Physica C 366 (2002) 135±146 Reduction of low-frequency noise in high-Tc SQUIDs by arti®cial defects Roger W ordenweber *, Peter Selders Institut f ur Schichten und Grenz¯achen (ISG), Abt. SL, Forschungszentrum Julich, D-52425 Julich, Germany Received 23 March 2001; received in revised form 18 May 2001; accepted 21 May 2001 Abstract We demonstrated that (i) quite simple arrangements of a few `strategically positioned' antidots can lead to signi®cant reduction of the low-frequency noise in high-Tc SQUIDs and (ii) that a careful analysis of the unlocked SQUID signal can be used to identify the number and position of vortices that penetrate the superconducting device. By using only two antidots in the vicinity of the Josephson junction and a ring of antidots at the position of the ®rst penetrating vortices, the onset ®eld at which the low-frequency noise starts to increase is shifted from Bon 8 lT without antidots to Bon 40 lT in ®eld-cooled experiments and to Bon 25 lT in zero-®eld cooled measurements. The exact position for the antidots is obtained by careful analysis of the impact of the position of moving vortices on the low-frequency noise, the driving forces for vortex motion and the position of the ®rst vortices that penetrate the SQUID washer. The attained improvement of the sensitivity of the superconducting device demonstrates the potential of antidots in applications which not necessarily are restricted to high-Tc SQUIDS. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Antidots; Low-frequency noise; SQUIDs; Vortex penetration 1. Introduction The sensitivity of cryogenic active elements is limited by the frequency dependent noise level of the device. Additional to the contribution of the electronics, in superconducting active devices two dierent sources are considered to be responsible for the noise, i.e. the contribution of the active part of the device, which usually consists of Josephson junctions, and the noise of the passive component, * Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-24-6161-2365; fax: +4924-6161-2470. E-mail address: (R. W ordenweber). the superconducting thin ®lm. Studies and understanding of the noise mechanisms in Josephson junctions are well established [1±4] and the noise reduction by electronic means has successfully been demonstrated [5±10]. The contributions of the superconducting thin ®lm to the noise of active devices are basically understood. They are attributed to the low-frequency noise and are ascribed to motion of quantized ¯ux (vortices) in the superconducting thin ®lms. One indication for this mechanism is given by the scaling of the spectral noise density SU at low frequencies f with the applied magnetic induction B according to p Bn SU f ; B / m f 0921-4534/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 3 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 8 3 7 - 1 1 136 R. Wordenweber, P. Selders / Physica C 366 (2002) 135±146 with n m 0:5. This contribution to the noise still represents a serious limitation for the application active devices especially if they are used in unshielded environment. Various remedies to reduce the low-frequency noise by vortex motion have been suggested and tested [11±15], which in principle can be classi®ed into two categories: (i) either vortex penetration of the superconductor has to be avoided [11,12] or (ii) vortices have to be pinned by suciently strong pinning sites in the superconductor [13±15]. In case of ¯ux avoidance extremely good screening or alternatively relatively small superconducting geometrical structures are required. Both solutions are technically dicult to realize and/or very costly. For instance the patterning of the complete washer into a grid of striplines of linewidths w < 6 lm [16] would be necessary for application of these devices in earth ®eld of up to 50 lT. This turns out to be technically quite complicated considering the requirements of the patterning. As we will demonstrate below, vortex pinning by a few small defects, that are strategically positioned in the device, is technically easier to handle and might be a better solution for the problem in a number of SQUID applications. One of the most eective ways to create arti®cial pinning sites in thin ®lms is provided by the preparation of submicrometer holes, so called antidots [17±20]. These defects can be placed arbitrarily in superconducting thin ®lm devices and, in contrast to other pinning defects, which have to be of the size of the superconducting coherence length n, holes with sizes much larger than n will trap ¯ux very eectively [17,18]. In previous work [14,19,20], we demonstrated that antidots of sizes down to 250 nm in diameter can be patterned into YBa2 Cu3 O7 d (YBCO) thin ®lms and rf-SQUIDs without deterioration of the superconducting and SQUID properties. Commensurability eects (demonstrating the attractive interaction between vortices and antidots) and reduction of the low frequency 1=f -noise of rf-SQUIDs in ambient magnetic ®elds have been demonstrated [14,19,20]. However, it has been seen ± and is obvious from theoretical considerations ± that regular arrays of antidots lead to noise reduction only at discrete values of the magnetic ®eld (matching ®elds) whereas in case of non-commensurability between the vortex and antidot lattice even an increase of the noise is observed [14,20]. Therefore it is important to use only a few, `strategically well positioned' antidots in the superconducting device, which trap the vortices, that attribute strongly to the low-frequency noise, and leave the vortex lattice free to arrange itself within the device. In this paper we report on two very simple arrangements of a few, strategically positioned antidots in high-Tc (HTS) rf-SQUIDs that lead to considerable reduction of the 1=f -noise in ambient ®eld down to the level of zero-®eld noise. The geometric arrangements of the antidots are motivated by analysis of the current distribution in the SQUID washer and the position of penetrating vortices. The latter can be obtained by careful analysis of the SQUID signal. Dierent geometries of antidots are necessary for noise reduction in ®eld-cooled (fc) experiments and in zero-®eld cooled (zfc) experiments. By combining the two geometries the onset ®eld Bon is shifted from Bon 8 lT without antidots to Bon 40 lT with antidots for FC measurements and to Bon 25 lT for zfc experiments which in both cases is sucient for a number of applications, e.g. for SQUID applications in slightly screen magnetic ®eld B < B earth 50 lT. It should be stated, that we used a standard SQUID lay-out for magnetometer applications. Due to technical reasons (among others: rapid ®eld sweeps within the magnetic shielding), the SQUID system shows average noise properties. Equipped with an optimized rf resonator for read-out and a superconducting ¯ux focus this type of SQUID has been able to show noise data of 24 fT/Hz1=2 (white noise) and 83 fT/ Hz1=2 (1 Hz) [21,22]. However, such a low noise level is not necessary for the demonstration of the advantage of antidots in SQUIDs which is characterized by the onset of the increase of 1=f noise. 2. Experimental setup Planar washer type rf-SQUIDs with outer diameter of c 3:5 mm, SQUID holes of 100 100 lm2 and 3 lm wide step-edge junction are patterned via optical lithography and Ar ion milling R. Wordenweber, P. Selders / Physica C 366 (2002) 135±146 into magnetron sputtered YBCO ®lms on 2 in. LaAlO3 substrates. Step height and ®lm thickness are h 270 nm and t 320 nm, respectively. Due to the wafer scaling 48 SQUIDs are fabricated simultaneously, 90% of the devices show SQUID signals with suciently large amplitudes of the transfer function. The noise measurements are executed in liquid-nitrogen cryostat shielded with four l-metal layers which are characterized by a residual static magnetic induction Bres < 5 nT. Inside the shielding ambient magnetic inductions perpendicular to the plane of the SQUIDs can be applied using Helmholtz coils with lead acid batteries as power supply. For all frequencies and ®elds the spectral noise density of the coils for the magnetic ®eld was more than one magnitude smaller than the spectral noise density of the rfSQUIDs (Fig. 1). During noise measurements the rf-SQUIDs are operated in a ¯ux locked loop using a 600 MHz rf-SQUID electronics. Due to the ac-mode of the electronics the 1=f -noise due to ¯uctuations in the resistance or critical current of the Josephson junction is automatically eliminated. The ®eld-to-¯ux coecient of the SQUIDs is typically dB=d/ 9 nT=/0 , the amplitude of the transfer function and the voltage-to-¯ux coecient is ampli®ed by the SQUID electronic to typically 1.2 V and 1.65 V//0 , respectively. The noise level in zero ®eld is typically about 35 l/0 =Hz1=2 (corresponding to 0.3 pT/Hz1=2 ) at 1 kHz (white noise) and 200 l/0 =Hz1=2 (1.8 pT/Hz1=2 ) at 1 Hz (1=f - Fig. 1. Comparison to the spectral ¯ux noise density of the Helmholtz coils and a typical 3.5 mm rf-SQUID at 1 Hz. 137 Fig. 2. Comparison of spectral noise density of one SQUIDs before and after the two additional patterning processes (see Fig. 3). noise). The corner frequency in zero ®eld is about 25 Hz. No degradation of the SQUID performance due to the subsequent patterning of the antidots could be detected (see Fig. 2). For the characterization of the impact of strategically positioned antidots upon the lowfrequency noise, one typical rf SQUID is characterized