Penetration depth in conventional layered superconductors: A proximity-effect model

1 JUNE 1999-II
Penetration depth in conventional layered superconductors: A proximity-effect model
S. P. Zhao and Q. S. Yang
Institute of Physics and Center for Condensed Matter Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080,
People’s Republic of China
~Received 12 January 1999!
We propose a theory for the penetration depth l(T) of superconducting bilayers and multilayers, which are
composed of two dissimilar superconducting layers S and S 8 with arbitrary coupling strength, and with the S
layer thickness (T c,S .T c,S 8 ) less than or comparable to its coherence length. Within the framework of the
theory, we discuss the influences of the S 8 layer parameters, and of the coupling strength between the S 8 and
S layers. We show that their variations lead to a variety of temperature dependences of l(T). Many of the basic
features observed experimentally in conventional SS 8 structures have been reproduced. The theory begins with
an extension of the proximity-effect model developed by Golubov et al. @Phys. Rev. B 51, 1073 ~1995!#, which
is based on the Usadel equations. It therefore applies to the dirty SS 8 system, and provides a description of the
superconducting properties over the entire temperature range below T c , the transition temperature of the
system. We shall compare our model with a phenomenological model developed within the proximity-effect
theory which is applicable near T c . A brief discussion on the highly anisotropic systems in connection with the
intrinsically layered high-T c superconductors is also presented. @S0163-1829~99!05923-8#
Magnetic penetration depth l(T) of superconducting
bilayers1–4 and multilayers5 is known to have temperature
dependences that are quite different from those of bulk BCS
superconductors. In particular, recent measurements on
Nb/Al,1 Nb/Cu,2,3 and NbN/Al ~Ref. 3! bilayer structures indicate that in a wide temperature range, the l(T) curve can
have a linear or sublinear temperature dependence, or obey a
power law.6 These results deviate substantially from the BCS
exponential behavior ~at low temperatures!, and are believed
to be associated with the spatial variations of the superconducting properties. In an earlier attempt to explain these phenomena, Pambianchi, Mao, and Anlage7 proposed a phenomenological model utilizing the proximity-effect theory which
is based upon the linearized self-consistency equation for the
order parameter.8,9 Similar treatment was also used by Claassen et al. in Ref. 3.
From these studies on SN ~superconductor/normal metal!
or SS 8 ~we set T c,S 8 ,T c,S throughout this paper! structures,
it appears that the variations of the sample and material parameters of the N or S 8 layers and their coupling strength to
the S layers greatly affect the experimental observations.
This can be understood in part from the following simple
cases. Let us consider the in-plane penetration depth l ab (T)
of an SS 8 structure. If the coupling between S and S 8 is
sufficiently weak so that they are not affected by each other,
one expects a clear two-gap structure in the l ab (T) curve.
Namely, it undergoes a faster decrease around and below
T c,S 8 , which is a result of the onset of superconductivity in
S 8 . When the coupling increases, such a feature should again
be obvious if the S 8 layer thickness d S 8 is much larger compared to its coherence length j S 8 , since in this case, much
part across d S 8 remains unaffected. For less extreme cases,
the l ab (T) curve is expected to become ‘‘smoother,’’ but to
decrease with decreasing temperature in a way that should
differ from the behavior of a single BCS superconductor.
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Apparently, the magnitude of T c,S 8 relative to T c,S should
play an important role in the overall shape of the l ab (T)
In this paper, starting from an extension of the proximityeffect model developed by Golubov and co-workers,10,11 we
present an approach for the calculations of both in-plane and
out-of-plane penetration depths in SS 8 bilayers and multilayers, which takes the above considerations into account. The
properties of SN systems are discussed in the limit as T c,S 8
→0. In our model, we assume that the S 8 layer thickness is
arbitrary, while the S layer thickness should be less than or
comparable to its coherence length. The coupling strength
between S and S 8 layers is arbitrary, and is equal on each
interface for a multilayer. Based upon our approach, we shall
discuss the roles of the thickness, resistivity, and transition
temperature of the S 8 layers, and of their coupling strength to
the S layers. We shall show that our model leads to a variety
of temperature dependences of l(T), from which many of
the basic features experimentally observed1–5 can be reproduced.
