at least treeswithinyears. In addition,the deviationhad two burns,the last of whichoccurredabout 1890. to have constantvariancewithrespectto tree size Plots were selectedto representstandsof aver- and age. Duff and Nolan (1953) found that data from age density. Nearly all were locatedon soils with good internaldrainageand on moderateto steep widthsof annual ringstaken in verticalsequence slopes. Severe exposures were avoided, except (a constant number of rings from pith) were forone plotin the250- to 400-yearage class. Most superiorto those fromwidthstaken in horizontal environmental effects of the more accessibleand suitablestands of that sequence for demonstrating age class had been harvestedor partiallycut in on growth. However, the physical job of sampling the verticalsequence precluded its use on past years. large trees. all white trees the 336 western sampled pine Of were dominantwith respect to their immediate Basal area incrementhas long been recognized neighbors. Except for 52 trees in four plots in as a measureof growththatis fairlyconstantover the 50- to 100-yearage class, all were healthyand a considerableperiod in the lifeof a tree growing of good vigor. The 52 trees were diseased with under uniformconditions. However, basal area varies widelybetweentreesin the same pole blight and were used in analyses separate increment stand. The largertrees with bettercrowns and analyses. fromthe climate-growth-correlation fasterthando their Two cores, approximately4.5 mm in diameter, rootsystemsgrow consistently were takento the pithwithan incrementborerat less favorablysituatedneighbors. Relative basal 4.5 ft (1.37 m) above mean groundlevel. Cores area growthrate (basal area incrementdivided were taken on the opposite sides of nonleaning by basal area) is less sensitiveto this source of trees; on leaning trees they were taken at right variation. Both basal area incrementand relative basal anglesto each otherfromthetwo quadrantsopposite the zone of greatestcompression. Abnormal area incrementchange with increasingtree age. depressionsor swellingswere avoided when se- To removethis trendwith age all the data from curingcore samples. In four of the older plots, healthyplots were averagedby age. The two age sample trees were felled and a section at 4.5 ft sequences of average growthrates thus obtained (1.37 m) was removed. Two radial stripsfrom will be referredto as the normalgrowthtrendfor the bark to the pithwere cut at rightangles from the logarithmof relativebasal area increment(in this section; each representedthe average radius R) and basal area increment(BAI), respectively. of plots in several age classes The distribution insofaras possible. Cores were air-driedand smoothedto facilitate was such that certaindates tend to clusterabout 232 CHARLES D. LEAPHART 50-100 years Plot Number of AND ALBERT 100-170 years Age Plot R. STAGE Ecology, Vol. 52, No. 2 1. Distribution of plots by age class TABLE 170-250 years Number of Age Plot Number of 250+ years Age Plot Number of Age number trees range number trees range number trees range number trees range 19 16 08 07 05 20 17 03 15 04 15 23 15 27a 15 34b 308 15 12 11 21d 15 12 10 50-58 57-64 58-64 58-64 58-68 59-64 60-63 60-67 60-81 61-67 74-83 83-92 14 02 09 11 10 8 15 10 114-128 116-134 118-125 124-141 02 01 10 5 10 15 152-167 179-194 183-211 06 13 12 21 22 14 10 10 10 2 264-295 254-296 269-278 270-303 380-384 Total 217 43 30 46 aIncludes 12 diseased trees. bjneludes 14 diseased trees. ajneludes 15 diseased trees. djncludes 11 diseased trees. dard deviationsabout the means for several portionsof thecurve. Deviationsfromnormalgrowth Differencesbetweenthe measuredannual increnormalgrowthcurve mentsand thecorresponding each accordingto the age tree for computed were VW~i. lTT TF lT fllll lII -llll l l~r~ flF of the trees when the incrementwas formed. These deviationswere averaged withinyears for trees in all healthyplots. In this analysis,283 trees with a total of 34,728 annual rings were -6. represented. Comparisonof these deviationsfor two expressionsof growthshowed that the ratio of variancebetweenyearsto variancewithinyears AGE was 123.0:1 for in R and 1.72:1 for BAI. The FIG. 2. Normal trend of adjusted in R with tree age. of the formermeasure for studying advantage Vertical bars show standard deviation. growthresponseis