PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 57, NUMBER 9 1 MARCH 1998-I Accurate determination of the critical state in anisotropic superconductors from transport measurements N. Adamopoulos and S. K. Patapis Department of Physics, Section of Solid State Physics, University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis GR 157 84, Athens, Greece ~Received 14 October 1997! A method to accurately determine the critical state and the field profile inside an anisotropic superconductor is presented, in which the self-field effect is eliminated. A transport current at its critical value is passing along a slablike superconductor connected in series and placed between two copper slabs of exactly the same cross section. The perpendicular component of the self-field at the edges of the highly textured superconducting sample is compensated by the field produced by the copper slabs and a uniform magnetic field results parallel to the surface of the sample and to the a-b planes of the superconducting grains. This configuration allows the true critical current along the a-b planes to be measured as a function of the magnetic field aligned purely parallel to the a-b planes throughout the sample width. Furthermore, features of the critical state can be deduced from the field dependence of the critical current without using any fitting routines. In particular, when the critical state is anisotropic, as in the case of a highly textured oxide superconductor with the a-b planes parallel to the slab surface, this configuration allows the critical current density along the a-b planes to be measured as a function of magnetic field aligned purely parallel to the a-b planes. @S0163-1829~98!00709-7# I. INTRODUCTION As first suggested by Bean, a critical state is established in an inhomogeneous mixed-state superconductor.1 In the simplest case, the critical current density is independent of the local magnetic field and is constant inside the superconductor; in a slab geometry the internal field then varies linearly with position. However, the critical state is described by a specific field dependent critical current density Jc(B), and the field profile varies with position in a way determined by Maxwell’s equation ,3B5 m 0 Jc(B), with Jc(B) determined by the pinning mechanism and summation model applicable for the particular material.2 Jc(B) is often deduced by performing either magnetization measurements or ac field penetration measurements in superconducting cylinders, and by using fitting routines to distinguish between different critical state models, some of them involving three unknown parameters.3 Here, we present a method that enables the deduction of part of the magnetic-field profile directly from transport measurements. This method can be applied to any class of material. However, for anisotropic samples one has to consider the fact that the critical current density along the i a-b planes J ab and the irreversibility field c (H ab) B irr(H i ab) are much higher when the magnetic field is parallel to the a-b planes than when the field is perpendicular to the a-b planes.4,5 A transport current in a slablike material with width several times its thickness produces a self-field at the edges with a strong component perpendicular to the sample surface.6,7 For a textured material, with a2b planes parallel to the slab surface, this component is perpendicular to the superconducting grains. For a thin sample of thickness 2a carrying a current density J, the field is almost perpendicular at the edges and approximately 2Ja. In such a case, i the current density is J ab c (H ab) at the center of the sample and towards the edges of the sample approaches J ab c (H'ab) and therefore the critical current measurement underesti0163-1829/98/57~9!/5055~4!/$15.00 57 mates the true value. Attempts to reduce the self-field effect have been made in the past by placing two superconductors side by side, and by studying the field profile for different degrees of critical current dependence upon the perpendicular field.8 In the method presented here two copper conductors with exactly the same cross section as the superconducting slab are placed on either side of the sample to be measured, all three conductors carrying the same current and thus reducing the perpendicular component of the field at the superconductor. An additional magnetic field applied along the a-b planes and perpendicular to the current moves the field profile inside the sample allowing the critical current to be measured independent of sample size as a function of field strictly along the a-b planes. It will be demonstrated that from such a measurement the field profile and the critical state Jc(B) can be studied, with