Physica C 297 Ž1998. 216–222 Origin of subgrain formation in melt-grown Y–Ba–Cu–O bulks P. Diko b a,b,) , S. Takebayashi b, M. Murakami b a Institute of Experimental Physics, SloÕak Academy of Sciences, WatsonoÕa 47, 04353 Kosice, SloÕakia SuperconductiÕity Research Laboratory, International SuperconductiÕity Technology Center, 1-16-25 Shibaura, Minatoku, Tokyo 105, Japan Received 7 October 1997; revised 17 November 1997; accepted 26 November 1997 Abstract We have studied the origin of subgrain formation in a melt-grown Y–Ba–Cu–O bulk. Microstructural observations suggest that the subgrains are associated with the dislocation walls formed by the amalgamation of dislocations which are created at the growth front when Y2 BaCuO5 ŽY211. particles are incorporated into the YBa 2 Cu 3 O y ŽY123. matrix. The presence of subgrain-free regions near the growth sector boundaries shows that the subgrain structure is not formed with cellular growth. We suppose that the subgrain-free regions were formed during an incubation period of the growth, in which the dislocation density at the growth front is not high enough to assemble dislocation walls. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. Keywords: Subgrain formation; Y–Ba–Cu–O bulk; Dislocation wall 1. Introduction Melt growth process has enabled us to fabricate a large single-grain bulk Y–Ba–Cu–O superconductors, in which fine Y2 BaCuO5 ŽY211. particles are dispersed in the YBa 2 Cu 3 O y ŽY123. matrix, having Jc Žcritical current density. values on the order of 10 5 Arcm2 at 77 K w1–3x. Melt-grown single-grain Y–Ba–Cu–O has no high angle grain boundaries but contains various low-angle boundaries. Polarized optical microscope w4–13x and transmission electron microscope observations w4,9,14x revealed that subgrains are formed in melt-grown Y–Ba–Cu–O. The misorientation angle of the subgrains is 5–6 degrees at maximum w5x. Low angle grain boundaries have been believed not to act as weak links, however, it ) Corresponding author. has recently been shown that some low angle grain boundaries act as weak links in a high field region w15x, and therefore for high field applications it is necessary to control low angle grain boundaries. For this purpose, it is important to study the formation mechanism of subgrains. The origin of the subgrains has been studied by many groups, and it is generally accepted that its formation is related to the growth process w5–8,10– 13x. The subgrains in melt-grown Y–Ba–Cu–O have a rectangular cross section with their boundaries parallel to w100x, w010x and w001x directions. The type of growth-related subgrains can be classified in four according to the growth directions: a-subgrains; csubgrains; a–c subgrains; and a–a-subgrains w11,12x. The subgrain formation in melt-grown Y–Ba– Cu–O was once discussed with its relation to a cellular growth w16x. However, there are several features in the subgrain structure, which contradict with 0921-4534r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 3 4 Ž 9 7 . 0 1 8 7 7 - 7 P. Diko et al.r Physica C 297 (1998) 216–222 217 the cellular growth mechanism. Among them the most remarkable is the presence of subgrain-free regions near the growth sector boundaries w11x ŽD. Cardwell, private communication. and also inside the growth sectors w7x. In this paper, we present the results of detailed analyses of the subgrain structures in melt-grown Y–Ba–Cu–O single-grain samples and will discuss the origin of subgrain formation on the basis of the dislocation formation during the grain growth. 2. Experimental The Y–Ba–Cu–O samples were prepared by the top-seeded melt-growth ŽTSMG. process, the details of which are described elsewhere w17x. The precursor powders with chemical composition of Y1.8 Ba 2.4Cu 3.6 O x with 0.5 mass % Pt addition was calcined and pressed into a pellet 40 mm in diameter. The pellet was partially melted at 11508C in an electric furnace without temperature gradient. A melt-grown Sm–Ba–Cu–O seed crystal was placed on the center top of the melted precursor at 10308C such that the cleaved surface of the seed faces the top surface of the pellet. The Y–Ba–Cu–O crystals were isothermally melt-grown in air at 9878C for 20 h. Microstructural observations were performed by optical microscopy under polarized light. 3. Results Fig. 1 shows an optical micrograph of the top surface for TSMG processed Y–Ba–Cu–O. Here we can see four regions grown from the seed in the ²100: directions. They are sectioned by boundaries along ²110: directions. The c-axis is perpendicular to the top surface. The growth front is planar and perpendicular to the a-directions. Fig. 2 shows optical micrographs of the top pellet surface visualized under polarized light. Here the subgrain structures can clearly be observed because small misalignment between the subgrains yields different contrast and color under polarized light. In principle, two kinds of subgrains are formed. Most of them have subgrain boundaries ŽSGBs. parallel to the a-axis and called as a-subgrains w11,12x. Some Fig. 1. Optical micrograph of TSMG-processed Y–Ba–Cu–O under normal light. Single-grain has four growth sectors, which are sectioned by the boundaries along the ²110: directions. The growth front is perpendicular to the ²100: directions. of them have SGBs tilted from the a-direction and called as a–a subgrains. We can observe subgrainfree band developed near the seed and along the boundary which subsection the a-growth regions. The width of the subgrain-free bands in the a-growth regions is almost constant and is around 500–600 m m. Subgrain-free regions were also developed along the a–a subgrains Žsee Fig. 3a.. The size of subgrain-free regions is larger at the SGB with higher misalignment Žsee Fig. 3b.. The relationship between subgrains and