obvious. Hereafter,all growth certainages. If these particulardates are char- analyses used deviationsof the logarithmof relacterizedby abnormalgrowthrates, the normal ative basal area increment. growthtrendswould be warpedat the correspond- A curve of the form: 1nR a + b1n (age) + c [in (age) ]2 ing ages. To overcomethis possibility,a second set of adjusted normal growthtrends was pre- was fittedto the sequence of averages for ages pared. The treeswere dividedinto 14 age classes, greaterthan10 years. Each averagewas weighted withdivisionpointsas near as possibleto discon- in the least-squares solution by the number of tinuitiesin the age-class distribution. For each ringsin the average; hence,the weightingwas inoftheseage classes,a scalingfactorwas calculated versely proportionalto the variance. Although in such a mannerthat the productof the scaling the data were predominantly linear,the coefficient factortimes the average-growth rate would be forthe square of the logarithmof age was signifiequal forall age classes (as of 1958) forthe years cant at the 1/10% level. correspondingto 36-50 years of age. The adThe deviations from this smoothed normal justed average growthrate for each year of age growth curve of individual annual rings from was then computedas the mean over all trees of healthytrees greaterthan 10 years of age were the growthrate times the scaling factorappro- collatedby age and theiraveragescalculated. The priate to each tree (Fig. 2). This adjustment historyof theseaverage deviationsfor all healthy processreducedthe large departurefromlinearity trees is shown in Fig. 3A for the period from in the data at an age of about 70 years. Vertical 1680 to 1958. Slow growthis indicatedin this bars in Fig. 2 indicateaverage values of the stan- historicalsequence by negative deviations. Al-3. - 1 -5. 710 20 40 60 80 e00 200 30 400 A A ,n ,ir 1680 1700 I yuC I B 233 CLIMATE AND POLE BLIGHT DISEASE EarlySpring1971 nn 1720 1740 I I . ~a L- ' 1780 1760 I UDQ n ,Lnfl nniMr-Nl h l< n, n"nUniA 4, , 1R lnUdu I 1800 g I 1820 1840 I U -UU~ W0 1900 1920 -L~uQu U]09'UjulUr 4|~0 1860 1880 I I ~ Ii'1 1940 1960 W FIG. 3. (A) Average deviationsfromthe adjustednormalrelativegrowthtrendsortedby date. Periods above the solid line correspondto periodsof betterthan average growth. (B) Sequence of deviationsafter removingeffectof serial correlation.Verticalscale has been expandedto achievea standarddeviationequal to the A series. though records of the oldest trees in the study startedin 1574, at least 10 trees older than 10 years of age at breast heightwere deemednecessaryto obtaina stableaverage; hence,1680 is the earliestdate in thissequence. The sequence of negative departures,beginning about 1916 and continuingto the end of the record, clearly representsthe most unfavorable growthforwesternwhitepine in the 280-yearsequence. The decline beginningin 1905 also is evidentin Marshall's (1927) data. Conversely, theperiodsfrom1853 to 1882 and 1900 to 1908when many of our blightedstands germinatedwere characterizedby unusuallyconsistent,rapid growthrates. of thissequence The serialcorrelationcoefficient is +0.81. With a lag of 15 years,the serial correlationcoefficient of +0.3 is stillfairlyhigh. Climaticconnections Regionalweathersummaries.-Weatherrecords fromthe three stationsused in this studyin the western white pine type indicate similarityin forthe deviationsfrommean annual precipitation water year (October 1 throughSeptember30) (Fig. 4). Average daily mean and maximum temperaturecurves for the months of April throughAugust also indicatea generallyuniform climaticpatternwithinthe timbertype. Nonpole blight areas (Pierce station) annually receive than do most pole blight muchmoreprecipitation areas typifiedby Priest River and Avery. From 1916 to 1940,a periodof criticalstressforgrowth at PriestRiverwas (Fig. 3A), annualprecipitation below the46-yearmean of thethreestations(Fig. 4) in all but three of the 24 years, whereas at 30 - 20 - 10 - ,0L Pierce -10V 20 - 10 0 l 0 Avery -10 - -20 F - 10 -10 Priest River 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 YEAR 1945 1950 1955 1960 FIG. 4. Deviations from mean annual precipitationfor three weather stations. Year extends from October 1 to September 30. Zero ordinate of each panel corresponds to the grand mean of the three stations (34.15 inches/year (86.78 cm/year)). Pierce it droppedbelow the mean in only six of them; threewere consecutive,1929-31. Precipitationwas higherduringthe water year and also higherduringthe growingseason (April throughSeptember)at the Pierce station. Pierce averages about 2.5 and 3.4 inches (6.35 and 8.64 cm) higherthan Avery and Priest River, respectively,duringthe growingperiod. More favorable conditionsfor tree growthoutside the pole CHARLES 234 D. LEAPHART AND ALBERT R. STAGE Ecology, Vol. 52, No. 2 cause theyare thelongestavailableforthewestern whitepine type. Data fromsix oftheplotsclosest to the Priest River Experimental Forest were compiled for the years 1912-58. The climatic factorsconsideredon a daily basis were temperand moisturestress. ature,precipitation, Daily values of mean temperatureand precipitation,as measuredat the Priest River ExperiFIG. 5. Deviations, from monthly mean daily precipidegree tation for the years 1922-60 at the three weather stations mentalForest,were approximatedby fifth (monthly means in parentheses). The higher level of orthogonalpolynomialsfor the period April 1 to annual precipitationat Pierce extends well into the grow- October 24. In addition,an estimateof evapoing season. was obtainedby means of a day-bytranspiration programthatused soil-moisture day water-balance storageand depletioncurves specificto each plot. The differencebetweenThornthwaite'spotential and the estimatedevapotranevapotranspiration spiration,which we have called moisturestress (Zahner and Stage 1966), was included in the of the orthoanalysis in termsof the coefficients gonal polynomials. The dependentvariablein this regressionanalbetweenthe ysis was the average of the difference April logarithmof relativebasal area increment(annual FIG. 6. Deviation from monthly mean daily temperarea) for the trees in basal area increment/basal ature for the years 1922-60 at the three weather stations trend with age. the corresponding and one plot (monthly means in parentheses). Priest River Experiment Station is warmer in the spring than Pierce; tem- From the six plots with46 years of records,276 peratures are higher throughoutat Avery. observationswere obtained upon which to base the regression. blightareas are also shownby the deviationsfrom Climaticvariablesfor both currentand precedthe monthlymeansof thethreestationsfrom1922 ing seasons and the dependentvariable for the through1960 for average daily precipitationand precedingseason were included as independent mean temperatures(Fig. 5 and 6). The mean variables,along with linear and quadratic timedaily temperaturesare significantlylower and trendvariablesthatwere unique to each plot. In daily precipitationhigher throughJune for the all, therewere 49 variablesin the regression. For system,the Pierce station than for the other two stations. this mixed autoregressive-regressive The stationsdifferlittlein Julyand August,but usual least-squaressolutionhas been shownto be by SeptemberPierce again exhibitsa more moist the best unbiased linear estimatingprocedure environment. The high temperatureregimesat (Durbin 1960). The completemodel accountedfor 78% of the Avery predominatethroughoutthe season. Correlationof growthwith zveather.-A corre- variancein the deviationsfromnormalbasal area lation between fluctuationsin tree growthrates growth. Moisture stress,temperature,and preand changesin weatherhas been almostaxiomatic cipitationtogetheraccountedfor56% of the variin ecology and forestry. However, to define ance remainingafterthe effectof the lagged deweather and growth rate so as to demonstrate pendentvariable was removed. Moisture stress, capacity that such a correlationexists has not which depends on the moisture-storage statistically always been easy. Hence, a carefulanalysis of of the soil and the seasonal patternsof precipitaaccounted for 28% the relationof ring width of westernwhite pine tion and evapotranspiration, base of thevarianceremainingafterdirecttemperature to climaticfactorswas a necessaryinferential effectswere removed. to attributethe historyof growthfluctuationto and precipitation to supThe variationaccountedforis sufficient climatic variation. Zahner and Stage (1l966) describein detail the conclusionsbased upon the portthe hypothesisthatthe sequenceof deviations analysisof the data used in this