before and after the patterning processes of the two dierent antidot con®gurations with respect to transfer function, spectral noise density, and penetration of vortices into the washer of the SQUID by analyzing the unlocked SQUID-signal. The latter is described in more detail in Ref. [23]. These dierent characterization techniques provide a comprehensive set of data which allows a detailed analysis of the vortex penetration and motion in a washer type SQUID in the fc and zfc experiments and their impact on the noise performance in an applied magnetic ®eld. The dierent SQUID con®gurations are sketched in Fig. 3: (1) Con®guration #0 represents the bare, planar washer type rf-SQUIDs (outer diameter of 3.5 mm, 100 100 lm2 SQUID hole and 3 lm wide step-edge junction) without antidots. (2) In con®guration #1 only two antidots (diameter 1:5 lm) are patterned into the bare rf-SQUID (see also SEM image in Fig. 4). The antidots are positioned at both sides of the stepedge junction with a distance between junction and 138 R. Wordenweber, P. Selders / Physica C 366 (2002) 135±146 Fig. 3. Sketch of the rf-SQUID with dierent antidot con®gurations: without antidots (conf. #0), with two antidots in the vicinity of the junction (conf. #1), and with an additional ring of antidots at r c=2 (conf. #2). antidot center of 8 lm and a distance between antidot center and the edge of the washer of 2.5 lm. Transfer function and noise level remained unchanged before and after patterning of the antidots (Fig. 2). (3) In con®guration #2 an additional ring of antidots, positioned at the radial position r c=2 of the ring-shaped SQUID washer, is patterned into the SQUID (see Figs. 3 and 4). The optimal ring position and it's diameter are derived from the analysis of the vortex penetration in zfc measurements and will be described below. An antidot± antidot distance of 50 lm and antidot diameter of 2.5 lm have been chosen. The choice of the antidot distances is based on simple estimations of the antidot±vortex interaction and technical reasons. Transfer function (amplitude 1.05 V), voltage to ¯ux coecient (1.73 V//0 ) and noise level at zero ®eld are not aected by the patterning process (see Fig. 2). 3. Experimental results and discussion In this paragraph the experimental results of zfc and fc measurements of the low-frequency noise of and the vortex penetration into our HTS rf SQUID with various antidot con®gurations will be presented and discussed. For comparability reasons, we will show the results obtained for one typical SQUID which has subsequently been provided with antidots, i.e. modi®ed from conf. #0 to conf. #1 and, ®nally, to conf. #2. 3.1. Field cooled noise measurements First, fc measurements of the low-frequency noise of the dierent con®gurations were executed. The magnetic induction B is applied perpendicular to the plane of the SQUID, noise spectra are recorded at liquid nitrogen temperature. For all inductions and con®gurations, fc measurement reveal 1=f -type noise spectra at low frequencies. Typical fc noise spectra of the bare rf SQUID (conf. #0) for dierent magnetic inductions are given in Fig. 5. The 1=f -type low-frequency noise increases at large magnetic induction, whereas the white noise is not aected by the ®eld. The corresponding transfer function (inset of Fig. 5) is only slightly reduced by the magnetic ®eld within a ®eld range of B < 130 lT, which is larger than the ®elds considered in this publication. A 1=f noise spectrum in HTS ®lms is generally ascribed to an incoherent superposition of many thermally activated microscopic ¯uctuators, which are given by moving or hopping vortices in case of superconducting material in a magnetic induction. According to the Dutta±Dimon±Horn (DDH) model [24,25], this frequency dependence is evidence for a distribution of activation energies for vortex hopping processes. Since our measurements of 1=f noise are sensitive only to small activation Fig. 4. SEM images of the two antidots in the vicinity of the junction (left) and the ring of antidots (right). R. Wordenweber, P. Selders / Physica C 366 (2002) 135±146 Fig. 5. Field-cooled measurement of the noise of the bare rfSQUID (conf. #0) for two dierent magnetic inductions. The 1=f -type low-frequency noise increases at large magnetic induction, whereas the white noise is not aected by the ®eld. The transfer function of fc experiments (see SQUID signal in the inset) is not reduced by the magnetic ®eld within a ®eld range B < 130 lT. energies, we probe the low-energy part of this distribution [26]. A comparison of the spectral noise density in the 1=f regime of all con®gurations is given in Fig. 6. Each data point represents an average value obtained from three independent fc measurements. Fig. 6. Spectral noise density obtained for fc measurements at 1 Hz as function of the applied magnetic induction B for a typical rf-SQUID with dierent con®gurations of antidots. Each data point represents an average value obtained from independent fc measurements. The onset of the increase of the low-frequency is characterized by the onset ®eld Bon . The proportionality S / B of the low-frequency noise for B > Bon (dashed lines) agrees with the theoretical expectation in Eq. (1). The onset ®eld for conf. #1 and #2 are comparable to the magnetic induction of the earth. 