The present model is based upon the Usadel equations,12
which are the dirty-limit version of Eilenberger’s theory.13
Therefore our theory applies to the dirty SS 8 systems. For
the systems to which the theory applies, it provides a description of the superconducting properties over the entire
temperature range below T c , the transition temperature of
the system. We shall compare our results with those predicted by the phenomenological model of Pambianchi, Mao,
and Anlage,7 which is strictly valid only near T c .
A frequently observed feature of l ab (T) in the intrinsically layered high-T c superconductors14 has been its linear
and quadratic temperature dependences at low and very low
temperatures,15,16 which are often interpreted in terms of impurity scattering17 or nonlocal effects18 for a d-wave superconductor. This linear plus quadratic feature is also obtained
in our calculations in certain parameter range. Although the
high-T c superconductors can hardly be described by the
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for 2d S ,z,0. Here a prime denotes a derivative with respect to z, v n represents the Matsubara frequency, v n
5(2n11)(T/T c ), n50,1,2, . . . , and F S,S 8 is defined by
F S,S 8 5 v n F S,S 8 /G S,S 8 .
In Eqs. ~1!–~3!, G S,S 8 and F S,S 8 are Gorkov’s Green functions integrated over energy and averaged over the Fermi
surface, which satisfy G S,S 8 1F S,S 8 51.12 T c is the transition
temperature of the multilayer ~or a bilayer, see below!. D S,S 8
and j S,S 8 are the order parameters and coherence lengths,
FIG. 1. An SS 8 multilayer system with constituent layer thicknesses of 2d S and 2d S 8 , and T c,S 8 ,T c,S . Due to its symmetric
configuration, it is sufficient to discuss the bilayer in the region
2d S ,z,d S 8 , as indicated by two dashed lines, for our model
calculation. The rectangular contour c is used to derive l c (T) in Eq.
~23! for the multilayer slab with thickness of 2w. The slab is supposed to be infinite in both y and z directions.
present simple s-wave SS 8 multilayer, our results indicate
that the proximity effect may play an important role in the
l(T) behavior of these materials, a point already suggested
by Pambianchi, Mao, and Anlage,7 by Adrian et al.,19 and by
Klemm and Liu.20
The paper proceeds as follows. We first present the basic
equations for dirty SS 8 layered superconductors and make
the thin S layer approximation. Then T c is evaluated in two
different ways, from which we discuss the validity of the
approximation made. Next, we compute both in-plane and
out-of-plane penetration depths and present the numerical
results, which are then compared with the phenomenological
model of Pambianchi, Mao, and Anlage.7 Finally, a brief
discussion in connection with the highly anisotropic superconducting multilayers and high-T c cuprates is presented.
In Fig. 1 we show a multilayer with constituent layer
thicknesses of 2d S,S 8 . Due to the symmetric configuration, it
is sufficient to consider the bilayer confined between the two
dashed lines, and the Usadel equations can be written as10,11
F S 8 5D S 8 1 j S 8
D S 8 ln
T c,S 8
~ G S 8 F 8S 8 ! 8 ,
D S 8 2F S 8 G S 8
v nG S8
for 0,z,d S 8 , and
F S 5D S 1 j 2S
D S ln
T c,S
~ G 2F 8 !8,
v nG S S S
D S 2F S G S
j S,S 8 5
\D S,S 8
2 p kT c
p \k
6e 2 r S,S 8 g S,S 8 T c
where r S,S 8 , D S,S 8 , and g S,S 8 are the resistivities, diffusion
coefficients, and coefficients of the normal electronic specific
heat, respectively. All the quantities with a unit of energy in
Eqs. ~1!–~3! have been normalized to p kT c . To solve these
equations, proper boundary conditions should be supplemented, which have the forms21,10,11
r S G S 8 F 8S 8 5 r S 8 G 2S F S8 ,
R B G S F 8S 5 r S G S 8 ~ F S 8 2F S ! ,
at the interface z50, where R B is the specific resistance of
the interface ~i.e., the product of the interface resistance and
its area!. At z5d S 8 and z52d S , we have11
F 8S 8 ~ d S 8 ! 50,
F S8 ~ 2d S ! 50.
In principle, Eqs. ~1!, ~2!, and ~5!–~7!, which should be accurate, completely determine the properties of the superconducting multilayers.
