letters to nature .............................................................................................................................................. The discovery of nanostructured forms of molecular carbon has led to renewed interest in the varied properties of this element. Both graphite and C60 can be electron-doped by alkali metals1 to become superconducting; transition temperatures of up to 52 K have been attained by ®eld-induced hole-doping of C60 (ref. 2). Recent experiments3,4 and theoretical studies5,6 have suggested that electronic instabilities in pure graphite may give rise to superconducting and ferromagnetic properties, even at room temperature. Here we report the serendipitous discovery of strong magnetic signals in rhombohedral C60. Our intention was to search for superconductivity in polymerized C60; however, it appears that our high-pressure, high-temperature polymerization process results in a magnetically ordered state. The material exhibits features typical of ferromagnets: saturation magnetization, large hysteresis and attachment to a magnet at room temperature. The temperature dependences of the saturation and remanent magnetization indicate a Curie temperature near 500 K. Ferromagnetism has previously been observed in two C60 compounds: tetrakis(dimethylamino)ethylene-fullerene[60] (TDAE-C60; refs 7, 8) below 17 K, and 3-aminophenyl-methano-fullerene[60]cobaltocene below 19 K (ref. 9). It has also been reported that hydrogenated fullerene10, C60H36, and some palladium fullerides11, C60Pdn , may be ferromagnetic. A ferromagnetic phase of mixed sp2 and sp3 pure carbon has been predicted theoretically12. However, ferromagnetism in organic materials is usually observed only at very low temperatures13. The ®rst organic ferromagnet consisting only of light elements14, C13H16N3O4, shows long-range ferromagnetic order below 0.65 K, but there are a very few examples of metalloorganic materials with a magnetic ordering temperature exceeding room temperature: V(tetracyanoethylene)x×y(solvent) is a bulk ferrimagnet15 with a Curie temperature, TC, estimated as 400 K. Pristine C60 is a van der Waals crystal, which can be converted to covalently bonded crystalline phases by compression16. Depending on the treatment, the molecules interconnect to form one-, two- or three-dimensional polymers17,18. Here we focus on the two-dimensionally polymerized highly oriented rhombohedral C60 phase (RhC60), which resembles highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, but with 716 0 500 1,552 1,622 * Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, 194021 St Petersburg, Russia ² Department of Experimental Physics, UmeaÊ University, S-90187 UmeaÊ, Sweden ³ Institute for Physics, Chemical Department, TU Ilmenau, D-98693 Ilmenau, Germany § Department for Superconductivity and Magnetism, Leipzig University, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany kInstituto de Fisica, Unicamp, 13083-970 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil ¶ Institute of High Pressure Physics, 142092 Troitsk, Russia 1,407 Tatiana L. Makarova*²³, Bertil Sundqvist², Roland HoÈhne§, Pablo Esquinazi§, Yakov Kopelevichk, Peter Scharff³, Valerii A. Davydov¶, Ludmila S. Kashevarova¶ & Aleksandra V. Rakhmanina¶ 1,225 Magnetic carbon 959 978 ................................................................. 748 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.H.S. (e-mail: hendrik@lucent.com). layers of covalently bonded C60 molecules substituted for the graphene layers. If prepared at temperatures below 923 K it is a semiconductor, but an increase in polymerization temperature results in a transition to metallic behaviour19. The layered structure of the material reveals itself in the anisotropy of electrical properties20. We produced one-dimensional (orthorhombic) polymers and two-dimensional (rhombohedral and tetragonal) polymers, as well as the phases obtained above the temperature stability limit of the C60 cage (about 1,073±1,173 K; ref. 18), and studied their magnetic behaviour. Among them, only the Rh-C60 phase shows the ferromagnetic behaviour discussed here. This behaviour is repeatable and stable, and the measurements reported here were made on samples from three different batches, prepared