PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 064516 共2004兲 Properties of mesoscopic superconducting thin-film rings: London approach V. G. Kogan and John R. Clem Ames Laboratory–DOE and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA R. G. Mints School of Physics and Astronomy, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel 共Received 13 October 2003; published 27 February 2004兲 Superconducting thin-film rings smaller than the film penetration depth 共the Pearl length兲 are considered. The current distribution, magnetic moment, and thermodynamic potential F(H,N, v ) for a flat, washer-shaped annular ring in a uniform applied field H perpendicular to the film are solved analytically within the London approach for a state with winding number N and a vortex at radius v between the inner and outer radii. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.064516 PACS number共s兲: 74.78.Na the ring center and a⬍ v ⬍b). The London equations for the local magnetic field b in the film interior read13 I. INTRODUCTION Small flat rings made of thin superconducting films are of interest for a variety of mesoscopic experiments.1,2 SQUIDtype devices is an example; another one is the study of fluxoid dynamics in rings, as discussed by Kirtley et al.3 The basic physics of such rings is governed by flux quantization, as in the Little-Parks experiment; see, e.g., Ref. 4 or later publications5– 8 based on the Ginzburg-Landau theory. There is a resurgence of experimental interest in this subject: The interacting dipole moments in an array of superconducting rings provide a model system for magnetism in Ising antiferromagnets.1,2 Moreover, there is considerable interest in quantum coherence effects in superconducting rings and their arrays for potential applications in quantum computing.9–11 Many quantitative details specific to the thin-film geometry can be treated within the London approach, which is not bound by the strict temperature restriction of GinzburgLandau models. In the thin-film limit, for which the London penetration depth obeys Ⰷd, the film thickness, the fields and currents are governed by the Pearl length ⌳⫽2 2 /d. 12 As we show below, when the inner and outer radii a and b of the annular ring are smaller than ⌳, it is possible to obtain analytic solutions for the energy of the ring in a uniform magnetic field H applied perpendicular to the ring plane with a vortex sitting in an arbitrary position at the annular region between a and b. The motion of vortices between a and b provides the means for the ring to switch between discrete states with different winding numbers N defined below. Study of these transitions is relevant for understanding the telegraph noise observed in multiply connected mesoscopic superconducting devices in general and in thin-film rings in particular.3 II. CURRENT DISTRIBUTION Let us consider a small thin-film ring of thickness dⰆ situated in the plane z⫽0 with inner and outer radii a and b, where b is much smaller than the Pearl length ⌳⫽2 2 /d. The ring is in a uniform applied field H perpendicular to the film plane; it may contain a vortex 共or antivortex兲, the position of which can be taken as x⫽ v , y⫽0 共with the origin at 0163-1829/2004/69共6兲/064516共9兲/$22.50 b⫹ 42 curl j⫽⫾ 0 ẑ␦ 共 x⫺ v ,y 兲 . c 共1兲 Here, j is the current density, ẑ is the unit vector perpendicular to the film plane, and 0 ⫽ បc/ 兩 e 兩 is the value of the flux quantum. The upper sign holds for a vortex whereas the lower one is for an antivortex, the convention retained throughout this paper. Averaging this over the thickness d, one obtains b z⫹ 2⌳ curlz g⫽⫾ 0 ␦ 共 r⫺ v 兲 , c 共2兲 where g(r) is the sheet current density, r⫽(x,y), and v ⫽( v ,0). Equations 共1兲 and 共2兲 are valid everywhere in the film except within a distance of the order of the coherence length 共vortex core兲 from the vortex or antivortex axis, where the London equation 共1兲 no longer holds. The distribution g(r) can be found by solving Eq. 