In discussing an SS 8 bilayer in which d S is large, but
d S 8 ! j S 8 so that the variation of the order parameters across
d S 8 is small, Golubov et al.10 showed that by taking a slow
variation approximation of F S 8 , it is possible to obtain a
boundary condition that includes the influences of the S 8
layer. In this way, a complete solution can be obtained by
solving the equations for the S layer alone. Notice that in a
bulk superconductor where there is no spatial variation, the
second terms on the right-hand sides of Eqs. ~1a! and ~2a!
disappear and we have F S,S 8 5D S,S 8 , with Eqs. ~1b! and
~2b! reduced to the usual BCS gap equations. Therefore in
Golubov’s treatment, Eq. ~7! is replaced by F S 5D 0 (T) at
the thick S layer surface, where D 0 (T) is the BCS
temperature-dependent energy gap of bulk S material.
We now use the same approximation to Eqs. ~1!, ~2!, and
~5!–~7! by assuming d S ! j S . The closed-form equations in
the S 8 region, when we introduce u S 8 function satisfying
G S 8 5 cos u S 8 ,
F S 8 5 sin u S 8 ,
can be written as
u 9S 8 ~ v n ,z ! 1D S 8 ~ z ! cos u S 8 ~ v n ,z ! 2 v n sin u S 8 ~ v n ,z ! 50,
0<z<d S 8 / j S 8 .
14 632
PRB 59
z is normalized to j S 8 . The boundary conditions read
u 8S 8 ~ v n ,d S 8 ! 50,
u 8S 8 ~ v n ,0! 5
g M †v n sin u S 8 ~ v n ,0! 2D S cos u S 8 ~ v n ,0! ‡
$ 11 g B ~ v n 1D 2S ! 12 g B †v n cos u S 8 ~ v n ,0! 1D S sin u S 8 ~ v n ,0! ‡% 1/2
in which g B describes the coupling strength, while g M is a
measure of the strength of the proximity effect, between S
and S 8 layers:10
g B5
r Sj S j S
r S8j S8 d S
r Sj S j S
The order parameters D S,S 8 are given by the recurrency expressions
D S 8 ~ z ! 5V S 8 N S 8 ~ 0 !
v D,S 8
v n .0
F S 8 ~ v n ,z ! ,
F S 8 ~ v n ,z ! 5 sin u S 8 ~ v n ,z ! ,
5V S N S ~ 0 !
D m11
S ~ vn!5
v D,S
v n .0
S ~ vn!,
cos u S 8 ~ v n ,0! 1 g B v n
sin u S 8 ~ v n ,0! 1 g B D m
2 21/2
in which v D,S,S 8 are Debye frequencies of the
@ VN(0) # S,S 8 5 @ ln(T/Tc,S,S8)
1(2T/Tc)(v .0 (1/v n ) #
constants.13,22 In arriving at Eqs. ~9!–~14!, the first step is to
take the slow gradient approximation of Eq. ~2a! and to let
F 8S (z)5 v n @ F S (0)2D S # (z1d S )/ j 2S G S (0), which automatically satisfies Eq. ~7!. D S is considered to be space independent. From this and Eq. ~5b!, one obtains F S (0) expressed in
terms of the quantities in the S 8 region and of D S . One
further assumes a space independent F S (z)5F S (0). Inserting it into Eq. ~2b! leads to Eq. ~14!. Further, from Eq. ~5a!
and the obtained expressions, we can derive Eq. ~11!. Equations ~9!, ~10!, and ~13! are Eqs. ~1a!, ~6!, and ~1b! rewritten
in terms of u S 8 , respectively.
We note that one of the main differences between the
present formalism and that of Ref. 10 is reflected in the
boundary condition Eq. ~10!, since if we interchange the subscripts S and S 8 , Eqs. ~9!–~14! will essentially be identical to
those of that reference except that this condition is replaced
by u S ( v n ,d S →`)5arctan@D0(T)/vn#. This arises directly
from the thick S layer considered there, which is the opposite
of our case. An important consequence of this difference is
that T c no longer equals T c,S , but may vary between T c,S 8
and T c,S in our case. In addition, the boundary conditions
given in Eqs. ~6! and ~7! are more general in a sense that they
should apply both to SS 8 multilayer systems ~due to symmetry! or to an isolated SS 8 bilayer ~due to its free surfaces at
z5d S 8 and 2d S ) ~see Fig. 1!. Hence our formalism applies,
and the following results should be true, in both cases.
To solve the system of Eqs. ~9!–~14!, which are the basic
equations for the following calculations, we begin by using
certain starting values of D S,S 8 and u S 8 and Eqs. ~9!–~11! are
solved numerically. The resulting u S 8 is inserted into Eqs.
