INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Supercond. Sci. Technol. 14 (2001) 722–725 PII: S0953-2048(01)26551-8 Creep properties of MgB2 bulk near the irreversibility line G Ghigo1,2,3 , D Botta1,2,3 , A Chiodoni1,2,3 , R Gerbaldo1,2,3 , L Gozzelino1,2,3 , E Mezzetti1,2,3 , B Minetti1,2,3 , S Ceresara4 , G Giunchi4 and G Ripamonti4 1 Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, U.d.R. Torino-Politecnico, Duca Degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy 2 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sez. Torino, via P. Guiria 1, 10125 Torino, Italy 3 Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Torino, Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy 4 Edison S.p.A. Foro Buonaparte 31, 20121 Milano, Italy Received 4 June 2001 Published 22 August 2001 Online at Abstract Using susceptometric measurements at different frequencies and fields we investigate the creep properties of MgB2 near the irreversibility line. The data analysis allows to find the dependence of the pinning energy U on field and temperature. Remarkably, it turns out that the dependence on B and T cannot be separated as U (B, T ) = U0 (B)f (T ). An analysis aimed at understanding the mechanisms underlying this lack of a scaling law is tried. Self-consistent experimental hints prove that different creep mechanisms are active in low-frequency/low-field and high-frequency/high-field regions. 1. Introduction One of the main issues from the beginning of the short history of MgB2 is the correlation/competition between structural and magnetic granularity [1]. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images indeed reveal the granular microstructure of the bulk material. In our samples, large grains of about 10 µm in diameter are framed inside a matrix of microcrystals, whose size is one order of magnitude lower than the grains. On the other hand careful magneto-optical (MO) studies showed that the polycrystalline material enters into a critical state without revealing the penetration of flux among magnetically decoupled grains: without a doubt, a polycrystalline sample enters into the critical state as a whole [2]. However the flux profile obtained by MO analysis in proximity of the critical state shows some puzzling features. These features consist in the local fluctuation of the light intensity resulting in local fluctuation of the field profile. The patterns can be either attributed to experimental uncertainties or to the contribution of local shielding currents due to fully shielded grains inside the network of flux penetrated bulk [3]. In order to investigate the effects of the structural granularity from another point of view, we made a set of susceptometric measurements at different frequencies, looking for the dynamic effects of the competition between differently coupled, different size grains [4]. 0953-2048/01/090722+04$30.00 © 2001 IOP Publishing Ltd In this paper we report on the vortex dynamics near the irreversibility line in bulk samples. We analyse the flux–creep activation energy and its dependence on the dc magnetic field and temperature. The data allow us to outline consistent, although different, dynamic aspects that are preliminarily discussed. 2. Experimental details High-density MgB2 bulk pellets were prepared from the elements B (99.5% pure) and Mg (99.9% pure), after their reaction in a sealed stainless-steel container, lined with Nb foil. The thermal treatment was performed for 2 h in the range 850–950 ◦ C. The preparation procedures of highlydensity MgB2 pellets are reported elsewhere [5]. The measurements were performed on a disc-shaped sample (diameter = 2.93 mm, thickness = 0.34 mm), at different frequencies and dc magnetic fields. The onset of the thirdharmonic generation was used for the identification of the irreversibility temperature, Tirr . 