共2兲, combined with the continuity equation and the Biot-Savart integral that relates the field b z to the surface current, div g⫽0, b z 共 r兲 ⫽ 冕 关 g共 r⬘ 兲 ⫻R/cR 3 兴 z d 2 r⬘ ⫹H, 共3兲 where R⫽r⫺r⬘ . A. The stream function In principle, Eqs. 共2兲 and 共3兲 determine the current distribution. To solve these equations for the general case is a difficult task, even for a disk.14 However, for small samples, as in our case for which bⰆ⌳, the problem can be solved.15 To this end, let us introduce a scalar stream function G(r), such that g⫽curl共 Gẑ兲 . 共4兲 The first of Eqs. 共3兲 is then satisfied. It is easily seen that the contours G(x,y)⫽const coincide with the current streamlines. Substituting Eq. 共4兲 into 共2兲, we obtain 69 064516-1 ©2004 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 064516 共2004兲 V. G. KOGAN, JOHN R. CLEM, AND R. G. MINTS 2⌳ 2 ⵜ G⫽⫿ 0 ␦ 共 r⫺ v 兲 ⫹b z . c 共5兲 The radial component of the current at the ring edges must be zero; this means that the values of G(x,y) at the edges are constants, G 共 r⫽a, 兲 ⫽G a , G 共 r⫽b, 兲 ⫽G b , 共6兲 where (r, ) are polar coordinates. Since g ⫽⫺ G/ r, the total counterclockwise current 共in the direction兲 around the ring is I⫽G a ⫺G b . 共7兲 The self-field of the ring currents within the ring can be estimated using the Biot-Savart law: 兰 d 2 rg/cR 2 ⬃g/c. Substitution of b z ⬃H⫹g/c into Eq. 共2兲 reveals that the self-field can be disregarded because RⰆ⌳; i.e., we can set b z ⫽H in Eq. 共5兲, 2⌳ 2 ⵜ G⫽⫿ 0 ␦ 共 r⫺ v 兲 ⫹H. c 共8兲 Since this equation is linear, we can look for a solution of the form G⫽G v ⫹G H , such that G v satisfies c0 ␦ 共 r⫺ v 兲 , ⵜ G v ⫽⫿ 2⌳ 2 Here is the order parameter phase, the topology of which plays a major role in our problem. When the ring is traversed around a circle of radius r in the positive direction of the azimuth , the phase changes by ⫺2 N, where N is an integer which is commonly called the winding number or the vorticity. If there are no vortices in the annulus, the integer N is the same for any contour within the annulus and we consider the state as having winding number N. In other words, the state of the system is characterized by the integer N and the continuous variable H. In zero field, N⬎0 corresponds to positive currents g and positive magnetic moments z . In the presence of a vortex, however, the situation is different. For contours encircling the ring’s hole, the winding number is N at contours that do not include the vortex position; the number is N⫹1 for those that do. The state is now characterized by the vortex position v in addition to N and H. In this paper, when the state of the ring with a vortex is characterized by the variables N,H, and v , it is implied that the integer N describes the phase topology on contours that do not include the vortex. The generalization to antivortices is obvious. Coming back to evaluation of the total current, we integrate I⫽ 兰 ba g (r, )dr over to get I⫽ 共9兲 冕 b a 共16兲 ḡ 共 r 兲 dr, where the azimuthal average of g (r, ) is and ⵜ 2G H⫽ c H. 2⌳ 共10兲 One can say that G v describes the currents due to the vortex or antivortex, whereas G H is the response to the applied field. The boundary conditions 共6兲 are imposed on the sum G v ⫹G H . It is convenient to require that G v 共 a 兲 ⫽G v 共 b 兲 ⫽0, 共11兲 and G H 共 a 兲 ⫽G a , G H 共 b 兲 ⫽G b . ḡ 共 r 兲 ⫽ where the constant G 0 is expressed in terms of the total current 共7兲, I⫽⫺ b cH 共 b 2 ⫺a 2 兲 ⫺G 0 ln . 8⌳ a g⫽⫺ c0 4 ⌳ 2 冉 ⵜ⫹ 冊 2 A . 0 共15兲 冊 冉 d c0 N H ⫺ ⫽ r , 2 4 2⌳ r 0 共17兲 冉 c0 冊 N⫾1 H ⫺ r . r 0 4 ⌳ 2 共18兲 We now readily evaluate the total current and the constant G 0, G 0 ⫽⫺ c0 4 ⌳ 2 冋 N⫾ 册 ln共 b/ v 兲 . ln共 b/a 兲 共19兲 Note that G 0 , which determines the part G H of the stream function, depends on whether or not a vortex is present at the ring and on its position. In other words, the current distribution is not a simple superposition of the currents generated by a vortex in zero field and of those existing in the state (N,H) in the vortex absence. 共14兲 To evaluate I we use the London equation in the form, 0 g ḡ 共 r⬎ v 兲 ⫽ 共12兲 共13兲 2 for r⬍ v , and In a uniform field H, G H can be taken as cylindrically symmetric. Aside from an unimportant additive constant, cH 2 r r ⫹G 0 ln , G H共 r 兲 ⫽ 8⌳ a 冕 B. Electrostatic analogy and exact solution To find the solution of Eq. 