study. However, fromnormal relativebasal area growthsubstana briefsummaryis appropriatehereto supportthe tially reflectsthe sequence of climaticfactorsafhypothesisthatclimateis a factorin the originof fectingwesternwhitepine growth. In particular, moisturestress is one of the more importantasthe pole blightdisease. The weatherrecords at the Priest River Ex- pects of climateto which westernwhite pine reperimentalForest were used for this analysisbe- sponds. However,no one aspect of climatetaken -.012 - _ _ Apoa (any (44.0) _ Mw (.061 May (52.9) _ _ June .089) June (03.9) _ _ July 1.029X July (85.9) August t.031) August (64.0) September t.069) September (506.4) Early Spring 1971 CLIMATE AND POLE BLIGHT 235 DISEASE to explain variations in tree outside pole blightareas, i.e., stands withinthe alone is sufficient growth. Considerationof day-by-dayvariations Clearwaterdrainageor in areas physiographically in climaticfactorsis also required. or geologicallydifferent and separated fromthe An additionalimportantaspect of this regres- diseasedand theiradjacenthealthystands,differed fromthe above age-class trend and sion analysiswas theestimateoftheautoregression significantly coefficient.The coefficient representsthe serial fromthe average for other healthytrees in the correlationwitha lag of 1 yearbetweensuccessive class (Table 3). However,even thesetreesshow deviations from normal growth. Because it is a consistently decliningtrendthroughthe 5 decestimatedin a multipleregressionincludingthe ades. Thus, even though the climate of these precedingyear's weather,it does not includethe stands representedby Pierce is more favorable effectof persistencein weatherthat may occur for tree growththan the climateof diseased and fromyear to year. Thus, the value for the auto- adjacent healthystands representedby the other regressioncoefficient of +0.602 estimatedin this stations(Fig. 4, 5, and 6), some adverseenvironregressionis less thanthe serial correlationof the mentalinfluenceis indicatedsince the decreasing growth deviations themselves (+0.70 for the growthpatternis contraryto normalgrowthexperiod 1911-58 or +0.81 for the longer period pectations. startingin 1680), but it illustratesthe significant The marked negative departurefrom normal effectof previous year's growth on the current for 50- to 99-year-oldhealthytrees adjacent to year's growth. and withinpole blight areas is particularlynoComparisonof growthpatterns.withinage and ticeable (Table 3). Althoughthe diseased trees healthclasses.-The relativegrowthofthevarious- had a patternsimilarto theirhealthycounterparts aged trees in different time periods furtherillus- for their first3 decades, they apparentlynever tratestheadverseeffectofthelast 50 years'climate recoveredsufficiently fromthe most criticaldecon treegrowth. All age classes shownin Table 2 ade (1929-38) to maintaincomparablegrowth. grew more slowly duringthe last 50-yearperiod Once they became diseased, their growthdrasti(1909-58) than in the preceding50-yearperiod cally droppedoffas indicatedby the fifthdecade (1855-1904). (1949-58). 2. Differences between average decadal relative growth 1909-58 and the 50-year average of the same trees for the period 1855-1904 TABLE Tree age in 1958 1909-18 1919-28 1929-38 1939-48 1949-58 200+ 150-199 100-149 0.121 - .080 .057 -0.081 - .287 - .022 -0.079 - .338 - .037 -0.069 - .185 .037 -0.136 - .215 - .052 Average difference 1909-58 -0.049 - .221 - .003 Early growthpatternsof trees in several age classes provide insightinto the conditionsthese trees experiencedprior to and during the time they would have been susceptibleto pole blight. Time periods were selected to representthe 50 years startingwhen all treesin the age class were at least 10 years old. Average deviationsfrom normalgrowthforeach age were calculatedfor 5 succeedingdecades (Table 3). It is clear that the 1909-58 period (representedby "all healthy" trees in the 50- to 99-year-oldclass) was less favorableforgrowththan the first50-yearperiod in thelives of treesrepresentedin any of thethree otherage classes. The mean relativegrowthof the first50 years has decreasedin successionfor each of the three age classes originatingsince 1714 (last column,Table 3). Within the 50- to 99-year-oldclass, average growth of trees for the 5 decades from stands STOCHASTIC INTERPRETATIONS We have