3. Experimental results We measured the in-phase (χ ) and out-of-phase (χ ) components of the ac susceptibility at different frequencies, Printed in the UK 722 Creep properties of MgB2 bulk 40 0.4 Hac = 107 A/m ν = 110 Hz 0.2 36 0T 0.02 T 0.125 T 0.25 T 0.5 T 1T 5T -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 Tirr (K) χ' , χ'' (SI) 0.0 -0.2 µ0Hdc 10 15 Tirr obtained from experimental measurements 34 32 30 28 Hac = 107 A/m 26 -1.0 5 Tirr obtained as a fitting parameter 38 20 25 30 35 24 40 0 1 2 T (K) Figure 1. Typical applied field dependence of the in-phase (χ ) and out-of-phase (χ ) components of the ac susceptibility. χ '' (SI) 6 ν = 10 Hz ν = 110 Hz Hac = 107 A/m µ 0Hdc = 0.5 T 0.3 5 ν = 10 Hz ν = 110 Hz 0.2 4 0.1 0.0 33 7 α 0.4 5 (a) µ 0Hdc = 0.02 T Hac = 107 A/m 4 µ 0H (T) 0.5 3 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 T (K) Figure 2. χ (T ) curves for two different dc magnetic fields (0.02 T and 0.5 T) and two different frequencies (10 Hz and 110 Hz). ranging from 2 Hz to 10 kHz, and at various applied dc fields up to 5 T. The ac field was 107 A m−1 . The value of the ac field determine the Jc value in correspondence of the χ peaks. The analysis concerning χ is referred to the peak position and then to a constant value of Jc . The general trend of the curve dependence on frequency is rather conventional: as the frequency increases the χ peaks shift toward higher T and the onset temperature of the χ transition shifts toward higher values of T . The critical temperature, Tc , evaluated as the temperature corresponding to the dχ /dT maximum, is 38.9 K. The onset temperature T0 is 39.4 K. The dχ /dT full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) is 0.3 K. Figure 1 shows a typical field dependence of the in-phase (χ ) and out-of-phase (χ ) components of the ac susceptibility. Figure 2 shows the χ (T ) curves for two different dc magnetic fields (0.02 T and 0.5 T) and two different frequencies (10 Hz and 110 Hz). At a field of less than 0.5 T, the χ (T ) curves exhibit a shoulder reminiscent of a double peak. As the dc magnetic field increases the double peak disappears and a larger smooth peak is observed instead. In a sintered HTSC scheme two separated peaks are the signature of a percolating intergrain current path followed at higher temperatures by a non-percolating intragrain current. 0 1 2 3 4 5 µ 0H (T) (b) Figure 3. (a) Dc magnetic field dependence of the fitting parameter Tirr and comparison with experimental values obtained from the onset of the third harmonic of the ac susceptibility, (b) field dependence of the fitting parameter α. In this case, the absence of a sharp separation between two peaks inside a narrow range of temperature points toward a ‘continuous’ temperature driven transition. In other words, as the temperature increases differently coupled grains could contribute to the critical state, as will be discussed. Thus the basic issue is to understand the macroscopic dynamics of such a complex system. Looking to this goal we analyse our experimental data in the framework of thermally activated flux motion with a suitable energy barrier U (T , B). Accordingly, the following Arrhenius law is considered ν = ν0 exp[−U (T , B)/kB T ] (1) where U (T , B) is the effective activation energy which depends on the temperature and magnetic field, and νo is an attempt frequency [6, 7]. U (T , B) changes slightly with temperature for T Tirr and drops rapidly as T approaches Tirr [8]. In order to account for the explicit dependence of U on T and B, we adopt the following function, suitable when T 723 10 10 8 10 1 0 Hac = 107 A/m ν = 110 Hz 0T 0.02 T 0.25 T 0.5 T 1T 5T 6 4 2 -1 U (eV) ln [ν (Hz)] G Ghigo et al 10 27K 29K 31K -3 10 33K 39K -4 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.050 -1 1/T (K ) (a) Hac = 107 A/m µ0Hdc = 0.5 T ν = 110 Hz 8 6 4 Fitting Parameters ln(ν0) = 9.2 ± 0.8 2 U0/kB = (1.9 ± 0.2)⋅10 K Tirr = (37.1 ± 0.3) K = 2.15 ± 0.05 α 7 0 0.0272 -1 0.0276 0.0280 0.0284 -1 1/T (K ) (b) Figure 4. (a) ln(ν) against 1/T measured at different dc magnetic fields. The broken curves are the fitting curves obtained by means of equation (3) (see text). (b) Enlargement of ln(ν) against 1/T for µ0 Hdc = 0.5 T. The broken curve is the fitting curve obtained by means of equation (3). The values of the fitting parameters are indicated in the figure. approaches Tirr [6, 8]: U (T , B) = U0 (B)[1 − (T /Tirr )2 ]α . (2) Here U0 (B) would represent the value of the activation energy at T = 0 K if the adopted equation (2) was valid also at very low temperatures, and therefore has no physical meaning by itself; Tirr is the field dependent irreversibility temperature. The adopted equation (2) allows checking if a scaling law as U/U0 (B) = f (T /Tirr (B)) describes the system as whole, depending on the possible change of the exponent α with the applied field. We fit our experimental data, at each constant dc field (B = µ0 Hdc ), with equations (1) and (2) rewritten as ln(ν) = ln(νo ) − 0 37K 35K 1 2 3 µ0H (T) 4 5 Figure 5. Dependence of the effective activation energy, U (B, T ), on the dc magnetic field at constant Jc . 