共9兲 for the vortex-generated stream function G v subject to the boundary conditions 共11兲, we observe that the problem is equivalent to the twodimensional one for the electrostatic potential generated by a line charge ⫾c 0 /8 2 ⌳ at the point v situated between two 064516-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 064516 共2004兲 PROPERTIES OF MESOSCOPIC SUPERCONDUCTING . . . coaxial grounded metallic cylinders with radii a and b. The necessary conformal mapping procedure is given in Ref. 16 G v 共 w, v 兲 ⫽⫾ A 共 w, v 兲 ⫽ B共 v 兲⫽ c0 4 ⌳ 2 冋 Re ln 册 A 共 w, v 兲 , w⫽re i , B共 v 兲 cn关 2 ␥ ln共 v /a 兲 ,m 兴 cn关 ␥ ln共 v /w 兲 ,m 兴 ⫺ , sn关 2 ␥ ln共 v /a 兲 ,m 兴 sn关 ␥ ln共 v /w 兲 ,m 兴 共20兲 cn关 2 ␥ ln共 v /a 兲 ,m 兴 cn关 ␥ ln共 v /a 兲 ,m 兴 ⫺ , sn关 2 ␥ ln共 v /a 兲 ,m 兴 sn关 ␥ ln共 v /a 兲 ,m 兴 where cn(x),sn(x) are the Jacobi elliptic functions, ␥ ⫽K(m)/ln(b/a) with K(m) being the complete elliptic integral 共in the notation of Ref. 17兲, and the parameter m is chosen to satisfy K共 1⫺m 兲 ln共 b/a 兲 ⫽ K共 m 兲 . 共21兲 As an example, we find that for b/a⫽2 共such rings were studied in Ref. 3兲, m⫽1.048⫻10⫺5 , and ␥ ⫽2.266. For rings with 1⬍b/a⬍2, we have 0⬍ln(b/a)⬍1. Solving Eq. 共21兲 numerically, one can see that mⰆ1. Expanding functions K(m) and K(1⫺m) for small m, one obtains with a high accuracy, 冋 m⫽16 exp ⫺ 册 2 , ln共 b/a 兲 ␥⫽ . 2 ln共 b/a 兲 共22兲 One can now set m⫽0 in Eq. 共20兲 to obtain G v ⬇⫾ c0 4 2⌳ 再 Re ln 冎 sin关 ln共 v w/a 2 兲 /2 ln共 b/a 兲兴 . sin关 ln共 v /w 兲 /ln共 b/a 兲兴 共23兲 At the vortex position r⫽ v , ⫽0, this function diverges logarithmically. One can find G v ( v ) 关and the self-energy ⑀ v ⫽ 0 兩 G v ( v ) 兩 /2c] by introducing the standard cutoff at a distance from the vortex axis at v : ⑀ v⬇ 20 8 ⌳ 2 冋 ln 册 2 v ln共 b/a 兲 ln共 v /a 兲 sin . ln共 b/a 兲 共24兲 The relative difference between this expression and the exact energy is less than 2⫻10⫺12 for b/a⭐2. 18 Formally, the logarithmic factor in Eq. 共24兲 goes to ⫺⬁ if v →a or v →b. However, this expression fails when the vortex is within roughly of the inner or outer radius. In fact, ⑀ v of Eq. 共24兲 becomes equal to zero at v a ⫽a(1⫹ /2a) and v b ⫽b(1⫺ /2a). Thus, the problem of the current distribution in the ring is solved: the vortex-generated part G v of the stream function is given in Eqs. 共20兲, while G H is determined by Eqs. 共13兲 and 共19兲. The current streamlines are given by the contours G(r, )⫽G v (r, )⫹G H (r)⫽const; Fig. 1 shows examples of current streamlines for a vortex and an antivortex. It is worth mentioning that the same method based on application of conformal mapping to problems of the two- FIG. 1. Current streamlines in a ring with b/a⫽2, N⫽2, and vortex or antivortex position v /a⫽1.2 in the normalized field h ⫽H/H 0 ⫽2.3 关see Eq. 共39兲兴. The streamlines are plotted as contours of G⫽G v ⫹G H ⫽const. The left panel is for a vortex; the streamlines shown that encircle the hole have clockwise flow, whereas the flow around the vortex is counterclockwise. The right panel shows an antivortex; all streamlines shown have clockwise flow. dimensional electrostatics can be utilized to obtain current distributions for n vortices equally spaced along a circle of radius a⬍ v ⬍b of the ring.16 III. ENERGY A. Zero applied field Let us first consider the energy E(N, v ) of the ring with a vortex at v in the state N in zero applied field. This energy is a sum of the magnetic and kinetic contributions. The magnetic part is19 064516-3 E m⫽ 冕 A•gd 2 r 1 2c 冕冉 1 2c ⫽⫺ 冊 2⌳ 0 g⫹ ⵜ •gd 2 r, c 2 共25兲 V. G. KOGAN, JOHN R. CLEM, AND R. G. MINTS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 064516 共2004兲 where we use Eq. 共15兲 to express the vector potential A at the ring in terms of g and the phase . The supercurrent kinetic energy E k is the integral over the film volume of the quantity 2 L2 j 2 /c 2 ⫽ ⌳g 2 /c 2 d. 13 We find readily that this energy is equal in value and opposite in sign to the term containing g 2 in Eq. 共25兲, so that B. Magnetic moment E 共 N, v 兲 ⬅E m ⫹E k ⫽⫺ 0 4c 冕 共 ⵜ •g兲 d 2 r. 