139 The double logarithmic plot of the spectral noise density at 1 Hz as function of B shows the interesting aspects. In principle, the ®eld dependence of the lowfrequency noise is identical for all SQUID con®gurations: (a) at low ®elds B < Bon the spectral 1=2 noise density is ®eld independent (i.e. SU (1 Hz, 1=2 B < Bon ) 180±200 l/0 /Hz for the examined SQUID) and (b) at high ®elds B > Bon the spectral noise densities increase linear with increasing ®eld according to the theoretical expectation given in Eq. (1). However, the transition from ®eld-independent to ®eld-dependent spectral noise density is strongly shifted from Bon 8 lT without antidots (conf. #0) to Bon 40 lT with antidots (conf. #1 and #2). The signi®cant increase of the onset ®eld Bon by the arrangement of strategically positioned antidots is sucient for most applications of SQUIDs in unshielded environment. The eect, which has been discussed in parts in Ref. [16], has to be ascribed only to the two antidots positioned at the vicinity of the junction. The choice of the position for these ®rst two antidots in the SQUID is a result of the following considerations: (a) First, due to the radial dependence of the ¯ux coupled by a vortex into a SQUID, the lowfrequency noise is generally expected to be dominated by motion (with a radial component) of vortices in the superconducting ®lm, which are close to the SQUID hole. 1 A vortex at radial position r couples magnetic ¯ux /v r into the SQUID that can be calculated in analogy to the method of image charges in two-dimensional electrostatics [27]: " r a U0 /v r ln c r ln a=c 1 X a ai i 1 ln c ai i1 # 1 X a ci i 1 ln : 2 c ci i1 1 Exceptions could be present in case of morphologically strongly inhomogeneous ®lms, which could lead to large variations in the hopping ranges of vortices at dierent positions. 140 R. Wordenweber, P. Selders / Physica C 366 (2002) 135±146 Fig. 7. Normalized ¯ux inducted by a vortex at normalized radial position r=c according to Eq. (2) for a SQUID with inner radius a (indicated by the arrow) of the washer. The inset sketches the dierent situations for two vortices at dierent radial positions. The data points represent the position of the ®rst three vortices which enter the washer in zfc measurements obtained reproducible for dierent experiments (see last section of this chapter). Here, U0 represents the ¯ux quantum, a and c the inner and outer radius of the SQUID washer, and ai b a=ci and ci b c=ai with b r (i even) and b ca=r (i odd). The resulting coupling strength of the ¯ux is plotted in Fig. 7. According to Eq. (2), /v r decreases strongly with increasing distance between vortex and the SQUID hole. Thus, vortex motion will contribute stronger to the low-frequency noise if the vortex is positioned close to SQUID hole. As a consequence the antidots should be positioned close to the SQUID hole, in order to reduce vortex motion in this area. (b) Second, the motion of vortices is based on a driving force, which can be supplied by e.g. ther- mal energy, a magnetic ®eld gradient or a current. In fc experiments the ®eld gradient is expected to be negligible. However, the screening current and, especially, the rf current that is induced by the rf tank coil can result in a driving force (Lorentz force) for vortex motion. Fig. 8 represents a sketch of the shielding current and of the distribution of the inducted rf current. The latter is simulated via the program Sonnet. Both ®gures demonstrate that a crowding of shielding and induced currents is expected at the vicinity of the Josephson junction, which would add to the activation of vortex motion in this area. (c) Finally, according to the arguments in (a) and (b) vortex motion within the junction stripline on which the Josephson junction is positioned (see Fig. 4) would be most likely (due to the large driving currents) and relevant for the lowfrequency noise (position very close to the SQUID hole). However, it can be shown easily, that this stripline is too small (width of 3 lm) to contain vortices for the magnetic induction used in the experiments. Considering the Gibbs free energy of a vortex in a superconducting