Heading, Altitude & Airspeed: Service Orientation, Cloud & Semantics – All or Nothing! March 13, 2012 Dennis E. Wisnosky DoD BMA CTO & Chief Architect DoD Semantic Technology Clip 1 DWiz for PC_Opening Video_DoD Semantic Technology.wmv Department of Defense DCMO CTO/CA Missions of the DoD Warfighter Mission Area Business Mission Area Intel Mission Area Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area Dennis E. Wisnosky, DoD BMA CTO & Chief Architect in the Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) Global Reach! Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 2 Reach of the Business Mission Area The Business Operating Environment "The Secretary of Defense is responsible for a half-trillion dollar enterprise that is roughly an order of magnitude larger than any commercial corporation that has ever existed. DoD estimates that business support activities—the Defense Agencies and the business support operations within the Military Departments—comprise 53% of the DoD enterprise.” DoD Management Challenges Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 3 DoD Management Challenges A Reasoned Approach Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 4 Strategy and Roadmap for DoD Business Operations Transformation (BMA Federation Strategy version 2.4a) Present Future (BOE Execution Roadmap) (BMA Technical Transition Plan version 1) DoD Strategic Mgmt. Plan (SMP) DCMO/CIO Policies BEA 3.0 Performance Measures CIO – DIEA, Segment Archi. CV & Primitives Initial Arch. Fed. BOE Experience Version 2.4a MDR Biz. Intelligence Federation Implementation Plan BOE Vision Roadmap: Architecture Governance Socialization Services Infrastructure Vision & Strategy Planning & Roadmap Infrastructure Governance Data Integration BOE Service Enablement Business Intelligence Execution Rules/Workflow DBSAE SOA Implement. Strategy (BTI) NCES/CES DBSMC/IRBs Department of Defense Enterprise Standards Common Vocabulary (Ontologies) Domains HRM/ Med FM Logistics RPILM WSLM/ MSSM Semantic Information Data Sharing and BI Enablement Past BEA 8.x & Beyond RDF OWL other Security CIO/DISA – Federal Cloud DCMO/DCIO; EGB; BECCMThe Aha Moment! DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 5 Ontology Based Information, Integration & Analytics Central High School University Michigan hasName O6 HR Dataset Col. E.J. Blatt hasName Education Institution hasName Defense Acquisition U. Pay Grade Graph1 person What Pay Grade is Col. Blatt? Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 6 Ontology Based Information, Integration & Analytics How much Dwell Time does Col. Blatt have? Graph2 person Deployment History hasDwellTimeStatus Dwell Time Col. E.J. Blatt 24 months Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 7 Ontology Based Information, Integration & Analytics Central High School University Michigan hasName HR Dataset O6 Education Institution hasName Col. E.J. Blatt hasName Defense Acquisition U. Pay Grade person Graph3 Who has a Pay Grade of “O6” and has at least 24 months of Dwell Time? person Deployment History hasDwellTimeStatus Dwell Time Col. E.J. Blatt SOA-Cloud-Semantics 24 months Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 8 SOA – Cloud - Semantics Services Oriented Architecture Cloud Semantic Technology DoD solution architectures vision Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 9 A Vision for DoD Solution Architectures User executes BP Altitude Query BEA directly : DoD EA Heading OMG Primitives Conformance class 2.0 BP models uniformly described BP executes via BEA directly Acq Domain Vocabulary Enterprise Business Enterprise Architecture: BEA Warfighter Domain Vocabulary analytics Compliance Real Prop Domain Vocabulary IRB/portfolio management Airspeed Log Domain Vocabulary Fin Domain Vocabulary (EDIPI) Svc Member W3C OpenofStandards Department Defense Legend: 12/1/2011 HR Domain Vocabulary (GFMDI) OUID A metaphor to consider! Relationship in OWL Data described RDF DCMO BMA DWizinDoD CTO & described CA DoD Authoritative Data Source10 Heading – Altitude - Airspeed It’s all about Services Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 11 (SOA) Services Orchestration Heading It’s all about the Cloud Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 12 The Cloud Cloud Brokers Altitude Private Cloud Virtualized Data Centers Public Cloud Intercloud Virtual Private Cloud Stand-Alone Data Centers Hybrid Clouds It’s all about Data Federation / Workload Portability / Interoperability Presentation_ID © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Department of Defense Cisco Confidential DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 13 Semantic Technology Current State System of Systems Target State Semantic BEA (near) Linear Integration problem (2n-1) Airspeed (near) Exponential Integration problem (n2 – n) BEA Inflexible Data model Total interoperability for 100 systems > $4B* Promotes operational silos Promotes data duplication Department of Defense Infinitely extensible data model Total interoperability for 100 systems < $40M* Promotes cross-domain reasoning Encourages data reduction DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA In Another Venue * Assumes $400K/interface 14 Heading – Altitude – Airspeed In another venue Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 15 Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 16 Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 17 Heading - Altitude - Airspeed Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA How Hard is this? 18 Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA Remember 19 Heading – Altitude - Airspeed Services Oriented Architecture Cloud Semantic Technology Otherwise Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 20 Heading – Altitude - Airspeed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh42k3Kvxck Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA We have proof - EIW 21 DoD EIW - Bottom Line Up-Front (BLUF) The DoD Enterprise Information Web (EIW) is pioneering the adoption of Semantic Technology and approaches that can be the way forward for enterprise business intelligence and solution architectures in the DoD. Why? Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 22 EIW History Problem: Personnel visibility (PV), accurate and timely pay Alternative: Build an enterprise ERP for HR functionality across DoD Measure Outcome Agility 10 year program, system did not pass Integration Testing and Acceptance Testing Interoperability 100+ planned point-to-point interfaces to legacy systems; 1/3 successfully built and tested Savings >$$$$$$$$ spent, system not fielded Post-DIMHRS Personnel Visibility Problem Persists Personnel Visibility Interoperability/Federation DoD currently lacks the enterprise level capability to quickly and accurately account for personnel, manage troop strength, and plan Department of Defense Standards & transactional systems in constant state of change Relationally-based architectures expensive to change/maintain New Approach to Personnel Visibility DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 23 A New Approach to Personnel Visibility (PV) The HR Enterprise Information Web (EIW) is a mechanism for reaching into Authoritative Data Sources (ADS) to satisfy enterprise information needs. It accomplishes three things: 1. 2. 3. Reports near real-time, authoritative information on-demand Supports enterprise information standards (Open; HRM ES) Supports IT flexibility/agility Multiple Sources HR Data Store HR Data Store DMDC Data Stores HR Source HR Source HR Source Services Data HR Source Domain Ontology HR Data Store Aggregation Single view Federator External Data Another Example - VIPS Solution Architecture Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 24 VIPS Solution Architecture Department of Defense Federation Through Semantic Architecture 25 Federation through Semantic Architecture Investment Review Board Dashboards iEHR EA Ont VIPS Ont Implemented by IPPS Ont HRM EA Ont DIEA Ont BEA Ont Graph Stores (ADS) Complies to Graph Stores (ADS) Graph Stores (ADS) Graph Stores (ADS) Electronic Health Record Enterprise Architecture (iEHR EA) Graph Stores (ADS) Human Resources Management Enterprise Architecture (HRM EA) Process Graph Stores (ADS) iEHR Svcs Ont Graph Stores (ADS) Virtual Interactive Processing System Architecture (VIPS) Defense Information Enterprise Data Architecture (DIEA) Process Business Enterprise Architecture: BEA Data Process Data Data Data Mapping Ont. Process Mapping Ont. Mapping Ont. iEHR Services Architecture Process Process Data DataOnt. Mapping Mapping Ont. Mapping Ont. Mapping Ont. Enterprise Architectures Department of Defense Service Integrated Personnel and Pay System Architecture Process(IPPS) DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA Thank you! Solution Architectures 26 Thank you! Questions? Dennis.Wisnosky@osd.mil Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 27 http://dcmo.defense.gov Department of Defense 28