10 ln [ν (Hz)] T=25K -2 10 0 0.025 U0 (B)[1 − (T /Tirr )2 ]α kB T (3) where νo , U0 , Tirr and α are fitting parameters. The parameter U0 (B) dramatically decreases with the field (U0 (B)/U0 (0) ranges from 1 down to 5.6 × 10−9 for fields lower than 5 T). The parameters Tirr and α show a monotonic decrease with 724 10 the applied dc field. The trends for Tirr and α are shown in figures 3(a) and 3(b), respectively. A signature of the fit reliability is shown in figure 3(a) where the Tirr driven from the fit is compared in the same picture with Tirr measured in an independent way, by means of third-harmonic susceptibility measurements [9]. The fitting parameter νo is about 10 kHz and does not show a clear field dependence. In figure 4(a) the values of ln(ν) against 1/T are reported at different dc magnetic fields and the fitting curves are plotted as broken curves. In figure 4(b) a selected fit shows a typical trend in more detail. Thus the creep scenario is summarized in figure 5, which shows the activation energy U (B, T ), as evaluated through equation (2), using the field dependence of the fitting parameters U0 (B), Tirr (B) and α(B). 4. Discussion and conclusions Looking for the information driven from the procedure, we stress the fact that the exponent α depends on field and it approaches the value predicted by the Ginzburg–Landau theory only at high dc fields (figure 3(b)). This means that a scaling law as U/U0 (B) = f [T /Tirr (B)] to describe the system as a whole can be considered only at very high applied fields. As a consequence the dependence of U on T and B cannot be considered separately. Furthermore, the strong dependence of ln(ν) on 1/T at lower fields could suggest a possible dependence of the activation energy on the frequency. A straightforward interpretation of this trend is that if the time window to observe the creep is large (low frequency) the vortices are allowed to make attempts to find out the deepest potential wells. The probability to escape these wells is then very low. In contrast, when the time window is narrow hopping towards a shallow potential well is more likely. However, both (i) the contrast between the structural granularity and the apparent lack of magnetic granularity in MO images and (ii) the abovementioned modulated peak patterns, showing up just at low field (lower than 0.5 T) as well as just in the same range where the stronger dependence of α on field is exhibited, provide a self-consistent set of experimental evidence to be considered. Namely, all data point towards the setting up of further Creep properties of MgB2 bulk phenomena, interfering with the hopping-attempt-based framework. We speculate that in this case the fact of using different time windows also means observing the dynamics of different interacting vortex lattices, the first consisting of Josephson vortices and the second of Abrikosov vortices [10]. The hypothesis of a vortex lattice roughness driven by defects due to texturing seems reasonable, if we also take into account both optical and MO analysis [3]. No matter if there are ‘real’ strongly coupled Josephson junctions, the vortex roughness involves a Josephson-like behaviour [11]. So we expect a dynamics driven by a mixing up of a low-viscosity, highspeed Josephson vortex lattice and a low-speed, high-viscosity Abrikosov vortex lattice, with different phase diagrams. In this sense MgB2 looks like an extremely interesting material, both from fundamental and application points of view. Acknowledgment We acknowledge the support of the Italian Space Agency under ARS/99/16 project. 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