Physica C 316 Ž1999. 229–233 Measurement of the transport current distribution in a superconducting tape P. Usak ˇ´ ) Institute of Electrical Engineering, SloÕak Academy of Sciences, BratislaÕa, SloÕak Republic Received 8 December 1998; received in revised form 1 April 1999; accepted 1 April 1999 Abstract A non-destructive measurement method was applied to evaluate transport current distribution across the width of a superconducting tape. The self-magnetic field over the tape was mapped at a small distance from it. This provided input data for an inverse calculation process through which the current distribution was evaluated. The procedure was used to determine the dynamics of the distribution of AC current in a WIT BSCCO 2223 tape at a zero external magnetic field. A different behaviour was observed for the unsaturated and saturated regimes. The critical current distribution was also determined for transport current I s Ic . The measurement on the WIT BSCCO 2223 tape showed that at the critical current, the current capacity in the central section was higher than that at the edges. q 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Critical current; Inverse problem; Current distribution 1. Introduction For practical reasons, it is interesting to know the transport current distribution across the width of a superconducting tape. The question arises whether it is homogeneous or preference is given to central parts with respect to the edges. Simple physical models based on critical state model are used to calculate current density distribution within the cross-section of a tape w1x, i.e., the current distribution across the tape width. However, it is questionable whether these models can be employed to assess real thin and broad tapes which exhibit intrinsic inhomogeneities in jc . Moreover, the inhomo) Tel.: q421-7-5477-5816; Fax: q421-7-5477-5826-2719; E-mail: geneities are influenced by local values of the selffield and by corresponding effects related to the anisotropy as demonstrated not only in the windings w2x but present even within the tape width. There is a need to have a more direct and exact way to determine the current distribution. Unfortunately, there is no direct way to measure a current distribution in the tape itself. There have been attempts to cut mechanically the tape into longitudinal parallel pieces and to measure the critical currents in the individual pieces w3x. The results have been interpreted in the form of histograms of the current carrying capacity distributed within the width of the original tape. But this approach does not answer the question about the role of the strong perpendicular component of the self-field within the edges in the case of the local anisotropy resulting in a current 0921-4534r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 3 4 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 2 8 3 - X 230 P. Usak ˇ´ r Physica C 316 (1999) 229–233 distribution favouring the central parts of the tape, where the perpendicular component is much smaller. Hence, the local anisotropy has profound influence on the interpretation of measurement for the saturated regime, at which the overall transport current reaches the critical current level. Thus, in this situation, the real current distribution of an original nondestroyed tape may give smaller values of the current at the edges compared with the critical current of the individual pieces cut from the edge parts. Moreover, this approach gives no information about the current distribution at an unsaturated state, in which the transport current is much smaller than the critical current of the tape, e.g., at AC regime when the transport current passes through the zero current level. The interference of this destructive method with the original parameters of the tape cannot be neglected either. 2. The method of measurement To avoid the destructive approach for the investigation of current distribution at the unsaturated regime, it is necessary to use characteristic tape geometry, and to relate a current density distribution within the tape to its self-field distribution around the tape. At first the distribution of the self-magnetic field component perpendicular to the tape plane is mapped across its width. The scanning is carried out in a distance from the tape which is comparable with the tape thickness. Then the inverse problem is solved to determine the distribution of the longitudinal component of transport current within the tape width. This procedure is reliable provided the tape transport properties exhibit translational invariance. However, it can also be applied locally with a rea- sonable precision, as there is a rapid decrease in the input of distant parts in the longitudinal direction. The distance from the tape, at which the mapping is realised, plays a crucial role. If it is too short, the mapping is only sensitive to upper layers of the tape. Short-distance mapping is employed in the magneto-optical approach, in which the tape is covered with a magneto-optically sensitive layer. If it is too large, the precision of current distribution determination decreases and the input of more distant parts of conductor in longitudinal direction