in 1996, 1998 and 2000. Each batch contains samples prepared at different pressuresÐ in particular a series of nine samples prepared at 6 GPa and at temperatures in the range (970±1,170) K 6 10 K, in steps of 25 K. From these three batches, ®ve of the six samples prepared at 1,025 K or 1,050 KÐclose to, but below, the stability limit of the fullerene cageÐwere found to be ferromagnetic with qualitatively similar behaviour. We characterized the sample structure by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction21 and scanning electron microscopy22. The cell parameters calculated from the X-ray diffraction patterns are a = 9.204 AÊ and b = 2.461 AÊ (space group R3Åm). Raman spectra (Fig. 1) indicate an almost single-phase Rh-C60 material, with the pentagonal pinch Ag(2) mode, which is quite sensitive to the type and degree of polymerization, peaking at 1,407 cm-1. The mode frequencies obtained agree with those calculated and normally observed for the Rh-C60 phase23, with negligible contributions from other polymeric C60 phases and with no indications that the C60 cages are damaged. We observe a difference in the a.c. response for applied magnetic ®elds Hac parallel to, xk, and perpendicular to, x', the polymerized planes. The anisotropy can be understood as being due to the layered structure of the material. The measurements were performed at relatively low a.c. ®eld, and the value of the (dissipative) x0 was found to be at the limit of the instrument sensitivity. Therefore, we restrict ourselves to showing in Fig. 2 the following features of the (inductive) x9 of Rh-C60: (1) unlike the values found for nearly all other forms of carbon, it is positive; (2) it increases slightly with temperature; (3) it shows an upturn below 30 K; and (4) the ratio x'/xk is 5.5. Pristine, that is, unpolymerized, C60 is diamagnetic with a susceptibility of ,3.4 ´ 10-7 e.m.u. g-1 (ref. 24). The paramagnetic 415 451 We thank D. Abusch-Magder, E. Bucher, F. Capasso, Ch. Kloc, J. A. Rogers, M. SchoÈn and E. A. Chandross for many valuable discussions. J.H.S. thanks E. Bucher for the use of the laboratory during his stay at the University of Konstanz. H.M. is grateful to F. Wudl of the University of California at Los Angeles for his support of an internship at Lucent Technologies. 243 Acknowledgements 1,000 1,500 2,000 Raman shift (cm–1) Figure 1 Raman spectrum of magnetically ordered rhombohedral C60 polymer (Rh-C60). Inset, illustration of the relation between the structures of the pressure-induced polymer and the original cubic lattice of the pristine C60. © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 413 | 18 OCTOBER 2001 | www.nature.com letters to nature impurities, and magnetic measurements were also carried out on the pristine unpolymerized material. After measurements, some pieces of ferromagnetic polymeric samples were depolymerized by heating to 700 K for several hours, which resulted in complete loss of ferromagnetism. The measurements on this new batch of samples clearly showed that the results were repeatable, but also indicated that not all nominally rhombohedral samples showed ferromagnetic behaviour: the effect is very sensitive to the pressure and temperature used in sample preparation. The purity of the material is critical, as there have been several false reports on `organic magnets' that included trace amounts of ferromagnetic metal. The most convincing evidence we have against impurity effects is that neither the pristine fullerene powder nor depolymerized samples show any ferromagnetic behaviour. We have paid great attention to chemical analysis of the pristine material as well as of the polymerized phase. The total amount of magnetic (Fe, Ni, Co) impurities is 22 p.p.m. in the pristine phase. The saturation magnetic moment per unit mass caused by these impurities is estimated as 0.003 e.m.u. g-1, that is, 30 times less than the magnetization measured in our experiments. This excludes the possibility that the effect is due to ferromagnetic clusters formed by magnetic atoms. A bulk impurity spin ordering is very unlikely, owing to the large average distance between the magnetic impurities. We conclude that the clear observations of ferromagnetism shown in Figs 3 and 4 can be explained only