Physica C 382 (2002) 57–61 Distribution of pinning strength and scaling behavior in YBCO coated IBAD tape T. Kiss a,*, M. Inoue a, S. Nishimura a, T. Kuga a, T. Matsushita b, Y. Iijima c, K. Kakimoto c, T. Saitoh c, S. Awaji d, K. Watanabe d, Y. Shiohara e a Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering, Kyushu University, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan b Kyushu Institute of Technology, Iizuka 820-0672, Japan c Fujikura Ltd., Tokyo 135-8512, Japan d Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan e Superconductivity Research Laboratory, Tokyo 135-0062, Japan Abstract Extended E–J characteristics in a YBCO coated ion beam assisted deposition tape have been studied over a wide range of perpendicular magnetic field, B, and temperature, T. The statistical distribution of the critical current density, Jc , and the magnetic transition field have been analyzed within the frame work of the percolation model. It has been shown that the distribution of pinning strength in the coated tape is much sharper than that in an epitaxial thin film deposited on a SrTiO3 single crystalline substrate. This result suggests that effective pinning sites are introduced in the coated tape. Scaling behavior of the pinning force density will also be shown. The present analysis allows us to estimate the Jc value quantitatively at an arbitrary B, T and electric field criterion. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 74.72.B; 85.25.K; 74.76; 74.60.J Keywords: YBCO coated conductor; Critical current density; Flux pinning 1. Introduction YBCO high Tc superconductor is one of the most promising materials especially for high field and high current applications. Significant numbers of studies have been made on various deposition techniques of YBCO film on flexible metallic substrates [1–4]. It was shown that critical current * Corresponding author. Tel.: +81-92-642-3910; fax: +81-92642-3963. E-mail address: (T. Kiss). density, Jc , more than 106 A/cm2 is attainable on a metallic substrate by using a bi-axially aligned substrate obtained by several methods such as ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) [1] and rolling assisted bi-axially aligned textured tape [2]. Moreover, 10-m-class YBCO coated tape as well as highly oriented long length substrates have been demonstrated recently [5–7]. It is relevant to study the critical current properties of these YBCO tapes in order to clarify the feasibility for practical applications, and to realize practical YBCO conductors. The resistive transition in HTS is strongly influenced by thermal 0921-4534/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 3 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 1 1 9 7 - 8 58 T. Kiss et al. / Physica C 382 (2002) 57–61 fluctuations and the wide distribution of pinning strength. It is necessary to optimize the fabrication process by making clear the relationship among critical current properties, crystallinity and fabrication conditions. In this study, we carried out detailed measurement of extended electric field vs. current density (E–J) characteristics in a YBCO coated IBAD tape over a wide range of magnetic field, B, and temperature, T. The measured E–J characteristics have been analyzed within the framework of the percolation model. The statistical Jc distribution and its B-, T-dependence has been discussed. 2. Measurement A 1 lm thick layer of bi-axially aligned YSZ was deposited by the IBAD technique on a 100 lm thick hastelloy substrate. After a 0.1 lm thick Y2 O3 layer was deposited by sputtering, 1 lm thick YBCO film was deposited by the laser ablation technique. Finally, a 10 lm thick silver layer was deposited on top of the YBCO as a protection layer against thermal instability. The value of the critical current, Ic , of the 1cm wide tape reached as high as 85 A at 77 K in self magnetic field. The critical temperature, Tc , of the tape was 88.7 K. After etching the sample into a 100 lm wide by 1 mm long bridge shape, we measured the E–J characteristics in detail over a wide range of B and T by the four probe method. The magnetic field was applied perpendicular to the tape surface. The silver layer near the current terminal was etched out in order to transfer the current into the superconducting layer in a short distance. The influence of current shunting due to the silver layer has been determined based on the distributed resistance network model where the leakage resistance per unit length was assumed to be 5 105 X/mm. 3. Results and discussion Magnetic field dependent E–J characteristics are shown in Fig. 1. By fitting the percolation model [8,9] to the measured E–J characteristics, we Fig. 1. Magnetic field dependent E–J characteristics in YBCO coated IBAD tape. The influence of the shunt resistance due to the silver layer was determined by the distributed resistance model assuming a leakage resistance per unit length, and is 5 105 X/mm. The solid lines are the percolation model while the points are measured results. The magnetic fields, from right to left, are 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2.0, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 3.0, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0, 4.3, 4.5 T. estimated the statistical Jc distribution, P ðJc Þ, in the one dimensional network between the voltage terminals: m1 m m Jc Jcm Jc Jcm P ðJc Þ ¼ exp J0 J0 J0 for Jc P Jcm ; ¼0 for Jc < Jcm : ð1Þ The results are as shown in Fig. 2, where the numerical parameter m was constrained to be 4.4. The magnetic field dependence of the Jc distribution can be characterized by the scaling of the minimum value of Jc denoted by Jcm , and the typical value of Jc denoted by Jk ( Jcm þ J0 ). Scaling behavior of the corresponding pinning force density, Fpm Jcm B, is shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b). The magnetic field dependence of Fpm collapses into a single curve as a function of reduced magnetic field B=BGL : c B Fpm ¼ ABGL ðT Þf BGL ðT Þ d B 1 for B 6 BGL ; ð2aÞ BGL ðT Þ T. Kiss et al. / Physica C 382 (2002) 57–61 59 Fig. 2. Statistical Jc distribution obtained by the analysis of the E–J characteristics by using the percolation model. d B f Fpm ¼ ABGL ðT Þ 1 BGL ðT Þ for B > BGL ; ð2bÞ where BGL is the percolation transition field, i.e., Jcm ¼ 0, and A, f, c, d are numerical parameters. The maximum value of Fpm , denoted by Fpm max , increases in proportion to the power of BGL as shown in Fig. 3(b) as the temperature decreases. Similar scaling also holds for Fpk Jk B: c d B B f 1 Fpk ¼ ABk ðT Þ Bk ðT Þ Bk ðT Þ for B 6 Bk ; ð3Þ where Bk is the magnetic field for Jk ¼ 0. Temperature dependence of BGL and Bk are shown in Fig. 4. The solid lines in Fig. 4 are the analytical form " 2 #a T BGLðkÞ ðT Þ ¼ BGLðkÞ ð0Þ 1 : ð4Þ Tc The numerical parameters obtained from the scaling analysis are listed in Table 1. The difference between BGL and Bk indicates the variation of pinning strength. It is worthwhile to compare the results in the coated tape with that of an epitaxial YBCO thin film deposited on a single crystalline substrate. The broken lines in Fig. 4 are the magnetic fields obtained for a 200 nm thick YBCO film deposited on a SrTiO3 single crystal- Fig. 3. Scaling behavior of the pinning force density corresponding to the minimum value of Jc denoted by Jcm . (a) Magnetic field dependence and (b) temperature dependence. The solid line is the analytical expression given by (2a). line substrate by the laser ablation technique. As can be seen, the value of BGL in the coated tape is almost 50% larger than that of the thin film while the value of Bk is comparable. This result indicates that the distribution of the pinning strength in a perpendicular magnetic field is much sharper in the coated tape than that in the thin film. Possible explanations for the enhancement of BGL are (1) increase of film thickness results in the increase of correlation volume of flux bundles, therefore, the 60 T. Kiss et al. / Physica C 382 (2002) 57–61 Fig. 4. Temperature dependence of the magnetic fields BGL and Bk . Solid lines are for the coated tape, whereas the broken lines are for a 200 nm thick YBCO thin film deposited on a SrTiO3 single crystalline substrate. Solid circles and solid triangles are measured results for the coated tape and the film, respectively. Fig. 5. Magnetic field dependence of Jc at various temperatures with different electric field criteria 1 and 100 lV/cm. The lines are the analytical expression along with the scaling parameters while the points are measured results. Jc ðEc Þ ¼ jJcm j þ Table 1 Numerical parameters obtained from scaling analysis of YBCO coated IBAD tape Quantity Related parameters Fpm A ¼ 2:01 108 , f ¼ 1:80, c ¼ 0:71, d ¼ 1:50, for B 6 BGL A ¼ 4:00 107 , f ¼ 1:32, d ¼ 0:75, for B > BGL Fpk BGL ðT Þ and Bk ðT Þ A ¼ 4:76 108 , f ¼ 1:80, c ¼ 0:93, d ¼ 1:50 BGL ð0Þ ¼ 49:4, Bk ð0Þ ¼ 74:1, a ¼ 1:53 (for BGL and Bk ) for B > BGL ; mþ1 Ec J0m þ jJcm jmþ1 qFF 1 mþ1 ð5bÞ where qFF ¼ 10 lX cm, is shown in Fig. 5. The electric field criterion, Ec , used to determine the value of Jc was 1 lV/cm and 100 lV/cm for the solid lines and the broken lines, respectively. The analytical expression agreed quantitatively with the measured results over a wide range of B and T. 4. Conclusion minimum pinning strength is enhanced, and (2) effective pinning sites originated from some defects in the coated tape make the pinning strength more uniform. The results of the angular dependence of BGL support the existence of effective pinning sites perpendicular to the tape surface [10]. Along with the scaling behavior mentioned above, we can describe the E–J characteristics at an arbitrary B, T condition. A comparison between the measured Jc and the analytical expression [2]: Jc ðEc Þ ¼ Jcm 1 mþ1 mþ1 m þ Ec J 0 qFF for B 6 BGL ; ð5aÞ The statistical distribution of the pinning strength and the scaling behavior of Jc have been studied from the measured E–J characteristics in a YBCO coated IBAD tape. It has been shown that the pinning strength in perpendicular field is much more uniform in the coated tape than that in an epitaxial thin film deposited on a SrTiO3 single crystalline substrate. This result suggests that effective pinning sites have been introduced in the coated tape and/or increase of the film thickness enhance the performance of flux pinning. Scaling behavior of the pinning force density has also been shown. Along with the scaling parameters, we can describe the Jc value at an arbitrary conditions of B, T and E in an analytical form. T. Kiss et al. / Physica C 382 (2002) 57–61 Acknowledgements This work was supported by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) as Collaborative Research and Development of Fundamental Technologies for Superconductivity Applications. References [1] Y. Iijima, M. Hosaka, N. Tanabe, N. Sadakata, T. Saitoh, O. Kohno, K. Takeda, Journal of Meterials Research 12 (1997) 2913. [2] A. Goyal, F.A. List, J. Mathis, M. Paranthaman, E.D. Specht, D.P. Norton, C. Park, D.F. Lee, D.M. Kroeger, D.K. Christen, J.D. Budai, P.M. Martin, Journal of Superconductivity 11 (1998) 481. 61 [3] T. Watanabe, K. Matsumoto, T. Maeda, T. Tanigawa, I. Hirabayashi, Physica C 357 (2001) 914. [4] Y. Sato, K. Matsuo, Y. Takahashi, K. Muranaka, T. Taneda, K. Fujino, K. Ohmatsu, H. Takei, Physica C 357 (2001) 971. [5] Y. Iijima, K. Kakimoto, K. 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