~13! and ~14! to calculate D S,S 8 , which are used for solving
Eqs. ~9!–~11! again. This proceeds until a satisfactory accuracy is reached. In the calculations, the input parameters required are v D,S , v D,S 8 , T c,S , T c,S 8 , d S 8 , g B , and g M .
Since we have T c,S 8 ,T c ,T c,S in general, T c needs to be
calculated first for given input parameters. One way for doing this is to set T c equal to T in Eqs. ~13a! and ~14a!. Then,
by solving the system of equations, the order parameter
D S (.D S 8 ) is found to decrease monotonically with increasing T, and T c can be defined as T at which D S vanishes.
The typical T c ;d S 8 curves are shown in Fig. 2, taking Nb/Al
multilayers as an example. In the calculations, we have taken
v D,Nb 5275 K, v D,Al 5428 K. Bulk values of T c,Nb 59.2 K
and T c,Al 51.2 K were also used regardless of their possible
suppression with Nb layer thickness ;2 j Nb and with smaller
d Al . As can be seen in the figure, T c increases with the
increase of g M and of g B . It tends to T c,Nb as d Al →0, and is
almost constant for d Al above 2 or 3j Al , as expected.
Another way for evaluating T c from the Usadel equations,
which is actually applicable for dirty SS 8 multilayers with
arbitrary values of both d S and d S 8 , has been proposed by
Biagi, Kogan, and Clem23 for the case of zero interface re-
FIG. 2. Transition temperature T c vs d Al / j Al for Nb/Al layered
systems. We have assumed d Nb ; j Nb , T c,Al 51.2 K, and T c,Nb
59.2 K. See text for other material parameters.
PRB 59
sistance R B . The basic idea is that near T c , one has G S,S 8
→1, and F S,S 8 , D S,S 8 →0 so that Eqs. ~1a! and ~2a! can be
linearized with respect to F S,S 8 :
\D S 8
F 9 5D S 8 2 v n F S 8 ,
2 p kT c S 8
\D S
F 9 5D S 2 v n F S .
2 p kT c S
the influence of the S 8 layers on l(T), we shall for simplicity fix the S layer parameters, and take d S 5 j S . Using Eqs.
~12! and ~4!, we have
g B5
F S,S 8 5
v n 1 ~ T/T c ! d S,S 8
Inserting these into Eqs. ~1b! and ~2b!, we find that d S,S 8 are
determined by the following expressions:
, ~17a!
T c,S
2n111 d S
n>0 2n11
T c,S 8
2n11 2n111 d S
The boundary conditions between S and S 8 , now with R B
Þ0, are Eq. ~5!, which can be written in terms of F S,S 8 as
r S 8 F 8S 5 r S F 8S 8 ,
F S 2F S 8 5 ~ R B / r S 8 ! F 8S 8 .
Using these relations, one is able to obtain the following
simple transcendental equation governing T c : 23
r Sj S
in which q S,S 8 are given by
q S 8 52
q 2S 5
2 p kT d S 8
\D S 8
2 p kT d S
\D S
Equations ~17!–~19! can be used to evaluate T c for any
SS 8 systems if the parameters of T c,S,S 8 , r S,S 8 , d S,S 8 , and
R B are known,24 and they reduce to the well-known results
of de Gennes and Werthamer8,25,26 when R B 50. Moreover,
since they are derived directly from Eqs. ~1!, ~2!, and ~5!, the
method is therefore accurate. We have compared the T c data
evaluated in the above two different ways. We found that
when d S is smaller than j S , say, d S 5 j S /5, the two methods
produce basically the same results with discrepancies below
0.5%, which is largely due to the accuracy we adopted in the
calculations. When d S 5 j S , the discrepancy increases to 1
;1.5%. These results indicate that Eqs. ~9!–~14! are a reasonable thin S layer approximation from the original Usadel
equations, which could have an acceptable accuracy for d S as
large as j S . Since in this work we are mainly interested in
r S8g S
r Sg S8
With known T c , other superconducting quantities for the
given bilayer or multilayer system can be obtained by solving Eqs. ~9!–~14!. In this section, we derive the formulas for
the in-plane and out-of-plane penetration depths. We then
present some typical results for the Nb/Al and Nb/Cu layered
Since F S,S 8 are real quantities in our case, the current
density is directly proportional to the vector potential,12 i.e.,
we have J52(1/m 0 l 2 )A, with
l S,S 8
m 0 e 2 n S,S 8 2 p m 0 kT
\ r S,S
v D,S,S 8
v n .0
u F S,S 8 u 2 ,
where n S,S 8 are the superfluid densities, F S,S 8 5 sin uS,S8 represent the end results of Eqs. ~13b! and ~14b! ~removing all
superscripts!. Equation ~21! defines the local l S,S 8 and n S,S 8
that vary along the z axis. The in-plane penetration depth
l ab (T) is related to the areal superfluid densities * n S,S 8 dz,
and is given by
l 2ab ~ T ! 5
d S 1d S 8
2d S
r S q S 8 tanh~ q S 8 d S 8 ! 2 r S 8 q S tan~ q S d S !