strip of width w during cooling down below the critical temperature Tc , vortices can only be trapped in the superconductor for perpendicular magnetic ®elds exceeding an exclusion ®eld Bex [16]: Bex pU0 1 : 4 w2 3 Accordingly, extremely small exclusion ®elds of Bex 0:5 nT are expected for the washer (linewidth is equivalent to c a 1:7 mm), whereas Fig. 8. Sketch of shielding current and rf current induced by the resonant circuit. The latter is simulated via Sonnet, the dotted white line represents the position of the tank coil in the simulation. R. Wordenweber, P. Selders / Physica C 366 (2002) 135±146 large values of Bex 175 lT are expected for the small junction stripline (w 3 lm). As a consequence, in our fc measurements vortices should easily and exclusively penetrate the washer but not the junction stripline. That is, due to the ®nite residual magnetic induction Bres 5 nT of our magnetic shielding, vortices should populate the washer even if no external magnetic ®eld is applied. With increasing magnetic induction the density of vortices increases linearly with the applied ®eld in fc experiments. However, no vortices are expected to be trapped in the stripline for the ®elds considered in the experiment. Therefore, antidots in the stripline would not eect the lowfrequency noise. In conclusion, the ®rst antidots are patterned at positions, at which vortices are expected, the eect of vortex motion on the low-frequency noise is largest, and the driving force due to induced and screening current are largest. The resulting `strategic' positions for the ®rst antidots (conf. #1 and #2) is situated on both ends of the junction strip line but in the washer (see Fig. 4). The increase of Bon in fc experiments is a consequence of these two antidots (see Fig. 3), the additional antidots in conf. #2 do not lead to a further increase of the onset ®eld. Furthermore, due to the repulsive vortex±vortex interaction vortex penetration into the junction area is energetically not favorable up to a ®eld for which the vortex±vortex spacing a0 1:075 /0 =B1=2 is roughly equivalent to half of the distance d between the antidots [28], i.e. Bon 4:6/0 =d 2 . For the examined geometry with d 15 lm we obtain an expected onset ®eld Bon 41 lT which is very close to the experimentally observed value. 141 experiments. In the following, zfc measurements of the low-frequency noise and the penetration of vortices into the washer are presented. The latter is discussed in details in Ref. [23]. In analogy to the fc experiments we will demonstrate, that well positioned antidots also lead to a reduction of the low-frequency noise in zfc experiments. The exact analysis of vortex penetration motivates the position of the additional antidots of conf. #2, which cause an increase of Bon in zfc experiments, too. The zfc measurements are performed by cooling the SQUID in zero-®eld, ramping the magnetic induction to a given value B and back to zero-®eld, where the measurement takes place. The ®eld value characterizing the dierent data sets is the induction B, to which the ®eld has been ramped. Typical zfc noise spectra are displayed in Fig. 9. Although these data are taken at dierent ®elds for conf. #1, similar spectra are observed for the other con®gurations. At most ®elds and low frequencies a 1=f power spectrum is observed which (identically to the spectra for fc experiments) can be ascribed to an incoherent superposition of many thermally activated vortex hopping processes. Only at intermediate ®elds (close to Bon of zfc experiment) contributions of a Lorentzian type noise spectrum become visible. These contributions are characteristic for random telegraph noise (RTN) signals [29]. RTN in HTS thin ®lms is believed to 4. Zero-®eld cooled measurements In the previous chapter the signi®cant improvement of the low-frequency noise in fc experiments due to a pair of strategically positioned antidots was demonstrated. However, in many applications the magnetic ®eld at the SQUID changes during the measurement. This situation is comparable to zfc experiments, which are therefore as relevant for application of SQUIDs as fc Fig. 9. Flux noise spectra of zfc experiments for dierent magnetic inductions recorded for conf. #1 after a relaxation time. In contrast to fc experiments, contribution of a Lorentzian spectrum are recorded for magnetic inductions close to Bon (see inset). 