the growth front was studied by observing the cross section both parallel to the c-direction and the growth direction. Generally SGBs were perpendicular to the growth front when the growth front was planar without steps. On the other hand, the presence of the steps in the growth front leads to the formation of the SGBs which were not perpendicular to the growth front. In Fig. 4a, we present an example of a-subgrains with straight SGBs perpendicular to the planar a-growth front. The a–c subgrains developed at the stepped planar c-growth front are shown in Fig. 4b. One can see that the SGBs are connected with steps at inner corners. Dendritic platelets can occasionally be observed between the a-growth front and the solidified liquid ŽFig. 4a., however, such structure is absent in the interlayer at the c-growth front Žsee Fig. 4b and c.. We suppose that the platelets grew on the way of cooling from the growth temperature w11,18x and are 218 P. Diko et al.r Physica C 297 (1998) 216–222 Fig. 2. Polarized optical micrograph of TSMG-processed Y–Ba–Cu–O. Note that subgrain-free regions are observed near the growth sector boundary ŽGSB. and the seed, indicating that some incubation period is necessary for the subgrain formation. not associated with the steady grain growth of Y– Ba–Cu–O crystal. 4. Discussion According to crystal growth classification w19x, the crystal exhibiting habit planes has different growth sectors ŽGS., i.e., the regions grown on different habit planes and thus having different growth directions. The growth sectors are separated by the growth sector boundaries ŽGSB. which represent the trajectory of the crystal edge between two neighboring habits during the growth. The growth sectors, growth sector boundaries and the habit planes Žgrowth front. in the TSMG processed single-grain P. Diko et al.r Physica C 297 (1998) 216–222 219 and Shiohara w16x proposed that elongated subgrains are formed as a result of the cellular growth, which takes place under certain conditions of GrR Ž G: Fig. 3. Polarized optical micrographs of TSMG-processed Y–Ba– Cu–O. Note that a-subgrains are not present near the a – a subgrain boundaries Ža.. The width of the subgrain free region along the a – a subgrain boundary Ž a – a SGB. is enlarged with increasing subgrain misalignment Žb.. Y–Ba–Cu–O bulk are schematically illustrated in Fig. 5. There are five growth sectors: four a-growth sectors with habits perpendicular to the w100x, w100x, w010x and w010x directions; and the c-growth sector with habit perpendicular to the w001x direction. The characteristic feature of the observed GS are subgrain boundaries predominantly perpendicular to the growth front w11x. It is known that the subgrains are typically formed with the polygonization in deformed and annealed metals w4,9x. However, it is clear through microstructural observations that the subgrains in melt-grown Y–Ba–Cu–O grains are associated with the crystal growth. The growth-related nature of these subgrains was first proposed by Diko et al. w5–8,10x on the basis of their shape and later confirmed by their relation with the growth conditions w11,12x. Otshu Fig. 4. Optical micrographs of the cross section both parallel to the c-direction and the growth direction. Straight a-subgrains are developed at the planar growth front without steps Žpolarized light. Ža.. a – c subgrain boundaries Ž a – c SGB., which are connected with the inner corners of the steps forms on the stepped growth front Žpolarized light. Žb.. The interlayer formed on the way of cooling from the growth temperature Žnormal light. Žc.. 220 P. Diko et al.r Physica C 297 (1998) 216–222 Fig. 5. Schematic illustration of the growth sectors ŽGS. formed in the TSMG processed Y–Ba–Cu–O. temperature gradient; R: growth rate.. The constitutional supercooling for the cellular growth is given by the following condition w20,21x: GrR - ymC0 Ž 1rk y 1 . rD, Ž 1. where m is the slope of the liquidus line, C0 is the starting concentration of impurity Žor starting composition in the case of solidification of phase with concentration homogeneity region., k is the distribution coefficient and D is the diffusion coefficient of the impurity in the melt. The solidification conditions Žundercooling, temperature gradient. were kept constant during the melt-growth in the present experiment, and therefore GrR is constant. Thus, if the subgrains are formed as a result of the cellular growth, they must be present in the grown crystal all through from the seed to the growth front, however, it is not the case. The presence of subgrain-free regions along the sector boundaries and at the a–a and a–c subgrain boundaries shows that the cellular growth is not responsible for the formation of subgrains. In our opinion the growth-related subgrain structure observed in melt-grown RE–Ba–Cu–O is formed by the dislocation arrangement into dislocation walls during the crystal growth according to the mechanism described by Jackson w22x. During the crystal growth, dislocations can amalgamate by the process similar to polygonization and form subboundaries. These subboundaries intersect with the growth front and can propagate primarily parallel to the growth direction. The tilt angle of the SGBs generally increases as the growth proceeds. The subgrain formation is assisted mainly by the edge dislocations with Burgers vector parallel to the growth front, which was first suggested by Diko et al. w5x and later observed by Sandiumenge et al. w9x. The dislocations amalgamate by climbing, which will take place more readily at the solid–liquid interface than in the solid, since a dislocation which jogs at the interface will have the displacement propagated by the growth process. Thus, one vacancy at the interface enables the displacement of a whole