5R B q S q S 8 tanh~ q S 8 d S 8 ! tan~ q S d S ! ,
These simpler expressions will be used in the following numerical calculations.
Since both F S,S 8 and D S,S 8 vanish near T c , we assume a
solution of the form
D S,S 8
14 633
l 22 ~ T,z ! dz
in which l is given by Eq. ~21!. To evaluate the out-of-plane
component l c (T), we follow Clem and Coffey,27 and consider an infinite slab of multilayer, as shown in Fig. 1, with
its thickness w@l, and with an external magnetic field B y
applied along the y axis. In this geometry, there exist supercurrents J z along the z axis near the surfaces of the slab. If
we assume l@d S,S 8 , B y and J z will approximately be the
functions of x only. If we make a contour C, the magnetic
flux within C is (d S 1d S 8 ) * x0 B y (x 8 )dx 8 5 * C A•dl. Using
London’s equation and Ampere’s law, and differentiating
with respect to x, we are led to B y 5l 2c ( ] 2 B y / ] x 2 ), with
l 2c ~ T ! 5
2d S
l 2 ~ T,z ! dz
d S 1d S 8
Figure 3 shows the calculated results of l ab (T) and l c (T)
for Nb/Al ~solid lines! and Nb/Cu ~dashed lines! systems in
the temperature range below 0.92T c . In Fig. 4, the lowtemperature region of l ab (T) is plotted. For the calculation
of these data, we used v D,Cu 5343 K, and instead of the
experimental value of T c,Cu 50 K, we used the theoretical
value of T c,Cu 50.015 K,28 which is close to 0 K and makes
our model applicable. g Nb , g Al , and g Cu were taken to be
14 634
FIG. 3. Calculated l ab (T) for Nb/Al ~solid curves! and Nb/Cu
~dashed curves! layered structures. Open symbols: d S 8 / j S 8 520;
solid symbols: d S 8 / j S 8 52.5. Triangles: g B 50, g M 55; squares:
g B 5270, g M 55. The inset shows the corresponding data of l c (T).
See text for other material parameters.
7.3, 1.36, and 0.9731024 J/cm3 K2 , respectively. r Nb
55 m V cm was also used, while r Al and r Cu were calculated
from Eq. ~20! for given g M values. From Figs. 3 and 4, we
can see that, depending on d S 8 , T c,S 8 , and g B , the form of
PRB 59
l(T) curves is very much varied. If we fit the data
Dl(T)/l(0) in the lowest temperature region (<1 K! with
a power law a T b , we find that b would range from 1–6 for
l c (T). For l ab (T), our fit also leads to the power law in
most cases, and an exponential behavior is obtained if T c,S 8
is well above 1 K.
In the temperature region below 3;4 K, we mention two
interesting features of the l ab (T) data that result from the
calculations. First of all, a two-gap-like l ab (T) can be seen
clearly in Fig. 4~a! for Nb/Al system with largest g B and d Al
~solid line plus open squares!. As g B decreases, such feature
becomes less clear, and so it does when d Al is smaller, as can
be seen in Fig. 4~b!. These might be anticipated from a
simple physical consideration since for weaker Nb/Al interlayer coupling and larger d Al , there will be larger volume of
Al that is less affected by Nb, which therefore contributes
more to the decrease of l ab (T) around T c,Al . In the region
near T c,Al where a faster decrease occurs, the l ab (T) curve
shows a sublinear temperature dependence. This is the case
also for the Nb/Cu system, as demonstrated by some of the
dashed curves in Fig. 4. All these results seem to be consistent with the data experimentally obtained by Pambianchi
and co-workers in Nb/Al ~Ref. 1! and Nb/Cu ~Ref. 2! bilayers and the data obtained in NbN/Al and Nb/Cu bilayer systems by Claassen et al.3
A second interesting feature from the calculation is that in
some parameter range, the l ab (T) curve shows a linear temperature dependence, and with decreasing temperature it
switches to a power law around T c,S 8 . To see this more
clearly, we plot the l ab (T) curve of solid line plus solid
circles in Fig. 4~b! again in the insets. l ab (T) is shown to
decrease linearly from about 3.5–1.2 K, below which it
switches to a power law with b ;3. In inset ~a!, we see that
changing r S 8 @from Eq. ~20!, it means changing g M with
other parameters fixed# results in the change of a , but not b .