emphasis given to the value of the critical current density at zero magnetic field. II. PREPARATION OF SAMPLES The Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox samples were prepared by the composite reaction texturing method by mixing superconducting powder with MgO whiskers and partial melting.9 The whiskers were aligned randomly on the plane of the flat surface of the sample resulting in a textured microstructure with the superconducting grains aligned preferably with their c axis perpendicular to the surface of the sample and the plane of the whiskers. The texture was confirmed by electron microscopy and pole figure analysis from which it was concluded that 80% of the grains are aligned with their a-b planes between 0 and 20° with respect to the sample surface. The transport critical current density is measured by the fourprobe method with a criterion of 1 m V cm21 at 77 K for a sample of width 6.48 mm and thickness 0.95 mm with a magnetic field applied parallel to the sample surface. 5055 © 1998 The American Physical Society 5056 57 BRIEF REPORTS FIG. 1. Schematic arrangement of the superconductor and the copper conductors for the reduction of the perpendicular component of the self-field. All three conductors carry the same current and have the same dimensions: w56.48 mm, 2a50.95 mm, C 50.2 mm. III. DESCRIPTION OF METHOD AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The superconducting sample and two copper conductors were arranged as shown in Fig. 1. The magnetic fields of the individual conductors superpose producing, approximately, a field which is homogeneous and parallel over the superconductor surface. The self-field measurement therefore involves a reduced z-axis component. The critical current density as a function of magnetic field is shown in Fig. 2 for two cases: ~1! for all three conductors carrying the same current by connecting them in series, and ~2! for the superconducting sample connected to the current supply. In the first case the critical current is higher than the second by more than 20%, at zero applied field. At high magnetic fields the two curves are almost indistinguishable and decrease slowly with field. Similar characteristics have been observed in single crystals and have been attributed to the field penetration above the lower critical field H c1 . 10 In the next paragraph we will demonstrate that this behavior is a direct result of the form of the field profile and the critical state inside the superconductor. FIG. 2. Critical current as a function of applied magnetic field for a polycrystalline sample of width 6.48 mm and thickness 0.95 mm. The magnetic field was applied parallel to the sample surface and perpendicular to the current and the superconductor was placed between two copper slabs of exactly the same cross section. Graph ~1! is for all three conductors carrying the same current and in the same direction and graph ~2! for only the superconducting sample connected to the power supply. FIG. 3. An hypothetical field profile and its evolution under an applied magnetic field parallel to the surface of the sample and perpendicular to the current. The field profile is shown ~a! for the self-field situation, ~b! for a small increment of the magnetic field from zero, and ~c! at a characteristic value H * of the applied field, where the field at one surface of the sample becomes zero and ~d! at larger fields. IV. DISCUSSION At zero applied magnetic field, the self-field of a superconductor when the transport current is at its critical value has a complex distribution, bending around the edges, depending on the shape of the conductor’s cross section. For an infinitely thin conductor at y50 the self-field is directed parallel to the sample surface and its value can be derived using Ampere’s law: 2Hw5I, w the width of the sample. The same simple relation can also be used for the case of a conductor with a circular cross section. For any other geometry however the situation is more complex and for a slab geometry the self-field peaks at the edges of the sample, where it turns around the cross section. In the case of an anisotropic high T c material textured with the a-b planes parallel to the slab surface, the z component of the self-field reduces the local value of the critical current density. This self-field effect has been studied in the past by measuring the value of the critical current as a function of the sample thickness as the material is progressively thinned.11 Although this method demonstrates that the self-field does affect the transport critical current, it is not quantitative, since samples with different thickness correspond to a different z-axis component and spatial variation of the