Linear ac Response of Thin Superconductors during Flux Creep V 76, N 10

4 MARCH 1996
Linear ac Response of Thin Superconductors during Flux Creep
Ernst Helmut Brandt
Max Planck Institute für Metallforschung, Institut für Physik, D-70506 Stuttgart, Germany
Alexander Gurevich
Applied Superconductivity Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706
(Received 20 October 1995)
The linear magnetic susceptibility xsvd of superconducting strips and disks in a transverse magnetic
field is calculated in the flux-creep regime. It is shown that xsvd ­ x 0 2 ix 00 for v ¿ 1yt is
universal, independent of temperature, dc field, and material parameters, depending only on the sample
shape, ac frequency vy2p, and time t elapsed after creep has started. Qualitatively, xsvd can be
obtained from the xsvd of metallic conductors by replacing the Ohmic relaxation time by t. At
vt ¿ 1, which may apply down to rather low frequencies, the dissipative flux-creep state exhibits a
nearly Meissner-like response with x 0 ­ 21 1 0.40yvt and x 00 ­ 0.25 lns29vtdyvt for disks.
PACS numbers: 74.60.Ge, 74.25.Ha
The theory of the ac susceptibility xsvd of type-II superconductors, and especially of high-Tc materials exhibiting
significant flux creep, is still incomplete. To obtain larger
signals, xsvd is usually measured on thin specimens in
a transverse ac magnetic field Ba , whereas the common
analysis of such data often assumes long specimens in longitudinal field. Only recently theories became available
for the Bean critical state of thin circular disks [1] and
strips [2,3], and of rectangular disks [4] in a transverse
field. These theories were confirmed also by magnetooptic observations [5]. Besides this nonlinear quasistatic
response, the linear response of thin conductors with arbitrary linear complex and frequency dependent resistivity
caused, e.g., by thermally activated flux-line motion, was
calculated in longitudinal [6–8] and transverse [4,8–12]
geometries. Thus the nonlinear quasistatic response far
below the irreversibility line (see Ref. [13] for a comparative review) and the linear response above the irreversibility line in principle are known for the relevant geometries.
However, one still lacks theoretical understanding of ac
experiments performed in the flux-creep regime below the
irreversibility line, where the dynamic response changes
with time and can be both linear and nonlinear.
A universality of flux creep well above the magnetic
field of full flux penetration, Hp , was recently demonstrated for longitudinal [14] and transverse [15] geometries. Namely, if the applied dc magnetic field Ha is held
constant at times t . 0, then, after some transient time depending on the previous ramp rate dBa ydt, flux creep induces an electric field
E0 sh, td ­ afshdyt ,
tering this theory are B ­ m0 H for H ¿ Hp ø djc yp
and a sufficiently nonlinear dependence of Es jd ­
Ec expf2Us jdyTg on the current density j in the thermally activated flux-creep state for which the differential
resistivity rsEd ­ ≠Es jdy≠j is given by
rsEd ø Eyjr .
Here jr sT , Hd ø djyd lnt is the observed flux-creep
rate. For Es jd ­ Ec expf2Us jdyT g one has jr ­
where fshd is a universal function, and the prefactor a ­
adm0 jr y2p depends on the specimen. For strips of
width 2a and disks of radius a and of thickness d ø a in
a transverse field, the profiles fs shd and fd shd are plotted
in Fig. 1 versus the reduced spatial variable h ­ xya or
h ­ rya, respectively. The two constitutive laws en0031-9007y96y76(10)y1723(4)$10.00
FIG. 1. The universal profiles of the electric field during flux
creep in strips ( fs , es ) and disks ( fd , ed ) versus h ­ xya ­
rya. fshd (7) is the usual creep profile, to which a complex
ac perturbation esh, vtd (17) is superimposed. The upper plot
shows the real and imaginary parts of e ­ e0 1 ie00 for a disk
at vt ­ p and vt ­ 10. In the limit vt ! `, esh, vtd (18)
becomes real (lower plot).
© 1996 The American Physical Society
T ys≠Uy≠jdjjc , where Us jd is an activation energy and jc
is the critical current density measured at E ­ Ec such
that Us jc d ­ 0. In particular, for Us jd ­ U0 lns jc yjd,
one has Es jd ­ Ec s jyjc dn with n ­ U0 yT ¿ 1 and
jr ø jc yn [16–18]. The current density jsh, td and
magnetic moment Mstd are then obtained by inserting the
universal E0 sh, td (1) into the specific Es jd law.