In inset ~b!, the effect of changing T c,S 8 is shown. In this
case, a and b and the point at which the curve switches from
linear to power law will all change. For T c,S 8 50.5 and 0.015
K, b equals 2.3 and 2 approximately.
A. Comparison with phenomenological model
FIG. 4. Low-temperature part of l ab (T) of Fig. 3: ~a! d S 8 / j S 8
520, ~b! d S 8 / j S 8 52.5. Results for g B 550, g M 55 are added
~circles!. The curve for g B 550, g M 55, d S 8 / j S 8 52.5 is also plotted in the insets, and the variations with r S 8 and T c,S 8 are shown in
insets ~a! and ~b!, respectively.
The rich characteristics in the l(T) data are a result of the
spatial variations of the superconducting properties, as mentioned earlier. In Ref. 7, Pambianchi, Mao, and Anlage proposed a phenomenological approach to evaluate l(T) that
utilizes a space- and temperature-dependent order parameter.
Their model I considers an active S 8 ~or N) layer in screening due to proximity effect, while the S layer is unaffected by
the presence of the S 8 ~or N) layer. The situation is actually
what we are considering in the present work if we simply
approximate D S (T) to D 0 (T) in our formalism @Eq. ~14! can
be removed under this approximation#.29 Their model II, on
the other hand, considers an opposite case in which the N
layer has a zero pair potential, and the S layer suffers a
suppressed order parameter within a distance of ; j S near
the interface. This model is similar to the situation Golubov
et al. discussed for an SN bilayer.30,31 We now discuss in
further detail their model I, in which the order parameter has
the form
PRB 59
D S 8 ~ z,T ! ;
V S 8 D 0 ~ T ! 2Kz
V S D 0~ 0 !
14 635
where V S,S 8 are the BCS coupling constants for individual S
and S 8 layers, and K 21 5K S 8 is the decay length in the S 8
layers which is given by
T c,S 8
1 \D S 8 K 2
2c 2
4 p kT
for T.T c,S 8 , where c is the digamma function, and by
K 21 5
\D S 8 j S 8
2 p kT At
t5T/T c
for T c,S 8 50. It is obvious that Eq. ~25! is simply Eq. ~17a!
d S85
K 2j S8
The order parameter described by Eq. ~24! has the exponential decay characteristics in the space variations. The decay lengths from Eqs. ~25! and ~26!, when normalized to
j S 8 , are, respectively,
K 21
j S8
K 21
j S8
Ad S 8 t
The temperature variations, on the other hand, arise from the
BCS temperature-dependent energy gap as well as the decay
length as expressed in Eq. ~28!.
Pambianchi’s model is found to explain successfully the
experimental data on Nb/Al and Nb/Cu systems to a temperature as low as 2 K.1,2 It will therefore be interesting to
compare our results with their model. In Fig. 5, we show the
semilog plot of the spatial variations of the order parameter,
as given by Eq. ~13!, at several reduced temperatures for a
Nb/Al structure with vanishing interface resistance R B . We
see that near T c , the order parameter shows a nice exponential decay behavior over a large distance, as described by Eq.
~24!, except for the boundary regions (; j Al ) next to z50
and z520j Al . With decreasing temperature, these regions
expand, and at low temperatures the decay is no longer exponential and is much slower. If we take the distances across
which the order parameters decrease to e 21 of their initial
values at z50 for the decay lengths, they would vary with
temperature as is shown in the inset of Fig. 5 ~solid squares!.
The solid and dashed lines in the inset are the decay lengths
from Eqs. ~28a! and ~28b!, with d S 8 computed from Eq.
~17a! for given T c,S 8 . While the two curves both tend to
infinite mathematically when T approaches T c,S 8 and zero,
the latter appears to be closer to our results as a whole.