self-field.12 In the present method the self-field is uniform across the width both in direction and magnitude and the field profile inside the material will be i determined by the field dependence of J ab c (H ab) only. A schematic profile is shown in Fig. 3 that qualitatively shows the main properties of the critical state: the current density dH y /dz is maximum at the center (H y 50) and minimum at the surface @ H y 5H s f (a) # . Curve (a) corresponds to the self-field situation, while curves (b), (c), and (d) correspond to different values of the applied field directed also parallel to the sample surface. Curve (b) is for a small increment of the magnetic field from zero, in which case the field profile is uniformly displaced along the z axis. At some characteristic value H * of the applied field, the field at one surface of the sample becomes zero, curve (c), and the field profile at that surface is very sensitive to a small change of the magnetic field, since its slope is very sharp. At larger fields the field profile has the shape shown by curve (d) in Fig. 3. Assuming that the magnetic field at one surface is H A 57 BRIEF REPORTS 5057 FIG. 5. A hypothetical field profile, f (z), inside a superconducting sample at zero applied parallel magnetic field. An external magnetic field moves the field profile by an amount d; the field profile can then be described by the mathematical function f (z1 d ). At some characteristic value of external field, the field profile is described by f (z1a) and the magnetic field at one edge becomes zero. FIG. 4. ~a! A Jc(B) plot for a critical state model described by J c 5J ` /(11H/H o ) n for J ` 53 107 Am22, H o 5103 Am21, and n 51. ~b! DH vs H appl dependence for such a Jc(B) model. 5H(z52a) and H B 5H(z5a) at the other when the applied magnetic field is H appl , the measured critical current will simply be I c 5H B w2H A w5w ~ H B 2H A ! 5wDH, or I c /w5DH ~1! with DH5H B 2H A . Correspondingly, the applied field can be written as H appl5 ~ H B 1H A ! /2. ~2! For a Bean critical state DH and therefore I c will remain the same, however for any other critical state DH and I c will progressively decrease. When H appl reaches H * at some critical point, the magnetic field H A will become zero, with H appl5DH/2. At that point, the variation of DH ~or equivalently I c ! with H appl will show a point of inflection, since, for any critical state other than Bean’s, any change of the applied field will significantly affect H A while leaving H B much less affected. At higher field inductions, the magnetic fields H A and H B will approach each other, resulting in a gradual reduction of the critical current falling slowly with field. One can predict the form of the DH vs H appl for any given critical state Jc„B…. Figure 4~a! shows the field dependence of the critical current density described by J c 5J co /(1 1H/H o ) n for J co 53 107 Am22, H o 5103 Am21, and n 51. The field profile for any value of the applied field can be easily found, leading to a simple evaluation of H A and H B . In Fig. 4~b!, the DH vs H appl dependence for the above criti- cal state model is shown. This demonstrates that a fitting routine can always be used to deduce the form of Jc(B) which predicts the experimental DH vs H appl results. A further insight into the problem can be given by noticing that the field distribution inside the sample at self-field conditions possesses some characteristic properties. This field distribution, described by the function f (z) in Fig. 5, once determined, can describe the properties of the magnetic flux distribution, at all levels of the applied field. If J A and J B are the current densities at the two surfaces ~J A 5d f (z1d!/dz u z52a and J B 5d f (z1 d )/dz u z5a ), from Eqs. ~1! and ~2! we have d ~ DH ! J A 2J B 52 , dH appl J A 1J B ~3! which can also be written as JB 4 215R ~ H appl! . 5 J A d ~ DH ! 12 dH appl ~4! Equation ~3! shows that the quantity d(DH)/dH appl can attain a maximum absolute value of 2 at some field H appl 5H * at which H A 50, for the extreme case of a critical current density J A at point A much larger than J B . Equation 4 also expresses that R(H appl), which is a measured quantity and gives the ratio between J A and J B at any instant. At the point of inflection, where H appl5H * and DH52H * , the magnetic field H B at point B will be 2H * and that at point A, H A will be 0, and therefore Eq. ~4! becomes J ~ 2H * ! 5R ~ H * ! J ~ 0 ! . ~5! Through a series of expansions applied to arbitrary field profile one can find an expression which holds for any realistic critical state model for the ratio of two defined current densities at A and B, J(0) and J(DH max/2): F J ~ 0 ! 5J ~ DH max/2! 