共26兲 By definition, the z directed magnetic moment reads19 ⫽ 共27兲 Substituting this into Eq. 共26兲, we use Gauss theorem to evaluate the contribution of the first term, 冕 div共 Gz⫻ⵜ 兲 d 2 r⫽ 冕 2 0 冋 ⫺G 共 b, 兲 ⫹G 共 a, 兲 冏册 冏 ⫽ d a 0 关 G 共 v 兲 ⫺ 共 N⫾1 兲 G b ⫹NG a 兴 . 2c 共28兲 共29兲 Note that G( v )⫽G v ( v )⫹G H ( v ), and the vortex self-energy is ⑀ v ⫽ 0 兩 G v ( v ) 兩 /2 共see Ref. 15兲. Utilizing Eqs. 共13兲 and 共19兲, we obtain 冋 E 共 N, v 兲 ⫽ ⑀ v 共 v 兲 ⫹ ⑀ 0 N⫾ 册 ln共 b/ v 兲 2 , ln共 b/a 兲 ⑀ 0⫽ 8 2⌳ . 2 0 c 冕 b a r 2 ḡ 共 r 兲 dr. 共33兲 冉 冊 0 共 b 2 ⫺a 2 兲 b 2⫺ v 2 H N⫾ 2 ⫺ 共 b 4 ⫺a 4 兲 . 共34兲 2 8⌳ 16⌳ b ⫺a 0 共 b 2 ⫺a 2 兲 H N⫺ 共 b 4 ⫺a 4 兲 . 8⌳ 16⌳ 共35兲 The thermodynamic potential F which is minimum in equilibrium at a given applied field is defined by a differential relation ␦ F⫽⫺ • ␦ H⫽⫺ ␦ H, 共36兲 where (N, v ,H) is the system magnetic moment.19 Using Eq. 共34兲, we readily obtain F by integrating Eq. 共36兲 over H from 0 to H, F⫾ ⫽E 共 N, v 兲 ⫺ 共30兲 ⫹ 共31兲 d g 共 r, 兲 ⫽ C. Free energy in field 冉 0 H 共 b 2 ⫺a 2 兲 b 2⫺ v 2 N⫾ 2 8⌳ b ⫺a 2 冊 H2 4 共 b ⫺a 4 兲 , 32⌳ 共37兲 where the zero-field energy E(N, v ) is given in Eq. 共30兲. After simple algebra we arrive at our main result, If v ⫽b, i.e., if there is no vortex in the annulus, we have 0 0 E 0 ⫽ 共 G a ⫺G b 兲 N⫽ NI. 2c 2c a 冕 The result can be verified by direct calculation of using the current distribution in the absence of vortices. If we set v ⫽a in Eq. 共34兲, we obtain 0 (N⫾1,H). It is instructive to observe that the exact moment 共34兲 in the presence of a vortex at v can be considered as a sum of the magnetic moment of a vortex-free ring with inner and outer radii a and v having winding number N and another ring with inner and outer radii v and b with vorticity N ⫹1. where we introduce the energy scale 20 ln共 b/a 兲 drr 2 0 共 N,H 兲 ⫽ Here we have used the boundary conditions 共6兲 and the phase change is ⫺2 N upon circling the inner radius and ⫺2 (N⫾1) the outer radius, provided a single vortex 共antivortex兲 is present in the annulus. Integrating the second term of Eq. 共27兲, we use the basic quantization property of the phase 关 curlz ⵜ ⫽⫿2 ␦ (r ⫺ v ) 兴 , take the curl of Eq. 共15兲, and compare the result with Eq. 共2兲. Then, we obtain the magnetic and kinetic energy of the persistent currents in the ring, E 共 N, v 兲 ⫽ b It is worth noting that the magnetic moment is evaluated here without need to employ the explicit current distribution which could have been obtained from the known stream function G v ⫹G H . Setting v ⫽b, we obtain the moment 0 in the ‘‘pure’’ state N with no vortex at the ring: b ⫽2 关共 N⫾1 兲 G b ⫺NG a 兴 . 冕 This is easily evaluated using Eqs. 共17兲 and 共18兲, The integrand here can be further transformed in terms of the stream function G, ⵜ •curl共 Gz兲 ⫽div共 Gz⫻ⵜ 兲 ⫹Gz•curl ⵜ . 1 2c 共32兲 064516-4 F⫾ 共 N, v ,H 兲 ⫽ ⑀ v 共 v 兲 ⫹ ⑀ 0 冉 冋冉 ⫺2h N⫾ N⫾ ln共 b/ v 兲 ln共 b/a 兲 b 2⫺ v 2 b 2 ⫺a 2 冊 2 冊 册 ⫹h 2 , 共38兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 064516 共2004兲 PROPERTIES OF MESOSCOPIC SUPERCONDUCTING . . . where we have introduced a dimensionless field h⫽H/H 0 , where H 0⫽ 2 0 ln共 b/a 兲 , 共39兲 b ln . b /a ⫺1 a 共40兲 共 b 2 ⫺a 2 兲 and a geometric factor given by ⫽ b 2 /a 2 ⫹1 2 2 For a narrow ring b/a⫺1⫽ Ⰶ1, ⫽1⫹O( 2 ). With increasing b/a, grows slowly: for b/a⫽2, ⬇1.155, and ⬇ln(b/a) for large values of b/a. D. Vortex-free state For the vortex-free state, Eq. 共38兲 yields F0 共 N,h 兲 ⫽ ⑀ 0 共 N 2 ⫺2Nh⫹h 2 兲 . 共41兲 It is seen that F0 (N 1 ,h)⫽F0 (N 2 ,h) at the field h⫽(N 1 ⫹N 2 )/2 for any N 1 and N 2 . In particular, for N 1 ⫽N and N 2 ⫽N⫹1, the energies F0 (N,h)⫽F0 (N⫹1,h) at h⫽N ⫹1/2. In other words, at this field the system might be in either of the states N or N⫹1 having the same energy. One can readily check that the thermodynamic potential F0 (N,h) of the vortex-free state coincides with the kinetic energy of the supercurrents in the ring. A transition from a state with vorticity N to one with vorticity N⫹1 can happen when a vortex, carrying unit vorticity, enters at the outer radius, crosses the ring, and annihilates at the inner radius. Alternatively, such a transition can be