Results plotted in Fig. 5 were obtained with the parameters g B 50, g M 55, and d Al / j Al 520, and they are rather
general. From the figure, we can see an important, qualitative
difference predicted by different models. The results from
FIG. 5. Space dependence of D Al for several reduced temperatures in the case of g B 50, g M 55, and d Al / j Al 520. An exponential decay can be seen over a large portion across d Al provided that
the temperature is not very low. The decay length K 21 , taken as the
distance across which D Al drops to e 21 of its initial value at z50,
is plotted in the inset as solid squares. The solid and dashed lines in
the inset are calculated according to Eqs. ~28a! and ~28b!, respectively.
Eq. ~28! indicate that the decay length is divergent as T approaches T c,S 8 or zero. This has been discussed in detail in
the case of Nb/Cu bilayer systems.2 However, this divergent
behavior does not appear in our calculations, as can be seen
from Eq. ~13! that D S 8 is expected to change smoothly as T
turns around T c,S 8 . Although it is well known that the coherence length for a bulk material diverges near its transition
temperature, which is typical of the second-order phase transition in the Ginzburg-Landau theory,9 it is less clear
whether the decay length should be the case as T tends to
T c,S 8 or 0 for the spatially inhomogeneous SS 8 or SN structures, since Eqs. ~25! and ~26! are derived from the linearized
self-consistency equation valid only for temperatures near
T c . 8 In fact, Eq. ~25! is derived again in Sec. III from Eq.
~1b! under the small D S 8 approximation near T c . The picture
resulting from our calculations is that with decreasing temperature, the decay gradually deviates from the exponential
behavior, and becomes very slow at low temperatures so that
the influence of the S layer on the S 8 or N layer can extend to
a large distance away from the interface, which is consistent
with the experimental observations.
In Fig. 6 the temperature dependences of the order parameters at several positions are shown ~solid lines!. The dotted
line shows the data in the Nb layers, which is space independent. The dashed lines are the results from Eq. ~24!, with the
coefficient set to match the data at z/ j Al 5T/T c 50, while
K 21 is given by Eq. ~28b!. According to Eq. ~24!, the temperature dependence of the order parameter at z50 is that of
the rescaled BCS energy gap D 0 (T). Our data, D Al near z
50 and D Nb , follow closely such a dependence, as is seen in
Fig. 6. As z increases, the order parameter decreases faster
with increasing temperature than expected from D 0 (T),
14 636
PRB 59
far as the temperature is not very low. These include the
exponential decay characteristics with a decay length K 21
and space- and temperature-dependent superconducting
properties like the order parameters and penetration depths.
In the low-temperature region, however, the predictions from
the two models are qualitatively different. Further experiments will be required in testing the model predictions in this
temperature region.
B. Highly anisotropic multilayers and high-T c superconductors
FIG. 6. Temperature dependences of D Nb ~dotted line!, and D Al
~solid line! at several positions across d Al for the parameters of
g B 50, g M 55, and d Al / j Al 520. The dashed lines are computed
according to Eqs. ~24! and ~26! by adjusting the coefficient in Eq.
~24! to match the solid curve at T/T c 5z/ j Al 50.
which is realized by a temperature-dependent decay length
K 21 in Eq. ~24!. From Fig. 6 we can see that our results and
those from Pambianchi’s model give basically the same
trends of the temperature dependences of the order parameters. At low temperatures, however, the deviations are considerable. As T→0, all the dashed curves approach D Al (0,0),
due to the fact that K 21 →` in this limit.
The inverse of the space- and temperature-dependent penetration depth l Al (z,T), computed from Eq. ~21! for the
same parameters is shown in Fig. 7. The l 21
Al data display
quite similar features as D Al shown in Fig. 6. In Ref. 1, a
simple way using l 21 ;D is employed to fit the Nb/Al data.
The dashed lines are plotted in this way with D Al calculated
from Eq. ~24!. Again the coefficient is chosen so that the two
sets of data coincide at z/ j Al 5T/T c 50.
From the discussions above, we may conclude that our
model and Pambianchi’s model can lead to similar results so
FIG. 7. Temperature dependences of l 21
Al at several positions
across d Al in the case of g B 50, g M 55, and d Al / j Al 520. The
dashed lines are from the simple relation l 21 ;D Al , computed according to Eqs. ~24! and ~26! by adjusting the coefficient in Eq. ~24!
to match the solid curve at T/T c 5z/ j Al 50.