answeredthe firstof our two introductoryquestions. Specifically,we have shown that thepole blightdisease apparentlyis a consequence of adverse climateinteractingwith site factorsat a criticalstage in the developmentof the tree or stand. The manager'sinterestin our secondquestion concerningthe probabilityof pole blightrecurrencecan be consideredfromtwo aspects: (1) Is there evidencefor a cyclicoccurrenceof such adverseclimate?and (2) What is the probability that a year as unfavorableto growthas 1936 occurs during the critical pole stage of a stand's ? development Answersto thesequestionswere soughtthrough spectralanalysis of the 283 deviationsshown in Fig. 3A. The spectrumshown in Fig. 7 can be consideredas an analysis of variance testingfor periodicityin the time series of deviations. The total area coveredby all bars representsthe total varianceof the deviations. Thus, the area of each bar representsthe portion of the total variance associated with the periodicityover which each is plotted. Peaks in this diagramwould indicate a tendencyforsequencesof adverse (and likewise, interveningfavorable) conditionsto appear periodicallywith an intervalindicatedby the abscissa. CHARLES 236 AND ALBERT D. LEAPHART Ecology, Vol. 52, No. 2 R. STAGE 3. Comparison of early growth patterns of four age classes of healthy and diseased trees growing in differing proximityto pole-blighted (PB) stands, TABLE Disease proximity class Age class in 1958 Time period 1714-1763............ 1790-1839............ 1855-1904............ 1909-1958............ 44 25 35 42 73 50 165 52 Adjacent PB stands Adjacent PB stands Adjacent PB stands OutsidePB area Adjacent PB stands TnPB stands All healthy Diseased trees 200+ 150-199 100-149 50-99 5 Average deviation for 5 decades 0.071 -.071 -.139 -.097 -.265 -.256 -.219 -.597 0.201 -.074 -.149 .0530 -.235c -.274 -.175a -.358 in time periodb Decades No. trees 1 2 0.183 -.124 -.036 .137? -.0640 -.096 -.033a -.089 0.192 -.071 -.156 .117 -.248 -.271 -.162 -.311 3 4 (Averagedeviation) 0.284 0.278 -.070 -.032 -.177 -.236 .021 .087 -.189 -.408 -.262 -.485 -.157 -.305 -.323 -.471 aAll treeshealthyexceptthe 52 comprisingthe last line. bFirstgroupbeginningwith all treesin the age class at least 10 years old. cAdjustedbecause tree numbervaried fromstart to end of decade. 0.602 a_1. abB series has been exthe of scale vertical The panded so thatboththe A series and the B series have the same apparentstandarddeviation. the The next step of the analysis transformed B series into a series of normallydistributeddeviationshavingzero meanand unitvariance. This step was accomplishedby plottingthe ordered deviationsof the B series againsttheircumulative probabilityon normalprobabilitypaper (Fig. 8). FIG. 7. Power spectrum of the series of deviations Then, a straightline was drawn on this graph to drawn in Fig. 3A. Vertical scale is the product of power representthe desired normal distribution. For times frequency. Horizontal scale is logarithm of frequency. Hence, areas under the spectrumare proportional each elementof the B series,the normal deviate havingthe same ordinatewas read offthe upper to variance. scale of Fig. 8 as indicatedby the arrowsfor one Several studiesof treeringshave been analyzed example. The unbiasedestimateof the serial corin this way, lookingfor evidenceof a periodicity relation (for a lag of 1 year) of the normalized associatedwiththe 11-yearcyclein sunspots(e.g., series was 0.19. The probabilitydistributionof charBryson and Dutton 1961, Matalas 1962). No 60-yearminimafroma normaldistribution peak occurs at 11 years in the spectrumof these acterizedby serial correlationof 0.19 was derived transFig. 2. This distribution, westernwhite pine trees to indicate a response fromGringorten's to the sunspotcycle. Rather,the variance seems formedback to growthdeviates,is drawn on an probabilityscale in Fig. 9. to increase fairlysteadilywith increasingperiod extreme-value indicatesthata delength. The trendof variance is approximately This probabilitydistribution proportionalto the one-fourthpower of the pe- viationof theB seriesas low as or lowerthanthat riodicity. For comparison,Bryson and Dutton of 1936 occurs at least once in 60 years with an (1961) reportthat somewhatgreaterproportion estimatedprobabilityof less than 0.01. The corof thevarianceof theirsequoia seriesis