accomplished, starting with initial vorticity N, when an antivortex, carrying vorticity –1, enters the annulus at the inner radius a, crosses the ring, and annihilates at the outer radius b, leaving behind vorticity N⫹1 trapped in the ring. The field dependence of F0 for 0⭐N⭐4 is shown in Fig. 2, which illustrates the above features. It shows that in fields N⫺1/2⬍h⬍N⫹1/2, the minimum energy belongs to the state N. However, the first excited state is N⫺1 for N⫺1/2 ⬍h⬍N, whereas it is N⫹1 for N⬍h⬍N⫹1/2. It should be also noted that in a given field h, the ground state winding number is the integer nearest to h. Although the ground state vorticity N changes with field, the energy difference between the lowest and the ‘‘first excited state’’ is, in fact, periodic in h with the period ⌬h ⫽1. It is easy to check that the difference F0 (N,h)⫺F0 (N ⫺1,h)⫽F0 (N⫹1,h⫹1)⫺F0 (N,h⫹1). This fact has implications for the transition probabilities from the ground state to the nearest excited state. It is worth observing that the energy 共38兲 differs from that of the vortex-free state, F0 of Eq. 共41兲, by the vortex selfenergy ⑀ v ( v ) and by the addition to N of the v -dependent terms that vary from unity to zero as the vortex moves from a to b. FIG. 2. The energy F0 of vortex-free states of a ring with b/a ⫽2 for vorticities N from 0 to 4 versus applied field. The energy and field units are defined in Eqs. 共31兲 and 共39兲. Note that e.g. for 0.5⬍h⬍1.5, N⫽1 corresponds to the ground state. The nearest ‘‘excited’’ state is N⫽0 for 0.5⬍h⬍1, whereas for 1⬍h⬍1.5 it is N⫽2. E. Potential barriers for vortices crossing the ring We are now in a position to evaluate the energy barrier that must be overcome for a vortex or an antivortex to move between the inner and outer radii of the ring. Since G v ⫽0 at both a and b, we have at v ⫽b, F⫹ 共 N,b 兲 ⫽F⫺ 共 N,b 兲 ⫽F0 共 N 兲 , 共42兲 where the energy F0 (N) of the vortex-free states is given by Eq. 共41兲; the subscript ‘‘⫹’’ is for a vortex, whereas ‘‘–’’ stands for an antivortex 共the field argument H is suppressed for brevity兲. In other words, the addition of either a vortex or an antivortex at the outer radius does not change the vorticity of the system. On the other hand, at v ⫽a we have F⫹ 共 N,a 兲 ⫽F0 共 N⫹1 兲 , F⫺ 共 N,a 兲 ⫽F0 共 N⫺1 兲 ; 共43兲 i.e., moving a vortex 共antivortex兲 from b to a changes the vorticity by ⫹1 (⫺1), an obvious consequence of the system topology. Starting from a vortex-free state N, the motion of a vortex between a and b can change the system energy in two ways. If a vortex moves in, starting from the outer radius b, the spatial dependence of the potential energy barrier against vortex entry is given by the difference F⫹ 共 N, v 兲 ⫺F0 共 N 兲 ⫽V ⫹ in 共 N, v 兲 , 共44兲 ⫹ so that V ⫹ in (N,b)⫽0, while V in (N,a)⫽ ⑀ 0 (2N⫹1⫺2h), which corresponds to the energy of transition between ‘‘pure’’ states N and N⫹1. On the other hand, if a vortex moves out, starting from the inner radius a, the spatial dependence of the potential energy barrier against vortex exit is given by the function 064516-5 ⫹ V out 共 N, v 兲 ⫽F⫹ 共 N⫺1,v 兲 ⫺F0 共 N 兲 , 共45兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 064516 共2004兲 V. G. KOGAN, JOHN R. CLEM, AND R. G. MINTS ⫹ ⫹ such that V out (N,a)⫽0, while V out (N,b)⫽ ⑀ 0 (2h⫺2N ⫹1), which corresponds to the energy of transition from the state N to the state N⫺1. ⫹ When h⫽N⫹1/2, we obtain V ⫹ in (N,a)⫽V in (N,b)⫽0, ⫹ ⫹ V out(N⫹1,b)⫽V out(N⫹1,a)⫽0 for any N. Moreover, the ⫹ ⫹ potential barriers V in (N, v ) and V out (N⫹1,v ) are identical. Similarly, the motion of an antivortex between a and b can change the system energy in two ways. If an antivortex moves in, starting from the outer radius b, the spatial dependence of the potential energy barrier against antivortex entry is given by the function V⫺ in 共 N, v 兲 ⫽F⫺ 共 N, v 兲 ⫺F0 共 N 兲 , 共46兲 ⫺ so that V ⫺ in (N,b)⫽0, while V in (N,a)⫽ ⑀ 0 (2h⫺2N⫹1), which corresponds to the energy of transition from the state N to the state N⫺1. On the other hand, if an antivortex moves out, starting from the inner radius a, the spatial dependence of the potential energy barrier against vortex exit is given by the function, ⫺ V out 共 N, v 兲 ⫽F⫺ 共 N⫹1,v 兲 ⫺F0 共 N 兲 , ⫺ V out (N,a)⫽0, 共47兲 ⫺2h 再冋 冎 b 2⫺ v 2 b 2 ⫺a 2 2N⫹ 册 ln共 b/ v 兲 ln共 b/ v 兲 ln共 b/a 兲 ln共 b/a 兲 共48兲 . IV. NARROW RINGS The energy 共38兲 simplifies for narrow rings of width W ⫽b⫺aⰆa, i.e., for ⫽W/aⰆ1. 