142 R. Wordenweber, P. Selders / Physica C 366 (2002) 135±146 be originated by hopping of a single vortex or a bundle of several vortices between two energetically favored positions, e.g. pinning sites [26]. At higher ®elds the Lorentzian spectrum vanishes again and a 1=f -type noise characteristic is measured after a relaxation time of up to 2 h after the ®eld ramp was completed [23]. An overview of the ®eld dependence of the zfc low-frequency noise for the con®gurations with antidots is given in Fig. 10a. It represents the 1=2 spectral noise density SU B at 1 Hz as function of the applied magnetic ®eld. In comparison to fc measurements the increase of low-frequency noise starts at lower ®elds Bon (18 lT for conf. #1 and 24 lT for conf. #2) in these experiments. Furthermore, in contrast to the fc experiments, the ®eld dependence in zfc measurements can be divided into three dierent regimes: Fig. 10. (a) Spectral noise density at 1 Hz and (b) number of penetrating vortices as a function of the applied magnetic induction for zfc measurements of conf. #1 (circles) and conf. #2 (triangles). The solid and open symbols in (a) represent the 1= f -type and Lorentzian-type noise spectra, respectively. The arrows mark the onset ®eld for both con®gurations. The experimental details of the determination of the number of penetrating vortices is given in the last section of this chapter. (i) Obviously, at low magnetic ®elds the applied magnetic ®eld does not in¯uence the low-frequency noise, i.e. if ¯ux penetrates the washer (see Fig. 10b) it does not contribute to the noise. The low-frequency noise spectra recorded in this ®eld regime resemble 1=f -type spectra according to Eq. (1) with m 0:5. (ii) In the intermediate ®eld regime starting at B Bon , the low-frequency noise shows a steep increase with increasing magnetic ®eld. For both con®gurations #1 and #2 this increase can be ®tted according to Eq. (1) however with an unusually large exponent n 3:3, i.e. SU1=2 / B3:3 . (iii) At high magnetic ®elds the increase of low-frequency noise becomes weaker. However, the exponent n, which ®ts the experimental data, 1=2 is still larger than theoretically expected, i.e. SU / Bn with n 0:85±1. In this regime 1=f noise spectra are observed for all con®gurations. For all con®gurations the onset of the increase of low-frequency noise generally takes place at smaller magnetic inductions for zfc measurements compared to fc measurements (see Figs. 6 and 10a). Nevertheless, the introduction of antidots leads to a signi®cant improved onset ®eld in zfc measurements, too. Onset ®elds of Bon 18 lT (conf. #1) and, especially, Bon 24 lT (conf. #2) compared to Bon < 8 lT for the bare SQUID are sucient for many applications. Furthermore, the zfc measurements reveal the advantages of conf. #2 with respect to conf. #1. The onset ®eld is increased strongly by the additional ring of antidots in the middle of the washer. This indicates, that vortex motion in the vicinity of these antidots i.e. in the center of the washer seem to be responsible for the ®rst increase low-frequency noise for conf. #1. This assumption is also supported by the fact that dierent type of spectra are observed in the intermediate ®eld above Bon for the dierent con®gurations. Whereas conf. #1 and conf. #0 reveal Lorentzian spectra in this ®eld regime (see Fig. 10a), 1=f -type low-frequency noise is observed for conf. #2. The Lorentzian spectra arise from single ¯uctuators, i.e. single vortices hopping between two energetically favored positions. The antidots in the middle of the washer seem to abandoning the motion of theses vortices resulting in the modi®cation of the spectra to a pure 1=f -type low-frequency noise spectrum. This explanation of R. Wordenweber, P. Selders / Physica C 366 (2002) 135±146 the dierence in the onset ®eld and the type of low-noise spectra is con®rmed by measurements of vortex penetration. The penetration measurements, which also provide the motivation for the development of conf. #2, is presented in the following sections. 4.1. Detection of vortex motion and penetration A change in the position of a vortex in the washer is accompanied by a change of magnetic ¯ux in the SQUID. The dependence of the magnetic ¯ux on the radial position of the vortex in a ring-shaped SQUID washer is given by Eq. (2) and shown in Fig. 7. Thus, changes in the unlocked SQUID signal have to be attributed either to changes in the applied ®eld or to changes of the radial position of vortices within the washer. In our experiment we can distinguish between both contributions as long as the hopping distances for motion within the SQUID is small. For these measurements the applied ®eld is cycled around a mean value which itself is changed continuously. By subtraction of the unlocked SQUID signal for reducing and increasing ®eld during one cycle, changes in the SQUID signal due to the vortex motion within the superconducting device are detected. Two dierent mechanisms of vortex motion can be distinguished: (i) A diusion-like motion of vortices within the washer can