dislocation line, while the same displacement would require a row of vacancies in the bulk crystal. In the climb process, the dislocation initially amalgamate to form small-angle boundaries and some dislocations will annihilate by others at the boundaries. The subgrains can tolerate misorientation of up to several degrees, usually, but not always, a rotation about the growth direction w22x. There are several mechanisms by which dislocations are formed during the crystal growth. All the dislocations which are produced during the crystal growth are the results of growth accidents w17,20x. The types of growth accidents which produce dislocations are: misorientation due to dendritic growth; incorporation of a small crystal into the growing crystal with different orientation; incorporation of foreign particles into the crystal; stresses in the crystal resulting from mechanical constraints; inhomogeneous temperature distribution; and inhomogeneous impurity distributions in the crystal. In the case of melt-grown Y–Ba–Cu–O grains, the dislocation formation due to Y211 incorporation seems to be the most plausible mechanism. There are two processes by which foreign particles can produce dislocations during the growth process. If the P. Diko et al.r Physica C 297 (1998) 216–222 particle forms a coherent interface with the matrix, the dislocation must be formed to compensate the lattice mismatch at the boundary. If the particlermatrix boundary is incoherent like the case of Y211rY123, the mismatch energy is relaxed at the boundary and a long range stress due to lattice mismatch does not occur. In such a case, as the particle is incorporated into the crystal, a mismatch and therefore the dislocation can develop in different parts of the matrix as it grows around the particle. As the crystal grows, these dislocations will be accumulated through the length of the crystal, and after a certain period their density will reach the level to form dislocation walls and thus subgrain boundaries. If our proposal that Y211 particles are the source of dislocations is correct, their density should be proportional to the density of Y211, which is supported by the fact that subgrain size is increased with increasing the average interparticle distance of Y211 w7,8x. It is also true that the higher growth rate gives rise to the more frequent growth accidents, which is consistent with the observation that the subgrain size is reduced with increasing the cooling rate w13x. The fact that subgrains are not observed for single crystals may also support the idea that the incorporation of Y211 into Y123 matrix is responsible for the subgrain formation. The subgrain-free regions are also formed along the a–a and a–c subgrain boundaries. In such regions the grain growth is considered to take place perpendicularly to the main growth front and thus a step will be formed at the growth front, which is schematically illustrated in Fig. 6. Here it should be born in mind that though the present illustration is two dimensional, the real crystal growth is three dimensional so that the a–c and a–a subgrains are pyramid. The pyramidal subgrains are intergrown as the steps on the growth front meet or nucleate during the domain growth. The dashed line ŽFig. 6. which is one of two boundaries of the w100x a-growth subsector Žthe area B. is the place where the w100x a-growth starts. The layer B is the barrier for subgrain boundaries to continue from the part A to the part C of the w010x a-growth sector. The incubation period free of subgrains consequently appears at the beginning of the C part of the w010x a-growth sector. The growth-in dislocations in the B subsector have a different Burgers vector from that of A and C parts, so that the 221 Fig. 6. Schematic view of the a – a subgrain boundary formed by the growth in the w100x direction at the step on the growth front of the w010x a-growth sector. The layer B grown by w100x a-growth is a barrier for dislocation walls Ž a-subgrain boundaries. to travel from the part A to the part C of the w010x a-growth sector. dislocation density of B subsector is always small and is difficult to create dislocation walls and thus subgrain boundaries. The appearance of a step at the growth front is apparently caused by the growth accident and therefore its frequency will increase with the growth rate. Inhomogeneity in Y211 particle size and concentration can also cause local hindering of Y123 grain growth and lead to the step formation. 5. Conclusions The subgrains observed in a melt-grown Y–Ba– Cu–O bulk were studied by polarized optical microscopy. Single grain surface seeded Y–Ba–Cu–O contains five growth sectors: four a-growth sectors with habit planes perpendicular to the w100x, w100x, w010x and w010x directions and one c-growth sector with habit plane perpendicular to the w001x direction. The subgrains were observed in all the growth sectors. Detailed microstructural observations suggest that the subgrains are associated with the dislocation walls formed by the climbing of the edge dislocations which are created at the growth front when Y2 BaCuO5 ŽY211. particles are incorporated into the YBa 2 Cu 3 O y ŽY123. matrix. The presence of subgrain-free regions near the growth sector boundaries 222 P. Diko et al.r Physica C 297 (1998) 216–222 shows that the subgrain structure is not formed with cellular growth. We suppose that the subgrain-free regions were formed during an incubation period of the growth, in which the dislocation density at the growth front is too small to form dislocation walls. Acknowledgements This work was supported by Grand Agency of Slovak Academy of Sciences ŽProject No. 1323r94.. One of the authors ŽP.D.. is grateful to JSPS for the financial support. 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