increases, i.e., the effect of locality in current distribution is disturbed. In a discretization process Žsee Fig. 1., the tape was virtually cut longitudinally Ž z . into a finite number of k subtapes of the same width Ž x direction.. It was supposed that the current within each subtape was homogeneous. The perpendicular component of the magnetic field was mapped in a finite number of k points over Ž y . the tape plane along the line Ž x ., which was perpendicular to the tape axis Ž z .. The measured values of B y i Ž i s 1 to k . were used to calculate the values of current in the subtapes Iz i Ž i s 1 to k .. Details are in Ref. w4x. The transformation matrix which correlates the current in subtapes with the field values in measured points was ill conditioned. A very small error in the localisation of a field probe or in its read-out can lead to a very large error in the calculation of a current distribution. To avoid this problem in real measurements where finite level of errors is inevitable, the Tichonov method of regularization w5,6x had to be applied. In DC regime the transport current through the tape is constant. The current distribution across the tape width as well as the self-field distribution around it are constant as well. The mapping procedure can be performed in a stepwise way from point to point gathering all the B y i data Ž i s 1 to k .. Then, these Fig. 1. Mutual position of the virtual subtapes and the mapping line. The direction of the current flow Ž z . is perpendicular to the xy plane. P. Usak ˇ´ r Physica C 316 (1999) 229–233 data can be used to calculate the current distribution within the k subtapes. In AC regime the transport current is time-dependent, repeatedly increasing from minus amplitude to plus amplitude and vice versa. In general, a current distribution within the tape can also change within this cycle. In a steady regime with a constant AC amplitude, the transport current and its distribution should be the same for the same phase. Mapping the self-field profile B y i Ž w . in k points for a given phase w gives the opportunity to calculate the current distribution Iz i Ž w . in k virtual subtapes for this phase. The one point x i y one data Bi measurement obtained with a stepwise field mapping in DC mode is replaced by the one point x i-one array Bi Ž w j . j s 1 to n stepwise measurement in AC regime. The finite number of array data n cover the entire cycle for every location x i . All the k arrays measured at points x i are synchronised by triggering the array measurement to buffer i at the same initial phase point, e.g., at crossing the zero transport current level from down to up. In this way for every phase w j , one can obtain profiles B y i Ž w j . i s 1 to k and calculate the corresponding current distribution Iz i Ž w j . i s 1 to k related to the corresponding overall transport current I Ž w j . at phase w j . Thus, by gathering the current distributions for all the phase values j s 1 to n, the dynamics of the current density distribution within the cycle can be visualised. If the amplitude of the current is Ic , all the important levels of AC transport current, e.g., crossing zero were self-field level is small, up to saturated region close to Ic were current distribution reflects the critical current density distribution including possible local anisotropy are covered in this way. 3. Results The method was applied to several measurements. A low-temperature Hall probe was used for the self-field mapping of different types of superconducting tape ŽNb 3 Sn, TBCCO, BSCCO., and the current distributions were calculated. In all the tapes, the measurements demonstrated that the self-field plays a role in the history and local distribution of current within the edges of the tapes. Symmetrical longitudinal frozen current loops within both edges of a tape were observed in a Nb 3 Sn tape after a 231 stepwise increase up to 800 A and a consecutive decrease of transport current in a zero external field at 4.2 K w4x. In another experiment at 77 K we changed the local value of the self-field at one edge of a TBCCO tape with DC transport current I, superimposing an additional external magnetic field with a locally steep gradient on the level of the local perpendicular selffield component. This method was used to demonstrate the effect of a local field on a current redistribution in the vicinity of the edge of a tape w7x. A double mapping method was used to extract the modified self-field profile from the complex profile of the superimposed fields. The evaluation of the DC measurement of transport current distributions in a BSCCO monocore tape also revealed the role of the perpendicular component of the self-field on the current distribution close to the tape edges. With a BSCCO tape, it was also shown w8x that even frozen longitudinal magnetisation current distributions at the central cross-section of the tape can be determined using a stepwise increase and decrease of the external magnetic field perpendicular to the tape surface. The measurement w9x was made at the presence of a superimposed non-zero transport current or with a zero overall transport current. As a check, both the overall transport current in the