共49兲 We obtain in the linear approximation in , F⫾ ⫽ ⑀ v 共 z 兲 ⫹ ⑀ 0 共 N⫾z⫺h 兲 2 , ⑀ v⫽ 20 8 2⌳ ln 冉 ⑀ 0⬇ ⫺ V out (N,b)⫽ ⑀ 0 (2N⫹1 such that while ⫺2h), which corresponds to the energy of transition from the state N to the state N⫹1. ⫺ (N, v ) differs from V ⫺ Note that V out in (N⫹1,v ) only by a ⫺ ⫺ (N⫹1,v )⫽F0 (N⫹1)⫺F0 (N) constant: V out(N, v )⫺V in ⫽ ⑀ 0 (2N⫹1⫺2h). When this constant is zero, i.e., when h ⫺ (N⫺1,v ) and V ⫺ ⫽N⫹1/2, the barriers V out in (N, v ) become identical. We conclude the discussion of barriers by pointing out that although the total energies F⫾ (N,H, v ) are quadratic in N and H, the barrier functions are linear in these variables. For example, we have for a vortex entry at b, V⫹ in 共 N,H, v 兲 ⫽ ⑀ v 共 v 兲 ⫹ ⑀ 0 ⫹ FIG. 3. The energy barriers V in (N,H, v ) for the vortex entry at the outer radius b calculated numerically according to Eq. 共44兲. The ⫹ energy V in is given in units of 2 /8 2 ⌳. The vortex position v is normalized on the inner radius a. The left panel: b/a⫽1.2; the parameters from top to bottom are h⫽N⫽3, 110, 295, and 450; h is normalized to H 0 of Eq. 共39兲. The right panel: b/a⫽2; the parameters from top to bottom are h⫽N⫽3, 10, 28, and 50. Note: the normalization field H 0 for the second panel differs from the first. 冊 2a b⫺ v . sin z , z⫽ b⫺a Here, 0⬍z⬍1; the energy and field scales are 8 2⌳ 0 , H 0⬇ a2 共52兲 . In particular, we have for the vortex-free state (z⫽0), F0 ⬇ 20 8 2⌳ 共 N⫺h 兲 2 ⫽ 20 8 2⌳ 冉 N⫺ a 2H 0 冊 2 , 共53兲 an expression similar to that for thin cylinders.4,20 The potential barriers defined in Eqs. 共44兲–共47兲 are now easily evaluated. We focus here on V ⫹ in for a vortex, which reads in linear approximation in , V⫹ in ⬇ ⑀ v ⫹ ⑀ 0 z 共 2N⫺2h⫹z 兲 . 共54兲 One readily verifies that this potential reaches maximum at z m ⫽1/2⫹O( ), i.e., at v m ⫽(b⫹a)/2. To study the behavior of the potential V ⫹ in (N,H, v ) near its maximum in increasing fields, one should go to higher order terms in the small . To avoid cumbersome algebra, we use the fact that in the ground state 兩 h⫺N 兩 ⭐1/2 so that in large fields we can set N⬇h and study the behavior of the function V⫹ in (h,h, v ). Of a particular interest is the curvature of the potential barrier at v ⫽ v m . Numerical experimentation shows that in large fields, the maximum of V ⫹ in is situated close to v m ⫽(b⫹a)/2. Differentiating twice the function V⫹ in (h,h, v ) with respect to v 共this is easily done using Mathematica兲 and setting v ⫽ v m ⫽a⫹W/2, we find that the curvature turns zero at 共50兲 共51兲 20 H⬇H 1 ⫽ 0 4W 2 . 共55兲 For H⬎H 1 , the potential barrier V ⫹ in (h,h, v m ) acquires a local minimum. Examples are shown in Fig. 3. A vortex at this minimum is in a metastable state provided V ⫹ in (h,h, v m ) ⬎0. 064516-6 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 064516 共2004兲 PROPERTIES OF MESOSCOPIC SUPERCONDUCTING . . . With increasing field, the depth of the minimum increases and at a field that may be called the low critical field, H c1 , V⫹ in (h,h, v m ) becomes equal to zero. This is the minimum field at which vortices can nucleate at the ring and stay there in stable equilibrium. We can estimate this field by setting V⫹ in (h,h, v m )⫽0 in Eq. 共48兲. For narrow rings we obtain H c1 ⬇ 20 W ln 2 2W . 共56兲 Clearly, with the further field increase, the barriers on both sides of the minimum are suppressed, while the points v 0 where V ⫹ in ⫽0 are pushed towards the annulus edges at a and b. The critical field H * at which the ‘‘edge barrier’’ near b disappears can be estimated by setting V ⫹ in (h,h, v 0 )⫽0 in Eq. 