In this Letter we calculate the linear response of thin
superconductor strips and disks in the flux-creep regime
to a small transverse ac magnetic field, by combining the
flux-creep theory [15] with the dynamic linear response
theory of thin Ohmic conductors [10]. The problem is
that in the flux-creep state the background electric field
and thus the differential resistivity rsEd decay with time
as 1yt, so not only the calculation but also the notion of the
proper linear response becomes nontrivial. Nevertheless,
this calculation can be performed exactly even for the
common transverse geometry with strong demagnetization
effects, where it amounts to the solution of a nonlinear
and nonlocal diffusion equation. A striking feature of this
case is that the obtained linear ac susceptibility xsvd is
independent of any material parameter if the nonlinearity
of Es jd is sufficiently strong, that is, s ­ d lnjyd lnt ø 1.
This condition always holds well below the irreversibility
field. A similar universal ac response was predicted for
longitudinal geometry [19].
The expression for xsvd that we derive for the nonlinear flux-creep state is similar to the xsvd of linear conductors of the same geometry [10],
dn2 Ln
4 X
xsvd ­ 2
b n 1 1 Ln ysivtd
However, unlike the well-defined Ohmic relaxation time
t ­ adm0 y2pr in (3), which in general may be complex
if the linear resistivity r ­ rac svd is complex, the fluxcreep “time constant” itself depends on t via rsEd. Using
Eqs. (1) and (2) for a qualitative estimate of t, one can
show that in superconductors t should be just replaced
by the time t elapsed after the creep has started. In
both theories the constants Ln and dn are eigenvalues
and oscillator strengths of eigenvalue problems which
differ by their integral kernels, and b ­ 1 for strips and
b ­ 32y3p 2 ­ 1.08 for disks. For vt ! ` the sum (3)
yields the ideal diamagnetic response x ­ 21.
We start our calculation from the basic integral equation
which describes a nonlinear nonlocal diffusion of Esh, td
for perpendicular geometry [8,10,15],
Z 1 Esu,
Ù td
Q0 sh, ud du .
Esh, td ­ 2g BÙ a stdh 1 a
0 Esu, td
Here a ­ adm0 jr y2p, g ­ 1 (g ­
for strips (disks),
and the integral kernel Q0 equals
Q0 sh, ud ­ ln
4 MARCH 1996
u 1y2 Z py2
1 2 2 sin2 f
Q0 sh, ud ­
df (6)
s1 2 k 2 sin2 fd1y2
for strips and disks, respectively, with k 2 ­ 4huysh 1
Ù a ­ 0, the steady-state
ud2 [8,10]. For zero ramp rate B
creep solution of (4) is given by Eq. (1) with [15]
Z 1
Q0 sh, ud du .
fshd ­ 2
Applying a small ac field B1 std on top of the constant dc
magnetic field, one obtains an equation for the induced
electric field E1 sh, td by replacing E in (4) by E0 1 E1 .
We thus get the integral equation for E1 sh, td,
E1 sh, td ­ 2 hstdh
Z 1
Qsh, ud ft EÙ 1 su, td 1 E1 su, tdg du
with Qsh, ud ­ Q0 sh, udyfsud and hstd ­ gaBÙ 1 std. The
solution of Eq. (8) can be written in the form
E1 shd ­ gshd cn stdwn shd ,
where wn shd are the orthogonal normalized eigenfunctions
which describe dissipative flux-creep modes E1,n sh, td ~
wn shdt 2Ln . The wn shd and Ln are determined by the
following eigenvalue problem,
Z 1
Q̃sh, udwn sud du ,
wn shd ­ 2Ln
wn sudwm sud du ­ dmn .
Here Q̃sh, ud ­ Q̃su, hd ­ Qsh, udgsudygshd is a symmetric kernel, where gsud ­ fsud1y2 for strips and gsud ­
f fsudyug1y2 for disks, fsud is given by (7), and dmn is the
Kronecker symbol.
We have solved Eq. (10) numerically on a grid of up
to 300 nonequidistant points hi as described in [8,10].