entire tape calculated from the self-field mapped data, published in Ref. w9x, and the overall transport current, which was measured directly, coincided within several percent. It was interesting to investigate the current distribution in an Ag-BSCCO 2223 tape prepared by a wire-in-tube technique ŽWIT.. The vicinity of the silver cloth has a positive influence on the grain alignment and critical current density increase. This advantage is used in the edge parts as well as in Fig. 2. Schematic cross-section of wire-in-tube configuration ŽWIT. tape. 232 P. Usak ˇ´ r Physica C 316 (1999) 229–233 central parts of the tape, as the result of the inserted central silver sheet shows Žsee Fig. 2.. If this idea is correct, the current distribution at saturated regime, in which the overall current is close to Ic and it reflects the critical current distribution within the tape width, should favour the central parts of the tape. The 77 K measurement can be made with a DC transport current close to Ic . However, we were also interested in the effect of the history and behaviour of the current distribution for the current crossing the zero level in AC regime. For this purpose, the AC method of self-field mapping and data evaluation was applied. The amplitude of 12 A close to critical current was used in the WIT tape of 6 mm width and 0.15 mm thickness. The frequency was 5 mHz. Fig. 3 shows a sequence of current distributions determined during a continual decrease of the overall transport current across the zero level within a cycle. The current in each subtape was divided by its width, and it is expressed in the form of linear current density in kiloampere per meter Ži.e., Armm.. The overall decreasing I Ž w . transport currents selected for the presentation were q1 A, 0 A and y1 A. For all the three selected phases, the current change at the edges is in advance and in central part it is in retard. This was true for the unsaturated region around the zero overall current. Fig. 4 depicts a situation in which a further current decrease within the cycle achieved a level of y5 A, i.e., somewhat Fig. 3. Change in the current distribution during a continual decrease of the AC transport current across a zero level. Change in the current is in advance at the edges and in retard at the center. Fig. 4. Current distribution in an Ag-BSCCO 2223 wire-in-tube tape at decreasing current y5 A. P. Usak ˇ´ r Physica C 316 (1999) 229–233 233 an original tape should give higher measured critical currents because of the absence of the self-field of all the tape pronounced just at these edges. 4. Conclusions Fig. 5. Saturated current distribution for overall current I ; Ic reflecting the intrinsic critical current distribution at the self-magnetic field. less than half of the critical current in this sample. The current is distributed approximately homogeneously across the width of the tape. A further decrease of current to the negative amplitude yIc led to a gradual saturation of the current capacity. In Fig. 5 the overall current is on the level of the critical current Žy12 A. and the presented current distribution reflects the critical current distribution. As expected for the wire-in-tube tape, the most of the current is flowing through the central part of the tape. Another mechanism favouring the central portions of the tape may be larger local values of the perpendicular component of the magnetic self-field at the tape edges. The determined critical current distribution represents both the distribution of the critical current density as a material parameter and the influence of the local value and the orientation of the self-magnetic field. Based on this, the critical currents of subtapes mechanically cut at the edges of A non-destructive method was used to determine transport current distributions in a superconducting tape. The tape was virtually cut into a finite number of parallel subtapes of the same width, and the homogeneous current in the individual subtapes was calculated using data from a self-magnetic field mapping procedure. DC current distributions for different types of superconducting tape were thus achieved. Furthermore, the dynamics of current distribution of the AC transport current can be exactly followed both in unsaturated and saturated regimes. The critical current distribution for I s Ic was also achieved this way, including self-field effect on Ic distribution. In WIT BSCCO 2223 tape critical currents at center of the tape were higher than at the edges. References w1x R.J. Bartlett, R.D. Taylor, J. Appl. Phys. 47 Ž1976. 3266. w2x J. Pitel, P. Kovac, ´ˇ Supercond. Sci. Technol. 10 Ž1997. 7. w3x G. Crasso, B. Hensel, A. Jeremie, R. Flukiger, Physica C 241 Ž1995. 45. w4x P. Usak, ˇ´ J. Jpn. Soc. Appl. Electromagn. Suppl. 3 Ž1994. 25. w5x Voevodin, V.V., Problemy Matemat. Fiz. i Vyc. Mat, Nauka, 1977, p. 91, in Russian. w6x A.N. Tichonov, DAN SSSR 6 Ž1965. 163, in Russian. w7x P. Usak, ˇ´ F. Chovanec, IEEE Trans. Magn. 32 Ž4. Ž1996. 2818, Part 1. w8x P. Usak, ˇ´ F. Chovanec, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 7 Ž2. Ž1997. 1343. w9x M. Polak, ´ M. Majoros, ˇ J. Kvitkovic, ˇ P. Kottman, P. 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