by intrinsic properties of the C60 polymer, such as ordered defect moments or itinerant ferromagnetism. As long as the magnetic properties arise from the C60 polymer itself, two facts need to be taken into account. First, unpaired spins can result from polymerization but, second, they result from deviations from the conventional polymerization process. Available models for the polymerization of neutral molecules do not predict the appearance of unpaired electrons. The covalent bonds are formed between two hexagon facets via the 2+2-cycloaddition mechanism29, leading to a sp2 ±sp3 rehybridization. Diamond-like bonds could be said to form, but this is not strictly accurate because a 0.05 Magnetization (G) upturn at low temperatures is always observed in the a.c. susceptibility of pristine C60 (ref. 25), except for specially prepared oxygenfree C60 single crystal. Thus the upturn that we observe below 30 K can be attributed to a superimposed Curie term due to oxygen that entered the crystals during loading of the samples into the pressure cell. Magnetic anisotropy has been observed in structurally anisotropic forms of carbon, namely nanotubes and graphite. The magnetic response along the nanotubes is 10% less diamagnetic than that perpendicular to the tubes26. The magnetic susceptibility of graphite is large and diamagnetic, xk , -5 ´ 10-7 e.m.u. g-1,x' = 5 ´ 10-5 e.m.u. g-1. A transition from diamagnetic to paramagnetic behaviour has been observed in acceptor intercalation compounds and ¯uorinated graphite. This paramagnetism is caused by local magnetic moments of dangling bonds27. A paramagnetic response with a large Curie contribution has also been observed for the onedimensional polymeric phase of RbC60 (ref. 28). Undoped Rh-C60 also shows paramagnetic behaviour, and we emphasize that the magnitudes of the susceptibility are 100 times larger than for graphite and 10,000 times larger than for pristine C60. We performed SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) magnetometry on Rh-C60, and found a magnetically ordered phase. Figure 3a shows magnetization hysteresis loops measured in the ®eld range -2 kOe , H , 2 kOe, for temperatures of 10 K and 300 K. Figure 3b shows these two loops over a wider range of ®elds, where saturation of the magnetization is clearly seen above ,2 ´ 104 Oe. A relatively small diamagnetic contribution (M = xH, with x values of -1.2 ´ 10-6 e.m.u. g-1 Oe-1 at 10 K, and -1.4 ´ 10-6 e.m.u. g-1 Oe-1 at 300 K) was subtracted from the original data. Using the spin concentration value obtained from electron spin resonance data n = 5 ´ 1018 cm-3, we estimate the magnetic moment per electron as 0.4mB, where mB is the Bohr magneton. In Fig. 4 we show the temperature dependence of the magnetization at a ®xed ®eld of 0.2 T, and also the temperature dependence of the remanent magnetization obtained at H = 0 after decreasing the applied ®eld from 2,000 Oe. A clearly de®ned ferromagnetic transition is observed with a Curie temperature of TC < 500 K. The transition is reversible. The loops were preserved after annealing at 520 and 640 K for 2 hours, which indicates phase stability. Such well de®ned ferromagnetic behaviour has not, to our knowledge, been previously observed in pure carbon. Some of our samples show magnetization that is strong enough for them to be lifted off a table surface by a small SmCo magnet (see Supplementary Information). After our initial discovery, we performed a number of additional experiments on a specially synthesized batch of samples. We took great care to eliminate all traces of 0.00 –0.05 –2 b Magnetization (G) χ (10–3 e.m.u. g–1 Oe–1) 0.25 0 1 0 25 2 0.2 1.3 1.2 –1 0.1 0.0 –0.1 –0.2 0.20 0 100 200 –50 300 Temperature (K) 50 Magnetic field (kOe) Figure 2 Temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of Rh-C60. Upper curve, triangles: magnetic ®eld normal to the polymerized planes. Lower curve, circles: magnetic ®eld directed along the planes. NATURE | VOL 413 | 18 OCTOBER 2001 | www.nature.com –25 Figure 3 Hysteresis loops for Rh-C60. Data were obtained at T = 10 K (triangles) and 300 K (circles). a, Hysteresis is observed in the ®eld range -2 kOe , H , 2 kOe; b, saturation of the magnetization is clearly seen in a broader ®eld region. © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd 717 letters to nature 0.015 0.06 0.010 0.04 0.005 Magnetization (G) Remanent magnetization (G) 0.08 0.02 0.000 300 400 500 Temperature (K) 600 Figure 4 Magnetization of Rh-C60 in a ®xed applied ®eld of 0.2 T (upper curve, triangles) and the remanent magnetization obtained at H = 0 T (lower curve, circles) as a function of temperature. The Curie temperature is about 500 K. the bond angle in diamond is 109.428, whereas the interfullerene bonds are directed at right angles. The bond dissociation energy is 1.9 eV, which is only one-half of the bond energy for diamond. We suggest that the s-bond is formed by one electron, and another electron is transferred to a higher orbital and can participate in the magnetic ordering. Another possibility is the presence of defect patterns in the polymerized network. Fullerene C60 has two symmetry-independent bonds: one separates two hexagons and another lies between a hexagon and a pentagon. When a misoriented C60 molecule is inserted into the layer, a hexagon/pentagon bond can be involved in polymerization, producing a gapless density of states with a conduction electron30. Itinerant ferromagnetism can therefore originate from topological defects in the polymerized layer. When considering possible models for magnetism in Rh-C60, we must also take into account the fact that strong magnetic properties are only observed in structures prepared at 1,020±1,050 KÐthat is, close to the molecule stability limit. X-ray diffractograms and Raman spectra have shown no signs of amorphous carbon, but we cannot exclude the possibility that the magnetic effects are caused by the deformation and partial destruction of the fullerene cage. We seem to be observing the interplay of two processes. On the one hand, an increase in the preparation temperature results in an increased degree of polymerization, which is characterized by a certain mutual orientation of fullerene molecules. The relative orientation of the C60 molecules has been proved to govern the magnetic state of TDAE-C60: it can exist in either a ferromagnetic, a superparamagnetic or a spin-glass state7. On the other hand, the magnetic effects occur in the vicinity of the temperature at which the cage collapses with the formation of an amorphous carbon phase, and these samples may contain many defects, which would cause self-doping. We are at present performing a detailed comparative study of the structural, magnetic and transport properties of Rh-C60 synthesized under different conditions, in an attempt to determine more precisely the causes of the magnetic behaviour M reported here. Methods Received 9 May; accepted 30 August 2000. 1. Hebard, A. F. et al. 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The samples were compressed, heated and held isothermally, then quickly cooled (quenched) to conserve the phases obtained. 718 Impurity elements were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry using the slurry technique; a Perkin-Elmer SIMAA 6000 with Zeeman-effect background correction was used. The complex a.c. magnetic susceptibility was measured in a ®eld of 5 Oe and in zero bias ®eld between 2 and 350 K at a frequency of 1,000 Hz using the mutual-inductance method with a lock-in ampli®er (Oxford MagLab 2000 System). The a.c. ®eld was applied either perpendicular or parallel to the crystalline planes. The d.c. magnetization measurements were performed with a SQUID magnetometer in the range 4±640 K and in ®elds up to 50 kOe. The sample (mass 3.2 mg) was ®xed between two quartz props in the centre of a quartz tube with a closed end. The quartz tube was vacuum sealed at room temperature and at a pressure of 2 ´ 10-6 mbar. Acknowledgements We thank R. Blinc for discussions, W. Frech for help with impurity analysis, and A. L. Shelankov for comments on the manuscript. This work was done in the framework of a project supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (T.L.M.). Part of this work was supported by the DFG and FAPESP. B.S. thanks the Swedish Research Council for support. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to T.L.M. (e-mail: tatiana.makarova@physics.umu.se). © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 413 | 18 OCTOBER 2001 | www.nature.com