associated respondingprobabilityfor the 1922 low is 0.10; and forthe 1931 low, 0.14. withshorterperiodicities. If pole blightcould be triggeredon a particular To answer the question concerningthe probability distributionof climatic fluctuationsfrom site by a climaticallyextremeyear, such as 1922, so thatthe duringa criticalstage of 60 years in the life of a yearto year,the data weretransformed model and resultsof Gringorten(1966) could be stand,then the probabilityof 0.10 indicatesthat that about one-tenthof the stands regeneratedin the used. First, the serial correlationcoefficient is attributableto stored foods, enhanced foliage course of managinga forestwith an even distridevelopment,and other physiologicalbases was butionof age classes would be affectedwith this removedfromthe sequence of deviations. Ac- disease. For a forestmanagedon 120-yearrotacordingly,a new series of deviations (Fig. 3B) tion such an eventwould affecthalf (60/120) the was computedfromthe originalseries (Fig. 3A) forestcharacterizedby the particularsite quality. On a bettersite,perhapsa deviationas greatas in the by using the serial correlationcoefficient that experiencedin 1936 would be required,and formula: _ D 700 3< i 100 00D 50 40 0 20 11 10 (Ye--) PERIODICITY 7 6 4 3 2 CLIMATE AND POLE BLIGHT DISEASE EarlySpring1971 NORMALIZED DEVIATE -3 -2 0 -1 1 2 3 .9995. .999 .998 .995 *991 .98 .95. .90 > of Deviations in Figure _Distribution .70 I- 3D. .60; 0 .80 .cc .301 .000 .005 .0:. .9'1 DIscussIoN .002 .00 .0051 -0 -30.4 .2 -0. -1 0 .20 -0.1 seiestrinuFig. FrbaiG.i8. Diagramoused ton tansfotreme-thle sBcoa 237 affectedwhen the event occurs. Thus, half the forestarea in thatsiteclass would be damaged. Obviously,a singleadverse year does not trigger pole blight. More likely,a series of adverse years occurringin close proximityin time is required. Therefore,the probabilityof occurrence of the disease is greatlyreduced. For example, if 6 consecutiveyears at least as bad as 1935 to 1940 or 1952-1957 (be... bi+50.5) define the criticalevent,thenthe probabilityof thisevent occurringin a 24-year period is reduced to less than0.025, or about one in 40. The relativelylargeproportionof varianceassociated with componentsof the long period displayed in the spectralanalysis may indicatethat extremedeviationsare likely to be clusteredin time to a somewhatgreater degree than would characterizethe model used by Gringorten. The such a clusterin which period 1916-40 exemplifies only4 of the 25 years reachedthe overall average level of growth (Fig. 3B). There is a chance that similarclusterswill occur in the futurewith pole blightas a consequence,but our recordsare inadequateto establishestimatesoftheirfrequency. Thus, the above probabilitystatementsshould be consideredas firstapproximationsto be revised as currentweatherbecomesclimate. oralty thenless than 1% of the standsregeneratedmight be afflicted.However,if all age classes up to 120 were equally representedon the site,those in the hypothesizedcritical60-year age span would be Westernwhitepine regeneratesreadilyon most sites (withinits range) denudedby fire,man, or other natural catastrophes. Consequently,under circumstances favorable for germination and growthin years past (1853-82, Fig. 3A), our currentpole stands originatedon a wide variety of sites. When these stands reached an age of 40-80 yearson some ofthesesites,especiallythose with low moisture-storage capacity,exceptionally adverse circumstancesinduced criticalphysiological stresses. The result was not only reduced growthof trees,but abnormalmortalityas well. of the pole blight disease in Our interpretation westernwhitepine is based on an analysisof the growthrings of the trees,on analysis of studies of the root system(Leaphart 1957, Leaphart and Wicker 1966, and McMinn 1956) in relationto treegrowth,and on the correlationof tree growth and availwithclimate,predominantly temperature able moisture. Since we are also convincedthat the tree-ringrecordof westernwhitepine reflects the relativeseverityof its climate,we have singled out one period (1916-40) thatrepresentsthe most adversegrowthconditionswithregardto intensity and durationin the last 280 years. We findno evidencefromtree-ringpatternsto mature(200 ? 