be resolved in some of the zfc mea- 143 surements. It results in a continuous shift of the phase of the SQUID signal. Fig. 11b represents a typical result of such a measurements. The ®eld has been ramped to a 21 lT and reduced again. The SQUID signals for increasing and decreasing ®eld show a continuous phase shift, which can be converted to a continuous change of the magnetic induction DB in the SQUID due to vortex motion in the washer. The sign of the phase shift is correlated to the direction of vortex motion. In the measurement shown in Fig. 11b, a vortex moves from the inner edge to the outer edge of the washer. The total change in magnetic induction is 8±9 nT, which is equivalent to the drift of one ¯ux quantum from one to the other edge of the washer. The gradual shift is followed by a small discontinuous change of the phase (not shown in the ®gure), which can be interpreted in terms of the vortex passing the surface barrier [23] at the inner edge of the washer. In contrast to SQUIDs without antidots, for which thermal activated motion of vortices has been assumed to be responsible for hysteretic SQUID signals [30], these continuous shifts are rarely observed in our SQUIDs with antidots. Especially for con®guration #2 with additional antidots in the washer, no continuous shifts could be resolved. (ii) The most interesting irregularity in the SQUID signal is given by a discrete change of the phase. Fig. 11a displays a typical example for such a discontinuous change of the phase observed in Fig. 11. Experimental determination of the vortex motion in and penetration into the superconducting washer: (a) discrete phase shift of the unlocked SQUID signal due to a penetrating vortex and (b) diusion-like motion of a vortex in the washer. 144 R. Wordenweber, P. Selders / Physica C 366 (2002) 135±146 zfc measurements. The abrupt change of the phase has to be ascribed to vortex penetration into or expulsion out of the washer if we assume, that the hopping distances for motion within the SQUID is small. Thus, the number of abrupt phase changes provides a upper limit of the number of vortices penetrating the superconducting ®lm (i.e. the washer). The sign of the phase shift is correlated to the direction of vortex motion. In contrast to the diusion like motion of vortices within the washer, which was discussed above, in case of penetration or expulsion the vortex has to overcome the surface barrier which is formed by the edge of the superconducting washer. There are two interesting aspects connected to these measurements: (1) The experimental data of vortex penetration or expulsion provide information about the surface barrier at extremely low ®elds and the mechanism of vortex motion across this barrier. This aspect is discussed extensively in Ref. [23]. (2) In case of vortex penetration, the radial position to which the vortex penetrates can be obtained from the experiments. This yields (a) more insight into the potentials (e.g. ¯ux pinning) that are encountered by the penetrating vortex and (b) provides indications for `strategical' positions of antidots, that could reduce the low-frequency noise of the device in zfc measurements. The latter was actually the method to chose the positions of additional antidots in conf. #2 and will be discussed below. The radial position of a penetrating vortex can be derived from the experimental data. Inserting the ®eld-to-¯ux coecient dB=d/ 9 nT=U0 , the discrete phase shifts are translated into discrete ¯ux changes D/. Assuming that vortices (antivortices are not considered) are responsible for these ¯ux changes, which are either penetrating into or expelled out of the washer, the radial position can be derived according to Eq. (2). Fig. 12 represents the resulting radial positions of vortices for conf. #1 and #2 obtained from independent zfc experiments. For these measurements the magnetic ®eld is increased continuously and extremely slowly with 0.1 nT/s up to 30 lT. All discontinuous phase shifts of the SQUID signal seem to be caused by vortices penetrating the washer, i.e. Fig. 12. Radial position of vortices after penetration of the washer derived from two independent experiments (circles and triangles) for (a) conf. #1 and (b) conf. #2. The corresponding onset ®eld for the increase of low-frequency noise are taken from Fig. 10a. The reproducibility of the measurement indicates, that vortex hopping within the SQUID can be ruled out to be the reason for the abrupt phase changes at least for small ®elds (B < 12 lT). D/ > 0. For both con®gurations two dierent ®eld regimes can be distinguished: At low ®elds, only a few vortices penetrate the washer, i.e. up to three vortices for ®elds up to 13 or 18 lT for conf. #1 or