High-T c superconductors are intrinsically layered materials which usually have highly anisotropic properties ~inplane vs out-of-plane!.14 Experimental measurements of the
penetration depth on these materials have revealed a variety
of temperature dependences. Some experiments indicate a
two-gap-like,32 or an exponential, behavior.33 Most experiments show that l c (T) obeys a power law,34 whereas l ab (T)
is linear and quadratic at low and very low temperatures,15,16
which is often interpreted in terms of impurity scattering17 or
nonlocal effects18 within the framework of d-wave superconductivity. In addition to the d-wave pairing symmetry,
Adrian et al.19 and Klemm and Liu20 demonstrated the importance of the proximity effect by considering a multilayer
system consisting of one S and one N layer per unit cell.
They concluded that the exponential or power law19 and linear behavior20 can be produced, provided that the proximitycoupled N layers are taken into account. As can be seen in
the previous section, our results support this picture. In addition we have taken into account the finite thickness of the
S 8 layers, and their material parameters. We see that many of
our results mimic those observed experimentally in the highT c cuprates, although the work is based upon the simple
s-wave superconductivity, which alone can hardly be the
case for the cuprates.
We point out that an SS 8 multilayer with anisotropies as
large as the cuprates will usually have the parameters out of
the range in which the distinct features like the linear plus
quadratic behavior in l ab (T) appear. This can be seen in the
following way. For a multilayer in Fig. 1, the macroscopic
sample resistivities r' and r i can be easily shown to be
related to r S,S 8 , d S,S 8 and R B as
r S d S 1 r S 8 d S 8 1R B 5 r' ~ d S 1d S 8 ! ,
r S r S 8 ~ d S 1d S 8 ! 5 r i ~ r S d S 8 1 r S 8 d S ! .
Here R B 5 g B r S d S . For high-T c materials, r' / r i ranges
from 40 to 83105 .14 With this large anisotropy, Eqs. ~29!
and ~30! would yield large g B or r S 8 ~we assume r S 8 . r S ),
which from Eq. ~20! means large g M , and from Eq. ~21!
reduces S 8 layer contribution to l(T). If we take 2d S 8 /2d S
58.4 Å /3.34 Å 52.5, and the lowest ratio r' / r i 540 for
YBCO,14 for example, we have g B 5270 and r S 8 / r S 53.31
or g B 50 and r S 8 / r S 5193. According to our results, these
will already make the linear plus quadratic feature disappear
altogether. Hence for a multilayer with high r' / r i ratio, usually two limiting cases are expected in the l ab (T) characteristics. One is a clear two-gap structure ~for large g B values!,
the other is a nearly exponential behavior of a single BCS
superconductor ~for large r S 8 values!. The possibility of having a ‘‘nontrivial’’ l ab (T) characteristic in the highly aniso-
PRB 59
tropic multilayers exists if they are composed of certain kind
of bilayers or structures ~for instance, the region between z
522d S 2d S 8 and z5d S 8 in Fig. 1! as unit cells, and high
r' / r i ratios are attributed to additional, stronger barriers between these unit cells, which do not necessarily enter into the
calculation. Under the circumstances, a different l c (T), as
compared to that of Eq. ~23!, will result.
We have calculated the penetration depths l(T) of conventional SS 8 (T c,S .T c,S 8 ) layered superconductors which
contain both multilayers and bilayers. The SN structures
have been discussed in the limit of T c,S 8 →0. The variations
of the parameters of the S 8 layers, which include the transition temperature, layer thickness, and resistivity, as well as
their coupling strength to the S layers, are considered. These
factors influence in many ways the space and temperature
variations of the order parameters, which give rise to a variety of temperature dependences of l(T). Many basic features experimentally observed, like the linear, sublinear, or
power-law dependences, have been reproduced.
Our calculations are based upon Usadel’s quasiclassical
equations, which are the dirty-limit version of Eilenberger’s
theory. The approach is therefore applicable to the dirty SS 8
systems. Although we have obtained in this paper a simple
transcendental equation for the evaluation of the transition
temperature, which is rather general for arbitrary individual
layer thicknesses and can reduce to the well-known results of
de Gennes and Werthamer for zero interface resistance, the
rest of the calculations have been made on the thin S layer
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approximation d S < j S . This may be the main constraint on
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