70 years) indicatethatpresent-day stands sufferedgrowthdepressionin their early 238 CHARLES D. LEAPHART AND ALBERT R. STAGE Ecology, Vol. 52, No. 2 life,nor do we findfrompresentstand structure the chain of events which ultimatelyresultedin and compositionthat these stands experiencedan pole blight. Althoughthe hazard ratingof these abnormalamountof mortality,such as would be sites forthe occurrenceof pole blightwill always representedby an epidemicof pole blight. For be high (Leaphart 1958), the probabilityof disexample, Deception Creek ExperimentalForest ease reoccurrence appears to be low fromour calin northernIdaho and the Hiatt Creek drainage culations. If the climateof the period from1916 of northwestMontana containfullystocked,ma- to 1940 does not representa permanentshiftto ture westernwhite pine stands adjacent to pole- less favorablegrowth conditionsand if western sized stands in which most westernwhite pine white pine is favored for regenerationonly on then characteristics, treeswere killedor affectedby pole blight. Else- sites of low moisture-stress where in the westernwhite pine type, one finds chancesare veryfavorablethatpole blightwill not the remnantsof what probably were relatively reoccurformanycenturies. dense stands of westernwhitepine, but theyare Conversely,a continuingadverse climaticpatnear-climaxstands of cedar, grand fir,or hem- ternwould drasticallyincreasethe predictedproblock with a few stately 200+-year-old western abilitiesof pole blightoccurrence,since clusters of dry years would be both more frequentand whitepine treesper acre. Our knowledgeof the historiesof these latter moresevere. Evidence of even warmerand drier stands is conjectural. Even thoughour tree-ring periods than ours of 1916-40 is recorded from records to 1680 suggest that no severe drought studies of glaciation (Mathews 1951, Heusser was experiencedin early life of maturewestern 1956, Goldthwait1966), of sea levels (Jelgersma whitepine stands,we have not ruled out the pos- 1966, Milliman and Emery 1968), and of vegesibilitythat pole blight may have started such tationalsuccessions(Hansen 1947,Heusser 1956). standstowardtheirpresentlow numberof stems As experiencedin the BritishIsles (Lamb 1965), per acre. On the otherhand, those stands could these periods drasticallyaffectedagriculturalachave startedwith a low densityof westernwhite tivities,and one lastingabout 200 years occurred pine or could have been decimated by a bark around 1100 A.D., a relativelyrecentevent. Albeetleepidemicsuch as occurredin the late 1930's thoughour tree-ringrecordand a similarthough and 1940's or occurs today in maturestands on longerone of Keen's (1937) show no such long the St. Joe and ClearwaterNational Forests. periods,such eventscould neverthelessbe meanGrowth in all age classes, though tendingto ingfulin termsof thelong lifeof mostforesttrees. recoverin the late 1940's and early 1950's, still Lamb (1965) aptly states, "A table of statistics was below normal in 1958. In that year also, can never be substitutedfor a forecast,"but the of recurrenceof even the shortadverse Leaphart (1959) reported drought damage in probability young western white pine stands in the Priest periodspredictedfromour recordsprovidesmanRiver valley,and some of these same areas suf- agementwithits mostplausiblebase forassessing fered similar droughtsymptomsagain in 1967. the hazardof pole blightto westernwhitepine. Pole blightstill manifestsitselfin the pole stands ACKNOWLEDGMENT surveyedin the early 1950's (Graham 1958b). Some stands found in 1956 to be very lightly The authorssincerelyappreciatethe assistanceof Dr. had Ed F. Wicker,ForestrySciences Laboratory,Moscow, blighted(e.g., Hiatt Creek) withno mortality by 1967 experiencedconsiderablespread of the Idaho, who helpedcollectthe core and disc samplesand disease and had sufferedmoderate damage and measuredall annual rings (76,000+) used in this study. mortalityfromit. Still, some blightedstands of CITED LITERATURE the late 1940's (e.g., at Priest River Experimental Bryson, R. A., and J. A. Dutton. 1961. Some aspects Forest) seem to have passed the stage of disease of the variance spectra of the tree rings and varves. expression. Although most affectedtrees have Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 95: 580-604. died, a few survived;these,along withthose that Daubenmire, R. F., and Jean B. 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