conf. #2, respectively (see also Fig. 10b). The penetrations occur very reproducible with respect to the radial position r=c to which the vortex penetrates and the ®eld at which it penetrate. The ®nal radial position of these vortices after penetration is always close to the center of the washer at r c=2. This observation was the main reason for the development of conf. #2 with additional antidots at exactly this radial position. At higher ®elds, the number of discrete phase changes increases strongly. However, the ¯ux change connected to these events are not identical R. Wordenweber, P. Selders / Physica C 366 (2002) 135±146 and in most cases smaller than observed for the low-®eld regime. It is not clear, whether vortex penetration into the washer or vortex hopping within the washer is responsible for each individual recorded change of ¯ux in the SQUID. Therefore, the given radial positions should not be taken too seriously and indications for further need of antidots in the washer cannot be derived from the data of this ®eld regime directly. In contrast to the low-®eld regime the events do not occur at identical ®elds and with identical ¯ux change. Nevertheless, considering the total change of ¯ux due to the events, a quite reproducible behavior is also observed for this ®eld regime (see also the comparable high-®eld behavior of conf. #1 and #2 in Fig. 10b). Furthermore, these more statistical events of ¯ux penetration and/or reorganization of the vortex arrangement in this ®eld regime seem to be connected to the increase of low-frequency noise, which is indicated by the onset ®eld Bon in the ®gure. The onset of increased vortex penetration and/or reorganization in the washer seem to trigger the increase of low-frequency noise at Bon . The additional antidots of conf. #2 lead to a considerable shift of this onset from 13 lT (for conf. #1 with onset ®eld Bon 18 lT) to 19 lT (for conf. #2 with onset ®eld Bon 24 lT). Finally, the total number of penetrated vortices can be estimated from these experiments. The ®eld dependence of the number of vortices that penetrate the washer in zfc measurements (see Fig. 10b) resembles the ®eld dependence of the lowfrequency noise (see Fig. 10a). At small ®eld only few vortices (exactly three vortices) enter, whereas at intermediate ®elds the number of vortices increases strongest. Finally, at large ®eld the increase scales according to a power law, nv / B2:5 . At the onset ®eld Bon of the increase of low-frequency noise, the total number of penetrated vortices is 8 for conf. #1 and 13 for conf. #2. 5. Conclusions We demonstrated that (i) quite simple arrangements of a few `strategically positioned' antidots can lead to signi®cant reduction of the low-frequency noise in HTS SQUIDs in ambient 145 ®elds and (ii) that a careful analysis of the unlocked SQUID signal can be used to identify the number and position of the ®rst penetrating vortices. The geometric arrangements of the antidots are obtained by analysis of the current distribution in the SQUID washer, of the impact of the position of moving vortices on the noise and of the position of penetrating vortices. The latter can be obtained by analysis of phase changes in the unlocked SQUID signal. Dierent geometries of antidots are necessary for noise reduction in fc experiments and zfc experiments. By combining the two geometries, the onset ®eld is shifted from Bon 8 lT without antidots to Bon 40 lT for fc measurements and to Bon 25 lT for zfc experiments. This seems to be sucient for most applications. The attained improvement of the sensitivity of the superconducting device demonstrates the potential of antidots in applications which not necessarily are restricted to HTS SQUIDs. Acknowledgements The authors like to acknowledge the cooperation and assistance of H.P. Bochem, A.I. Braginski, S. Bunte, A. Castellanos, P. Dymachevski, R. Gross, N. Klein, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, R. Kutzner, P. Lahl, R. Ott, R. Straub and M. Vaupel. This work was supported in part by the DFG Grant no. WO549/3-1 and ESF scienti®c program VORTEX. References [1] R. Gross, B. Mayer, Physica C 180 (1991) 235. [2] M. Kawasaki, P. Chaudhari, A. Gupta, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (1992) 1065. [3] A. Marx, R. Gross, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (1997) 120. [4] A.H. Miklich, J. Clarke, M.S. Colclough, K. Char, Appl. Phys. Lett. 60 (1992) 1899. [5] R.L. Forgacs, A.F. Warwick, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 38 (1967) 214. [6] V. Foglietti et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 49 (1986) 1393. [7] R.H. Koch et al., J. Low Temp. Phys. 51 (1983) 207. [8] R.H. 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