12 1 d ~ DH ! 2 dH appl U H appl5H * G . ~6! 5058 BRIEF REPORTS Equations ~5! and ~6! give the field dependence of the critical current density at different field values normalized with respect to its value at zero magnetic field, once the field dependence of the critical current is known for an applied magnetic field aligned strictly parallel to the a-b planes. In applying the above analysis to a real material, we have to bear in mind that no sample is perfectly textured, and there are always going to be inhomogeneities like porosity, cracks, etc. However, for an ideal sample, the above treatment is, to our knowledge, the only way to deduce accurately the magnetic field dependence of J c directly from transport measurements. Other methods include magnetization measurements from which the critical current density is calculated given the width of the hysteresis loop; such a method assumes that the current length scale is known, otherwise intergranular and intragranular currents contribute altogether to the magnetic moment of the sample. Another method consists of measuring the flux through a superconducting cylinder and fitting the results with a general formula in which three unknown parameters are allowed to vary to achieve the best fit with the experimental data. The same procedure can be used in the transport measurements presented here, however the above analysis ha shown that properties and features of the field profile can be deduced without using any fitting routines. The above analysis helps in correcting the horizontal axis of Fig. 2, with the magnetic field being a result of both the applied field and the self-field and directed parallel to the a-b planes. Further analysis according to Eq. ~4! can provide more information on the full J c (H) characteristic of the material. This analysis will be presented in a future publication. The above treatment has implications for a wide class of materials and measurement configurations. The self-field effect is expected to be enhanced in samples with thickness C. P. Bean, Rev. Mod. Phys. 36, 39 ~1964!. A. M. Campbell and J. E. Evetts, Adv. Phys. 21, 199 ~1972!. 3 P. Fournier and M. Aubin, Phys. Rev. B 49, 15 976 ~1994!. 4 T. Nishizaki, F. Ichikawa, T. Fukami, T. Aomine, T. Terashima, and Y. Bando, Physica C 204, 305 ~1993!. 5 F. M. Sauerzopf, H. P. Wiesinger, W. Kritscha, H. W. Weber, M. C. Frischherz, and H. Gerstenberg, Cryogenics 33, 8 ~1993!. 6 E. H. Brandt and M. Indenbom, Phys. Rev. B 48, 12 893 ~1993!. 7 A. Forkl and H. Kronmüller, Physica C 228, 1 ~1994!. 8 B. ten Haken, L. J. M. van de Klundert, V. S. Vysotsky, and V. R. Karasik, IEEE Trans. Magn. 28, 755 ~1992!. 1 2 57 comparable to their width, in which the field nonuniformity extends deep inside the material and away from the edges. In thin films, the edges are subjected to a stronger field than the middle part, and the strong perpendicular component will severely affect the depinning of vortices.13 These issues have to be addressed for a meaningful comparison of results taken from different samples and under different conditions. V. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, we have measured the critical current density of an anisotropic polycrystalline sample under a magnetic field aligned parallel to the a-b planes of the grains, by cancelling the perpendicular component of the self-field. This is particularly important at low fields, where the transport current is high and the produced self-field is comparable to the applied field, and the z-axis component is very strong at the edges of the sample. We have also demonstrated that it is possible to deduce properties of the critical state J c (H) by analyzing the I c vs H appl experimental data. A further, more detailed, analysis will be presented in an extended future publication. The method given here can be a simple and valuable tool for characterizing isotropic and anisotropic samples independent of their dimensions. It can also be used in characterising thin-film samples where applying a magnetic field at different angles with respect to transport current changes the field orientation and boundary conditions at the edges. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Dr. J. E. Evetts for valuable discussions on the present work. 9 B. Soylu, N. Adamopoulos, D. M. Glowacka, and J. E. Evetts, Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 3183 ~1992!. 10 N. Nakamura, G. D. Gu, and N. Koshizuka, Physica C 225, 65 ~1994!. 11 H. Kliem, A. Weyers, and J. Lützner, J. Appl. Phys. 69, 1534 ~1991!. 12 Y. Yang, T. Hughes, and C. Beduz, Czech. J. Phys. 46, S3, 1803 ~1996!. 13 M. Darwin, J. Deak, L. Hou, M. McElfresh, E. Zeldov, J. R. Clem, and M. Indenbom, Phys. Rev. B 48, 13 192 ~1993!.