The first eigenvalues are L1 , . . . , L5 ­ 1, 1.9029, 2.6673,
3.3589, 4.0005 (1, 1.8156, 2.4885, 3.0932, 3.6561) for the
strip (disk), and Ln ø 0.6n for n ¿ 1. The first eigenfunction is w1 sud ­ fs sud1y2 for strips and w1 sud ­
fufd sudg1y2 for disks. The eigenfunctions wn sud exhibit
logarithmically diverging slopes at u ­ 0 and u ­ 1 and
very narrow oscillations near u ­ 0.
The equation for cn std can be obtained by multiplying
Eq. (8) by wn shd and integrating over h with the use of
(10) and (11). This yields
t cÙ n 1 s1 1 Ln dcn ­ dn hstd ,
Z 1 w shdh
dh ,
dn ­
where the first “oscillator strengths” dn are d1 , . . . , d5 ­
0.4247, 0.1291, 0.0651, 0.0409, 0.0288 (0.4476, 0.1308.
0.0661, 0.0425, 0.0310) for strips (disks) and dn ø
0.36yn3y2 for n ¿ 1.
Substituting the solution of Eq. (12) into Eq. (9) we
obtain a general solution of the linear response problem,
X dn Ln wn shd Z t
hst1 dt1 n dt1 . (14)
E1 sh, td ­ gshd
Here we assume that hstd was switched on at t ­ t0 , later
than the transient time for flux creep [14,15].
Now we consider the important particular case of a
periodic ac signal B1 std ­ B0 expsivtd in more detail. For
vt ¿ 1 an asymptotic solution of Eq. (12) is
cn std ­ ivgadn B0 eivt
1 . . . . (15)
Ln 1 ivt
sLn 1 ivtd3
Substituting Eq. (15) into Eq. (9) we obtain
aB0 expsivtd
E1 sh, td ­
esh, vtd ,
X dn Ln wn shd
esh, vtd ­ ggshd
n 1 1 Ln ysivtd
Here only the first term in the square brackets in Eq. (15)
was retained since the remaining terms give contributions
of higher order in 1yvt ø 1.
For vt ! ` the function esh, vtd in (17) equals
esh, `d ­ sg 0 ypdfshdhys1 2 h 2 d1y2
with g 0 ­ 1 (g 0 ­ 2yp) for strips (disks) and fshd from
(7). This means that the electric field (16) for vt ! ` is
caused by the additional current density
j1 sh, td ­ jr E1 yE0 ­ 2g 0 B1 stdhys1 2 h 2 d1y2 ,
which is just the current that ideally screens the applied
ac field from the interior of the strip or disk [8]. The ac
screening current (19) is superimposed to the background
time-decaying current j0 ø jc obtained by inverting the
relation Es j0 d ­ E0 sh, td.
As seen from Fig. 1, at finite vt , ` the perturbation
E1 shd is rounded and finite at the edges, and gains a dissipative part since esh, vtd (17) becomes complex, similar
to the jsr, vd profiles of the Ohmic disk in Ref. [8]. The
­ E1 jr yE0 perturbs
ac component j1 ­ E1 s≠Ey≠jd21
1 R
the magnetic moment M ­ 2 ẑ jR3 r d 3 r ­ M0 std 1
M1 std, yielding for a disk M ­ pd 0 r 2 jsrd dr and
Z 1
E1 sh, td
M1 std ­ pda3 jr
dh .
E0 sh, td
Note that in j1 and M1 (17) the factors 1yt from E0 (1)
and E1 (16) cancel. The amplitudes of j1 and of M1 std ­
M1 svd expsivtd remain thus nearly constant during creep,
although E0 , E1 , and j0 decrease with t.
From (1), (16), and (20) the ac susceptibility xsvd ­
msvd 2 1 ­ 2M1 svdyM1 sv ­ `d for vt ¿ 1 is
4 MARCH 1996
xsvd ­ 2
dn2 Ln
4 X
b n 1 1 Ln yivt
where b ­ 1 (strips), bd ­ 32ys3p 2 d ­ 1.08 (disks),
and the Ln and dn are determined by Eqs. (10) and
(13). Evaluating (21) numerically, we find to a very good
accuracy [relative error ,0.001 s0.02d for vt $ 30 s10d]
with p ­ 0.2804 (0.2524) and q ­ 19.85 (28.74) for
strips (disks). The real and imaginary parts of x ­ x 0 2
ix 00 (22) take the forms
xsvd ­ 21 1 p
x 0 svd ­ 21 1 ppy2vt ,
x 00 svd ­ p lnsqvtdyvt .