共48兲 and considering the limit v 0 ⬇b⫺ . After straightforward algebra we obtain H *⬇ 0 ln 2 ln共 b/a 兲 . b 2 ln共 b/a 兲 ⫺1⫹a 2 /b 2 共57兲 For narrow rings, this reduces to H *⬇ 0 ln 2 , 2 W 共58兲 film limit. The above arguments suggest that SQUIDs to be cooled and operated in the Earth’s magnetic field should be made entirely of narrow lines in order to avoid flux noise due to thermal agitation of vortices trapped in the lines. Experiments by Dantsker et al.22 are consistent with this conclusion. The solutions presented here for currents and energies in thin mesoscopic superconducting rings are of importance for the physics of isolated rings 共such as in Ref. 3兲, as well as for understanding the behavior of large ensembles of interacting rings.1,2 The statistical mechanics of these systems requires knowledge of ring energy levels and probabilities of quantum or thermally activated transitions between the states of different energies. Our work should be useful for such statistical modelling. Despite the known shortcomings of the London approach, this is the only method that is of practical use for temperatures away from the critical temperature. A key advantage of the London equations is their linearity, which makes exact solutions for mesoscopic rings possible. The electrostatic analogy we employed, may prove useful for various mesoscopic sample shapes. A number of these shapes 共as squares, rectangles, or polygons兲 can be found in textbooks on applications of the theory of complex functions to the two-dimensional electrostatics, see, e.g., Ref. 16. An example of a thin-film disk is considered in the Appendix. whereas for rings with a small hole, aⰆb, H *⬇ 冋 册 0 ln 2 1 1⫹ . 2 b 2 ln共 b/a 兲 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 共59兲 It is of interest to note that the field H 1 of Eq. 共55兲 is temperature independent, H c1 of Eq. 共56兲 is only weakly depends on T, whereas H * vanishes as T→T c as 冑1⫺T/T c . The last two are to be compared with the bulk H c1 and H * , the bulk characteristics of the Bean-Livingston barrier, both of which are linear in 1⫺T/T c near T c . 13 V. DISCUSSION The behavior of narrow rings is closely related to that of long strips. The field given in Eq. 共55兲 was derived previously in a study of long strips of width W, where H 1 was called the vortex exclusion field.21 According to this theory, when a superconducting strip is cooled through T c in an ambient magnetic field H a , vortices should be excluded from the strip when H a is less than H 1 , because the freeenergy then has a global maximum at the strip center 共at v m in our notation兲. On the other hand, when H a is greater than H 1 , there is a local free-energy minimum at v m , where the probability of finding a vortex is proportional to exp ⫹ /k B T). Near T c , this probability is close to unity. (⫺Vmin However, as T decreases, the characteristic energy scale, 20 /8 2 ⌳(T), increases rapidly. The vortices are then ‘‘frozen in’’ a potential well similar to those shown in Fig. 3 at a characteristic freeze-in temperature T f , which for most superconductors is estimated as being very close to T c . The value of ⌳(T f ) turns out larger than strip widths of the order of a few m, which justifies calculations done in the thin- We are glad to thank John Kirtley for numerous discussions. In part this research is supported by Grant No. 2000011 from the United States–Israel Binational Science Foundation 共BSF兲, Jerusalem, Israel. This manuscript has been authored in part by Iowa State University of Science and Technology under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-82 with the U.S. Department of Energy. APPENDIX: THIN FILM DISK It is worth stating upfront that the solution for a disk cannot be obtained by setting the inner radius a⫽0 in the solutions for a ring. The ring topology differs from that of a disk, and there is no continuous transition from the one to another. In fact, for a disk with no vortices the vorticity N ⬅0. The state of a disk is determined by the continuous variable H, the applied field, and by the vortex position 共or positions, if any兲. Consider a thin-film disk of a radius bⰆ⌳ with a vortex at an arbitrary position v . To find the current distribution one has to solve Eq. 共8兲 with the boundary condition G(r⫽b) ⫽const⫽G b , or alternatively, Eq. 共9兲 for G v and 共10兲 for G H under boundary conditions G v (b)⫽0 and G H (b)⫽G b . The part G H reads G H共 r 兲 ⫽ cH 2 r r ⫹G 0 ln , 8⌳ r0 共A1兲 where the constants G 0 and r 0 are to be determined using the fact that the total current is I⫽⫺G b . Evaluating I with the 064516-7 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 064516 共2004兲 V. G. KOGAN, JOHN R. CLEM, AND R. G. MINTS help of London equation 共15兲 one should take the phase change on circles r⬍ v as zero, whereas for r⬎ v as ⫺2 . Doing this algebra we obtain G 0 ⫽⫺ ⫽ 4 2⌳ , r 0⫽ v , 共A2兲 F⫽ cH 2 c0 r . ln r ⫺ G H共 r 兲 ⫽ 8⌳ 4 2⌳ v 共A3兲 The problem of finding the part G v is equivalent to one for the electrostatic potential of a linear charge c 0 /8 2 ⌳ at the point v parallel to the grounded metallic cylinder of a radius b. The solution is given, e.g., in Ref. 19, c0 4 2⌳ ln 冉冑 b v r 2 ⫹ v 2 ⫺2r v cos r 2 ⫹x 2 ⫺2rx cos 冊 , 20 b ⫺v ⑀ v ⫽ 2 ln . b 8 ⌳ 2 20 b , ln 8 2⌳ v 8 2⌳ 冉 ln 冊 b 2⫺ v 2 b 2⫺ v 2 h 2 ⫺h ⫺ , b 4 b2 V⫹ in ⫽ 20 8 2⌳ 冉 ln 冊 b 2⫺ v 2 b 2⫺ v 2 ⫺h . b b2 共A6兲 H 1⫽ 0 b2 . 共A10兲 The field H c1 is determined by V ⫹ in (0)⫽0, 0 b ln , b 2 共A11兲 the result given by Fetter.14 Thus for H 1 ⬍H⬍H c1 , the vortex in the disk center is in metastable state, which becomes stable for H⬎H c1 . Finally, the barrier to the vortex entry disappears altogether when the point v 0 at which V ⫹ in ⫽0 moves to the edge, v 0 ⫽b⫺ , H *⫽ and the magnetic moment is D. Davidovic̀, S. Kumar, D.H. Reich, J. Siegel, S.B. 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Lloyd, Science 285, 1036 共1999兲. 共A9兲 It is now easy to find the field at which a local minimum first 2 appears in the disk center (d 2 V ⫹ in /dr ⫽0 at v ⫽0), H c1 ⫽ 共A5兲 共A8兲 where h⫽ b 2 H/ 0 共note that the field normalization here differs from the main text兲. In the vortex absence, F0 ⫽( 20 /32 2 ⌳)h 2 , so that the barrier for the vortex entry is 2 The following is obtained in the same way as in the main text. The energy in zero field is E 共 0,v 兲 ⫽ ⑀ v 共 v 兲 ⫹ 20 共A4兲 where r, are cylindrical coordinates, the zero azimuth is taken as that of v , and x⫽b 2 / v . As discussed, the vortex self-energy ⑀ v ⫽ 0 兩 G v ( ⫽0,r→ v ) 兩 /2c is logarithmically divergent, so that we set r⫽ v ⫹ and ⫽0 to obtain 1 共A7兲 The thermodynamic potential F⫽E(0,v )⫺ 兰 H 0 dH follows: c0 and G v ⫽⫺ 0 共 b 2 ⫺ v 2 兲 Hb 4 ⫺ . 8⌳ 16⌳ 11 0 ln 2 . 2 b 共A12兲 C. Van der Wal, A.C.J. ter Haar, F.K. Wilhelm, R.N. Schouten, C.J.P.M. Harmaks, T.P. Orlando, S. Lloyd, and J.E. Mooij, Science 290, 773 共2000兲. 12 J. Pearl, Appl. Phys. Lett. 5, 65 共1964兲. 13 P.G. de Gennes, Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys 共Addison–Wesley, New York, 1989兲. 14 A.L. Fetter, Phys. Rev. B 22, 1200 共1980兲. 15 V.G. Kogan, Phys. Rev. B 49, 15874 共1994兲. One should mention that the general result for a vortex near the edge of a half-infinite thin film of this paper is erroneous; still, the discussion of energies and of the samples small on the scale of ⌳ is correct. 16 P.M. Morse and H. Feshbach, Methods of Theoretical Physics 共McGraw–Hill, New York, 1953兲, Part II, Chap. 10. 17 Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Natl. Bur. Stand. Appl. Math. Ser. No. 55, edited by M. Abramowitz and A. Stegun 共U.S. GPO, Washington, D.C., 1965兲. 18 It is instructive to compare the vortex energy at the ring, Eq. 共24兲 with an expression for a narrow straight strip: ⑀ v ⫽( 20 /8 2 ⌳)ln关(2W/)sin(v/W)兴, where WⰆ⌳ is the strip width and v is the vortex distance from one of the edges 064516-8 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69, 064516 共2004兲 PROPERTIES OF MESOSCOPIC SUPERCONDUCTING . . . 共see Ref. 15兲. L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Electrodynamics of Continuous Media 共Pergamon, Oxford, New York, 1984兲. 20 A. Barone and G. Paterno, Physics and Applications of the 19 Josephson Effect 共Wiley, New York, 1982兲, p. 355. J.R. Clem 共unpublished兲. 22 E. Dantsker, S. Tanaka, and J. Clarke, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 2037 共1997兲. 21 064516-9