This linear ac susceptibility depends only on the creep
time t and sample shape, but it is independent of any
material parameter and of T and B. Such a universality
was also noted for longitudinal geometry [19]. Therefore,
in longitudinal geometry at vt ¿ 1 in general
xsvd ­ 21 1 s1 2 id consty vt ,
where the constant depends only on the shape of the
specimen cross section. The linear xsvd (21)–(25) should
not be confused with the nonlinear hysteretic ac response
caused at low dc fields, e.g., by surface barriers [20].
For comparison we note that the ac susceptibility of
Ohmic conductors (3) is given by the same expressions
(21)–(24) but with vt replaced by vt ¿ 1 and p ­
2yp 2 ­ 0.2026 sp ­ 3yp 2 ­ 0.3040d, q ­ 16.2 (q ­
11.3) for strips (disks) [10]. These constants are of the
same order as for the above nonlinear conductor. The
general formula (3) for the Ohmic xsvd applies for all
v; its x 00 svd has a maximum at vt ­ 1.108 (1.169) for
the strip (disk). In contrast, our xsvd for the creep regime
makes sense only if vt ¿ 1, since at least a few ac cycles
should be completed during the creep time t.
Notice that the creep susceptibility (21) to (24) becomes independent of time if v ­ vstd ø Vyt is chosen.
This corresponds to a constant frequency V on a logarithmic time scale since B1 std ­ B1 cossV lntd yields v ­
≠sV lntdy≠t ­ Vyt. For a disk this gives the constantamplitude response
M1 std ­ s32y3p 2 m0 dB1 a3 x 0 cossV lnt 2 ud
with the phase shift u ­ arctansx 00 yx 0 d . 0. We have
checked these predictions by direct computation of perturbed flux creep. The numerical method is described in
Refs. [8,15]. We use a power law Es jd ­ Ec j jyjc jn sgnj
[16–18], which means jr ø jc yn ø jc . These computations confirm our analytical results for E0 , E1 , j0 , j1 , M0 ,
and M1 as functions of h and t; see Figs. 1 and 2.
Remarkably, while the linear responses E1 and j1
strictly speaking are valid only for small ac amplitudes
4 MARCH 1996
time t, and thus is independent of any material parameter.
These results are born out by direct computations of flux
creep in the presence of a small ac field that allow one
to also probe the onset of nonlinear ac response. This
nonlinear response will be dealt with elsewhere [21].
The work of A. G. was supported by NSF MRG
Program (DRM-9214707).
FIG. 2. The computed magnetic moment Mstd during flux
creep perturbed by an ac field B1 std ­ 0.05m0 jc d cossV lntd
with V ­ p, plotted versus lnst 1 0.13d (a ­ jc d ­ Ec ­ 1)
and normalized to Ms0d ­ 1 for three creep exponents n ­ 6,
20, and 200 of the current-voltage law E ~ j n . The dashed
lines show the unperturbed M0 std. Because of the large ac
amplitude, the depicted nonlinear ac response M1 ­ M 2 M0
is shifted downward and is larger than the linear response
from Eq. (23) (which is good even for our small vt ­ p) but
still smaller than the ideal Meissner response x ­ 21. The
phase shift u also falls between these two limits, 0 , u ,
arctansx 00 yx 0 d.
B1 ø Blin ­ m0 jr d for which E1 ø E0 , the linear
Meissner-like response in M1 std was observed in our
computer simulations up to much larger ac amplitudes of
order the penetration field Bp ø m0 jc dyp ø Blin nyp.
Moreover, the ac component M1 std looks smoothly sinusoidal (rather than being clipped) even at very large
ac amplitudes where jM1 stdj exceeds the background
M0 std and thus the Bean critical state should be reversed
periodically. The presence of flux creep thus smooths the
quasistatic periodic response predicted by the Bean model.
In particular, for Blin , B1 , Bp , j does not fully invert
to 2jc , and the electric field Es jd thus stays practically
zero near the specimen edges most of the time [21].
In conclusion, we have calculated the transverse linear
ac response of a superconductor strip or disk in the fluxcreep regime, equivalent to a highly nonlinear conductor.
The resulting ac susceptibility is similar to that for linear
conductors with the relaxation time replaced by the creep
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